WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:07.000 Neat, huh? It's the most advanced car on the road. All four wheels independently sprung. 00:12.120 --> 00:19.120 Torsion bar suspension, the greatest. The engine, air cooled, so you never have to worry 00:19.460 --> 00:26.460 about boiling over or freezing. And it's in the rear for better traction. Stick shift, 00:26.460 --> 00:33.460 naturally. Four forward gears, bucket seats, well, what else? You can have it made up with 00:34.660 --> 00:41.660 a custom body like this for, oh, five, six thousand dollars. Or you can have the same 00:41.660 --> 00:48.660 chassis with this slightly more familiar body for a lot less money. It's called a Volkswagen.