WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:29.640 Steven, look! 00:29.640 --> 00:31.640 The Doctor's reached move 902! 00:31.640 --> 00:33.640 We'll have to hurry. 00:33.640 --> 00:35.640 Tom, where's the next game we have to play? 00:35.640 --> 00:37.640 Ya-roo! It's right over here! 00:39.640 --> 00:42.640 You won't find it so easy this time, you know. 00:42.640 --> 01:01.640 Because you see, you'll be playing against me. 01:01.640 --> 01:03.640 Well, here we are. Here's the next game. 01:03.640 --> 01:05.640 Card is hopscotch. 01:05.640 --> 01:07.640 What are we supposed to do with it? 01:07.640 --> 01:08.640 Well, it's very simple, really. 01:08.640 --> 01:13.640 See, each player takes one of these dice and throws them onto the triangles. 01:13.640 --> 01:17.640 And the number that you've thrown will appear up at the end there, on the dice indicator. 01:17.640 --> 01:20.640 That's to make absolutely certain that no one can cheat. 01:20.640 --> 01:22.640 And you move forward the number that you've thrown. 01:22.640 --> 01:25.640 The first one to reach triangle 14 is the winner. 01:25.640 --> 01:27.640 Easy, isn't it? 01:27.640 --> 01:29.640 It's too easy. What's the catch? 01:29.640 --> 01:32.640 No catch. First one home is the winner. 01:32.640 --> 01:34.640 That gives us a two to one chance over you. 01:34.640 --> 01:36.640 Why, so it does. 01:36.640 --> 01:38.640 Well, there you are. 01:38.640 --> 01:42.640 You just jump from triangle to triangle and the first one home wins. 01:42.640 --> 01:43.640 Why do I have to jump? 01:43.640 --> 01:47.640 Well, you can walk if you like, but I shouldn't if I were you. 01:47.640 --> 01:49.640 Why not? 01:49.640 --> 01:54.640 Well, you see, all the area between the triangles is electric. 01:54.640 --> 01:56.640 You'll be killed. 01:59.640 --> 02:03.640 I don't think your friends will do so well now, Doctor. 02:03.640 --> 02:08.640 Cyril hates to lose, so he makes sure that he never does. 02:08.640 --> 02:11.640 Oh, don't stop playing, Doctor. 02:11.640 --> 02:13.640 You're so near the end. 02:13.640 --> 02:17.640 Soon you'll discover whether or not you've got the sequence right. 02:24.640 --> 02:26.640 I think you need help. 02:26.640 --> 02:27.640 Go for a move. 02:27.640 --> 02:46.640 Nine hundred and thirty. 02:46.640 --> 02:51.640 At this rate, you'll finish your game long before Stephen and Dodo find the TARDIS. 02:51.640 --> 02:54.640 It will be fun having you here. 02:54.640 --> 02:57.640 And your friends will make charming dolls. 02:57.640 --> 03:04.640 It may interest you to know that their chairs are ready and waiting for you in the dollhouse. 03:14.640 --> 03:17.640 Now, you all know what we have to do. 03:17.640 --> 03:18.640 Yes. 03:18.640 --> 03:29.640 Ladies first, if you don't mind. 03:29.640 --> 03:30.640 Three. 03:30.640 --> 03:32.640 Careful, Dodo. 03:32.640 --> 03:35.640 One. 03:35.640 --> 03:38.640 Two. 03:38.640 --> 03:40.640 Three. 03:40.640 --> 03:43.640 You're next. 03:43.640 --> 03:50.640 You're just too good to be true, aren't you? 03:50.640 --> 03:54.640 Four. 03:54.640 --> 03:58.640 One. 03:58.640 --> 04:01.640 Two. 04:01.640 --> 04:04.640 Three. 04:04.640 --> 04:06.640 Four. 04:06.640 --> 04:08.640 It says go on to number seven. 04:08.640 --> 04:09.640 Do I? 04:09.640 --> 04:11.640 Yes, go on. 04:11.640 --> 04:13.640 One. 04:13.640 --> 04:14.640 Two. 04:14.640 --> 04:17.640 Oh, by the way, I should have told you. 04:17.640 --> 04:23.640 If you land on a triangle that's already occupied, the first player has to go back to the starting post. 04:23.640 --> 04:27.640 Now I see why you let us go first. 04:27.640 --> 04:29.640 All right, go on. Don't keep us in suspense. 04:29.640 --> 04:32.640 It's all part of the game, chap. 04:32.640 --> 04:33.640 One. 04:33.640 --> 04:35.640 Two. 04:35.640 --> 04:37.640 One. 04:37.640 --> 04:39.640 Two. 04:39.640 --> 04:40.640 Now it's my turn. 04:40.640 --> 04:44.640 I think I'm going to enjoy this game. 04:44.640 --> 04:46.640 Three. 04:46.640 --> 04:48.640 Oh, I'm sorry, Stephen. 04:48.640 --> 04:50.640 Do I have to send you back to the start? 04:50.640 --> 04:52.640 Look, surely we can't send each other back. 04:52.640 --> 04:54.640 We're supposed to be playing together. 04:54.640 --> 04:58.640 If you don't abide by the rules, you can't possibly win the game. 04:58.640 --> 05:01.640 He's right, Stephen. 05:01.640 --> 05:05.640 We must play fair. 05:05.640 --> 05:09.640 After all, we are two to one. 05:09.640 --> 05:21.640 All right. 05:21.640 --> 05:27.640 Watch him. 05:27.640 --> 05:29.640 What's that mean? 05:29.640 --> 05:31.640 He's pretending he doesn't understand the rules. 05:31.640 --> 05:33.640 Wizard's sense of humour. 05:33.640 --> 05:35.640 You go back a turn. 05:35.640 --> 05:37.640 My turn now, I think. 05:37.640 --> 05:44.640 Oh, a three. 05:44.640 --> 05:45.640 Three. 05:45.640 --> 05:50.640 I'm still right behind you. 05:50.640 --> 05:53.640 Only 72 moves to go. 05:53.640 --> 05:57.640 Cyril seems to have the game well in hand. 05:57.640 --> 06:00.640 Your friends are tiring, Doctor. 06:00.640 --> 06:10.640 I don't think they're going to get your tardies back. 06:10.640 --> 06:15.640 As you are certainly going to lose, I feel I should be kinder to you. 06:15.640 --> 06:17.640 You're no longer under the ban of silence. 06:17.640 --> 06:19.640 There. 06:19.640 --> 06:21.640 I have given you back your voice. 06:21.640 --> 06:23.640 Now you're sulking. 06:23.640 --> 06:25.640 Or have you forgotten how to speak? 06:25.640 --> 06:30.640 Throughout this game, you have spent a great deal of trouble in trying to break my concentration. 06:30.640 --> 06:41.640 And it's very unlikely that you will succeed now. 06:41.640 --> 06:46.640 It's only me, Cyril. 06:46.640 --> 06:48.640 Look, I told you before about these idiotic jokes. 06:48.640 --> 06:49.640 She nearly fell off. 06:49.640 --> 06:52.640 It's all part of the game, old chap. 06:52.640 --> 06:54.640 Now you can go back to the start, the cheating. 06:54.640 --> 06:56.640 That's not fair, is it? 06:56.640 --> 06:59.640 Certainly he moved out of his triangle and it wasn't his turn. 06:59.640 --> 07:02.640 And I've landed on your triangle, so you can both go back to the start. 07:02.640 --> 07:03.640 I've had enough of this. 07:03.640 --> 07:05.640 He makes up the rules as he goes along. 07:05.640 --> 07:07.640 Come on, Dodo, I'm going to the finish line. 07:07.640 --> 07:12.640 I want to see if that's the real tardis or not. 07:12.640 --> 07:15.640 Don't you like my little game? 07:15.640 --> 07:17.640 No, I don't. 07:17.640 --> 07:21.640 What a pity to give up now, having overcome so many obstacles. 07:21.640 --> 07:22.640 We're not giving up. 07:22.640 --> 07:24.640 Are you sure? 07:24.640 --> 07:30.640 I just want to get to the end of this. 07:30.640 --> 07:31.640 It's no good. 07:31.640 --> 07:33.640 Some sort of invisible barrier. 07:33.640 --> 07:34.640 Precisely. 07:34.640 --> 07:41.640 A barrier that yields only to those who play the game according to the rules. 07:41.640 --> 07:51.640 So perhaps you go back to the platform where you started. 07:51.640 --> 08:01.640 Come on, Dodo. 08:01.640 --> 08:03.640 Yeah! 08:03.640 --> 08:05.640 One up to me. 08:05.640 --> 08:08.640 My turn now, I think. 08:08.640 --> 08:11.640 Ah, a two. 08:11.640 --> 08:14.640 One. 08:14.640 --> 08:15.640 Two. 08:15.640 --> 08:18.640 I'm going to see if there's any invisible barrier around his backside. 08:18.640 --> 08:19.640 Better not. 08:19.640 --> 08:22.640 Mine. 08:22.640 --> 08:24.640 Ah, that's better. 08:24.640 --> 08:26.640 Six. 08:26.640 --> 08:27.640 One. 08:27.640 --> 08:33.640 Two. 08:33.640 --> 08:36.640 Three. 08:36.640 --> 08:39.640 Four. 08:39.640 --> 08:42.640 Five. 08:42.640 --> 08:44.640 Six. 08:44.640 --> 08:46.640 Do I get a second turn for a six? 08:46.640 --> 08:48.640 Certainly not. 08:48.640 --> 08:56.640 No, I thought not, somehow. 08:56.640 --> 08:59.640 I think they'll abide by the rules now, Doctor. 08:59.640 --> 09:02.640 Don't you agree? 09:02.640 --> 09:09.640 There was no point in giving you back your power of speech if you're going to just sit there, silent and sullen. 09:09.640 --> 09:12.640 You seem to say quite enough for both of us. 09:12.640 --> 09:14.640 In any case, I'm busy. 09:14.640 --> 09:17.640 Your friends are not doing very well. 09:17.640 --> 09:22.640 I think your friend Cyril won't do so well when Stephen catches up with him. 09:22.640 --> 09:26.640 Poor Stephen, little does he know. 09:26.640 --> 09:29.640 You're playing too slowly, Doctor. 09:29.640 --> 09:41.640 Go for a move, one thousand. 09:41.640 --> 09:44.640 Only twenty-three moves to go. 09:44.640 --> 09:49.640 And look, your friend Stephen has had to miss a turn. 09:49.640 --> 09:52.640 Oh, no, not another miss a turn. 09:52.640 --> 09:54.640 You can't possibly win now. 09:54.640 --> 09:57.640 Why don't you both give up? 09:57.640 --> 09:58.640 It's up to you now, Dodo. 09:58.640 --> 10:03.640 Come on, give it a good shake. 10:03.640 --> 10:06.640 Six. 10:06.640 --> 10:08.640 One. 10:08.640 --> 10:11.640 Two. 10:11.640 --> 10:13.640 Three. 10:13.640 --> 10:16.640 Four. 10:16.640 --> 10:18.640 Five. 10:18.640 --> 10:20.640 Six. 10:20.640 --> 10:21.640 Now I only need four to get home. 10:21.640 --> 10:23.640 And I only need a three and it's my turn now. 10:23.640 --> 10:28.640 Too bad, isn't it? 10:28.640 --> 10:31.640 Two. 10:31.640 --> 10:33.640 One. 10:33.640 --> 10:36.640 Two. 10:36.640 --> 10:38.640 Stephen, look, he has to go back to nine. 10:38.640 --> 10:40.640 Come on. 10:40.640 --> 10:42.640 Look who's trying to cheat now. 10:42.640 --> 10:46.640 You'll never get a chance to do up his shoelace, will you? 10:46.640 --> 10:48.640 One. 10:48.640 --> 10:50.640 Two. 10:50.640 --> 10:52.640 Three. 10:52.640 --> 10:53.640 Four. 10:53.640 --> 10:54.640 That's better. 10:54.640 --> 10:58.640 Now come on, Dodo, you must throw a four. 10:58.640 --> 10:59.640 Stephen, do you think he's really hurting himself? 10:59.640 --> 11:01.640 It's another trick, roll the dice. 11:01.640 --> 11:03.640 No, he's bleeding, he's hurt, he's swollen. 11:03.640 --> 11:04.640 We can't just leave him. 11:04.640 --> 11:05.640 Twain! 11:05.640 --> 11:07.640 No, I'm going to help him. 11:07.640 --> 11:08.640 Dodo! 11:08.640 --> 11:12.640 Look, you'd better take your sock off. 11:12.640 --> 11:13.640 Hey, that's red ink. 11:13.640 --> 11:15.640 Of course it is. 11:15.640 --> 11:17.640 You're so easy to fool, you are. 11:17.640 --> 11:22.640 Now you can go back to the start for getting out of your triangle and miss a turn. 11:22.640 --> 11:24.640 That means it's my turn now. 11:24.640 --> 11:25.640 Well, of all the spiteful things. 11:25.640 --> 11:28.640 Teach you to think you can beat me at a game. 11:28.640 --> 11:29.640 A five. 11:29.640 --> 11:31.640 Hooray, I've won! 11:31.640 --> 11:44.640 Rob me, Yarrow! 11:44.640 --> 11:48.640 What happened? 11:48.640 --> 11:50.640 I don't know. 11:50.640 --> 11:58.640 Poor old Cyril. 11:58.640 --> 12:01.640 Hey! 12:01.640 --> 12:08.640 This triangle's covered in slippery powder. 12:08.640 --> 12:12.640 He must have put this here himself and forgotten all about it. 12:12.640 --> 12:16.640 He's caught in his own trap, it serves him right. 12:16.640 --> 12:18.640 Come on, Dodo, the game's over. 12:18.640 --> 12:20.640 No, we've got to play the game to the end. 12:20.640 --> 12:22.640 You heard what the toy maker said. 12:22.640 --> 12:24.640 I'm sure I can throw that four. 12:24.640 --> 12:25.640 All right, well, hurry, look at that tally. 12:25.640 --> 12:29.640 The doctor's almost finished his game. 12:29.640 --> 12:32.640 Four, we've won, Stephen! 12:32.640 --> 12:36.640 Dodo, I told you about the powder, now take it easy. 12:36.640 --> 12:38.640 We mustn't lose now. 12:38.640 --> 12:48.640 Now go on, I'll follow you over. 12:48.640 --> 13:01.640 Perhaps it's just another fake. 13:01.640 --> 13:03.640 Well, I was right. 13:03.640 --> 13:05.640 Make the last move, Doctor. 13:05.640 --> 13:08.640 No, not yet. 13:08.640 --> 13:14.640 Excuse me. 13:14.640 --> 13:18.640 Yes, I see Stephen and Dodo have found the TARDIS. 13:18.640 --> 13:23.640 One little trick and your little trick is broken. 13:23.640 --> 13:25.640 I am now visible. 13:25.640 --> 13:27.640 You are indeed, Doctor. 13:27.640 --> 13:28.640 Well done. 13:28.640 --> 13:31.640 The three of you have won your little games. 13:31.640 --> 13:33.640 I am glad you take it so calmly. 13:33.640 --> 13:43.640 Well, now, if you will excuse me, I will go and see if the TARDIS is all right. 13:43.640 --> 13:45.640 Just suppose this isn't the real one. 13:45.640 --> 13:46.640 It must be. 13:46.640 --> 13:49.640 If it wasn't, something would have happened by now. 13:49.640 --> 13:50.640 Listen. 13:50.640 --> 13:51.640 What? 13:51.640 --> 13:52.640 It's humming. 13:52.640 --> 13:54.640 Only the real TARDIS does that. 13:54.640 --> 13:57.640 Are you sure the toy maker couldn't have made one of his a humming one? 13:57.640 --> 13:59.640 Why didn't he make the others do it? 13:59.640 --> 14:00.640 Well done, my boy. 14:00.640 --> 14:01.640 Doctor! 14:01.640 --> 14:02.640 Yes, I'm back with you. 14:02.640 --> 14:06.640 Well done, I'm very glad to hear that you're bringing logic into your guesses. 14:06.640 --> 14:08.640 Oh, you're safe, you've won your game. 14:08.640 --> 14:11.640 Yes, my dear, and I think it was high time that we were off. 14:11.640 --> 14:13.640 I can't wait to leave this place. 14:13.640 --> 14:15.640 I don't want to play another game ever. 14:15.640 --> 14:18.640 Well, I don't think that's going to be likely, dear boy. 14:18.640 --> 14:22.640 I hope I do not interrupt the council of war. 14:22.640 --> 14:28.640 Oh, my dear friend, don't waste our time on trivial formalities. 14:28.640 --> 14:30.640 You have been defeated, so now leave us alone. 14:30.640 --> 14:32.640 You know you must lose in the end. 14:32.640 --> 14:34.640 Only I can win. 14:34.640 --> 14:37.640 If I lose, the Doctor and I go down together. 14:37.640 --> 14:41.640 Now, don't start red herrings, you charlatan. 14:41.640 --> 14:43.640 Go on, young people. 14:43.640 --> 14:47.640 Go on, ask your elderly friend if he can win completely. 14:53.640 --> 14:55.640 Is it true, Doctor? Are we bound to fail? 14:55.640 --> 14:57.640 No, my dear boy. 14:57.640 --> 14:59.640 He's just tricking us into despair. 14:59.640 --> 15:00.640 Take no notice of him. 15:00.640 --> 15:03.640 Tell them the truth, Doctor. Hide nothing. 15:03.640 --> 15:05.640 You must tell us. We ought to know. 15:05.640 --> 15:07.640 Well, I am compelled to tell the truth. 15:07.640 --> 15:13.640 It is possible that the toy maker can drag us down in defeat with him, unless... 15:13.640 --> 15:14.640 Unless what? 15:14.640 --> 15:16.640 Well, it's all very simple. 15:16.640 --> 15:19.640 It's a matter of the battle of our brains. 15:19.640 --> 15:21.640 Do we have a chance to escape? 15:21.640 --> 15:26.640 Yes, we still have a chance, but we must proceed with cunning. 15:26.640 --> 15:28.640 An impossible chance. 15:28.640 --> 15:32.640 Look, as long as we defeat you, that's all I care. 15:32.640 --> 15:34.640 You can't beat us now. 15:34.640 --> 15:35.640 We shall see. 15:35.640 --> 15:37.640 Well said, my boy. Well said. 15:37.640 --> 15:38.640 Well said? 15:38.640 --> 15:41.640 He doesn't even know what he is saying. 15:41.640 --> 15:45.640 These adolescent expressions of loyalty. 15:45.640 --> 15:49.640 Before you make pure our promises, remember the past. 15:49.640 --> 15:51.640 Your little adventures. 15:51.640 --> 15:53.640 Remember my power. 15:53.640 --> 15:54.640 Your power? 15:54.640 --> 15:56.640 We won through, didn't we? 15:56.640 --> 15:58.640 We won through, didn't we? 16:00.640 --> 16:02.640 Perhaps. 16:02.640 --> 16:05.640 But would you dare to play those little games again? 16:05.640 --> 16:07.640 Not until I've laid hands on you. 16:07.640 --> 16:10.640 Oh, it's no use, Stephen. Leave him. 16:10.640 --> 16:11.640 Are you all right? 16:11.640 --> 16:13.640 I couldn't touch him. 16:13.640 --> 16:17.640 He's using his mind to turn your strength against yourself. 16:17.640 --> 16:20.640 Now, go back into the TARDIS. I will deal with him. 16:20.640 --> 16:23.640 Doctor, I offer you power. 16:23.640 --> 16:26.640 Power to corrupt, to destroy. 16:26.640 --> 16:29.640 Think of the exhilaration of that power. 16:29.640 --> 16:32.640 Serve me and live. 16:32.640 --> 16:35.640 Never. Never, my friend. 16:35.640 --> 16:38.640 You have been defeated. 16:40.640 --> 16:43.640 We will see, old man. 16:43.640 --> 16:46.640 The game is not yet over. 16:46.640 --> 16:50.640 We shall see. 16:52.640 --> 16:55.640 What have you done? Stop meddling with my ship! 16:55.640 --> 16:59.640 It isn't what I have done, but what you have not done. 16:59.640 --> 17:02.640 You must finish the game. 17:02.640 --> 17:04.640 You cannot leave here until you have. 17:04.640 --> 17:10.640 Your infantile behavior is beyond a joke. 17:10.640 --> 17:13.640 I will not leave until you have. 17:13.640 --> 17:17.640 Your infantile behavior is beyond a joke. 17:18.640 --> 17:20.640 No. 17:20.640 --> 17:22.640 Of course I mustn't. 17:22.640 --> 17:26.640 You very nearly caught me then. 17:26.640 --> 17:29.640 Make your last move, Doctor. Make your move. 17:29.640 --> 17:34.640 But if I do, this place vanishes. 17:34.640 --> 17:36.640 And then you have won completely? 17:36.640 --> 17:41.640 And if this place vanishes, then the TARDIS and the rest of us will vanish also. 17:41.640 --> 17:44.640 That is the price of success. 17:44.640 --> 17:49.640 Make your last move, Doctor. Make your last move. 17:50.640 --> 17:52.640 What can be keeping him? 17:52.640 --> 17:55.640 Something the Toymaker has done to the TARDIS. 17:55.640 --> 17:58.640 The Doctor has to persuade the Toymaker to let us go. 17:58.640 --> 18:01.640 We won his games. We have the right to go. The Toymaker said that. 18:01.640 --> 18:03.640 Now I'm here, I don't mind. I know I'm safe. 18:03.640 --> 18:06.640 I think I'm going to take... Oh, here he is. 18:06.640 --> 18:09.640 Close the doors, my boy. 18:09.640 --> 18:11.640 What's happened? 18:11.640 --> 18:12.640 It's no use. 18:12.640 --> 18:13.640 What's he done? 18:13.640 --> 18:17.640 If we destroy the Toymaker, we destroy this world. 18:17.640 --> 18:19.640 Well, is that bad? 18:19.640 --> 18:21.640 Surely that's a good thing. 18:21.640 --> 18:24.640 This is really a very sad place. 18:24.640 --> 18:26.640 I don't think neither of you understand. 18:26.640 --> 18:32.640 As the games are over and won by us, everything outside the TARDIS disappears. 18:32.640 --> 18:35.640 And if we are there, we disappear also. 18:35.640 --> 18:37.640 But we have won and it hasn't happened yet. 18:37.640 --> 18:43.640 But it will, my dear, the moment I go out there and make the final move of the Trelotic game. 18:43.640 --> 18:47.640 Why doesn't he just let us go? He can't want to be destroyed. 18:47.640 --> 18:48.640 No, he won't be. 18:48.640 --> 18:51.640 But if everything disappears, why not him? 18:51.640 --> 18:55.640 If the Toymaker loses the game, his world will vanish. 18:55.640 --> 18:58.640 But he has the power to build a new one. 18:58.640 --> 18:59.640 How? 18:59.640 --> 19:03.640 The Toymaker is immortal. He's lasted for thousands of years. 19:03.640 --> 19:08.640 Very occasionally, of course, he loses the game and then he has to pay the price. 19:08.640 --> 19:10.640 That price is the loss of his world? 19:10.640 --> 19:16.640 Yes, but he himself is not destroyed. He goes on forever. 19:16.640 --> 19:18.640 So we can't leave. 19:18.640 --> 19:21.640 There must be a way. 19:26.640 --> 19:28.640 Will you leave my ship alone? 19:28.640 --> 19:31.640 Do you hear me? Will you leave my ship alone? 19:31.640 --> 19:35.640 Let me have it, Doctor. It would be such an amusing toy. 19:36.640 --> 19:39.640 Let me have the Trelotic game in here. 19:39.640 --> 19:42.640 Of course not. Be reasonable, Doctor. 19:42.640 --> 19:45.640 If I allow you to make the last move in there, 19:45.640 --> 19:51.640 then you can pre-set your controls and dematerialize at the same moment that my world vanishes. 19:51.640 --> 19:53.640 Then you will escape. 19:53.640 --> 19:55.640 It will make no difference to me. 19:55.640 --> 19:59.640 Then you will escape. It will make no difference to you. 19:59.640 --> 20:01.640 You can build a new world. 20:01.640 --> 20:07.640 Of course. And I look forward to that. I'm bored with this one. 20:07.640 --> 20:12.640 But I'm a bad loser, Doctor. I always destroy the destroyer. 20:12.640 --> 20:14.640 I will not come out and make that final move. 20:14.640 --> 20:17.640 Then you must stay there forever. 20:17.640 --> 20:19.640 Doctor, let me go out and make that move for you. 20:19.640 --> 20:22.640 Oh, nonsense, dear boy. You don't want to disappear. 20:22.640 --> 20:24.640 At least you and Toto would get away. 20:24.640 --> 20:27.640 Well, that's very noble and kind of you, but I absolutely forbid it. 20:27.640 --> 20:30.640 You've done quite enough in getting the TARDIS back. 20:30.640 --> 20:33.640 All right. But something's got to be done. 20:33.640 --> 20:36.640 We can't just stand here and talk our way out of this. 20:36.640 --> 20:41.640 We can. That's just it. That's just what we can do. 20:41.640 --> 20:46.640 Listen to me. I will make that final move. 20:46.640 --> 20:49.640 How sensible of you, Doctor. 20:49.640 --> 20:57.640 Go back to the Trilogic Gate. 20:57.640 --> 20:59.640 Are you ready? 20:59.640 --> 21:01.640 Whenever you are, Doctor. 21:01.640 --> 21:02.640 Very well. 21:02.640 --> 21:07.640 Pre-set for dematerialization. 21:07.640 --> 21:19.640 Go to move 1023. 21:19.640 --> 21:21.640 Go from move 1023. 21:21.640 --> 21:47.640 Master switch. 21:47.640 --> 21:50.640 You did it. You did it. We won. 21:50.640 --> 21:53.640 How was it done, Doctor? How was it done? 21:53.640 --> 21:57.640 Oh, dear boy. It was your very idea. Your very idea. 21:57.640 --> 22:00.640 Don't you see? When the Toymaker wanted to move the pieces, 22:00.640 --> 22:05.640 he had to command them in a certain tone of voice to make them move at all. 22:05.640 --> 22:06.640 But you had to do it twice. 22:06.640 --> 22:10.640 Yes, but in the first place, you see, I couldn't because I used my own voice. 22:10.640 --> 22:11.640 I don't see. 22:11.640 --> 22:14.640 I do. The Toymaker wasn't playing. 22:14.640 --> 22:16.640 Exactly, dear boy. Exactly. 22:16.640 --> 22:20.640 Therefore, I had to imitate the Toymaker's voice to make them obey me. 22:20.640 --> 22:22.640 And they did. 22:22.640 --> 22:24.640 We'll never see him again, will we, Doctor? 22:24.640 --> 22:26.640 Oh, my dear. 22:26.640 --> 22:28.640 Don't talk too soon. 22:28.640 --> 22:30.640 The mind is indestructible. 22:30.640 --> 22:32.640 So is the Toymaker. 22:32.640 --> 22:34.640 What, you mean he can never be destroyed? 22:34.640 --> 22:36.640 But you defeated him. 22:36.640 --> 22:38.640 Yes, just at this moment. 22:38.640 --> 22:42.640 But there will be other meetings in an other time. 22:42.640 --> 22:44.640 Then your battle with him will never end. 22:44.640 --> 22:46.640 Yes, you're quite right, my dear. 22:46.640 --> 22:50.640 But anyway, let us cheer up. After all, we did win the game. 22:50.640 --> 22:52.640 Hey, let's celebrate with these. 22:52.640 --> 22:53.640 With what? 22:53.640 --> 22:54.640 Here, these. 22:54.640 --> 22:55.640 What are those? 22:55.640 --> 22:56.640 They're Cyril's sweets. 22:56.640 --> 22:58.640 He gave them to me just before the race game. 22:58.640 --> 22:59.640 Oh, throw them away, Dodo. 22:59.640 --> 23:02.640 I only told you to take them so that we wouldn't waste any more time. 23:02.640 --> 23:03.640 Oh, all right. 23:03.640 --> 23:06.640 Ah, this is really interesting. 23:06.640 --> 23:09.640 The last present from the Toymaker. 23:09.640 --> 23:11.640 I wonder. 23:11.640 --> 23:13.640 Oh! 23:13.640 --> 23:42.640 Doctor, what's wrong? 23:43.640 --> 23:49.640 The End