WEBVTT 00:30.000 --> 00:37.000 Here we are. Safety down. 00:45.520 --> 00:48.200 What's that movement, Doctor? Surely you can feel it. 00:48.200 --> 00:53.200 Doctor, what's happening? Take off again, Doctor. 00:53.200 --> 01:00.200 Oh, no! 01:23.200 --> 01:30.200 You're awake at last, young man. 01:33.800 --> 01:39.840 No need to say it like that, Doctor. I thought the whole idea of us coming here 01:39.840 --> 01:43.080 was that we should all have a nice rest. My dear boy, there's a great deal of difference 01:43.080 --> 01:46.080 between resting and being sort of bone idle. 01:46.080 --> 01:53.080 Well, have a grape. No, thank you. I've had my breakfast. 01:53.080 --> 02:00.080 Where are Barbara and Vicky? Have they gone down to the village? 02:00.080 --> 02:04.200 Don't you think that plant's had enough water, Doctor? 02:04.200 --> 02:07.200 The answer, dear boy, is pipes. Pipes? 02:07.200 --> 02:10.000 Pipes, Cheterton. Pipes. Oh. 02:10.000 --> 02:16.440 You see, the Romans, unfortunately, didn't know how to transport water satisfactorily. 02:16.440 --> 02:20.480 That's why they built their aqueducts. Now, if they'd experimented with pipes... 02:20.480 --> 02:25.080 Oh, I see what you're getting at. Good, good. Yes, yes, they have. 02:25.080 --> 02:28.480 Beg your pardon? Oh, my dear young man, why do you let your 02:28.480 --> 02:32.280 mind wander so? You asked me just now if Barbara and Vicky 02:32.280 --> 02:36.280 had gone down to the village. I gave you a plain and simple answer. 02:36.280 --> 02:52.080 Yes, they have. Get on with it. 02:52.080 --> 02:56.080 Come on, Barbara. Oh, Vicky, there's no need to be in such a 02:56.080 --> 02:59.080 hurry. The village isn't going to run away. 02:59.080 --> 03:02.080 Oh, it's so hot. It's just that I want to get there before 03:02.080 --> 03:06.080 the market closes. All right, we'll get there. 03:06.080 --> 03:10.080 But not so fast. Oh, come on. 03:10.080 --> 03:14.080 Honestly, you're getting as bad as Ian. Oh? 03:14.080 --> 03:18.080 What's that supposed to mean? Well, the way you spoke, I thought we were 03:18.080 --> 03:23.080 going to have adventures and see things. We've been here nearly a month and all 03:23.080 --> 03:27.080 everyone wants to do is sit around and laugh. Vicky. 03:27.080 --> 03:31.080 Look, the adventures come without us looking for them. 03:31.080 --> 03:34.080 And you're finding out what it was like to live in Roman times? 03:34.080 --> 03:38.080 Oh, yes, in one little village miles away from Rome. 03:38.080 --> 03:48.080 How much longer do you think the doctor will be staying here, Barbara? 03:48.080 --> 03:51.080 Oh, I've no idea. You can never tell with the doctor. 03:51.080 --> 03:56.080 We'll just have to wait and see. What are you going to buy at the market? 03:56.080 --> 04:08.080 I don't know. 04:26.080 --> 04:31.080 This is too small a place, Sevceria. Can't see us finding what we want here. 04:31.080 --> 04:35.080 It's our last chance before Rome. Why? We pass through much bigger towns. 04:35.080 --> 04:39.080 Yes, and with legal representation. If we raid them, the repercussions would 04:39.080 --> 04:41.080 put us out of business. Then let's go back. 04:41.080 --> 04:46.080 Idiots. The slaves we've already bought from Gaul are in no condition to further 04:46.080 --> 04:50.080 travel. And the quality is such we shall have to take far below the market price 04:50.080 --> 05:01.080 as it is. 05:01.080 --> 05:08.080 The two women. Yes, very suitable, I agree. I doubt even the possibility. 05:08.080 --> 05:21.080 It would do no harm to make inquiries, Didius. 05:21.080 --> 05:24.080 This would make a nice dress, don't you think so, Barbara? 05:24.080 --> 05:28.080 Are you any good at dressmaking? No, but I thought you might be. 05:28.080 --> 05:32.080 Oh, I see. Well, what sort of style would you like? 05:32.080 --> 05:36.080 I don't know. What were the fashions like when you left London? 05:36.080 --> 05:39.080 London? Never heard of it. But you told me that that's where you came from. 05:39.080 --> 05:44.080 Ah, you mean Londinium. When in Rome... Can I help you? 05:44.080 --> 05:48.080 Yes, how much is this, please? Well, now, what would you consider to be a 05:48.080 --> 05:52.080 fair price? Bearing in mind it's the only length of its kind and the finest quality 05:52.080 --> 05:55.080 available. Yes, I know, but how much are you asking? 05:55.080 --> 05:59.080 It's very difficult to put a price on something like this. Very hard to combine. 05:59.080 --> 06:03.080 Yes, I'm sure it is. We'll think about it and come back later. 06:03.080 --> 06:06.080 Hey, one moment, please. Barbara, please, can't we buy it? 06:06.080 --> 06:11.080 You should have learnt by now that the price is much fairer when you're not so eager to buy. 06:11.080 --> 06:16.080 Can we go back and buy it now? No, not just yet. 06:18.080 --> 06:22.080 Good day to you. Fine selection. I'm finer this side of Rome. 06:22.080 --> 06:27.080 No, thank you. My friend and I are not interested in buying cloth today. 06:27.080 --> 06:32.080 We are buying information. The two who were just here, do you know them? 06:32.080 --> 06:36.080 I saw it, not their name. But they do live here? 06:36.080 --> 06:42.080 Yes. They moved into a villa just north of the town about a month ago. 06:42.080 --> 06:46.080 The owner, Flavius Kiskard, is away, campaigning in Gaul. 06:46.080 --> 06:49.080 We reckon they're friends of his, looking after the house. 06:49.080 --> 06:55.080 How many of them are there? Four. There are two men with them. 06:55.080 --> 06:57.080 Young? 06:57.080 --> 07:02.080 One of them is. They sell the produce of the gardens to the townsfolk here. 07:02.080 --> 07:06.080 Very cheaply, too. They must be fools. But you've no idea where they come from? 07:06.080 --> 07:10.080 None. At least, not until today. 07:12.080 --> 07:17.080 One of the women mentioned a town. Londinium, I think she said. Do you know it? 07:17.080 --> 07:21.080 Thank you. You have been most helpful. 07:21.080 --> 07:27.080 The town they spoke of is in a place they call Britannia. They are Britons. Perfect. 08:21.080 --> 08:26.080 Oh. Well, Rufus, my dear, I don't know when I've enjoyed a meal more. What was it? 08:26.080 --> 08:30.080 Well, the main course was breast of peacock. Delicious. 08:30.080 --> 08:34.080 With an orange and juniper sauce. Oh, exquisite. 08:34.080 --> 08:38.080 Garnished with lark's tongues and baked pomegranates. 08:38.080 --> 08:41.080 Oh, fabulous, my dear. Absolutely fabulous. 08:41.080 --> 08:45.080 And the main course was a little bit of a meat dish. 08:45.080 --> 08:51.080 Garnished with lark's tongues and baked pomegranates. Oh, fabulous, my dear. Absolutely fabulous. 08:51.080 --> 08:54.080 What was it we had before? The sort of hors d'oeuvres, so to speak. 08:54.080 --> 08:59.080 That isn't its name. French isn't invented yet. Child. Barbera. What was it? 08:59.080 --> 09:03.080 Ant's eggs in hibiscus honey. Absolutely. 09:03.080 --> 09:09.080 What did you say? Ant's eggs, Doctor. Yes, that's what I thought she said. Ant's eggs. 09:09.080 --> 09:12.080 What do you think I am? A goldfish? 09:12.080 --> 09:16.080 Doctor, there's one thing I wanted to ask you. Well, go ahead, my boy. 09:16.080 --> 09:19.080 Now, what about the TARDIS? Well, what about it? 09:19.080 --> 09:23.080 Don't you think we ought to go and have a look at it? Oh, so you want to move on, do you? 09:23.080 --> 09:26.080 Move on? Certainly not. I'd like to stay here as long as possible. 09:26.080 --> 09:29.080 Good, that's settled. Settled, fine. 09:30.080 --> 09:36.080 All the same, Doctor, I know what Ian means. It's been three or four weeks since we left the TARDIS. 09:36.080 --> 09:38.080 Yes, there's not even the right way up. 09:38.080 --> 09:43.080 How many times do I have to tell you that the TARDIS is quite safe where it is and can take off from any angle? 09:43.080 --> 09:47.080 I've never known such a pair of worriers. Really. 09:47.080 --> 09:51.080 Good heavens, I can't wait to get away for a couple of days from you. 09:51.080 --> 09:54.080 You keep on and on and on and on. Gracious me, really. 09:59.080 --> 10:03.080 Going away? Do you know anything about this? No, not a thing. 10:03.080 --> 10:06.080 Vicky? No, he hasn't said anything to me. 10:06.080 --> 10:09.080 I can't say I blame him, though. Blame him for what? 10:09.080 --> 10:14.080 Well, it's all right living here, but it's boring. No wonder he gets irritable. 10:14.080 --> 10:17.080 That's got nothing to do with living here, believe me. 10:21.080 --> 10:23.080 Doctor? Are you there? 10:30.080 --> 10:33.080 Well, I think these should last me two or three days. 10:33.080 --> 10:36.080 You never told us you were going away. 10:36.080 --> 10:40.080 I don't know that I was under any obligation to report my movements to you, Chesterfield. 10:40.080 --> 10:43.080 Chesterton. Oh, Barbara's calling you. 10:45.080 --> 10:48.080 Where are you going, Doctor? To Rome, my child. 10:48.080 --> 10:51.080 Can I come with you? I won't be any trouble, I promise. Can I? 10:51.080 --> 10:54.080 Well, I... Please. Very well, then, very well. 10:55.080 --> 10:58.080 Well, perhaps we all better come with you to Rome. 10:58.080 --> 11:01.080 But, my dear chap, you just turned down my invitation. 11:01.080 --> 11:05.080 I did? Yes, you said how glad you would be to stay here as long as possible. 11:05.080 --> 11:08.080 Oh, no, Doctor. That was before we knew your plans. 11:08.080 --> 11:12.080 Don't you think it would be safer if Ian and I... What is this? What is this now? 11:12.080 --> 11:17.080 I know what you're insinuating. Yes, that I'm not capable of taking care of myself, eh? 11:17.080 --> 11:21.080 Ha! Safer, indeed. Afraid to let me out of your sight, are you? 11:21.080 --> 11:24.080 Want to be my nursemaid? Well, now, let me tell you something. I won't stand for it. 11:24.080 --> 11:26.080 Indeed, I will not stand for it. 11:26.080 --> 11:30.080 You want a good room? Go. Go yourselves. 11:30.080 --> 11:33.080 Doctor, if you feel that... Yes, of course, my dear, come along. 11:33.080 --> 11:36.080 Let's set about our packing, shall we? Come on, then. 11:36.080 --> 11:40.080 Of course, you know, this is going to be your first exploration. 11:40.080 --> 11:43.080 You know, I think you'll like Rome. Rome's fascinating, most interesting. 11:43.080 --> 11:46.080 I remember once when I was there, and I told you... 11:46.080 --> 11:48.080 Well, I certainly said the wrong thing. 11:48.080 --> 11:52.080 Oh, don't worry, Barbara. Anything you said would have been wrong. 11:52.080 --> 11:56.080 I suppose we're lucky, really, to have kept him inactive as long as we have. 11:56.080 --> 12:01.080 True, true. Still, he can say what he likes. He's enjoyed this rest as much as any of us. 12:06.080 --> 12:08.080 What's the matter? Am I slip-showing? 12:08.080 --> 12:12.080 No. I was just thinking what a splendid-looking Roman you make. 12:12.080 --> 12:14.080 Oh! 12:14.080 --> 12:19.080 Well, yes. If I wasn't so modest, I'd agree with you. 12:20.080 --> 12:23.080 It's a pity there's just one thing out of place. 12:23.080 --> 12:26.080 Oh? Where? 12:26.080 --> 12:28.080 That hair. 12:28.080 --> 12:30.080 It just doesn't go with those clothes. 12:30.080 --> 12:32.080 Oh, yes, I know that, but I... 12:32.080 --> 12:33.080 Come and sit down. 12:33.080 --> 12:34.080 Eh? 12:34.080 --> 12:36.080 Come and sit down. 12:38.080 --> 12:40.080 Now, just a minute, Barbara. 12:40.080 --> 12:42.080 It won't hurt. I've got it in the market specially. 12:42.080 --> 12:43.080 Yes, but which market? 12:43.080 --> 12:46.080 Oh, don't be such a baby. Come here. 12:46.080 --> 12:53.080 Oh! 12:54.080 --> 12:56.080 How long do you think the doctor will be away? 12:56.080 --> 12:58.080 No idea. Why? 12:58.080 --> 13:01.080 Well, the owner of this house could come back before he does. 13:01.080 --> 13:03.080 It hurts, you know. 13:03.080 --> 13:04.080 Sorry. 13:04.080 --> 13:08.080 Well, if he does come back, we can always go back to the Tardis. 13:08.080 --> 13:11.080 There. How's that? 13:11.080 --> 13:12.080 Feels awful. 13:12.080 --> 13:16.080 Oh, why don't you go and look in the spring? 13:29.080 --> 13:32.080 Hey! Hey, that's not too bad. 13:32.080 --> 13:34.080 Oh, it's all part of the service. 13:34.080 --> 13:36.080 I take in washing, too. 13:36.080 --> 13:38.080 Ha, ha, ha. 13:38.080 --> 13:40.080 Not bad at all. 13:40.080 --> 13:42.080 Ahem. 13:42.080 --> 13:50.080 Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. 13:50.080 --> 13:55.080 I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. 13:55.080 --> 13:58.080 Oh, boy, that was a mistake. 13:59.080 --> 14:01.080 I finished feeding them, Sefchire. 14:01.080 --> 14:13.080 Good. They need all the fattening they can get. 14:13.080 --> 14:15.080 Not many in the consignment, is there? 14:15.080 --> 14:17.080 They're a poor-looking bunch. 14:17.080 --> 14:29.080 Ah, well, if we're to get the four from the villa, we'd better get moving, did you see? 14:29.080 --> 14:31.080 As soon as we get back, we'll break camp. 14:31.080 --> 14:33.080 We should be away from here tonight. 14:33.080 --> 14:36.080 Before any local inquiries arise, is that the idea? 14:36.080 --> 14:39.080 Ha, ha. We'll make a slave trade off you yet, did you see? 14:39.080 --> 14:42.080 Come on. Let's get them. 14:47.080 --> 14:51.080 You know, Ian, I could get used to this sort of life. 14:51.080 --> 14:59.080 Hmm. I already am. 15:03.080 --> 15:05.080 What about another drink? 15:05.080 --> 15:08.080 Yes, I'd love one. 15:09.080 --> 15:12.080 Thank you. 15:12.080 --> 15:15.080 Ah! 15:20.080 --> 15:22.080 No ice, I'm afraid. 15:22.080 --> 15:23.080 There's some in the fridge. 15:23.080 --> 15:26.080 Ah. 15:31.080 --> 15:35.080 Very funny. Very funny. 15:35.080 --> 15:38.080 You bet. 15:38.080 --> 15:40.080 Ha, ha. 15:40.080 --> 15:42.080 Well, here's to the first fridge. 15:42.080 --> 15:45.080 Cheers. 15:47.080 --> 15:50.080 Ah. 15:50.080 --> 15:55.080 Oh, tempura. Oh, mores. 16:01.080 --> 16:03.080 You hear something, Barbara? 16:03.080 --> 16:08.080 No. Like what? 16:14.080 --> 16:16.080 There's someone out there. 16:16.080 --> 16:17.080 No. 16:17.080 --> 16:19.080 You must be imagining things. 16:19.080 --> 16:21.080 No, no, I'm not. 16:21.080 --> 16:24.080 Who's there? 16:24.080 --> 16:26.080 What do you want? 16:26.080 --> 16:29.080 Who are you? 16:29.080 --> 16:30.080 Ian? 16:30.080 --> 16:31.080 Where are the others? 16:31.080 --> 16:33.080 They're not here. They've gone away. 16:33.080 --> 16:36.080 No, no, we can explain. If you put up your swords... 16:36.080 --> 16:39.080 You hear that, Didius? They can explain. 16:39.080 --> 16:43.080 Ha, ha, ha. Run, Barbara! 16:45.080 --> 16:50.080 Oh! Ian! Ian! 16:51.080 --> 16:53.080 Ah! 16:53.080 --> 16:55.080 Let's get them back to the camp. 16:55.080 --> 17:01.080 Ian, wake up! Help! 17:03.080 --> 17:05.080 Well, what have we here? 17:05.080 --> 17:07.080 Just another dreary old statue. 17:07.080 --> 17:11.080 No, it might be somebody famous, my child. 17:11.080 --> 17:14.080 What's this? 17:14.080 --> 17:18.080 Wait there, dear. 17:20.080 --> 17:22.080 Oh, the poor man. 17:22.080 --> 17:23.080 Yes, he's dead. 17:23.080 --> 17:26.080 And it doesn't look a natural death to me. 17:26.080 --> 17:29.080 It's an only stretch of road. Maybe he was set upon by robbers. 17:29.080 --> 17:31.080 They did have them in this time, didn't they? 17:31.080 --> 17:34.080 They did, my dear, yes, but that isn't the answer here. 17:34.080 --> 17:36.080 He'd left his belongings, too. 17:36.080 --> 17:38.080 Maybe they didn't have time. 17:38.080 --> 17:42.080 Oh, they had plenty of time to drag him off the road. 17:42.080 --> 17:45.080 Doctor, I've seen him before. 17:45.080 --> 17:48.080 He was playing in the square when Barbara and I went to the market. 17:48.080 --> 17:51.080 Yes, but there's nothing we can do for him now, my dear. 17:51.080 --> 17:53.080 Oh, nothing at all. 17:53.080 --> 17:57.080 Stay here. 17:58.080 --> 18:01.080 Good evening. Are you looking for somebody? Something? 18:01.080 --> 18:02.080 Why, yes, I am. 18:02.080 --> 18:05.080 Tell me, do you always wave that sword about like that? 18:05.080 --> 18:06.080 What do you mean? 18:06.080 --> 18:10.080 You can easily kill someone. Swords are dangerous, you know. 18:10.080 --> 18:12.080 Yes, thank you, that's better. 18:12.080 --> 18:16.080 Now, tell me, whom or what were you looking for? 18:16.080 --> 18:17.080 Is that your liar? 18:17.080 --> 18:18.080 Why, have you lost fun? 18:18.080 --> 18:20.080 No, no, only if it is yours. 18:20.080 --> 18:21.080 And what if it is? 18:21.080 --> 18:24.080 Why, it's you I'm looking for. 18:24.080 --> 18:27.080 Oh. Oh, I see, yes. 18:27.080 --> 18:30.080 You must be Maximus Petallion from Corinth, 18:30.080 --> 18:33.080 whose skill as a musician is talked of even in Rome. 18:33.080 --> 18:35.080 Really? It's most interesting. 18:35.080 --> 18:37.080 We expected you in Assyrium yesterday. 18:37.080 --> 18:41.080 When you failed to arrive, I sent my men out to search for you. 18:41.080 --> 18:45.080 I counted my good fortune that I personally found you unharmed. 18:45.080 --> 18:49.080 I am the man you're looking for? Tell me, why should I be harmed? 18:49.080 --> 18:52.080 All roads to Rome are dangerous for travellers. 18:52.080 --> 18:55.080 When you sent word that you intended to make your way on foot, 18:55.080 --> 18:59.080 playing your liar for the people, it caused great concern at court. 18:59.080 --> 19:00.080 At court? 19:00.080 --> 19:02.080 Caesar Nero's court. 19:02.080 --> 19:06.080 The emperor of all Rome is very concerned for your safe arrival. 19:06.080 --> 19:09.080 He looks forward to discussing your music with you. 19:09.080 --> 19:11.080 The emperor? Nero, eh? 19:11.080 --> 19:16.080 Ah, yes, of course, I have heard that he plucks a string or two. 19:16.080 --> 19:19.080 Oh, the child, she travels with me. 19:19.080 --> 19:22.080 She keeps her eye on all the liars. 19:22.080 --> 19:25.080 Then if you're ready, we'll journey to Assyrium, 19:25.080 --> 19:27.080 and then my men will escort you the rest of the way. 19:27.080 --> 19:30.080 Very well, we'll just attend to our... 19:30.080 --> 19:32.080 We'd better meet her. 19:32.080 --> 19:34.080 Doctor, I know he's mistaken you for that... 19:34.080 --> 19:36.080 Yes, of course, I must be very important. 19:36.080 --> 19:39.080 Yes, I know he's mistaken you for that man, but we can't go with him. 19:39.080 --> 19:43.080 But why not my child? I'm sure he knows more about this business than we admit. 19:43.080 --> 19:46.080 We shall never get a better chance at meeting Nero. 19:46.080 --> 19:48.080 But, Doctor, you don't even know your own name. 19:48.080 --> 19:50.080 Oh, of course I do, my dear. 19:50.080 --> 19:54.080 Maximus Petullian, if you're ready. 19:54.080 --> 19:57.080 Oh, yes, yes, quite, quite, my child. 19:57.080 --> 19:59.080 Yes. 20:05.080 --> 20:07.080 What a stroke of luck, finding your train here. 20:07.080 --> 20:09.080 It'll save me a trip into Rome. 20:09.080 --> 20:11.080 Always assuming we can reach a satisfactory agreement. 20:11.080 --> 20:14.080 I'll give you a fair price. We need the replacements urgently. 20:14.080 --> 20:16.080 Three, you said? 20:16.080 --> 20:18.080 Yes. 20:18.080 --> 20:20.080 How much for the British woman? 20:20.080 --> 20:22.080 More than you can afford, friend. 20:22.080 --> 20:24.080 The woman goes with us to Rome. 20:24.080 --> 20:26.080 You can follow and bid if you like. 20:28.080 --> 20:30.080 No harm in asking, I say. 20:32.080 --> 20:34.080 All right, three men. 20:34.080 --> 20:41.080 700 each. 20:52.080 --> 20:54.080 Oh, God. 20:54.080 --> 20:56.080 I have to try something else. 20:56.080 --> 20:58.080 Yes. 20:59.080 --> 21:01.080 They say we're going to move tonight, Barbara. 21:01.080 --> 21:03.080 We'll escape then. 21:03.080 --> 21:05.080 Will we? 21:05.080 --> 21:08.080 Barbara, I know it looks bad, but... 21:08.080 --> 21:10.080 Bad? 21:10.080 --> 21:13.080 Have you any idea how the Romans treated their slaves? 21:13.080 --> 21:15.080 Or how many of them escaped? 21:17.080 --> 21:19.080 Besides, time is against us. 21:19.080 --> 21:21.080 Doctor. 21:21.080 --> 21:23.080 I haven't been able to think about anything else. 21:23.080 --> 21:25.080 When he and Vicky get back from Rome... 21:25.080 --> 21:27.080 Well, they'll wait for us. 21:27.080 --> 21:29.080 They must wait for us. 21:29.080 --> 21:31.080 Oh, yes, they'll wait for us. 21:31.080 --> 21:33.080 But for how long? 21:33.080 --> 21:35.080 Barbara, Barbara. 21:43.080 --> 21:45.080 A thousand a-dix, and I have the choice. 21:45.080 --> 21:47.080 Thank you. You've done yourself a good night's work. 21:47.080 --> 21:49.080 You're robbing me and you know it. 21:49.080 --> 22:05.080 Come on, let's inspect the goods. 22:05.080 --> 22:08.080 You have these two. 22:08.080 --> 22:10.080 And that one. Did you? 22:13.080 --> 22:15.080 Don't forget. 22:15.080 --> 22:17.080 You can bid for the woman in Rome if you like. 22:17.080 --> 22:19.080 Rome? I'll look for her. 22:19.080 --> 22:21.080 Rome. We shan't be going anywhere. Rome. 22:21.080 --> 22:23.080 Come on then, march! 22:23.080 --> 22:25.080 Ian. 22:25.080 --> 22:27.080 Ian! 22:27.080 --> 22:29.080 Ian! 22:43.080 --> 22:45.080 You fool! 22:45.080 --> 22:47.080 You're not aware where the body should have been, and there he was alive. 22:47.080 --> 22:51.080 Nero pays well when better musicians than he are put out of the way. 22:51.080 --> 22:53.080 And you failed, you fool! 22:53.080 --> 22:55.080 But you're lucky this time. 22:55.080 --> 22:59.080 I brought him back here so you have another chance to earn your fee. 22:59.080 --> 23:01.080 Take it. 23:01.080 --> 23:03.080 Maximus Petalion is in the room above. 23:03.080 --> 23:23.080 Fail me again and you'll lose more than your tongue. 23:23.080 --> 23:35.080 I'm sure even Nero can play better than that.