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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  October 20, 2014 3:00am-4:01am EDT

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this morning on "world news now" -- ebola in america. and several major developments from the quarantine involving dozens of people in contact with thomas eric duncan to concerns surrounding a cruise ship passenger. >> she shouldn't have been on board. she should have stayed home. >> as we learn more about both infected nurses. police find human remains which could be missing university of virginia student hannah graham. what's next in the investigation? and faithful decisions. the revolutionary move by the vatican to change its decision on gais and divorcees is reconsidered. >> i think it's already had an impact to catholics around the world. >> the provocative debate and what it means for the pope and the future of the church.
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it's monday, october 20th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> that's how we start. good morning, everybody, on this monday morning. i'm t.j. holmes. >> i'm reena ninan. happy monday. >> it is a happy monday for some. including some family members of thomas eric duncan. he passed. he had ebola. that was unfortunate for the family. a lot of people keeping a close eye anthon them. this morning, they are officially out of danger. >> also a hospital lab worker quarantined an a cruise ship. all of them finally back home. tom llamas has more. >> reporter: the woman at the center of the ebola scare an the carnival "magic" disembarking. theship and its 3600 people back in texas after mexico and belize refused to grant her access. >> she shouldn't have been on
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board. >> cleaning crews preparing to scrub every inch of the ship. this was the view from the deck on saturday. as passengers partied, a coast guard helicopter hovering above an a mission to collect a blood sample from the dallas lab supervisor who handled blood samples from thomas eric duncan. even though she didn't have a fever she'd been quarantined in her cabin for days. >> when it first came out, there was kind of panic. >> reporter: around time the boat docked, word she tested negative for the voors. she was allowed to go home. critical time for the 75 dallas health care workers who treated duncan. >> we're right in the middle of a hot zone right now. so we're doing a whole lot of work. >> reporter: nina pham, the first nurse to contract the disease, still in isolation. >> it's a serious disease and it kind of knocks you out. it's mostly really being fatigued but she's in very good spirits. >> reporter: authorities tracing the contacts of amber evenson
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who traveled back home to cleveland to prepare for her wedding. more than 100 people an that watch list so far. and new video of the bridal shop vinson visited being decontaminated. at last check her family saying vinson in stable condition. the 21-day monitoring window ends for the first 48 people who came into contact with thomas eric duncan. that includes his family and his fiance louise troh. the u.s. has air dropped weapons ammunition to help kurdish forces. they are defending kobani against ooh sis fighters. the drops come after more than 100 air strikes by u.s. led air strikes. it's helped push isis back. >> if he continues to present us with major targets as he has done in the kobani area, then we'll service those areas. >> the air drops are almost certain to anger the turkish
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government. pennsylvania state police could learn today whether blood found on several porches matches that of eric frein who was wanted in the attack on two state troopers. the blood was found thursday. with the possible sighting of frein friday night, the search area has expanded south. frein has been on the run since the early september attack which killed one trooper and injured another. investigators in virginia are waiting for forensic tests to conform whether remains found this weekend are those of hannah graham. she disappeared more than a month ago. bazi ka nanny is there. >> reporter: please sealing off what is now a crime scene after the discovery of human remains that could be 18-year-old hannah graham. the usually emphatic charlottesville police chief somber, explaining more tests must be done to confirm the identity and thanking searchers. >> thousands of hours have been spent in an effort to find
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hannah. we think perhaps today proved their worth. >> reporter: the remains a skull, bones and pair of dark colored pants similar to the pair graham was wearing the night she day peered when police say she was last seen with 32-year-old jesse matthew in the donton mall. that's 11 miles away from where the human remains were found on an abandoned property. >> close to that road, as far as being accessible. >> reporter: it's a road sources say matthew knew well because he has family in the area. the site just five miles from where searchers found the remains of another missing college student, morgan harrington, back in 2010. investigators say there's forensic evidence linking matthew to that case. now they search for more links to graham's disappearance. >> location and items found with the remains are critical. >> reporter: jesse matthew is now jailed an abduction with intent to defile charges. he has not plead.
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bazi kanani, abc news, virginia. an indiana man is in custody after confessing he killed forwomen. the case unfolded friday night after they discovered the body of a woman in a motel. that led them to the suspect who admitted killing her and three other women. police aren't yet saying how the women died. how those deaths may be connected or what the motive may be. jodi arias will be back in an arizona courtroom this week for the death penalty phase of her trool. in may 2013, a injury fond arias guilty of murdering hear an again/off again boyfriend alexander. she stabbed him dozens of times and shot him. they were inn able to agree an the sentence. a fresno, california, man is alive because of extraordinary kindness of strangers. he was trapped inside his burning home. his daughter outside screaming for help. one by one, three men entered the plea.
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michael found the 73-year-old man struggling with his oxygen tank. the smoke made it hard for him to breathe, too. they rushed in and rushed him to safety. >> we were carrying him out. that's when we were passing the garage and just explosion out of nowhere. >> is everybody out? >> everyone escaped just in time. all three rescuers left once the fehr department arrived. the identities of the two other heroes still a mystery this morning. prosecutors planning to prosecute anyone responsible for mayhem. parties at king state college spilled out into the streets. these parties were planned to coincide with an annual pumpkin festival. police used pepper spray and tear gas to disperse the crowd. >> i got hit with a jack daniels body across the face. >> that's happened to all of us at college at some point. they claim most of the
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perpetrators were not students at the school. some are accusing police of being heavy handed. new hampshire's governor said they acted appropriately. the up side to the story, i guess, a lot of students upset this makes the college look bad. most of these probably not college students but they came out yesterday and cleaned things up quickly. that's the up side. some ugly stuff. >> some say now college students feel when things are boring you kick it up by rioting. i think those 200 students that's showed up really showed people how much of a difference positive influence can make to take back their school and their image. we'll keep an the up side there. we'll end it on a positive note. >> i'm always about the positive lining. especially an a monday morning. new fallout from the football hazing scandal at a new jersey high school. the head football coach at sayreville and four of his assistants have been suspended with pay from their coaching and teaching positions.
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george hnaher has been the coach for seven years. record-setting performance for peyton manning last night. this game was all about peyton to the point of disgust. no, it's graduate. he deserved it. going for a record against the 49ers. 506 touchdown passes. just shy of brett favre's record. didn't take long to do this. just fordrives. set the record. now 509 touchdown passes. and this was fun, though. we're going to show this video. there's that part of it. after he actually set the record, his teammates had fun with him and played keepaway with the football. they ended up winning the game in blow out fashion against the 49ers. it was all about peyton manning. he's in all the commercials. so it was a peyton manning night. >> it was a great night. a couple more records.
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these were set high in the sky over southern california. >> 117 women from 28 countries got together and decided to jump out of a perfectly good ar airplane. they were setting a world record. >> they made not just one formation but two during a single jmp and all because they were women they also set the record for largest all-female formation. congratulations to them. well done. >> this is -- i thought they -- okay. this is kind of cool. >> look at this formation. >> it's a record for just the record and a record for women as well. so they hold two. >> we'll go with that. >> exactly right in my book. it's pretty impressive. >> have you done that yet? >> i'm not into skydiving. george h.w. bush sure is. a lot of people sbor it. >> you want to try it? >> no. i like my feet firmly planted an
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the ground. >> we finally found something we agree on. buryingior face in your phone when you have somebody right there you can be talking to. is this art necessarily, though? >> what? what did you say? and the new way to pay. apple is changing the checkout experience. no need to reach for your wallet anymore. but how safe is it? that's ahead an "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by metamucil multi-health. [ bell rings ] hi michael! looking good! trying to keep up with you! i told my producer karen that i take metamucil because it helps me feel fuller between meals. it's just one small change that can help lead to good things. now she's breaking up with the vending machine. nope. i call that the meta effect. [ female announcer ] 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. and promotes heart health. experience the meta effect
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with our new multi-health wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things.
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busy weekend for pope francis at the vatican. yesterday helped move a predecessor closer to sainthood at the beativecation of pope paul vi. >> also the close of the synod of bishops. the meeting debating new report on family life and the search. the two-week conference ended. no agreement on relaxing the church's policies on gays and on marriage. abc's david wright has more. >> reporter: for a pope who is struggling to welcome back what he calls the lost sheep of his flock, the report from the synod of bishops may be a setback. but it's not an outright defeat. >> i think it's already had an
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impact to catholics around the world. >> reporter: and catholics who have been divorced and remaerd were hoping for more based an the open, accepting language of a previous draft. for instance, the early draft said homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer the christian community and recognized that same-sex couples offer each other precious support. that language was stripped out of the final document which now reaforms the church's opposition to same-sex marriage. the final version of paragraph 55 does say men and women with homosexual tendanceez must be welcomed with respect and delicacy and says discrimination against gays is to be avoided. but even that much was controversial. the vatican took the unusual step of revealing the vote count for every paragraph. >> in the name of transparency, we wanted you to see everything and show we still have a way to go we're still an a bjojourney
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together. >> paragraph 55 fell short of the majority. the other two dealt with kathices who have divorced and remarried should be able to take communion. all three got a simple majority and remain part of the working document and the ongoing conversation. pope france whois had encouraged the bishops to speak freely dearing this extraordinary two-week synod got a standing ovation in the end. >> even if not all the bishops are an his page right now, i think that over time he's going to gain support. >> reporter: one year from now the synod will reconvene. next time there may be a lot more bishops appointed by pope francis. david wright, abc news, new york. >> what i found so beautiful was in his homily on sunday. he said that god is not afraid of new things. and that's why he's continuously surprising us. opening our hearts and guiding us in unexpected ways. >> he's talking about god there.
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a lot of people are talking about the pope. surprising a lot of people. it's surprising because it set expectations so high. it's not over yet. still, a step in the right direction a lot of people will tell you. >> he's making waves. the fact he's discussing something that's so controversial, some people would say is a big step in the catholic church. more to come from us as well. apple pay? your wallet right there on the phone. you don't have to carry a wallet anymore. this new mobile payment system launching today. we'll show you how it all works and if it's really an easier and safer way. >> in our next half hour, it's called bikini-gate. did they give these folks the okay to pose with the national guard's military equipment? what they were up to later an "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now"
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today is a big tech day. apple launching its new mobile wallet system called apple pay. it's a high-tech way to buy things with your iphone. >> i'm not so sure about this. >> is it safe? tina trinh investigates. >> reporter: apple is banking on apple pay. the ceo tim cook took the stage at last week's event to discuss the new features that will allow people to pay with their iphone 6 instead of using a credit or debit card. >> it's easy, it's secure and yes it's a private way to pay for things. >> reporter: but is it? jennifer larns and kate upton would probably disagree. their photos turned out to be not so private after hackers accessed them, allegedly through the company's cloud server.
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what does that mean forrior sensitive financial information? apple thinks partnering with american express, mastercard and visa will help. >> you're using the same global network and same security technologies that visa has introduced and used for more than 50 years. >> reporter: apple pay users are assigned a damage tal account number or token. >> you as a consumer are actually able to initiate usage of it only from that device. if somebody has that token number, they don't have your device or they're not you then they cannot originate a payment with it. >> reporter: it uses nfc technology which stands for near field communecation. a chip inside the phone senses when it's physically near an nfc enabled card reader. that initiates the transaction. apple adds another layer of security with its touch i.d. fingerprint reader which has to be activated at the same time in
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order to pay. >> you create an incentive for someone to figure out how to copy your fingerprint. adam says that while fingerprint scans are convenient, once hacked, they can't be changed like passwords or pin codeses. >> once i have that, i havior fingerprint for the refts st of life. >> reporter: the new technology opens the door for new threats from hackers. >> if history has shown us anything, they will find a way to attack one single point just like they've just brutalized passwords across almost every enterprise. >> reporter: this brave new world of mobile payments, perhaps users should refer to the age-old adage of "buyer beware." tina trinh, abc news. >> who still is on board with this? technology is great but it
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doesn't work. you're going to get hacked. we're going to be doing this story in about six months. k-y yours & mine. yeah, we were nervous to try it. there's an amazing sensation for her. amazing. this one feels fantastic for me. and combined... ohh, it's a completely new sensation for us both. it's opened a whole new door for us. i've come to clean your pool. but we don't have a pool. i'll come in anyway. next week i'm going to be a maid. [ female announcer ] k-y yours & mine. his excites. hers delights. together feel them ignite. keep life sexy. together feel them ignite. started using gain flings,fe their laundry smells more amazing than ever. (sniff) honey, isn't that the dog's towel? (dog noise) hey, mi towel, su towel. more scent plus oxi boost and febreze. it's our best gain ever! i'm telling you i heard someoh!ng... (awkwardly laughs) get out. enough's enough! d-con baits are fomulated to kill in one feeding.
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on your screen now. all right. in "the mix," animals, live television don't go together. have one of these incidents before? >> i love television and live animals. >> you never know what's going to happen. this is a weather guy in edmonton, canada. he has a dog trying to promote pet adoption. >> jasper at minus 2 degree mark. >> he tries to keep going. >> the dog gets loose. he tries to get rid of the dog. the dog sticks around. >> the man is still giving temperatures right now. the dog takes over. they make it through. >> he did a good job giving the weather despite everything going
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on. didn't help when he took the leash off. moving an from another animal story to another animal story. i love my animal stories. we're in africa. south africa. there's a rhino that frolics around with this fuzzy little lamb. they've become good friends.rhi. he was orphaned. this wildlife preservation fund in south africa is taking it in. and thn the rhino, you see a little bit tries to mimic the lamb prancing around. they've just become good friends. and it's to raise awareness because there's more and more cases of poaching that have risen. it's a cute video. >> little g. rhino is little g and the lamb is lamby. >> i like the names. >> can i call you little g? >> why do you want to keep nicknaming me? >> we need to foond one that
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sticks. we have pictures to show you here. the thing that drives me craziest about riding the sub way here. i ride and never put ear buds in and i look don the car and everyone has their heads don. a photographer decided to document these things. his series is called the death of conversation. he shows people. this guy is with his girlfriend, arm around and they still aren't even engaged with each other. i love this series. you see this all the time. this drives me nuts. just look up and talk to the person next to you sometimes. >> some call it the walking dead. well, need a new job in time for christmas? they are hiring. >> maybe. >> for the holiday season. >> if we don't see you back next week. in uk, they are looking for reindeer walkers. you have to feed them, walk them, introduce them to new customers.
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this morning on "world news now" -- ebola in america. major turning point today for dozens of people close to ebola victim thomas eric duncan. and relief following an ebola emergency on a cruise ship. important clues in the search for suspected cop killer in the pennsylvania mountains. these clues coming from a woman who said she saw the fugitive. this morning, she is speaking out. consumer alert. packages delivered to your doorstep disappearing right after they're delivered. what you can do to avoid theft as the mail order shopping season goes into high gear. celebrity battles. mariah carey and her soon to be ex nick canon are in the middle of a custody dispute, and this does not involve their children. that's in "the skinny" on this monday, october 20th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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good morning. i'm reena ninan. >> i'm t.j. holmes. glad you could spend some time with us this morning. >> we're going to get right to it. lots of news developing on the ebola front this morning. the white house sending a representative to dallas to coordinate the government's response. the pentagon assembling a 30-member medical team to assist civilian doctors if they're needed. >> dallas nurse amber vinson was unsettled at hearing nina pham had ebola because she knew pham had followed the rules and still got sick. abc's marci gonzalez in dallas. hello to you. >> reporter: the ceo of this hospital apologized to the community this weekend. this as some of the people being monitored for possible ebola symptoms reach a major turning point. the quarantine being lifted for the people who lived with ebola victim thomas duncan. among them, his fiance louise troh who released a statement saying she is thankful. >> after 21 days of being on that watch list, there's zero chance that any of those young
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men or that louise carries the ebola virus. >> reporter: while this marks the all-clear point for them and more than 40 others who had contact with duncan before he was hospitalized, this is a critical time for the 75 health care workers who treated duncan at this dallas hospital. if the virus was spread, this is when symptoms would be most likely to surface. so far no one other than nurses amber vinson and nina pham has been affected. concerns were proven to be unfounded about one of their colleagues who handled some of duncan's specimens. despite the lab supervisor showing no symptoms, she was quarantined on this ship. a coast guard helicopter sent to pick up a blood sample from her on board. it came back negative but still the "carnival magic" was sent back to texas early. >> we were very frustrated. we wish she had stayed home.
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>> reporter: more than 100 people are still being monitored in ohio after nurse amber vinson traveled there and back before she was diagnosed. her family releasing a statement saying she was not careless and that she got permission from the cdc before taking both of those flights. t.j. and reena? someone else on that ebola watch list, nina pham's dog. bentley, has been in quarantine since being removed from her apartment nine days ago. dallas officials are caring for the 1-year-old king charles spaniel, playing fitch with him, too. he'll now be tested for signs of infection until his quarantine ends around the 1st of november. meanwhile, the spanish nurse who was the first person to get ebola out of africa now appears to be free of it. she contracted ebola two weeks ago while caring for two patients who died of it. now her immune system appears to have gotten rid of it. her husband's been in quarantine as well, but officials euthanized her dog. let's turn to pennsylvania. there could be a major break in the search for eric frein, the
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survivalist wanted for a fatal attack on a state trooper. a woman says she saw him not far from the high school he attended. she's providing new chilling details. here now abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: police scouring the area where eric frein was spotted. >> the individual's description was consistent with mr. frein. the individual's face was covered with mud. >> you could tell it was a gun. a rifle with a scope attached to it. >> reporter: a woman out for a walk friday night coming within 15 feet of the armed man as he emerged from the woods near frein's old high school and near a summer camp where he used to work. >> he was standing over by an abandoned truck. he turned towards me and that's where you could see the mud on his face. you could tell what height he was based off of the truck he was standing next to. >> reporter: the 31-year-old war re-enactor is accused of ambushing a state trooper barracks, killing one officer and wounding another.
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just to give you an idea what these searchers are up against, that officer is roughly 75 yards away from me. i can hardly see him. and getting to him quickly through these trees would be even harder. officials now hoping with temperatures dropping below freezing and more leaves falling they'll finally get the upper hand. >> the worse the weather is for him, the better it is for us. >> reporter: linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> can you believe it's been -- they estimate about $7 million for -- paying for it. so many people. atf, fbi, state troopers in both new jersey, new york and pennsylvania. a lot of work being put into capture this man. >> he clearly has skills, frankly, in doing this. he is evading a lot of people right now. and i remember covering this when it first happened. it seems so long ago. he's been on the run on his own all this time. how much longer can he go?
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>> the schools in the area will be monitored closely. they'll be open today. we'll turn back to some weather. what we were talking about for a while. this huge storm that's going to hit the island of bermuda. they are finally cleaning up now. they took that direct hit from gonzalo. the storm battered the island for hours before moving out. it downed trees and power lines and grounding some boats. even caused flooding. damaged the main hospital there. only minor injuries to report. no deaths reported at all. so that's some good news. also hurricane ana drenched much of hawaii over the weekend but passed by with no major damage. now downgraded to a tropical storm. turned up the surf and triggered some flooding. mars has survived a close call with a comet. the comet whizzed by the red planet about 87,000 miles away. a close call as space measurement goes. orbiters and rovers on mars are
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okay. it will take a few days for them to send the images of the comet back to earth. fall descends on the northeast and mid-atlantic. storms from the great lakes and through the ohio valley. scattered showers in the southwest. rain from northern california up to washington. winding out eastward overnight. the start of a really unsettled week. >> frost and freeze advisories in the northeast, new england and interior mid-atlantic. warmer across the center of the country. seasonal in the west. a health headline this morning -- analysis done by researchers in italy says a viagra a day may keep health problems away. they claim the classic drugs commonly used in the little blue pill and similar sexual dysfunction medication may improve heart function. but when used by men with cardiac arrest issues, it doesn't mean such drugs should be prescribed to prevent heart disease. doctors say they still need more research. >> what else can that pill do? that's a great little pill there. >> saying that from experience? >> no.
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i'm just saying -- they'll tell me in a little while that pill cures diabetes. >> but you've never tried it? >> i haven't tried it. no, i'm a young -- i'm a healthy young 37-year-old man. what are you talking about? i don't know what that sound was. what does it mean? oh, they just said in my ear that's a boinger. then what does that mean? >> we're easing in slowly. we have a couple from upstate new york. having a good time here. they are heading up to their honeymoon. two days after the groom made good on a big promise. look at this. >> a beautiful story. the promise was to walk on his wedding day. on saturday he did just that with the help of a walker and a bionic exoskeleton that allows him to stand upright. >> he's been paralyzed from the chest down since a boating accident three years ago. after they took their vows, they made their way down the aisle as stevie wonder's "i'm yours"
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played from the speakers. congrats. look at her getting it on. >> they are a beautiful couple and seem very happy as well. >> i love these stories. i am a softy when it comes to marriage and relationships and all this good stuff. >> he worked really hard. he had to drive something like seven hours a day to get to the rehab facility. it was in the syracuse area to allentown, pennsylvania. so he worked very hard to get to this level. it makes it even sweeter. >> and it's all worth it. congrats to them. we have "the skinny" coming your way. lady gaga has a new career. $24 million. >> i'd like to do a broadcast from there. think we can work on that? >> i'd rather do a party from there. also charlie sheen. he has a broken heart this morning. later, sexy scandal involving the utah national guard and women posing for photos wearing bikinis. who is getting in trouble, and why. you're watching "world news now."
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>> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by delsym. year's superstar... [coughs)] coughing can really be disruptive. [under coughing] with a record breaking fifty million votes, your next superstar is... that's why there's delsym. delsym helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours with an advanced time release formula for all day or all night relief. up to twice as long as other cough liquids. so the only sounds you'll hear are the ones you want to hear. bianca! [cheering] delsym. silence is relief.
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sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue.
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can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! okay. i can't believe i'm trying to do it right now. the holiday season is almost here. trying to do some holiday shopping. >> you don't go out? you do it all online? >> i feel this time of day is perfect for holiday shopping.
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>> while you're working? >> in between commercial breaks. >> if you are expecting a delivery, like her, you need to know how easy it is for thieves to get their hands on your stuff. here's abc's neal karlinsky. >> reporter: in henderson, nevada, thieves caught on camera in broad daylight treating home deliveries like their own personal shopping aisle. watch. it takes just 30 seconds. $9,000 in newly delivered merchandise and stolen checks nonchalantly picked up and loaded into the pickup truck. the woman even going back for the family's mail. it's becoming a familiar sight. >> there's a fedex driver delivering it and someone walking up off the street and taking it. >> this one catching an alleged thief on five separate cameras, including a full face shot he did his own detective work, posting the video on facebook with a message, any of you indy south siders know this guy? my wife wants her earrings back.
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police made an arrest in 24 hours. in seattle, an alleged thief sends his toddler out to do the dirty work. we've seen more and more people using their own home security cameras to catch thieves in the act or their smartphone. fedex and u.p.s. will send you an alert when a package is on the way so you can be here before someone else is. more and more of us are getting packages delivered. more than 3.5 billion from the u.s. postal service last year alone. requesting a signature before drop off or creating a custom delivery. if you'd like your packages left behind a shed, they'll tomorrow for future. with the holidays fast approaching, homeowners, beware. thieves love the convenience, too. neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> that's just disgusting. so wrong. people pay hard-earned money to put a package -- to buy something or send gifts. i get very upset about that.
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i don't think that's right. >> but no matter what, there's always somebody out there willing to take advantage of you. this is prime time. we'll all have stuff stacked out. all these companies will send you an alert. all this technology. we weren't acknowledging technology earlier. >> it can help. >> it can be helpful. >> you can even tell our local post office to hold your packages. it's a little bit of a pain. but at least you know you'll get it. but you can't wait too long because they'll send it back. up next in "the skinny," mariah carey and nick cannon. custody battle. a prenup covers most of their millions but who gets their eight dogs? >> also, lady gaga has a new pad. we'll go inside her mansion next on "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ all right. leading us off is a big custody battle between mariah carey and nick cannon. >> the superstar divorce. it would be settled pretty quickly. they had a prenup in place and figured out an arrangement for the two young children. this custody battle is over their dogs. all eight of them. >> the prenup did not cover pets so we don't know if it will be a split for four or what the deal is. but we shall see. there's a custody battle that you were saying, these are rich people problems.
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>> rich people problems but they must be special dogs to be holding up a divorce. >> eight dogs? >> eight dogs. more trouble in paradise. this time with charlie sheen. he's called off his engagement. >> this comes just weeks before they were supposed to get married in november. rossi is a former adult film actress. some of you may recognize her. she would have been sheen's forth wife. in a statement released over the weekend, he said they mutually decided to go their separate ways. >> they started dating last november and got engaged on valentine's day. sheen says he decided his children deserve his focus more than a relationship does right now. priorities, right? wish them the best of luck. >> all the best to lady gaga. haven't talked about her a lot in "the skinny" lately it seems. the new york native heading for the west coast now. >> real estate sources told tmz that mom monster threw down $24
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million for a palatial spread in malibu, california. it's a french riviera-style mansion. >> it sounds fancy. >> it sounds fancy. it's on a six-acre compound. and it includes a horse stable. >> wow. >> looks swanky. >> yeah. we've got another place if you want to make a more reasonable, affordable move. musician john legend, his wife model chrissy teigen just listed their hollywood home. $2 million. nice place. several songs from his most recent album were recorded at this house. the house is designed acoustically for low sound meaning when it rains you hear the rain, not the drain spouts. >> i like that shower. i'd love to just take a shower there every day. >> who says that? >> me. katy perry, pop superstar making headlines recently. she announced at the super bowl
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halftime attraction that she's going to be the halftime star. she has other business to attend to. >> she's turning 30 next weekend. she wants to celebrate. how does one properly celebrate? you have a cake and in her case it's a funfetti cake. but to her dismay betty crocker did not have funfetti frosting to go with it. >> i like how you say it so authoritatively even though you have no idea what it is. >> katy asked them why they discontinued the frosting and alluded to the prospect of not being able to actually turn 30 without it. but despair no more. you can indeed turn 30. betty crocker responded to katy through its twitter account. yes, they are exploring bringing back the frosting and to direct message them for a birthday gift. what do you think that? >> extra sprinkles. >> this is great for them. this is great publicity. she is upset with them about something but they'll turn this into a positive. >> can't believe you've been under a rock and haven't had funfetti cake.
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>> you was eating other cakes. i don't eat cake. >> you love sugar! surprised you don't have funfetti cake. for her. amazing. re's an amazing sn this one feels fantastic for me. and combined... ohh, it's a completely new sensation for us both. it's opened a whole new door for us. i've come to clean your pool. but we don't have a pool. i'll come in anyway. next week i'm going to be a maid. [ female announcer ] k-y yours & mine. his excites. hers delights. together feel them ignite. keep life sexy.
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together feel them ignite. he found it cleans everything... whefrom stove tops...d writing a book about his magic eraser scuffed shoes, and more. and when ran out of pages, he made a website instead.
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share your tips at ♪ ♪ we're back with some eye-popping images in more ways than one. women in bikinis at the national guard training center in utah. >> part of a photo shoot for a swimsuit calendar. now an investigation is under way as to how this was allowed to happen. abc's brandi hitt with this story. >> reporter: the utah national guard is launching an internal investigation to determine whether a pair of troops broke protocol by allegedly allowing
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these bikini clad british models to use military equipment without permission of commanding officers. hot shots, a british swimsuit calendar, shooting a portion of the 2015 calendar at the base in utah. the women locking and loading military style firearms, off-roading with automatic weapons and taking a few laps around the block in a tank. in a statement to abc news, the utah national guard confirms the unauthorized use of personnel, facilities and equipment. but also says it did not provide weapons, ammunition, nor ranges used during the live fire shots of the hot shots production, adding no payments were received and it apologizes for any embarrassment. >> tanks, helicopters and guns. >> reporter: the utah national guard further investigating who allowed the production of this two-piece platoon. hot shots confirming the weapons firing all happened at a range
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off base. now founder michael newman hoping the calendar's good cause makes up for the renegade photo shoot. >> this is not about me. it's not about the calendar or any of that. this whole project is to raise money for wounded servicemen and women. >> reporter: the utah national guard says once its formal investigation is complete, the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. >> the founder of that, of the calendar, has said they've raised $100,000 in the past seven to eight years. i think all that is almost washed out with the bad pr it's getting and just -- i find it tough to watch. military base. national guard. we'll be back. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. hi, anne.
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making news this morning -- ebola in america. a sigh of relief once the clock struck midnight. why today is important for dozens of people being mon norred for the deadly virus. we're live with details. new this morning. the manhunt intensifies for an accused cop killer in the mountains. a woman claims she came face to face with him. >> he turned toward me. would see the money on his face. firefighters chisel away at a chimney after hearing cries from inside. the messy rescue and why police arrested the trapped woman. and touchdown king. peyton manning breaks an all-time passing record. the message from brett favre overnight, and how the rest of