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Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Jun 2, 2019 3:50am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Is this video playable outside of Australia?

The above video is news footage from 1973 covering a beauty contest. Yes, Australian TV was still B&W in 1973.

Is the video playable outside of Australia? A lot of websites block international viewers. Just wondering if this is one of them.

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Poster: TwoNucker Date: Jun 2, 2019 4:17am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Is this video playable outside of Australia?

The video plays on the East Coast of the USA. As the page says, there is no sound.

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Poster: HappySwordsman Date: Jun 2, 2019 5:20am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Is this video playable outside of Australia?

Good to hear it can be viewed outside Australia.

Unfortunately, a lot of the 1960s/1970s news footage from Canberra TV station CTC has no sound. Even so, I thought the clip was interesting to watch....

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Poster: C.S.Cameron Date: Jun 2, 2019 10:18am
Forum: classic_tv Subject: Re: Is this video playable outside of Australia?

The Video plays very, very well in western Canada.
Being black and white still gets the point across.
There is no sound, but sound is not really important to this Video.