255 And all began to do it and continue to do it, be- cause, they believe, it came from Europe, the Academy of Civilization ! But do they under- stand what Europe really was at its greatest height, what it is even now, and what it can show us in spite of its degeneracy ? We are beggars in soul if we only pick up what it casts aside. And if, sometimes, it seems to be adopt- ing what is mean, selfish or vicious, let us reflect that it is for its own purposes, with which we need have little to do." "Hyderabad, it seems, has made considerable progress in business during the past 25 years. Its cement-concrete roads are studded with shops which have crowded out dwelling-houses. Some may regard this as a welcome feature of progress, but it causes an apprehension of some irreparable loss in the minds of people who view life in other aspects as well. They are likely to feel that Hyderabad has lost the simple dignity of its former unpretentious life and some of the amenities of its easy social intercourse by becoming too business-like." " When I compare the scenes I now see, as I pass along the streets, with what I had seen some thirty years agq, my impression is that new covers have been put hastily upon old things ; and that men have put on clothes which do not