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  Fmr. Pres. Trump Remarks at NYC Store After Hush- Money Trial Day 2  CSPAN  April 16, 2024 8:50pm-9:09pm EDT

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c-span. your unfiltered view of politics. the associated press is reporting on the second day of donald trump's hush money trial, in which seven jurors were selected, including an information technology worker, and english teacher, oncology nurse, sales professional, a software engineer and two lawyers. this comes after dozens of potential jurors were excused over the last few days because they could not be impartial. 11 more must still be sworn in as jurors before opening statements can begin as early as next week. trump's spoke with reporters about the trial and answered questions as he visited a local convenience store in upper manhattan.
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donald trump: the trial is moving along. we have a judge who is
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absolutely out of place, he should not be allowed to do it. he is conflicted like no one has ever been conflicted. this is a very exciting time for me because the bodega, the association invited me and i respect them and they respect me. they want law and order. they have a lot of crime, tremendous crime. their stores are being robbed. we are going to give new york a very good shot for the presidency. we think we should be able to do it, a lot of things have changed. this judge is so conflicted, you understand that, there has never been a judge so conflicted. it's ridiculous. and also there is no crime. you know where the crime is? it is in the bodegas. anybody that is fair. i will let you know after the trial. we are appealing. if you look, if you take a good
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strong look, every legal scholar, every legal pundit said there should be no trial. nothing was done wrong. this is all politics coming out of the white house. it makes me campaign locally. and that's ok. [shouting] we are doing better now than we have ever done. all i want is fairness. these people have to be treated fairly. the bodega association. bodegas. because every week they are being robbed two or three times. it's crazy. the police can do it, they can stop it, they have to be allowed to do their job. [shouting] give them hope to restore the
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american dream. atlanta, new york, philadelphia, chicago, d.c. the police have to be given back their authority. they have to be able to do their job. we are making a big play for new york. i love this city. it has gotten so bad in the last three years, for years, and we are going to straighten new york out. so running for president, we are putting a big hit for new york. [inaudible] they took over your park, they took over your hotels, they took over everything and you know what they have done, they have destroyed so many people. the african-american community now is not getting jobs, migrants are taking their jobs that are here illegally. if you look at the unemployment, the unemployment is good for migrants now. it went up 10% on migrants and they are in our country and they
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are coming from prisons, i do not know if you know, they are coming from mental institutions, prisons, places you do not want to know about, they are coming from jails and prisons, mental institutions and the same -- insane asylums and you have massive number of terrorists coming into the country because of biden. the trial i have now is a biden trial. they want to keep me off the campaign trail. i think there is more press here than [inaudible] and the police have to be able to do their job. the police in new york are great they have to be able to do their job. they have to be able to protect these people. look at this young man. he's got a son who looks like a movie star so he's much better than the father and the father looks good and you know he says he is robbed and it's a beautiful place in his robbed all the time and nobody's ever
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seen. alvin bragg does nothing. he goes after guys like trump who did nothing wrong. violent criminals, murderers, there are hundreds of murderers all over the city and they know who are they do not pick them up. they go after trump. >> how do you feel about the seven jurors who were selected? trump: i will let you know in about two months. right now we have to get the criminals, as many people coming into the countries are criminals and mental state -- mental patients and we have to get them out and have the largest deportation in the history the country and you know who needs it, new york and remember african-american, asian american, hispanic american they are all losing.
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[shouting] >> [inaudible] trump: i love them and they love me. did you see my numbers? my numbers of the highest in the history of the republican party with the latinos and frankly with the illegal immigrants we have to do something because no country can sustain it. they are emptying out their prisons and mental institutions into our country. these are prisoners and people from mental institutions. [shouting] [applause]
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>> mr. president. mr. trump: i think we are way ahead in the polls against biden. biden has destroyed our country. look. biden is the worst president in the history of our country. worse than jimmy carter by a
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longshot shot. jimmy carter is happy because he had a brilliant presidency compared to biden. he destroyed our country between the borders and everything else. he has destroyed our country. not only that but wars are breaking out all of the world. we will end up with this person that, we will end up in world war iii. we will make [indiscernible] we have tremendous hispanic support. the hispanics are supporting me at a level nobody has ever heard before. we will make a heavy play in new york. african-american support, no republican has ever had the african american support i have. we will work with the democrat mayor, the democrat governor and we will get the state fixed up. go ahead. >> [inaudible] mr. trump: we will get it
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straightened out. we will work with the mayor and the governor, democrats, i will work with democrats. we have to straighten out new york. if it goes any further out it will never come back. >> do you believe mr. trump: you violated the gag order? mr. trump:i didn't. there shouldn't have been a gag order. the gag order is unconstitutional. the judge is highly conflicted. he should not be there. >> [inaudible] mr. trump: i think we are connecting already. i was invited by the bodega administration. they are treated very badly. i think we are doing well. >> [inaudible] mr. trump: migrants are taking over.
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500,000 illegal migrants in new york. the people in new york are going to vote for trump. >> [shouting] >> what did you think of the jury? mr. trump: i don't know. it is early to see. this is so conflicted, there has never been anybody as conflicted as this. all of that stuff is on appeal right now. the whole world is watching this new york legal system. this is really election interference at the highest level. it all comes out of washington because they are losing badly. you know, they are losing badly. they are losing badly in the polls. i think you will see numbers coming out even higher. people don't like the persecution. they don't like what's going on. they don't like fake prosecutors.
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deranged jack smith, the whole group of them. i think you will see some big changes being made. >> [shouting] mr. trump: you know what we are going to be doing? we are going to be saving america. our country is under siege. take a look at israel. it doesn't feel protected. biden doesn't know where he is. it is a real mess. >> [shouting] mr. trump: we will see what happens. >> to debrief you on his plan [inaudible] mr. trump: thank you. >> [shouting] [crowd cheering, shouting, clapping]
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>> [crowd chanting] usa! usa! usa! mr. trump: they come in with guns. ok? it is not good. he is going to be a movie star, you know that. forget about bodegas. he will be a movie star. we will send him to hollywood. goodbye, everybody. >> what is your plan for the rest of your time in new york? >> mr. president.
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>> [shouting] >> [crowd chanting] thank you. thank you. thank you. >> [shouting] >> mr. trump. mr. trump: we are going to go all over. weekends we are doing rallies all over the place. we have never had higher numbers than we have now. highest numbers we have ever had. have a good time, everybody. ask [crowd cheering] >> [crowd chanting] trump! rump! -- trump! trump!
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x what about [inaudible] >> can we get a photo? mr. trump: get over here. we will get a photo. >> what do you think of [inaudible] mr. trump: is a good guy. let's get a picture. >> what about the us -- the response from iran? mr. trump: thank you very much. he is a good person. i know him very well. thank you. great job. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> this month the supreme court hears oral argument in the case over whether former president trump has presidential immunity against criminal prosecution for his alleged role in an attempts to overturn the 2020 election results. we will have live coverage of
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the oral arguments april 25 getting at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span, our free mobile video app and online on >> do you solemnly swear that in the testimony you were about to give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god? >> saturday, american history tv's congress investigates as we explore major investigations in our country's history by the u.s. house and senate. authors and historians will tell the stories with historic footage from those periods and we will examine the legacy of key congressional hearings. the 1950's mccarthy hearings, among the first televised hearings. the senate committee explored whether communists it infiltrated the state department, army and other federal agencies. it wound up in the censure of joseph mccarthy for his actions.
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watch congress investigates, saturday at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span two. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more including charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers. we are just getting started. building 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter communications supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> president biden spoke to voters during a campaign stop in scranton, pennsylvania. in his remarks he said he will restore the child tax credit and provide a tax credit for first-time homeowners. he comments on the economic policies