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tv   Action News at 1230 PM  ABC  March 7, 2018 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

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we are back with the coverage of the accuweather alert. as we look at round two from old man winter. this is march coming in like a lion with to nor'easters in less than a week.
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some areas could see more an and inch of snow at the end of the storm. a live look at philadelphia international airport. you can hardly see the runways there and hundreds of flights are canceled so far and check ahead if you have a flight scheduled for today and likely it will not be coming in and flights will not be going out. mobile 6 traveling live on 309 in quakertown and the snow is coming down and does look like there is pavement to be seen through the snowflakes, not too bad as mobile 6 travel as long and traffic in all areas in the region is light today as people have heeded the warnings from penndot and local officials. good afternoon our coverage continues here on "action news" at noon. the "action news" crew is fanned out across the tri-state area, as we endure a sec nor'easter in less than a week. penndot has announced speed restrictions across the region. our team of meteorologist, karen
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rogers and chris sowers keeping track of this in our region. kind of going into phase two and things are ramping up. >> you see the storm intensify. and we have said the heaviest time is 10:00 until 4:00. one sign of the intensification, the lightning strikes we are seeing, this area of low pressure and nor'easter is churning up the coast. we see several lightning strikes. six lightning strikes you see from that graphic from cape may. the snow is really coming down and we'll take a look at stormtracker 6 live double scan. here we see the heavy bands and we watch this area of purple first in south jersey with the narrow band and this is the band we are saying 1 to 3 inches of snow an hour and blossoming to the north and lets go in closer and you see that. the movement of it lifting up north and east. and here we see in wilmington in
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the city right along i-95. that is the area right now you get the heaviest snow and it's now in parts of norristown and malvern and in doylestown and if you were watching we said soon in doylestown and see it move there and stretching up north toward trenton as well. the heaviest bands are starting to kick in beyond that. and another band filling in as well. we start to see the heavy bands of snow mix in the area. and this look agent 1:00 in the afternoon and still seeing the heavy bands, and we advance this to 3:30 and kicking out of here. this is 7:30 gone at that point. a little way longer while we deal with the intense bands. we are watching the potential for power outages. and chris sowers is outside talking about this. >> good afternoon to you. you can see the snowplow train here coming through on city avenue. when we first started the show at noon the roads were just wet,
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now look at them. we have at least an inch or maybe more as the snow continues to come down, i want to go back to the snowfall graphic that karen had up here. we are talking about this for days, with this storm as it intensified we see the tremendous snowfall rates. lets go to weather source three please. 1 to 2 inches an hour. most likely we think northwestern suburbs but the slight shift 50 to 75 miles from that area of low pressure. therefore the heaviest snow has also shifted 50 to 75 miles and the heart of the i-95 corridor picking up the 1 to 2 inch an hour snowfall rates and in some locations you saw with karen it's unto 3 inches an hour. and thundersnow, we have several reports now lightning strikes off the coast of cape may as well as new york city. so that kind of gives you an idea how strong this is
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becoming. we'll see this kind of snow and intensify for the next several hours. it's a good idea to stay off the roads but if you are traveling take it slow through 4:00 this afternoon. the impact scale is on high and then the storm starts to wind down a bit from 5:00, 6:00 this evening and 8:00 the storm sought of here and the snow will probably start melting on the roads and the accumulations on grassy surfaces. another quick check, we shifted the heaviest band a little bit north and east. bucks county and it's montgomery county and the lehigh valley. and 6 to 10 if philadelphia and 3 to 6 intour you're sections of south jersey including lancaster and western portions of berks county. there you have it. that is the latest for now. karen rogers has another update in the seven-day forecast. >> chris you got something on your shoulder. >> some dandruff.
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>> it's everywhere. >> thank you. lets head back outside and check in with the fleet of mobile 6 out there this noon hour. this is a live look at wrightstown bucks county. it looks to be a rural road a side street, you could say and the snow really has picked up within the last hour, hour and a half. and the road here now very snow covered and just make out the tracks as mobile 6 moves through wrightstown here in bucks county. lets check out the situation in the lehigh valley. they could get anywhere from 10 to 16 inches. walter perez is live in allen tonight now with the latest from there. >> reporter: well rick and sara, when we first got here a few hours ago there was really nothing to report and the snow was coming down slowly and the roads were clear and snow was accumulating on the grassy areas across the region. but things changed. at 11:00 and 12:00 this morning
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it was really coming down and things changed. the roads are slushy and that say big difference from an hour ago and slowing down traffic to a certain degree, it seems like now we are in the thick of it. up until about 10:30 this morning the snow was gently falling in bethlehem and a little bit of accumulation of snow on the grassy areas and the roads were clear. >> if you drive carefully it's not bad a few slick spot here and there but nothing too critical but take your time it's not so bad. >> but whafference a few hours makes. as we move into the afternoon the roads are slicken and the snow is starting to pile up. >> it's picking up quite a bit recently here. and it seems to be slicker now. >> we found one man that had given up on a snowy winter. mark of allentown he is
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gett and wet and collected
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on trees and wires. its weight quickly making itself known. >> where i come from there is bamboo along the roads and areas in marshallton you had to go around the lane you were in, you know. because -- we are almost right on the road already. >> snow on trees began to impact
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electrical service and we met this man at 10:00 filling up gas cans. >> filling up the gas from my generator and we lost power an hour ago. just this morning we lost it last week for 20 hours, this morning we are out i don't know how long. >> roads were wet and clear but at 9:15 a band of heavy snow moved in and roads became snow covers. and conditions deteriorated. >> a van face forward into the hill and the pickup truck went down the gully and up into the woods and the police are there now on both of them. >> it's not pleasant out right now no, no. >> slow down. >> that is good advice. slow down. penndot in the same vain is restricting speeds in the western suburbs. routes 1, 30 and 202 and the pennsylvania turnpike and they are restricted to 35 miles per
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hour. if you do go out today. it should be slow going and just the best way to get around and safest way to get around. john rawlins, channel 6 "action news." back to you all. >> thank you. the salt trucks were busy here in prices corner delaware this morning. the action cam was at kirkwood highway at route 141 as the plow trucks were busy keeping the roads clear and normally a busy thoroughfare. and many people just decided to stay home. >> we are following developing news and philadelphia police are searching for the driver that hit a mother and two children on the sidewalk. and then ran off in the city's mayor fair section. six bystanders worked to pull him off the girl. the 36-year-old mother and 4-year-old sister suffered bumps and bruises. we'll bring you the latest as more information becomes available. we'll have more of this coverage
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coming up in just a moment. >> taking a live look at the jersey shore and cape may. you'll find the heaviest winds at the jersey shore gust we winds a big factor there. as the nor'easter moves into the region. stay with us.
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live on the "action news" cam this is naaman's road and society drive and almost whiteout conditions and visibility becomes diminished as this snow starts to ramp up a little bit. wilmington could get anywhere from the 6 inch rain before it's all over. but again whiteout conditions here in wilmington this hour. >> lets head to rittenhouse square and nydia han. the snow is now coming down? >> reporter: yes, it is a real winter wonderland on rittenhouse square. it looks beautiful and the heavy
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snow is falling for an hour and a half creating this picturesque scene and people are out and about as they often are as the snowfalls and we see people walking their dog and have their umbrellas up and heading to work and maybe heading someplace else and a terrific morning out here. and tracking all of this from the stormtracker 6 live double scan radar van. take a look. you see this lavender where we are. that means 1 to 2 inches of snow falling an hour. and we are tracking it here. this is creating quite a lot of attention here on the square. >> lets see the radar -- >> suzy stein makes a living selling de-icing assault and keep a close eye on accuweather. >> i have the app, i recommend it. you can look at hourly and 15 day forecast. >> people can visit us now on rittenhouse scare. >> as others await the impending
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storm here what they have to say. >> really gross. >> not liking it. >> no, not at all. he likes to watch the snow. he is cozy. >> hopefully i get off in time. >> reporter: once again the snow is falling now on rittenhouse square. look at storm tracker 6 radar van we'll continue to track it here at rittenhouse square throughout the day. >> thank you. our coverage continues as the nor'easter after this break. as we look live outside, karen rogers has the update from accuweather. you are looking live at penn's landing. 12:46 and the snow is coming down. "action news" will be right back.
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i'm tires of the snow we were in tampa for spring training and i wish it was this weekend and i don't want to be
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in the snow. >> that is one compute commuters take on the nor'easter the second one in a week. florida sounds like a great idea. >> karen is back now and has the forecast. by late afternoon things are really starting to pick up. >> we are in the height of it now, we said 9:00, 10:00, but it was 11:00 and it's on track. you have to be patient and wait for it to develop. i'm not patient myself. it's really coming down out there. i'm looking at the temple university camera and creating visibility issues, and this is what it looks like on stormtracker 6 live double scan. here is what to note as you look at this. these are all the flashes, lightning strikes happening now. in not only south jersey, look at a couple of strikes here.
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can you see that there? that is a live lightning strike in trenton along i-95. it was raining and now thundersnow. that is giving you the sign of the intensity. as this nor'easter is kicking in and producing a significant amount of snow coming down through parts of the region and lets go in close toward this. the motion of this area. heavy snow lifting northward, and westward. and this area you see the lightning strike along i-95 and thundersnow. coming down at a good clip. i was checking the rates here. this is 1 to 3 inches an hour. we have not seen is race through here and accumulating quickly and staying over i-95. snowing heavy in chadds ford and media and the blue route and 309 and i-95 in trenton and farther we see the movement of the band there shifting up to the north and as we look at the bands right here in south jersey.
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once that heavy ban moves through this heavy band moves through and the snow is coming down and elmer and hammonton. an icy mix and the snowfall getting closer to the coast and as it does. visibility is an issue less than a mile. a third of a mile .30 because of the snow and thundersnow in spots. and a 30 miles per hour wind gust near beach haven and this nor effotheas'easter cranking u accumulating on the roads because it's coming down so heavily. this is earlier in phoenixville. and colleen send issing it before it intensifies and future tracker showing the timing on track. 3:30 we are dealing with the intense snow. it's pulling out of here. heavy snow poor visibility and happening now. continuing through 4:00, and 5:00 today.
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and ending 5:00 to 9:00 to northeast. and expecting some of the heaviest bands of snow right hand here. right along the i-95 corridor 6 to 10 inches of snowfall with this. here is the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast getting through it today. stay off the roads and hopefully be able to do that. and wet snow continuing heavy and continues through 4:00 the heavy snow 35 today. sun tomorrow and 40 and breezy and 43 and saturday chilly and 43. and you think it's spring and daylight savings time begins and partly sunny and 46 on sunday. sunday into monday looking for the potential for a coastal storm and some models suggesting with we stay to the south. 44 degrees and the snow is intense. the height of the storm now continuing for a couple more
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hours this way. >> constant updates on the nor'easter is at your fingertips at any time including real time views from stormtracker 6 live double scan on your phone or tablet. the 6 abc is a download for your mobile device. we just moved in about four months ago, but the living room's pretty blank. it's really nice when clients come in and have done some of their own research. working with a bassett designer was really easy. just kind of ties in very well. we love it!
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snow accumulated on eagle and darby roads and the roaded appeared to be mostly clear this was this morning obviously. and cars seemed to maneuver with ease and that situation is changing for the worse. >> that does is for "action news" and our coverage continues through the afternoon and stay with us today for 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. this is 152 northern and the roads are getting worse and visibility is starting to
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diminish as well. our coverage continues after the break. stay with us.
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or this is mobile six, and going through some of the road is here and as you can see, they are continuing to become snow covered especially secondary an inside road, at this hour, and we're inside of the phase two as far as the nor'easter is concerned, there is snow starting to ramp up a little bit and of course we
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are monitoring the highways and biways at this hour. rick williams and alycia vitarelli in the studio as we continue to monitor this latest nor'easter. >> and it started this evening , pick up, that is case all across the area "action news" reporter vernon odom live, in delaware county and vernon we can see snow coming down right now. >> reporter: you really can, alycia started to come heavy and started two hours ago, after, sort of the light rain, this morning but as you look around here you can see just how i was on at 2:30 showing people that the sidewalks are starting to, get slushy and things like that but now it is all on full blast, this is the sidewalk, and, you can see, it is starting to build up, two or 3 inches here already. so it is coming down very fast here, and of course this southern part of the delaware county got hit hard very hard last friday, and many people still have their power off, and thousands we are told, by, peco officials, so the folks here are preparing as best as
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they can. they are trying to get it together but they are not happy, about this latest development here. i'm vernon odom for chahael six "action news". all right, thanks, vernon. and, now we will check with meteorologist karen rodgers in the weather center. again we're talking about more snow falling but are we looking at a shorter window are we saying 4:00 o'clock before things taper off. >> we will see intensity for same period have time so window hasn't really closed any. we have this storm for quite a while. my favorite part ace accumulation on vern's mustache i hope he gets warm. lets take a look right now at weather center and storm track er six live double scan and showing us, right now that we can see storm tracker six showing thaws we've got about 15 lightening strikes just within the past few minutes here and that is that area of low pressure intensifies, right new through the region. so watching this right now on storm tracker six live double scan, lets take a look right now, at the conditions, it will be


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