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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 20, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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>> this bhoorping are we dealing with. >> free and clear out there jess and yesterday was aftermath. you can see behind my the sunlight is beginning. the light of day is beginning to pop through the sky scrapers here as we face south over center city here at our station headquarters. we're actually look ago head to a decent day. it is one of those days that features some sun some clouds nothing else. it's not too much wind to speak of on storm scan 3 that's what you're finding out there. let's look at area temperatures currently right around freezing philadelphia international and within a few degrees of that everywhere else. with a modest breeze take the air temperature at face value for a change. as it progresses, rebounding in the mid 40s. for mid january we'll take it. there's a disturbance nearby. it won't affect it other than to bring in clouds. we look forward to the forecast and area made lines although strange will today and courtsey of next clipper system by tomorrow more of the white stuff out there and details for you how much and all that good stuff later in the show. >> everything is moving along long free and clear on ben franklin bridge all lanes open
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from the philly sid westbound to city no problems we are losing outright hand lane here headed to new jersey from philadelphia area. not as much volume and pretty much evenly distributed volume here north and southbound direction. we have problems here on septa. wilmington, newark regional rail line delays due to amtrak wire problems between newark and center city. as for the rest of mass transit everything is moving along long fine. no delays. there ukee and diana back to you. >> thanks so much. as we mentioned top of the broadcast 17 people forced out in the cold are back in their homes after pgw crews have a gas leak. >> workers can begin searching for a cause now that the all clear is given. >> an early morning gas leak made a cold morning in south philadelphia even colder for close to two dozen people on snyder avenue an overwhelming smell of gas after 2:30 a.m. forced evacuation of two apartments and 17 people. >> they knocked on the door loud and toll me there was a gas leak and now i'm outside waiting for there not to be a gas leak. >> it sent fumes into people's basements highest reading found in those areas. >> the department we got 60% natural gas in the air and with that we take stance of evacuated homes as a precaution. >> after two hours pgw located problem with 4" gas main and shut the gas off. fortunately there were no injuries and the threat was evident. >> you never know for explosion purposes, fire purposes, you certainly want to take every precaution arie measure we have
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to get out of that scenario. >> and slowly as apartments were ventilated residents were allowed back inside after unexpectedly cold night. >> it's inconvenine but as the time was i may have sat in baed and died so you have to appreciate it on some level. >> by 6:00 this morning all residents were back into of their home. in the mean time pgw remained on scene and temporarily fix is tape care of. >> i sixt video shows you that they will kill the two unless they see a ran some in 7 hours. and breaking overnight interstate overpass, undergoing demolition collapses in cincinnati. officials say crews were taking down the old bridge when several hundred tons of concrete fell on i 75 southbound killing a construction worker. the tractor-trailer driver also suffered minor injuries and investigators are looking into what caused that collapse. >> 7:04 new this morning a tractor-trailer carrying frozen foods overturns 25 east greenwich township dmrosster county after 11:00 last night and the tractor-trailer was traveling northbound on ramp to exit 19 when it flipped and landed on the side. the driver was not hurt. but some ever the frozen food spilled out of the truck. ramp reopened 4 a.m. developing right now police in abington township need your help to find three men accused of smash and grab robbery 7:30 at precision watches store in the willow grove mall. and investigators say one of the suspect cut his hand reaching into a julyly case there.
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they got away after the owner own fired. the president will layout administer priority for the year. susan mc guinness joins us live with a preview of what we can expect later tonight hi, susan. >> good morning diana ukee, the president will make proposals including tax hikes for the wealthy. you can imagine how that goes over with the new republican-led congress on capitol hill. the speech may have more to do with framing the debate for 2016 rather than achieving actual change. you got play the whole game. >> in a video the whitehouse released yesterday president obama appeared calm and confident hours before delivering 6th and second to last state of the union peach. >> more relaxed and better at it then i was the first time out. >> the whitehouse already unveiled much of what the president will propose. he will layout plans for six weeks of paid family leave for federal workers and lower federal mortgage insurance fees and new cyber security protections for consumers strongest emphasis will be a familiar one helping struggling americans. he'll try toy accomplish that through higher capitol gains tax rate and while hikes with not expected to pass republican-led experts they say it could help dem grat in up m coming elections. >> i know the middle class is still struggling and i'm the one -- the democratic party will try to correct it and the republicans will not. >> the president invited several special gifts to sit in precedential box during the
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address,al ep gross who was detained nor five years. he was released after president obama took executive action to restore diplomatic relations between u.s. and cuba. and the president hits the road after the speech headed to idaho and kansas to push his ideas. ukee. >> susan any idea whad america can expect with republican response. >> you mean can we expect another bottle water incident like with marco rubio. >> it doesn't look like it. >> joni erns freshman republican senator from iowa will number the hot seat tonight given that response. she just one iowa big battle ground state she's seen as best to counter president. but there will be lots of response with all over television local cable, and reps everywhere giving reactions. >> susan thanks so much. >> i forgot about that. >> we'll talk to you soon. >> you can see the president deliver his state of the union address. live coverage begins ton 9:00 sister station cbs3. >> in a few hours pennsylvania welcomed 47 governor tom wolf will be sworn in this toovrn assume the state top spot. he faces several challenges when he takes office. his most dwlairing is tackling state budget deficit. it is at projected 2.3 billion dollars. big day wraps up with inaugural fwhal herbshy. >> inauguration of tom wolf begins noon in harrisburg. we invite you to watch the inauguration live on our web site cbs >> time 7:08 under evaluation for ebola an airline passenger now hospitalized after landing in newark international airport.
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we'll have more on that in the other side. >> imagine seeing this out of your review mirror hear from the map that captured this video as out of control tractor-trailer comes barreling at him down the highway. >> and day in court foreman accused of murdering twelve people inside a colorado movie theater. we'll be this >> scary. our sister station wcbs reports after the crash the struck driver said he went toe church. >> traffic and weather now this is katie. >> good morning ukee and everyone we expect to see quiteet weather unfolded out there today all in advance
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however of the next big thing. it will be just a system that moves on through. few moving pieces with this that we need to keep an eye on that we need to be pin pointed and beautiful sunrise. there's a lot of time you get the clouds and prettiest colors for sunrise that's the case there kutztown area middle school notice no wind at this point and we have temperatures just below freezing. what you're seeing on the thermometer is what you're getting. no wind chills required. meantime storm scan three is quiet. you can see moisture here across central and western pa and it's all coming from this little guy this weak disturbance that may survive into western pennsylvania and but then it completely fizzles once it hits the mountains it will not have a chance surviving beyond that point. i don't think you have to worry about anything more than clouds as we go throughout the day. talking about tomorrow however look ago head to tomorrow, meantime still nothing on our local map. it looks as though the latest comes out and timing has slowed down a little bit here. and even if it slows down by an hour or two that could make or break what we find out there in thames of what it may start off with and finish off here with evening drive west to east things gets underway here. notice it may start off as rain. the extreme southeastern portion of our area and maybe icing if southern energyage and kent county in delaware. overall rest of the region as a whole and certainly southeastern pennsylvania can come to expect light snow out of this. how much are we actually talking here? general expectation is coating to up to 2" around most of the
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board with that little mix of rain and if it decides to intensify as moves through which some models are indicating it could be a coating to inch across counties shaded in pink here. again this is a situation that continues to evolve. we need to wait until it's moving on in before we tell how it will be intensifying. expect a coating to 2" out of it. 44 degrees meanwhile here today. quiet from the system arrives here. actually we get most of the daylight hours before it gets here. i say morning commute tomorrow, thumbs up. >> evening rush? >> no weather-related delays. >> evening rush. >> evening rush. >> worst of it that's for sure. >> we're dry this morning. everybody is back to work. we're nice and dry this morning. 7:15. we'll go outside and check out 422 what we're talking about. biggest problems we have is typical delay. that's something okay. we're used to that and can deal with that it's not dangerous. you can see out here on 422 around oaks that's eastbound lanes just pretty much slammed solid here just a string of brake lights. elsewhere on route 30, 30 bypass 322 the eastbound lanes where you see most of that delay and really no problems smooth sailing if you head westbound. travel times rest of major starting to dim up a little bit. 95 wood thich vine. 32 minute trip headed southbound and pretty heavy schuylkill eastbound from blue route to vine. about 35 minutes from. we have a few accidents plymouth and upper gwynedd allentown road another accident there and delaware, newcastle, dupont
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highway approaching 40 blocking out two left hand lanes. diane and ukee back to you. >> thanks, jess,burg liping ton county mother accused of burning her newborn baby is in court today, the 22-year-old mother set the girl on fire on pemberton road. hyphernkemberly dorvilier is locked up on half a million bail. >> a man that opened fire in colorado movie theater twelve people killed and 70 others wounded in 2012 shooting during the trial jurors will decide whether he was legally insane at the time of the shooting and don cham bone roorts the jury selection process in the case is unprecedented. >> more than two years later stuingle to get over the horror, 12 people killed and 70 wounded. now 9 15 days since it happened james holmes will stand trial. first twelve jurors and twelve alternates need to be picked from unpress departmentsed jury poll of 9,000 people holmes parents seen here recently called for the trial to be called off. their son pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity and faces death penalty. in a statement they wrote he is not a monster but a human being gripped by severe mental illness. family recently called open media to avoid showing defendant and posting his name on i web site no night the reason behind this to deprive the the murderer with no
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notoriety. >> i know the media has to do their job. if we can limit the exposure he's getting noteerity. >> jury selection could take until spring to complete. >> time 7:18. ebola scare in new jersey after a sick woman arrives on flight from belgium. she spent night at hackensack university medical center after flying to newark liberty international yesterday. we're told she's a healthcare worker that traveled from sierra leone hit hard by the ebola crisis and, doctors are waiting ton test results to see if she has ebola. >> the measles outbreak that started in disneyland in california is spreading. more than 50 cases connected to the outbreak. almost a dozen people that got sick didn't even go to the theme park. they expect outbreak to continue to spread. meezlees is highly contagious and can spread through a sneezing it can spread through even a cough. >> a new hotel on thee rental 345rbg market. >> coming up more on this luxury car that doubles as aa hotel. >> first a look at what is coming up tonight on the cw philly. >> a south philadelphia gas leak was capped and dozen were forced for their homes this morning. they issued all clear within the last hour. well, developing now a security camera image shows suspect in smash and grab robbery willow grove park wall suspects got away with rolex watches and ran. when the manager fired shots
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into the ceiling. one suspect cut his happened on the display case. >> president obama will deliver sixth state of the union address tonight. see the state of the union address 9:00 tonight on sister station contribution 3. >> in state of arizona there's a lot of interesting places to stay. >> correspondent adam longo reports you probably have not heard about this one. >> new car maker tesla provides distinct luxury and efficiency, roomy, there's enough space to stretch out completely. >> i already slept in this three times. >> this is steve's ride he is a uber driver. his full time job is in vacation rentals. >> see where this is going. >> this tesla model s retailed 119,000. if you spend that money on a car you wanted to do more than drive around in. it so why don't you want to get super comfortable with it curl up and maybe go to sleep in it. why not spend an evening in the first tesla hotel $85 a night and two remote control candles. >> if you want to set a nice mood in there you get premium air bed top of the line full size comes with all linens. >> cecman owned it four months and past month advertised today as hotel own line fastest in the world. >> any takeers on hotel yet. >> no takeers yet. but you know it's only a matter of time. >> sasman tells us he is part of sharing economy. >> the businesses that allow people to share possessions with others and make money at the same time. >> and give people a feel for a car that might otherwise be out
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of reach. >> to sleep in it one night is maybe giving somebody a taste they get to spend time in the car experience it without actually buying it. >> does he put chocolate on the pillow. chocolate minute. >> that would be nice. >> where is the shower how can you call it a hotel if it doesn't have a shower. >> something to think about. >> yes. >> adam longwood reporting. >> even though tesla is based in arizizonas is not available for super bowl >> our next clipper moves in tomorrow and we're all in the clear for now. looking at clouds out there throughout the day guys right now looking at a beautiful surprise. if you head to east facing window. clouds are filtering in and here's one example of that out in the live neighborhood network pleasant valley middle and high school you can see school buses moving on through schools back in session after martin luther king holiday. tomorrow towards evening it's our next around of snow moving in and general coating up to 2" in expectation and it's possible south of philadelphia through delaware and southern new jersey we could pick up more than that. >> will, fortunately for us today, this tuesday morning everybody is back to work and the roadways are pretty much die. out in right in the work zone here. northbound lanes starting to become slow and southbound lanes headed to center city slow for the past hour or so.
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now open the roosevelt boulevard slow going here as well. pretty much stop and go and southbound lanes headed to schuylkill expressway. ukee back to you. >> 7:55 up next cbs this morning criticism over the movie "american you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors' rates you can't win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let's go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand. >> updating breaking news. philadelphia this morning, 17 people back in the homes after forced to evacuate several hours early this morning. >> good morning, everyone, eyewitness news jan explains passerby reported strong smell of gas to authorities just in time. >>en early morning gas leak made a cold morning in south philadelphia even colder for close to two dozen people on snyder avenue and own whelming site of tlas. >> they just knocked on the door real loud and told me there was a gas leak and i'm outside nowit way are no. >> the highest reading found in
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those areas. >> fire department meters readers 67% natural gas reading in the air w that we want to take sfandz of evacuating home certainly as a precaution. >> after two hours pgw crews located problem with 4" gas main and shut the gas off. fortunately no injuries. the threat was certainly ev department. >> you never know for explosion purposes. >> we want to get people out of the area. and slowly as apartments were vent lateed residents were left inside after a unexpectedly cold night. >> it has been inconvenine but i may have sat in my bed until i died. >> and by 6:00 this morning all 17 residents were back inside their homes. in the meantime pgw he maipd on scene and temporary is now no place. >> 7:31 looking at weather and traffic. >> good morning, we have a nice sunrise underway. there say disturbance off to the west in western p app and ohio and helps bring in ut clouds as we come on. i have a feeling this guy was taking a picture of beautiful sunrise underway. this is what you're finding east facing window and margate basically beautiful blue skies and meanwhile storm scan 3 showing ground clutter and you're looking at minimum of cloud and sun. throughout the day temperatures mid 40s like yesterday. we'll get up up to 30 in pocono mountain area overall that said it's a quiet day. not much wind. only clouds out there. 32 current temperature at the
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airport and 31 trenton and list goes open where you're within a couple degrees of freezing mark. now, tomorrow is where things start it get interesting. next clipper comes along bricking in slight know to general expect takess coating to 2" and more than anything it's pm commute as opposed to am. you'll have moran aes and y what you can see in terms of accumulation. >> outside on 95 around cottman avenue right in work sdeen nobody lane crews on the scene and disabled vehicle ahead taking out the right happened shoulder. northbound lanes southbound lanes, not doing better heading into center city area and over on the vine expressway near 24 most of the volume near westbound lane headed to schuylkill expressway. we have problems out for septa though and wilmington top new york regional line is having delays. and we have an accident upper moreland byberry road and approaching route 40 locking out the two left happened lanes. rest of majors slowing up. blue route 95 could schuylkill nobody pretty slow. 27 minutes. westbound on pa turnpike and eastbound lanes 422 into 202 a twelve minute trip there. >> investigators ruled out terrorism of cause of crash 501. investigatetors say recordings from cockpit retained no sounds of gunfire or explosions. cockpit voice recorder which captures all noises on the flight deck was recovered last week from the depths of java sea. >> it was close call for the people on board two commercial
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planes john f. kennedy airport in new york city caribbean airlines plane crossed in fronts of jet blue speeding down the run way forte-off. yet bu pilots. >> they're headed full speed down the run way and came to screeching stop. >> whiplash and it was terrifying. >> the faa continues to investigate the incident. >> help happening today final phase of bp oil trial begins in new orleans. they face 13 billion in clean water from the 2010 oil spill gulf of mexico. >> 11 men died explosion deep water horizon drilling rig and gas september oil gushes into the gulf 87 days. >> also happening today future of love park. they're hosting a peteing about redesigning local land mark and hear from the designers about their plans and tonight they talked about the central library on vine street. >> let's get a check on business. >> wagner joins us live are the stock exchange. good morning jill, tax season overrulely underway this day. >> this year's returns include questions about healthcare coverage. you actually could get penalized if you don't have it. also the irs recommends people file electronically. error rate is less than 1% compared to 20% for paper returns. and if you earn less than 60,000 a year you can use free on-line software from the irs to help you prepare. >> ukee and diana. >> price of shoes it going up,
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what's up. >> let's just say carry prad shaw would not be happy about us going. >> terri bradshaw may have to cut back open the jimmy chews then. >> put open chuck take lorz and chill out. >> the rest of us can cut down on $100 pair of shoes. >> that's reasonable. >> all right. thank you, ladies. >> for more money tips and information from money head to our web site >> you know what they say about a penny saved right. >> penny hernd. >> a texas woman saving them for 65 years has finally tashd in on the kinds. 8 16 dollars and 81-year-old eye range keith renrepingted copper joins and said it has not spent pennies since 17 all because of a lesley van arsdallon his father taught him. >> whatever you do, son he says, save your money. well back when i started in '52 i didn't have a lot of money. so i saved pennies and i kept saving them. >> well, it took that man over an hour to count the collection he took to the bank. and he still plans to keep his piggy bank full. >> his folger's cups there. >> that's a big bank. >> it is. >> the yub one reason beauty and politics collide at miss rup verse celebration. >> and pro golfer tiger woods and how he's missing a tooth and
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how it was knocked out. >> i was seeing somebody that needed help and thepd help. >> he's a humble hero how a star football player saved another driver with his happened. right after a huge ♪watching everybody eating♪ ♪what they want all day♪ ♪oh this tasteless cardboard♪ ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away♪ ♪the word is controversy. american snipder starring bradley cooper is smashing records and up for several oscars. >> and igniteing a war of worlds on twitter. our sister station in los angeles has more on celebrities reaction to the movie. >> american sniper which made 90 million this weekend was quite
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the talk today on twitter after seth rogen tweeted american sniper kind of reminds me of the movie the showing in the third act of indeploreious baingt tardz and couldn't verse yl director michael moore tweeted we were taught snipers are you could wards not heroes since the tweetsw there's been a lot of back lash towards the two on social media. some saying rogen's tweet was comparing the movie to not see prop gand a. actor rob lowe tweeted about moore's comment he's kidding right. >> senior editor at variety magazine said he's not surprised. >> it does not surprise me this say movie that the filmmakers knew it would generate controversy. >> american sniper is true story about a navy s.e.a.l. sniper who saves lives on battle field-erected by clint east wood known conservative and seth rogen since defend the tweet saying i liked american sniper it reminded me of tarantino scene and he said he was not talking about the movie american sniper and in his facebook post says it's a great movie. it's up for six oscar nominations and johnson said this could affect the voting and how it's done. >> oscar voters like controversy like to give the award to controversial films and don't necessarily like it giving awards to deviceive films. >> a billboard for the movie was vand lised in california with someone spray painting words murderer on the sign. >> a selfie between two contestants in the miss universe
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pageant on the left mrs. reel and next to her miss lebanon and they have a law about fraternize they have a law about they have a law about fraternizing with lebanons. it caused the photo 'celebration of universal friendship. >> lesley von has 63 world cup titles in skiing. von was competing in italy and he wore a skeleton mask to surprise her at the world cup race and what is tuning heads tiger is missing a tooth. toothless tiger. we're told tiger lost it when hit with a piece of equipment during a crush of paparazzi. somebody's camera hit him in the mouth. tiger says he's not sure when he'll have it replaced. >> stuff happens. >> sure does. >> sure does. >> wow. >> there's a lot of odd things about that whole story. >> excel tan masks and toothless. >> wow. >> i have to salinecy i feel like lyndsey over shadowed tiger when here for u.s. open don't i think? >> couple years ago yes. >> people were open the hunt for lipcy i recall that. let's switch gears. let's take you to the eyewitness weather and network coming in from nick. neighbor he is out i'm not sure exactly he's seeing what a lot of russ seeing. clouds skewing sunrise and regardless nice color to the sky line this morning. jason i know he's in delaware also seeing the same thing as he faces east and this cloud cover here skewing things for us. 3 at the freezing mark from jaemy and she has the mix of
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clouds and sun out where she's located in media pa. let's jump next to a little wider zoom on storm scan 3 as you find here not much happening at the local level for clouds. you can see this disturb an moving through. it appears as though by the time it zips across a portion at least of western pennsylvania it will likely fall apart and fizzle once it hit the mountains i don't think we need to we're jumping into future snowments here. notice wednesday noontime, still nothing out. there but we get you into early evening and things unfolded here. general expectation a coating to up to" or so. we just got newed monthel run come if and it's still picking up on possibility the system might intensify to the southern branch of our area. that leads me to think we have a decent chance to pick up maybe a little more than 2" through delaware and southern -- this southern tier the southern say five or six counties in new jersey. the other thing here, too, this is not typical clipper in that it may actually start off with a little bit of modest rain across the southeastern portion of our area. far southeast of philly. mainly snow philly and all points west. modest snow accumulations as well and again if it comes in later it would lead to possibility not just more snow that anything but it could add on to expected totals by thursday it's all out of here with know on wednesday. come thursday we'll wrapped up the rest of the week and very many quieter weather.
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>> thank you katie we're having by good day weather-wise with everybody back to the commute after the holiday. you can see out of the schuylkill along city avenue this is what we have come to expect here. headed eb westbound to king of prussia completely at stand still and just a spring of brake lights. pretty much the same story not doing better on the ben franklin bridge from the philly side all lanes open westbound lanes so you can get by in the toll plaza and we move out the right handling due to ongoing kruk projects. the left lane is block there. that's going to being month the right lane until 2:00. preyed sheet and erie avenue, police are recollecting traffic around the incident. 42 out in new jersey month it problems but is northbound slow headed from atlantic city expressway to the walt mit man ridge ueek he back to you. >> thanks, jeff, teping whips are in second place in the metropolitan division. fly guys play first team in the division last night the eye landers. there was a flyers last stop ever at the national colosseum and the eye landers will play in brooklyn next season and they fell behind early and could not rebound and they lost this one flyers 7-4. >> sixers had an early lead and that disappeared. 2nd quarter it was all wizards. >> kickers were down by 23 half time and had to get things close
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about the record 11-76. >> they play at the knicks. >> eagles made coaching khaichs assisting coaching. he comes over to brnk owes to work on eagles secondary. eagles have pro mogelers this past surprise and the birds have promoted justin fields toll tight end coach. nfl is investigating the football used in the afc championship game by the patriots they want to know if illegally under inflated balls were used over colts. brian we has latest from new york. >> and he dives under for the touchdown again. >> thanks to the win in surprised's afc championship game the new eng lachbd patriots are going to the super. >> what's the situation here sgllt league is especially in bad yaerming. >> a ball can be remove from circulation and tested for whatever issue there was. >> tom brady is not worried. >> i think i heard it all at this point. so oh, god that's the last of my worries. i don't even respond to stuff lick this. >> his coach bill belichick said the allegation was news to him. >> we're the ratep. >> patriots are no strange others to questionable plays 2007 they videotaped new york against sideline hand signals and the team was heavily find and lost first round draft pick. there is no word on when nfl might complete investigation.
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pate raets will tackle seattle seahawks in super bowl 39 open february 4. in new york. >> all right. better news about hours after helping this team to the super bowl. new england patriots player turns into a her owe. vince was heading home from stadium early ach the game. early when he saw this suv on the side of the road and the driver was still trapped behind the wheel. the 6' 325 pounder de fep receive lineman happened out of hiscar and bull the driver out in one. >> we try to stay posed in certain situations and i'm sure she was kind of scared. so the last thing i wanted to do is have her papic. and that's the first thing i told her don't papic. get you out of here. >> nis jobch the driver was also heading home from the game and she was charged with driving under the influence. >> nice job by a nice fellow. >> i heard this happening over a tweet. pulled over for eating a pam burger our eyes they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me. hey! and bad for the barkley twins. your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. three times the speed of a fastball. take care of your most important parts with centrum. multivitamins expertly designed with nutrients people don't get enough of from food alone. centrum. for the most important parts of you.
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>> the wild ride is part of a king day holiday. it's illegal but some motorist called it a traffic nightmare and some said the riders are you out celebrating holt day. >> distracted driving takes many forms. >> in could be county georgia no text, no phone calls, no eating. madison turner was written up after he was caught eating a cheese burger while driving not far from at lap ta. he's from alabama and said he did not know it was against the law. there are stiff penalties. >> up to 3 point on driving lins license for this charge up to a fine. >> that's ridiculous. it's not he's using the phone. >> because i multi-task all the time and always in a murray. but i understand how up safe it can be and i don't do it like anywhere. i have to be like on interstate, four lane. >> most police officers say they won't ticket you for eating while driving unless they pulled you over for something else first. hopefully he got a warning. >> sounds like he didn't do anything else. >> i would appeal that one. >> i'm sure he will. now we know. >> we're going through the drive through then park and eat. >> we'll take a short
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sxwrv we have a quiet day out there weather-wise and katie is tracking snow. good morning. >> for now it's tranquil. we're seeing clouds roll in here. there's a disturbance far to the west. it will bring in more clouds as the day goes on. currently storm scan 3 showing hints of ground clutter on array dar sites. it will be a smith above average with temperatures in mid 40s. dropping down to 28 overnight under partly cloudy sky and all is calm today and tonight and most of the day tomorrow is actually quiet too. but in towards evening our next clipper comes along general coating up to 2" of accumulating snow by the time we hit early thursday morning not without question. jess. >> thanks, katie. good morning everybody 8 a.m. a pip call commute so farah approaching 29 you can see eastbound delay there not doing bad westbound lanes wish i could say the same for ben franklin bridge. pretty much slammed. all lanes open. no real problems in new jersey. right-hand lane due construction. >> next update 8:25 up next cbs this morning power of partners how helmy habits could be easier to achchieve in pairs. ♪ ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> does god still heal today? >> i knew that something miraculous had happened to me. >> i was born deaf and then my ears got healed. >> i've never seen anybody recover so quickly and so profoundly. >> when they took that second scan and it came back completely negative, like, just gone. >> discover how god still heals today. on "the 700 club," all week. >> good morning everyone, thanks for joining us. pgw crews are working about on a gas leak. >> all 17 residents are warming up in homes after forced out into the cold for hours. >> an early morning gas leak made a cold morning in south philadelphia even colder for close to two dozen people on snyder avenue. and an overwhelming smell of gas after 2:30 a.m. forced evacuation of six apartments and 17 people. >> he told me there was a gas leak and now i'm outside. >> fire officials believe the gas leak sent fumes into people's basements. >> we have 60% natural gas reading that air. with that we take a precaution of evacuating homes. >> after a few hours pgw located the mane and shut it off. fortunately no injuries and the threat was evident you.
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>> never know for explosion purposes or fire purposes we want to every
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