150 nature's gifts to the man of genius. However short the time for preparation, he was never found unprepared—another characteristic of greatness. As in outward aspect, so in mental poise he re- mained ever true to type—a great man. After his untimely death in February, 1883, there was an interregnum until the Nizam's installation and the appointment of Sir Salar Jung's son, Laik Ali Khan as Prime Minister. During that period Maharaja Nirandhar Pershad, the Peshkar, acted as Dewan. It was a period of uncertainty and the record of it lies in obscurity. I used to hear as a boy that the Maharaja received the State officials and went through Government work at night, and that people seemed to be dissatisfied with the way in which the State machinery was working in those days. The contrast with the perfect management of the great Salar Jung was too marked to remain un- noticed. Maharaja Nirandhar Pershad belonged to Raja Ghaixdu Lai's family and was the mater- nal grandfather of Maharaja Kishen Pershad, who became Peshkar after him, and subsequently Prime Minister in 1901. %**if£*W > -. The death of the great Minister, Sir Salar Jung in 1883, brought to a close that period of Hyder- abad history during which there had been a steady movement forward towards newer ideals. His well-balanced mind with its great foresight -and deliberate judgment and readiness to accept the conditions of beneficial progress foreshadowed by