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tv   Fox 29 News at 6PM  FOX  July 11, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. >> right now at 6:00 hollywood mystery playing out here in philadelphia. how did the club owner who was dating a glee star wind up dead in an old city hotel room? i'm lucy noland. >> i'm iain page. thanks for joining us. new details just coming in as detectives continue to work this case. fox 29's dave schratwieser staying on top of the story. he's live at the hotel monaco in old city tonight. dave? >> reporter: iain, philadelphia police now say they have a search warrant for surveillance video credit card
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records and cell phone tons for la nightclub owner matt bendick trying to stab where he was and who he was with in the hours before his death. tonight they still don't know the cause of death. >> nothing suspicious at this point n no foul play at this point. >> reporter: that's the latest from philadelphia police on the sudden death of 31 year old matt bendick the boyfriend of glee star becca tobin following this death thursday afternoon. >> it could be a medical zig. it could be some other situation involved but that's all part of the investigation. >> reporter: police say someone from housekeeping at the hotel entered the la nightclub owner's room just afternoon and found bendick tobin was not present at the time. >> he was in the bed. its not responding. at that pointless can you was called. >> reporter: self attempts were made to revive him but they were unsuccessful. his body was taken to the mel examiner's office in university city for an autopsy. >> central detectives are investigating it as a sudden
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death which we do with all sudden death situations or incidents. at this point we have to wait on the medical examiner's report to return. >> reporter: ben deck ran nightclubs across the country including the dba nightclub and popular av nightclub in los angeles. he was reported in philadelphia scouting out possible new business ventures. detectives are tracking his whereabouts in the hours before his death. >> where he was located, any people that may have been with him. those type of things. in terms what may have led to his death. >> sources say no drugs, alcohol or drug paraphernalia were found in his room. >> they have to backtrack and just kind of see his whole pattern in terms of leading up to that moment that he was discover. >> reporter: now, an autopsy today proved inclusive. there were no signs of trauma and the mel examiner's office will have to conduct more tests before they can decide the cause and manner of death here. iain? >> all right, dave, thank you. skyfox over the scene of a three alarm fire in delaware county. this started just after three on the 400 block of croydon road in
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upper darby. it's under control now, but as you can see the damage is done. two homes destroyed. two others seriously damaged. the red cross is providing assistance. there are no injuries as of now. some firefighters had to be pulled back, though, because of the high temperatures. >> heading to our weather thor looking ahead to our weekend temperatures. a live look at the poconos much this is the third largest lake in pennsylvania. a fabulous get away spot especially for spending time in the great outdoors. how is the weekend shaping up? chief meteorologist scott williams has the answer. >> that lake is probably going to be packed tomorrow and much of the weekend because we're looking at beautiful conditions. pretty nice right now. it's warm but not that humid. 89 degrees. humidity look at this, 31%. those winds out of the east right now at 6 miles per hour. ultimate doppler pretty quiet across our area. we have been tracking a few pop-up showers. mainly scattered about and
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really not amounting to much this one dying down right now in sections of cumberland county around laurel lake. temperature wise right now, it's 73 degrees in millville. 80 in dover. we're looking at low 80s right now in pottstown. 83 degrees in allentown. 73 degrees right now in the pocono mountains. so if you're stepping outdoors for your friday evening plans, perhaps to check out that new movie or new restaurant sun and clouds, low 80s. by 7:00. 78 degrees boy 9:00. a mild overnight. 73 degrees by 11:00 o'clock. looking pretty comfortable. so what about tomorrow? in the city, 87 degrees dry. the poconos 80 degrees. down the shore warm, sunshine, 79 degrees. but will it stay dry the entire weekend? i have the details plus a big pattern change ahead as we move into next week with the seven day forecast, iain, coming up. >> all right, scott, thank you. we are following a developing story as the crisis in the middle east intensifies. the death toll is rising as israeli offensive in the gaza strip continues now for a fourth
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day. today missiles came from inside lebanon for the first time since the fighting began. rockets from gaza also remain a threat. all of this as israeli forces continue to strike within gaza. israel has tens of thousands of troops prepared for a possible ground mission. >> those on both sides of the issue joined in philadelphia earlier today solidarity rally in center city. people gathering to stand with israel pray and sing songs dedicated to the safety of israelis. dozens gather outside the israeli couldn't sewell it in la center city. what protest organized call a day of rage. rally for gaza called on israel to stop the attacks on palestinian territories. >> police are looking for the crooks who broke into more than 50 public storage units. the caper as so often is the case these days caught on camera. it overnight tuesday on the 2100 block of wheat chief lane in north philadelphia. police say the burglars first forced they are way in by breaking the lock at the gate. you can see their truck just
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went right in there. once and side. they burglarized 54 units. then what you see next is their truck going back out together what police say is a harley davidson trailer. rapper meek mills behind bars tonight. here's mill seen scene of last week' deadly fire in southwest philadelphia. he was sentenced to three to six months in county jail for violatviolating his probation. they were concerned about a number of recent incidents with mills. >> this man is accused bars after accused of robbing a man at the moorestown mall in burlington county. marcel spears lured another man with an ad for an iphone on craigslist. he pulled 95 and attack that m man. the man screamed and his attacker took off. he faces multiple charges. >> fox 29 news is getting results tonight. the city's rhawnhurst neighborhood. just one day after our initial report. remember this street tree that was out in front of michael and lavonia fennel's home on the
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1700 block of arnold street. it was such poor shape the city promised to row move it that was back in october of 2012. 20 months later the big thunderstorms of last thursday knocked it on to their house. the city wouldn't commit to removing it any time soon. but our bruce gordon got involved and presto city crews came out brightly and early this morning to remove the tree and cart away all the mess. it does not appear the fennel's house was that badly damaged. >> of course, fox 29 wants to help you get results, too. if you've got an issue just head to our website and click on the get results t tab. >> three people in new jersey under arrest tonight. >> they're accused of stealing kittens from an animal shelter. fox 29's sabina kuriakose live in princeton, new jersey. what do you know? >> reporter: guys, the director of this animal shelter where these cat snappers struck says she's never seen anything like this. three, 1984 olds went to save animal shelters here in princeton last saturday
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afternoon. they told volunteers they were looking to adopt cats. they even filled out an adoption form. there was a busy day at the shelter. they have a lot of cats there right now looking for homes. so the volunteers, of course, very excited, very welcoming but as soon as those volunteers backs were turn, two of the teens took off through back entrance with the three month old kittens casino and penny. third suspect waiting across some woods in what shelter officials say was a possible get away car. luckily a long-time volunteer saw the two boys, realized something wasn't right and tackled one of them until police arrived. the shelter is calling that volunteer a hero. >> so he knows us well. he knows our staff and he just saw something very unusual. and fortunately he stopped it and saved these two wonderful kitties. >> can you imagine what was going through these guy's heads. >> i don't know. i do know that one of them wan
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wanted to give one of the kittens to his girlfriend. that's what i learned. but, um, what shocked me the most is that they're 19 years of age, and who would be so foolish as to walk into a shelter and just walk off with two kittens? in my opinion i think that's pretty low. >> reporter: now the adoption thief or the kittens is about -- fee for the kittens is $300. medical costs, spay and neuter and helps the non-profit shelter run its operations and be able to help out the animals and find them permanent loving homes. now those teens tonight they're being charged with burglary and theft. the kittens are safe. one of them has already been adopted out. the other casino still looking for a good home. lucy and iain back to you. >> got to find him a forever home. thanks is a ben in a. >> deliveryman shot while on the job. >> tonight the new surveillance video police want if you see that could help them track down the shooters. and would you want this in your neighborhood? a vacant lot
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filled with trash and overgrown weeds. who is seasons al for cleaning it up? our bruce gordon is on the case. >> and iain, lebron james makes the decision part two. he's on the move again but this time back to cleveland. ahead in sports why he really can go home. scott? tom, right now most of us are pretty dry and quiet. but will we stay that way for the end tour weekend? details next. >> coming up on fox 29 news at 10, dangerous trend. teens snorting caffeine with deadly out comes. what parents
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♪ >> philadelphia police believe surveillance video caught the two men wanted for shooting a deliveryman in north philadelphia. they say one was driving a ford taurus much other a ford mini van this happened yesterday morning on the 2300 block of ridge avenue. the victim says the two men wanted keys to his van. he told them where they were then he says they shot him in his hasn't of the tee act off
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without taking anything from him and tonight he's in stable condition in the hospital. >> all right a scam alert in the first state. police in delaware say phony rental ads are popping up online and specifically targeted at stealing money from perspective tenants. police say scammers pose as landlords and ask for deposit money but say they're unable to actually show the property typically police say it's because the property isn't even theirs to rent. they say if a deal sounds too good to be true it probable system. >> otherwise nice neighborhood brought down by a single vacant lot all too familiar story throughout physical and the neighbors of these eye sores say waiting for a fix is an exercise in frustration. our bruce gordon is live in the newsroom with the case in point. bruce? >> lucy, everyone deserves due process. especially when it's the city talking about targeting maintenance of your property. but that process sometimes means years of waiting for folks who simply want their quality of life back. the folks who live near folk rod
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and hawthorn do their best to make this neighborhood safe and clean for the kids in their care. this block has a cancer one that returns every summer. >> i have to be responsible as homeowner for my property and other people should have to be responsible for their property as homeowners also. >> reporter: you don't so that happening here? >> no. >> reporter: when the weather turns warm the weeds start growing and this long vacant lot on the 1700 block of folk rod. it is home to all manner of wild animals and a magnet for trash. >> do you see illegal dumping pink going on back here? >> all the time. all the time. >> reporter: illegal dumping going on. >> yes. people just throw things away. >> reporter: ida daniels complain to the city about this lot time and again. records show the city has cited the owner of the lot time and again. each time he's cited he cleans up the mess. then let's the weeds grow back. as long as the owner responds to the citation in a timely fashion, the cycle continues. rinse, lather, lee seat.
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>> the takes too much time when you put a complaint in such as this to get any action on it. not blaming the city but i believe that policy is just needs to be overhauled. >> reporter: robert daniels cousin lives right next door at the vacant lot. robert helped him build a fence to hide the nasty view. but -- >> you got an it foot fence here and you can still see the weeds over top. it's ridiculous. >> reporter: weeds from the lot have begun to swallow the sidewalk in front of it. neighbors fear a neighborhood child could be snatched and taken into the lot. who knows what could happen then? >> you grew up in this neighborhood. yes, sir. >> when you look at that, what goes through your mound? why? why does acquire it? why won't he take care of? why? rt. >> reporter: we are with holding the name of the lot own are in because we were unable to talk to him to get his side of the story. i did leave a business card at his home near the vacant lot. the home was well maintained his lawn was mowed. i also reached out to the city's vacant lot office they promised to have an inspector out on folk rod monday barring a miraculous
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quickie clean up over the weekend the owner will almost certainly be cited for the mess. and the cycle continues. iain. >> incredible bruce, thank you, nice work. beautiful day today. let's check on the your fox 29 weather thor. the sunshine continues and this is friday we're looking live at center city. it's a great night to walk home or take in some night live and we have been spoiled. the last seven weekends. perfect weather. will the streak continue? chief meteorologist scott williams tanning by to let us know. iain and lucy i think we'll be spoiled yet again. just keeps on happening. the timing is just right for our area. right now, it's 89 degrees. so it's warm. but the humidity how it actually feels is pretty low at 31%. so the feels like temperature or the heat index it actually feels exactly like the air temperatures so not the oppressive heat and humidity we've been dealing with. folks are out and about of course eating outdoors. the weather is comfortable for that. if you're stepping out for your friday evening plans. really no weather worries as we look at ultimate doppler fairly
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quiet, however, i will zoom in to one-up shower in sections of salem county. you can see right now around the deerfield area that will rain itself out. there's also one little return showing up around the williamstown area. that is also fizzling so really comfortable conditions for your friday evening and most of us will be dry. low 70s right now in millville. 78 atlantic city. they saw pop-up shower around the millville area earlier this afternoon and evening, too. 83 in lancaster. 83 right now in the allentown area. lower 70s in the poconos. by 7:00 o'clock, 84 degrees mixture of sun and clouds. by 9:00 o'clock, upper 70s. low 70s by 11:00 o'clock tonig tonight. it's going to be really comfortable with the humidity continuing to drop. let's update you on that tsunami advisory for northern sections of japan. earlier this afternoon a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck and that prompted a small water rise toward northern sections of japan because of that. the high temperature in
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philadelphia today, 89 degrees. the record 100 that is safe set back in 1988. so as we look at those temperatures right now, mid 80s in wilmington. low 80s wrightstown as well as lancaster and allentown. 73 degrees in the pocono mountains. so as we look at the satellite and radar we're talking about that front that continues to push the heat, the humidity out of here. drier air will be moving in for the upcoming weekend and it's going to be pretty nice. both days, however, i think saturday will be the better of the two upcoming weekend days. we have sunshine, saturday morning. dry conditions. and then as we move into saturday night, quiet, comfortable forgetting outdoors and then sunday morning, there could be some patchy fog around. more clouds than sunshine on sunday and there could be a pop up shower especially north and west. better chances though as we move into early next week. also, a pattern shift. we're watching cooler air diving out of canada by the middle and latter part of next week. it's going to feel somewhat like
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fall. 80 tomorrow in the poconos low 80s as we move into your sunday. down the shore upper 70s both days. looking pretty good for are the weekend. as we talk a little before the about that seven day forecast, 87 sunshine tomorrow in philadelphia. there could be an evening isolated storm popping up on sunday. sunday is also going to be little more humid. 90 degrees for the high temperature on monday. and tuesday mid 80s. scattered showers possibly strong storms. before 80-degree temperatures for the middle and really latter part of next week much it's going to feel pretty below average temperature wise next week. >> that's not good. >> it's fine. no it's not. >> you got your 90 monday. >> the whole month of july and august. >> scott will work on that and you're working on lebron james. >> i'm working. do you think he's depressing. how do you think miami feels? >> at least they got warm weather. >> bring it on. more on lebron james decision coming up. he's going back home to cleveland and how that decision is playing out with cavalier
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fans and changes for the phillies in their lineup tonight including the addition of a former all star looking for another shot in the majors.
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♪ >> something about northeast ohio called lebron james home today. the drama wasn't what it was four yours ago when he left cleveland to play for the heat. today it was pretty simple.
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sports called i'm coming home. will he proper said quote my relationship with northeast ohio is bigger than basketball. i didn't realize that four yours ago. i do now. let the record show he won two titles in four years with the miami heat. now has a chancing to home and forget his pr nightmare when he left the first time. he joins the young cavaliers team with chance to win more titles and don't think the michael jordan total of six doesn't fuel him. here's how it played out on cleveland radio this afternoon. >> he's coming back! ♪ >> yes! >> yes! yes! >> oh! >> this -- this isn't real. i don't believe it. i seriously don't believe this right now. actually lebron wrote it. okay. it's not written by lee jenn kin has told to lee jenkins. okay? >> oh, my god! he's coming home. >> the newest 76ers joel embiid tried to row krout lebron to the sick is he he went on twitter to
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say i guess my recruiting skills didn't work. phillies and nationals getting ready to start four game series this weekend at citizens bank park tonight. phillies fans teasing you again this week with that four game sweep of the milwaukee brewers. grady sizemore's career filled with injuries but the phillies are giving him another shot. he'll lead off and play centerfield. >> going through everything i've begun through i appreciate every day here. you know what i mean. not knowing whether you'll ever be able to play again, you know, i think every day i get to put a uniform on is something i appreciate. so, you know, i'll take a moment and enjoy it and i'm happy to be here. happy to have the opportunity. >> phils and nationals tonight. the building story lebron is going home and in so many decision he had to make. if he wants to win titles, erase the pr, cement his legacy this the way to do it. >> chris bosche -- rumors lin was going because houston wanted chris bosche. >> lin going to the la lakers. chris bosche is ready to resign with the miami heat. all the domino's will start to
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fall now that lebron is gone. >> exactly. >> that does it for us here at 6:00. we'll see you back here at 10:00. have a gre if he were a lobbyist... if they were political contributors... maybe tom corbett would listen to them, instead of cutting funding for their schools. oil and gas companies gave corbett 1.7 million dollars in political contributions. and he gave them a sweetheart deal on taxes that's costing pennsylvania billions. corbett's mismanagement has caused a huge budget deficit. and his painful education cuts are forcing teacher layoffs and increasing class sizes. now corbett wants to give the oil and gas industry even more handouts. and what's he getting from them? corbett's keeping that secret. so pennsylvanians are challenging tom corbett to come clean. release the records of your meetings with donors... that you've been hiding. disclose all the contributions, letters and emails from oil and gas lobbyists who influence you. we've got a right to know who tom corbett's listening to.
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because it sure isn't us.
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collapse in court. the crazy uncle accused of slaughtering an entire family. and the lone survivor. her grandparents speak out. >> she's a hero. and, rosie's arch enemy donald trump. you'll never believe what essaying about rosie's return to "the view." and the embattled cheer leader who shot all those exotic animals. did this star really call for her execution? >> my blood was boiling. plus, the new nixon tapes. >> wait until you hear what the disgraced president had to say about gay people. >> they have a problem. they're rn