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tv   Fox 29 Morning News at 5a  FOX  October 27, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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good morning. 5c o'clock on this monday morning. we're following your morning commute, septaes a largest union says they are ready to strike but it may not affect you, just yet. find out why. then a heroic rescue in atlantic city, two fisherman now being called heroes, how they saved a baby from the ocean water. and then a nurse calling her isolation inhumane after returning from new jersey from west africa but new jersey governor chris christie is defending her treatment, why he says everything that was
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done was necessary. >> nick fels for the win, it is caught but out of bounds. >> yeah. no replay, way out of bound. >> the the the eagles, down to the wire yesterday, it was, in that final moment that led to their loss. what went wrong, so many things. big daddy graham coming up to hash it out. >> i love big daddy. >> sue, i'm yelling at this darn screen. >> i lose my voice. >> is that what is going on. >> that and many other things. >> a little nip of bourbon didn't help either. >> that was just about a half an hour ago. >> i was a actually screaming at the previous arizona touchdown with a minute something left. so as we recover from that this morning make sure you wear a warm enough coat because in lancaster county there is, indeed a frost advisory in lancaster right
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new though it is 44 degrees which is chill bye you not frosty. 48 degrees in philadelphia at moment. thirty-eight in millville. the milder 52 in wildwood right now. it is chilly out there. it is late october, it is in fact the last week of october. so, it is supposed to be chilly. we have no precipitation to show you here and hardly a cloud in the sky in the satellite radar picture. recapping the weekend we had a chilly change between saturday and sunday. 67 degrees yesterday, after, 70 on at day which was just a glorious day. sixty-five is our high temperature today, sunny and seasonal and then tonight we're down to about 50 degrees. it will be 40's in the suburbs. is there your weather authority forecast, so we were anticipating, perhaps some big traffic problems but caitlin no septa strike. >> no septa strike. as steve keeley is reporting not yet. we are in the seeing any transit related issues this
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morning. still a couple accidents though 422 westbound approaching 29 in montgomery county an accident that is on the shoulder there. also, new jersey turnpike southbound past 168 we have another accident, also though on the shoulder. then finally 295 northbound approaching 561 a third accident that is also on the shoulder. >> chris? >> lets get to the breaking news out of new york city, new york post reporting a five-year old boy is in the hospital with possibly bowl a symptoms. post reports that the child just returned from west africa and was vomiting from a 103-degree fever. boy reportedly return with his family from g u.n. ea on saturday night. we will keep an eye on that. an investigation is underway in the deadly shooting in the west oak lane section. it happened after 9:00 o'clock last night on the 7,000 block of forest avenue. police say a 28 year-old man was leaving a friend's house when he was shot five times. no word on any suspects or a motive. meanwhile 5:03. septa workers are ready to
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walk if they don't reach a deal. >> the transportation largest union approved a strike yesterday but they are in the leaving the job, not just yet. fox 29's steve keeley is on top of this in center city to explain all of this for you, good morning. >> on times you have to move backward before you move forward. mass you mcconaughey would say get yourself a lincoln mlk. >> well done, steve. >> all right, steve thanks for that live report. >> month strike. >> you are just too much, you know that. >> he was really good, good impression. >> steve you are on live tv right now. >> that was the the tease. >> yeah, there is in strike that is why we're having fun
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in honor of jim carry, i love jim carry. >> hey steve. >> should we just take your live hit now and tell us what this is going on. >> i can dot live hit. >> no, we will come back. >> a little warm up for us. >> only on a monday. >> we're just not firing on all cylinders. >> did you hear about this though, this is phenomenal news here. two fisherman in atlantic city truly are heroes after they rescued an infant. sad story here with the mom evidently, throwing the baby into the ocean water. >> here's what happened, baby is fine we need to point that out but it happened yesterday afternoon at the end of the pacific avenue knew, right around 5:00 o'clock. twenty-three year-old patricia sureg was seen throwing this month-old baby in the water and then apparently she jumped in after the baby herself. they were nearby they plunge in the water, they pulled mom and baby to shore and one of them gave the baby cpr.
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>> take a look to the the side and she's walking because you can walk into the ocean. she holding the baby up. she walk. down the the line, the ocean, current is taking her. she's holding the baby until she looked over and one of my friend just thok off his clothes and jumped in and we got the baby out. he jumped in. then we pulled her out. >> so grateful that these guys were there and acted that way. the both mom and baby survived. sureg is charged with second degree aggravated assault. she's being held on hundred you this dollars bail. today marks the fifth anniversary of the brutal murder of a roane an university student and still the case remains unsolved. nineteen year-old rowan university sophomore donald ferrell the third gunned down in 2007. you might remember this case. gloucester county authorities continue to search for leads. he was fatally attack home coming weekend near the apartments, witnesses say four of five guys approached the student asking for directions
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to a party. he was then beaten and rob, ferrell died the next day and a hundred thousand dollars reward is still being offered for information leading to an arrest in this case. second victim had has died after a school shooting in washington state. fourteen year-old gia sore yan owe passed away. her family said it was a senseless tragedy. two other teens remain in the hospital in critical condition and third is showing signs of improvement although he is still in serious condition. grief stricken parents and students gathered for a community meeting last night to discuss that a tack. >> unaudible. >> the shooter has been identified as freshman jaylen fryberg, he died of a self inflict gunshot wound. 5:07. five fire fighters injured battling a massive fire in
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venice, california in los angeles area fire broke out at the extra space storage facility saturday night. officials say nearly 200 fire fighters battled these flames were four were treated for heat exhaustion and the causes under investigation. a promising young professional baseball player has died. cardinals outfielder oscar tarvarez was kill in the car crash in his home country of the dominican republic yesterday. the the 22-year old made his major league debut this year. he was considered the front choice player of the the future for the the st. louis cardinals. he just played in the playoffs. and his girlfriend i believe she's just 18 was in the car with him and died as well. >> so sad. >> san francisco of course is just one win away from their third world series title in five years. >> robin williamson zach on hand, as game five last night, they throw out the first pitch at the world series. actually saw robin williams at many giants game when i lived there. after that the story was all
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about giants pitcher madison baumgartner. he threw the first world series shut out in 11 years and giants five to nothing win over the kansas city royals. you can watch game six tomorrow night right here on fox 29. did you hear the national anthem before the game. >> yes, unfortunately for country star singing it, nerves might have gotten the best of him. >> what's so proudly we hail, we're so galantely streaming ♪ >> kind of heard the crowd there a little bit like wow, that is not how it goes, this is aaron lewis and he stumbled on during the the star spangled banner. in case you missed it instead of singing at the twilight last gleaming he sang instead we are so galantely streaming which is supposed to, happen a little bit later in the anthem. one of the things you just
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shouldn't do. >> mike jerrick no taking selfies, don't do national anthem and don't through out the first pitch good all no goes in mike jerrick's book. >> lets stay with sports. eagles had their chance bye could not do enough to pull out a win over the cardinals. >> birds took the lead in the third quarter when nick foles hit jeremy maclin on this long touchdown pass with under two minutes remaining, the eagles still led by three points. until a major mistake by the defense. carson palmer hits john brown on this long pass and gives air zone at lead. eagles had a chance to win the game with time running out but they could not score, arizona wins the the game, 24/20. what should we take away what lessons did we learn, how should we change things up. big daddy graham is coming here with a little bit more on that. >> a lot of listeners pointing the finger right there at head coach chip kelly. >> yes. >> septa workers are ready to
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walk if they don't reach a deal over their contract. >> transportation agency largest union approved a strike yesterday but they say they are not leaving their jobs just yet. >> fox 29 ease steve keeley is live to explain more what this means for your morning commute, hi steve. >> reporter: no strike and you can see the septa drivers are still on the job, and that means you're not going to not have your ride today or your rest of the week union leaders promise. here we are seven months after the latest five year contract expired that is the the same seven month point that septa drivers and mechanics suddenly went on strike back in 2009. the union leader plans to talk to the media and continue talks with septa tomorrow and those talks have gone no where since before the current deal expired in the spring. nobody is expecting anything but a strike eventually in this case but no strike yet and that is the headlines. is what worse forgetting the national anthem or thinking you have a 5:57 tease and it is 5:04 in the morning.
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>> that stinks. >> yes. >> i wish it was 5:57. >> all right, keeley. >> the at least we can laugh. >> we have done wheres. >> it is true. >> we all can sympathize. >> so, what are we anticipating for the day-to-day, lets take a look here's your planner for monday. off to a chilly start. in most of the temperatures in the low to mid 40's there is a frost advisory for lancaster county just in case it gets frosty out there, 60 degrees by lunchtime, we will see mostly sunny skies and a 65 is where we should end up, and sunset time is 6:05. these days will get shorter and shorter. here's your traffic with caitlin. >> construction to tell but this morning on 202, southbound, between the two and route 401, this construction has the right lane blocked, there. well, actually never mind, it
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was block, it has new cleared. see we're all a little slow this morning. we will all coming ba
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if you you junior just joining, the new york post is reporting that a, five-year old boy is in the hospital with possibly bowl a symptoms, the post reports that the child just returned from west africa and was vomiting, with a 103-degree fever. boy reportedly returned with his family from ginea saturday
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night. 5:15. prosecutors are demanding the death penalty for a captain who piloted a for that i sank in april and killed hundreds of people in south korea captain and other crew members are accused of abandoning ship after passengers reportedly told to stay in their cabin. prosecutors would like life sentences for three other crew members currently on trial, more than 300 people died when that ferry sank. a after more than a decade in the country it looks like u.s. troops may finally becoming home from afghanistan. u.s., nato troops are closing bases and leaving the country in the hand of afghan forces. british troops and marines handed over two large connecting bases to the afghan army yesterday. u.s. is looking for 10,000 troops in afghanistan but in supportive advisory capacities. combat operations are essentially over for u.s. anal is. more than 2,000 troops have been killed since the u.s. led war started. kidnapping this past spring, and still missing, i
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should say kidnaped. now relatives of 219 nigerian school girls held his stage bias lamb i can extremist group boca horam are hoping governmental negotiators can finally bring these girls home. more than 170 days ago nigerians started to campaign to get the government to rescue these girls. terrorist kidnaped students from the boarding school last spring you'll remember. the government of chad is working as a go between to try to broker the deal to free these girls. their families are not getting their hopes up just yet though. >> i have to think that we raise our hope and when the hope that has listen is dashed again is going to add to the already trauma that people are experiencing. >> now, believe it or not, the terrorist group has kidnaped another group of girls, they terrorized two villages grabbing 60 girls and young women just saturday. fighting between lebanese
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army and militants in the northern city of tripoli has intensified. tanks and hum vees has arrived on the edge of the neighborhood where these clashes have been heaviest. so far five troops and two civilians have been killed and many others injury. three years planning and training to sky dive from the edge of space, and it is over in less than five minutes? >> google executive allen houston took this daring plunge friday morning over southern new mexico. it took more than two hours for him to reach an altitude of more than 25 miles, in a balloon that he was, look at that, that is so cool. so he plunged back to earth, from this balloon, he broke the sound barrier and he set several sky diving records. arizona company plans to offer somebody the chance to break that record in late 2016. that is crazy. state and federal officials are decited over mandatory quarantine policy for health care workers
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returning from west africa. >> this is coming after that nurse got back from treating ebola patients from sierra leon called her isolation in a, new jersey hospital inhumane. but new jersey governor chris christie is defending his decision to make these quarantines mandatory. >> the fact of the matter is i don't believe when you are dealing with something as serious as this that we can count on a voluntary system. this is government's job, if anything else, the government's job is to protect the safety and health of our citizens. >> however, one of the country's top infectious disease experts say the restrictions are unnecessary, because people infect withe bowl air not contagious until they show symptoms. >> new york's governor has cleared filed his state's ebola regulations. andrew cuomo says health care workers can serve 21 day quarantine at home with twice daily monitoring by doctors. family members will be allowed to stay and friends may visit with the approval of the health care officials and the
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state will pay for any lost compensation, if they are not paid by a volunteer organization. for latest on the ebola situation just go to my fox and fine the story right there on the home page. tomorrow morning some bikers will be outside of our studio right here at fourth and market in olde city for a very good cause. >> indeed. delaware val a lines of bikers aim towards education will be outside our station from 7:00 to 0:00 collecting toys for local kids. >> if you'd like to help stop by our station at fourth and market here in olde city philadelphia, with an unwrapped new toy. no stuffed animals that is the only thing you cannot bring. your donations will benefit toys for tots. >> rumbling outside here, sue. >> of course we're all excited about halloween is finally almost here, it thinks friday, does this look spooky? it is our early call on the trick or treat forecast, wow, scary. it should be pretty nice. it won't abe night where you necessarily to have put a
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parka on, biggest bummer in the world when you are a little will kid. temperatures in the 50's for trick or treating. unsunset time on friday is 6:00 o'clock on the the dot. it will be clear and on the chilly side, that is early call on trick or treating. now lets see where we are right now. no trick. 44 degrees in lancaster. forty-eight in philadelphia 47 in allentown right now, and as we look at dover delaware, 52 degrees. i'm sorry, wildwood 52. dover 45. 38 degrees in millville, new jersey. not too much wind out there, 9 miles an hour out of the west, in philadelphia. it is just going to be a marvelous monday. but check out what is happening up in quebec, canada it is snowing up there. just a little bit. i'm just saying. seasons changing. now we will jump ahead to the future cast and that is wednesday, dry today and tomorrow, wednesday, late in the morning, we will have a cold front coming through, and that is after a tuesday when we will get in the 70's and
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that will change things dramatically so lets check that out in the seven day forecast, it is quite a ride. we will go from 66 today to 74 tomorrow and then we're in the upper 60's on wednesday when we will get those showers in the morning with the cold front so that does cool us down for thursday, and for friday. halloween day. it is a dry day. that is in most important part of the forecast. hate when it rains on halloween. so then look at saturday, a high temperature that doesn't make it out of the 40's, and then the time changes over the weekend so we will fall back but at least caitlin we will get an extra hour of sleep. >> all that matters in my book. >> yes. >> halloween graphic come with music by the way. >> we need to add some by the way. >> very spooky, yes. thank you sue. in montgomery county that is where we will start off here bethlehem pike just came in at park drive we have an subsequent there no other details except it may cause delays on your commute. if you are in the montgomeryville area, bethlehem pike at park drive an accident there, kerry. >> report caitlin, thanks.
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5:22. so a imagine waking up to the sound of emergency warning in your town. it happened in texas but it wasn't an actual emergency what happened and the scramble that followed afterward when big city r - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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keeping an eyes on this weeks federal reserve policy meeting where we are set to learn if the u.s. central bank is ending its bond buying program.
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stock market opens up on a high after the dow jones rose nearly 128-point, friday to close at 16,800 on friday, s and p500 added nearly 14 points landing at 1964. nasdaq up yet again it rose 31 points just under 4500. in italy four banks failing the european central bank's stress test due to capital short falls. bcb officials say test had been tougher than earlier reviews which gave a pass to the banks that later needed bail out. they argue it ensures banks some of which reluctant to offer credit because they were nursing bad investments will be ready to lend when the european economy finally picks up. false emergency warning appearing on televisionness three major cities. >> channel change there. >> okay. >> the alert happened on tv's in austin, atlanta and detroit saying regularly scheduled
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programming was being note ruperted at the request of the white house. officials say there was no emergency, one customer who saw that alert recorded it. >> some morning show, nothing ever came on, in notice, and first time i have ever seen it by request of the white house. it is something i would really consider good that is crazy. federal officials say that they are continuing to investigate and a nationally syndicated radio show might have inappropriately played that emergency message. so, file this under bizarre or in the sobriety a guy extently confess toes a robbery how he came right out and told police without intending to. then, you can still take septa this morning as you head out the door for your commute, that is good news but its largest union says they are ready to strike so what happens if they do. we will look at that in the live rep
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high schoolers in northern liberties, told to stay home, after a court order, their charter school to stop classes, why parent are furious over the way they found out. >> okay sabina. and then a sex tape scandal in the philadelphia middle school, what police say two teenage boys did that has them face ago lot of serious charges this morning. the eagles follow the cardinals and it all came down to the final seconds, what
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went wrong, big daddy grammys joining us in just a couple minutes to talk about the ups and downs and, of course, what is next. >> um-hmm, great catch by jeremy maclin there he is becoming one of the best receivers in all of football. we will tell but the bright spot. good day, it is monday, october 27th, 2014. >> indeed it is. >> it is 5:31. >> yes. >> what did i say. >> you said october. >> well, that is how we say it. >> october 27th. >> that is how they say it out in the suburbs, october. >> here's your number ten for today, it is excellent. >> stop it. >> we're off to a chilly start this morning. we have plenty of sunshine, in store for today. forty-four in lancaster. we have a frost advisory. forty-eight in philadelphia i will just keep going. most of the our temperatures are in the 40's.
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wildwood is, 52 degrees. the not bad for an october morning. it is a clear sky, which is why we got kind of chilly overnight, and so for the rest of the day, we are probably going to be closer to this temperature then saturday's temperature, yesterday we got up to 67 degrees, so it looks excellent for today, 65 degrees, mostly sunny and, seasonal today, so we're right where we should be caitlin for this time in october. >> yes. >> chris one of these suburbs do they say october, in what country. >> the suburbs of sweden. >> yes. >> chris was in sweden before he came here, that is right. an accident we have been talking about on the shoulder of 422 westbound approaching 29 earlier it has now cleared. we are good to go 422 westbound in montgomery county.
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new jersey turnpike southbound just past 168, we have an accident there, it is on the shoulder so you can get by squeezing by but nothing any backups yet as a result of. that next up on 295 north bound a approaching 561 an accident on the shoulder there. finally in montgomery county busy in morning already, bethlehem pike at park drive we are still following an accident in that spot, chris. >> i will get all of you back later. we have to get to this breaking news out of new york city, new york post is reporting a five-year old boy is in the hospital with possible, ebola symptoms. post reports that the child just returned from west africa and vomiting with a 103-degree fever. boy reportedly returned with his family from ginea saturday night. more problems, for families in philadelphia's overcrowded walter palmer charter school. >> thinks of course after hundreds of students have been cold not to report to class. fox 29's sabina kuriakose live in northern liberties with the the details, parents are left scrambling, this is the 11th
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hour. >> such a mess. they have just found out, through robo calls last night that the entire high school class is told to stay home not to come to school. apparently the school received a court order to revert back to a k through eight school, staff right now frantically trying to move the high schoolers to other schools, we got numerous calls yesterday from parents trying to figure out what exactly is going on after they got that call, telling him not to send their kids to school today. now earlier this month walter palmer was forced to unenroll half of the students after running out of money. that was done by lottery, all last minute, no time for parents to plan and now, of course, this is happening. we did speak with doctor palmer, via phone and he does not have the specifics and working to get them tonight. parents say there will be a meeting at 6:00 to try to figure out what is going on, chris and kerry. >> sabina, thank you. police in the poconos
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say they are examining blood found on a property in barrett township to see if it belongs to this guy accused cop killer eric frein. home owner found blood near a chicken coupe and on a nearby walking trail over the weekend. frein is accused of opening fire in the state police barracks killing a trooper and seriously wounding another. he has alluded police for more than six weeks. this truly is a shocker, two, 13 years old boys, they are 13, are accused of forcing an 11 year-old girl to make a sex tape near a philadelphia middle school. >> even worse than that police say these juvenile suspects black mailed the victim in the act. the police say they forced this girl to make a sex tape behind the school property earlier this month. they say it wases a form of black male. with the boys reportedly telling her they would post another video if he didn't perform a sex act on them. schools principal contacted investigators after seeing video on the internet and parents are shock by
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revelation. >> two kids, one little kid to have sex was totally disgusting. >> at this point i'm not even surprised there is so much going on in the street with our kid. >> the 13 years old boy are facing charges of rape, indecent assault and unlawful restraint. police are also looking for another 13 year-old boy in connection. smiles for a little boy gone far too soon how daddies remembering eli waller in a very special way. then one little boy learns the hard way fur daddies an nfl player he better be your favorite player, watch the prank that dad pulls on his toddler before we go to break at chris fox 29 you say october, however you want.
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the city took in three abe a half million-dollar in fines, and that is just from the past year from cameras, philadelphia was first city in pennsylvania, to try them, that was back in 2005. this revenue will reportedly be use to pay new equipment to help traffic lights be time. that would be nice. rest of the funding would be for projects aimed at reducing pedestrian accidents.
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speaking of transit, septa's largest workers union is placing the region on notice saying they are ready for a strike. >> 1500 members of the transport local union 234 left a south philadelphia hall last night after voting unanimously for a strike if they are unable to reach a deal. union says, there will be no work stoppage, at least through this week following another round of talks with both sides and union representing nearly 5,000 bus drivers, subway and trolley operators say they have been working on a expired contract now since march. all right. it is 5:40. we're a little bit early but what the the heck, sue, we're rebels. >> it may not be the one yet but we have your forecast anyway. it is chilly out there, this morning in lancaster we have a frost advisory in effect. we're in the seeing temperatures as support it but still a warning to have make sure you have a warm enough coat on this morning.
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thing is later this afternoon not so much. 65 degrees is the high temperature today and plenty of sunshine in between. our sunset time is 6:05, and each day gets a minute shorter, so that by friday halloween our sunset time officially will be 6:00 o'clock, shorter days and spooky nights ahead, your halloween forecast is coming up soon. >> kate wait, thanks very much. upper pittsgrove on the roads, we will dodge bullet with no septa strike but still plenty of accidents this morning. back to upper pittsgrove harding highway at buck road, in that area an accident in which a vehicle ran in the traffic signal. so probably going to cause a few delays we will keep you updated on than that, chris. eagles game comes down to the wire sunday afternoon but one final moment led to their loss, big daddy graham joining us next to break it
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all right. 5:44 this morning. the eagles could not do enough to pull out a win from arizona so the question we usually ask as we ponder, what do we take away from the game. >> big daddy graham is here from wip radio. i have been listening. you are smiling. how are you smiling. >> i was only smiling because i have never been known to pontificate, but i will do my best. >> okay. >> there is no smiling, kerry and chris. >> this one they should have had.
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they are on the 1 inch line, give the ball to the running back, let him go through and win the game. >> i'm putting this one on kelly more than anyone else. there is a lot of people to blame here. will we so the brown tv, i was told to follow your lead. >> let's start with the non-call here. >> you mean where chip kelly doesn't throw the challenge. >> there is that. >> because if chip kelly throws that challenge, okay, a at the very, very, first of all that is a touchdown. >> it is a touchdown. >> that is a touchdown, however, if kelly throws challenge flag there the referees can go we didn't signal touchdown but we can give him the first. all he had to do was throw the flag, it is completely next excusable. chip kelly necessary about football then i know under my,
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whatever. but, throw the flag you would have got the first down, game over. game over. throw the flag. first of all, i'm with you chris, i thought it was a touchdown, but without a doubt it was a first down. without a doubt. >> why wouldn't he. >> i don't know. you know what is so bizarre is people one day called chip kelly an offensive genius, next day they will question basic call as a head coach. >> why if you are a coach do you want to signal to the world that within thing we will not do is quarterback sneak even though our quarterback is 6-foot six and we only need an inch to get a first down, maybe four more inch toes get a touchdown but no, let's advertised to the world one thing we are in the doggies quarterback sneaking. it makes no sense. after the game he got asked about it what does he say we
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tried it last year begins dallas. oh, okay, we're never going to see it again. i have lost my voice, suppose to be a professional but it was just such a game, and then boom, that touchdown, to brown, are you kidding me. >> let me ask you this then and maybe this will be easier for to you speak about. nick foles. >> i'm sorry, we will get to foles in a minute. how did defense let brown go. >> you got me. i will make a prediction thaw just saw the last time nate allen will be on the field for the eagles. i actually think it will happen. he actually somehow last year didn't play all that bad. this year he has been horrendous again. i don't know what he bit at, there is in reason to bite at anything, all you have to does make sure that this one thing doesn't happen. >> my god. >> so is my hair a joke. >> you have had a bit have the
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the late night but we will forgive you nick foles are you still on the foles train. >> oh, boy, look the at chris, look the at chris. >> kerry asked that. >> chris told me to can that. >> i'm no longer as cocky about it but i will say this, i will ask chris this one question does chris want mark sanchez to start next week. >> i don't know, i don't know any more about any of this. >> there is in question. >> how about this, give me a yes or no. >> i don't want sanchez to start. >> no, i'm not on the the train as much as i was, and i would have to be an i had why the to be. he keeps throwing dumb inceptions. i still think he can turn it around. touchdown he threw to maclin and it is a shame maclin with the career game, what a great game from maclin. foles i'm not off the train, i'm just not on it as much.
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i'm in the caboose. i'm in the caboose. >> what are you doing this coming weekend. >> are you asking me out on a date good maybe. >> your hair. >> not that there is anything wrong with that. >> no, it is november 8th, what a great show, joe conklin, me, two funny philly guys, rob ellis mcing, saturday night november 8th media theater, get to big daddy to get ticket. hopefully by then we will have a win to talk about because, that was as bad as it gets. crazy things always happen out there in arizona. >> thank you buddy big daddy graham. >> i love having him on the show. >> great guy. >> i can be included in the conversation about football. >> let's keep talking football here.
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>> daddy asked who your favorite football player is. the answer was not what he was expecting. >> who is your favorite place. >> a aj green. >> good luck. >> ay green and as his favorite players. that is it. get out of the house kiddo. that is great. >> cute kid. >> very cute. >> so talk about bad luck. >> oh, just dumb. robbers call to 911. that lands him behind bars, in new mexico. so police think the guy pocket dials the emergency service. dispatcher just stayed on the line, overheard him then bragging about a home invasion. police say that the man had broken in to a home last month and he had spoke in great detail about what went down during that call, all of it recorded by 911.
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police tracked the guy down and his two accomplices very smart man good 5:51. hi, sue. >> chilly start. could it be called, california weather where you end up in the late 60's by even of the the day but really chilly in the morning. >> yeah. >> we have a frost advisory in effect for lancaster county, just wanted you to be aware of that and things are not too frosty this morning. wait until you see roller coaster ride right here in the seven day forecast. mid 60's today to delightful to 74 degrees tomorrow. back in the 70's and then some showers with the cold front on wednesday, and by thursday and friday, we're cooler, 60 degrees on thursday. fifty-nine for halloween on
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friday but look at saturday a blast of cold air a really cold morning with temperatures in the 30's and then we will be frosty and 48-degree high temperature during the day. we will get to sleep an extra hour hopefully saturday night as we fall back with the time change over the weekend. caitlin, that is a lot to keep track of. >> but think of the extra hour of sleep hopefully making up for it. an accident update, because we have had a few so far this morning. just before 6:00 a.m. we were talking about an accident on 295 northbound approaching 561, it has new cleared, kerry. >> caitlin, thanks. 5:52. party in the skies, yep, this is on a airplane and it is, welshing it is not way up in the sky yet but it will being, how this all came together and
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so, someone found cream on the ipod and playing it almost every monday. >> we had i feel free, to you know who is in cream. >> jim baker and eric clapton. >> i did know eric clapton. >> 5:55. jim carry returned to saturday night live this weekend as a host, his third time as host. >> thinks the best. one of the funniest sketches was a parity of matthew mcconaughey's lincoln car commercials, lets take a look.
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>> i believe it is a man's duty to correct the mistake that nature made, extinguish man kind. >> dad, are you okay, i'm super good, budd. >> you're going 5 miles an hour. >> not bad. whose kids are these. >> this is hysterical. >> snl reunited car which his most memorable characters from ace ventura to cable guy and there was a special cameo right here, by his dumb and dumber co-star jeff daniels. that sequel is coming out. >> that is right good did you see commercials, it looks really funny. >> first one was great. >> twenty years later. >> virgin airlines got a new plane and what better way is to have a giant party in the sky. >> take a look at this, so, this, right here, 35,000 feet
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a have above the ground, the entire event was live screened including a live performance and, of course, all to celebrate virgin's new 787 plane? yes, september go on strike, that is big question. latest talks say it is ready, if negotiations don't get their way. steve keeley is following this live, hi steve. >> reporter: september stand for southeastern pennsylvania transportation authority, but you might think around philadelphia it stand for strike
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they thought they were safe but some students from the local charter school are being told not to come to class today the reason even though they won a lottery to keep attending their school. >> you will be able to get around in septa today and for now, transit system's largest union says they are ready to strike, however, backup plan in place in case that happens. and a nurse just back from west africa forced in to quarantine she's calling her isolation inhumane but new jersey's governor says it is necessary to protect the the public. what he claims is in the reliable in the fight against ebola. nick foles for the win, it is caught but out of bounds. >> it came down to the final