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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 16, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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off the floor store area flooring authority. our anniversary sale is going on now save 30% off everything in the store. that's right, 30% off everything. tonight. breaking news the tornado warning as we come on the air in dallas, reports of a tornado on the ground already in fort worth. also tonight, the pentagon releasing stunning video of those russian fighter jets, intercepting that american drone over the black sea declassified images tonight, crystal clear showing the very moment a russian pilot dumps fuel under the $30 million american reaper drone. then hitting the drones. propeller tonight to u. s officials now confirming that russian ships are at the scene of where that drone went down martha raddatz with late reporting. also tonight that tornado warning as we come on in dallas, right during the evening commute reports of that tornado already in fort worth all part of this powerful storm moving east, several states in the path
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rob marciano, timing it out. tonight after the collapse of those two american banks. the rescue tonight a group of american banks now creating a $30 billion rescue package to save first republic bank to try to halt the fear in this country, leading to customers lining up and what the treasury secretary janet yellen told congress today. rachel scott on the hill tonight, the mother emotional after seeing the video of her son dying in custody, authorities say now at the hands of police and workers at a mental health facility tonight. three hospital workers now also charged in pierre thomas reporting tiktok be banned in the u. s sources telling abc news tonight that the biden administration is threatening that ban if the chinese parent company won't sell it, concerned that your data could be turned over to the chinese government. the abc news exclusive inside the company called open ai artificial intelligence. their new technology gpt four, and even if you haven't heard of it, how it could very soon affect
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your life tonight inside the headquarters. what that technology can now do passed the bar exam. answer s 80 questions even suggest recipes by simply looking at a photo of what you have in your refrigerator. tonight, the demonstration right here and the very serious questions about the danger. this could also pose and could jobs be at risk by what the technology can do. rebecca jarvis just back tonight, the new concern over ticks in the northeast with the cdc is now staying news tonight on the georgia college football star, a top nfl draft prospect charge in connection with the deadly crash. what played out today and what it now means for tonight, issuing a major recall more than a million vehicles and march madness begins and already tonight major upset. news world headquarters in new york. this is world news tonight with david muir. good evening, and it's great to have you with us here in a very busy thursday
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night that tornado warning as we come on part of this storm, moving east, the concern in the dallas fort worth area and several other states next, but we do begin tonight with that declassified video of two russian fighter jets and that american reaper drone over the black sea. the pentagon says this video from the drone clearly showing the moment one of the russian jets dumps fuel on the reaper. then making contact damaging its propeller. you can see one of the propeller blades bent after being hit the multimillion dollar drone crashing into the black sea. the u. s. says the drone was in international airspace. russia's foreign ministry tonight now claiming the drone was flying in russian restricted airspace and tonight sources telling abc news that russian ships are now in the area where the drone crashed. a b. c s chief global affairs correspondent martha red. it's leading us off again tonight. it is stunning video from the underbelly of the drone . you see a russian fighter jet at high speed approaching from behind, dumping a load of fuel on top of the drone, momentarily disrupting the video
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transmission, but you can clearly see the rear propeller. a second near vertical approach follows another load of fuel. this time the jet even closer than the drone's camera feed is lost for about 60 seconds. believed to be the moment of collision. when the video returns. you see, the propeller has been damaged, bent, the pentagon releasing the declassified video to set the record straight about what happened tuesday over the black sea. words and our actions speak for themselves, and similarly, russia's inaccurate information, false information on occasion. grasping at straws. changing narratives also speaks for itself tonight. the pentagon also revealing where the intercept first happened where the collision occurred and where the drone ended up in the water , a u. s officials saying russians are now in the area where the drone crashed and have gathered some of the pieces, but
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the pentagon assured that sensitive information has been remotely wiped from the drone and that even if the russians recover it, it will be inoperable. very unlikely that they would be able to recover anything useful. we took steps to protect information aboard. that aircraft that we heard right there, martha, the pentagon, insisting they took all the necessary measures here to remove any sensitive intelligence from that drone. so what more are you learning tonight? about really what appears to be a very critical window of time after the drone was actually hit, and then the moment it crashed into the ocean trying to wipe this intelligence from the drone. david we know the drone operators had some control over the drone after the collision, so they were able to guide it into the water that took about 20 minutes, which would give them plenty of time to wipe the drone remotely. and david that is something they trained for all the time. martha raddatz with us again tonight, martha. thank you to turn out of this powerful cross country storm tonight at this hour, a tornado warning for a time in the dallas area already confirmed tornado on the ground
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in fort worth just a short time ago, and these are the images coming in already large. hail falling in weatherford, texas, and across the state 16 states, in fact, on alert right now, from colorado to michigan, and then, of course, the east gets hit next, let's get right to senior meteorologist rob marciano. tracking this again tonight. hey, rob. hi david. dangerous evening across north texas. this is the wind energy from that california storm. tornado watch remains up for the dallas fort worth metroplex that sells weakened somewhat, but you see more bubbling up down around waco. the northern part of this has dropped some snow, and it will push off to the east. we're looking for some rain across chicago into the great lakes. in the southern part of this, that's where the wind energy is again today and tomorrow looks like the threat for damaging winds and possibly some tornadoes. new orleans down i 10 into the florida panhandle through tomorrow night. david marciano with us again tonight, rob. thank you now to your money. and tonight after the collapse of those two american banks the rescue this evening a group of american banks now creating a $30 billion rescue package to save first republic bank to try to halt the fear of
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this country, customers lining up at these banks and what the treasury secretary janet yellen, told congress today about the safety of the u. s banking system. rachel scott on the hill tonight. tonight a lifeline for first republic with 11 of the country's biggest banks, unveiling a rescue plan to pump $30 billion in deposits to prop up the struggling bank. the groups, saying the move reflects their confidence in the country's banking system. it comes amid growing worry about the stability of regional banks after the collapse of silicon valley bank do think that because of the panic that people felt what silicon valley bank they have also sparked another panic with fresh republic bank. i don't think there's a big risk that there's a domino effect. er just 24 hours ago, first republics credit rating was downgraded into so called junk territory, its stock plunging for days, even as the bank trying to reassure customers still somewhere worried it's scary at bank branches to move their money out over here, and i
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withdrew all my money except for $1. today the federal reserve and the treasury department, saying the show of support by the big banks is most welcome. treasury secretary janet yellen telling lawmakers on capitol hill than american banks are strong, i can reassure the members of the committee that our banking system is sound and that americans can feel confident that their deposits will be there when they need them. secretary yellen saying today that the action from those larger banks demonstrates the resilience of the banking system. david scott up on the hill tonight, rachel. thank you, as always tonight, the emotional mother before the cameras after seeing the video of her son dying in custody authorities at the hands of police and workers at a mental health facility. seven deputies already charged tonight. three hospital workers now also charged in the murder. here's pierre thomas. tonight the family of evil otieno furious, saying a video yet to be released shows he was intentionally and cruelly abused
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before he died in the custody of virginia deputies today we hear from the mother who saw that video son was treated like a dog watch than a dog. i saw it with my own eyes on the video. my son was tortured. tonight. three members of the staff at the central state psychiatric hospital where otieno was being admitted on mark six, now accused of second degree murder , just two days after seven deputies were charged for allegedly killing otieno. prosecutors say the video shows those seven deputies and staff holding otieno facedown on the ground for 12 minutes with otieno in handcuffs and leg irons suffocated as a result of that pressure. and allegations of a cover up intensifying deputies accused of washing handcuffs used to keep otieno under control. and those deputies allegedly failed to call state police for 3.5 hours as his body lay in the hospital and the prosecutor says when the
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hospital staff called 911, they suggested it was a cardiac arrest. and david tonight sources tell us there is no final decision on whether that apparently disturbing and graphic video will ever be released. david thomas with us again. thank you, peter. next tonight here will tiktok be banned in the us the apparent warning tonight from the us to tiktok's chinese parent company to sell it. by the administration, concerned that your data could be turned over to the chinese government. let's get right to mary bruce tonight, mary, what have you learned? well, david, this is a major escalation. the biden administration warning tiktok that if it's chinese parent company doesn't sell its stake. the popular app could be banned in the us the concern here is that the chinese government could try to manipulate tiktok influence which videos americans are watching which information they are consuming to try and gain political influence or even spy. in a statement, tiktok insists of forced sale doesn't solve the problem, and they say they are already taking steps to address security concerns. david mary bruce at the white house.
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thank you, mary. right? we turn now to the abc news exclusive tonight we take you inside the company called open. ai artificial intelligence, their new technology gpt four. and even if you haven't heard of it, how it could soon affect your life tonight what that technology can now do from passing the bar exam to answering questions, even suggesting recipes by simply looking at a photo. of what you have in your refrigerator. and tonight here the very serious questions as well about the risk . this technology could also pose and could jobs at risk as well. here's our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis. tonight we take you inside the headquarters of a small company in san francisco called open. ai creators of chat g b t. even if you haven't heard of it, your life could soon be impacted by this powerful new technology built with artificial intelligence. just this week open ai unveiling its newest version, which can answer complex questions in seconds, it can write speeches. take tests.
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we learned it can now even passed the bar exam to become a lawyer. there placing in the top 10% they believe it could one day help doctors spot disease that the human eye or mind might miss the ceo sam altman is just 37 g p. t stands for generative pretrained transformer that just rolls right off. really named that? well, you know, how does it work? by ingesting a huge amount of text from, you know a significant fraction of the internet. this ai system can learn the underlying representations of what these words mean how they relate to a little bit of something that is sort of, like reasoning. sort of, like understanding what you as a user want some of the time not always not perfectly and try to help you what changes because of artificial intelligence. part of the exciting thing here is we get continually surprised by the creative power of all of society . i think that word surprised, though. it's both exhilarating
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as well as terrifying to people. i think people should be happy that we're a little bit scared of this. i think people should be little bit scared a little bit personally. i think if i said i were not, you should either not trust me or be very unhappy. i'm in this job. concerned because they acknowledge even they don't know the full power of what they've created. opening eyes. chief technology officer mira moradi shows us the new version out this week. just listen as i ask a complicated s a t question. lisa gives her brother sam a 15 2nd head start in a 300 m race during the race, sam runs at an average speed of five m per second, lisa runs at an average speed of eight m per second, not including the head start since the last time lisa started running, which of the following best approximates the number of seconds that had passed when lisa caught up to sam. within seconds. it answers correctly. the answer is b 25 seconds, and
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so we pressed about the potential for cheating. you have this. this technology can beat most humans at the s a. t s the bar exam. how should schools be integrating this technology in a way that doesn't increase cheating that doesn't increase. laziness among students. education is going to have to change. um, but it's happened many other times with technology. when we got the calculator, the way we taught math and what we tested students on that totally changed the promise of this technology. one of the ones that i'm most excited about is the ability to provide individual learning. great individual learning for each student. they argue the eventual benefits outweigh the negatives. take, for example, your taxes we gave chat gpt the tax information for a typical family of three and chose a recent year, giving it pages and pages of tax code copying the
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tax law here. it's a few pages long. so you're copying tax law just multiple pages of tax law and within seconds, the standard deduction forces. it's $24,000, which was correct. and tonight a first look at what the technology can actually see. watch as we take a photo of what's inside this refrigerator . the technology analyzes what's there? i see that you have some bread, some mozzarella, cheese, tomatoes and mayonnaise. you can make a simple grilled cheese sandwich. with these ingredients . you can make a strawberry toast by spreading the raspberry fruit spread on the bread and topping it with sliced strawberries. perfect providing a recipe. but is this also a recipe for something else replacing jobs with technology? you've said a. i will likely eliminate millions of jobs. many people are going to ask. why on earth did you create this technology? i think it can do
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the opposite of all of those things, too. it is going to eliminate a lot of current jobs. that's true. we can make much better ones. the reason to develop a i at all is that i believe this will be ah. in terms of impact on our lives and improving our lives and upside. this will be the greatest technology humanity has yet developed. so in the wrong human hands, it could be a very different device. it could be a very different power. we do worry a lot about authoritarian governments. developing this and using russia china are you speaking to the government? you're in regular contact contact. and do you think they get it? more and more every day. this is really something a lot of truth there about the potential dangers of this artificial intelligence. and it would seem there trying to sound the alarm to the u. s government about russia and china wanting to get their hands on this because it's here. have they talked to the biden administration about this? david sam altman tells me they're in consistent contact and that the reason here is that this is an
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ai arms race. everybody wants this technology. whoever controls this technology has huge control over our future and our lives of people at home are just gonna go to chat gpt online and try to test this out, by the way, the recipe part of this is part of our exclusive not yet out for the general public, but it's coming. the future is here. rebecca i know you're gonna have much more coming up tonight on nightline, including this notion that this technology could help doctors in the future as well. but of course the dangers there. we'll get into that with rebecca later tonight on nightline. thank you, rebecca and the team in the meantime, overseas tonight and massive protests erupting across france tonight, many furious over the french government raising the retirement age. from 62 to 64, now president emmanuel macron, using special constitutional powers to push through the pension reform bill without putting it to a vote in parliament. opponents expected to hold a no confidence vote against the government in the coming days there. when we come back here tonight, a major ford recall more than a million vehicles with a brake problem tonight and top nfl prospect jalen carter learned his fate
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just 12 days be fearless with ole ironic body wash and body lotion. tonight. top georgia nfl prospect jalen carter has learned his fate, 12 months probation now community service and $1000 fine for reckless driving and racing after a crash in january that killed a teammate and a staff member in another car tonight, sports analysts believe it is not expected to impact his draft prospects now because it's probation today four recalling more than a million vehicles because of a brake hose problem , ford fusions and lincoln zs from the model years. 2013 to 2018 customers should return the vehicles to a ford dealership. they'll fix the problem when we come back here tonight, news on ticks here in the northeast. the new concern from the cdc tonight what they're saying, and as you know, march madness now underway and already a major upset tonight. moderate to severe eczema. it doesn't care if you have a date they off. or a double shift. make your move and
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states now, including new york, new jersey, connecticut, you can see it across the region. their symptoms range from fevers to headaches, kidney failure, they say, to check for ticks shower after spending significant time outdoors, march madness and already the first upsets tonight . 15 seed princeton, knocking off number two arizona number four virginia following the number 13 furman in the final seconds of that game when we come back, saving the zero for sharks right there as they go back into the ocean tonight. abc world news tonight with david muir, sponsored by vingaard. for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are positive for acetylcholine receptor antibodies. it may feel like the world is moving without you. but the picture is changing . with clinical trial participants achieved improved daily abilities with attitude, their current treatment. and they've guard helped clinical trial participants achieve reduced muscle weakness. they've got may increase the risk of infection. clinical study the
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now there's nothing like hitting the waves. there's nothing like volunteering, but my matter to severe extreme a can make it hard now i'm staying ahead of it helps heal your skin from within , so you can have clear skin and noticeably less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur. that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pains or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines with talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about to fix it. mama dates next at six. are trees too big for the neighborhood, see who's tackling tree safety after this week's storms, plus seven on your side on the push to skip the slip, abc seven news is next. finally tonight here, saving the sharks. tonight an unprecedented mission to repopulate our oceans one zebra shark at a time super sharks are highly endangered almost anywheren the world.
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the victims ofveishing, scientists here partnering with aquariums to bring zebra shark eggs to this indonesian lagoon and build back at zebra shark population. they call it the re shark program by bringing these sharks back and you re building and just improving the overall ecosystem. and its resiliency, catching the baby sharks and tanks like this one in raising them until they're strong enough to be released. partners of nat geo documenting every step, and this is the moment. the baby sharks are finally released right here tonight. hello, david photographer jennifer hayes at her hope that this is just the start. it feels wonderful, but in reality, it feels like real hope for sharks sharks being released into their future. thank you, jennifer. for what? you're doing an incredible effort. you can find more at that geo .com. goodnight.
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card information identity stolen . that's what the abc seven news i team found happened because of the ransomware attack on oakland and repairing the damage that's going to take awhile. i'm meteorologist sandia patel live on the roof of the kgo tv broadcast center in a break right now, but rain returns this weekend. i'll have the timeline coming up. plus a firefighter with a flamethrower. it might not look like it. but this is actually a safer choice. building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions . this is abc seven news. well, the storms have paid off in this is the proof. look at all that green and the blue all that water there. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm on a date. ashley, we're enjoying a second straight day of sunshine. check out how sparkling san francisco looks right now the sun is shining and clear. blue skies take a look at the results of all these storms. 99% of the bay area is now drought free
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better than just a week ago and a vast improvement over last year. so let's go to abc seven news meteorologist handy patel for those details. real reason to feel optimistic here. absolutely especially after three dry years and a drought that it just got worse and worse . take a look at october. 1st and anoma. this is the start of the water year. all of the state was in a drought and the worst category for the extreme and exceptional was covering a good portion of california today. i'm happy to report 64% of the state is drought free. and all those storms paying off as you both just mentioned 99% of the bay area is out of the drought still in the dry category for parts of the north bay parts of napa county lake county, as you will notice there now this spring flood outlook from the climate prediction center is showing minor risk of flooding for much of the state, but moderate risk for the sierra the foothills in the central valley. i do want to tell you. i


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