You just where do you think you're going? Out. Out? Yes, I thought I'd get some fresh air. Somebody opened the door. But nobody said you could go out. But I have to then. Well of course they did. Dodo, you don't know what you might have found out here. No gravity, poisoned atmosphere, all sorts of things. Look, stop prancing around over there. What happens if you get lost? I catch a bus back. A bus? What are you talking about? I mean just where do you think you are? Ah, bet you thought you caught me, didn't you? Bet you thought I didn't know. Well I do. You do? Of course I do. What, this place? I mean, you recognise it? With all these strange animals and flowers and things? Well you can't have been here before. Yes I have. It's just outside London. I came here once with the school. It's called Whipsnade. Just outside London? Wait a minute. I mean, it can't be. Yes it is. I'll bet if you go down that path there, you'll come to the American Bison and the T-bar. Look, we don't even know that we're on Earth. Earth? Earth? Well it couldn't be anywhere else now, could it? Hey look, Stephen, that proves it. That's a chameleon. For this? Mm-hmm. And here's a monitor. Look, that's a locust. There, what did I tell you? Look, how do you know all this? I learnt it at school. There's nothing you can tell me about nature, study, nothing. Oh no! Having second thoughts? No. Just don't remember Whipsnade being so rowdy, that's all. Improbable as it may seem, dear boy, I think the child, Dorothea... Dodo. Oh yes, of course, my dear. Dodo is right. What do you mean? It is Earth? Well, I can't tell you just yet. All I can say is that it's more likely to be Earth than anywhere else, but it's very strange indeed. You know, I've been taking a look at my instruments in there, and it's really very strange. Hmm. Chisna, you've been found guilty of extreme carelessness in carrying out your duties. By leaving open a Y-valve in the heat exchange unit, you could have caused an explosion that would have been fatal, not only to the human race, but also to our friends the Monoids. As your commander, galactic law gives me wide powers in such cases. The safety of our people must be preserved at all costs. In these grave circumstances, the lightest sentence I can pass is one of miniaturization. Prepare the minifier. The sentence will be carried out immediately. The prisoner will be retained at microcell size to be reconstituted in approximately 700 years' time, when he can no longer be a danger to us. Does the prosecution accept this sentence? We do. Has the defense anything further to say on the prisoner's behalf? Father, anyone can make mistakes. He's not likely to do it again. My child, we are the guardians of the human race. You know our responsibilities cannot be taken lightly. Under galactic law, the only alternative punishment would be expulsion. Sir, the prisoner accepts the verdict and thanks you for your clemency in not imposing a harsher sentence. Very well. Proceed. Goodbye. My learned friend wishes to thank you, sir, on behalf of the Monoids, for the care you take of us all. Look, Doctor! Hey, look at him then. Well, it's just as I said, it's all very, very strange. That is an Indian elephant. Yes, I know. What difference does that make? That's what I'm trying to find out, dear boy. Flowers from America, birds from Africa, a snake from Brazil, and now an elephant from India. Exactly, my dear. It's a jungle incorporating things from all over the world. Yes, you're quite right, my boy. Yes, and on top of everything else, it's a jungle without a sky. Hey, look at that then. No sky. No sun, no clouds, merely a metal roof radiating some kind of light. It's extraordinary. Yes, and plus something else. What's that? The earth, this ground we're standing on, it appears to be trembling. Is it more elephants coming? An earthquake building up? No, it's too regular for that, no. It's more of a mechanical vibration. Yes, look at it. In what circumstances do you get all these things together? I mean, animals and vegetable life from different continents. With a metal roof and all this shaking. There's only one thing that strikes me. This could be some kind of indoor nature park. Oh, but on this scale... Yes, yes, improbable, dear boy, but possible. Definitely possible. But are we on earth or... Oh, bless you, my dear. Oh, thanks. You have a handkerchief, I hope? Of course I have. Well, then use it, my child. We must do something about that coal of yours. That reminds me, why are you dressed in these stupid clothes? Have you been fruiting about in my wardrobe? Is that what it is, what you think you're playing at, crusades? I'm not playing at anything. Is it all right to wear them? But do I have to ask permission for that as well? Yes, you do, my dear. Now, you take care of them. You never know when we might use them. Now, I suggest we take a last look round and we'll get you up to bed. Oh, you're not going to send me home, are you? Home? Oh, what an idea. I couldn't send you home, even if I wanted to. Oh, that's all right, then. I think I'm beginning to enjoy this space travel, or whatever it is. Commander? Yes, Thurndolt. Strange report from the jungle. The Monoids acquaint us of intruders. Intruders? But how can that be? How could they have entered it? I've no idea. I'll try and trace them. But surely it's impossible for anyone to be in the jungle that we don't know about. Where would they have come from? I don't know. Perhaps when we see them. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't, yes. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I can't. Here they are. They look like human beings, but they can't be. We accounted for everything. Shall we not arrest them and bring them here and question them? Father, look, it seems to be their spaceship. It is an unusual design. Are we sure this has nothing to do with the Monaids? Quite sure. It was they who reported it. Good. Then you're right, they must be questioned. But sent us. Not arrested. Invited. Dr. Stephen, get a look at these bad pictures. My dear child, if you're going to be with us for any length of time, you'll have to do something about that English of yours. What's wrong with it? It's terrible, child. Oh, it's most irritating. Oh, look at that, now. Isn't that extraordinary? Well, very interesting. Looks like a zebra with two heads. Yes, well, that could be the imagination of the artist. Perhaps. And perhaps not. What then? Yes, we've already established this place as illogical. Why shouldn't there be animals with two heads? No reason at all. Except the more we see of it, the less like Earth it becomes. What's that? Do you think somebody's seen us? There's a quick way to find out. Yes. You were right. It is an alarm. They've found the targets. I can't say I like them. What's that? They're coming this way, searching for us. There's a kind of cave there. Go on, you go ahead. Yes, yes. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. Go on, you go ahead. Yes, yes. What do they look like, YEVAN? Terrifying. If this is Earth, it's no longer inhabited by human beings. Right, the child! Come on. What are they? They sound creepy. Don't worry, child, they quite sleep with us. Kevin suppose that they've got two... Here we are. Yes, here we are. Don't worry, child. He'll quite sleep with us. Don't worry, child. He'll quite sleep with us. Clare, sir, remind me never to take you out again when you've got a cold. Al, let's try and get back to the TARDIS and take care. This might be dangerous. Be quiet! What's the matter? Are you crying? No, my nose is running. Just do as he says, child. This may be very difficult. Doctor! Yes, of course. Yes, I know where I am now. Yes, indeed. Is this some sort of city, factory? No, no, dear boy. All this is a spaceship. A spaceship? Yes, exactly. Hey, Doctor, if this is a spaceship, what are they? You travelled in that black box? Yes. How are you able to make your spaceship enter ours? It isn't just a spaceship. It can travel anywhere in time or space. And why have you chosen to come here? We didn't. It has a mind of its own. I don't understand. Experiments to pass through the fourth dimension were undertaken in the 27th segment of time. They were unsuccessful. How could anything so cruel... Look, I told you before. The Doctor is the one who will tell you what you want to know. May I ask a question also? No. Why aren't we all friends here? Look, is this really a spaceship? This city and all that surrounds it? Yes, indeed. Here we are. It's the biggest we've ever seen. Who are you? And these creatures that serve you? Like you, we come from the Earth. The origin of the Monoids is obscure. They came to Earth many years ago, apparently from their own planet which was dying. They offered us their invaluable services for being allowed to come on this joy, voyage. And where are you going? To Refuses 2. The Earth also is dying. We have left it for the last time. The last time? Yes. In a short time it will burn and be swallowed in the pull of the sun. And we must have journeyed forward millions of years. You yourself, I take it, are human. Why, yes, of course. Like you doubted me. It could be Refusians sent here to intercept us, to sabotage our mission. Refusians? From the planet you're heading for? Explain. We only know of them as intelligences that inhabit that planet. They might have a way of assuming human bodies. Of using them to pass, to mingle amongst us. Oh, rubbish, rubbish. With all our imperfections, I can assure you, sir, if you were to cut my skin, I would bleed the same as you would. That's right. There, you see, complete with chills. Chills? A virus fever which used to be quite common to the human being. And cured so long ago we've forgotten what it was like. Fascinating. It's like history coming to life. Tell me, Doctor, if you cannot direct your spacecraft, your journeys must take you to some strange places. What were you telling him? I wish to know more of the Traveller spacecraft. You do not trust the Traveller? I know nothing of them. Your father trusts them. And he knows no more than you. He simply has faith. So have I, in my own eyes and ears. And machines tell fewer lies than men. Including the Daleks? Nero, the Trojan Wars, the Daleks. But all that happened in the first segment of time. A segment? To use your phrase, sir, what segment are we in now? The 57th. Good gracious. We must have jumped at least 10 million years. When do you expect your journey to end? Not for a long time. Neither I nor my daughter, Melium, nor Xel'Tas, will ever see the planet. That pleasure is reserved for our children's children, many years hence. How long from now? Using your measurement of time, 700 years. 700 years? But why travel that far? Surely... Only the Fuses has the same conditions that we have on Earth. Atmosphere, water, the right temperature. Has anyone ever been there? No. Our knowledge is based purely on audio space research. No wonder you had to bring everything. At least two of each, I suppose. Like the Ark. The Ark? Yeah, Noah's Ark. You know, two by two. But, Lord! I'm afraid I don't know. But we do have the Earth's full population, human and animal. But where, sir? I can only see but a few people. We are the guardians. The rest have been reduced to microcells, sides. They are stored in trays and will re-emerge normally when we land. Each cabinet contains a million people. Oh, yes. There are many things aboard our ship which would interest a traveller. Millium, why don't you show the young people the statue? Would you like to see it? It depends, wouldn't it? Yes, of course we would. Come on. This way. Well, I'm sure that you would be more interested in the technicalities of our control desk. Oh, yes, indeed. Then I'll leave you with our chief controller, Magnac. He will explain everything. Thank you. Tell me, that noise we heard just now, was that a flight adjustment? No, sir. A refueling force. Here it is. Homo sapiens. Started on Earth, due to be completed just before the landing on Rufusus. 700 years to sculpt one statue. Yes, we're constructing it by hand using the ancient methods. It's for our children and our children's children, so that they can watch it grow gradually as time goes by. It can't be made of. You can't scratch it, can you? Dodo. We'll have to watch her. She'll have that old thing down. It's a substance called gregarion rock. It'll last forever. Here's the finished design. Hey, that's gear. What's that all about, Carrier? Commander, there's a strange disease. A fever is spreading among the monoids. I can hardly hear you, Xanthos. It's so hot. What's happened to the temperature? Commander. Commander, too. He has the strange fever. The fever brought by the strangers. What is it? What's wrong? Stay away from them, Melium. And from your father. What is it? I don't know. I'm not sure. But Xanthos is right. Stay away. Don't touch him. We may be able to help. It's nothing to worry about. His temperature's a bit high, that's all. It's just a fever. It can only be a cold. Do you realize what this means, dear boy? What's all the fuss about? The man's got Dodo's cold, that's all. All, all. These people, this generation, have never experienced the common cold. For the simple reason it was wiped out many generations ago, before they were born. They have no resistance to it. I don't quite know. I don't know. But it might be fatal. We shall be to blame. Yes, it's all our fault, and I should have foreseen it. Did you hear that? Did I not try and warn the commander? I told you these people were evil. Well, it wasn't my fault. How was I supposed to know? The sick monoid. He's dead. Seize them! All of you, listen! The success of all we stand for, everything aboard this spaceship is suddenly endangered by the strange fever. A fever brought by these strangers in our midst. I invoke the special galactic law against them. Hold them, take them into custody, and later they will be made to suffer for the crime that they have committed. Listen to us! Take them away! What about my father? He may well die. But then again, so might all of us. In which case, it was pointless leaving. To be continued...