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tv   News 4 at 11  NBC  July 9, 2009 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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d couple walking their dog, pulling out a gun then using a taser. and good evening, i'm wendy jieger. danm doenre are off. this happened in lake ridge.
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prince william county. neighbors are told to take precautions. michael flynn spoke with one of the victims. mike cam. >> the man who was tasered moved into the apartment community last week. tonight he told me he considers it a miracle that he survived the attack. >> it was the scariest time of my entire life. >> the 29-year-old victim punched in the face and tassed during a violent hold-up monday night. three robbers wore masks one like the mask from the movie scream. it happened as the resident of the dominion lake ridge apartments in prince william county walked his dog with his girlfriend in a comb men amon a 9:30. he walked away to grab a plastic pet bag. i heard pattering of footsteps. somebody grabbed me put a gun to my head. and said give me the money. i am wearing mesh shorts and a t-shirt. i had no money on me. awe the robbers got mad. hit him in the face and shoved
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him to the ground. when one pulled out the taser. >> when they realized i had no money and punched me in the face and started tasering me. it was horrible. i couldn't move muscles nothing. just ridiculous. i couldn't move. >> as the robbers started to force the man to his apartment, his girlfriend ran ahead of them and grabbed $50 from their home. telling the thieves to take the money and go. the robbers then took off. he has asked us not to use his name worried about his safety but feeling lucky to be alive after the bold attack. >> absolute miracle. absolute miracle. i can't put it in words. happened in a split second. but it seemed like it lasted forever at the same time. >> along with the one robber wearing the scream mask, the other two were wearing ski masks. as police try to catch these crooks they're asking that anyone with information about the crime come forward. wendy, back to you. >> michael flynn, thank you. >> a 16-year-old boy shot and
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killed a block from nationals park this afternoon. kevin allen. he is from northwest washington. he was found shot several times on "n" street a block off south can tal. not clear who called in the shooting. no one has been arrested. young man in prince george's county is in jail tonight on charges of killing an infant. the case is ten months old. police cracked it this week. jackie benson is live at police headquarters tonight to explain how they did that. jackie? >> detectives investigating a murder in the district led prince george's county police to a man that they have been trying to bring to justice for a terrible crime. it now appears the bullet that killed 8-month-old anthony savoy, iii, as he sat in the car seat were part of a back and forth retaliation with helpless baby caught in the middle. prince george's county police arrested 21-year-old coron
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wilson and charged him with first degree murder. investigators believe the shooting was in retaliation for the murder of an 18-year-old girl in northeast washington, a few days earlier. >> detectives worked with d.c. police we have to give them kudos certainly. >> on the night of september 3, 2008, suspects came to the apartment complex looking for an adult relative of the baby. just before 9:00 p.m., the gunman opened fire. on a car. the baby's 22-year-old father was struck several times. he, ultimately, survived his injuries. his son did not. >> this child was killed in front of his mother in front of his father. his father was also shot in this case. it was, an unacceptable level of violence. unacceptable case. in prince george's county if you commit a crime of this magnitude we will find you. identify you, arrest you and prosecute you. it is unacceptable this type of
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behavior. >> william is is held without bond at prince george's county jail. wendy back to you. >> jackie benson. thank you. d.c. council member, marion barry, criticizing u.s. park ply after prosecutors formally dropped the stalking charges against him. >> at this inappropriate arrest led to consternation, led to embarrassment around the nation, and all of this. this inappropriate arrest. >> park police say officers believe they did have enough evidence to arrest barry. last saturday, in anacostia park. officers say barry's estranged girlfriend, flagged them down. meanwhile, she is denying that she got work from barry because she was struggling financially. she says she wrote a legitimate proposal for an education program. mayor a has now fired five employees at the youth detention
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center after two jail breaks there. the center's superintendent was demoted, two other staff members, suspended. a teen escaped from the d.c. owned facility located in anne arundel county. six others broke out last weekend. fraternal order of police issued a statement on behalf of all correction officers there, saying there was not enough staffing nor was there a secure area to restrain the offenders. well, metro. now a new zero tolerance policy for any bus or train operator who is using a cell phone on the job. starting monday, any driver caught using a mobile device on the job is going to be fired. this move follows video of a metro train officer caught texting. operator, rather. while, while the train was in motion. the train was speeding down the tracks, the operator suspended five days with pay but returns to work this week. metro wants passengers to report any irresponsible behavior.
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>> the nation's most secure federal prison says president obama's best-selling books could pose a threat to national security. the super maxinrin so florence, colorado. it hasd dn ieen an inmate's request for the audacity of hope and dreams from my father. that inmate is serving a 30-year sentence for plotting to assassinate former president george w. bush. prison officials won't say why the books could be dangerous, but they do cite page numbers. half of which are in a chapter on foreign affairs in the audacity of hope. mr. obama wrote the book before he became president. when we come back, the parent of a senator, pay off his mistress. new video shows steve mcnair's girlfriend failing a sobriety test days before his murder. thousand turn out for a public memorial. $100 million man learns his sentence for causing a crash. the restaurant dish that keeps sending pregnant women
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into labor. how is that weather out there tonight? >> we are not laboring under the weather, windy. tell you, delightful conditions. low humidity. one more day of this. what have you got? >> in sports. steve mcnair's former teammates remember him as a loyal friend. in golf, a youngster lead the way at women's u.s. open. plus a victory, two months in the making for the nationals. news 4 at 11:00 continues. ñ/oy ie
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dash-cam video cap hurd his girlfriend getting pulled over for speeding and suspected dui. in the passenger seat, mcnair, video was taken. his girlfriend was taking a sobriety test before she was arested. police did let mcnair get a cab and go home that night. later that day, the girlfriend
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purchased the gun she then used according to police to kill mcnair and take her own life. thousands of friends, fans, family members attended a memorial service in nashville. former star running back, eddie george, four offensive linemen among the pallbearers. george says he doesn't think they will ever truly get over mcnair's death. we'll hear from teammates with the ravens coming up in a few minutes in sports. this is a crime that has enraged the country and devastated family meers. authorities say as many as 100 bodies were dug up from an historic chicago cemetery so that the plots could be resold. investigators found a pile of bones in an overgrown area nearby. five cemetery employees have been arrested. burr oaks cemetery believed to be the first african-american cemetery in chicago. emit till is buried there. investigators are confident his grave was not disturbed.
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nbc news has confirmed that illinois senator rolland burris will not be seeking a full term. the senator plans to announce that decision tomorrow. impeached governor, rod blagojevich, appointed burris to the seat vacated by president obama. he repeatedly denied charges he tried to buy his way into congress. he has raised little money while in office. john ensign, of nevada, admitted today his parents paid off his mistress and her family. ensign announced he had an affair last month. his lawyer said, cindy hampton and her family got $96,000 from ensign's parents last year. the lawyer said it was paid out of concern for the family's well-being. watch dog groups wonder itch that is a violation of campaign finance laws. ensign's lawyer says the payments were gifts. didn't break any rules. still to come. panda lovers, our little tyke
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sean had a birthday at the national zoo. a new workout is helping women walk in the highest of heels without worrying about injury. and bob is back with a look ahead to the weekend and the possibility of getting some showers.
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(bell ringing) woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! kobak. mr. miller (announcer) everyone's heading to arby's for the offial5 $ combo of summer. featuring arby's new bbq bacon cheddar roastburger with curly fries and a drink for only $5.
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big on bbq taste, it's the $5 combo done better. so many women love the high heels. we think they make us skinny and sexy and tall. well, now there is an exercise program making is easier to walk in the high heels and not injure yourself. ♪ usually pumps. >> stilettos. >> makes your legs look good. >> taller. >> you see them on the runway, red carpet walking down the street. high heels and higher than ever. but doctors say if you are out of shape you can end up in pain. >> usually, i am fine till i get
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home. then i will get cramps in my legs, calves. podiatrist dr. emily slickel special is in helping women who wear heels. most of the injuries she sees are women with chronic pain. >> years of wearing high heels. low back pain. just from, weak abdominals. >> she developed an exercise program specifically for women who like to don stilettos. combination of yoga and pilates. core strength. posture and balance, all cessary to stay safe. >> balance strengthens the foot and ankle. done barefoot. you are activating, plantar receptors. muscles in the toes. >> women with bad posture are prone to injury and pain from their shoes, and sashaying on the catwalk. it is important to keep your back and shoulders straight, and head high, that takes pressure off the legs and back.
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>> posture and how we walk is subconscious. trying to bring it more to the conscious. how are we standing, walking, carry ourselves. a perception of self-confidence and also prevents injury. >> if you can't get to one of her classes she has three tips for the ladies. if you are walking long distances don't wear your heels. carry them with you. but if you are having one of the long days, remember to take a moment to take off your shoes, and stretch your toes, feet and ankles. and never wear the same high heels or same pair two days in a row. mixing them up can prevent injury. >> i think it will give you strength and stability when you are walking in the heels. >> when you are wearing high heels you need that for support. >> we call it high heel limousine heels. wear them in a limousine. you've don't walk in them. the doctor teaches most of her classes in new york city but does plan to bring some classes to d.c. on a regular basis. >> our little baby panda is
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getting big, 4 years old. means he is a teenager in bear years. zookeepers made him a giant pink cake of bamboo, beets and beet juice. after the cake he spent the day lounging, sleeping, hanging out. ah, the life of a panda. >> the beet juice, bamboo. >> good diet. good cake. >> i sleep after bamboo. >> beets. >> beets. very healthy. >> yeah. >> outside tonight. we have wonderful healthy weather. with that clear sky and the low humidity, a bit of blue sky and the clouds we have around. dissipated. we have gone now more than two days with our dew point temperatures, the real measure of humidity below 60s. really comfortable. when that happens. night time temperatures take a tumble. 70 degrees. our high today was 82. we had some washington summertime. we have had low temperature of #
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82. high temperatures around the country today. 70s and 80s. i know. i am covering it up. look at this stuff out in texas. 106. 105 degrees. those are the one areas of country that have win suffering under the terrible drought. exceptional drought now. south parts of texas. earlier in the week, 108 degrees. that drought and heat tend to be reinforcing each other. dallas right now. 91 degrees. now we have got the dew points around us into the 50s and 60s. the humidity is beginning to increase as winds turn more into the south. mid part ofhe country. right now saint louis. feels like it is 86 degrees. so, get ready to say good-bye to this overall pattern. the rid is beginning to build. high pressure will move off. that will allow our winds to turn a little bit more to the south, southeast. meanwhile, down south. boy that has been the area getting more rains. they have been, some areas, of
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florida. and other years. had a drought this time of year. more rain around tampa. nothing happening in and around us. look at sarasota. two inches of rain. again today. 75 degrees. getting up in the beaches. pretty nice weekend coming up. there may be, may be some late afternoon and evening showers and thundershowers. on saturday. if you are going out doing boating around annapolis. on the other hand. while the humidity will be coming in. some nice wind. i think from the south and southeast. 10, 15 knots. get out of the way. you can site. some of the showers, thundershowers, maybe the first part of sunday if you are heading out for the beaches, ocean city. water temperatures now into the low 70s. so i think overall a nice weekend coming up. high pressure drifts off tomorrow. as we get later on into tomorrow. especially on into saturday, the humidity will be coming in. but nothing really terrible. temperatures still in the 80s. so, tomorrow morning, when you get up and head out. one more very, very comfortable, very nice morning. temperatures in the low to mid
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60s. there might be one or two spots. high 50s. for you folks in the valley. really cool morningsment tomorrmorningsment -- mornings. still comfortable. temperatures, near 80 degrees. uv iex is 9. noontime the sun is still mighty strong. there is humidity on saturday again with that risk of a late day thundershower. certainly nothing widespread. not a rainy weekend by any means. and as we get into monday and tuesday. temperatures near average. but we're still in the overall pattern where there is no seen of a building heat. heat wave here in washington. >> love it. keep it going. >> still to come. cyclists in virginia get tickets that affect their driving record. magic for moms to be. restaurant dish that has sent ten women into labor. up next in sports. some great shots at the women's u.s.
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america, whattaya say to big cheesy-steaky-ness! - subway. eafresh! - eat fresh! when you wanna kick it up with zesty chipotle sauce. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! the flavor-fullest sub ly subway can offer. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! try the new subway big chipotle cheesesteak. an updated all-time favorite: juicy steak layered th zesty chipotle sauce...
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and melted cheese, piled high with only... the toppings you love. subway. eat fresh!
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they left off two months ago. how did that work? >> works in the rules. if the game is suspended you pick it up later date. too much rain. what are you going to do? >> yeah, yeah. >> fwu mnationals/astros suspen because of rain. he no longer pitches for the nationals he was traded to the pirates two weeks ago. the nats and astros resumed the me. nats won, handing him the easiest win. he was relaxing in his hotel room, hundreds of miles away. >> he got kred it? >> yeah. going over the changes. game resumes bottom 11th. tied at 10. everything picks up. josh baird, two on. grounds to short.
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teda's throw, a bit high. morgan, scores the game winning run. interestingly, morgan wasn't with the team when the game start either. nats win. and now pitches for the pittsburgh pirates. gets the win. and bottom three. nats up. delivering to tejeda. well, folks think fast. hot shot back. and he makes the catch. and quick reflexes. i lick to call itself defense. you have got to make the play. bottom six. game tied four. and sends one deep to left field. adam dunn turns around to play it off the scoreboard. oh, no. the ball gets by him. and keppinger scores. cruises in with a triple. the astros blast the nats, 9-4 the final. ouch. for a few hours the salacious details of steve mcnair's death
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were forgotten. remembered at his funeral for his hard work on and off the football field. many of his former teammates remember him as the the ultimate competitor. who played the game with passion. >> he is the guy, i have always looked up to. if there is anybody. any tomorrow i have been on. the person they wanted to be, it would be steve mcnair. treated everybody from equipment manager to, to the general manager, to a guy like eddie, ray lewis, everybody the same. >> last thing that -- that i want to remember about you -- is every time you scored, every time you came out of the huddle, you gave two bumps to your chest and pointed to the sky. so i am going to give two bumps for you and pin the to the sky. for you and point to the sky. love you. >> ravens receiver, derek mason. golf now, youngster at the women's u.s. open.
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and on pace to capture her first lpga victory. in bethlehem, pennsylvania. just off the green. third shot. par 4, 13. tracking rht into the cup for a birdie. and gives her caddie, her husband a little -- smooch. and the leader on the second. you can't see her. she is in the bunker. doesn't matter. you can see her hat. perfect shot. perfect result into the hole for birdie. how about that. just responding to the crowd. hey, nice job. and on three. putting on birdie. 60 feet away. and a very talented young woman. gets this to go for birdie. shoots a three under 68. she leads by one stroke. >> beautiful to watch. good for her. >> coming up. a plea from the redskins, $100 million ma between the idea and the achievement.
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between good intentions and positive action. there is one important word: how. and it is the how that makes all the difference. to the places we call home.
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geico's been saving people money on car insurance for over 70 and who their dollar?value for been true since the day i made my first dollar. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you... uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it? umm fancy a crisp? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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albert haynesworth. pleaded no contest. three month probation announced. and includes community service and $5,000 contribution to charity. charged after being blamed for an accident that left a driver badly injured in december in tennessee. he signed a $100 million contract with the redskins. cyclists beware i you do not obey the rulsz othe road es of .
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tickets written to bikers who run stop signs. eight cyclists last month. two got off with fines, the rest got four points on their driver's licenses. an attorney for some of the bikers say that fine is not fair. bikers deserve a warning before t.ey're gettike aic t.ey're gettike aic wel be right8g you know, it's not the grill that makes a delicious, tender, perfect piece of steak. people: oh! it's the steak. enjoy quality selections from the butchers at giant. like petite-cut sirloin steak, just $2.99 a pound. this week only at giant. esfr h, fresh, fresh. really fresh! come into your local giant today
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get back to what really matters switch to suntrust checking today suntrust. live solid, bank solid.
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patrons of a restaurant in cincinnati are calling a dish a miracle maker. the owners of the restaurant say a pregnant friend ate the eggplant parm a few years ago gave birth the next day. since then, nine other women have all gone into labor within 48 hours of eating that eggplant parm. the restaurant owners don't have a clue as to why this seems to be happening and will not share the recipe. what's it do to you if you are not pregnant? that's our broadcast. the tonight show is next. have a good one.


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