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tv   News4 Today  NBC  July 28, 2019 6:00am-7:50am EDT

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>> saturday night shutdown. thousands of d.c. residents and businesses were left without power in the summer heat. this morning some are waking one electricity, while others are stillwaiting. tweeting into the night, president trump kept up his attacks on representative elijah cummings and his maryland congressional district late into the night. we will have more on that backlash with the prest's latest set of controversial tweets. and remember this? now months later officials say they know how this car got on the train tracks and nhow to isp iom happening again. and welcome in here o this sunday morning.
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just about 6:00. it is 6:00. >> it is 6:00. >> and the sun is starting to e.thriank you sfor joining us. no relief from the summer heat d t. >> that's right. lauryn ricketts is tracking some rising temperatures for this sunday morning. good morning, lauryn. >>ood morning, guys. yeah, we have a beautiful sunrise right now. sun cing up just in about two minutes from now. that's the official sunrise here in d.c. around 6:04. again looking like a beautiful start once again to your sunday and you can see it's going to be a gorgeous start to this sunday morning. now, temperatures on the mild side. not too bad out there. 73 degrees. we have got that south wind 5 miles an hour. midity at ptick in h times throughout the day today, but most of us very similar to yesterday. temperatures will shoot right to around 90 degrees once again. so let's talk about the rain chances for today because we do have more ra chances for today.
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i know a few isolated showers popped up yesterday. we also have chances of rain heading through this week and we also have that transition day on wednesday. what can you expect for that? we will show you that in the ten-day forecast coming up. >> it is august, after all. it's coming up. thank you. well, we are going to be in august. let'sov just start again. all right. thank you, lauryn. breaking news this morning, meantime, out of the district. three people shot on t street in northeast d.c. overnight. police say this happened near the howard theater. all three victims rushed to the hospital. no word on their conditions right now. police say they areooking for a white audi car with d.c. tags in connection to this. case we are following more breaking news. this time out of new york where as many as 11 people were shot near a playground late last night. police tell our sister station in new york that gunfire started just bore 11:00. witnesses say this happened at a block party in brooklyn. signs at the scene said it was an anal old-timers day
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celebrati h. at leastalf a dozen people were rushed to the hospital and right now the extent of their injuries is not known.ay witnesses s the gunfire set off a panic. >> when i heard the shots i actually thought it was fireworks. i didn't think for a minute that that wais happening at type of event. >> natural reaction. so far no arrestse have b made. you can keep up with this breaking news throughout the day, throughout the morning on our nbc washington app. and some good news to wake up to thisin morn power has been restored to the thousands in the district after a massive power outage. >> a lot of residents and businesses spent a chunk of saturday in the dark. 39,000 pepco customers affected by the outage here. those numbers steadily dethroughout the day. power was knocked out at several intersections forcing police officers direct traffic there. a lot of hospitals had to
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operate on emergency backup. bygh nall entire neighborhoods had no lights. >> actually just moved here yesterday. so we were iof the middle unpacking boxes. >> welcome to washington. >> yeah, thank you. >>lc seriously, wee to the neighborhood. the problem was traced to anic electral equipment issue at a substation on forida avenue in northwest d.c. all right. turning to politics esnow. prent trump spent part of his weekend attacking maryland congressman elijah cummings and the city of baltimore in a war of words. now, overnight the president tweeted, quote, so sad that elijah cummings has been able to do so little for the people of baltimore. statistically, baltimore ranks last in almost everyorajor categy. cummings has done nothing but milk baltimore dry. the public is getting wise to the bad job he is doing, e quote. he described cummings' district as a disgusting rat and rodentte infes mess. he was reacting toinhe grillg cummings gave to the homeland
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security. >> doing our level best. >> what does that mean when a child is sitting in their own feces? can't take a shower? come on, man. >> cummings responded to thepr ident's att ks by saying it is his constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the executive ranch. baltimore city leaders and the governor of marylan came to cummings' defense as well. and those comments alon with much more on this week's testimony from special counsel robert mueller thming up later morning on me"meet the press." moderator chuck todd will join aboutore the show to talk the testimony and what it means for congress and the white house moving forward. "meet the press" starts at 10:30 right here after news4 today. a devastating story in new york city. a father is charged with the death of his 1-year-oldafwins r they were left in a car on a hot summer day. police sayri juan rez left his kids inside the car while he
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went to work in the oonxn friday. the little boy and girl had been in the back seat for nearly eight hours.ig rodruez told authorities he didn't realize what had happened until he arrived to his car after his shift. rodriguez haspleaded notuilty to manslaughter and other charges. he is due back in court this thursday. >> so sad there. meantime, ng are worki to identify the names of two people killed in a car crash. this happened yesterday morning on roe 301 in charles county. maryland state police say that pedro garcia was driving 301 near mantoir road when he d rear-endeother car. a women and girl died on the scene. the driver in the car was airlifted to the hospital. police say garcia refused to be treated on the scene. no word whether he will face any charges. now to some security concerns at union station. we want to give you a live look here. the office of the inspector general highlights some safety risks at the transportation hub. so take a look at this.po
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the re says that this car was able to drive on to the platform and right on to the tracks earlier this year. the inspector general says passengers and staff are also put at risk because of broken surveilxnce cameras and monitoring of intrans. amtrak agrees with the report's safety recommendations. the statement says we have taken importan steps for improvements such as creating a plan to document how we will address the vulnerabilities of oig identifiedat the station and yard by september of 2019. all right. well, people who have paid their debt to society are gtting a second chance at cleaning up their's records, and it thanks to a local church. the hosted this free fap expungement fair yesterday. they brought together judges and lawyers to give people free advice. the group reviewed some residents' criminal records to see if they were eligible for
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expungement. people got advice on getting their voting rights restored as well. th neighborhood of southeast d.c. has a long history especially in the african-american community. now some residents are pushing to get the named a historic site. to do help protect the neighborhood from future development. derrick ward explains. >> reporter: there is not much left of the barry farms dwellings now. this land steeped in the african-american experience. long before there was public housing he, there was private ownership. >> when land was allocated for pch byma encipated people's after the civil war, they bought the lot. liilt their private residences. >> reporter: pub housing, it's just a small portion of the original property. it stretched from garfield heights down to the anacostia river.h ande are a few buildings in the neighborhood that reflect what you would have found on the property before these structures went up in the early 1940s.n
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eong after that change, there was a sense of community here. >> she was wonderful. we had al balogether. and on my back porch, she would talk to me and i would talk to her. it was just a nice neighborhood. >> reporter: planners say it would be a nice neighborhood when they are done, but there a those who don't want see the history here get buried beneat the rubble. >> a >> reporter: i don't thiamong t suggestions, redo the husing on stevens road, keeping an open field, the one that has been there. > incorporate a museum and archives and homes that people can reside in. these are charming homes. it's a beautiful layout. >> reporter: next week d.c.'s historic preservation review board is set to vote on whether to designate it a historicnd rk. sugar coleman likes that idea. >> this is a land that the free slas moved on. >> reporter: in barry farms, rrick ward, news4. >> the preservation review bond
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meeting is on thursday a live look outside at the nbc washington studios. it's going tobe be a autiful day ahead. a little hud. lauryn ricketts is tracking how much humidity is heading into th forecast when we return. the time is 6:10. take-off.
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and this a loving reminder from his wife. itis is will finally deposg that expense check. oh, and this is will paying his brother-in law back with zelle for their annual camping trip. and this is will finally relaxing for the long this is your rere, right now bank. this is wells fargo.
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well, it's aeautiful start out there on this sund morning. plenty of sunshine out there, and very similar conditions to away we experienced yesterday. so as far as your weather headlines go, now, again conditions similar to saturday. once again a chance for isolated showers and storms. we saw thesterday mainly to the west as advertised along the i-81co idor. a few snuck in upper montgomery county. more humidity heading into your nday and then it really starts
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on tuesday. temperatures right now, it's so comfortable, 60s and 70s and the humidity is not that bad. we have a little bit of fog. temperatures top out in the low 90sr daytime highs today. again maybe another isolated chance of a shower later on this afternoon. 92 wiim be our dayt high. yesterday we were about 89. so again we will take it up jusw a fegrees warmer than today, and again another isolated chance of a shower or thunderstorm. nothing out there right now. travel looking a-okay. now, for tomorrow those temperatures are going to be in the low-to-mid 90s. a little bit more humidity tomorrow. another isolatechance of showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon. you can see again i think yesterday we had a slightly betterhhance of seeing t. that was still under 20%. so today maybe 10%, 15% chance of a shower and thunderstorm popping up. a lot of us will be staying on the dry side. an o it again tomorrow, uptick in the humidity for
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monday. a little bit of fog for anybody that gets rain heading into monday. then byon my afternoon another isolated chance of showers and thunderstorms popping up. i think tuesda we willave a slightly better chance, about a 30% chance of some showers and thunderstorms and then wednesday looks to be the ransition day here we are going to have a frontal system move in the area. 80s intor y wednesday. 80s for your thursday and friday. we will have some chances of rain thursday, and it looks like some rain could len into next weekend. guys. >> all right. lauryn ricketts, thank you very much. "reporter's notebook" is coming up next with the adam tuss. >> yeah, it comes with a trick as well. watch how quickly i can change ties. weill be back in 15 minutes. thanks for joining us for this week'sr' "repor notebook." clearly, this is a vacationan week, the wheels have come off the train because i have gone from panelist to host of this program. but fear not. we have a great panel on tap.
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storm team4 meteorologist amelia draper and i-team's scott macfarlane. we have a lot to unpack from the last week we just wenta through. looking forward, amelia, the heat wave that we just went through. first of all, i describe that as gross. >> yes. >> that was absolutely brutal. but there are larger impacts here. how are we stacking up? wele series of reports on climate change. where are we stacking up when we talk aboutum the nr of heat waves that we are going through now? >> what we ar seeing with heat waves is they are becoming more frequent and lastingr. longe this heat wave was 12 days, which is three days longer than your average heat wave. heat wave means we are hitting gher three or h consecutive days in a row at least. somepeople argue that the temperatures kt at reagan national is on the tarmac there. so it's not necessarily an accurate capturing of the at tempere, but it's the metric that we'veused going back in record-keeping history. as far as 90 degree days this year, we have hit 31 days at 90 or higher. so we only need six more to hit
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our average for the yeof, and course we are not even into august yet. so it's looking like a h mmer. think we've e are talking about all tried to become a lot more schooled on what that actually means, what the defing terms are. it's not just necessarily about the heat. there are other impacts, right? we are seeing stronger storms adevelop. a lot of certainly, we have been dealing with flooding as well. >> the ex streams atremes are ge extreme. talking about the country is overperforming in rainfall. heat waves, not just nationally, glly. ina has-impressive heat wave, all-time record temperatuiss. europe in the second heat wave. out west, san francisco had an impressive heat wave earlier in the year. we had our own heat wave. this past heat wave,e didn't set a record high temperature, but when you talk abou the extremes more extreme, the amount of moisture that was in t w air crazy. that's what made this heat wave
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so impressive. >> we are seeing a direct tie between what's happening there and our own personal weather here and around the world. you are talking about europe, like 107 in paris. >> right. > incredible temperatures and people are just breaking reords, including alaska. alaska had a hot temperature.a nd then we were also seeing all those awesome videos that come along with that. like the moose in the water sprinkler and all the other things that are going on. legitimately, while that's funny shall the animals and nature itself is starting to feel a of this? >> absolutely. and when we the heat wave, the potomac river hit the warmest temperature ever at 9 degrees at little falls. so this s a big impact on theem ecos there because fish can't terate certain mperatures. they had a temperature thresholt that hey like to experience. when the temperatureswarm up they either have to may grate north if they can or if they can't they might die. so it really stresses the ecosystems. also isn't to point out
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the recreational fishing industry is $46 billion industry. you are talking about a lot of money here. i think kind of the double-edged sword is when you get ito a lot of money with certain things, and that's when people start to listen and maybe try to change what we're seeing. >> 94 degrees doesn't seem -- >> it's not comfortable. >> it doesn't seem possible. how does that even happen? >> it's a hot bath. >> scott, you guys have had the, the i-team has had a really good series called flyer beware this week. one thing that, covering transportation, i'm certainly aware of the guns that are showing up at airports because the theasa has gotten good specifically locally about ny saying how m loaded guns are showing up at airports and how many guns aren't being checked in the baggage. >> an incredible number. we wanted to quantite how ofn enis is happening. it's two times each year at each of our local airports, somebody brings a firearms, nearly all loaded, sometimes with a bullet in the chamber. this is clearly against the law.
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it's been against oe law fa long time, long before 9/11. the frequency that it happens is alarming to the tsa, but also inconvenience to the passengers. shut hat happens, they down the whole checkpoint. they freeze the tsa security lines so they can investigate the firearm, the m de of the through o has it, look the bags, and that freezes security. it's never a pitular thing wh flyers when they are trying to get out and everything is halted. >> yeah, of course. you look at the impact locally, one of the things that you guys the laws out is that here are different than the laws at some other places. actually, they are not as strict here, right? it seems like this almost happens, you get a fine, maybe you don't? >> maybe you get a fine. >> right. >> and that would be the most stringent penalty you face locally. es went through 160 cases through court ffor the people caught locally at dca and dulles since january 2016. none of those 160 people spent a day inail. none faced a fine that was four
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digits in quantity. most are sll fines. nearly all had the cases wiped from their rec ds or cases dismissed or the prosecution deferred. >> and you were taking a look at the allergy issue that goes on in some flyers. this was aat whole series th you did this week. you highlighted one woman who had a peanut allergy and she plenty of sunshine out there right n. sun coming up at 6:06 this morning, and just about 25 minutes ago. it's beautiful out there. and temperatures out there right now not too bad. we are at 73 degrees. once again, youut walkde, it's a little on the comfortable side. s have that southerly wind at about five mile hour. so again it is a very nice morning to star your sunday. it's going to be hot continuinge into the afoon. with ups again those temperatures are going to be around 90 degrees. so again it will be hot, but oybe you are headed to to wash the car. do it today. only those stray chances of isolated showers we head into this afternoon and throughout this evening very similar to yesterday. we will talk about that, wh is
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going to see those, and talk about when we have the big changes next. it's coming. specificallydn on day. we will show you that on that ten-day forecast coming up in a little bit. >> thank you. president trump continues attacking maryland congressman elijah cummings and the city of baltimore on twitter. overnight president trump tweeted, quote, so sad that ble to cummings has been do so little for the people of baltimore. statistically, baltimore ranks last in almost every major category. cummings has done nothing but the baltimore dry, but public is getting wise to the bad job that he is doing. this comes after he described cummings' west baltimore district as, quote, agu dising rat and rodent infested mess the president was reacting to the grilgs cummings gave last week to acting homeland security cretary over conditions at detention facilities on the border. cummings responded by saying it is his constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the
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executive branch. and the editorial board at the baltimore sun is not holding back in its response. inurglariesry op-ed the paper said mr. trump sees attacking african-american members of congress as good politics. it ended with this one, better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one, end quote. >> those comments and much more on this we's testimony from former special counsel robert mueller is coming up later this morning on "meet the press." c moderatorck todd will join us before the show to talk about what the testimony means for se gress and the white h moving forward. "meet the press" starts at 10:30 right after news4 today. time right now is including a boy, areve recoring after being shot in the middle of the day in thet. distric this was the crimen scene o kennedy street in brightwood park neighborhood yesterday. police fund an adault s malehot on ingram street. he wasus conscious and rd to the hospital. police y someone walked the boy to the hospital as well.
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no word yet on any arrests here. and update this morning on a stabbing in bowie that left a man dwiad. e police charged the victim's 17-year-old son with his death. police released this picture of barba koroma yesterday. he is charged with first and second-degree murder of his father, who is also named barba koroma. police say the victim crashed an suv into a fen on north view drive in the area of allentown park. we showed you this story yesterday. officers say the victim's son dragged his father out of the truck into a wooded area. the victim died at the scene. officers say the father and son got into a fightinside the vehicle and detectives say the teen even admitted to killing his father. a manhunt undery in canada for two teenagers wanted in connection with three killings. the cnadian air force joined the search for the two suspects seen here on surveillance video aaskatchewan grocery store.
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they are charged with murdering one man and suspected in the killing of two others, including aorth carolina woman and her australian boyfriend in britisb columbia. >> life hasn't peen the same. ple are scared, on edge. hopefully, they catch them soon. >> now, police are going door to door in that area where the suspects were last spotted. now to a disturbi story out of rome. two teenagers from california are facing charges for killing an italian policeer officer. is what we know at this poines authoriti say the 35-year-old officer confronted the teens on friday allegedly over a stolen backpack. the officer was then stabbed eight times. investigators say it happened right after a drug deal had gone wrong. police say the teens have confess today the murder. the officer who died had just returned to work days after his honeymoon. hi funeral is expected to be held tomorrow in the same church he was married in.
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another update to tell you about this morning. a louisiana man is facing a charges afte woman was found stabbed to death at a hotel in fairfax county. this happened at the hilton holtby early yesterday morning. poce found a woman and man inside that hotel room. the woman died at the scene. the man,ew matth cook, was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. police say thea two knew e other. cook has been charged with murder. egree hu school is almost here. some children are now prepared to head back to class. organizers at ebenezer church of god handed out 1,000 backpacks stuffed with school supplies for children. a number of people in underservedcommunities in the county benefitted from yesterday's event. there was also informations about health care for those who uninsured or underinsured. here is a shocker. costs a lot of money to live here. if you or someone you know just
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moved to this region, you know. it's t expensive move here. >> it is very expensive to live here. as a matter of fact, d.c. ranked in the topmo 85 expensive places to live in the world. in the world. >> yeah. >> that's a big deal. >> here is a full screen for you. and it's a list of berlin-based moving comp y. san francisco is the most expensive. new york is number three. boston is number eight. los angeles is numberd 12. anere in washington, d.c. we are number 15. researchers looked at the cost of housing, moving expenses,in uding temporary housing and tility expenses. dublin, irelan sydney, australia, geneva, switzerland were in the top five. >> london, miami, and paris also in the top 25, but not surprised. the housing? >> we are more expensive than london. >> yeah. >>nd you would think lo would be more expensive. >> what's interesting is san
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fran and the housing issue out there right now. n they are saying that sa francisco is becoming a suburb of silicon valley. a lot going on right there. hey, around here though weg some nice weather from time to time. take a look outside. you get to look the white house and all the beautiful monuments that we get tojoy for living in this area. it is a warm start to the day. lauryn says it's ging to heat up over the next week. we
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(whispering) ever sirte she got her new ha furniture, she's been hosting all sorts of things. ok ladies, tonight iosall about letting lo so fill up those glasses and let's paint! ok ladies, t(sighs) osall where do you want me? al(screams) tom? let's t havertys summer savings event is going on now. we put everything on sale! and get anthese deals off will make ...the hoss!ss with the mostes havertys life looks good.
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welcome back. 6:sp. ecial counsel robert mueller finally delivered testimony on tr russia pobe. saying tical expert democrats got what they wanted on substance, but optics, the say the hearing was a disaster. >> actually, the guy who said that is moderator of "meet the press" chuck todd, who is joining us. >> the o word, everybody is going go crazy. >> optics. break it down for us. what do you think comes out of this and what are the next step?
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from her i asked new on friday. you said you thought there might be a period at the end here, but democrats look like they are pushingforward? >> i think that democrats were hoping that mueller would give them a moment that wouldlv gaanize the country a little bit better, a he, you know, look, he gave us nothing from the report, right? he gave us nothing that we already couldn't have read in the report. he didn't provide any extra explanation as to why he didn't make charges. he refused toge. in some ways the hearing didn't serve a gater purpose beyond epst sort of trying to present the mueller rort orally, which had already, you know, three months later. i do think democrats are -- have this dimma. they are split on this where you have half the caucus eysentially sag what will this look like? you know, how can we not start imp echment, look aterything? the other half is going, yes, but you are never going to get him out of office.
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and if the number one goal is to get him out of office, then focus on 2020. they are very rational places to be. i think the hardest thing to predict is the long-term political consequences. i have said this a bunch of times on here. ts should at democ remember the iraq wars and you've just got to remember what seemsight in the moment can flip on i head a few years later. you don't know that. this feels like one of those votes. i don't know which one is goin to be theht call. none of us can. but it is one of those things that the moreou are worrying about the politics of something, the more that's likely to backfire in the long run talked before, that the numbers don't suggest that the majority o people want trump to be impeached. >> here is a question that i t rhetorically ask this morning. it's mply this. is there a voterout there going i don't know if i can vote for president trump again unless the democrats start impeachment hearings? younow what i mean? this is the logic that some are
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saying. i thn't know if that -- ere is an argument to be made tat that now, are there voters who cld be disappointed that they thought, hey, i voted democratic in 2018 to hold this president ayocountable. u didn't do anything. what's the point? is that something that the party ought to fear, too? this is base versus the middle. there is no doubt. but i sometimes wonder if they are overthinking this a little bit. >> exactly. let's touch on this tweet storm that's going on here and this firestorm that just kind of started yesterday about the city of baltimore and the president clearly he doesn't like the way that the congressional hearing went h with theeland security secretary and was firing back. >> it's always about sething else. it's never about what he tweeted. >> do you think he is going to garnish theaf can-american vote? elijah cummings doesn't care about you, he is not doing anything for your community, you know, i am ago going to - look me essentially? >> i guess i look what he has
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done with the peralonally racily-charged attacks on the noote-unquote squad and with elijah cummin,s. i mea this is h is just doing the racial thing. trying to racially divide the country because thinks -- sean, that's the thing. he thinks that' good politics. >> right. >> hashtag blacks for trump. >> that's theuestion for sheer. he is not trying to woo african-amerhean voters. is trying to gaslight and saying i'm not making this abou race, te making about race. i mean, this is just sort of -- it's not even subtle. >> no. anve we ha never seen it before. >> we have seen it before. just not from -- not through a president. >> that's what i mean. legitimately calling out a city. >> what's amazing is the silence, and we said this before, the republican silence an the ter on this one t last one, which was greater on that one than the one before that.
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look, i think larry hogan's spokesperson said somethin the governor, for instance, on this. i say this, governor hogan has been critical of the president on very many things wi charlottesville. it is interesting how republicans have justcided maybe it's -- whatever it is, either they look like they are comfortable with the president doing it. that's the thing they have to be careful about. they don't want people to think that their silence means they are their acquiesceens. >> a shame you don't haveng anythi to talk about. >> this is a show i feel all of a sudden everything got boxed in here. i stil only have an hour. >> that's all right. you can see "meet the press," it comes up every sunday right here on 10:30 right after news4 today. chuck, thanks so much. seeyou in a little bit. ll a right. with gun violence on the rise across the district, d.c.'s mayor is taking steps to get illegal guns off the street. >> here is a look at several gs shootin that happened in over
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a three-hour period in the district overnight. none of the victims were killed, but so far police have not made any arrests. this week the mayor met with prosecutors promise to go go after people caught with weapons. >> news4's mark segraves reports there weren't a lot ofifics about how to make that happen. >> it seems like these that law enforcement officials want to put an end to. the growing number of shootings in the district, and the growing number of murders. mayor muriel bowser and chief ow police nsom stood with the bur , tobacco and firearms to warn people against buying and selling illegal guns. >> far too many guns are being recovered today in washington, d.c. >> reporter: they have been steadfast that the best way to stop the growing murder rate is to stop theuns from coming into the majority of those illegal guns come from one state. >> we think intense focus on
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virginia. r: the top prosecutor in virginia says his office will whhelp track known those buy guns legally in virginia but sell them illegal p toeople in d.c. >> make it f extremely ha individuals to get guns, and that's our commitment. >> reporter: five months ago, bowser and newsom stood with the u.s. attorney for tto district announce a plan to prosecute felon in possession cases in federal court. so far this year there have been nearly 200 arrests for felon in possession of a gun. he said only 65 of those have actually been prosecu in federal court. last week the chief complained publicly that the consequences for being arrested with a gun weren't enough to stop the violence. we asked lou of the more than 6 toal 0 tot gun arrests this year how many have been prosecuted. >> i don't have those numbers for you. >> reorter: in 2016, then-police chief cathy lanier blasted the district's criminal justice system calling to beyona broken, the mayor agreed
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complaining that federal prosecutors were naccountable. >> prosecutors don't report to the people. they don't report to me either. judges and others don't. >> reporter: while gun violenced has increas this year, overall violent crime is down in thest dict. mark segraves, news4. well, d.c. police are offering rewards of up to $2,50a for tipslead to arrests on illegal guns. let's g switchrs, turn to the weather. another heat wave? >> not like last week? >> no, not like last week. and the thing about it, we made it to 89 degrees yesterday. >> yesterday was nice. >> it was nice. >> it was a niceday, if you weren't sitting in the sun at nats park. >> oh, my gosh, i wa> melting. > know. i can't believe you guys went to the game and sat in the sun. >> yeah. i mean, kelly is like this wks n my tan. i am like i'm dying. >> never sit in the sun at a baseball game. >> we had a good time.
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it was fun. >> good. >> i know the nats didn't win, but hey. >> they didn't win by a long shot. ithaas nice. w did you do yesterday? >> i had a cookout last night. it was beautiful weather. a storm?w >> no, there was an isolated storm that rolled through north and west dc. down to upper montgomery county. a little lonely storm that did that. and as advertised said that area be west of the d.c. yesterday afternoon. same deal today. we could have another slider shower and thunders as we head into the afternoon and evening. a lot of us will be dry and not realize that there artorms out there. less than 20% chance. a little hazy this morning.s temperatureare in the 70s. it's going to be a betiful sunday. and you can see the humidity levels not all that bad today, maybe touches of humidity throughout the day very similar to yesterdae you se legend on the left-hand side.the humidity comes back t w andsticks with us through your tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and friday. so enjoy this day because it's
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going to be a little bit more ou comfortable there throughout the day today. now, as far as your weather headlines go over the next four days, hot and comfortable as we head through the day today. we have that touch of humidity as we head through your monday. we have a chance for some storms as we get into the afternoon on tuesday, but then by wednesday that's our transition day, we will have a cold front that makes its way through the area and another chance for scattered showers and thunderstorms on our wednesday. that's going to be the best chance. temperatures out there right now in the 60s and 70s. 73 is our temperature here in the drict. 70 in frederick. baltimore at 72. out inhthe shenandoaalley 60s. for your wake-up weather we are headed to 80 even before about 9:00 a.m. so those temperatures are going to warm pretty quickly. we will be a few degrees warmer thanrd yes. again, expect plenty of sunshine out there today. temperatures headed into the low 90s, and again similar conditions yesterday. and another isolated chance of a shower and thunderstorm in the
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afternoon. warm, services looking dry though. pool time, perfect day to get out in the eng barbecue, warm. it's going to be around 90 degrees. we could have that stray chance of a shower. nothing out there right now. but tomorrow those temperatures are going to be in the low-to-mid 90s and a little bit more of humidity out there for tomorrow. now you can see an isolated chance out there today. isolated. that's about as good as we are going to get. same deal on monday. another isolated chance. that's less than 30. i believe we have a 20% to 30% chance of seeing rain showers getting into tuesday. as i said, that wednesday will be our best ance for rain and then we'll keep some scattered showers as we go to thursday, friday. unfortunately, even as we head e into the weed. the frontal system will be very close to us. temperatures drop a little bit. the humidity doesn't really go h anye, but again
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rate cut d,expectearnings overflow, and the employment picture is updated in the week ahead. investors watching for an interest rate cutom the federal reserve on wednesday. expectations of the move have helped drive stock prices higher. the busiest week of earnings season. a third of the companies in the s&p 500 are set to report. ple, exxonmobil, merck, and virginia. strong like june or weak like may? july's employment data released on friday. beyond jobs gains and the unemployment rate, investors will be watching average hourly wages for signs of inflation. finally, car chases aplenty coming to a theater near you. "hobbs & shaw" is a spinoff of the fast and "furious" movies. early estimates call for a $65 million opening weekend, which might be enough to unseat current box office champion disney's "the lion king." universal and cnbc are both
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units of come cost. get all your business news on cnbc. we have much more ahead on "news4 today." >> it includes anr- hou-hour look at your forecast with storm team4 meteorologist lauryn ricketts. 73 degrees as weac appro the 7:00 hour. but a heat wave, yes, another one could be on the way. we will check in with lauryn when we come back. st with us.
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"news4 today" starts now. >> saturday nightow shu housands of d.c. residents and businesses were left without power in theof heat summer. the latest on the massive outagin tweet into the night, president trump kept up his attacks on representative elijah cummings and his maryland congressional district late into the nightt more on thaacklash from the president's latest set of controversial remarks. remember this at union station? mo tths later officials sayy know how this car got on to the train tracks and how to stop it from happening again. w went to welcome you in on this sunday morning. it's 7:00. good morning to you, and thank you for joining us. i'm meagan fitzgerald. >> i'm adam tuss. no relief from the heat today. >> looks like today coul be hotter. want to check in with lauryn ricketts. good morning. >> good morning, guys. yeah, a few degrees hotter than yesterday. not really that bad out there. >> the humidity is the killer? >> yeah, the humidity is not going to be that b.
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did you like yesterday? >> yeah, i thought it was actually nice. one of us did. >> we will talk about that later. ag >> i know me was sitting at the nats game with the sun in her face the whole time and the angle of that sun, that game was getting going at 4:00, 5:00, woo, yeah, it was good out there. i was in the shade. yeah, but it was bad if you were just hanging out in the sunshine. same dealay. if you are in the sun, grab some shade iebse it's going to be hot. temperatures in the low 90s once again. the humidity is not going to be that bad out there today, as i was saying. we will still have the heat. 73 is the temperature right now. low 90s for daytime highs today. we could have an isolated shower chance heading into the afternoon and evening. for the most part we are going to stay dry. your sunday outlook, if u are headed to any church services, farm market, anything like that this morning, it's going to go warm but dry out there. pl time, get outnd do it. all sunshine out there. and again very comfortable. same with the barbecue. maybe atray storm.
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keep an eye to the sky. less than 20% chance that you will see it in your neighborhood. as wehose chances increase head through this week. rain coming our way. we will time it out and let you know what to expect. d transition with humidity coming back. ngn day comi up in 20 minutes. >> the pool a good option. emeantime, we ar following breaking news out of the district this morning. three people were shot on t street in northwest d.c. overnight. police say this happened near the howard theater. all three victims we t rushed the hospital. no word on their conditions right now. police say they are looking for c. tags audi car with in connection to this case. an update on some other breaking news out of new york. one person is dead and 12 people hurt after someone opened fire near a playground last night. police tell our sister stationne in york the gunfire started just before 11:00. witnesses say this happened at a block party inrooklyn. signs at the scene said it was the annual old-timers day celebration. witnesses say the gunfire t off panic
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>> well, when i heard the shots ictually thought it was fireworks. i didn't think for a minute that that was happening at this type of events but, yeah, people -- it was like a stampede. people were running over each other. it's just unfortunate. >> scary moments for far no arrests have been made. you can keep up with the breaking news throughout the morning on our nbc wasngton app. some good news to wake up to this morning. power has been restored to thousands in the district after that massive power outage yesterday. >> yeah, this is a problem yesterday. a lot of residents and businesses spending a chunk of their saturday in the dark because of all this. abo 39,000 pepco customers were effected by the outage here. power was also knocked out at several intersections. that forced police officers to direct traffic. a lot ofospitals had to operata operate on emergency backup generators. by nightfall you could see entire neighborhoods were dark.
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we moved here yesterday. we were inned middle of unpacking boxes. >> welcome to washington. an t as traced to electrical equipment issue at a substation on florida avenue in northwest d.c. politics now. president trump spent part of his weekend attacking maryland congressman elijah cummings and the city of baltimore in a war of words. overnight the president tweeted, quote, so sad that elijah cummings has been able to do so little for the people of baltimore. statistically, baltimore ranks last in almost every major category. customerings has done nothing but milk baltimore dry but the public is getting wise to the bad job he doing, end quote. he described cummings' district as a disgusting rat and rodent-infested mess. the president was apparently reacting cummings gave to acting homeland security secretary kevin mcaleenan over conditions at detention facilities. >> what does that mean? what does that man when a child is sitting in tir own feces?
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can't take a shower. come on, man. r >> cummingsponded to the president's attacks by saying that it is his constitutio duty to conduct oversight of the executive branch. baltimore city leaders meantime and the governor of maryland me to cummings' defense as well. and those comments along with much more on this week's testimony from former snsecial cou robert mueller coming up later this morning on "meet the press." it's going to be a jam-packed show. make sure you catch it. moderator of the show chuck todd will join us in the 10:00 hour to talk about all of it. "meet the press" starts at 10:30 right here after "news4 today." now to a devastating story in new york city. a father is charged for the deaths of his 1-year-old twins after they were left in a car on a hot summer day. police say juan rodriguez left his kids inside the car while he went to work in the bronx on friday. the little boy and girl had been in the back seat for nearly ght hours.
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rodriguez told authorities he didn't realize what had happened until he arrived to his car after his shift. rodriguez has pleaded not guilty to manslaughter and other charges. he is due back t in courts thursday. >> that is a tough one for sure. ng> meantime, we are woro identify the names of two people killed in a car crash. this happened yesterday morning route 301 in charles county. maryland state police say pedro garcia was driving on 3-1 near mount airen road wh he rear-ended a car. a woman and girl died on the scene. the driver in the car was airlifted to the hospital. place say garcia refused to be treated ere. no word on whether he will face any charges. now to some security concerns at un here is a live look from there. the amtrak office of the inspector general highlights some safety ris t at transportation hub. take a look at this. you might remember this video. the report says that the car you are about to see was able to drive on to the platform and right on to the tracks earlier this year. the inspector general says
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passengers and staff are also put at risk because of broken surveillance cameras and lacks monitoring of entrances. amtrak agrees with t report's safety recommendations. a statement says we have taken important steps fem improvts such as creating a plan to document how we will address the vulnerabilities oig identified at the station and yby september of 2019. well, people who have paid their debt to society are a getting second chance at cleaning up their records. this is all thanks to a local church. the first baptist church of glenarden hosted this free expungement fair yesterday. they brought together judges hod lawyers wave people free advice. they also reviewed some residents's criminal records to see if they were eligible for expungement. people also got advice on getting their voting riets restored. we are weeks way from the first day of school. time for them to back. i know it is. before they head back to class
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some kids from our area received some essential back-to-school items. the alfred street backpaptist ch organized this yesterday. kids received coats, shoes, and gift cards and supplies. t >>s is the 16th year of this annual event. we are so proud of it. it is one o our anchor events >> 15,000 low-income children and families were pre-selected for yesterday's event. up next, flyer beware. the news4 i-team reveals how cyber fees can access your fe l personal information. po edgetential traps. how to protect yourself and family coming up next on "news4 today."
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whke might seem li small cough can be a big bad problem for yourrandchildren. babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough are the most at risk for severe illness. help prevent this! talk to your doctor or pharmacist today abtting vaccinated against whooping cough.
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welcome back. hey, most of us know toct prote our credit card, bank accounts and social security number you have to be vigilant. there is a market out there for other information that makes you just as vulnerable. >> yeah, scary. in the height of the travel season you could be givg away your information without even realizing it. jodie fleischer shows you what you need to know before taking off. flyer beware report. ♪ >> reporter: you wouldn't leave the door to your hotel room wide open, handier wallet to a stranger, or post your passwords online. >> people who travel, they go to great lengths to protect their credit cards. but they don't think about this. what every hr wants is your data. >>reporter: and cybersecurity expert james lee says they are constantly coming up wh new ways to get it. your screen name, email addresses, where you shop, and wh you buy. and at the airport you keep it all in the palm of your hand until you are running low on
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power. >> you coofect up to one these power charges, you are connecting up to a computer you can't see. >> repoer: he says avoid the u.s. v port. the old fashioned plug is safer. oh, no, youurorgot y cord? beware. an identity thief might be the one who left theirs behind. >> some of the cords have chips in them. you can add malware to the cords ielf. >> reporter: it can steal your data just lece a dirne coion to your computer. stored passwords and pin numbers are most valuable. >> i know not to do that. >> reporter: tanya loves to avel but didn'tealize her personal information could also be on the move. >> and i always plug my usb into the lamp. i thought i was safer >> report nope. and those fancy hotel lamp and alarm clocks are so convenient, aren't they? you never know who spent hours in that room before you did. >> it's easy to alter one of these kinds of poorts. >> rr: the port in your rental car or rideshareo can als risky.
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on-board computer and bsyuetoot stems can capture your data. l >> you haveft your footprint from that phone in that car. >> reporter: the electroniccy prinformation center says hackers stealing your data shouldn't be your onlywe concer. react with legitimatees busins that are after our data to sell it to marketers. >> they are collecting more than is required for your interaction with that company. that's part of the problem. >> reporter: have you tried these fanc newpads to order a lunch or drink? while you are devouring that burger, thetablet is globling up information about you. and when you swipe your card to pay, it marries that information with whatever else you ha done on that tablet. en my gmail all the time. >> reporter: evhe games you play prompt you toenter your personal information. l?feeling soc you just need to enter your login and password. but any posts you make or photos you access can also be stored. >> from a security perspective, there is not asuch risk here
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as there is privacy risks. >> reporter: the privacy policy, which most users neverread, clearly states we may build and store user profile prefences based on your use of the tablet. progra it even lists the ways they may share personally identifiable information with third parties. the fact that they disseminate to other third parti makes it impossible to track down all the pool sees. >> reporter: he says you never knowiow that data wll be used in the future orse if tho third parties fall victim to a data keac breach, you don'tw what information they had. when you scan your boarding pass, that costs you. fr your frequent flyer information, trip information. >> you have to be savvy. there is the ability for somebody to siphon off your ta, they are going to try and you need to protect it. >> reporter: his best advice? flyer beware. if it isn't your device, don't log into it. jodie fleischer, news4 i-team.
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>> the tablet privacy policy does say users can contact the company to review the personal infoation that has been captured and requested if you delete it. >> a lot of people don't realize that stuff is oute. ther for more information visit our nbc washington app and click on flyer beware under investigations. >> good information. a live look outside. the sun has risen. it's 7:15. if you are just waking up, grab your coffee and join us. es are on the air for another had 5 min lauryn ricketts will be back to let you know what the rest of the day will look like. good morning. good morning. december 30th is tional bacon day.
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at a-a-r-p, we're all about bacon. gipecially everyone brinng home the bacon. it's why we have tips & tools to help in any stage of your career. yoday is the day to ge slice. and a-a-r-p is here to help.
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and welcome back. time now is: 7. this next story sounds like mething out of a movie. getting stuck in mud. sand-like >> look at my man'sthegs. ose aren't socks. this those the predicament. an 87-yearld man found himself, and it happened near the potomac river in bethesda. aimee cho with the incredible story about how his dogs helped him bark down help. >> reporter: a story about man's best friend. meet blue and jax and their human lamar. we talked to him for five seconds. you will see where y is he popu with pets and people alike. that is his name on his st rt. >> i put on so people know who i am. that's kind of nice.
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>> reporter: monday he thought it would be nice togstake the do by a walk by the c and o canal. his wife was going to see a movie. sheold her husband. >> if you fall down,nobody will know where you are. >> reporter: did lamar wait? nope. he did not. and sure enough, found himself in a sticky situation. >> i tell you, that mud was terally up to my knees and i couldn't pull my legs out. >> reporter: mired in mud. the more he moved, the more he sank. >> i w trying to dig itut with my hands, but it just oozed back over and made a mess. >> reporter:amar stood there n hour yelling for helpful wasn't loud enough to be heard, but these guys were. >> if they hadn't been with me, i don't know whether i would have gotten anybody. good orter: eventually, samaritans stopped by to lend a hand and the fire department gave lamar a lift home. with the hlp of a hose, he and his furry friends are as good as new now. he says being stuck in the mud isn't the worst thing in the world.
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>> if you want to try it, it's not that far if you want to see what it's like. >> reporter: i think i'll take your word for it. aim cho, news4. >> and what's the lesson out of all of this? >> listen to your wife. >> she told me not to go for a walk by myself. >> exactly. >> such a character. so glad he is okay. i love that theogs came to his rescue. >> i know, dogs are so smart. >> firefighters say if you get stuck in the mud, don't stesggle. it mak you sink faster. >> first responders had a special gadget they can help to get you out. so there you go. well, need some rain for that probably? >> yeah. >> thankfully, we are not looking at rain. >> dry out there. >> time to wash the car? >> the car, absolutely. go to the. pool anything you want to do outside. yeah, stay out of the sunshine though because it is hot. yeah, temperatures are going a beund 90. it's not going to be -- even though we don't have the humidity. >> it's not mildpy any stretch
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of the imagination. a beautiful start to this sunday morning. i mean, once again if you liked yestrday i think we wille a few degrees warmer today. humidity still in check. you ay feel touches of it ohroughout the day. it's not going te oppressive by any means at all. again enty of sunshine. conditions similar to your saturday. we could have another stray shower moving through our area, coming the humidity back through as we head through your monday and it looks like that humidity is going to stick with et as we g into your tuesday and wednesday as well. current temperatures out there rightow in the 60s and 70s. 73 here in the district. look at annapolis, 73 degrees. a little on the warm side out there. as you wake up this morning ithose temperatures are the 70s, but quickly we get to that 80 degree mark. morning.0 this but again plenty of sunshine. so if you want to head out to peratures will be in the 70s and 80s. going to be a beautiful morning. dry and warm out there. maybe sit outside. again, it is going to beot. it's going to be hot if you head
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to the pool. could have a stray shower especially north of the d.c. area. for the most partin we are go to stay dry, less than 20% chance you will see it where you are. temperatures in the low 90s for today. 93. yeste we made it to 89 at reaga national airport. i know a lot of places were in the 90s. so again a degree or two warmer today. nothing happening out there right now. looking good. high pressure in chae. as we go over the rain outlook this wk, we have those spotty showers for today and tomorrow and then we bump it up tuesday. maybe an isolated shower or storm, i'd say a 20% to 30% chance. a frontal system comes through on wednesday. that will create more rain chances as iwe getto your wednesday and thursday. tomorrow temperatures are going to be in the low-to-mid 90s. a little bit warmer than today. again another is oated chancef that p.m. shower. so again here is a look at your futurecast. a few showers mainly north possib as we headhrough this afternoon. another isolated chance as weth head ugh tomorrow afternoon. then tuesday, as i had said, we'll bump it up to 20% to 30% chance of scattered showers and
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thunderstorms mainly in the afternoon and we will take that chance even higher as we get into your wednesday. now, if you are headed to the nats/dodgers game, a first pitch at- i think it's 1:35. either way, during the 1:00 hour those temperatures are going to be around 90 degrees. it is going to be a hot one once again out there. we will be dry here in the district for that game. again a spotty shower escially north possible today. another isolated shower possible tomorrow. 20% to 30% tchance, scated showers and storms in the afternoon and evening on tuesday. frontal system comes in on wednesday and that creates rain chances thef remainder othe work week. we
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welcome back. time now is 7:26. tense moments overseas as riot police clash with demonstrate ners now kow. officers crashed on a political protest in support of candidates barred from participating in city council elections. more than 600 people were arrested yesterday. authorities had declared the protests as legal beforehand. activities activists say theyte innd to keep pressing for officials to open russia's political system. here is a story some my find adisturbing. young man caught on camera a setting boy's hair on fire. take a look at this viral video
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here. a 19-year-old using a lighter. oh, and an aerosol can. setsire to the back of the boy's head there. this happened ea of tokyo. the man confessed. no word on the condition of that boy. hope that he is okay. yikes. all right. time right nowh:27 on t sunday morning. taking a live look as the sun is up over the nation's capital. beautiful start to our sunday morning here. more heat and humidity could be creeping in. lauryn is going to you all atout th when we come back.
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"news4 today" startsow. >> good morning to you. it is 7:30 on this sunday . morning i'm meagan fitzgerald. >> i'm adam tuss. thank you so much for starting your day with us. we are just starting out on this sunday morning. it's looking pretty nice out there. >> looking pretty nice. 73 degrees outside. but some more summer heat looks like it's going to be creeping into the forecast. lauryn, yesterday it was hot. >> yeah. >> i guess the humidity is something we might be dealing with today? >> a little b of humidity. i'm trying to figure out what build something behind you guys? >> i wou venture that is northwest d.c. from our tower caelra. definit i bet you that is down -- >> we are like, yeah? okay. >> that is down massachusetts avenue. i bet you that's what it is. >> what he said. >> look at adam. good job, adam. the more you know. all right.
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>> or it could be rockwell. >> or it could be virginia. i don't know. i wh, like, o that's interesting. hey, listen, it is going to be warm out there. meagan, i know you were hot yesterday. >> we were both at the nats game. i happened to sit in the shade. you sat in sunshine. i looked at everybody sitting in tss sunshine, ble their hearts. it is a warm day out there and that sun was beating down on y'all for that:0 5:00 game. if you are headed to the nats game today, they play at 1:35 against the dodgers, y keepr fingers crossed, hopefully we get a better outcome than yesterday. it's going to be a hot one. this is dead smack in the afternoon. it's going to be a hot one out there. either way you cut it, even if you are not headed to the nats game, it's going to be warm. temperatures around 90eg des. it's mild right now, 70s 73 is the temperature. tu are going to feel touches of humidity throughou day. your wake-up weather, by 9:00 a.m. the temperatures at 81 degrees.
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sunshine. of a little bit of humidity. maybe even a little bit of rain. we will talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you. president trump continues to attack maryland congressman elijah cummings and the city of baltimore on twitter. overnight president trump tweeted, quote, so sad that elijah cummings has been able to do so little for the people of baltimore. statistically, baltimore ranks last in almost every major category. cummings has not done anything but milk baltimore dry, but the public is getting wise to the bad job that he is doing. this comes after he describes gs cummin west baltimore district as a disgusting rat and rodent-infested mess. the president was apparently reactingto the grillings cummings gave last week to acting homeland security secretary over conditions at onetention sfas teas the border. cummings responded by saying it is his constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the executchve bran
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meantime, the editorial board at the baltimore sun is dinot hol back with its response. it's a blistering op-ed the paper wroter. saying m trump sees attacking african-american members of congress as good politics. it sended with better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than it be one. >> those comments andch mu more on this week's testimony from special counsel robert mueller is coming up on this mrning on "meet the press." moderator chuck todd will join us to talk about what the testimony means for congress and thehite house moving forward. of course, "meet the press" starts at 10:30 right after "news4 today." another shooting in the district. this time two people, including boy, recovering after being shot right in the middle of the day. this was the crime scene on kennedy street in the brightwood park neighborhood yesterday. d.c. police found an adult male ngram block way on street. he was conscious and rushed to the hospital. police say someone actually walked the boy to the hospital.
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no word yet on any arrests. an update this morning on a stabbing in bowie that left a man dead. police charged the ctim's 17-year-old son with his death. police released this picture of barba koroma yesterday. he is chargedstith fi and second-degree murder father, who is also named barba koroma. police say the victim crashed an suv into a fence on north view drive in the area of allen pond park. we told you about this story yesterday. now officers say the victim's son dragged his father off and out of the truck and into a woed area. the victim died at the scene. erficers say the fath and son got into a fight inside the vehicle. detectives say the teen admitted to killing his father. a manhunt is underway in canada for two teenagers wanted in connection with three killings there. te canadian air force joined the search fo two suspects that you see here on this surveillance video in a saskatchewan grocery store. the two are chargedith murdering one man and suspected
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in the killing of two others, including a north carolina woman and her australian boyfriend in british columbia. the neighbors in that area are a bit woiied. >> l hasn't been the same. i mean, people are scared, on edge, but hopefully they catch them soon. >> police are now going door to door in that area where the suspects were last spotted. now we want to tell you about a disturbing story out of rome. two teenagers from california are facing charges for killing an italian police officer. here's what we know at this point. authorities say the 35-year-old officer confronted the teens on friday allegedly over a stolen backpcek. the offi -- the officer was then stabbed eight times. investigators say it happened right after a drug deal had gone wrong. police say the teens hav confessed to the murder. the officer who died had just returned to work just days after hishi honeymoon. funeral is expected to be held tomorrow in the same church where he was married. >> that is so sad.
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another update to tell you about this morning about a auisiana man who is facing charges after woman was found stabbed to death at a hotel in fairfax county. take a look. this happened at the hiltonho l right by the springfield town center early yesterday morning. police say that they found a woman and man inside a hoet room there. the woman died at the scene. the man, matthew cook, was rushed to the hospitus with serionjuries. police say the two knew each other. took has been charged with second-degree murder. school is almost here, and some children in prince george's county are now preparing to head back to class. organizers at ebenezer church of god in landover hills handed out 1,000 backpacks stuffed with school supplies for children. a number of people in underserved communities in the county benefitted from yesterday's event. there was also informationhe abt lth care for those who are uninsured and underinsured. how much is your rent? if you or someone you know just
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moved to this region, you know this area is pretty expensive. >> washington, d.c., as a matter of fact, ranked inopthe t 85 most expensive places in the world. not the country. the world. here is a look a a list from berlin-based company. san francisco comes out as the single most expensive city ith world to move to. >> that's right. new york is number three. boston number eight. l.a. number 12. >> and washington is number 14. researchers looked at the cost of housing, moving expenses, ryincluding temporaousing and utility expenses. turns out dublin, ireland, sydney, australia, and geneva switzerland were in the top heve. >> interestinge. london, miami, and paris were in the top 25. >> that's shocking. >> yeah. >> we're jumping ahead of those cities is incredible. paris. >> yeah. >> you know, it's no shock. it is expensive to live here. >> indeed it is. coming up, a mother and son get a t chance thank a metro transit police officer for going
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welcome back. a tearful reunion between a metro transit police officer and a 4-year-old boy. >> yeah, this pict went viral last weekend showing the officer helping the autistic boy. this week the two c got ance to see one another again.ew ns4's mark segraves. >> reporter: tears of joy from a mother as she got a chance to say thank you to the metro transit officer wouho came to h rescue last week when her 4-year-old s, who is autistic, was having a meltdown. >> i tried to say athank you million times on the train, but it really did mean so much. >> reporter: officer dominic kay says he was just doing what any father would do, h lping a mother and her young son who were in distress. >> having a 4-year-o myself,
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's not something i haven't seen before. he seemed distraught, so i thought i could help out a little bit. >> reporter: this photo of case holding the 4-year-old boy's hand went viral over the weekend after the boy's mother posted the story of how officer case offered that helping hand when andrew was having that meltdown. >> he wajust rolling in the dirt, pulling my hair, kicking me. it breaks my heart because there is nothing i can do about it. >> yeah, her son did suffer from yo autism. i crashed down to his eye level tand just tried tolk ton im, explai him who i was, why i was there. i just thought maybe the next best thing, give him somet mng fromvest to have and hold and kind of, you know, distract him a little bit fromwhat was going on. >> reporter: case who has been a metro transit officer for about five years, not on lped to calm andrew down. he rode the train home with him.
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a 35-minute ride. >> very sweet boy. once he was able to calm down, you know, the whole tra ride he was calm, so polite, and just seemed like a very kind kid. a cute little i love his bow tie, too. >> yeah. >> a few days ago, officer dominic case received a special honor from the metro board. andrew and his mother were also e to say thank you. experts say children with autism can have negative interactions with police. they hope this story helps to change that going forward. >> it just shows you a little extra effort, a little something to help, and that goes such a long way. >> such a long way. >> so good for him. all right. time right now 7:42. let's open up the window, look at our front hardere in northwest d.c. at our nbc washington studios. 73 degrees. light breeze as you see the flag flapping in the wind there, but a heat wave is coming. lauryn is back with that when we come back.
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and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. some common side-effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. don't imagine results, see them. coolsculpting, take yourself further. welcome back. ant suspected thief we through a lot for a case of gatorade. cameras captured him as he struggled to escape with loot at a d.c. gas station. he repeatedly kicked on the locked door. >> yeah, and finally he was able to squeeze h body through a hole here. who else better to tell the
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story than pat collins, who went to that store to learn more about this wild heist. take a look. >> reporter: this guy is giving a whole new meaning to the expression "doorbuster." we call him gatorade man. you are going to see him steal a case of gatorade and then make a getaway that's, less than graceful. the scene this mobile gas station on pennsylvania avenue southeast. if you steal somethingr f this gas station store, they have an electronic lock they can activate to keep you from getting away. and it works. most of the time. gatorade man had a special exit plan. first, he grabs a case of what ppears to be the fruit punch flavored thirst quencher. h then he makes way to the front door. but it's locked.
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he starts kicking thator do like a rockette. no luck. he kicked it again.>> let me out! >> reporter: nothing. the t he sets downt gatorade and goes at the door again and again. finally, a hole in the door. the man picks up the case of gatorade, slips it through that hole, and then makes his getaway through the same opening. then on to a sunset. that gatorade in the front basket. >> the guy who put that locki n, that lock will not break he assured me. the door broke before the lock did. >> reporter: that's dennis alloy, the gas station owner. now, you might remember him. he is the guy who posts pictures of people who steal from his stores. he says that tactic has reduced that substantially.
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well, maybe with the exception of gatorade man. >> after putting videos, after putting the posters, significant decrease. 's noticeable. it's part of the businesss itever going to go away completely, and i get that, but stuff like this?do i just 't expect that to happen. >> reporter: police now have that surveillance video from the gas station, but so far no arrest. and this gatorade case in southeast, pat collins, news4. >> we are all glued to it. we are all glued to it because of pat's storytelling, first of all. and why did he need that gatorade so bad? >> it was so hot outside. he needed it. >> to put it on his -- >> right. >> i love the guy who was behind him in line. is watching him kick the door open.
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>> was that the owner? >> i think it's the guy in line. >> yeah, he saw him make a purchase. oh, man. >> still looking for the gatorade guy. you know? it was hot this week. >> i want to know when it was. last week, he definitely needed it. i don't know why he didn't take some chips and stuff lining that. you're at it. >> he might be back. >> he might be back. >> anyway, listen, gatorade, hydte today. yeah, hydrate. >> let's do that. >> hydrate, everybody. >> the temperatus are warming. it's going to be hot out there. you were out and about yesterday. meagan and i were at the game. you were in ?air-conditioning >> i was. >> i was like melting. you were like, poor meagan. like, yeah. that's her. hey, meagan, hi. >>wao. it was a rm day. same today. i just hadyne of m producers at wto just call because we
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go live on the 8s over there, so i'm doing double duty as i tend to do on the weekends. she said she walked outside at starbucks and it was really pleasant outside. she asked me if i have been outside. i haven't been outside since i came in a couple hours ago. again, very nice conditions out there. low humidity am you m-- and you may feel touches of it today. definitely some humid conditions as we get into tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and friday. now, we do have a chance for n some storms o tuesday. best chance comes on wednesday and then we will carry chances on thursday and curiday, too. ent temperatures out there right now, not too bad. 60s and 70s. 77 in annapolis. we head into theow 90s for a daytime high today. a degree or two warmer. once again, you areunn the sine, definitely going to feel hot out there. definitely take so shaded breaks out there. could have an isolated chance of ashower and thunderstorm later on this afternoon. we were talking about the humidity levels.
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i love this graliic. ame made. this comfortable conditions. there is the legend on the ft-hand side. o sunday, today, it's going to beta comforble. but then the humidity starts creeping up a little bit as wed heathrough tomorrow and into tuesday. and then pretty humidetting into your wednesday, thursday, and fridso. that mugginess is coming back. rain is coming back as well. nothing out there right now. so if you are traveling,ooking good. go ahead and get that car washed today if you didn't do to yesterday because again we only havenctray cha of rain showers today and tomorrow. and then slightly better chances on tuesday and then by the time we get into wednesday arontal system will come through. humidity and heat not going anywhere. the temperature may fall a few degrees for yr wednesday and thursday, but that's about it. but again we will have some rain chances wednesday and thursday. toy will be the day to get the car washed. 94 degrees is going to be our temperature tomorrow. again another isolated chance of a shower and thunderstorm. but tomorrow morning looking good for any commuting purposes. now, tonighthe most of tain
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chances g chances are going to stay to the north. we had they were to the west and we had a lonely cell that made it to upper montgomery county. today a very small chance of a spotty shower or storm mainly north. another spotty chance tomorrow west of the district through tomorrow afternoon. then we get into thursday, chance of showers and thunderstorms tuesday afternoon. i would say a 20 to 30% chance and then we will up to to 50, 60 wednesday with scattered showers and thunderstorms. temperatures around 90. around 90 ase get too your thursday. we knock a few degrees off that temperature for your friday. i kept a small chance of rain in ere friday. we will also have chances of rain heading into next week. it looks like this humiditis stinging with sticking with us through the day tomorrow. sticking with us all through this week and even into the weekend with scattered rain chances. chances. we have got more news on the
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here are some things you need to know on this saturday morning. sunday morning, rather. three people shot near the howard theatepo overnight. ice are looking for a white audi with d.c. tags in connection to the shooting. no word on the victim's condition. in new york at least 11 people shot at a block party. witnses say there was a massive panic when the gunfire
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started. hundreds of people cleared out of a park. check the nbc washington app for more information as it comes in. power has been restored for ftseveral d.c. residents aer a massive ouge yesterday. we are told it happened after an elec aical equipment issue at substation. about 39,000 pepco customers affected. >> stay with us pll morni "meet the press." chuck todd and the panel will go imer the fallout from robert mueller's testy on capitol hill this week. starts at 10:30 after "news4 today." >>d gatorade man today and get a gatorade. >> no kidding. >> it's going to be hot. >> it's going to be hot out there. definitely hydrate if you are headed to the nats game. 1:35 first pitch against the dodgers. it's going to be hot. few degrees warmer than yesterday with tou of humidity. more humidity tomorrow. back into the low-to-mid 90s. maybe a chance of a passing shower tay and tomorrow. then again we will have some shower chances tuesday. best chance of rainay wednesd
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we carry that chance towards the end of the work week. >> find your friend with the pl. >> or both. >> yeah. >> that's going to do it for "news4 today." thank you for joining us. >> we will be bac 9:00. until then have a wonderful sunday everyone. honey, this gig-speed internet
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obviously not very good >> the bill is passed. >> we have been waiting for this for so long. ♪ zoo good morning. welcome back after a weeo off "sunday today" on this july 28th. i'm willie geist. president trump has spent a good portion of the summer weekend including this morning on twitter attacking a prominent member of congress in a series of tweets. house speaker nancy pe is calling them racist. the president going after


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