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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 23, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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>> considers, torched in northeast philly and the flames damage a nearby house. are these overnight fires connect in the we're live with the latest on the investigation, in just a few minute. good morning, everyone, it is friday january 23rd, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. first, we check in with katie and vet tore crashes their eyes on the roads and the forecast. >> good morning vittoria, things are pretty quiet for now. weather wise i think it will stay that way into the evening drive too. and we eventually however have to allow winter weather advisories to take effect as the combination every our next coastal storm actually start to make their way here. this already showing the leading edge of the precipitation here right now through southwestern portions of north carolina making bee line essentially toward us, then by later tonight, it is here. and it is moving right along. but will be with us for good part of the day tomorrow. now, looking at big old mess here with everything possible that we could offer up. and we will see lots every pretty colors on storm scan3 in the next 24 hours. generally, this is the expectation. it is primarily a snow event through the north and west, primarily snow turning over to rain event across the central sliver of the region. mainly rain the further south and east you travel. so that said, it is heavy moisture regardless. but because we see the changing overtaking place, we expect that you might seymour limited snowfall totals because of t now philadelphia, shore, the poconos, specking quiet day in the meantime, temperatures in the 30's, at least flirting with 40, but watching for that storm to come along we've got
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our eye on not just that but second storm in time for the monday morning rush. so, we will be talking about that too coming up. svelt tore ya? >> just in time, katie just in time. good morning everyone, right now, traveling on the majors, going to find rush hour volume, no doubt about it, friday morning and it looks just like it schuylkill, 76 westbound, shot at city avenue, if you are making your commute approaching the roosevelt boulevard to just past gladwynn, what you are in for, no fun zone. >> maneuvering your way down through gladwynn, you catch bit of break until go and approach the vine street expressway. that's another delay point. moving our way into new jersey 42, if you are traveling northbound, some volume approaching the area of 295, also around 55. and that delay is causing back up on the northbound side of 55 approaching the 42 freeway. keep that in mind. also disable vehicle on the southbound side of the new jersey turnpike, approaching burlington-mt. holly. soy be minds full of that. no major delays for mass transit. ukee? >> thank you, more on breaking news, cars torched overnight in northeast philly. >> all three cars are damaged and one of those fires spread to nearby house. jan carabeo joins us as they search for clues. >> good morning, fire marshall is investigating car fires at two separate locations here in tack cone think morning now that it is brighter, great look at the damage left behind here on ditman street. now, arson sniffing dogs have already been here on this location, and investigators are trying to determine if this car fire and another nearby are related and were intentionally set.
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>> the family suv unrecognizable friday morning it shell smoldering 6300 block every ditman street. fortunately this car fire didn't spread to the inside of any of the neighboring homes here in talcony, but the threat was high. >> my concern was you you know, everybody has propane tank. i didn't know if maybe the propane tank was going to explode or anything, and you know, we all have kids here. and my concern was just the kids, and other houses catching on fire, as well. >> this neighbor didn't want to be identified, but she snapped this photo just after 2:00 a.m. she was in her kitchen when she heard allowed bang and saw thighs flames. after calling 911 the woman ran to get her neighbors out. >> banking on the door, just banking on the door, trying to get them. >> the that family including eight year old girl was asleep inside. everyone was able to get out safely. and when fire cures arrived they were able to extinguish the fire 20 minute. but, not before this suv was totaled, and the neighbor's van damaged. that family was able to get to safety after their dog woke them up. >> meantime, two blocks away at torresdale and robbins investigating another car fire from overnight and arson sniffing dogs will be used to determine if accelerants were used at either location. >> total but glad that the family is safe. >> everyone reload this fire on ditman didn't damage the inside of the home. just minor damage on the outside of this second story overhang, but are these two fires related and are they arson?
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>> jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw" fill. >> i thank you the search is on for deadly hit-and-run driver in delawarement chopper three over i495 in edgemore last night. investigators say a man trying to cross the northbound lanes was struck by a vehicle that kept going. several other drivers were told also struck that man. police are not yet relisting his identity. the crash remains under investigation on so far no description of the vehicles involved. >> we could soon learn the fate of two japanese hostages captured by isis millitant in this video released last tuesday, millitant threaten to kill the men within 72 hours unless they received $200 million. deadline believed to have passed just before 1:00 a.m. our time. japan has vowed to secure the hostages release. >> vice president biden leading delegation to saudi arabia to pay respect toss king abdul, a king died yesterday, he was 09 and had been in poor health for quite a while now. the king with powerful us ally, he joined washington in the fight against al quaida and south to modernize the moderate muslim kingdom. erika? >> ukee, philadelphia police are trying to track down the suspect in the attack of a high school student on septa trolley. "eyewitness news" reporter natasha brown shows us, an important clue that will help investigators. >> i've seen the video outrageous what happened to this young girl. >> septa police chief has seen the trolley surveillance video of vicious attack on 17 year old student. eyewitness video gives us just a jarring. >> i am p. >> shea still wearing the scars from the attack that
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gannon the 15 septa trolley wednesday morning, on her way to school. she got on to the crowded trolley at broad and girard, and moment later pummeled by a male passenger. >> my bag bumming this man and he was getting mad my bag was bumming him. he started calling me names hit me three, four times in my face. and i have a broken nose and a black eye. >> i'm a nurse in the emergency room. i see it every day. but the last thing i would ever want to see is see it on my child. >> on any given day as many as 100,000 public and parochial students in philadelphia right septa to a from school. one of them. >> i get on at like 9:00 something in the morning then i go home with my friends, i come to school with my friends go, home with my friend. i'm not real that i scared. >> septa police know these student rent in the care of the transit system and take their safety very seriously deploying more than 100 extra officers. >> during school dismissal time is a high time for calls for service. and it is also high ridership of young riders. so we make sure we have a lot of officers out there. >> the beating has left this honor roll student traumatized, police more vigilant about bringing the attack tear justice. >> there are apparently clear images of this attack, as well as the suspect involved. on one of the many cameras located on that trolley. so, police tell us, it is only a matter of time before they finds him. at septa headquarters, natasha brown, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". a judge will decide whether town sale surveillance video in the eric frein case. ambush at the pennsylvania
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state police barracks in blooming grover, evidence at the preliminary hearing. prosecutors want it sealed. frein frein charged with killing corporate brian dixon on september 12th. trooper alex douglas was critically hurt. >> reverend al sharpton calling for state investigation into the deadly police shooting at bridgeton cumberland county. an officer killed jerome reid last month after a trafficker stop. reid was shot while getting out of his car with his hands up after police found a gun in that car. cumberland county prosecutor office is handling the investigation. >> 7:08. recovery effort are un with a i following a devastating inferno in new jersey. >> now learning what sparked that fire and why it took so long to call for help. that's next. also ahead, thursday believe this fire at bucks county mansion was part of a scheme to defraud insurance companies of millions of dollars and now one family faces serious charges. >> also, this: >> is tom brady a cheater? >> i don't believe so. >> tom brady on the defense over deflate gate. hear what the quarterback and coach have to say about the scandal over shadowing the superbowl, and one of the best quarterbacks every all time is weighing in as well. we'll be back. what we eat and drink can stain our teeth. new colgate total lasting white mouthwash strengthens teeth and has an invisible shield that helps block stains like this. for a healthy white smile that lasts. new colgate total lasting white.
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>> see 75-foot fishing vessel, on its side right there the side of the boat, just rough choppy sees out there, too. five crew members were airlifted to safety. they suffered mild hypothermia, but told they're in good shape today. wow. >> ukee. >> new england patriots are pushing back on deflate gate. coach and quarterback denying having any involvement in donating footballs, during their game last sunday, don champion brings us up-to-date now. >> when it should be talking becomes the superbowl the team finds itself on the defense offering up denial after denial. >> i was shocked to learn of the news report about the footballs, and i didn't -- >> the team under investigation, for donating footballs used in their victory over the cults sunday, quarterback tom brady admitted he pick out the game balls but doesn't know what happened after that. >> i'm develop croft form recall knowing i don't know who did it. and i was in the lockerroom preparing for a game. i don't know what happened over the course of the process with the footballs. >> nfl regulations mandate that game balls be inflated to between 12 and a half and 13 and a half pounds of pressure per square inch. officials checked the balls two hours before the game, but when later inspected they were reportedly 2 pounds low which made them easier to grasp.
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seattle seahawks player kevin williams will face the patriots in the superbowl. >> haven't really thought about it you still got attack he will, still got to cover. still got to quarterback doesn't matter how much air is in the ball. >> if the team cheat dollars the team faces $25,000 fine and potentially loose the draft pick. don champion, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". why having the best quarterbacks every all time is weighing, in he does not buy brady's story. former cowboy troy aikman said, quote, it is obvious that tom braid had i something to do with this. for the balls to be deflated, that does not happen unless the quarterback wants that to happen. >> well, we're also hearing from someone who has been on the side lines and has first-hand knowledge of being a ball boy. brendan armstrong used to work for the birds. he oversaw game balls before and after inspections. he says he never noticed any dramatic difference in the inflation of footballs. >> could you see softer ballings if you were looking at it, but also in the heat of the moment, that that game being played where it just kind of, hey this is a ball we're just playing with -- >> armstrong also said when he was with the eagles he never would have thought of doing anything with or to the footballs, without consent of the coaching staff or players. let's get your traffic and weather together. >> live neighborhood network at the moment hint of wintery precipitation stuck on the grassy surfaces primarily most for the most part though all of your paved surfaces certainly survived very well in the wake of the snow.
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>> talk about what's coming up next our next storm, not just this off to the south. the obvious part, also this colder air going to eventually just merge with this as it moves up the coastline. so as we head into tonight specifically, we start to see system bringing in the first sign of life. as you noticed a moment ago generally just rain down south. but it is going to eventually roll into the colder air, you can see raleigh for example at 38 degrees obviously even colder here, so as soon as it starts moving north start to see the pink happen the purple beginning to show up on radar. this is not just a rainstorm. we are expecting some snow out of it for sure. but there will be a mixing with rain and probably sleet and freezing rain in philadelphia. that limits the snowfall totals. but, you probably hold onto that cold air long enough, just northwest of philadelphia, that the darker shades of blue, here in this little swab, maybe get extended further to the south or western chester and up to mercer county. you can could ends up with three, five, perhaps 6 inches of snow, heavier slushy variety, this is moisture rich system though, and it will be with us format err of hours, so, we will be dealing with heavy precipitation regardless of its type because on the rain snow line. so 39 today quiet through the evening return, snow probably starts to move in south to north, nine to 10:00 p.m. asment colds he is air moves n we can time it out better. eight, nine, 10:00 o'clock at night, first signs of life on radar, man that's a loft moisture working its way up the coast. but thankfully it is out of out of here by evening time tomorrow. so, we just have to deal with it really for about a 16-hour
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window or so, then it is done. >> then it is done. >> thank you. >> it could be worse thankfully coming on weekend. >> right. >> don't haven't to deal with it. >> you can hibernate. >> yes. >> that's what i am talking about. >> great idea. >> let's just holton that thought. because i'm going bring the mood back down and talk about rush hour? just zach. if you are traveling out and about, delays all over. ninety-five, the schuylkill, the vine st. expressway, the list continues. as we move you now over to 476, right around baltimore pike actually baltimore pike at 476 the ramps there we are dealing with an incident, as you will notice here, hasn't been cleared out of the way now that i am looking at it, did have one in this area. then we should just move along. i don't see t that's the turning lane. good news, earlier incident cleared 476 baltimore pike. excellent. do have an accident, a situation own the schuylkill expressway there is would be westbound, as you make your way around belmont good news it is on the median, bad news it is adding gaper delay already to rush hour traffic. westbound on the schuylkill, seeing volume, out of the area of the roosevelt boulevard. and then all the way out past gladwynn and even continuing around the area of conshohocken, if you are traveling in the eastbound direction, going to have delays on the schuylkill around conshohocken, the schuylkill expressway it us a builds. accident situation on henderson road, closing it, between church road and monroe boulevard. so, crook lane or gulph road would be your best alternates here. just so we're on there is take a look 422 eastbound, seeing major delays out of oaks down toward 202. also, we still have this
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accident here, montgomery county at ridge pike and north lane. police are directing traffic. watch out for again rush hour delays on 95, southbound, slow, out of the northeast down through to the vine. no delays for mass transit. err dismay. >> vet tore yack thank you. our sister station cbs in new york reports delayed 911 call gave this massive fire, remember this at the new jersey apartment complex. delay gave the fire a head start. all that's left right now at the avalon at edge water in bergin county. we have area learn that fire was started by a maintenance worker using a torch to fix a leak. wcbs reports that they tried to put the fire out themselves and they didn't call for help for 15 minute. the blaze displaced more than a thousand people. two civilians two firefighters sustained minor injuries. ukee? >> they led a lavish lifestyle. but it was funded by fraud or was it? a bucks county family and two others now face charges in what authorities say was an insurance fraud scheme, it is alleged the family repeatedly set their own mansion on fire, for giant cash pay outs. our diana rocco tells us, authorities scammed their way to tens of millions of dollars. this wealthy bucks county woman charged with defrauding insurance companies of more than $20 million, to funds lavish lifestyle here at her million dollars buckingham home. known as the claire month. police say her husband daughter prominent bucks county attorney, son, daughter in law, two others, were in on it. 3 million was seized from bank accounts, 1.2 million in jewelry. six ferrari's two rolls royce
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cents, ford cobra and four other vehicles, worth nearly $3 million, after investigators say the family was setting fires and filing false claims. firefighters responds today this blaze in october of 2013. that fire and two other at the home over the last five years were undetermined. the family then filed claims for lost items with over inflated values. 2 million in drapes, 10 million in lost or stolen jewelry, authority say she falsely claimed the jewelry was stolen by volunteer firefighters called to the house. to date insurance companies paid out more than 20 million for items never damaged. investigators say the money was used in other real estate ventures and to purchase expensive luxuries. the suspect turned themselves in thursday afternoon. and have since been released. they are facing numerous fraud charges, authorities suspect that fraudulent insurance claims may go back 20 to 30 years. in lahaska, bucks county, diana rocco, "eyewitness news" on the "cw" fill. >> i clock 20, radio station is getting in on the action, surrounding deflate gate. >> still to come this morning on the "cw philly" context that pokes little fun at the new england patriots. >> first though here's what's coming up tonight on the "cw philly". arson investigators want to know if car fires in talcony connected of the first call came into car fire on ditman street, which then spread to another car and a home. police say there was another car fire just few blocks away.
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>> sew churning for attack here beat up a troll any north philadelphia. that will attack was caught on camera. the 17 year old victim suffered a broken nose, and other injuries. investigators are deadly hit-and-run on i-95 in edgewater new castle county. unidentified man tried to cross the highway hit by four vehicles. none of them stopped. >> in case you haven't had enough of the deflate gate, annapolis dj's are getting into the act. >> morning team of kyle and rachael, collecting partially deflated toys will send them to the pay tree the. paths accused of supplying ukee has been talking about all morning the partially deflated football for the art fc championship game in which the patriots beat the indianna colts. taking it to the next level here. >> they are. >> somebody knows something, that's taking up all of the conversation for superbowl week. >> no kidding. >> not long from now. >> so we'll see. we'll be right back, family, good morning. >> good morning, i'm ukee washington weather wise, plane and simple weaver some stuff on the horizon katie has your forecast. >> that's real good way of putting, whole mix the bag variety pack for you coming up tomorrow, as early as later tonight. there is your storm guys. generally producing manually heavy rain. bottom line, heavy moisture moving in, starting with snow, mixing over, currently outside middle township high school cape may courthouse, one of the first spots that we'll finds precipitation that red
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sky and morning giving awe sense of what's to come, take warning, right? this is generally what we are expecting, mainly snow worth west snow to rain and ice mix, and then we expect mainly rain to the south and east. one to 3 inches of snow accumulation for philadelphia could see on top of that inch of rain plus, so a the love moisture to work with, tore. >> i not pumped, katie. we will deal with it when we get there. just like when you are about to jump on the schuylkill expressway, deal with it when you get there. when you get there on 76, if you are traveling westbound already delayed approaching the boulevard out past gladwynn. we do have accident, right at the median here around belmont. so it is even adding gaper delay onto rush hour. 422 eastbound jammed out of oaks down to 202, 12 your average on 95, 15 on the schuylkill, slow downs on the 42 and 55 in new jersey, ukee? >> thank you next update at is at clock 55, up next on cbs this morning britain's prince andrew of allegations of sexual misconduct, we're o this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at >> update g breaking news, one of two car fires ignited within blocks of each other in the northeast overnight.
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>> the incident have now sparked an arson investigation. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now at one of those scenes in talcony where the flames spread to a home. jan, good morning. >> this car fire was huge, big, intense see the damage behind me on ditman street this morning. this neighborhood really is fortunate, that this car fire didn't spreaded to a loft other neighboring homes here, the bulk of the damage to this vehicle, and the home just behind it, here in the 6300 block every ditman street, in talcony. this suv as you can see totaled, the flames, fortunately, just did some minor damage to the outside of the home to second story overhang. this is what the fire look like earlier this morning, you can take a look at this picture, karen guffed in flames. now there is photo taken by neighbor, who called 911 just after 2:00 this morning. she was in her kitchen and heard large bang. so she looked out window, saw flames, and then ran to get her neighbors out of the house. meantime another neighbor's barking dog woke her and her husband up. so they went to their neighbor's house as well. it is a good thing that these neighbors sprung into action. the family who lives here, including a eight year old girl were asleep inside. and this car fire was happening right under a bedroom. now, everyone was able to get out safely, and whether fire crews arrived they got the fire under control and out in just about 20 minute. the family car as you can see was torched, neighboring mini-van and deck were burned a little bit as well. that was the main concern for neighbors. that this fire could have spread quickly and down the block. >> my concern everybody has a propane tank, i didn't know if
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the propane tank was going to explode or anything, and, you know we all have kids. my concern was the kids. >> and the fire marshall is investigating not only this fire but another car fire at torresdale and robbins, which is just about two blocks away. fire investigators were using the arson sniffing dogs earlier today that can detect accelerants. from, it is three cars damaged at two locations within just hours this morning but fortunately, no injuries here, and no damage inside of these homes, so are these two fires relate in the is this arson? that remains under investigation this morning reporting live in talcony "eyewitness news" on the "cw" fill. >> i thank you. philadelphia police are looking for a killer after a deadly shooting in south philadelphia. tell us shot a man three times after getting into argument 1400 block every ritner. shooter got away in dark colored suv. >> search on for teenage here walked away from the children's hospital of philadelphia. a.m. he can from hal ill ton new jersey left the hospital yesterday afternoon we're told he has autism and suffers from anxiety as well. alec last seen wearing a black jacket, black face mask, and dark jeans. >> today the proverbial camp before the storm day. seeing some sun temperatures that are pretty typical, we do actually have one xfactor of our forecast today face value, obvious got air quality alert for southeastern pennsylvania, all of delaware. if you newell into the sensitive category of folks the elderly kids, or perhaps
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respiratory issues, you might need urine hail err for day like this, hire part walt pollution, chillier -- chillier 13 degrees, outside live neighborhood network. kutztown middle school. storm scan3 quiet for now, i would say give it until about 9:00, 10:00 p.m. or so, when we start to see our winter weather advisories begin to take effect, and notice, basically, where you have got those winter weather advisories either currently effect bore to come, into effect later tonight it tells you where the northwest portion of the storm will be, where you have cold air, best shot see snow. now, at this point quiet through the day and i would say generally through the evening rush, again 9:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m., our window for wet weather to make its arrival here. what's this? yes, more snow by monday already. so our weekend essentially picky back on either end here with systems to track. and the bad news of course with the next one is that it comes in time for our monday morning rush. so timing can be better but at least first one coming on a weekend? >> at least give some time for us to nap, make hot cocoa all of the wintery things that cheer us up. just to get through it, right? if you are traveling on the schuylkill expressway, going to need to think those happy thoughts to get through the delay, because they're out there. traveling on 76, westbound direction, still dealing with a accident, that's right at the median here. make your way approaching belmont. >> this accident gaper delay through the westbound side at 76 just no fun zone, out of center city all the way throughout toward your western suburbs, breaks in that, just like you'll have breaks on the eastbound side of the
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schuylkill, between the western suburbs, center city but you know how it is, feeling slow the whole way. ninety-five, not far from cottman avenue, northbound side is moving just fine. southbound can't really say the same. academy down through to the vine still lingering rush, heaviest pack between the betsy ross bridge and girard avenue. >> eighteen on the schuylkill, there is the westbound pocket right around city avenue. that's affecting southbound boulevard, also, seeing delays from the westbound side of the pa turnpike, as you maneuver your way around 309, in the ft. washington area, also we have an accident new jersey, at sicklerville road at garwood road, be minds full of that also minor delays on the northbound side of the 42, northbound 55, no delays for mass transit. >> thank you philadelphia public schools are facing another big budget deficit. after the teachers union wins a big legal victory. group of judges said the school reform commission cannot cancel the teachers contract src cans them contract last october forcing teachers to pay a portion of their healthcare costs. src chairman bill green responded to the ruling by tweeting: disappointing news, 08 million-dollar deficit next year if holds. those chairing into decision please show me the money. congrats to pft. school district could appeal the decision to the state supreme court. >> live look at atlantic sigh it err today environmental protection will meet with resident to detail recovery efforts from super storm sandy. >> vulnerable areas, the meeting takes place tonight beginning at 5:30 at chelsey
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heights school on filbert avenue. >> meantime, atlantic city is the focus of governor chris christie attention, says efforts to fix the town's financial crisis aren't moving fast enough. christy visited ac yesterday where he signed an executive order appoint ago emergency manager and special consultant for the city. well, they are now this charge of day-to-day city operations, stress this is not a state take over. >> resident in the city, need to understanded, you still have a mayor you still have a council. we want to work closely them. >> people in our business are not pour hungry, there to get a job done, make other people look good. >> expanded in other states, ac casinos have lost half their income. and residents are paying much higher property taxes. >> get ready for presidential visit. president obama will be in philadelphia next week. on thursday the president will address democrats who are holding their policy retreat in society hill. vice president biden will address the same group on friday. >> by the way the president got the last laugh from youtube interview. >> green apparently popular for her green lipstick, made a business after gasp when she gave president obama a gift for the first lady. >> so i have green lipstick, one for your first wife. >> my first? >> i mean -- >> do you know something i don't? >> oh, oh, for the first laid. >> i one for the first laid. >> i and the first children. >> oh,. >> all right. >> she's so embarrased, poor thing. the president he would ask mrs. obama to try on the green lipstick. no word if she did. >> i'm sure we'll finds fought
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she does or not. >> first wife, what? i love that look. that will was great. >> time now 7:37. let's get a check on business. >> money watch's jill wagner joins us from the stock he can changes, hearing rest are going up not by just little bit, by significant amount too. what can you tell us? >> yes, that's right. good morning ukee, erika. real estate from zillo says monthly rental prices climbed 3.3% in december from the year before. you're actually up 52% since 2,000. and since that time, incomes have only gone up by 25%. so higher costs make it hard for renters to save money for an eventful down payment if they've ever want to buy a home. san francisco, denver, saw double digit good news if if rents went up by less than 2%. >> starbucks, holiday gift, record earnings? >> gift cards so popular holiday season, one in seven americans got one. pretty incredible i think that number s starbucks also expands ago program that lets customers order ahead on their smart, then skip the line when they pick up their drink this should be available nationwide, by the end of the year. >> ukee, err display. >> oh, skip the line. >> pretty soon pick up line will be bigger than the other line. >> that's true. >> thanks, jill. >> for money tips, head to our website ing. >> they say philadelphia is a sit of neighborhoods, one neighborhood in particular is getting some national attention nowment talking about dickinson narrows. have you heard of it before?
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we hadn't. real estate website red fin just named it this year's second hottest neighborhood. talks between pens port and east passyunk in south fill says this neighborhood has affordable housing popular restaurants, and plenty of parking. and the medium home price there, $192,000. >> it has been around a long time just like alfred's alley, first original street long time. >> different kind of lesson plan being taught at one philadelphia school. >> coming up next on the "cw philly", see why students are going to youth court to be tried by a jury of their peers. we'll be right back. ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and try progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste. >> close call if western pennsylvania, train derails and narrowly misses some houses. went off the tracks in union town outside of pit burying one of the did a cars tipped over just feet from the front porch of a house. no one was hurt, but crews had to empty everything single car, before they can move them. and winner? what winner? swimmers in china not letting the cold scare them out of the water. swimming swim hadding been popular sport therefore dick
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aids. many finds that swimming in the colder watt kerr relieve stress, or strengthen the immune system, most swimmers, though, notice how short that spool, yes lasted only about one minute, before climbing out to seek warmth, and i can't say i blame them. >> i'm still schiller from back in 1974. >> no thank you. >> katie, had a, too. >> can you do it katy? >> did you one. >> i've done two polar plunges in my life. i don't know why i've done several. it is rough stuff the. >> yep, invigorate to go say the least. >> let's take you around the region, start off with 21 degrees, sent in from new bee, jim sent this this over the last 45 minute, sun couple clouds, royce forwards, and got 21 again. >> little more sunshine, sent just picture from wilmington this morning really pretty colors, out there for that sunrise this morning, but you can see the hint of the reds, that old phrase, you know, red sky morning sailors take warning. it is actually true phrase. different colors on the atlantic city line. >> what's on the horizon, you can begin to see notice, throughout the course of the better part of the morning mainly all rain. see this? got to look closely little batch of the pink starting to show up into the higher terrain of the appalachians, so, with the colds air in place, you are going to start to see the different colors picking up. i would say 9:00, 10:00 beginning to see the moisture moving, in it is going to be
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heavy precipitation no matter what type you see. some snow, some rain, likely sleet if not freezing rain that comes with this. 1:00 a.m., it is thump well. will thump pretty well into the ellie morning, before the sun comes up, milder air will take over here. >> that said, it is right on the rain-snow line. so see mix regardless of your location you'll get something out of this, but it is very much based on location, how much snow you see, how much rain you see if you see any of it at all so that's what we're looking at here. now the further northwest you go the more likely it is you will have better chance to pick up little more in the way of the snow. potentially three to five plus inches that slushy heavy variety that ways down on the tree limbs certainly. >> by saturday evening out of here sunday night, another system is here, and it comes with terrible timing, for our morning rush on monday. vittoria? >> thank you so much. katie. good morning everyone, dealing now with major incident, if you are traveling on 202 southbound, right around route 30. if you are traveling in this area, notice, the right lane being cop pro misted, and in this camera shot here, little difficult to see but dealing with multiple vehicle crash you can see some of the smoke coming from one of the vehicles, seems overturned vehicle being reported again 202, southbound, at route 30 notice police officer or two on scene penndot vehicle as well, have to turn that over and upright it, may potentially be closing this roadway down, so 202 southbound at route 30, you do want to keep that in minement
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look like someone even right now monitoring traffic. watch out for northbound delays same stretch. we will continue to keep you updated. move to the ben franklin bridge headed into philadelphia, do you get caught in a little bit of rush hour snag. the ben is improving. accident traveling valley forge road at twp. line road. actually vehicle fire. so, do you want to be bear full, try avoid the intersection if you can accident upper dublin, susquehanna road. traveling the turnpike in that area, going to find some westbound delays, also, watch out for 95 delays out of the northeast through to the vine, and definitely on the schuylkill. ukee? >> in sport, six letters try to snap three game losing streak later tonight when they play the first place toronto raptors kyle on the raptors recalling and also headed to the nba all-star game next month. the six remembers young squad. they act like it once in a while, like to have fun. check out what they did to rookie jakarr. wrapped like a bake potato in it. in foil. none of them will admit they covered that car. from what we understand, he laughed it all off. team is growing together, on the court and off together they build. >> good prank, too. >> temple owls put one in the win column up. >> maybe because of good luck charles they had hanging outside court side, excellent student from the pal reading program honored by the owls at the liacouras center last night. children from athletic league centers hunk out with the owls
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and cheered them off on as they beat the university of south florida fun time for them. two tragedies in the same year, spark major chain. the school established a youth court where student are tried and sentenced by their peers. >> teaching student an important lesson. >> courtroom inside a classroom. that's the judge, here is the jury, there is a prosecutor, defense attorney, all played by student. combined, they'll decide the fate of junior curtis gordan, accused of acting out in class, called youth court. student charged with minor offenses, can be sent here, fellow student, choose their sentence. >> you the juror. >> the brain child of history teacher kimberly, who heard about similar programs at other schools. the idea, student might care more about what their friend think of them, rather than administrators. >> if they are repeat offenders and continue to go to the same adult same to go to the same offers, just becomes noise. make sure you stay out of trouble. >> started after two very real tragedies, the first occurred here in the school gym about a year ago this month and school had already led out for the day. someone brought gun inside to the area where some student were playing basketball. that gun accidentally went off. shooting injuries two, 15 year old students. >> just few months later 15 year old sophomore isa was hit and killed by a stray bullet. just glocks from the school. >> sense of control over their surroundings. and make change. the trial we saw was just
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practice. where curtis gordon was sentenced to community service. >> youth court now adjourned. >> the ends after trial the beginning of a broader idea. mat rivers. >> creative idea, be accountable to each other too. >> exactly, what it is all about. >> polish column certainly catching onto something we've phone for awhile. >> bubble wrap like this. it can be a stress reliever. just so good. college offering bubble wrap during exam seasonment bubble wraps on bulletin boards around the campus, grab a piece, pop away, in southern poland. scientists say this isn't just fun. it is science. >> science. >> they claim one minute of pong these plastic bulbs equivalent to 33 minute massage. >> give me some of that. >> still ahead this morning we pop on, johnny dep and j-lo back on the big screen. with movies this weekend. >> comingg up, jennifer low president, forbid end attraction in the boy next-door. johnny dep in all-star cast race to recover a steel end >> johnny dep, oh, ya, johnny dep leads all-star case, case ago painting and each other. >> kevin frazer from entertainment tonight has the words on what's new in theatres there is weekend.
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>> aristocrat, art dealer, hired to retrieve missing painting sought by the government and criminals alike >> those are americans. >> what it takes to bring the painting back. >> joining the chase all-star cast including u and motorcycle gregor, jeff gold bloom, and again he will pat tree, as charlie's no nonsense wife. >> i'm afraid i shall have to put my foot down darling with your permission, of course. >> all of these characters sort of, you know, everything's coming together, where they will eventually collide. jennifer lopez in the boy next-door. >> but, passion quickly turns to obsession. >> it really is that moment that defines the whole movie. here you have this young boy ' nam order with this older woman and just can't -- just woman hood for him. he is just like i have to have her. >> ryan guzman plays the knot so friendly neighbor, and he couldn't believe it when he got the call. jennifer want you for a table reading. i'm like get outta here. jennifer lopez doesn't want me. it was one of the surreal moments, like don't screw up your lines. just have fun and make them realize that you can play this role because you want this role and you want to work with her. >> for entertainment, to kevin frazier, back to you in the studio. >> were you want to know what's happening in hollywood watch entertainment tonight on tonight and every week night on our sister station
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cbs-3. that looks good. i'd go see that. >> and then that steamy stuff looks kind of interesting too. steamy. >> steamy. >> look out this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning i'm erika von tiehl. want to get right over to kate. you're watching not one but two systems this morning. >> that's right, erika. you know the storm system, very first one won't actually be getting here until tonight. we have the whole day to sort of lie in wait for this thing. but you can see the leading edge of moisture. now as it runs into some colder air right at the tail end of the loop, see the pink and purple that begins to show up northwestern north carolina what we start to see here, nicks of snow and rain and sleet and likely freezing rain as far as snow total one-3 inches, but again turning over to rain, better shot for higher amounts as go pretty close into the for the west suburbs. >> sunday through the day quiet. news system here, already. by sunday night and it is expected to bring some light snow totals in time for morning rush.
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>> also not looking forward to traffic right now, the third overturned vehicle, that we've had since this morning. so, if you are traveling on 202, southbound direction at route 30 can't see it here, out of the shot. but off on to the embankment over turn there. emergency personnel on scene. only the left lane getting by. so give yourselves more time then watch out for usual rush hour delays. thank you next update at 8: 25, next, youtube's biggest stars at the white house. we'll see ♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all the time. >> let's ipodate breaking news from overnight two cars, torched in separate locations in the same northeast philly neighborhood. >> at one scene the collateral damage left its mark on a house and also another car. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us from tack cone which more information. jan? >> did some exterior damage to the overhang there, and now, investigators are trying to see if this is arson arson sniffing dogs, have already been on scene here on ditman street.
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investigators are trying to see if this is connected to another fire, just blocks away. family. sv, shell, smoldering 6300 block of ditman street. fortunately there is car fire didn't spread to the inside of any of the neighboring homes here in talcony but the threat was high. >> so my concern was everybody has a propane tank. so, i didn't know if maybe like the propane tank was going to ex employed, and we all have kids here and my concern was the k
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