260 pre-eminence and power, missed his aim and fell; and (3) the selfish, low-minded, restless prowler and tale-bearer. These were a few pro- minent types known in Hyderabad in the early nineties of the last century. It would not be untrue to say that low intrigue was almost un- known in Hyderabad before the inferior type of alien came to find board and lodging here and began to multiply. " * * * " But though conditions have changed, there is still a possibility of adventurers seeking ad- vancement by improper means, such as flattering superiors ' to get into their good books.' ' I am your man, ' is still a good admission ticket. The changing conditions, let us hope, will prevent, or at least, not encourage intrigue of any type, old or new. As education of the right kind begins to cleanse the minds of the younger generation, furnishing them with purer and nobler ideals of conduct and inspiring self-respect, the nimble- witted adventurer will find it less and less easy to insert himself into office through the front or back door. But degrees ought not to be allow- ed to become travelling tickets ! " * * * "The energies of ambitious niinds have to be diverted from intrigue for self-advancement into newer and healthier channels of activity for pub- lic good. Eradicating the instinct of self-aggran- disement and nepotism, high moral standards are to be maintained.