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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  January 11, 2012 12:35am-1:35am EST

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[ cheers and applause ]
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>> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac --
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, man. thank you so much. i feel the love. i appreciate it, everybody. thank you so much. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," everybody. it's going to be a fun show. today was the big new hampshire primary. and listen to this. while campaigning there yesterday, jon huntsman said he was ready to "rock 'n' roll." [ laughter ] not to be outdone, mitt romney said he was ready to "easy listen." [ laughter ] speaking of mitt romney, during his speech in new hampshire yesterday, a group of occupy wall street protesters interrupted him with a rhyme, "live free or die, always occupy, live free or die, always occupy." and it got weird when mitt romney was like, "yo, give me the mic." [ laughter ] ♪ well, my name is mitt. and i'm here to say that i comb my hair in a pretty neat way ♪ ♪ i part it to the left and i part it to the right -- ♪ [ laughter and applause ]
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i saw that the first new hampshire precinct to report primary votes was a town called dixville notch. [ laughter ] then it was on to its neighboring town chesticle falls. [ laughter ] and then they went down to snatchington farms. it was really -- [ laughter ] hey, some tech news, you guys. lg is coming out with a new tv that lets you change the channel by talking. [ audience oohs ] it's really hard to watch with my mom, though, it's like, "ooh, the bachelor lives in such a nice house. ooh, "house" is on. [ laughter ] he's such a handsome doctor. oh, dr. oz, i love him." i'm like -- [ laughter ] that's right. a tv where you change the channel by talking. i'm not sure it works. when i yelled "crap" during a football game, the tv put on "jersey shore." [ laughter and applause ] i don't know. >> steve: jimmy calzone.
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>> jimmy: i was just reading about this. a man in california started a website to stop people from overusing the word "awesome." that sounds pretty tubular. [ laughter ] hey, this is nice, you guys. beyonce and jay-z were spotted leaving the hospital this morning with their brand new baby. and get this, beyonce says they may even start working on their next child, or as they call it, the remix. [ laughter ] and finally, some sports news, it turns out that tim tebow gets a $250,000 bonus every time the broncos win a playoff game. yeah. when he heard about that, god was like, "ahem!" [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight, one of my all-time favorite people in the
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world -- tina fey is here! [ cheers and applause ] you can feel the excitement. the love. "30 rock." "30 rock" is back on finally thursdays at 8:00. i missed it! i missed that show. yeah, anyway. there's more to the show tonight. this guy, he stars in this amazing movie. it's a black and white silent film called "the artist." did you hear about this movie? [ cheers and applause ] it is so good. i can't recommend a movie more. you have to go see it in the theatres right now, while it's out. i don't know where it's playing. you know, but, you got to go see it. it's a silent movie. like, i've never seen a silent movie in a theatre. but you go and everyone's quiet. it was a packed house. and you hear people unwrapping smuggled candy in. [ laughter ] and slurping their drinks -- but, it's fascinating, fascinating movie. they're clever -- all the jokes are really clever. and they're talented. he dances in it. it makes you laugh. its kind of "a star is born" type of story.
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like an unknown girl gets famous. and then her career goes up while the stars go down. and he's depressed. it's just -- it's really, really interesting and really clever and fun jokes. and there's a cute dog in it. [ audience aws ] there you go. you can't beat that movie. so go see "the artist." we got my man, jean dujardin is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] jean dujardin! >> steve: oh, jean dujardin! >> jimmy: he's so good. and he's french. and he doesn't really speak that good of english -- that well of english. he doesn't speak english well. [ laughter ] >> steve: he doesn't speak it that well? >> jimmy: and we got downtown rock legend and host of sirius xm's "the handsome dick manitoba program." "handsome dick" manitoba is here tonight as well! [ cheers and applause ] he's one bad -- he's a bad ass. and making their tv debut, some good music from the war on drugs, tonight! [ cheers and applause ] they've got some fans out there going nuts for them. hey guys, it's time to take a look at the stories making headlines today.
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and weigh the good with the bad. it's time for "pros and cons." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ pros and cons and pros and cons and pros ♪ >> jimmy: tonight we'll be taking a look at the "pros and cons" of jay-z and beyonce becoming parents. [ laughter ] their daughter blue ivy was born over the weekend. we're very happy for them. but having a new baby can be very tough. so, lets take a look at the "pros and cons" of jay-z and beyonce becoming parents. here we go. pro, they named their daughter blue ivy carter. con, making her the only one in the family with a last name. [ laughter ] that's true. pro, getting to hear all those cute little questions children ask like, "why do i have a belly button?" and "where does santa claus live?" con, and "what does bootylicious mean?" [ laughter ] "ask your mother." pro, jay-z stocked the nursery with diaper rash cream. con, blue ivy's got 99 problems, but a itch ain't one.
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[ laughter ] but a itch ain't one! [ applause ] that can be a hit song. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: pro, the delivery was performed by one of the most sought-after doctors in the world. con, dr. dre. [ laughter ] is he qualified to do that? can he do that? >> steve: he's a medical doctor. >> jimmy: he's a medical doctor. pro, blue is a nod to jay-z's blueprint album while ivy is a clever interpretation of the roman numeral four or i-v, which is beyonce's favorite number. con, my dad named me james because his name was james. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: james. but what did they name your sister? what did they name your sister? >> jimmy: james. [ laughter ] pro, being a dad has opened up jay-z's eyes to things he's never noticed before. con, like lamborghini rhymes with diaper genie. [ laughter ] that's true. you can put that in there. pro, beyonce kept her cool
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during labor. con, mostly because of a 30-foot wind machine in the delivery room. [ laughter ] creates a nice effect. pro, getting to see jay-z changing his daughter's pampers. con, getting to see kayne west show up and say, "i'mma let you finish, but huggies pull-ups are the best diapers of all time!" [ applause ] he loves huggies pull-ups. and finally pro, this might spur them on to want more kids. con, if so, i'm available for adoption. come on! james! [ cheers and applause ] that's all the "pros and cons" we have. we'll be right back with tina fey, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ why do we have aflac... aflac... and major medical? major medical, boyyyy! [ beatboxing ] ♪ i help pay the doctor ♪ ain't that enough for you? ♪ there are things major medical doesn't do. aflac!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is the award-winning creator and star of nbc's "30 rock," which is
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back this thursday at 8:00. she's also the best-selling author of "bossypants," which just came out on paperback. please welcome to the show our good pal tina fey! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ why can't we be friends? why can't we be friends? why can't we be friends? why can't we be friends? ♪ >> jimmy: hey pal. >> hi, buddy. >> jimmy: thank you so much for coming back on the show. >> my pleasure. >> jimmy: they all love you. congrats on this. oh, my gosh. it's like the second best-selling book of 2011, besides "steve jobs." >> thank you. >> jimmy: this right next to "steve jobs." number two. >> and i didn't even have to invent the ipod. >> jimmy: see? [ light laughter ] you didn't have to do that at all. but this is awesome. we just get some of this tension out here. >> its tense in here. >> jimmy: it's a little tense. something happened the other night on a different program. >> yes. >> jimmy: "watch what happens live" with andy cohen. >> yeah. i go to work yesterday. >> jimmy: normal day.
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>> normal day. >> jimmy: having a good time. >> usual, usual, kind of awesome day. getting psyched up for a fun day at work. when i get there everyone i work with is like, "oh, hey, you gotta check this out. you gotta look online." questlove was saying some bad stuff about you on "watch what happens live." and i was like, "what? no." not questlove? >> jimmy: yeah, questlove -- our guy, questlove. >> yeah. so then i watch this online. >> jimmy: check out this clip. >> questlove: tina fey, you are never nice to the roots. we're from philadelphia. be nice to the roots. [ audience aws ] >> and i was like -- i was at work. >> jimmy: okay. >> and i was like, "what? what is quest talking about?" because usually -- and you know me -- if i'm a super bitch to someone -- one, there's a reason. and two, i remember doing it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i was like, "i don't remember doing anything bad to the roots." and i am from philly. so i had a very philly reaction. i was like, "i'm gon' kick his ass. i'm gonna key his car.
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i'mma drag him behind the wawa and we're gonna fight." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "i'm going to key his car." >> i'm going to key his car. i'm gon' egg his there. i'm going down there, i'm egging his house. [ laughter ] but then i calmed down. >> jimmy: all, right. >> but i honestly -- like, i can't -- i don't know. it's crazy someone -- and you're like "i don't even know what he's talking about." >> jimmy: no, i came in -- yeah. 'cause i watched the show. and then i saw that go down. i just didn't know -- and i knew, because quest -- i mean -- what? >> what did i do? >> questlove: we -- we tried to say hello to you last time and you -- >> in here? in here? >> questlove: yeah, yeah -- okay. >> 'cause i -- >> questlove: it was a misunderstanding. i -- >> this show is like family to me. we can't have any bad blood. so i don't know what happened. it was a misunderstanding. but i think there's only one thing. of course, you know what we have to do. >> questlove: yes. >> we have to do a silly ritual. >> questlove: yes. >> we have to bite the hoagie of forgiveness. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, so -- you have a hoagie, right? the hoagie of forgiveness. >> yes. >> jimmy: let's do this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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i'm so sorry about this. there you go. >> this means -- we close our eyes, you bite this hoagie. >> questlove: together. >> the same time. while some beautiful silly music plays. >> jimmy: a little hall and oates there, for ya. >> this means -- >> questlove: okay. you ready? >> that everything's cool. >> questlove: everything's fine. >> it's like nothing ever happened. >> questlove: yes. >> and we love each other. >> questlove: we love each other. all right. ready. with this hoagie i thee -- friend. >> all, right. [ laughter ] you hold jimmy. you hold it. hands behind my back. [ laughter ] >> questlove: okay. >> here we go. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i've got to say also, a quick thank you to you. thank you for helping me out. i hosted "saturday night live" a couple of weeks ago. >> oh, you did an awesome job. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and you came on. not for that but you came on and -- that looks good, actually. that's your new move. yeah, it looks great. >> jimmy: you came on and you -- you wrote sully and denise. >> and it was super fun. and everyone was there. poehler was there, kattan. >> jimmy: kattan, tracy, horatio. >> horatio, by the way, the only person who looks better. >> jimmy: yeah, horatio sanz looks awesome. >> he looks so great. but my parents -- they loved the show. when you hosted. and my parents were like, "and jimmy has grown up to be the most handsome man." >> jimmy: ah! [ cheers and applause ] i love you guys. oh, that's so nice. speaking of looking good -- you look gorgeous. you just had another little baby. >> i did. she's -- it's a birthday today. she's five months today. >> jimmy: oh, is that right? >> five months old today. little penelope. >> jimmy: oh my god, she's adorable. >> thank you. >> jimmy: she's a beautiful, beautiful baby. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you're doing now -- you're doing --
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>> i'm trying to get the weight off now. 'cause i really -- like, i knew i was not going to ever be pregnant again. and so i really went for it. i was really putting the food away. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so you enjoyed yourself? >> i enjoyed myself. i'm not doing this again. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> let me get a couple hams. and so then i was like, sorta like "all right, joke's over, i've got to get this off, 'cause like --" >> jimmy: how'd you do it? >> well, i'm still working on it. i tried this -- one thing. i tried a juice cleanse thing which i don't -- that's -- i don't really believe in those. like, i don't -- i don't really feel like you're supposed to like -- take -- your body is like not like a purse. you're not supposed to like turn it inside out and shake it and like -- >> jimmy: yeah, like shake all the crap out of it. yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] old pennies and paperclips. >> yeah, it's like old -- old kleenex -- >> jimmy: one cert. >> jimmy: and old, crushed-up cert and a pantyliner. [ laughter ] get it out. that's what i have inside me. and so -- but i was like, "i don't care. i just need to jumpstart this." so, i did this juice -- have you ever done this? >> jimmy: yeah, i tried it. >> and it's not bad. >> jimmy: i usually do it with food. [ laughter ] a juice cleanse and a hamburger.
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>> i did this thing that was like juice all day. you start -- you get like a shot of a little -- like, it looks like a -- you know, doctor -- cabinet. like, a weird little glass jar with a thing that's like -- either wheat grass or aloe, which tastes like band-aids. that stuff's like liquid band-aids. >> jimmy: it is gross. >> or like fish tank water. >> jimmy: you drink fish tank water. that's half the diet. yeah. >> then you have like juice. and then you have like more juice. and then later at night you get a vegan meal. >> jimmy: that's a treat. >> as a treat. and it has -- it has a thing on it called a carrot cheese ball. >> jimmy: oh come on! >> but it's not even really cheese so i don't know what that was. >> jimmy: at least come up with a more creative name. >> yeah. so, it was pretty good. but then, like, the last day i was doing it, i had some kind of allergic reaction to it and my lips swelled up. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i don't know if you can tell good from the picture but -- >> jimmy: looks pretty good, actually. >> my lips were like -- yeah, my lips were like this. and like, it kind of looked better, right? like it's -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: it's like -- >> like it kind of made me look like everyone else on tv. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: people get this done at plastic surgeons. >> i was like beautiful -- like a "real housewives" beautiful. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. it is -- right there. hey, "30 rock." >> yes. >> jimmy: you're finally back. i missed you, pal. i missed you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i missed you. my tv missed you. >> oh, thank you. >> jimmy: you're on thursday, 8:00. >> thursday, 8:00. up against "the big bang theory." >> jimmy: up against the big old "big bang." >> oh, boy! >> jimmy: "bbt," man. >> we can't beat them. >> jimmy: yes, you can beat them. >> they have the nerds and a pretty lady. we just have nerds. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. but that's all right, though. that's fine but it's -- yeah, it's a very good comment. its very, very good. and you have a very pretty lady. it's back. you got -- the whole gang is back. alec baldwin. you got tracy -- gosh, i love so much. >> arnett's coming back. and we're also -- we're on in syndication now, too, which is nice. because like, my parents' friends finally know about the show. they're like -- "oh, i saw her on a bus." oh, on the "sex" bus. that's the best, right quest? that's the best. >> jimmy: that's a little silly.
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>> and we did though -- the syndication came back to burn me though 'cause it was on -- somebody in my house put it on -- it was on early, like 7:00. and i -- my older daughter, alex, who's six, was watching it, i guess. i didn't realize. right as i walked in the kitchen, it was a joke where jane krakowski is holding a monkey in a sailor suit from an old episode and she's like, "oh, this outfit hides his erection." and my 6-year-old immediately turned to me. she's like, "what's an erection?" [ laughter ] and i was like -- i wanted to be so mad at the show but it was my show. [ laughter ] and i was like -- >> jimmy: who would put this -- oh, i would! >> and i was like, "it's a building. an erection is a building." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there you go. very smart. [ laughter ] very smart. >> no -- immediately she goes, "that doesn't make sense in the sentence that the lady said though 'cause she said it was hiding -- that the clothes were hiding it." i was like, "oh, boy." >> jimmy: i don't know. i don't know. i do not know. >> i just had to go, "i don't know." >> jimmy: and just walk away from it. i want to show you a clip of "30 rock" coming up. here's tina fey in "30 rock." >> aren't you going to ask me how my -- >> no, i know exactly how your holidays were. you took the train to your
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parents' house. on christmas eve you forgot that eggnog has alcohol in it and got into a shoving match with your aunt about who puts the star on top of the tree. >> it was my year. what, lupus let's you just cut the line? >> you received two sweaters that you didn't really like and got your dad a book on world war ii that he already owned. >> wow. you really think you know everything about me don't you? >> yes. after six years, i really do. >> well, i'll have you know that there are aspects of my life about which you know nothing. [ ding ] >> take off that jacket. if you're not wearing one of those christmas sweaters out of guilt. i'll give you $1,000. >> wrong, jack. 'cause they weren't sweaters. they were dickies! happy 2012! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh my gosh! there you go, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] "30 rock" is back thursday at 8:00 pm, right here on nbc! when we come back, we're playing a game. come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ looks like there's an opening for shipping coordinator. and i've got to pick someone. tough decision.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. we are back with the beautiful and talented tina fey. we're going to play "speed celebrity," you guys. so we have two partners from our audience. what are your names and where are you from? you first. >> michael from the bronx. >> jimmy: michael from the bronx. [ cheers and applause ] >> hope. >> jimmy: hope. >> from tennessee. >> jimmy: hey, welcome. from tennessee. [ cheers and applause ] very good. all right, very good. now you guys know how celebrity works. you give your partner clues to get them to guess the name of the famous person that's on your card. for example, if the clue was "tina fey," you could say anything like, "she's a star of '30 rock.'" but, you can't give initials or say something like, "it rhymes with queena bley." the clues -- by the way, queena bley is on friday. so, check out that show. it's gonna be pretty good. the clues may be real people or famous fictional characters. the team with the most points wins. ready to do this? >> yes! >> jimmy: let's go. all right, tina, you go first. >> okay. >> jimmy: -- sit down. michael, were are we? here? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, good. >> oh, so we sit? so we go up there and get it and then we -- >> jimmy: yeah, you go first. >> i stay up here.
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>> jimmy: you stay up. hope, you're down. >> okay. >> jimmy: and you -- we don't guess on this, mike. it's you and hope, all the way in the -- get as many names as you can. 30 seconds. whenever you're ready. go. >> here we go, hope. okay. okay, this is a guy. he used to go out with rachel mcadams and -- >> ryan gosling. [ ding ] >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] a cartoon character. yellow. >> tweety bird? >> no, he lives under the ocean. his friend is patrick. >> spongebob squarepants. [ ding ] >> she's a host with hoda in the morning. >> kathie lee. [ ding ] kathie lee gifford. >> yeah. this is a really boring republican guy who's -- might be president. >> mitt romney. >> yep. [ ding ] [ cheers and applause ] miss piggy's boyfriend. >> kermit. [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: oh, very good. [ cheers and applause ] that was good. you're good at this, pal. you're good at this. >> hope is good. >> jimmy: all, right. come on michael, you ready? >> ready. >> jimmy: we can do this, all right? here we go. ready? go. rolling in the deep. >> adele. [ ding ]
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>> jimmy: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> tebow -- tim tebow. >> jimmy: yeah. beyonce and jay z's baby. >> blue ivy. >> jimmy: yeah. and the last name is. >> carter. [ ding ] >> jimmy: yeah. okay, he was on "e.r." now he's a movie star in "the descendants." >> george clooney. [ ding ] >> jimmy: yes. okay, she was in the movie "iron lady." she's amazing actress. >> helen mirren? >> jimmy: nominated for like -- 20 oscars. [ buzzer ] people mistake her for -- no, no, now we switch it up. >> oh! >> jimmy: yeah, but here you go. it's you. >> okay. >> jimmy: here we go. round two. look at how good this -- >> oh! [ audience ohs ] >> jimmy: we have a big budget -- big budget for this show. all, right. the same 16 celebrity names are mixed up in the back. back into play and our -- our partners will now give us the clues this time. okay, but, here's the deal. they can't say more than three words. >> okay. >> jimmy: all right. so hope, you go first. but you can't say more than three words. michael -- >> we've heard most of these but we haven't heard all of them? >> jimmy: yep, we've heard most of the people, so yeah. >> but not all of them. >> jimmy: not all of them. correct. very good, tina. [ laughter ]
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go, hope. >> north korea. dead. >> kim jong il [ ding ] [ laughter ] >> famous actress. >> meryl streep. [ ding ] >> yep. baby beyonce. jay-z. >> blue ivy carter. [ ding ] >> theory of relativity. >> albert einstein. einstein. einstein. [ ding ] >> green superhero. >> kermit the frog? >> no. [ laughter ] >> the hornet. the green hornet. >> no. >> thing. >> jimmy: you can pass too, if you want. >> the thing. no, the -- the hulk! the hulk! >> jimmy: oh, the hulk. wait, can we give her the hulk? >> let's give her the hulk. [ cheers and applause ] >> good job, good job. >> jimmy: you're so good at this. all right. so i can't say meryl streep or the hulk. all right, whenever you're ready, michael. >> ready? >> jimmy: yeah. go. >> president's wife. >> jimmy: michelle obama. [ ding ] >> perfect. rollin' in the >> adele. [ ding ] [ laughter ]
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>> lakers. >> jimmy: magic johnson. kobe bryant. [ ding ] >> perfect. actor "e.r." >> jimmy: george clooney. [ ding ] >> jimmy: tim tebow. [ ding ] [ laughter ] >> under the sea. >> jimmy: spongebob. [ ding ] squarepants. [ ding ] >> morning show. [ buzzer ] >> regis. oh, kathie lee gifford. [ laughter ] didn't get that one. all, right. what'she score -- it's tied. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, it's tied! >> jimmy: it's a tie game, you guys! [ cheers and applause ] all, right. round three, the final round. tina and i are back out. but we can only give silent clues. so it's sort of like charades now. now we can act like the person, give clues to get our partners to say the name. anything but talking. >> and we go at the same time? >> jimmy: no. you're up first. i'm just up here 'cause i just wanna -- >> okay. >> jimmy: explain the rules. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> silent, okay. >> jimmy: ready? >> okay. >> jimmy: go. [ light laughter ]
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>> uh -- um -- >> jimmy: you can pass if you want. >> pass! >> the hulk. [ laughter ] michelle obama. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she has great arms. >> oh! tim tebow? [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: madonna? >> madonna. >> jimmy: good job. good one. she wasn't in there before, was she? >> jimmy: i'm like, this is -- this is michele obama. she has the best arms, yeah. oh, i love that. all right. you ready, buddy? we need more than three. >> okay. >> jimmy: and we got the win. ready? what? all i need is one? tied two to win. here we go. ready? go. [ light laughter ] >> incredible hulk. [ ding ] >> jimmy: yeah! okay. -- say "incredible." you added that. [ laughter ]
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>> mitt romney? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's all we needed! that's all we needed! "30 rock," is back thursdays at 8:00 on nbc! tina fey, everybody! come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ whee wheeeeeeeeeeeee! wheeeeeeeeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee-he-he-heeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! pure adrenaline. whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a french actor who has been collecting acting awards around the world for his lead role in the amazing black and white silent film, "the artist," which is in theatres now. it's up for six golden globes this weekend, including best actor for this gentleman. please welcome jean dujardin! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i love this movie so much. i was raving about it earlier.
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it's just i had never experienced a silent film like that with people in the theatre, and everyone's just paying so much attention. i was going, like, "how did they get this film made?" like, "how do you make a movie like this?" i don't know how you would get that done. and then when you did it so well and so cleverly, you win all these awards. and -- congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you're winning a lot and -- you got to go to some award show recently. you sat next to robert de niro. >> yes, yes i did. yeah. >> jimmy: that's fun. >> yes. that was fun, yes. i had fun, i am fun, yes. a big fan. [ scattered applause ] >> jimmy: you're a fan of robert de niro? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, everyone is. >> what do you want? an impression? >> jimmy: can you do an impression of robert de niro? >> yeah, sure. yes. right? [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: that's pretty good. that's pretty good. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: that's good. >> i have another impression. >> jimmy: okay? >> not many more, a couple more. couple more. >> jimmy: yes?
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>> look, for you. present for you. [ makes animal noise ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this is a really good camel, actually. yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> and camel who is de niro. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: a de niro camel. that's a good combo of both. ♪ when someone offers you to do a silent film, do you think they're crazy? >> yes. it's crazy. i said to the director, "it's impossible to finance this project in france and in the world, too, because -- it's -- yes, it's crazy." i said, "are you crazy? are you -- lunatic?" >> jimmy: yeah. >> and what do you want? what -- what kind of silent movie would you like? if you want pantomime, like, chaplin or keaton it's impossible because they're -- they're geniuses and not me. he said, "no, they're -- they're another kind of silent movie, like -- movies. king vidor's movies. and we watched, together the
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film and understood what michel, the director, wanted. >> jimmy: yeah, what is the director's name? >> michel hazanavicius. [ snoring ] boring. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: michel hazanavicius? >> hazanavicius. >> jimmy: as -- and-i'll-have-these-shoes? >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but he did -- i mean, that guy, he hit a home run. he knocked it out of the park. i mean, there's so many physical comedy bits i would compare you to chaplin or keaton. >> oh, no. >> jimmy: yes, i will, because it's phenomenal what you did. there's so many fun, clever bits that you did. and there's no words. like, is it hard acting with a silent film? >> no, it's not really different. because, for the audience, it's a silent movie. but for us it was a talking movie because we had lines, we spoke with john goodman, james cromwell. we spoke in english, spoke in french, sometimes in gibberish. [ speaks gibberish ] [ laughter ] no, it's -- it's more instinctive -- it's not -- your body does the work. it's a body language. it's not intellectual and i'm not intellectual.
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>> jimmy: and you dance as well in this movie. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're a very good dancer. >> oh, thank you. >> jimmy: and i was like, "this guy -- he does it all. he's so talented." i've never seen anyone this talented. it was amazing. >> no, no, no. >> jimmy: you did this great tap dance bit that was so charming and -- and beautiful to watch. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and where you just see this -- the co-star's legs. >> yeah. >> jimmy: 'cause the scene gets risen. all you see are these two very pretty legs. and she's dancing and then you imitate her dance with her. yeah, so, it's almost like a dance together, but yet you're not together. >> yes. the last scene, yeah. >> jimmy: are you always a tap dancer? >> no, never. no, no, no. >> jimmy: do you remember any of the steps that you learned for the movie? >> i studied with -- well, yes, i studied with my coach for five months and -- >> jimmy: can you show us a little now? >> now? >> jimmy: yeah, why not? just a little bit? [ cheers and applause ] >> no, no, no. i'm a little jinkley. >> jimmy: how would a camel do it? [ taps ] >> boring.
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[ light laughter ] it's done the first week. it's a little boring. the fifth week, at the end, it's thrilling. [ taps ] [ cheers ] >> jimmy: yeah, that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about. you guys gotta watch this. here's a clip of jean dujardin in "the artist." look at this, look at what he did. ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: ah! thank you so much. what a great movie. what a great job. jean dujardin. go see "the artist." in theaters now! handsome dick manitoba joins us next, come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ that answers my question. thank you. you bet. wow. man: do your simple return with the turbotax federal free edition, and now get our free, one-on-one,
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>> jimmy: our next guest this evening is a new york city rock 'n' roll fixture. he's an ageless, punk rock front man. he owns a legendary downtown bar, and he hosts a popular radio show weeknights on sirius xm 21 from 8:00 pm to midnight called "the handsome dick manitoba" program. please welcome to the show, a great guy, handsome dick manitoba! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: richard manitoba, welcome to our program. thank you for coming on, my friend. >> thank you for letting me sit in a democrat chair. >> jimmy: we don't -- that's not why these chairs are blue and red, but thank you though. >> oh, i was reading into it. >> jimmy: congrats on everything. the show is awesome, on sirius 21.
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it's on for four hours. some of the best music you'll ever hear. i mean, it's not just punk rock, it's doo-wop, it's mixture, it's rock 'n' roll, it's phenomenal. >> it's 50s through modern times, history of rock 'n' roll, put together by my man little steven van zant. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, we love little stevie. >> little steven's underground garage, sirius xm 21, monday through friday, 8:00 pm to midnight eastern time, "the handsome dick manitoba radio program." and i like it called radio program, not show 'cause jack benny called it "the jack benny show," -- "jack benny program," not show, and i hate that word show. >> jimmy: yeah, show, it kind of cheapens it. >> you know what i mean? i like that program. >> jimmy: yeah, we have a television program right now. >> yeah. this is "the jimmy fallon program." memorize that. >> jimmy: look at this, "the dictators" right here, look at you in the center there. [ light laughter ] looking pretty handsome right there, my friend. [ cheers and applause ] i mean, come on. you're in the punk band, "the dictators," that's you. that's you, buddy. >> god giveth, god taketh away. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: now, you have two big things i want to talk about here. >> i love you for inviting me on this show. >> jimmy: you're the greatest. i mean, i have some -- i've got to say, i'll never forget this. i went to your bar, manitoba's, which you gotta go. avenue b between 6th and 7th. >> 99 avenue b, between 6th and 7th on the lovely island of manhattan. >> jimmy: yes, it's a beautiful place. and it has the best jukebox in any bar in new york city ever. >> right. >> jimmy: 'cause it spans from doo-wop, to hip-hop, to rock 'n' roll. it goes all over the place. >> i'm agreeing with you. >> jimmy: it is phenomenal. and i went there once, and we were singing doo-wop. and i was telling you about my dad loves doo-wop -- >> you were singing doo-wop, i was attempting to sing doo-wop. >> jimmy: no you weren't. i was probably bothering everybody. but i said, you go, "do you know, do you like dion?" i said, "i love dion." i go, "my day freaks out, loves dion." you go, "he's my friend, i'll call him right now. i'll call dion right now on the phone." >> you guys know we're talking about dion from the bronx, right? >> jimmy: dion dimucci, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> dion dimucci, the greatest singer to ever come out of the bronx. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah, jimmy tells me, "my dad
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loves dion." so i go, "dion, listen, you know this guy, jimmy fallon?" he goes, "yeah, i love jimmy fallon." i go, "his father's a big fan of yours." two weeks later his father up in -- >> jimmy: saugerties -- >> hootersville, new york -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, he moved out of hootersville, yeah, yeah, yeah. he's in a shack somewhere else now. yeah, yeah, thank you. >> up in -- >> jimmy: saugerties. >> saugerties is a great town. there's a great restaurant up there called the world -- >> jimmy: world cafe. >> oh, it's great. i love it. anyway -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> back to the -- >> jimmy: well, you said -- so you said -- >> i got a little a.d.d. you've got to forgive me. >> jimmy: look who you're talking to, buddy. welcome to my world. so what happens is, my dad gets this thing in the mail. dion sent this giant package of all his cds, live dvds, autographs, concerts. my dad was like, crying. [ audience aws ] >> and jimmy, jimmy is a great family man. family's really important to jimmy. i tell you what, man, i thought he was gonna propose marriage to me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i can't -- i said, "thank you so much, oh my god!" and explain this -- this is somebody that just came from
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china, making his debut tonight. "handsome" dick manitoba -- throbblehead doll. [ cheers and applause ] look at this. come on, you can't beat this. you have a throbblehead doll. "the dictators" on the back. look at the back, it's pretty rad as well. >> johnny carson's old studio. >> jimmy: this is it right here. >> this way jimmy fallon -- >> jimmy: oh, come on. >> and now "handsome" dick manitoba! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there we go, that's what i'm talking about. you guys, go see the new band, manitoba, where you playing your gig? >> bowery. >> jimmy: you're playing at bowery electric, thursday, january 26th, go see manitoba, you guys. handsome dick, the war on drugs perform next! see you after the break, come back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests latest album, "slave ambient," was a critical favorite last year. they're making their tv debut with us tonight to perform the song "baby missiles." please welcome the war on drugs! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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