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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  March 1, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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it's everywhere. take a look. you're going to get a piece of writ no matter where you live. team coverage when your news starts i ♪ dangerously strong, a major storm ready to slam the area. heavy rains, winds so strong they could knock down trees. and the waves at the shore watch out.
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biggest problem, flooding. this storm could be a big one. >> now fox 29 news at 10:00. treacherous storm coming in hot, rain already pounding the streets in wilmington and that's not all. we're talking about a down right nasty mix of heavy rain, powerful winds and even snow. don't put away those skis just yet the poconos might get another dumping much thanks for joining us at 10:00. i'm iain page. this storm is massive non matter where you live, you are going to feel it. tonight our crews are where are from the shore where the surf is getting rough to the suburbs where neighborhoods already brace fog what's coming and our meteorologists are on top of it all. let's send outside to kathy orr. that rain is coming down, kathy. >> it certainly is. right on time as forecasted iain light rain this afternoon, but the rain heavy tonight into tomorrow morning and our storm system is taking shape. one storm the first storm that developed over the ohio valley. the secondary is the coastal storm we're all talking about.
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that is developing as we speak. and you can see two storms on ultimate doppler what's happening we have the cold air from the storm that's over new york and also heading toward pennsylvania but see that coastal low? that's the one that's going to take over and that one will be determining, you know hooks gets snow and who stays in the rain. so we do have flash flood watch in effect that flood watch will continue through tomorrow especially philadelphia north and east for at least one to twenty fours of snow. this is what we expect. tonight through tomorrow heavy rain and that changing to wet snow tomorrow morning. then the second part of the storm is tomorrow afternoon and evening with damaging winds. the third part of the storm of course are the coastal concerns. we are talking about flooding down the shore. that will linger through the high tied of saturday morning. for more on the timing of the rain and the change over to snow, let's send it inside to scott. this is one heck of a storm, scott. >> it really is, kathy. the downpours already occurring across pretty much the entire
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area. but we wanting to hour boy hour and talk about some of the heaviest of the rainfall. really right now through about 1:00, 2:00 a.m. we start to see showers tomorrow morning but the cold air from north to south will change the rain. look at this over to a wet snow across a good chunk of the area. we have the high wind warning through saturday morning power outages winds gusting up to 60 miles per hour. in particular we're watching out for problems down the shore. our team coverage continues tonight with chris o'connell live in ocean city. how are residents preparing? >> reporter: well, scott, we're just starting to see some of those rain and wind bands coming here down the shore, but judge buying your and kathy's forecast, this is going to be a much messier place come tomorrow night. take look up now at our ocean city boardwalk cam. you can see soaking rains now just starting to come into the
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area as cape may county and residents here prepare for a very wet weekend. it may not be a snowstorm but bite looks of the rush at the acme store in ocean city it sure feels like it. >> we're preparing for some flood water and got to get -- move the cars being prepared to sit in the house for day are two straight. >> with hurricane force winds forecasted the shore is hunkering down. sand bags stacked outside of homes and stores. >> the water comes up, covers the street and you definitely can't drive through it because that's it epidemic up ruining your car because it's salt wat water. >> garages are also boarded uptight and it's a race to move cars to hire ground. because once the flooding star starts, residents are literally stuck on an island. >> i always get nervous just because of the flooding. because you risk losing your vehicle, upping, not so much i don't worry about the house, but the cars.
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>> reporter: this is what it looked like during the januar january 2016 storm that flooded out many shore towns. similar high tides are forecasted tomorrow and saturd saturday. some kids, well, they have a different perspective. >> you guys actually want a storm? why? >> no school. >> reporter: that could be a possibility. cape may county shut down the townsend inlet bridge connecting avalon and sea isle a bridge notorious for storm surge and flooding. officials are warning residents to brace for a wet, windy weekend ahead. >> we're concerned about saturday morning high tide event for the jersey shore where we are in avalon it appears to be moderate coastal flooding and really the winds in this storm are going to be big deal into the latter part of friday and overnight into saturday morning. gusts up to 60 miles an hour. >> reporter: and those threats of high winds forced local utility companies to bring in power crew lines to help restore
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those power -- one any power lines go down throughout the next couple of days, and also, cape may county has activated its emergency management center most likely that will be open through the weekend. no doubt it's going to be a long weekend down here at the shore. iain? >> chris, thank you. well as you say march is definitely coming in like lion much this storm isn't just the shore the whole area will have to deal with some of it. our shawnette wilson is live tonight in croydon, bucks county, with what's happening there. shawnette. >> reporter: iain, the biggest concern around here is flooding, and neighbors tell me the army core of engineers has made changes to protect them from flooding but not every neighborhood here is flood pro proof. >> you live on the water you kind of get used to it. >> ben greer an adorable son little ben liveth on sixth avenue in croydon just off neshaminy creek writ flows into the delaware river. flooding used to be a big concern for him until two years ago. >> they changed the area.
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they built a berm over here and they changed the water line and so it has been a concern. >> he certainly knows the damage a deluge of rain like what is expected to night into tomorrow could do to his proper. >> it feels good now i don't have to worry about it. i don't worry about my car. i don't worry about my equipment in the garage or my crawlspace and things like that. not far away the weekend weather is nerve racking to mart at a rivera pumping water out of her crawlspace for about three week now sin the last heavy rain. >> always concerned about when it rains a lot. because the water does reach, you know, very high. >> reporter: jim her neighbor across the street has had problems, too. >> the water come all the way up the epidemic of my driveway over there. >> reporter: he and his family have lived here for decades so they're used to flooding but they're uneasy not knowing how bad could it get. >> problem we're so close to the river. the river is right down here, and, you know, the rain we've had lately, it might come up
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this weekend. if not, this weekend, the first part of next week. >> reporter: and beller bee says in his neighborhood they have a lot of trees so they're concerned about winds you've also talk about high winds with this system. he says the trees typically cause power outages when they come down. he has a generator, iain, it will be inconvenience but not the worst case scenario back to you. >> good news, shawnette, thank you when you wake up in the morning turn your tv on to fox 29. sue serio will be staying on top of the storm. mike masco sitting for bob with traffic. both will help you get to work safely. turf war tonight between philadelphia's police union and the city's new district attorn attorney. it's all over what wept down between the new da and some police cadets. fox 29's dave kinchen joins us live in center city tonight. dave? >> reporter: well, iain, the fop leaders issued a strongly worworded letter to police offis in the city essentially telling them not to listen to the da
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when it comes to him telling them how to use their weapons when their lives are in danger. >> like me going into a medical building and talking about diagnosing somebody with an illness. you don't do that. i mean, you know, i not a lawyer i don't go in and tell hem how to try a case. >> reporter: the president of fop lodge five not holding back ripping philadelphia da larry krasner after sources say krasner told a group of next generation philadelphia police officers not to shoot to kill when they can shoot someone in the arm during a violent end count. >> it's totally opposite of what they're taught. they're taught and trained to shot for center mass. this isn't wild wild west western. we clip them in the shoulder, bang them in the toe or hand. >> reporter: john mcnesby fired off this letter to fellow officer urging them to listen to proper training and not krasner when it comes to handling their guns much police sources say krasner spoke to cadets at the philadelphia police training center wednesday as part of a program sponsored by the
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guardian civic league. the remarks would rattle top brass. >> listen to the people who taught you over the last nine months go out and do your job and be safe and more importantly dope put your life in danger by listening to somebody that has no idea what they're talking about. >> reporter: fox 29 can confirm police commissioner richard ross has spoken with the district attorney about his visit to the training academy and what krasner said. ross did not want to say any more about that conversation. >> it's a hiccup. please don't do it again. report roar spokesperson for the da tells a different story on twitter calling mcnesby's letter an account quote wildly inaccurate, saying krasner told cadets about hypothetical case where the da would or would not charge officers based on the l law. spokesman ben waxman tweeted "he krasner did not instruct the cadets on their use of force. the purpose of the event was to assist young officers in avoiding problems during their careers. district attorney krasner stands boy the statements he made at that time ".
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>> the da spokesperson says they have video of the da making these comments. they say they invited the fop to come down and watch the video. they say the fop decline. back to you. >> all right, dave, thank you. the da's office following through on campaign vow to hold police accountable for their behavior. a philadelphia police officer caught on camera body slamming a handcuffed man charged with assault. the da' office says james yeager was arrested today last july he was seen on the video here picking up a guy and smashing his head into the side of a pool. the da calls the behavior quote unacceptable. yeager was fired in august of last year. developing right now, guilty. that's the verdict for allentown mayor ed pawlowski and his federal corruption trial. jurors found him guilty on 47 of 54 charges for allegations that he traded city cracks for campaign cash, pawlowski cried in the courtroom and his wife collapsed in a hallway. the charges include fraud, bribery, attempted he can
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torsion and lying to the fbi. pawlowski maintained his innocence. the verdict means he can't be mayor but he still has not resigned tonight he is out on bail. what were you doing at ten years old? well this kid was tracking down long lot of family members. now he's 16 and he's changing lives. look at that. crazy. it's a tower of water shooting out of the ground and it left neighbors without water for
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♪ showers hitting our area including here in allentown. something else we'll see wicked winds, a major concern. kathy and scott fine tuning that
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forecast. their full report just ahead. big water main break accept a geyser shooting into the air in wilmington today. leaving some there and businesses without water for hours. city officials say a delmarva gas subcontractor hit a 12-inch main around 10:00 this morning. that caused it to break. it took about eight hours but it is now fixed and customers have their water back. so you looking for long lot of relative. genealogists might help. upping a grizzled old timer sifting thew some dusty record books. or maybe not. fox 29's bruce gordon joins us in studio. bruce you just met an expert whose kind of breaking the mold. >> reporter: yeah iain his research can take him back hundreds of years but this south jersey research cher is barely old enough to drive? the pine trees that surround err rock super bowl bert's medford lakes home don't hold his interest nearly as much as the family trees he's so loves to research. >> how much of your time does this take up now? >> that's a good question. all of it i would say most of
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it. pretty much all of it. >> reporter: eric was a sickly ten-year-old lying around the house killing time when his mom lisa saw one of those an commercials on tv. >> how about you try that maybe to will use up some of your time. so i did. haven't stopped. i don't know if she regrets that now going down that rabbit hole. >> reporter: no regrets says lisa. >> he had a gift for it instantly. like you can just see. >> reporter: now at the ripe old age of 16, eric has par laid that hobby into a burr jenning business. es over the past year and a half he's helped more than 500 clients find long lot of relatives. >> it's really just knowing where to look. blowing to find things. knowing who to contact to get thing. and through the years i've really gotten it down science. >> reporter: eric used that science to track down the birth father of his grandmother on his da's side she'd been given up for adoption. eric got a hold of her birth certificate followed up with the
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right research. finally he found his late great grandfather james. >> it was crazy because it just consumed so much of my life for so many years trying to track this down and it was just so emotional. >> reporter: that find let eric to other lot of family members. his dad's uncle and cuss sense living in bucks county. >> never knew he had them. we're all facebook friends. >> reporter: you get together with them. >> we've gotten together. i'm sure we'll see them again. >> reporter: finding birth parents are his favorite cases. >> i think it's amazing. i think not many 16-year-olds could say they really can change someone's live in that as spec. >> reporter: sure beats slinger burgers for job. not all of eric's research is for paying customers. he visits senior centers to help residents connect with your loved ones free of charge. in fact he's going back to facility in marlton in a couple of weeks. he'll be driven there by his m mom. this crack research cher of things long ago doesn't yet have his driver's license. iain. >> great story, thanks bruce. check this out. quite a hall.
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seized by authorities in philadelphia by u.s. customs and border protections on tuesday. 54 watches confiscated they were part of a shipment from hong kong including armani, yoel lex some and on the high end watches but they weren't high end watches they were fakes. investigators say if they were real they would be worth more than $233,000. more fallout for a a pennsylvania state rep. republican leaders are calling on representative nick mick carell toll step down. this comes a day after news came about of two women accusing him of sexual assault. fox 29's jeff cole has more from ridley park. >> reporter: there was no response to a knock at the delaware county home of representative nick miccarelli. his office worker said they had in the scene hmm but just up the street, there's concern. >> i'm shocked, because he seemed like a complete gentlem gentleman, and he was strictly business. he did what was good for the township. >> reporter: fox 29 has
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confirmed through the lawyer of the representatives two accusers what the inquirer first report reported. that the women in a private complaint have accused of the veteran republican of sexual assault and domestic violence. miccarelli wednesday from his backyard argued he was and in. >> what's going on in harrisburg, what's happening back -- up there? >> this week there's a couple things going on but i just got married. >> reporter: tonight miccarelli's fellow house republicans are urging him to step down after an internal investigation. and the dauphin county district attorney confirms to fox 29 he's open to criminal probe. >> allegations of behavior that's not proper. can you tell me about it? >> jeff, all i can physical you i've done nothing wrong. >> reporter: a source close to the investigation tells fox 29 miccarelli must now enter the capital as the public does through a metal detector due to concerns he's carried a gun into the building. the attorney for the accuser says one of her clients who had a relationship with him claims the army veteran pointed a gun
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at her and threatened to crash his car while driving high speeds. the other says, he sexually assaulted her after they broke up. >> i'm at home on my personal prompt, jeff, if you, you know, i understand -- nick i've known you for a long time i'm here try to get your sized it. >> again,. >> i'm trying to do a fair job here. >> if you'd like to have a conversation, you know, sit down and do that at my office when i'm not, you know energy the back of my house doing yard work with my dogs. >> reporter: miccarelli says he's not seen the complaint that has been made against him. says he's not the person depicted in news reports and says he is running for re-elect. in delaware counsel, too i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. new developments to night a $20,000 reward being offered for information in a shooting that left a 23-year-old woman dead. police say they want to fine the person that fired those deadly shots on broad street last wednesday. tyesha timmons was driving with six family members including three kids when gunfire hit their van. police say it appears to be a
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case of mistaken identity. right now they are looking through surveillance video to try to find any clues in the case. delaware supreme court is overturned a teen's conviction in school bathroom attack that left her classmate dead. the 17-year-old girl had been convicted of criminal negligent homicide and was sentenced to six months in juvenile facility for the 2016 death of amy joyner francis the court now says it would be unjust to blame her for the 16-year-old's death an autopsy found that she died of an diagnosed heart defect aggravated by the stress of the fight. another teen convict asked now op probation for 18 months. ♪ operation booster club busted. a major ring and five counties raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars and you wound up with the bill. we got the same job, right. >> yes. >> i'm going out for a smoke break. you stay here and work, okay. >> i'll stay here and work for you when you get back. >> you do more work than i do, okay.
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>> yes, i will. >> hank's take coming u
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♪ i tell was this thing is really coming together. >> it certainly is. one of things we're watching is the secondary low. the coastal storm because how much snow we all get will be determined by how fast that cold air moves and changes this rain over to snow. iain we're watching it care if. we'll have update coming up. >> all right, guys, thanks. the battle between smokers and
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non smoker getting lit. people who don't smoke say they want time off because they don't take breaks to puff on cigarettes. so how much time does that add up to? our hank flynn breaks it down. you see why i can quit. listen. that first puff is magic isn't it. >> it gets you through. >> i used to smoke back in the day. take a break from work go outside and light up. you don't smoke you don't get to come. >> maybe it wasn't inn tendonned he this way you're doing more work than he is. >> is that fair? >> it's not. >> reporter: e cigarette halo cigs put out survey saying essentially that more than 40% of non smokers think they should get extra days off every year to compensate for the smoke breaks they didn't take. >> do non smokers have a right to complain about -- >> i think they do. >> you guys going out for smoke breaks. >> yeah. >> wilmington smokers understand the argument but say things aren't that simple. >> but a lot of times we have to clock out to go smoke.
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so the non smokers really shouldn't complain because we're already taking time off of our check. >> reporter: the study broke down the amount of time devoted to smoking in different industries. apparently tech and retail are highest but if workplace gives everyone a periodic break as some do how could you complain? >> no way. you're to the going to get no days off and stuff like that, man it's a 15 minute break. do you care what you want on your break. you're not still working. hey, all smokers 15 minute break it's 15 minute break time. >> reporter: one guy told mow if you want to break that bad start smoking again. people on twitter said absolutely more days off for non smokers and lower health insurance premiums, okay. a lot of smokers say they'd love for companies to fiscally incentivize quitting smoking. but what about if the smokers are really good worker? >> smoking in a problem if you do your job well because there are plenty of people that don't smoke that don't do nearly as much work. >> reporter: she's on to
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something. i've even known a couple of the lazy non smokers she's referring to. a lot of factors go into your workplace value. the quality of the job you do usually being first and for mo most. >> there it is. get real survey or not no company i know of at least in the us is going to give non smokers more paid days off for not smoking. feeling good and living longer are the reward for that. the rest will just have to live with. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ operation booster club shut down. a massive crime ring spanning five counties and you paid for it. ♪
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♪ torrential downpours across our area right now including rehoboth beach in delaware. how much rain you'll see and the impact from this storm coming up in your weather authority forecast in just a few minutes. strong winds heading our way prom ago warning to construction companies around the city of philadelphia. especially when it comes to
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those high rise buildings. l andism reminding managers to make sure your scaffolding, fencing and cranes are secure. major bust after a year long investigation. investigators say the crime ring that preyed on people addicted to heroin and opioids went through five counties and brought in big money. fox 29's dave schratwieser has the story from bristol. >> reporter: pawn shop own are in michael stein and his employees were tight lipped as they came to court in handcuffs thursday. charged in a wide sweeping conspiracy to resell merchandise stolen from big box stores and retailers across the region. authorities say the scheme netted $500,000. >> this is ultimately in a nutshell a case about greed. >> reporter: stein and four others were charged with participating in a corrupt organization after state and law investigators uncovered the multi county scheme in which s so-called boosters would steal new items still in their boxes
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from stores like home depot, walmart, target, cvs and giant. >> the boosters stole kitchen faucets, blenders and vac coupe cleaners. report roar the 27 boosters who were charged brought in 5,000 stolen items to pawn shops allegedly controlled by stein. they got paid a third of the value for the items. the stolen merchandise would then be taken to warehouse and offered for sale online. >> mr. stein is not accused of stealing property. he's not accused of directing anyone to steal property. it's really just he should have known that the items that were coming in stolen. >> reporter: state investigators say the so-called boosters were professional retail thieves who are opioid dependent. many times using the money to feed their habits. >> stein and his employees profited off the addiction of others. >> reporter: four months ago, fox 29 was there when the state attorney general's office raided pawn shops across the area
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including several in delaware county. they also seized items from this warehouse, more charges and arrests are expected. >> at the end of the day, who pays for all of this? the consumers in pennsylvania pay for it because the price of their products have gone up. >> reporter: the attorney general says schemes like this fuel opioid and heroin addiction statewide. he points out that 15 pennsylvanians od every day. 168 people died of overdoses in bucks county last year alone. that's a 43% increase. all of the defendants were released on bail. more charges and arrests are expected. in bucks county, dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. president trump says that more changes have to happen in the fight against opioid abuse. today summit at the white house was a follow-up to last october when the president declared the crisis a nationwide public health emergency. today he also said the ultimate penalty may be in order for drug dealers. president trump also said his
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administration will be rolling out a policy on opioids in the next few weeks. a local film maker challen challenging us to have those tough and sometimes uncomfortable conversations. he told our bill anderson that if it starts with a simple but difficult question, i'm not a racist. am i? we see these problems and think we can do nothing about it. >> reporter: andre is a teacher and film maker but he wants to make a difference. so while polls are indicating our country is more divided and people are pointing fingers and as signing blame, he's challenging all of us to do better by asking a simple question i'm not racist, am i? >> i was in one screening in the midwest and someone screamed out and called me the n word. so many of the students in the school came up after and said i'm so that happened. that kind of thing never happens here. you can no longer say that because that kind of thing just happened. so what are you going to do now and take some action to fix upon and improve the situation and problem. >> deep down i'm like, oh, i
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wish i was white. >> because we're black we're not going to make it in the world. >> reporter: i'm not racist, am i, followed students as they face their own biases and now she show it for students and community groups followed by a candid discussion. >> what parts of the film made you feel uncomfortable. >> it shows tense moments in hopes it make the audience feel open to honest self analysis. >> this gentleman said this is hard for me this conversation. because i feel like i'm standing in an ocean with a spoon you're telling me to change that ocean. i say you know what, that's true and what would happen if a million of us joined you on that shore and got our spoons outmanned that change? >> if you stand next to a person on train, give that body language. >> the movie played in cheltenham wednesday when i spoke to students who were there two things were immediately apparent. first, young people really want help in tackling these tough issues. >> it's such a touchy subject but like nothing is going to change until we like have more
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talk like this. >> it's very important to say what you feel. >> you learn to not to mess with the white people. >> are you saying that all white people are racist? >> and second, they really wish there was more diversity at least among their peers but i feel like it's more important for like the white students who don't really understand that white race is relevant. >> there are people in this school who, that's correct has possibly issue for it and they need to hear and need to be part of that conversation. >> you're hurting right now and that's how i feel, too. >> the movie does challenge beliefs and it may make us uncomfortable and andre is often asked, why? >> so i can sleep better at night. i want the world to be better place. >> islamic terrorist. >> black face. >> he hopes in that something yourself that simple question am i a racist will start that process for goodness sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ an investigation is now underway about a series of
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thefts from in and outside an la fitness in marlton evesham township. police say that since december there have been 11 thefts from lockers and eight vehicle burglaries outside that business on route 73. investigators say the burglars are looking for cash, credit cards, wallets and gym bags. police suggest you leave the valuable at home or in your car trunk and use your own lock on a gym locker. new tonight a robbery at a local university. rowan university report that is a man assaulted and robbed right on campus. this happened around 6:00. around rowan hall. investigators say the guy was assaulted by four men. one was wearing a red sweatshirt and had a red basketball. we're not sure if that victim was student or what was stolen. planning to travel this weekend? well, with this storm you may want to rethink that and several airlines say they're going to help you out. it started with an e-mail after 1:00 a.m. and it closed three south jersey school districts tonight police say it came from a child.
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♪ new tv, new speakers, netflix. this is going to be the place for binge watching, ladies. is it, ladies? don't get me wrong, you have killer tech mrs. d, but you still don't have fios. ok? fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, literally engineered for streaming. good advice. i've also got some ideas on a better cereal selection, which i will keep to myself. experience netflix on the 100% fiber-optic network made for streaming switch to fios and get a year of netflix on us with a two-year agreement.
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>> let's check on that storm for you now. as we take live look at berks county right now. this is reading and rain is
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coming down there as you can see kind of under the lights. we got heavy rain, winds, shore getting hard hit as well. we'll have more on this for you throughout the newscast. no doubt this storm is going to likely impact travel but several airlines are now already waving change fees. the flexible rebooking policy is good at airports across the mid atlantic and northeast areas anyone traveling friday and saturday with american, delta, jet blue or southwest can make one change without having to pay fee. you feeling sick? you need to see doctor? uber wants to help you get there. the company is teaming up with health care organizations to provide rides to and from medical appointments. the rides can be scheduled for patients through doctors offices and they can be booked for immediate pick up or up to 30 days in advance. more troubles for harvey weinstein. american express says his company did didn't pay its credit card bill. the balance more than a million dollars. the lawsuit says american express sent monthly billing statements but the company failed and refused to pay the
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balance. this is just in tonight. investor group backed by billionaire ron burke reached $500 million deal with the weinstein company that will spare it from bankruptcy. all right. take look at these guys. their talents locked and they wind up floating in the susquehanna river for hours until a mom and her daughter stepped in. >> kathy this storm is shaping up to be nasty. >> we have the rain then comes the wind and flooding concerns. we can't forget about the snow. that cold air coming in and some of us will be seeing some wet sloppy snow in the morning. we'll talk more about that
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♪ update now on the death of u.s. marshall in harrisburg. police now say 45-year-old christopher hill died when he was shot by a fellow officer and not from the gunman who opened fire on police in january. investigator it's mater the conclusion from new lab test results. police say the gunman kevin sturgess fire the first shot and police were justified in shooting him to death. it's back to class tomorrow for three new jersey school districts after they were shut down today because of threats and police say a ten-year-old boy is responsible. parents and students in the franklin township elk township
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and delsea regional school districdistricts woke up this mg to the news of an e-mail threatening a shooting. police say a teacher at caroline reuter high school got the e-mail from unknown center around 1:30 this morning. the teacher called police. tonight that boy has been charged with making terroristic threats and also causing false public alarm. a local event looking for way to help those affected by hurricane maria in puerto rico. six months later and the island is still working to try and recover from the devastating storm. power is not expected to be fully restored until may. the building process still a long road to go. our mike jerrick emceed the event tonight. >> oh, i'm having such a good time. it is a party at union trust. but the best thing about a party is if it's a party with purpose that's what this is tonight. you know with all the stuff going on in the country we forgotten about the needs of the people down in puerto rico.
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so that's what this fundraise is all about. they're salsa dancing there's food arc lot of great music but woman by the name of wanda morrow organized this because her dad died in maria about five months ago. the hurricane, of course, fema has cut back funds. the power outage today devastated san juan the capital of puerto rico. about 20% of the san juan is still without power. most of the power companies have left puerto rico. 20% of the citizens of which there are 4 million are still without power. we can't forget about the needs of puerto rico because we have about 150,000 people in the delaware valley who are directly related to puerto rico or puerto rican decent. so yeah, it was a good time.
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and by the way, i bid on an auction item for two tickets to a concert by j low. she heard about this event jennifer lopez, of course, and she donated two concert tickets. not the front row. in front of the front row. so this is going to go until after midnight. so tomorrow "good day philadelphia" should be interesting. but if you have a chance, get over here. iain, come on over. we'll salsa dance together. ♪ >> i got a little show to do, mike. good job. heavy rain already coming down tonight in wildwood, new jersey. the intense storm expected to hammer our beaches. kathy and scott have got the shore impacts op your forecast is must 15 seconds. of course, the rain will
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continue to come down heavy at times overnight tonight. you can see pockets the yellow and the orange moving along 476 the northeast extension. through philadelphia and into the early morning hours. this is the heaviest that we will be seeing and as the storm pulls away, that cold air will be moving in behind it. changing that rain over to snow in many locations. so as far as the storm is concerned for the rest to have night into tomorrow, about an inch to 2-inches of rain. during the early morning hours. the high wind warning goes into effect tomorrow northwest winds 25 to 35 miles an hour. gusting between 50 and 60 miles an hour and of course we have that change over to wet snow expected tomorrow through the morning and into the afternoon. as we go hour by hour, you can see in change over by 7:00 a.m. in the poconos the rain beginning to pull out but the cold air coming in hyped it. and this storm is going to linger. so we do think we'll see a few showers wet snowflakes even in philadelphia they've degrees at noon. 37 in trenton. 35 in doylestown. in allentown 34. by 5:00 p.m., some light snow
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showers possible with those strong northwesterly winds and then it moves out of here friday about 11:00 p.m. we're talking about cold winds whipping winds winds gusting to 50 to 60 miles an hour down the shore and then we talk about coastal concerns. that rain changing over to snow tomorrow. the poconos really seeing the mother load of this over 6-inches. chance of a slushy inch to the north and west of philadelphia and elsewhere just rain to wet snowflakes. so what about the rest of this storm. we're talking about those whipping winds and also the flooding for more on that let's send it over to scott. >> that's right, kathy. major flood concerns especially tomorrow evening and then again on saturday morning with the multiple high tides. but look at the pressure gradient. a tight pressure gradient and that will mean strong gusty winds. take a look at the hour by hour forecast as far as those gusty concerns. tomorrow morning winds gusting over 30 miles per hour but during the afternoon, watch
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things really ramp up. winds gusting over 50 miles per hour north and west. down the shore, approaching 60 miles per hour. tomorrow evening look at those gusts. millville, atlantic city, over 60 miles per hour winds and that will cause scattered to moderate power outages across the area. now is the time to secure lawn furniture, flower pots, of course, we're talking about the flood concern down the shore. we have the multiple high tide cycles but also we have the full moon. so take look. the high tides friday morning between 8:00 and 9am then again friday night from a to 9:00 p.m. then saturday morning high tide cycle that will be the most significant one. beach erosion, flooded roadways and, yes, kathy, it look like property damage. >> that's the really sad part of this, too. thank you so much. the shore is definitely going to bear the brunt of this and even the delaware beaches much this is rehoboth beach, delaware
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where temperatures are going to be mile but the flooding is going to be a huge concern. take look at your seven day forecast from the weather authority. rain and wind tomorrow. saturday clearing but still windy and that high tide will be a problem saturday morning down the shore. it stays breezy sunday but look at the forecast. monday, tuesday, dry. next chance of rain will be on wednesday. thursday parly sunny 49 degrees. so a major storm underway. this is just part one. we'll send it over to you. >> kathy, thank you very much. the flyers and 76ers streaking the sixers the wrong way. as they took on some guy named lebron over in cleveland and the flyers with six game win streak trying to kick the extra point and make it seven. but a former fire was their undoing tonight. who did what is next in sports.
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your nissan sports wrap on fox 29. flyers and 76ers are the tale of two teams. streaking in opposite directio directions. flyers hosting carolina tonight coming into the game with nhl best six game winning streak we start witness 76ers coming off back to back road losses in washington and miami. match up with the lebron and cavalier in cleveland. lebron had 30 points wasn't that big a factor. surprisingly joel embiid he was. 76ers were up three at the break. second half it got to double digits. cavaliers cut to one. ben simmons just named rookie of
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the month shows you why. he had 18 points right there. and to put it away, jj reddick the veteran he led the sixers with 22. sixers win, 108-97. flyers with that six game win streak ton night a chance to move back into first place in the metropolitan division tough game against carolina that came in with six game losing streak. flyers down two hoy zero make it three-zero. justin williams. carolina rolling. flyers get a spark early third period. here they come. travis with goal. three-one game in plenty of time, uh-huh. sebastian with the goal right there. williams with two goals and assist winning streak over at six. carolina wins four hoy one. >> we didn't have a lot of energy tonight. there's no -- there's no excuse for that. that's simply the fact. that's how the game was for us. got to take it for what it is. got to make sure we flip the page real quick here.
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going into a back to back down in florida. speaking of florida phillies this afternoon again the yankees gave up four homeruns one by miguel, wind was blowing yankees took advantage and beat the phillies today, six-four. college basketball the calendar says it's march 1st so right now anything can happen this month and that's what makes it great. including for say joe's hawks have won five of their last six. they beat number 17 road i lapped by 30 points tuesday night on the road. >> it was really a blessing to have off yesterday, and not to practice immediately afterwards because sometimes -- john chaney used to say you can smell yourself. they had a chance to do that by themselves, not as group. >> good thing you can't smell on television, right. >> we're all good. >> all right. how about this a pair of bald eagles rescued near bloomsburg two birds were stuck in the susquehanna river. a mom and her daughter saw them and called for help and after an
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hour in a warm building they were good to go. all is well that ends well. >> been good period for the eagles. [ laughter ] >> that's right. all good. thanks for watching. we'll see you back here at 11:00. kathy will tell you what's up with that storm. >> um-hmm. >> stick around. we're back right after this. ♪ hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you
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save energy and money. peco. the future is on.
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live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. dangerous storm heading into our area rain already pounding the streets in wilmington and that's not all. we're talking about a nasty mix of heavy rain, powerful winds that can make your morning drive a rough one. this storm is something you'll want to keep an eye on. good evening and thanks for joining us at 11:00 tonight i'm iain page this storm is massive. no matter where you live, you will feel it. tonight our crews are everywhere for from you the shore where the surf is getting rough to the suburbs where neighborhoods are already bracing for what's coming and our meteorologists are on top of it all. let's get out to kathy orr and kathy it is coming down out there. >> pouring rain iain this is classic setup for major east coast storm. typically we associate it with massive snow not the case this time. this is the primary low


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