274 SIB WILLIAM BARTON " One likes to get the glimpses of the philosophy of life of one's friends. It is a help and encouragement, and you have seen life in very many aspects and human nature at its best and its worst! " Again, " We both admire the calm philosophy with which you face life in these difficult days. It is not every one who can develop the inner calm, which is so strong a bulwark against hardships and suffering." Elegy on the Death of George V SIB REGINALD CLANCY " I have very interesting news for you. Your poem has been read by Her Majesty Queen Mary. Her Majesty was much touched and desired that an ex- pression of her appreciation of your charming tribute to His Late Majesty be conveyed to you. I am sure you will be gratified to know that your poem reached Her Majesty and was so favourably received. I only regret that it came too late for the press and the general public." Again, " Your verse has always a very special appeal to me, not on phonal grpuncls, at all, but on purely literary grounds. I am all for the old style and dignity in poetry. I can say no more than that I admire this last elegy with all my heart because it does no justice to one who went through the most terrible time of trial 18*