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tv   News 4 at 4  NBC  July 8, 2009 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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gun on herself. >> mcnair was seated on the sofa and likely was asleep and we believe that kazemi shot him in the right temple and then shot him twice in the chest and then shot him a final time in the left temple. >> from a news conference that just wrapped up moments ago. investigators say kazemi appeared to be very distressed in the days before she died. mcnair, of course, played for the baltimore ravens for two seasons after being traded from the titans. steve mcnair was 36 years old. a tragic chain of events on the beltway last night. two people are now dead and police say a drunk driver is responsible. it all began jt after 11:30 on i-495 near the clara barton parkway. police say the driver of a silver jeep grand cherokee ran into a nissan forcing it off the road and down a 60-foot embankment where it overturned and killed the two people inside. the victims are intified as 39-year-old mendoza and 37 year old franklin of springfield,
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virginia. investigators say that the driver of the nissan, kelly, continued into virginia where she was involved in a second crash. loos has been arrested and charged with dui. osecutors in montgomery county plan to extradite her to face charges there. a suspended metro train operator is back on the job. he first got in trouble after a video emerged that allegedly shows him sending text messages while driving a train. a passenger shot the video with a cell phone and at first glance the operator appears to be sleeping. metro says he's actually riding a text message as the train speeds along the tracks. the video was then posted for everyone to see on youtube. >> no excuse for it. it is -- it is very disappointing. and especially given the fact that our train operators and all of our operations -- for that matter, every single person in transit agency know what the rules are. given the fact that this is
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making the rounds on videos and in the fuse, we certainly think that this will may cause employees, everybody here to take notice, that you never know who -- never know who might be watching. >> the video was taken june 5th on the blue line in alexandria. the operator was suspended for a week without pay. metro officials say no evidence has been found that the operator killed in last month's red line crash had been texting. a frightening scenario at a federal office building. a man walks past security with bomb making materials in hand and then proceeds to put together a device that could detonate -- didn't just happen once but it happened ten times. it was all part of a probe into the safety of thousands of federal buildings across this country. nbc news correspondent kelly o'donnell joining us from capitol hill with more on this. this is a disturbing story. >> craig, this was so alarming one senator said he would not be able to sleep at night until this is resolved.
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you set it up for us. there are 9,000 federal buildings across the country. many of them here where we lived and periodically there are the security checks, surprises thei company ves testing, where they try to get past security seeshgs if they are doing their jobs properly. and what they found was that in ten examples, ten for ten, they were able to get bomb making materials passed security. they were able to go to a restroom and assemble a bomb, put night a briefcase, walk around all through a federal building and near offices of lawmakers, near places where citizens would go, like social security office, and that kind of thing undetected. and that report is making people here on capitol hill very nervous. trying to figure out how can they fix this. >> you said ten for ten. does that mean every time they tried it or was -- were there at least a few times where they were stopped by security? >> reporter: for that particular kind of test, ten for ten. each time they were able to get
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by. they did some other kind of testing, too, in tms of looking at records, do the security guards most of them are contractors and not federal employees. do they have the proper certification, for example? and in some stunning numbers, they found that people didn't have the proper training, didn't have the proper authority to have a firearm, and things that would be very basic that somehow had slipped threw the cracks. >> the short-term, what's being done to -- what's being done to improve the conditions? anything at this point? >> reporter: well, the group in charge of this federal protective services, they acknowledged that they have failed an oversight and are trying to fix it. part of it is having money and part of it is having enough people and taking a look at the examples now that they have been exposed to work on things but they are daunting news we learned today saying probably nothing can really resolve it until at least next year. remains of vulnerability at federal buildings here and around the country based on what the investigators were able do.
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>> kelly o'donnell live from capitol hill. thank you so much. we appreciate it. new details now surrounding former d.c. mayor marion barry's arrest on stalking charges. it is a story you saw first on 4. district records show barry hired the woman involved in the incident and a few months after the two started dating. donna watts brightho sp barry's former girlfriend. a spokeswoman only firmed she was hired in october to work for barry who is the ward 8 council member. she was paid through his taxpayer funded budgets. last night, barry's spokesman held a news conference. >> at no time was she ever in fear of mr. barry. and at in time was she ever threatened by mr. barry. and at no time was she ever stalked by mr. barry. >> mr. barry's spokesperson launched a series of personal attacks against her who showed up at the news conference to deny the attack. barry, however, was not there.
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he is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow where prosecutors will likely say whether or not they are filing formal charges or simply dropping the case. a backyard tragedy in charles county. >> natural gas leak force it is evacuation of an entire city block. four other stories making headlines in our area today. charles county child drowned in his family's backyard pool. 19-month-old jason burk was found by his mother when she returned home. the child had been asleep in his room and was thought to have been watched by his 15-year-old cousin. the cousin did not know the child was asleep in the house and left. the mother returned and realized the child was not with the cousin and called police to report a missing child. it appears that the death was accidental. a motorcycle accident backed up traffic this morning on braddock road in fairfax. the cycle collided with a car near danbury force drive. much of braddock road was closed. there were no serious injuries.
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a gas leak caused the evacuation of the 4100 block of minnesota avenue in northeast. a high pressure outdoor gas main broke around 10:30 this morning and utility company shut off the gas andfter it cleared, the all-clear was given for folks to return to their homes and businesses. no injuries are reported. the cost of grocery shopping is going up in the district. mayor fenty signed a bill that puts a five cent tax on every disposable bag used at grocery, drug, convenience and liquor stores. the fee takes effect january 1. money will go towards cleaning up the anacostia river. and provide environmental education and reusable bags for residents. the bags sold must be recyclable and have a messa encouraging recycling. across the country, traffic congestion problems are actually easing. everywhere that is except in the washington metro area. here in our area, gridlock is actually getting worse. annual traffic study released
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today by the texas transportationnstitute washington held its second place ranking for the worst traffic in the nation and l.a. is still number one. while most other areas saw modest drops in traffic congestion, the nation's capital's traffic got slightly worse. study, veer muchers, say, that could be due to the generally good economy in d.c. and the expansion of government services. the study figured that washingtonians lose $2.8 billion a year sitting in traffic. that number factors in wasted gas and productivity. michael jackson's public memorial may be over but the mysteries remain. including where the pop star will be buried and more importantly, what killed him. meanwhile, the legal fight over his children and estate heats up next week. jay gray has that report today. >> reporter: as the spotlight begins to fade after his memorial, the glare on what michael jackson left behind seems to be intensifying.
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the investigation into why he died continues. toxicology report is expected within weeks. the police have already questioned jackson's personal physician, dr. conrad murray, who was with jackson at the time of his death. there are now reports investigators still want to interview at least five more doctors who wrote prescriptions for the pop star. moat there's people ♪ >> reporter: there's the issue of what happens with jackson's children. >> every since i was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. >> reporter: 11-year-old paris jackson's heart-wrenching good-bye to her dad provides a dramatic backdrop for a potential battle over who will raise jackson's three children. it calls for his mother katherine to care for the kids but his ex-wife, biological mother of paris and 12-year-old brother, prince michael, has indicated she may seek custody. a hearing is set for monday. there is also the lingering
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legal fight over control of jackson's multimillion dollar estate. an estate that with soaring record sales is growing. jackson's album vas lot on -- lock on all ten top positions on the billboard catalog chart which his albums are out for more than 18 months. >> download charts and still dominating the albums charts. you know, he -- continuing to be a real force in an unprecedented way on the billboard charts. i would expect to see that continue for at least another week. ♪ >> reporter: the controversy and question that follow jackson's death will last a lot longer. that video you just saw could also impact the future earnings of the jackson estate. producers are considering making a movie for more than 100 hours of video from jackson's final rehearsals here at the staples center. in low loss, jay gray, news4. >> you may not believe the weather we have been having for
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july. but will it continue? veronica johnson has our fast forecast from storm center 4. i don't want to know the answer. >> it is not going to be bad. amazing weather for early july. you are right. take a look outside. we have a few cumulus clouds there. on the other side after weather front through the area today. temperature is 79 degree, dune from 82, light p wind out of the north at nbc 4. fredericksburg, virginia, 88 degrees now with the westerly wind. also, light at just three miles per hour. upper 07s right around 80, again. unbelievable really for early july. clouds drifting through and in a north-northwesterly wind. that's what we will have oar the next couple of hours. still comfortable. clouds will leave the area by midnight and down to about 75 degrees. so a clear and comfortable evening on your fast forecast. we may have a shower or two well off to the west of the area tomorrow in those 90s we were forecasting, they could be vanishing, vanishing away. we will talk about how we will get in a few minutes.
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when "news4 at 4:00" continues, it was not your typical high-speed chase. police were shocked to discover who the driver was. and what started it. also, how safe is your home? we are going to show you how a special key makes it easy for a thief to break into your house. powerful attack over computers in the u.s. and south korean governments. pete williams will join us with the latest on who is behind th.
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it sounds good but a lock may not be enough to keep your home safe and secure. that's because a simple tool is giving thieves easy access to your possessions. reporter janice lieberman has more. >> reporter: it is first thing
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you think about to secure your home and family. your lock. much to my surprise, mark tobias, attorney and world renowned security expert, showed me how very quickly my house could be broken into by a special master key. >> standard lock. there you go. >> oh, my gosh. you got into my house. >> reporter: quick and easy lock picking technique is used when opening a pin-tumbler lock. a threat because 95% of us have those locks on our doors. >> you create a condition where the lock is really unlocked if turn it had is especially cut -- a specially cut key. stick it in the lock again. we are going to take our hammer and -- >> reporter: with the tap after special tool, the key transmits force or energy to the bottom pin tumblers in the lock. they then make the top pin tumblers move and for an instant move apart, allowing the key to turn and open the lock.
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>> that lock is open. >> that cook you a second. >> less than a second. >> reporter: and as seen in this actual burglary caught on tape, an estimated 2.1 million burglaries occur nationwide yearly. and that number is rising. there's no real way to tell if this special master key was used. >> generally you don't leave any trace. there's no indication of entry. >> reporter: so why alert the public to this vulnerability? tobias decided it was crucial to expose the dine jer. >> if you don't talk about it, it doesn't make the security threat go away. it just means that you as the consumer don't know about it but the bad guys do. >> reporter: aren't the special master keys illegal? >> yes and no. the post office is making trafficking illegal. they can be considered as a burglary tool. are they inherently illegal? not really. i mean, they are just like any other key. >> reporter: jamie, mother of four, felt her house was secure. she agreed to let our security
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expert try to break in. he got in. >> i can't believe it. i'm shocked. i thought it was very secure. one on the bottom. >> reporter: didn't take you very long and this is a hard one. >> month. that's why we thought everybody should know about it. otherwise you would have no idea about your vulnerability. >> reporter: experts told janice lieberman the con soupers should not rely on just one means of protection. in addition to a good lock, reliable alarm system and good lighting and concerned neighbors are also key ingredients when it comes to securing your home. that's also why we have a 70-pound dog. >> good news is that rents across the country are falling. the bad news, it is happening in every part of the country but ours. vacancy rate for the u.s. apartment market is at a 22-year high. the rising unemployment level has reduced demand during the peak season which is what we are in the middle of now. that's caused prices to tumble
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in most places. in new york, for instance, down nearly 6%. and san francisco, almost 5%. in miami, close to 4%. but here in the d.c. area, apartment rates actually went up about 0.3% in the second quarter of this year. that's closing bell on wall street. the nasdaq held stead why you. up one point. the new york stock exchange, down about 29. this described as a medical first. british researchers claim they created human sperm using embryonic stem sxrels say the development could lead to a better understanding of how genetic diseases are passed on. it could also offer more clues about infertility in men. however, researchers say the sperm created from the experiment are not identical to normal sperm. and will not be used for fertility treatment. and here is another sign of the
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times. sperm banks and egg donors centers across the country are reporting a surge in calls from people hoping to donate their sperm or eggs in exchange or money. inquiries have jumped 40% since february. and the compensation varies but sperm donors can make around $100 per donation. egg donors can collect $5,000 or more. despite the rise in inquiries the centers say many prospective donors don't go through with it. once they learn medical and psychological screenings can take weeks or months. we won't compare values there. >> let's not. facebook's future. we will find out why -- what many younger folks aren't logging on anymore. something you need to know before you hold your next yard sale. fios guy! where ya headed? ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted.
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(voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) unlike cable, fios brings 100% fiber optics straight to your home and when you switch now, you can get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. with fios, you'll get razor-sharp tv, blazing fast internet and crystal-clear phone service all for just... sign up today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v, and for a limited time, get an incredible compaq mini, to get the most out of your fios internet. get it all together with a great deal on fios tv, internet and phone plus get a free compaq mini netbook. just pay shipping, handling and taxes. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before time runs out on this astonishing offer.
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there's concern this afternoon over the future of facebook, believe it or not. the once dominant social networking website seems to have lost some of its momentum. there may abfew reasons why. a list of possible reasons that facebook is not as popular as it once was. first, it says more and more
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folks are defecting to twitter because it is moreimmediate. also, it says there are actually good reasons that people lose touch with friends over time and just because they can reconnect with them does not mean they will. another reason pc world sites for the decline in facebook is the fact having too many friends can take the edge of postings. but perhaps the most frank of automatic reasons, veronica johnson agreed, there may be too many older people on facebook now. pc world claims that young people may be turned off by hanging out on a site with their parents and grandparents. >> veronica is too young for facebook. >> that's right. >> no. outside, i i mean, it doesn't get any better than this. >> unbelievable again today. nothing stifling about this early july weather. you would think it is right. supposed to be in the 90s. around here. at least the upper 80s. that's the average now. 88 degrees. but cash fairly good air
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quality. pretty cumulus clouds there in the sky. and as we did have a weather front that came through here early part of the day. 80 degrees, the temperature. the dew point temperature is at 49 degrees. and with a westerly wind. and at six miles per hour. comfortable here. raleigh, north carolina, 91 degrees. a little bit of heat there. 77 degrees in cincinnati. 92 in memphis, tennessee. yesterday felt good. today feels great. the dew point temperature down even further. 49 degrees. the lowest reading, in fact, over the northeast corner of country and the entire east, the driest air right there, the pocket, over us. so while yesterday felt good. today great. again, down three degree, the dew point temperature. take a look at st. mary's, maryland. 87 degrees, the temperature. holding at its highest level for the day with the wind out of the north and as calm wind rockville, maryland, 83 degrees. we have comfortable conditions here. still it is a non-stop heat
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wave. through the south, 100 degrees, dallas, texas. 102 in phoenix. and areas of new england, still unusuallcool. look at that, 62 degrees in boston. all with our weather system that's still hanging up there. meanwhile, our weather front from yesterday, south of the area, next chance, next really good chance of seeing any rain around here, will be the first half of the weekend. but still with a little bit of a ripple coming through tomorrow, there might be an isolated shower setting up around the blue ridge tomorrow. let me take you through 48 hours of futurecast. some clear skies during the overnight period. we will talk about the international space station again because it will make another pass. clouds won't interfere. clouds come through tomorrow but a partly sunny day. again, it is along the blue ridge, west of the area where there could be an isolated shower or thundershower setting up tomorrow. and then friday, i think, just partly sunny with probably less of a chance of rain. both days fairly light wind, generally out of the east and northeast. so let's talk about your
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forecast and put it off for you. delightful evening. temperatures dropping from the upper 70s to the mid 70s over the next few hou. sun sets at 8:36. by tomorrow morning, another comfortable start for early july. and the delightful 59 to 64 degrees. the range in temperature. sun up at 5:51. a few clouds coming through the area tomorrow. highs both days, tomorrow and friday, in the low to mid 80s. getting up to about 83, 84 degrees. still comfortable. don't forget the sun block. 7-day forecast in a few. >> welcome to summer in new england. thanks. still to come on "news4 at 4:00," hospitals agree to pony up billions of dollars to cover the uninsured. look at this subpoena speeds up to 100 miles per hour. wait until you find out who was behind the wheel. we each drink hundreds of bottle of water each year. are they safe? federal officials are trying to figure that out. there are calls for a new stimulus package. even if some are complaining the
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first one has not been affect.
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welcome back at 4:30. >> here are some of the top stories at this hour. across the country, traffic congestion problems are actually easing everywhere except in the washington metro area. here gridlock is actually getting worse. the study figures that washingtonians lose 2.8 billion dollar as year sitting in traffic. that number factors in wasted gas and productivity. a hampton roads virginia woman is facing charges in connection with a deadly crash. it happened on the beltway near
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the clara barton parkway in maryland last night. the police say that kelli loots was driving and ran another car off the road. down an embankment and killing the two people inside. loos is now charged with dui. and one day after his emotional star-studded memorial, many of michael jackson's fans are now hoping to learn where he will be buried and why he died. a toxicology report is expected within a few weeks and meanwhile, a hearing set for monday dealing with the custody of jackson's children. on capitol hill this afternoon, there is a growing debate about whether the nation's stimulus plan is working quickly enough or at all. the economy continues to lose jobs and some lawmakers wonder whether a second stimulus may be needed. brian mooar has that story. >> on i-430 in arkansas, one sign the president's stimulus plan is creating jobs. but five months after congress passed the $787 billion plan,
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the hope for jobs is barely a trickle. the pace is picking up. >> if you are frustrated, so am i. i -- i believe that this program will, in fact, have a significant effect in -- not only job retngs but in job creation but remember, it is just barely july. >> it is way too soon, in my view, to unfurl the mission accomplished banner. but we are on the right track. >> reporter: republicans disagree. >> every american has the right to ask where are the jobs that were promised. >> reporter: with unemployment down at 9.5%, gop lawmakers claim kratz are laying the ground for for a second sometime us i think it is an admission on the part of the administration that, you know, their stimulus plan is not working. >> reporter: the white house budget office insists that there is no second stimulus. >> no one in the administration is talking about a second stimulus at this point. what we are foced on right mao
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is implementing the recovery act that congress has already passed. >> reporter: it is a president travels overseas he's being forced into his economic response here at home. >> so what you have is no longer the complete freefall that we had back in january or february. >> reporter: he insist it is stimulus plan will work but will take some time. at the g-8 summit outside, fellow world leaders said it was too early to start rolling back their own stimulus measures. on capitol hill, brian mooar, news4. >> thank you, brian. reform is coming. that's the boast today. a quote from vice president joe biden. and as he announces a major deal that will help pay for the white house overhaul of health care. the announce many was made today at the white house. the deal calls for hospitals to give up $155 billion in medicare and medicaid paints over the next ten years. the money saved would be used to help pay covering millions of uninsured people. >> today's announcement, i
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believe, represents a -- the represent -- represents the essential role hospitals play in making reform a real. and a reality will be we must enact this reform this year. we must and we will enact reform by the end of august. and we can't wait. >> some of the money the hospitals are giving out will come from reduced payments made by the government on be half of uninsured and l income patients. some community advocates fear the cuts will only hurt the poor. do you know what is in your bottledwater? reports are for better labeling. reports are released today at a house hearing. lawmakers trying to determine if your kent rules raeglating the $11 billion a year industry are sufficient. >> when you pay a premium price for bottled water you deserve more than just claims. we recommend that bottled water labels and websites disclose the sa information that the law requires the municipal water utilities and this disclosure be
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mandated. consumers have a right to know where their bottled water comes from, how and if it is treated. >> all packaged food and beverages, including water, subject to extensive labeling require manies that provide consumers with a great deal of the product quality information. >> the government countability office also testified that only about 25% of those bottles get recycled. still ahead on "news4 at 4:00," a cyber attack only organizations. even the white house. the latest on who or which country might be behind them. >> and he must have been the life of the party. find out why police are calling this mee t bndhebar .it americ whattaya say to big cheesy-steaky-ness!
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- subway. eat fresh! - eat fresh! when you wanna kick it up with zesty chipotle sauce. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! the flavor-fullest sub only subway can offer. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! try the new subway big chipotleheesesteak. an updated all-time favorite: juicy steak layered with zesty chipotle sauce... and melted cheese, piled high with only... the toppings you love. subway. eat fresh!
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welcome back. veronica johnson in storm center 4. here is a look at had afternoon's sky. isn't that pretty? that's so nice. you know, here is a look at the clouds, though, on our weather map in motion for you, some of them coming through, more down to the south ask north carolina. that's where our old weather front is. the one that came through here this morning. and it drops humidity levels a bit and our temperatures today instead of mid and upper 80s like yesterday, just 80 degrees today. 79 in hagerstown. 75 degrees in elkins, west virginia.
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little bit of heat down south there. raleigh, north carolina, at 91 degrees. so where we go from here, mid 70s by mid might. skies clear to mostly clear during the overnight period. we will start the day tomorrow, lots of sunshine. pick up a pew of the afternoon clouds. starting out at about 63 tomorrow. 63 degrees. seeing a high of 83 degrees during the afternoon. so partly sunny tomorrow with the northeasterly wind. friday, northeasterly wind, too. the high 83 it will be slightly humid friday, more humid saturday with showers and storms. and coming through the area mainly during the afternoon, sunday right now, the front should be out of here. probably lingering showers in the morning on sunday. but with a front moving out in a drying you on. another chance for showers and maybe a little bit of heat by mid week. wednesday. so the 90s are gone but we have them posted for wednesday of next week. >> thanks, veronica. it ruined many a vacation. in 2007 more than 50,000 people were treated for injuries related to care sxwrg lifting very heavy luggage.
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>> an article in the july issue of washington woman magazine and on washington offered a few tips on ways to lug your luggage safely. >> whenossible pack items in a few smaller bags instead of one large one. also, as with any heavy lifting you should bend at the knees and lift luggage with your leg muscles and not with your back and waist. and carry luggage as close to your body as possible to help distribute the weight. when travel big plane, train, bus, check your luggage, if possible. >> or if you have to use the overhead compartment lift the bag on to the top of your seat first and slide your hands around it and then lift it up from there. also, when using a duffel or shoulder bag, not not carry on one shoulder for any long length of time. and when buying new luggage look for sturdy light pieces with wheels and handle. up find these and other travel tips on our website, and when you get there, just search washington woman. i didn't see bring along a very strong man to carry your bag.
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>> i knew that was coming. coming up, these days we are trying to stretch a dollar. so if you are going to add something to the closet you want to make sure you will be able to wear it more than once. >> advice on maximizing our nghichotur. pesas xxxg@ç?esúd@j
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the white house, the pentagon, the secret service, and two of the major stock markets all were targets at a
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powerful internet attack that overwhelmed computers both here and abroad for days. the attacks shut down some websites and limited access to others. joining us now to talk more about this is nbc news chief justice correspondent pete williams. first of all, how widespread were these attacks and how severe was the impact? >> fairly widespread and about probably over a dozen government agencies. some private sectors sites you mentioned the new york stock exchange and nasdaq. they say they both managed to fend them off and were not affected. of the government websites, most managed to get through this with only slowdowns. as far as we can tell only two were shut down for a couple of days. the federal trade commission and the department of transportation. now we should emphasize these are only the public's websites. what you do is -- what you get if you type these were not any of the systems the government uses. for example, although the department of transportation's homepage was attacked, had nothing to do with the operation, say, for example of
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the federal aviation administration. so government operations were unaffected by these were the public websites that were disabled or very hard to get on to during this roughly two to three-day period that ended this morning. >> at this point is it too early to start pointing if fingers? who do we think -- i think would have -- sounds like we have a good idea of who might be behind this. >> well, i don't think the u.s. has a good idea of who might be behind it. at this point i think that the -- officials that i have talked to said they don't know. this is a classic denial of service attack where the attacker enlists involuntarily thousands of computers around the world but then gang up on a website by flooding it with messages which basical shut it down. the reason there's suspicion here is that the intelligence agency in south korea where websites of the government were also hit, the intel people there say they believe that the attack may have come either from north korea or from north korean sympathizers and are very us is
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paentus north korea but the u.s. government says that they just can't be sure pipt. that it is way too soon. very hard to tell where the attacks come from because they are so -- divorced from the original attackers. >> is it over at this point? >> it appears to be, yes. and, you know, it is described as unusually large and unusually sustained but in the end, no permanent damage was done here. these attacks didn't get any information out of these systems. they didn't probe for weaknesses. so at most, officials say this is just a warning about the need to have better cyber security protection. >> nbc news chief justice correspondent pete williams. thanks. appreciate it. >> you bet. coming up, it could have been a real tragedy. luckily it was not. find out who and what were behind this high-speed chase. ñ
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one way to stretch a dollar is to buy things that can be used multiple ways. that's true with your wardrobe. reporter lilliana vasquez takes a look. >> reporter: what's in your wall net this tough economy does not mean you have to sacrifice looking fabulous. you immediate to mo how to shop for the right items. i'm going to show you how to wear one outfit two totally different ways so you can stretch your closet and your dollar. skirts are one of the most versatile pieces you can own. they look great for work, just
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as good for a party or a big event. look for an a-line skirt to get the most out of this style. for the office, i love the classic look of a skirt like this. paired with a simple button-down shirt. make the skirt work for a more festive occasion. switch out the button-down for a dressy tank to liven up the look. jeans are a staple. buying the right pair of jeans can add miles to their wearability saving you lots of cash in the long run. darker denim instead after lighter wash. this will help flatter your figure and also make you look slimmer. you are going to want to find a jean in a skinny or straight-leg. jeans are the perfect weekend uniform. tank top and cute pair of flat shoes and a scarf to run errands in style. but when saturday night rolls around, go glam, silky top in an eye-catching color. by adding a new top, you just transformed your old pair of jeans into a chic outfit for a
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night out on the town. will he to get the most out of your purchases by shopping smart and following my golden multiple rule. if you can't wear it more than twice, then you can't buy it. >> lilliana vasquez there. nice day. veronica johnson went outside and joins us live with the forecast. >> hey there, craig. no stressing over any heat out here for us. but so you know the grass can certainly go for a drink of water. same thing probably for some of your trees, too. because we have been dry now for a couple of days. best chance of any rain not until saturday, the weekend. take a look at the international space station and makes another pass this evening. just like it did last night and this morning from the south-southwest to the northeast. it will be high at 46 degrees once again at 9:35. it will be making its pass. hey if you haven't had the opportunity this week get out there tonight. it should be good viewing, too, with few clouds in the overnight sky. mostly clear skies now that will
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stick around for the overnight period. temperatures for the overnight and tomorrow morning. we will go from 80 degrees down to the 60s. upper 50s, low 60s across the area. 56 in martinsburg and let me show you tomorrow's highs because we will get up to 83 degree, two to lee degrees higher than today and isolated showers in the mountains and again, better chance of rain coming up on saturday. back to you. >> thanks, veronica. coming up, a new product hits the market promising women better results than botox. coming up tonight on "news4 at 5:00" -- >> good afternoon. i'm wendy rieger. a metro operator is suspended for sending text messages while at the controls of a moving train. it is all on tape. bottled water is jeff where but consumers know less about their store-bought h zs 20 than what comes out of the tap and that has lawmakers concerned. kids are helping kids in war zone a world away. the gift of a teddy bear.
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we will explain how. the stories and more coming up in just a few minutes on "news4 at 5:00." o lower your bad cholesterol but your good cholesterol and triglycerides are still out of line? then you may not be seeing the whole picture. ask your doctor about trilipix. if you're at high risk of heart disease and taking a statin to lower bad cholesterol, along with diet, adding trilipix can lower fatty triglycerides
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and raise good cholesterol to help improve all three cholesterol numbers. trilipix has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or stroke more than a statin alone. trilipix is not for everyone, including people with liver, gallbladder, or severe kidney disease, or nursing women. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. blood tests are needed before and during treatment to check for liver problems. contact your doctor if you develop unexplained muscle pain or weakness, as this can be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. this risk may be increased when trilipix is used with a statin. if you cannot afford your medication, call 1-866-4-trilipix for more information. trilipix. there's more to cholesterol. get the picture.
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ñ time to take a look at the stories making news on the web today. >> first one you have to see to believe. this is dash cam video of police chasing a stolen pickup truck. the person behind the wheel is
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not an ordinary criminal. a 14-year-old boy. the boy allegedly stole his dad's truck because he wanted to get ice cream. at times he was driving at speeds of 100 miles per hour. the boy crashing. the kid's 10-year-old brother and 12-year-old cousin were also in that truck. charges are pending against the boy. police near dayton, ohio, looking for a guy that wanted to throw a little fourth of july bash but did no want to pay for it. man caught in surveillance video stealing beer from a grocery store. the man was inside the store for less than a minute but was able to load up his cart and walk out with ten cases of beer. the season for yard sales. could yours get you in trouble with the law? a recent consumer protection law makes it illegal to sell recalled products. to make sure the items you sell or buy are safe, and legal, visit the consumer products safety commission website at
4:56 pm for years, the only fda approved treatment for wrinkles was botox. last month the agency approved a new product promising similar and possibly better results. could it mean the end of the run for botox? eun yang has that story today. >> looking like i was old and tired and grumpy all the time. mad. >> reporter: 46-year-old shelley says the age lines on her face were starting to affect her self-esteem. >> you look tired, you feel tired. it brings you down a little bit. you know. you don't feel like smiling. >> reporter: she decided to take action but didn't want to use botox. she decided to try something new. >> this part is -- a naur owe toxin a, botulism toxin. the same as botox. in terms of comparison they have very, very type of effects. >> reporter: some say that it can have benefits that botox doesn't have. doctors in europe have been using the wrinkle smoother since 1991. and they found that in some cases, patients using dysport
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saw results in two to four days. there has been reports that it lasts longer and up to six months. with botox wrinkles start coming back in four months. >> some people feel that it might give the feeling of a more natural look. but by and by, the two are equivalent products. but you should realize that physicians in the united states are just get thing product and we haven't really had the experience with it. >> reporter: still d.c. dermatologist dr. dale isaacson said there is some evidence it works better in larger areas like the forehead because the toxin disperses differently in the body. botox might be more beneficial in smaller places where injections need to be precise like around the lips. right now, both products cost the same. ranging from $300 to $400 to do one area of the body. now that botox has a economy tore there is speculation it might get cheaper to look younger. >> there may be price wars out there and that may be beneficial
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to the patient but that's yet to go ahead and be seen. >> reporter: shelley had her injection six weeks ago. she says she's already seeing results and that is making her smile. >> when i looked at my before and after pictures i was like wow. helped myself-esteem. i don't feel 46. and now i don't think i look like i'm 46. from the nose up anyway. >> reporter: eun yang, news4. >> dr. isaacson stresses the two are equivalent products and says that patients might want to use one or the other depending on what area of the body they are treating. that's "news4 at 4:00." "news4 at 5:00" starts right now. tonight on "news4 at 5:00," a metro train operator suspended for texting while at the controls of a moving train and it is all caught on camera. a maryland woman is facing charges after burning an american flag on the fourth of july weekend.
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>> and free gas giveway had drivers lining up early this morning in virginia. that's why the sponsors only gave away half the fuel they advertised. >>good evening, everyone. welcome to "news4 at 5:00." i'm kimberl suitners for jim handly. >> i'm wendy rieger. our top story tonight, a hit and run crash on the beltway kills two people intgon momery county. the deadly crash happened 11:00 onla nature on thela beltwayea r the clara barn parkway. he woman who police say w responsible for the accident was edarreor fst dving under the luence after gti int ranheshotra c inthor nern virginia. derrick ward is live now in rockville with this story. >> reporter: an suv on the outer loop of the beltway veers from the passing lane to the curb line and strikes another vehicle knocking that vehicle completely off the road and the driver keeps going. authorities say that it is not the first time this driver in this vehicle have been drofd in a hit-and-run but the most serious. two people are dead. police say it startedor when a 2004 jeep grand


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