277 COL. ROCKWELL ct And now I shall leave Hyderabad richer not only by having known you personally and through the beauti- ful medium of your poetry, but also through the illumi- nating philosophical utterances of your intriguing prose volume." » MRS. ROSENTHAL " Many, very many, find at once a responding echo in my brain, voice thoughts that have remained unshap- ed in my mind. Again thank you very much indeed and most genuinely. Your book is one I shall keep by me to read and re-read, and pick up to study and re-study." SIR ARTHUR LOTHIAN " I will turn with relief to your contemplative studies as a mental release from the tiresome labours of my working hours.......... Like you I regard most objects of ambition as illusion and the attainment of mental harmony as the only thing worthwhile. I too am deeply interested in religion, but not perhaps like you as the adherent of any faith. I would like to see all dogma disappear." B. C. McEwEN " Now that I have read " Morning Thoughts " I feel so deeply in your debt that mere * thanks ' seem quite inadequate. May I quote from your book :