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tv   Action News  ABC  November 2, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm EST

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behind damage in some port of the region. >> and candidates >> high winds whip the delaware
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and lehigh valleys crushing cars, toppling trees and tearing down power lines. thousands were left without electricity and tomorrow will be a day of cleanup for many. >> sunday night and the big story on "action news" is a day of damaging winds and cleanup begins in ernest tomorrow as we prepare for another night of cold temperatures. >> ab an has a look at damage. but first we'll go to meteorologist mel bhel more on the winds that whipped across the region today. melissa. >> sarah that was big weather story today. we had blustery winds and highest winds reported earlier this morning. peak wind gusts in philadelphia as high as 48 miles an hour and gusts today in poconos of 47 miles an hour. wilmington, dover, atlantic city, clocking in with gusts as high as 45 miles an hour. here's cup pretty and reason why it was so windy today. stormtracker 6 double scan radar showing you we're tracking coastal storm essentially nor'easter for areas in new england that produced heavy snow across maine today exiting stage
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east. you have high pressure that wants to work its way east ward funneled between two weather systems today and get winds out of the north east. that's why we have windy conditions and cooler than average temperatures. as you look at temperatures fort most part in the 40s. you factor in wind chill feels like 34 in philadelphia and feels like 36 poconos and along the coast in sael sea isle city feeling like 35. winds wi8 be a back for as we get into the overnight hours. future tracker showing you along the 95 corridor 6:00 in the morning most spots will have gusts as high as 29 miles an hour. if not 30 miles an hour. as we get into the afternoon hours the winds will slowly start to subside as we get into midday hours on monday. we'll talk about what is ahead. still chilly and breezy for the rest of tonight and chilly start back to work and back to school monday morning and also tracking a warming trend early this week all of those details coming up with the full and exclusive accuweather forecast.
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>> "action news" morning team will coop you on topping changing temperatures and all the days news and traffic. join matt, tam, david, karen, tomorrow morning starting at 4:30. >> and now to more on damage from high winds. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is live at fairmont park where trees came down today, annie. >> and sarah, these are not just any trees but huge trees in fairmont park this tree behind me snrit half because of the wind and this is the half that fell hunl suvrl hundred pounds and one woman tells us she thinks she has an angel on her side. >> this is the damage this massive tree left behind trapping several cars including laura reardon. >> we got back to where the cars are and a tree hit five cars in a row. >> lilly and her daughter were work walking in honor of a friend that died from lung cancer. she parked here near avenue of americas near the belmont intersection. this is what is left of her car
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after the tree fell. tonight, she is thanking her stars she turned back after the walk to take an annual photo with friends. >> we could have been there minutes before you know but we all stayed to get this group picture. >> the wind made walking tough and knocked over tents for the event. >> the wind was so wild we had this tent completely blow over. all the framing pieces are shattered on it. >> same sgrukttive gusts blew through wallingford and blocked the traffic and delaware affected everywhere from talleyville to wilmington and at the peak peco had 20,000 outages from philadelphia to montgomery and chester and bucks county. that's where this tree reardop said she is shocked no one got hurt and thinks the woman she came to walk for was looking out for her. >> i think she was there watching over us because lilly and i could have been this the car. >> and police were out here earlier today taking reports. of course a lot of people need
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those for insurance companies. as for cleaning up we're told that should happen tomorrow. for now live in fair mopt park, annie mccormick, "channel 6 action news." >> thank you, annie. campaign 2014 was in the final stretch and tonight it showed. both candidates for pennsylvania governor brought out big guns for last minute rallies to help get out the vote. "action news" reporter ken joins us live at temple with details. hey, kenneth. >> hey, walter, yes, it was president versus the possible precedential contender as both men made pitches for tom wolff and tom corbett. less than 48 hours ago before the poll opened. president obama and businessman tom wolff governors chris christie and tom corbett. race for pennsylvania governor came through philadelphia sunday night. >> he's not a professional politician she's somebody that knows how to create jobs and knows how to start a business and serve the public. he's in it for the right reasons. >> hoping precedential power at
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temple would be a stronghold for the election. >> pointing out promises to fund education and create jobs. >> pennsylvania is open for business for everybody. [ cheers and applause ]. >> everybody, not just a favored few cronies, everybody. >> in ivy land, bubz county, loud and tell it like it is governor told it like it is for his neighbor. >> democrats are not coming out and they're not excited in fact they're not excited about their own candidates and they should not be. and they're not excited about tom wolff here in finance and let me tell what you happens on tuesday night. four more years. >> governor core bits defended record at the spring hill manor rally and told supporters his opponent will have to raise
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attaches to get what he promised. >> my opponent wants to be ed rendell. tax and spend. tax and sglend fwlut was one thing corbett and wolff's heavy hitters had in come on they pushed people to get out and vote. >> you need to elect tom corbett one more time on tuesday. >> you've got to vote and got vote for tom wolff and when you do, i guarantee you a better future for the people of pennsylvania and this country. flood police you. god bless america. let's get to work . >> as you would imagine, tomorrow will be a busy day for wolff and corbett. the governor is making campaign stops in west chester while wolff's bus tour starts in lancaster and ends in pittsburgh, walter. reporting live in north philadelphia tonight kenneth moton "channel 6 action news." >> all right. thank you, kenneth. don't forget to make time tuesday to cast your ballot. in new jersey polls open 6 a.m. and in pennsylvania and delaware doors open at 7 atale.
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polls open 8 p.m. in all three states. tuesday, volunteers from the league of women voters will be here at 6abc from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and to answer questions about the polls and voting procedures and taking information from possible voting irregularities. the hot line number to call is 877-940-6222. >> stay with "action news" election night for complete coverage of all the big races and we will have live digital updates throughout the knight on >> and a 9 year was hospitalized this afternoon after falling out of a second story window in west philadelphia. police and medics rushed to the scene on 54 and norfolk street 2 p.m.. the child was rushed to children's hospital. no word yet on the child's condition. a new castle county man is now charged with manslaughter after the pregnant woman he's accused of assaulting last month died from her injuries. 24-year-old fernando flores was arrested november 19 after
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paramedics discovered the unconscious woman in the watt waterford trailer park in bear. paula polanco died wednesday and she gave birth to baby girl before she died. at least check the infant was in critical and stable condition. drive by shooting seriously injured a teenager in north philadelphia overnightch the 18-year-old was sitting inside a car on the 1000 block of west tioga street with another teen aimer when somebody drove up and opened fire. the victim was struck in the head and being treated at temple university hospital. so far no arrests in this case. >> philadelphia's men and women in blue gathered tonight to remember a fallen colleague. they held a candlelight vigil outside the dunkin on broad street why officer chuck cassidy was gunned down during a robbery 7 years ago. cassidy's wife and family were among those on hand and the crowd was reminded of cassidy's devotion to family and profession at 35 district where
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he worked. >> serves as remind ter all of us life is precious and frail. every officer is made to realize all give some and some give all. >> cassidy family and friends thanked the department for keeping his spirit alive. >> much more to come tonight a sad update tonight in the story of terminally ill woman who planned her death and final days. >> and the first look inside eric frein's hideout as the team who caught him reveals face to face about the cop-killer. >> and ducis rogers is in houston with key updates for the >> and ducis rogers is in houston with key updates for the birds
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we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speed of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job posting our vacation pics. stop living with half fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast? that is up to him. get a fios triple play online for this great price and a $400 visa prepaid card with a 2-year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard.
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aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. investigators say he slept on a
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dirty mattress on the floor. they consider clearing the area when they spotted frein walking towards the hangar. >> i walked in and he met the description and for a split skd i was like who is this guy walking in the middle of field nor and i realize today was him. >> investigators are testing a rifle recovered inside that hangar to find out if that is the weapon used to kill trooper brian dixon and wound trooper alex doug douglass september 1 2. prosecutors plan to seek the
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death penalty in this case. >> police santa an acalifornia made multiple arrests in connection with halloween night hit-and-run deaths of three teenagers out trick or treater arrests were made this morning and police will not provide details until a us in conference tomorrow. 13-year-old twin sisters and frund were returned down in a crosswalk. damaged black hon dap suv was found a short distance away. >> the young brain cancer took a lethal precipitation yesterday and died with friend and family around her. she moved to oregon after learning she had terminal cancer to take advantage of that state's doctor assisted suicide laws. young athletes got medical attention today worthy of pros. temple health provided free head to toe checkups for people enrolled in ed snyder yuming owe hockey program. these were athletes screened head to toe. over the past three years
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doctors at the he event were credited with detecting number of existing conditions including concussions and heart murmurs and parents were given instructions forgetting children appropriate follow up medical care. >> two years after diagnosed with brain can senior a local woman became engaged to one of the nurses that helped with treatment. this is viewer video of jim mc dugal proposing to maureen tate near boat house road today. she gotten gauged after the race for hope philadelphia an event to raise awareness for brain tumors. two years ago maureen was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few months after treated at riddle memorial hospital she reconnected with jim one of her nurses on facebook. today he asked maureen to be his bride. i was like if you can like me when i was sitting in a hospital like that you'll be fine. i was like i guess i did good. >> i got extremely lucky i'm not going to lie. >> couple's tee shirt said fomo which stands for, for maureen
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and team tangerine because the brain cancer was size of a tangerine today she is cancer free. >> that's a great story. >> congratulations. >> much more to come meteorologist melissa magee has the
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there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years... in the state senate, he stood up for working families and he'll stand up for south jersey in congress. working to make college affordable. fighting to create jobs that can support a family. and pushing equal pay for equal work. donald norcross. a congressman for us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> half a dozen trucks toppled
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including several dozen tractor-trailers and drivers walked away with minor injuries. >> time for a check of the accuweather forecast with meteorologist melissa magee hoping the wind dies down soon. >> it will slowly subside. breezy conditions. monday afternoon things will get a little bit closer to normal. we'll show you stormtracker 6 double scan radar showing you it's dry and quiet. no issues with precipitation today. it was all about the blustery winds and in fact we'll show you the picture outside. sky6 live in hd giving you a shot of philadelphia international and if you look closely at the camera kind of bouncing in the wind. current wind gusts in philadelphia coming in at 36 miles per hour. still an issue. definitely not as blustery as earlier today but those winds will stick around through the overnight hours. highlights today, below afternoon. we have chilly nights up ahead. we'll start with temperatures today in philadelphia we only climbed up to 49. so more of interest were like
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chill overhead. we were a good 12 below average. trenton high today 48. upper 40s allentown and 46 quakertown and high today in poconos 40. chilly tonight especially if in northwest suburbs. more specifically lancaster county a freeze goes into effect lasting through 8 p.m. monday. good idea to protect your plants. temperatures lancaster in the upper 20s lower 30s in the overnight hours. winds a factor sustained anywhere from 8 miles an hour allentown to 20 miles an hour philadelphia and they're coming in out of the northwest. that northwest wind made it feel colder than average most of the day and that's an issue tonight. 43 in philadelphia. you factor in the wind chill 34 in the sit yes and trenton 40 along the coast in beach haven. here's satellite 6 and action radar the reason it was windy today an area of low pressure that triggered snow across areas
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of new england area seasoned snow exiting north and east and high pressure wants to work its way east ward and has not done so yet. we're funneled in between and we get winds out of the northwest for most of the day. as we get to monday here's set however some improvement on the way. area of low pressure departs north and east. high pressure works its way east ward. chilly start tomorrow morning. with westerly wind will dlim 58. milder by the afternoon. keep in mind breezy in the morning and winds subside later monday night. >> and here's a call from accuweather if you head out the door fort bus stop forecast lots of sun grab a jacket chilly 6 a.m., 49, 32 the number at 8:00 in the morning. the 7 day forecast better by the afternoon. milder too, 58, tuesday warmer as you head to polls to vote. high of 65. super 6 0s wednesday and thursday we're tracking more change periods of rain on the way. some of which could be heavy at
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times. we're tracking a cold front that moves through. high temperatures 62. some of the shows could linger first half of the day on friday. it will be a cooler day. high of 56. 50 adds we get to next weekend and 56 open sunday. it's beginning of new week which means there will be lots of changes throughout. meteorologist david murphy will have the latest tomorrow morning on 6abc. thank you, melissa. >> thank you. dare devil nick luenda did it again a tight rope walk tonight in chicago walked between two sky scrapers not using net or harness and did part of the walk blindfolded and past fooets include walks over the brink of niagara falls. >> that's scary. >> up next on "action news" eagles win and suffer significant injuries. eagles win and suffer significant injuries. >> jeff skversky has injury
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. here in york, pennsylvania we've built the largest distributor of kitchen cabinets in the nation. we've got american-made products that are beating out chinese imports. so, i know pennsylvania can be a leader in manufacturing and we can make things again.
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but we have to invest in education and a skilled workforce today. i'm tom wolf and i have a plan. we can do great things, but we have to think ahead. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speed of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job posting our vacation pics. stop living with half fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast? that is up to him. get a fios triple play online for this great price and a $400 visa prepaid card with a 2-year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v jeff skversky has a check on sports and talk about a good news, bad news game.
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>> tough one nick foles will have his shoulder look at again tomorrow. if it were a broken collar bone you're looking at 6 to 8 weeks without nick foles. big win for eagles today. but it comes at a cost. linebacker demeco ryans is expected to miss rests of the year with torn achilles and quarterback nick foles may miss significant time with shoulder injury. eagles quarterback goes down in houston hard on non-throwing left shoulder end of first. he leaves and doesn't return. again we'll have more tests tomorrow which will help determine how long he'll be out. if it's broken collar bone it could be 6 to 8 weeks without him and with him backup mark sanchez comes in first drive throws first touchdown to jordan matthews go up 24-14. celebration short lived. ryan picks off pass fumbles and down with torn achilles and he'll miss the rest of the year likely ryans will have an mri
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tomorrow. his teammates were crying as he was carted off: texans get another shot to driver into the end zone. ryan fitzpatrick to deandre hopkins. coming off four eagles turnovers. turning point eagles drive down field. chris polk, barely gets the first. it leads to this. sanchez. to jeremy maclin. second touchdown of the game. eagles win 31-21 they're 6-2 in first place. ducis rogers has more from houston. >> a costly victory indeed. both on offense and defense. i spotted nick foles after the game with his arm in a sling. more tests will be done tomorrow. as for linebacker demeco ryans not only was he carted off the field he had to be carted from the locker room to team bus. >> you never want anybody to get hurt and demeco is rock for us on defense. you know?
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we hope he's all right. but, you know we'll see what happens. obviously guys have to step up. > nick foles going down how badly do you feel for him. >> awful for nick man, that's my guy. for the time i've been here he has been so helpful. >> matthews is quick do point out offense does not miss a beat with sanchez in there. backup knows he always has to be ready. >> i felt like i was ready. i was prepared. so of course you're nervous i played in this stadium before this is my first start here that brought back good memories and just trying to get positive plays in and help the team. >> while with the jets sanchez led them to back-to-back afc championship games a few years ago. ducis rogers, "channel 6 action news." >> all right. ducis, we'll see new a few minutes. more on the win. injuries, sanchez, maclin, mccoy and more on eagles game day
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final. sanchez has not played in almost two years. the eagles may now be counting on him for the rest of the season. >> still to come in sports the cowboys put to the test without their starting quarterback. cowboys put to the test without their starting quarterback. we're right this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. ♪ it's so important to make someone happy ♪ ♪ make just one heart to heart you ♪ ♪ music ♪ you sing to one smile that cheers you ♪ ♪ one face that lights when it nears you ♪ [ male announcer ] play the monopoly millionaires' club lottery game.
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making more and more millionaires. >> how about jeremy maclin today. eagles receiver has -- as far as the next game monday night against carolina at the linc they can extend the first place league. dallas cowboys without tony romo because of two broken bones in his back. that helps eagles get back to first. arizona takes advantage in the
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fourth. andre ellington helps eagles this week. cowboys lose second straight 28-17, how about arizona 7-1. that's best record in nfl. here's look at the nfc east. eagles back insole position first place and playing dallas over final weeks of the regular season. to say nascar is fight to the finish it's under statement. another fight breaks out today in texas. look at this. brad questions lou ski gets into another fight with jeff gordon after the race. kezloski has a bruised face. two races to go. looks likes they want to win down there. >> think so. >> thank you. >> hen house square if
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philadelphia had a halloween look for souxt border today. dancing skeletons filled the area for the day of the dead festival this festival celebrated november 1 in mexico honors departed loved ones and celebrates the circle of life. >> eagles game day final next on channel 6. >> "action news" continues at 4:30 a.m. with tamala edwards, matt o'donnell, meteorologist david murphy and karen rogers with traffic. >> now for melissa magee, jeff skversky, walter perez, and the entire "action news" team, i'm skversky, walter perez, and the entire "action news" team, i'm sarah bloomquist, have a great
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i said since day one, you need two quarters back. i don't think he missed a beelt. >> he's in deep for maclin has it at the 10. >> it comes back quickly. it's like riding a bike i wish it was that easy. >> throw by sanchez and first touchdown pass as eagle. >> we have to get it done. >> eagles powering themselves down field. >> i thought we wore them down a little. it was coming together offensively. >> and that could be the stagger in houston.