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tv   ABC World News Tonight  ABC  October 19, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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welcome to "world news" tonight. ebola emergency. the crew ship and the passenger back home tonight. and now the critical moment for other hospital workers and the hunt for anyone who may have been exposed. grim discovery. police find a body that could be hannah graham's. investigators scouring for clues. what happened the night she went missing. up in flames. the man trapped in his home and the desperate daughter calls for help. >> my dad. >> and the people who ran into the fire to save him. >> thank god. and crooks at your door, scooping up your deliveries. with the holiday shopping season about to begin, tonight, how to catch a thief.
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good evening and thanks for joining us on this evening. i'm cecilia vega. we begin with the cruise ship, the canal "magic" back in texas tonight. and the hospital worker who sparked fears. she left that ship before dawn today before being quarantined in her room. tests clearing her of the disease. this as disease detectives race to track down all the people who might have come in contact with amber vinzen, the nurse infected with the deadly virus. the list well over 100 and for some health care workers, the concern is now. tom llamas with the story. >> reporter: today, the woman at the center of that ebola scare on the cruise ship carnival magic, disembarking. the ship and its
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3,600 passengers, back in texas, after mexico and belize refused to grant her access. >> she shouldn't have been on board. she should have stayed home. >> reporter: cleaning crews now preparing to scrub every inch of the ship. on saturday, this was the view from the deck. as passengers partied, a coast guard helicopter hover above, on a mission to collect blood from the dallas lab supervisor who'd handled samples from ebola victim thomas eric duncan. even though she didn't have a fever, and was showing no symptoms, she'd been quarantined in her cabin for days. >> when it first came out, i mean there was kind of a panic. >> reporter: around the time the boat docked in galveston, word was she tested negative for the virus. she was allowed to go home. but tonight, a critical time for those 75 dallas health care workers who treated duncan. >> right in the middle of the hot zone right now. we're doing a lot of work. >> reporter: it's been 11 days since duncan died, exactly the time when symptoms are most likely to present. nina pham, the first nurse to contract the disease, still in isolation tonight. >> it's a serious disease and it knocks you out.
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so it's being fatigued but she is in really good spirits. >> reporter: meanwhile, authorities still tracing the contacts of that second nurse. amber vinzen, who had traveled back home to cleveland to prepare for her wedding. more than 100 people on the watch list tonight. and new video of the bridal shop she visited decontaminated. at last check, the family saying she is in good condition. and tonight, the monitoring window ends for the people who came in contact with thomas eric duncan. in the group, his fiance and family. >> the order expires tonight at midnight. we heard tonight from duncan's fiancee. what did she say? >> she is looking forward to her privacy and spending time with her family. and she thanked the officials for their kindness. this is the week she planned to marry duncan.
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>> thank you. abc's chief medical doctor is here, dr. richard besser is with us now. we saw the ship not being able to port. is it justified in is it panic? what is going on? >> when i saw the actions, i was baffled by it. and this is a person with low risk. when you take the action when it's not warranted, it promotes fear. and right now, we are seeing more of an epidemic of fear than ebola. look at duncan's family, they spent days with him in his apartment. tomorrow they come out of quarantine and in the one of them is sick. >> what about the health care workers. this is a critical period for them. >> yeah this is critical. a person with ebola is most critical before death.
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for hiv, it has 1 million virus particles. and for ebola, it's 10 billion. and by the end of the week no one is sick, we can all breathe a sigh of relief. >> dr. besser, thank you very much. we turn now to the case of heather graham. her parents receiving the phone call they were dreading this weekend. searchers in virginia stumble on what they believe are graham's remains, five weeks from the disappearance. today, teams back out searching for more clues. here is the latest from charlottesville. >> tonight, police are sealing off what is now a crime scene after a discovery of human remaining that could be 18-year-old hannah graham. the police chief somber, explaining more tests to be done to confirm the identity and thanking searchers. >> thousands of hours have been spent in an effort to find hannah. we think perhaps today proved their worth.
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>> the remains, a skull, bones and dark colored pants similar to the pair she was wearing when she disappeared five weeks a i go. when police said she was last seen with this man, jesse matthew. the two spotted in the downtown mall. that is 11 miles away from where the remains were found in a dry creek bed on an abandoned property. >> it's close to a road. >> reporter: it's a road sources say matthew knew well because he has family in the area. the site, just five miles from where they found another college student, morgan harrington, back in 2010. investigators say there is forensic evidence linking matthew to that case. tonight, searching for more evidence for graham. jesse matthew is now jailed with
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abduction. he has not fled. the attorney not commenting tonight. the investigation leading to others in the area. they are looking for linking to matthew and at least four other unsolved cases of missing women. cecilia? >> we go overseas to where u.s. air strikes pounded isis again this weekend and appears to be making a difference. american jets now taking aim at a crucial lifeline for the terror group, the oil pipeline they control. alex marquardt is in the region tonight. >> reporter: the tide may be turning in america's most crucial battle yet in the campaign against isis. the bloody fight for the syrian city of kobani, right on the turkish border, has been playing out in front of the world. it's important more symbolic than strategic. isis looking to score a propaganda victory in the face of relentless us-led air strikes have now helped push isis back and weaken its ranks. >> and if he continues to present us with major targets, as he has done in the kobani
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area, then clearly, we'll service those targets, and we've done so very, very effectively here of late. >> reporter: american officials admit kobani could still fall but insist the real goal is degrading isis as a whole and its capacity to wage war, which is why the u.s. is again pounding the group's captured oil refineries and transportation hubs, which has netted isis as much $2 million a day, money essential for arming and paying fighters as well as supporting the towns they've captured in syria and iraq. and it's iraq that is america's main focus, u.s. officials say, where air strikes have been stepped in the country's biggest province of anbar as isis continues its advance. another big story breaking this weekend. hurricanes in oceans on both sides of the country. you can see it here on the weather wall. gonzalo at its peak, making a
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direct hit on bermuda friday night. and the winds, and today a cleanup in a country grateful that no one was seriously injured. and hurricane ana right by hawaii. look at the skies over the beach. heavy rains and flash floods. rob marciano is here. how long is it going to last? >> it will be slowly. the rains have been heavy for several hours. and right now, about 100 miles south of the island of kauai. but the next five ore ten hours, stormy hour for sure. >> and here on the mainland, it's going to get cold for some people. >> take a look at this snowshoe mountain resort in west virginia. this is the first cold air. and tomorrow morning, really cold. chilly. frost and freeze advisories. 13 states. bundle up the kids. it's going to feel like
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november. >> get the coats out. thanks, rob. and the police combing the pennsylvania woods in the hunt for the man who killed a state trooper. falling leaves and falling temperatures could make it harder fehr eric frein to stay on the run. tonight, search teams on the trail of a new lead. and linzie janis is on the story once again. >> reporter: police swarming the area where alleged cop killer eric frein was in the last 48 hours. >> the individual's description was consistent with fre iin ande was seen carrying a rifle. >> reporter: a woman out for a walk around 9:00 p.m. friday night came within 15 feet of the armed man. 6 he was within feet of his old high school and where activities have been canceled today and near a summer camp where he used
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to work. the survivalist is accused of ambushing a state trooper barrack. just to give you an idea of what searchers are up against. that police officer is 75 yards away from me. i can hardly see him. and getting to him quickly through the trees is harder. officials now hoping with temperatures dropping below freezing to 31 degrees tonight and more leaves falling, they will finally get the upper hand. >> the worst the weather is for him, the better it is for us. >> abc news, new york. and in california tonight, a family thankful for friends and strangers who came to their rescue when their home went up in flames. people running into the fire to save a trapped man. brandy hitt has the story. >> my dad! >> we got to get him out of there. >> reporter: harrowing words from a daughter trying to save her father trapped in a massive
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inferno. seen on video tonight. heroes here tonight. >> i was there to help her. i need to do something. >> reporter: one of the men was driving by the home saturday morning when he saw smoke and stopped. immediately running to the back of the duplex, he found 73-year-old robert well struggling with his oxygen tank. >> he was leaning forward, trying to get air. for us, it was hard, because the smoke was so strong. carrying him out. and that is when we were passing the garage and there was explosions. picked him up and that is when he just -- and we just all ran to safety. >> the identity of the two other rescuers still a mystery. all three leaving the scene just minutes after saving wells. an investigation is under way tonight as to what sparked the fire. everyone, including wells also daughter enter 2-year-old
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grandson escaping in time, thanks to three heroic strangers. >> i would do it again. i would, 100%. >> reporter: why? >> just knowing the feeling that you are saving someone's life. >> reporter: brandy hit, abc news, los angeles. now to outer space and a rare once in a lifetime event on mars. a comet whizzed by the planet right now. about 87,000 miles away. that is a close call. and nasa moving satellites to the other side of the planet to get out out of the path. still ahead, preying on your packages. how to keep your packages save as we gear up to start online. and the starting bid, $1 million. and it only went up from there for this iconic harley-davidson. is it the reel deal?
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this is kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day begins with arthritis pain and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns... that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain... when jamie says... what's that like six pills today? yeah... i can take 2 aleve for all day relief. really, and... and that's it. this is kathleen... for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. get all day arthritis pain relief with an easy-open cap. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k)
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or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. frbladder medicine not working? ...can't handle the side effects? botox® treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. ask your urologist if botox® can help calm your bladder. ...and reduce your daily leakage episodes. the effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control... ...or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. don't take botox® if you can't empty your bladder or can't or won't self- catheterize if needed or have a urinary tract infection, or uti. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination,... ...and difficulty emptying your bladder. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and all medicines - especially botulinum toxins, antiplatelets, and blood thinners,... these may increase the risk of serious side effects. ask if botox® can help calm your bladder.
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visit to find a botox® urology specialist. ready or not, the holiday shopping season is right around the corner. this year, the postal service expects to deliver more packages than ever. and tonight, a warning for everyone expecting a delivery. your packages are thieves' prey. here is neil karlinsky. >> reporter: in henderson, nevada, this week, thieves caught on camera in broad daylight, treating home deliveries like their own personal shopping aisle. watch, it takes just 30 seconds -- $9,000 in newly delivered merchandise, stolen checks, nonchalantly picked up and loaded in that pickup truck. the woman even went back for the family's mail. it's becoming a familiar problem. >> here's the fedex driver delivering it and here's someone walking up off the street and taking it. >> reporter: this homeowner catching an alleged thief on
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five separate cameras, including a full face shot so crystal clear, he did his own detective work, facing the video on facebook, with the message, any of you indy southsiders know this guy? my wife wants her earrings back." police made an arrest in just 24 hours. in seattle, an alleged thief sent his toddler out to do the dirty work. we're seeing more and more people using their home security cameras to catch thieves in the act. or in using a smart phone. fedex and u.p.s. will send you a custom alert when the package is showing up so you can be there to grab it before someone else does. more and more of us are getting packages delivered, more than 3.5 billion last year alone -- companies urging people to request a signature before drop off, or creating a custom delivery, if you'd like your packages left behind a shed for instance, tell the driver. they'll remember it for the future. because with the holidays fast approaching, homeowners beware, thieves love the convenience too. neil karlinsky, abc news,
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seattle. >> homeowners beware. coming up, why this weather man has a bumpy forecast pounded by one big dog not digging that leash. what happened on live tv. the instant index is up next. i hadn't been successful. quitting smoking this time was different because i talked to my doctor and i... i got a prescription for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it was important to me that chantix was a non-nicotine pill. the fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart
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selling at auction for $1.3 million. there was more than one made for the movie. the auction house says this is the real deal. and fonda, his signature right there. and women soaring to new heights. 117 of the world's most talented sky divers pulling off this beautiful stunt in two formations in southern california, setting off two world records in sky diving. and one feisty big dog who wasn't about to get the weather forecast prevent him from having fun. it seemed like a good idea to promote pet adoption. and ripple wasn't have it. >> okay, you're on your own. you're on your own. >> ripple still determined to steal the spotlight. nice job for the meteorologist to hang in there. when we come back, losing
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and finally tonight, one north dakota teen on her final high school cross country meet faced with a tough choice on the track. cross the finish line or throw it all away to help a rival. as i find out today, this is a lesson about winning from someone who lost. >> reporter: the finish line was so close, but something stopped melanie bailey in her tracks.
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>> i see this girl, and she's limping. and she's crying her eyes out. and i'm like, "are you okay?" and she said, "no." >> reporter: a competitor, danielle lanou, was down with a knee injury. >> just sobbing and all of a sudden, this girls comes up and she grabs my arm and says, "here, come on." and couldn't walk at all. she said, "here, hop on, my back," and she bent down, picked me up. she's like half my size. >> reporter: the photo says it all. melanie, exhausted, hoists danielle onto her back, and carries her all the way to medics. tired, it was a struggle to get there. the girls didn't say a word to each other. what were the other runners doing? >> they passed by. >> reporter: why did you stop? >> it was the right thing to do. i mean, i'm not just going to leave somebody there. i would feel even worse if i finished leaving her knowing that she was there crying in pain. >> reporter: once strangers, arch rivals even, now friends. >> so nice, she didn't have to do that. how many people ran past me and she decided she was going to stop. >> how can you say you beat somebody when you've had an
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unfair advantage? >> reporter: melanie finished almost 8 1/2 minutes behind the first place runner. it was her worst time ever. but it didn't matter, she won. >> they take a medal home but i take home a medal in my heart. so i feel really good about what i did. i can look back on this forever and say, "hey, i did that." someone got a medal, but i got a different kind of medal. >> melanie tells me she wants to be a physical therapist. i think shy is off to a good start.(]9& gma in the morning. david muir tomorrow night. thanks for joining us. enjoy the rest of your sunday. good night.
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we dare you not to laugh. woman: oh, no! [ laughter ] oh, that's gonna hurt! woman: ooh! [ whistle blows ] aah! aah! [ air horn blows ] [ indistinct shouting ] welcome to "america's funniest home videos." and now, here he is, the host of "afv"... tom bergeron! tom bergeron! whoo! [ cheers and applause ]