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tv   News4 Today at 400  NBC  July 30, 2019 4:00am-4:20am EDT

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messa mollet and your fast traffic will make it to your work on time. it's a hot day around here. storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell is here to tell us how it will be. >> 94 yesterday and probably in that same zone of 94, 95 later this afternoon. there is hope on the horizon out to our west. there is a weather front now going through parts of the great lakes and driving rain shower down into parts of the ohio valley. generally speaking, rain chance today will be highest along to the west of the blue ridge mountains. around town, i can't sayhat there won't be a stray shower or two but i think our highest rain chance w en stt ihe of the blue ridge where the rain chance a lowest, temperatures will be the highest. mostly in the mid to upper seventh around town now. your planner for today is hot andhumid. best chances for cooling rain showers today come out toward i-81. those rain chances come here to the d.c. metro area for tomorrow and ng around for much of the
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week. more about th with your five-day forecast is coming up. melissa, good morning. >> good morning, chuck.ay bel inner loop and outer loop road work is done so don't have to worry about road work on the beltway. northbound nice and open. top of the beltway into town and out of town looking good. 66 west in manassas a work zone right nowan all les are blocked westbound. breaking news that could put you at risk for identity theft:there has been another data leak and this involves millions of people. a seattle woman is accused of hacking into capital one and stealing the names and informaonon about 100 milli people in the u. >> jummy olabanji is at the live
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desk with more. >> this is a major breach. m this breachnly affects consumers and small businesses that apply for capital one credit card between 2005 and early 2019. the hacker obtained information about credit scores and credit lits and payment history and what capital one refers to as transaction data. arned about first l this breach a short time ago july 17th and immediately contacted the fb 100 million american customers were affected and 100,000 social security numbers were affected and bank numbers were account d capital one say log-in credentials were stolen. officer arrested 33-year-old page thompson of seattle, she goes by the name erratic in the hacker world and a former tech
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company software engineer. open up the nbc washington app if you think you've been affected and the information is the there. ♪ oes say do take star-spangled banner ♪ >> family, friend and nghbors gathered last night for the victim of the gilroy garlic festival mass shooting. 6-year-old and 13-year-old and ed-year-old were kill in that shooting. a dozen others were hurt. here is what we know about the investigation. >> police shot and killed one suspect. but investigators still do not know whether a second suspect was involved. he we are no closer to determining whet there was or was not a second suspect. and if there was, what involvement they may have. >> investigators say the suspect
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used an ak-47pe ty assault rifle he bought legally in nevada month.r this investigators say he posted onne about --aw lkers searched his home in gilroy but the police chief said they have a been able to come up with motive. we have video of a man accused o shooting outside of e howard theater. the video shows the man near the scene on t street northwest. two victims treated at the hospital and two other usrefed million treatment on the scene and a are expected to be okay. a10-year-old ran to her mother after hearing gunshots. the mom says that is a new reality in that are detectives have not released details but we have confirmed a juvenile was taken to the hospital conscious and
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breathing. >> i was born and rayed here but i'm scared to raise c myldren here. eks after 11-year-old karon two brown was shot and killed. >> karon brown's mother had to bury her little boy yesterday. the crowd was so big, they had to crowd on t the streets. >> loved ones, people we grew up. >> police have charged 29-year-old tony mcclam for ur second-degreer for karon's death. the state is giving $3 million to houses of worship to cover security costs. organizations can apply over the next year for the money. it can be used for things including training, meras, security personnel, and lighting. good news for people who use the george washington parkway. the national park service says
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the sinkhole that has led to months of lane closure should be fixed byearly fall. the beltway collapsed twice this year and plenty of delays there and especially in the afternoon. if the work continues at this pace, things are set to be back to normal soon. the president of the fairfax county naacp resigned.ed po on facebook while others are promoted to dedicating equity i no longer believe the overall culture nate of the naacp prior ties the schoo. he also said his resignation is linked to his former nfrontation with the former president. sent a series of angry text messages after she had he was too confrontational when dealing with police. virginia marks 400 years since the settlement of jamestown. the colony considered the first
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democracy. one of t attendees today is president trump. earlier this month a group of virginia democratsvowed to boycott the event if the attended. state lawmakers accuse the president of using, quote, racist and zion phobic. trump first tweeted that a group of minority female congresswomen should go back where they came from. t dn he blamedecade of trouble in baltimore city on congressman elijah cummings. this morning, we are getting new reaction from faly members whose loved ones depend on the 9/11 gencompensation funding. president trump signed the law yesterday through 2092
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essentially making it public. t> it's hard to imagine that it's over, tha this fight is over, because every time you get together like this, it just brings the emotions back. it never goes away but it brings back 100-fold. >> more than 400,000 people have applied for the fund and it covers illnesses for being at the world trade center site and the pentagon and shanksville, pennsylvania, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. david or tease is confirming on instagram he has been released from the hospital with a trio of photo showing some pretty good gookingb here. former red sox slugger said, being at home is quote, priceless but he ded, too bad i can't crush food yet. more than a dozen people have ed been arrestn connection with the june 9th shooting that police say was a case of misten identity. >> i hope he gets a big meal soon enough and glad he is on the mend.
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>> coco gauff will be competing in a match. she would not last night with her pattern. the two advance to the quarterfils. last night was goauff's first appearance since beating serena williams in the wimbledon match. >> nore matter how old you your ethnicity or your gender that you can do anything you y want if put your mind to it. >> 100%. the tournament benefits the washington tennis and education foundation. next on "news4 today," plastic surgery is growing in , popularity but it has nothing vanity.ith why more young people are going under the knife. >> we are helping you get back to school and information on free vaccinations. where some parents in our area can goe to make sureir shots are up-to-date. we are looking at breakfast
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item that will give you days worth of calories in one meal. good morning. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. four thingso you need t know about the weather. sticky and steamy outside this morning and hot and humid afternoon cong and storm chances today mainly west of the chances today mainly west of the d.c. metro area but
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your gums bleed when you brush, you may have gingivitis. chances today mainly west of the d.c. metro area but and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums, and possibly... tooth loss. help turn back the clock on gingivitis with leave blng gums behind. parodontax.
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this is not just a headache. this is not just a fever. this is not justhe flu. it's meningitis b... and you're not tre to help. while meningitis b is uncommon... once symptoms appear, they can progress quickly and can be fatal... sometimes within 24 hours. before you send your teen to college... make sure you help protect them. talk to your teen's doctor... about meningitis b vaccination.
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welcome back at 4:23. we have a health warning as you head outdoors. tick-borne illness are on the rise with cases reported inst every ate. >> there is a tick you may not heard of and may you allergic to
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red meat. >> reporter: summertime is prime time for ticksr and this yea an added warning as health official report a number of tick-borne diseuse. >> yo want to avoid ticks at allcosts. >> reporter: lyme disease the best attention but a doctor says not the only cause for concern because tick can transmit a variety of different illness. symptoms include ach and pains, fever, ,fatigue and muscle weakness. watch out for the lone t starick because its bite can cause an allergic reaction to meat. the adult female has a white do these ty can beticks found along the east coast and in the south. >> anaphylactic response as people have walen they are rgic to bee stings and your throat closes down and you have difficulty breathe and your tongue swells. >> reporter: be sure to use a bug repellant and wear pants to
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event ticks from running up up legs. doreen gentzler, news4. >> i had a tick scare a few ars back. >> you did? >> i did. i had no clue what to do so i was as! mes >> i can only imagine, aaron. >> good thing for those countryo friend at. she is like, you're fine! psstt! >> yourcountry friend? >> right. good thing about being from the south. rn still ahead this mong the d.c. power outage thatmpact thousands of people over the weekend and petco has another warning. >> three armed robries and police believe each was pulled
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we have details on the crime and the specific type of person that may be targeted. another hot day to spend any time outside so if you'r doing time outside so if you'r doing any dog walking, get it done
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it heat and humidy and the chance of storms. sound familiar? o a feudf beautiful ewea the d.c. region appears to be moving back to the same brutal temperatures we have seen so much already this isummer. used to this, right? is is summer in washington. yesterday was fine. good morning, everyone. i'm eun yang. >> i'm aaron gilchrist. we will check on the forecast and the commute for you.a melissmollet is standing by with your first 4 traffic. we will start with storm team 4 chuck bell and temperatures. >> they are rather high at 4:30 this morning. below 80 degrees. 79 in arlington county at
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national airport. 75 in gaithersburg and 74 dulles heairport. t are plenty of upper 60s in the shenandoah valley. mugginess and steamy today' turn into a hot handumid day. 94 was the high yesterday and i'm forecasting 95 today. there will also still be a slight chance for a shower or ceunderstorm. highest rain chan west of the shenandoah valley and west of the blue ridge. around town, can't guarantee there won't ab stray shower or two but rain showers are low. if you're heading to the nats taking on the braves, they won flist a st night.


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