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tv   Action News at 500 AM  ABC  March 7, 2018 5:00am-5:30am EST

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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 5 o'clock on this wednesday march seventh and much of the area is waking up to yet another winter be wonderland. >> hopefully some people are like winter wonderland. right now a rain and snow mix has been falling for hours. snow is already starting to stick to the ground and much more is on the way. we are timing it out for you. >> all philadelphia public and archdiocesan schools are closed today. hundreds of others across the region are following. they're at the bottom of your screen and also on >> we have team coverage with a look at conditions around our area. we see the flakes falling out there already. let's get going, though, first with meteorologist karen rogers who is in for dave murphy and matt pelman who of course has his eye on the roads. good morning. >> good morning, guys. i'd be lying if i said i liked
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this march lion. >> i think everybody agrees with you especially people who just got their power back and now we're concerned with that happening once again. i want to show you the latest as we look at storm tracker6 live 3-d. i would say the storm is on track. we don't have any major changes in what we're thinking. we're watching it evolve and developing right now so it's just beginning to develop, the nor'easter. the area of low pressure has transferred its energy but it will intensify later this afternoon and that's when the snowfall rates are going to pick up. this is a high impact event. the peak is during the day so when you step out right now and you're seeing these slushy roads it's going downhill from here. the heaviest snow continues to track north and west of the city with strongest winds will be at the coastline but even in the city we're going to see winds up to about 40 miles an hour and that's enough to be a real concern. as you look at the winter storm warning, if you remember from yesterday what we saw with this the national weather service added counties down to the south. now we're looking in south jersey included in the winter storm warning.
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we have burlington gloucester camden ocean counties and then of course i-95 and areas north and west and that's until 3 a.m. thursday for the heavy snow. here's a look at storm tracker6 live double scan. we can see snowfall right in the city, some of the brighter shades of white right now so it's coming down on i-95. you can even see a little bit of lavender right there near the city and crossing the schuylkill expressway right now. that's coming down pretty heavy. we can go down to the south as well. i've noticed some heavier bands there as well right near the mixing you see that lavender, even in south jersey it's coming down pretty good in hammonton, in glassboro near rowan woodstown and that icy mix south of that. right now roads are mostly slushy. we're seeing that mixed precipitation but the afternoon early evening that's when the heavy wet snow, the gusty winds really set in. we'll talk totals coming up in a few minutes, matt. >> all righty karen. hopefully the kids are excited about this today. many of them don't have school so not a lot of school buses on the roads which will help us out. as we look at the roads, this is the blue route 476 in
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plymouth meeting, the metroplex right over there and the travel lanes of 476 are just wet at this point but still wet can be slippery and we saw a crash earlier on the northeast extension portion of 476 near lansdale. it's now gone. northeast philadelphia here, this is woodhaven road over top the roosevelt boulevard, route one, and again, just wet conditions. on the grassy surfaces, you're seeing a little bit of accumulation but the road, itself, is just wet. this one's really wet. by penn's landing this is columbus boulevard delaware avenue northbound lanes tidal flooding again this morning. just like yesterday during both of our commutes. stay over on 95. you don't want to try and drive through that big puddle on columbus boulevard northbound. this is 95 nearby and it looks okay. just a little bit wet here but not as wet as columbus boulevard so go ahead and use it. 25 miles per hour on all bridges. we're getting the warning sign there from penndot as you travel into new jersey and if you're coming off the tacony-palmyra bridge, i wouldn't use 73. it's blocked here because of downed wires. tam. >> okay, thank you, matt.
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let's get you out and get a look at what's going on around the region. let's go to "action news" reporter jeanette reyes. she's live in montgomeryville montgomery county. jeanette we saw the flakes coming down around bob brooks out in delaware county. what's it like where you are? >> reporter: well, tam, earlier about an hour ago we had much bigger flakes. now they've lessened a little bit and they're a lot smaller but we've been talking about this wet heavy snow and how kids are staying home from school. so, one way to keep them busy, have them shovel the snow. i didn't tell that you, though and don't tell them i said that but take a look right now. so far it hasn't really accumulated on the roadways. on the grass it certainly has. the less traveled areas. it will be slushy but again on the roads we haven't seen that stick yet but as karen mentioned at peak today it will be falling at one to 2 inches per hour, that snow. right now we're along bethlehem pike and hatfield. as we came up 76, 276 and route 309 it was mostly the same, just wet roads but we saw numerous salt and plow trucks at the ready and positioned along the ramps and
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shoulders, front end loaders could be seen at large parking lots for the work that's coming ahead and throughout the day. one thing i would suggest is if you have to shovel the snow or if anybody in your household does, make sure you just do it several times throughout the day. this will be really heavy stuff but coming out live to us even on the wire it's already starting to accumulate. the big concern today is more of those downed wires, downed trees and also outages. of course we'll keep you posted. hopefully you already in case there is an outage with everything you need to last you throughout the day and of course tomorrow as well. at least for tomorrow. reporting live in montgomeryville, jeanette reyes channel6 "action news." tam. >> thank you jeanette. a snow emergency is in effect in philadelphia as of 8:00 a.m. this morning. overnight the city outfitted sanitation trucks with snowplows. this means all parked cars must be moved off snow emergency routes. all municipal offices in philadelphia and its courts are closed today. a state of emergency has also been declared in other parts of pa as well as in the state of new jersey.
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>> it is not snowing everywhere right now but it looks like it is in this part of south jersey. mobile6 just got across the delaware river. now it's along the admiral wilson boulevard in camden. and we're seeing that some of the flakes there melting instantly hitting the windshield. havertown, delaware county suffered one of the worst hits from last week's nor'easter. "action news" reporter bob brooks is live there now where residents are saying, oh, no, not again. >> reporter: yes, matt, they definitely are. they don't want to get walloped again but i'll tell you what, it's coming down pretty steady right now. as far as we know, this is just the beginning. even if it's just stayed at this pace for the entirety of the storm you're talking about a lot of snow, so we'll keep our fingers crossed here. behind me there the old "action news" measuring stick we're just over 3-inches right now. looks like it's starting to climb over it and then behind it and up into the trees and into the power lines you can see this thick wet heavy snow.
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it just sticks to everything. as soon as people come outside, look outside of their windows today it's going to look like that winter wonderland you were talking about earlier matt at the beginning of the show because it really is and it's all over the place many people, if you have cars out there, any property underneath trees, you are going to want to think about moving them right now because in snow gets heavy and those limbs come down. just to give you guys an example, an opportunity to do this throughout the morning here, with no effort this snow compacts. i mean, into the perfect snowball. when you get enough of this stuff building up on things it's going to get heavy and it might bring branches and hopefully not power lines down. we know havertown, i've been reporting out here for the last several days, because of all the damage from the storm we had on friday, there's still people out here without electricity. so hopefully again we'll keep our fingers crossed, that it doesn't get any worse for those people. the crews can somehow continue to work today to get that power back on. now, as far as the roads, they have ample amount of plow trucks out here taking care of the roads but when it snows this fast and it's this thick,
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once the roads get cold and it starts to set we could be looking at some problems so we're definitely going to keep an eye on that. reporting live in havertown, bob brooks channel6 "action news." tam, back to you. >> okay, thank you bob. you were just talking about the crews out there. let's give those people a little bit more on that. penndot crews have been on the move all night. the action cam spotted several plow trucks along i-95 northbound in delaware county. there are more than 400 trucks out salting and plowing. the wet snow combined with the high winds could pose another challenge for penndot crews as well as for other crews but they say they are ready, that they do have enough salt. and airlines have already started canceling flights ahead of the storm. last check, nearly 2,000 have been canceled. some airlines are also offering fee waivers to or from certain cities on certain dates so be sure to check flight status with your airline before you start the trek to the airport. only do it if you know that you're going to be able to head out to go wherever you're trying to fly to. >> this is what it looked like a couple of hours ago in ardmore, montgomery county.
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the roads a little slushy and the snow sticking to the trees and also to the sidewalks. then moving back over to south jersey, this is haddonfield camden county a little earlier this morning. big large juicy determined snowflakes. >> determined. >> juicy, i like that. the action cam was in haddonfield and we're seeing that the snow is sticking to some of those side areas but not on the roads just yet. >> well, let's find out exactly what's going on with the track. karen rogers has gotten all this ready to go. >> you can't get better than juicy and determined. >> those snowflakes were determined. >> did you see them? >> juicy part was getting my attention. >> let's take a look right now at storm tracker6 live. sky6 looking live over the ben franklin bridge. i have noticed that some of the visibilities already reducing with steady precipitation in some areas. now i want to show you storm tracker6 'cause you get a better sense of what's happening and we're starting to see some of the bands intensify a little bit.
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much of the area now getting precipitation and a mix at that. so, nothing really happening in malvern and downingtown and west chester and norristown and chadds ford, just a couple of flakes but we can see right here along the i-95 corridor, not only the brighter shades of white showing some snow coming down pretty good but even a little bit of lavender as you head just north of the city which means coming down at a pretty good clip and that's what can accumulate on the roadways as well and you see the progression of this right now lifting up to the north and east. let's go a little farther to the south 'cause i'm really noticing it's coming down near route 55 in glassboro. do you see all that pink near woodstown, near elmer, near hammonton. although the surface temperatures above freezing you're seeing that mix right there near malaga and rain south and east so a mix of precipitation but in some areas we're noticing the snow bands intensifying a little bit than they were an hour ago. but this is really just the beginning. the nor'easter only starting to take shape right now. it's going to blossom and intensify as the day goes on. let's take a look at what you
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can expect with future tracker. so, this is a look at 7:30 in the morning. it's still raining, temperatures near 40 degrees in parts of south jersey. you have a little bit of an icy mix and this model showing that snowfall still coming down along i-95 and north and west. then we advance this a little bit to 11 o'clock and you really see how it's intensifying there. and you see the area of low pressure beginning to intensify as well as you see those winds kind of turning in around that low. now, it's snowing again at 11 o'clock through the poconos, allentown, the city and down to interior parts of south jersey and by 1:30 in the afternoon, this is when it's really blossoming on the. you're getting one to 2 inches of snowfall an hour stretching all the way along the coastline and there you can see that circular motion around that low. that's really hitting us hard. then it pulls out of here by 5, 6 o'clock. overall what connect expect, not much along the coastline but one to 3 inches in the area of gray and that's through millville and smyrna and southern delaware. three to 6 inches of snow in
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chatsworth, williamstown, salem, in lancaster. across the i-95 corridor, stretching from wilmington, the city, to trenton, six to 10. more snow, 10 to 16-inches where you're getting the snow in doylestown, lansdale, pottstown reading allentown and mount pocono. so, significant amount of snow. reducing visibility and it's a heavy wet snow, a high of 35 today. it ends this evening and tonight drying out. tomorrow it's blustery with some sunshine and 40. friday a morning snow shower especially north of the city possible, not a big deal but it's chilly, 43. staying chilly on saturday. daylight saving time begins saturday into sunday. sunday partly sunny, 46. we're still watching the coast to see if a southern storm develops sunday night into monday. could bring us some snow showers. at this point some of the models suggesting that might not happen. we're going to keep tracking that. 44. tuesday windy and chilly, also 44 degrees. so as you step outside and you look at the snow now and you think the roads are mostly slushy in some spots it's
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going to get worse a little later. >> don't get fooled. thank you, karen. 5:13 right now. we're following developing news. three people were shot just feet from the a mother and her young child in west philadelphia. and police are still looking for the gunman. >> and our coverage of the nor'easter and continues. sky6 taking a look across the ben franklin parkway. you can see those roads are slick and the snow is coming down. matt pelman will be updating your roads. matt. >> yeah, tam, we just saw a salt truck go through here in exton chester county along 100 at sunrise boulevard. if you see one of those trucks keep in mind six car lengths is the distance you should maintain from those working trucks. heading to the burbs, talk problems in south jersey when "action news" continues on this wednesday morning. >> ♪
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>> good morning everyone. 5:16. it is wednesday and, yes, the nor'easter has arrived. taking a live look right behind us, center city philadelphia, it is snowing and raining in much of the area right now. >> which means if you have to get out and about this morning it could be a little difficult so let's go over to matt pelman who of course has got his eyes peeled for what's going on on your roadways. good morning. >> absolutely. good morning, guys. i would say if you do have to get out and about now is the best time to do that today, if your store is opened you need to get that milk bread and eggs do it now because later on it's going to be substantially tougher. live look in fort washington this is 309 right under the pennsylvania turnpike, 276. at this point the highways and most of the secondary roads are just wet. finding a little snow accumulated on the grassy surfaces and shoulders of the road but for the most part the road surfaces are wet only at this point.
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and let's head to the burbs. a little bit better news nearby. morris road reopened. had been closed since friday. they just got it reopened this morning but still plenty of other spots where we've got closures. upper moreland davisville road blocked because of a dawned tree. newtown pike gets you around that. jenkintown meetinghouse road still blocked like it was last night. susquehanna road a possible alternate there. our good buddy ben, he's doing okay this morning, but 25 miles per hour is the max on all of the river bridges because they're wet and, therefore, could be slippery. i would use the ben or maybe the betsy ross bridge instead of the tacony-palmyra this morning because once you get off the tacony-palmyra in pennsauken we've got downed wires blocking 73 right at 130. it's a mess in that area because of an earlier accident that happened around midnight so betsy ross route 90 would be a better bet. on another chunk of 130 in brooklawn there's more tidal flooding this morning so a lane out in both direction there is if you're heading to the brooklawn diner for breakfast. at least the crash we had in
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franklinville gloucester county along williamstown road has cleared out and live look near the coast, this is the garden state parkway at the cape may tolls, very wet and in fact we're seeing some flooding in absecon along 30 in atlantic city along route 40 and in north wildwood along 147. so, down the shore, you're getting some really high water in spots. matt. >> got it matt. thanks. developing this morning, three men were shot inside a chinese takeout restaurant in west philadelphia. it happened on the 200 block of south 60th street at 1:00 a.m. out of a car, opened fire jumped back into the car and sped off. two 18-year-olds and a 19-year-old were shot in the arms and legs. they are in stable condition. police are now reviewing surveillance video. >> stormy daniels the porn star who claims she had an affair with donald trump is suing him for the right to speak out. daniels whose real name is stephanie clifford filed suit yesterday seeking to invalidate a nondisclosure agreement she signed in 2016. she claims that she had a year long sexual relationship with
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the president back in 2006. daniels says trump never signed the agreement show it should be considered invalid. trump it's lawyer michael cohen admitted he paid daniels $130,000 but claims the money was his not trump's and there was no affair. take two for the "bachelor." yet again arie ended up down on one knee. >> wow. action cam taking a live look at havertown, one of the areas hit really hard by the first nor'easter we had to deal with this march. we'll be right back. >> ♪ (phone buzzing) i like these yogurt bites. (phone buzzing) and i like these yogurt bites... ah... ooh! apparently, i like them more than i like my phone. where...ah, oh!
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>> 5:22 now. another live picture for you as we show you the conditions all across the region, which are very different depending on where you are. that's a live look at route one in chadds ford delaware county right near creek road. not many people out there right now. as you know, schools are closed and a lot of people just aren't going to work but other people have to be here like us. >> that's right. that's by happ's place. >> you guys are taking karen and i out after the show. >> you know all the spots. >> yeah, i would go for breakfast not lunch or dinner today. >> and it's on your platinum. >> we'll see about that. >> credit card. >> along 295 this is 295 over route 30, the white horse pike. still just wet here in both directions. no issues on 295 or the new jersey turnpike. in delaware some issues though. there's a crash still closing 301. cedar lane road or route one can get you around it and some
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flooding along old state road. on the mass transit front we've got abnormal schedules today. septa regional rails running on a saturday schedule. norristown high speedline running every 20 minutes but they're saying:f< expect delays. patco on a snow emergency schedule so those times are going to be a little different than normal, karen. >> when we look at this temperature profile we could see we're at or above freezing everywhere right now and likely staying that way. it looks like we'll stay in the low to potentially mid 30's through the day. so right now a lot of snow is melting but that's not going to be the case later on as the snow intensifies and comes down heavily and kind of brings down its own cold air. we are concerned about how power outages -- more power outages. places like delaware county who already got hit so hard with this. snowfall rates of one to 2 inches per hour. thundersnow is possible. it's a heavy wet snow. while it is snow as you look north and west of the city we're going to get that mixing across i-95 and some rain
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south and east but this area north and west especially that's when we're expecting the most intense snow and 10 to 16-inches, matt and tam. >> thanks karen. time right now 5:24. "bachelor" nation was not so happy with the season finale of the bachelor back on monday. so find out what happened when arie got a chance to do it all over again last night. >> definitely a memorable season. and our snow coverage continues here. mobile6 on route 70 there in cherry hill. this area we seem to be seeing more rain out there. accuweather is timing out when the snowfall really starts to hit the parts of our region. we'll be right back. >> ♪ allergies with sinus congestion and pressure?
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>> ♪ >> time for the morning buzz. a redo for "bachelor"'s arie luyendyk. if you haven't watched we'll pause. last night's show ended with an engagement and a new "bachelorette." we saw arie propose to becca. he had a change of heart. then last night arie had a chance to get down on one knee again this time to runner up lauren. >> best decision was running back back to you. lauren, will you marry me. >> yes, definitely. [laughter] >> well, i'm just really excited to be here. i think arie and i both have been waiting for this moment for a really long time, so just excited to be a normal couple and go and do normal couple things. >> so, yes, lauren said yes.
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many people on social media were pretty shocked by that but the two will be on "good morning america" later this morning to talk about their future together. we'll see how long future will be, hours, days. >> whatever. >> months and don't worry about becca, after getting proposed to and then ultimately being dumped for the runner up becca is giving love a second chance. she'll be the next "bachelorette." becca was able to meet some of the contestants last night. the 14th season won't air until may 28, right here on 6abc. we'll have to wait and find out what happens with becca, tam. >> you know what, matt i thought becca was a real catch. we'll see how arie feels about his choices later but i think she's going to be a great "bachelorette." i'm hoping for a good season. 5:28. right now we're getting hit with another nor'easter. let's take a live look here center city at 15th and j.f.k. and you can see the snow is now really steady straight coming down. our team coverage for you continues next. >> ♪ un-stop right there!
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