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tv   News 4 Midday  NBC  July 8, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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right now at midday, caught in the act with a metro train operator, what got him suspended. and president obama gs from russia to italy for a important conference. we have details. "news4 midday" starts right now. >> welcome. i am joe krebs. >> i am barbara harrison. and a metro train operator is suspended from this youtube. he was sending text messages as
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he was supposed to be manning the train. >> this is causing a stir among metro riders. megan mcgrath has the story. >> reporter: the video was taken by a rider aboard the train, taken using a cell phone camera. it shows the operator of the train looking down while text messaging instead of looking ahead at the tracks ahead of the train. that operator has been suspended for five days without pay, but he returned to work on monday. >> at first glance, it looks like the metro train operator is sleeping. but he is actually writing a text message, as the train speeds along the tracks. the cell phone video taken by a passenger was posted on youtube. the operator was suspended. >> there is really no excuse for it. and it's very disappointing. especially given the fact that
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our train operators and really all of our operations personnel, and for that matter every employee at the transit knows the rules. >> the operator captured in the video already served the five-day suspension and is iving once again, and that's something metro riders find disappointing. >> too short. that's just a smack on the hand. maybe a month. that would have been better. >> when i am driving, and if i use my phone without using a blue truth, i am driving with me, myself and i, and a train operator has hundreds, a thousand or so and they are taking those peoples' lives in their hands. >> the train was under auto
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control. >> the fact that this was making the rounds on videos and in the news, we think that this m call employees, and train operators and bus operators and it will cause them to take notice you never know who might be watching. >> no word on how long the operator has been with metro, and officials say this is his first offense, and they welcome this sort of thing. if riders see something they think is dangerous, or something wrong, metro says they want to hear about it. back to you, joe. >> thank you, megan. this incident comes a few months after a operator in california was texting before a train crash that kled 25 people. the operator of that train was sending text messages less than a minute before the crash. president obama is in italy right now meeting with that
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country's leaders. and as world leaders talk about the global economy, there are rumblings about a second stimulus in the u.s. and brooke exheart has more from capitol hill. >> the italian government, i think, has been such a great point. >> reporter: g-8 leaders will take up a range of issues, climate change, and the economy. on the global economy, leaders will compare progress on stimulus measures. there is talk of needing a second u.s. economic jolt. lawmakers should be open you to it, and republicans howled. >> i think a second stimulus is a worse idea than the first
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stimulus, which has been proven to have failed. >> reporter: with unemployment plunging towards 10%, obama said this. >> wha we always knew was that when the economy pulls out of recession that you are going to see jobs emerging only at the end of that process rather than the beginning. >> reporter: bound to limit g 8 progress, china's president withdrew with the summit to deal with worsening situations at home. and a government audit today says a slifer of funds tagged for highway work has been paid out. breaking news out of stan, ertheno apaermemerica an il ssmie rrisstekeorepdld korleile ar nbeum of mitants. ssdocteiatepro s,es the seiktr hit taliban
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ghfi. ters l 1d atstea8 slisttaernt we w killed, and earlier 10 militants were killed in a suspected u.s. military strike in the same region and also this morning, north korea leader, kim jong-il made an appearance. and kim jong-il is 67 years old and believed to have suffered a stroke last year. video of the ceremony shows north koreans laying flowers, and bowing repeatedly before a statue of kim young jong-sung. according to the washington post, this woman was hired to work for barry. she was paid through his taxpayer funded budget. late last night, his
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spokesperson held an impromptu news conference. >> at no time was she ever threatened by mr. barry. and at no time was she ever stalked by mr. barry. >> natalie williams launched a series of personal attacks against watts-brighthaupt, who showed up at the press conference and denied those attacks. and barry will likely decide whether or not to file formal charges. a toddler died after climb into a phal cinrles county c land. the boymathf oe middle leftf care of the child of his 14-year-old brother. investigators say the brother went shg,ing, leaving the child thleep at home. e 18-month-old woke up and wonderedutdesi anddeli cedmbed into an above ground pool. police were called when the motheretur dne home alddou c
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not find tou child. the child was later found in the pool and brought to the hospital and pronounced dead. two people are dead after a car ran off the beltway. this happened around 11:00. montgomery county fire officials say the car landed in the woods in cabin john. one man pronounced dead at the scene and another died at the hospital. police are trying to figure out what caused that accident. and this happened near the intersection of weight field chapel. and chopper 4 flew over around 6:40. can you see a motorcycle lying in the middle of the road there. it costed a big backup on eastbound lanes on radic road. >> we will start with traffic because it seems appropriate. >> yeah, it does. >> just because, i guess, huh? let's head out and see how your midday commute is going
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along the capital beltway. you should find lanes open. we will switch gears and show you the northbound side lane. that's looking better than 30 minutes ago. that has cleared up. the outbound side you should find the lanes open. and the waterfront has been cleared. back to you. >> jerry, thank you. >> thanks, injury. dozens of drivers got relief at the gas bump today after it shows alexander drivers are most improved behind the wheel. all state hosted this from 6:00 this morning until 9:00. the giveaway is a reward becau al alexandria drivers were most
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improved. >> this is a blessing this year. i am glad to be here. i heard about it early this morning. >> i zoomed out and here i am. hichlt >> according to the all-state report, alexandria drivers experiences an auto collision every 7.2 years, and that's an improvement from every 8.1 year back in 2005. gas prices are falling. the average price nationwide has fallen three cents in the past week. and it's down $1.50 compared to one year ago. the average for regular is $2.69, and maryland, $2.47 on average in virginia. we can see another beautiful day shaping up here in our area. right now we have 73 degrees out at ronald reagan national airport. >> now we get to go to tom. i have been anxious to hear your
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forecast, tom. >> enjoy the humidity reprieve while you can. it has been a perfect summer morning this morning. a satin blue summer sky. and it's in the low 70s. shenandoah valley, upper 60s out of the mountain. eastern shore, a beautiful morning there. great day at the beaches and on the bay. temperatures are in the upper 70s there. over the last six hours, we had a clear sky. just a few clouds over the shenandoah valley. for the rest of the afternoon, mostly sunny and low humidity. and a northwest breeze around 5:15. we will have the forecast and the steamy out look for the weekend coming up in just a few minutes, barbara and joe. >> thanks, tom. 11:11. 73 degrees. more still ahead on "news4 midday." michael jackson's death
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certificate is released, but is raising eyebrows this morning. traffic is better, but not here. coming up, what needs to be done how to fix it. >> new at 11:30, the newest coming from the recession, why the foreclosure crisis could turn .adly you are
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just a few minutes ago, vice president joe biden announced the white house struck a deal with hospitals to help pay for president obama's overhaul of health care system. the hospitals are prepared to pay billions over 10 years. that could be used to help cover millions of uninsured americs. one day after his massive memorial public service, michael jackson's death certificate has been released. it oes not list the cause of death. they are still waitior f the toxicologyts es t to determine ite cause o esdeath. 's not clear when orhere's ckson will bee buried. his brother announced the hope to have him buried at neverlands ranch. those that knew him best
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took part in the somber and spitual ceremony, while millions watched on tv around the world. leann gregg has more from los angeles ♪ we are going to see the king ♪ >> the arena turned cathedral was filled with fans, a tribute fitting for a king. in a world of pop, michael jackson wore the crown. >> off stage, he was shy, shauft spoken and child like. but when he took the stage in front of his screaming fans, he turned into another person. a master, a take no prisoners show fan. >> reporter: a star-studded lis of entertainers spanned more than four decades. ♪ ♪ i'll be there >> he will never really be gone. he is going to live forever and
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ever and ever. ♪ >> reporter: it was an outpouring of las vegas whove w outpouring from his 11-year-old daughter. >> i just wanted to say that i love him so much! >> reporter: a final farewell to a man that shared his life with the world. some day they would like to see his body married at neverland. >> even president obama gave his
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thoughts about the legacy jackson left behind, speaking from moscow yesterday, the president called jackson a cultural phenomenon. >> michael jackson, like elvis or sinatra, when somebody captivated the imagination of the country for that long, and they pass away and people pay attention. i assume the at some.t people will start focusing on things like nuclear weapons. >> we will bring you any information as we learn it. tom kierein joins us now. i guess things will change before long? >> yeah, that's right. enjoy the parks, pulls and beaches and playgrounds. it's a wonderful summer day under way, with low humidity and lots of sunshine. you will get a quick burn if you are unprotected. there is a live picture of the skywalk.
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and the neighborhoods of northwe northwest washington. it's a gloerious summer day under way. we will look at the view from the city camera. we have the sunshine here as well. the temperature right here at reagan national is a comfy 75. the international space station passes over head this evening, between 9:57 to 10:02. look at it up in the sky. about 45 degrees up. it will be a quarter of a way up in the sky. 90 degrees is druirectly over head. it will move very fast through the sky. never seen it, it's quite aeig shto t seoe. t'tlook a radar. no precipitation around the region. it's a magnificent summer day. anybody for hiking up around the blue ridge in the higher elevations, the hog back is up over 3,000 feet, and you can see across west virginia, and can you see the atlantic ocean
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almost from that elevation. and so a beautiful day for hiking and enjoying the outdoors all around the region. a great day for boating and sailing. and at the eastern shore, it's near 80 degrees. out in the mountains in the cool upper 60s with lots of sunshine there. over the last six hours, a weak area of high pressure has begun to move into our region. it will be on top of us for today and tomorrow. then as it moves off the coast, our winds will shift into the southeast and south, and that will tap humidity and heat that is lurking throughout the lower mississippi valley. along a couple fronts here, we will have thunderstorms this afternoon. and nothing here, we will stay dry. over the next 36 hours, we may have just a few high clouds in here perhaps by dawn tomorrow. otherwise a mostly clear evening. and then maybe a few showers in southern virginia tomorrow as the leading edge of some of the
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increased humidity begins to move into the region. for the rest of the afternoon, enjoy lots of sunshine, and afternoon highs into the mid-80s, with the low humidity and a fresh breeze coming out of the northwest. moon will come up just past full itill rise at 9:01 this ae evening. and then between 9:57, to 10:02, watch for the international space station zipping through the sky heading into the northeast. and by dawn, it will be in the w los. off to a clear start tomorrow. we will have clouds building during the day. and we are climbing into the low 80s. and not very humid tomorrow. but it will start to get more humid to friday, but not really ae oppressive friday. and saturday looks like a sweltering summer day.
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there could be an isolated thundershower cooking up in the afternoon for saturday. and then sunday, a weak front coming our way, and it may stall out enough to be around giving us a lot of cloudiness and an increased chance of a passing shower and perhaps thunder in the 80s. not as humid as saturday and sunday for monday. >> feeling good. >> it will feel almost like mid-july, oddly enough. >> yeah, what we expect in washington. 11:22 is the time right now. the temperature is 76 degrees -- or 79 -- >> 75. >> thank you. up next, a scare in midair for passengers, a plane that had to make an emergency landing
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yesterday. and insight as to why sarah palin abruptly resigned. plus, what google plans to do today that could change the computer landscape. as we go to break, we will look ateom sth oopef t sri tes omshin.con..cngtwa yñqñ
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nobody was injured when a plane taking off from bwi ran smack into a flock of birds. it happened yesterday afternoon. one of the 40 birds hit an engine on the southwest flight to prauf duns. the pilot declared an emergency. mechanics were called to clean the runway and check the plane for damage. as nasa launched theew n auontrt escapys smte from th eastern she datoy. f lteffro o aund lun 6:30shi ti ginnmotl acanti virginia. saheay tses tt t vehiclee ros n a itlt aeudfne o o mile sbeerforemall motorsctje e je etheau mg aannual mwat.frnu iom well, she is not old enough to drive, but a 15-year-old girl
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flew a plane hoping to land herself in the record books. she is embarking on a historic trip. >> they can do anything they want to do as long as they put their mind to it. >> she wants to inspire young people. she hopes to become the youngest african-american girl to fly cross-country. she will finish her record-breaking trip in newport news, virginia. our time is 11:27. next, a woman arrested for burning a flag. and we will have the latest on the text act. and a new study says traffic congestion is easing, but not arou here. we will take a look at what needs to be done about it. >> all the news on the 11:30
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home front, and why dads are taking on new responsibilities around the house. >> it's comfortable out there, weather-wise, but that will change, we hear. tom kierein will tell us. right now the temperature is 75 degrees. i having the right tools is crucial
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to being able to manage your diabetes properly. it's very important for me to uh check my blood sugar before i go on stage. being on when i'm feeling low can be like a rollercoaster. it does at times feel like my body is telling me to do one thing... and, my mind, my heart is telling me to do something else. managing my highs and lows is super important. with my contour meter can personalize my high/lo settings so it really does micromanage where my blood sugar needs to be. i'm nick jonas and never slowing down is msimple win. breaking news right now at 11:30 this morning, homes in the 4100 block in minnesota avenue have been evacuated because of the high pressure gas leak.
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it broke around 10:30 this morning. so far no injuries have been reported. washington gas is looking to shut off the gas and keep the area clear until it's properly ventilated. and a train operator has been disciplined after video showing him texting on the job. he received a week without pay after officials learned of the june 5th incidents. a passenger recorded it with a cell phone camera and posted it online. president obama arrives in italy today. today he will meet with italy's president and prime minister. later mr. obama will attend the g-8 summit. drivers in alexandra were able to get 10 gallons of free gas this morning. the giveaway is a reward because
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alexandria topped off the list of america's most improved cities for safe driving. let's take a look outside ght now. we have a beautiful day under way. sunny and warm. but it's about to get muggy. we can see all the way to paris, it looks like. that's the fifth district radio tower we were seeing. >> i guess. it does look like that, doesn't it? we have clouds above us? >> yeah, in northeast washington, one of the broadcast towers there along georgia avenue. we have a wonderful summer day under way. it's in the mid-70s around washington. southern maryland and right near the bay on the eastern shore is near 80 now as is southern virginia, and virginia beach a beautiful day at the beach there. and a great day at the beaches. out of the mountains, a great day for hiking and biking and kayaking and drilling through
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the floor. we are under construction up here. and as we look at the view from space, we have clear skies here now. for the rest of the afternoon, it should be mostly sunny and light breezes and temperatures reaching the mid-80s. tonight under a clear moon-lit sky, we will be ithe 60s in the dawn tomorrow. and then tomorrow cooler. partly cloudy on friday. a little more mu tid. low 80s, and a steamy weekend coming up. a small chance of a thundershower on saturday. sunday, it looks like a greater chance of thundershowers. >> it's time for construction everywhere, right jerry? >> i thought that was the dentist that just moved in. we will go to jerry in a bit. first we have other news. >> we do. there is good news and bad news about the traffic. >> a new study shows people
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spend more time in traffic than ever. it's the second two-year decline. >> tracee wilkins is here now with more. >> everybody is having relief, except us. according to the latest study, take one long workweek with lots of over time, and that's the equivalent to the amount of time you have been stuck in washington traffic by the end of the year. in 2007, the average u.s.ri drve spends 36.1 hours in traffic, down 36.6 hours in 2006. in d.c., drivers spent an average of 62 hours in rush hour traffic and 2007 up three hours, from 59 hours in 2006. so here is what was wasted in all of the traffic in 2007. $2.8 million in gas and productivity, and 90 million gallons of gas. this new report is done annually by the texas transportation institute. it was done in a report a few
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months ago. both reports do declare d.c. is among the worse in the nation when it comes to traffic in that report rates our region second to l.a., which is considered number one in congestion. so we ask commuters in our area, what do you think can help ease some of this. >> there is just a lot of roads that need to be expanded, but we are not going to get that done anytime soon. and we nee to, i think, focus more on public transportation. >> i think it's pretty awful. more attempt should be made for te tele commuting. >> do you find people in the area have a hard time grasping that? >> yeah, i do. they think if they cannot see us doing it we must not be doing it. >> what do you do? >> i am driving today, and i
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will probably get sick of that. >> the report concludes that there is no one solution, though. they say improving roadways and mass transit has been helpful, but they also say better business practices in getting employees off the road is good, but better planning and development is needed in our area according to the report. they say more affordable hoing, where people work can make a difference. i am tracee wilkins, and back to you. let's go to jerry edwards and see if we have construction going on out there right now. >> we certainly do. last time around i showed you southbound 95. that was looking good. this is northbound 95. not quite as nice. you lose the right lane on the northbound side of i-95. traffic is slow for about a mile or so if you are headed in that direction. elsewhere, not too bad around time. there is the long shot of the woodrow wilson bridge where right now through lanes are open for you in both direction between alexandria and oxon h l
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hill. >> and here is something else if you are struck in traffic. in two weeks, the commonwealth is closing 18 rest stops. the state is trying to save money, and this move will save virginia about $9 million. you may have to go more than 100 miles to find a public bathroom. an ocean city teenager is facing charges after sr leydlge burned an american flag in the middlefdl traffic. mckimmie was burning the flag in the middle of the road leading to the r0te 5 idbrge. police say she lit the flag on fire andtobr smped on it and i caused cars to swerve in order sh miss her. aiclhee sms was making a statement. she has been charged with s stdibing the peace and desecrating a d the supreme court has ruled
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burning a flag is symbolic speech protected by the first amendment. and a student died. he was 16 years old and he collapsed during practice last thursday during conditioning drills. he died in the hospital on monday. school officials say it w not humid or particularly hot when he collapsed. he was not wearing his pads, even though we still don't know how he died, medical professional caution to look at history. >> have there been other medical problems that may set off that there is something? >> a vigil is being organized at the high school to remember edwin miller. a tv production company is apologizing for staging a police raid that frightened neighbors in northbound washington. four police stormed a house. nehborhoods were not notified
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before it happened. confusing people more was the fact that the officers were from montgomery county. the police department says the production company did not realize the officers were outside the jurisdiction it was filming for a new cable es called ri"psenso nwives." and it turns out three women police were searching for were men. an employee at the home gallery store called police and sai d ween came into the store distracted her and stole h wer percent out of the back office. within a few s,mitenu the victim's credit cards had been used atever alstores. theard usage and arrested the three men. they face larceny, fraud and forgery charges. the mayor signed a bill that puts a 5 cent tax on every disposable bag used at grocery, convenience and liquor stores.
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and that fee takes effect the 1st. january 1st. new add midday, home prices in our area could continue to fall. mortgage insurer says the region will likely see lower prices through 2011. and rapid rising foreclosure and unemployment is the cause of the rises. arizona and nevada are expected to see even steeper declines. the housing crisis created hardships for many places across the country, and some in extreme cases it could lead to the loss of a child. and there are many backyard tools being left unattended, and they are no match when it comes to curious children. >> they thought she was playing out back.
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instead, the 5-year-old wandered into the backyard of a foreclosed home. despite efforts to relive her, she died. >> i am angry. i am angry that nothing was done. i am angry that my daughter was taken away because nothing was done. >> her tragedy is a worse case example of unintended consequences of foreclosure. an estimate 4 million americans today live next door to a home in foreclosure, and conventional wisdom would suggest that the bank wants to protect its assets, but that rarely happens. why? >> if lenders go in and try to make repairs or do things to improve the situation, they uld be sued. so why go down that path? >> that's exactly the way she left it. >> her mother. her pajamas are still in the
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floor. >> she wants to blame somebody, but who? the bank. the city. even her lawyer is not sure. >> the problem here is we were in limbo. >> the faraway faceless bankers are by law on the hook. citibank had fines after letting pulls and homes go into disrepair. citi says it takes notice when notified. still the message to bankers is clear. >> we will fine you and get an arrest warrant f the ceo of the bank. >> meet the foreclosure fish. here it's not just the drowning danger in ra scummy pool, but these bodies of water are also mosquito breeding grounds. >> mosquito are capable of carrying virus, and it could be a health issue. >> that was kerry sanders reporting. and one question many people asked, why aren't pooled
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drained? and it's because it could cause structural damage. why you need to act now? >> and plus more and more dads out of work and taking on new responsibilities at home. stay with us we'll be right back.
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we are following a couple breaking stories right now out of the district. these are out of 18th and i
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streets. at 9:45 this morning, a motorcyclists hit a pedestrian. the motorcyclists was weaving between traffic when he apparently hit a woman. both are in the hospital with what are described as life-threatening injuries. more video just in. this is in the 4100 block of northeast avenue where homes are evacuated because of a major gas leak. the main broke at 10:30 this morning. no injuries have been reported so far. the gas company is looking to keep the area clear until the area has been properly ventilated. slae he is stepping down as governor as alaska. palin's staff says she is looking forward to campaigning for republican candidates across the country. one such candidatesob mcdonald who is running for governor of virginia. he said he would welcome anybody
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that would campaign on his behalf, and he said he doesn't understand her decision to step down. google announced plans to have the own operating system. it will be intendeded for net bo okcomputers. it will be immune to viruses and other security threats. it will be based on the chrome web browser, which is taking away from the microsoft explo explorer. and there is a new web browser coming that promises significant securi security over other browsers. you must fly between september 9th, and november the 18th. continental, and united and jet blue matched southwest fares on
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some routes. and air tran announced deep discounts on some of its flights. president obama is in italy this morning for an important international conference. the vacancy sign is out at a lot of apartment buildings. courtney reagan joins us live with these stories and the rest of the morning's headlines. >> good morning to you both. stocks are lower across the board, and really around the world today. seeing lots of red in europe and asia as well. yesterday, stocks dropped in line with oil prices. and oil prices are falling for a sixth straight session. and crude is trading below $61 a barrel. and officials demand for energy could remain low and that will dampen the pace of global economic recovery. and the forecast slashed the
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prediction on how much will be spent on oil explore ration. the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage remained unchange. and earning season does officially kickoff this afternoon when aluminum giant alcoa reports the quarterly results. apartment vacancies are near a record high. the apartment market is the largest group of tenants, the 18 to 24-year-olds have been hit the hardest and that's a big reason for the drop. president obamas in italy today. and they are expected to address economic recession, trade, climate change, and iran's nuclear ambitions and food security. remember that was a hot issue sometime ago and still has not been forgotten. back to you. >> courtney, thank you very much. >> thank you, courtney.
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the weak economy is accelerating a recent phenomenon, fathers all over the country are being laid off, and many are making the best of a bad situation by staying home with the children. and by choosing to be a stay at home dad does not carry the stigma it once did. >> good morning. >> reporter: you could call brian a lucky guy. >> look at you. what do you have going on in there? >> reporter: there are many reasons, but the one we are talking about is this, his decision to become a stay at home dad for his newborn son, nate, was a voluntary one. it just made sense at this time for his wife to winter king and for him to stay at home, and that makes him lucky because for many men these days, staying at home is not a choice.
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it's called being laid off. >> you lose a job, and you are losing income. your family's existence is threatened in a direct way. >> reporter: h just wrote a book about the stay-at-home phenomenon. he says it is something that has been building for years, but the economy has put things in over drive. male dominated industries like cars and construction have been among the hardest hit, and 82% of all layoffs have been men. and that's forcing many of them into a role they never dreamed of. >> they go through a battle. a psychological battle with themselveses and sometimes with the people around them. and you know, that's really tough stuff. >> reporter: smith says society has done them a favor. it's more accepting now of men staying at home with children than ever before. >> this means that when a father loses his job, society says to him, you are still valuable to
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your family. you industrial a role to play. and this is something -- this is a strength that a lot of fathers are bringing to the economic crisis. >> here is where it gets interesting. the shift may be permanent. it may not end when or if the recession ever does. smith says it's like rosie, she symbolized the woman in world war ii who filled factory jobs vacated by the men that went off to fight. when the war was over, did the women stop working? of course not. >> some fathers say while society is making it easier to be accepted as a stay home dad, that does not make the job any easier. >> 11:52. 75 degrees here in washington right now. and we will take you to the world premiere of the latest "hairy potter" movie. and we are looking for people that make the day special in the morning hours.
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mail their story and a clear 
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more breaking news for you now. a northern virginia man that worked at the state department for more than three decades will have to pay a $5,000 fine and spend a year on probation for illegally looking at the passport files of famous
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americans. he was sentenced for looking at the confidential files of celebrity figures and political figures, john mccain, and barack obama, and hillary clinton. and the new "harry potter" film came out. huge crowds of people lined up to meet the stars. harry potter and the half blood prince opens in theaters everywhere next friday. these days, we are all trying to sketch the dollar. if you are go to go add something to the closet, you want to make sure you will wear it more than once. and then at 5:00, kids make a difference in the war zone, by a gift of a teddy bear. right now, let's get a final check on the weather. here is tom. >> afternoon highs reaching mid-80s. right now we are in the mid and
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upper 70s. cooler tomorrow and still not too humid. on friday, getting more humid. but steam yy over the weekend. and then for sunday, it looks like greater chance, maybe a passing shower or passing isolated thundershower. highs in the mid-80s. as we get into the first part of next week, it doesn't look like we will have rain, but it still may be rather humid. highs in the 80s. we will see you in the morning, barbara and joe. >> thank you. one group of students from england really stood out. the students and staff attempted to break the world record for the largest "thriller" dance ever. they have been rehearsing the dance since may in order to be granted the world record. they will view the tape to make sure everybody participated and performed the moves accurately. and the current record stands at
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242 people. >> we wish them allhe luck in the world. hope they do well. >> thank you for being with us, and invited you to tune in for more news at 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00. >> we hope you have a wonderful day. >> see you in the morning. >> bye. fios guy! where ya headed?
11:59 am
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