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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 9, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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>> ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". [gunfire] >> an explosive end to a hostage situation in france. the two brothers wanted in the deadly terror attack on a paris paper are taken down by police. another is shot dead in another hostage situation and tonight french officials the two were connected. the french president is urging people there to remain vigilant and the u.s. has a warning of its only good evening, i'm chris may. >> i'm natasha brown. jessica is off. our area tonight a show of support for paris. >> ♪ "eyewitness news" in love park as crowds joined together to sing the french national anthem. many carried signs which ultimately translated into i am charlie. others placed candles during a vigil for the lives lost. >> this is a rally a soft spontaneous rally to show solidarity with the french people, to express support for the fundamental values of democracy. >> all over the world i was amazed by the support but i'm not surprised by it. >> meanwhile in france the country is still on high alert. cbs correspondent marley hall has more on today's raids. [gunfire] >> reporter: french assault police opened fire on the two most wanted men in france friday afternoon ending a seven hour standoff and three days of terror. brothers said and cherif kouachi the gunmen behind wednesday's attack on a paris
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newspaper had holed up inside a printing plant north of paris. security forces quickly surrounded the plant and locked down the town but their standoff with police was undermined by a planter employee who was hiding inside the building and talking with law enforcement. at sundown police moved in and both brothers were killed. prosecutors say they had a rocket propelled grenade and several guns. miles away another standoff also came to an end at a kosher grocery. a man identified as amedy coulibaly shot and can killed four people inside and threatened to kill more if police attacked the kouachi brothers. the french media say police tapped into the store's security cameras and had been communicating with a hostage who was hiding inside a refrigerator. at dusk police moved in on the grocery store with stun grenades and gunfire. coulibaly was killed as he tried to flee. authorities say coulibaly and the kouachi brothers knew each other and had ties to terror groups. they are now tying to find out more about those connections and whether any more attacks are planned. marley hall for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> in response to the recent attacks in france, canada and australia, the u.s. has issued a worldwide travel alert. the state department is warning anyone traveling abroad to be extra vigilant for possible threats. >> philadelphia police officials are speaking out tonight about the events in paris. chief inspector joe sullivan watched the attacks in paris like so many of us did. he tells "eyewitness news" they are difficult to preventer and so the department remains on guard. >> you don't downgrade and
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upgrade. we stay in that mode. i always say that i live in a professional state of paranoia. >> sullivan says preventing attacks like those in paris is possible. he says it requires a community willing to alert police to suspicious activity and well trained officers on the ground. well, stay with "eyewitness news." we'll have continuing coverage of the paris terror attack. you can get the latest information any time at breaking news right now. let's go to chopper three. it is over 41st and lancaster. just a few moments ago we're told that a pedestrian was hit here by a route 10 septa trolley. the victim has been taken to the hospital with injuries that are not life-threatening. right now there are no reports of injuries to any passengers and no word on a cause. >> a little bit of break from the cold today. if you want to call the 30's a little bit of a break a relief, but in center city tonight the winter gear was still out in full force. it's still cold out there make no mistake. meteorologist kathy orr joins us with details of tonight's temperature plunge. kathy. >> skies are clearing and we still have the wind out there natasha, but we are going to be seeing another shot of cold air. and once it really sinks into the region, we will feel the effects tomorrow morning. right now in philadelphia 27, 20 allentown, teens in reading and lancaster. in the poconos it's 13. what does it feel like? six below in the poconos, 19 in the city allentown 11 and reading at nine. now, wind chills tomorrow morning will range between five and 10 below in the poconos, little better in the lehigh valley, between five below to around zero.
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in the philadelphia area, the i-95 corridor between zero and five, in south jersey along the shore and delaware beaches between five and 10 so still very very cold come tomorrow morning. now, coming up we're going to talk more about when the temperatures will rise. then an icy start to the work week and a cold stretch. how long will this deep freeze last? more on that with the seven-day forecast later in the broadcast. >> all right, kathy, thank you. stay on top of the ever changing forecast with the cbsphilly weather app. check live radar get weather alerts and much, much more. it's all free and available now on google play and itunes. >> well, cold concerns are running high tonight. frigid weather may be responsible for a death in philadelphia. and officials are working to get homeless people off the streets. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco is on rittenhouse square with more. diana. >> reporter: well, chris it doesn't take long for frost bite to set in in weather like this and if you don't have a warm place to go, it could be deadly. the cold is not only uncomfortable for those out bundled from head to toe in center city friday night but it's down right dangerous for certain parts of the population philadelphia has recorded what's likely to be the first weather-related death of the year, a 64-year-old woman was found thursday inside her kingsessing apartment when she didn't report to work. >> as we got into the living room of the prompt we found the female sitting in a chair. she obviously appeared to be deceased. the temperature inside the home at the time was about 10 degrees so we're not sure if she didn't turn her heat on or the heater was broken. >> reporter: plummeting temperatures have prompted the
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city and surrounding areas to issue a code blue. while it's not mandatory shelters are doing their best to get the homeless off the street. >> there's no doubt about the fact that you just can't remain outside in this kind of weather. last year there were some people that certainly died on the streets. >> reporter: the executive director of sunday breakfast one of the city's oldest independently run homeless shelters has opened their doors at all hours of the day and night so no one will be turned away. >> right now we have about 170 people staying with us in beds but there's just that much greater need that we're opening up our dining room during the night. >> reporter: they are taking overflow from crowded city shelters and they're keeping the cafeteria opened beyond mealtime which they're staffing overnight. so, if you think you see someone or you know someone who may be in trouble without a warm place to go, you are encouraged to dial 911 or to call your local homeless outreach. we're live in rittenhouse square tonight. i'm diana rocco for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly thanks diana. for more on how to stay safe we've put together a cold weather survival guide. you can find it on our web site developing now the search is intensifying for a mother of two missing in burlington county. "eyewitness news" was there as a prayer vigil was held for erica crippen crosby just outside of her home on aberdeen in mount laurel. family members last heard from the 26-year-old on december 30th. they say erica went to pj whelihans in cherry hill with her husband kyle crosby. since that night no
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communication at all. >> and you're out there, can you see this please call me, something, text me. i don't care. come home. your family loves you. we all love you. >> family members say they can't reach crosby's husband either. her car is missing a 2000 red ford taurus, jersey plate a26efl. crosby has daughters ages seven years old and two months old. anyone with information is asked to contact police right away. and a montgomery county day-care center is ordered shut down by the state following the unexplained death of a five month old baby. the investigation tonight centers around the wyndmoor learning center in wyndmoor. authorities responded to the center on monday around 10:30 a.m. and performed cpr on the baby. the child was later pronounced dead at chestnut hill hospital. our investigation revealed that while inspecting the center afterwards state officials found several violations and took action shutting it down. the state findings first uncovered by kyw news reporter cherry greg refer specifically to video showing how the baby who died was treated. >> staff member placed a blanket over a child's face and then when paramedics arrived tried to conceal the blanket and eventually ended up having to give to it police. >> reporter: the state order cites 20 separate items uncovered by investigators including leaving kids unsupervised. officials say it could take months before the final ruling on the ins cause of death. a person at the school today said they had no comment. >> new jersey governor chris christie says he'll foot the bill when he heads to green bay wisconsin sunday to see his cowboys face the packers. the governor has faced ethical
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questions after attending several games in dallas courtesy cowboys owner jerry jones. now the governor's office insists the gifts are permitted under state ethics rules because they come from a personal friend. well, new at 10 o'clock tonight the news getting better for a delaware county teen battling cancer. >> students are paying tribute to a classmate who has become quite an inspiration to them all. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones has details now from newtown square. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: he was a -- it was a fitting standing ovation with many wearing shelley standing strong. marple newtown freshman michael shellie celebrate add huge milestone. >> mike recently a clean bill of health. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: the past few months michael has been spending more time in the hospital than school. >> we were completely shocked when they tell you your 14-year-old son has cancer. >> reporter: in the beginning of the school year michael had the honor of leading his fellow football teammates out onto the field. his battle was just beginning then. he was facing 10 grueling rounds of chemotherapy and all of the side effects as he battled beckett's nonhodgkin's lymphoma a rare and aggressive form of cancer. >> not able to move and talk and being on the morphine just for like four days not -- that was awful. >> reporter: but even through it all, michael maintained his sense of humor even serenading a nurse with a ukulele. it's that personality that has helped drive friends at school and beyond to cheer him on. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: you can see
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across the court players on springfield the opposing team also gave him a standing ovation. >> you don't choose to have cancer. you choose how to deal with it. >> reporter: and for the first time since he was diagnosed this summer and after having stomach pains during football practice scans and biopsies show michael has no signs of cancer and he has just three rounds of chemotherapy left. through it all, michael's learned to appreciate nights like this where he could just hang out and be a can kid. >> but like the littlest things now mean so much more because of what i had to go through. >> he's a young kid. he's a ninth grade boy who is battling but he's teaching us just don't give up. >> reporter: in newtown square delaware county, todd quinones for "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly. >> what an inspiration. >> he sure is. >> explosive scene in michigan. still to come on "eyewitness news" here on the cw philly tonight, the crash that led to this dramatic display. why the explosion was so violent. kathy. >> the deep freeze returns in a big way. cold and getting even colder but it won't stay that way for the entire weekend. we'll take a look at that coming up. >> and we already know that philadelphia is a great place to be. well now we'll tell hugh is calling the city of brotherly love one of the top places to visit in 2015. >> the eagles top dog has landed a new gig but don't worry chip kelly is still the birds' head coach but you might be seeing a lot more >> back now on "eyewitness news." dramatic video of a truck carrying fireworks exploding in michigan. the truck had been involved in
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a huge pileup involving more than 120 vehicles. the explosive cargo in the truck went off following the crash. police say one death has been reported in this massive pileup. and now in delaware police charge a woman for driving under the influence for the sixth time. >> while police say ginger veal lassies was stopped last last velazquez. computer records show five prefers dui convictions. tonight communities across the region they are marking law enforcement appreciation day. >> some residents expressing their support for the abington township police department today along old york road. they wore something blue and also held up signs. meantime in cheltenham township boy and girl scouts presented letters of appreciation to officers. "eyewitness news" was there at veterans field. those letters were written by students all around the community. looking for the best places to visit in 2014 you don't have to go far at all. >> new york times has neighborhood philadelphia number three on 50 places to go in 2015. filled ranks behind milan italy and cuba. the paper highlighted dillworth plaza, dillworth park, spruce street, harbor park and and the schuylkill bank boardwalk. we are getting ready for yet another big dip in temperatures. >> that's right, another one. we already had one big one. >> we had one. >> it came back up a little bit today but kathy another one is on the horizon. it's going to get really cold again.
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>> it is. temperatures plunging as we speak. it is so clear out there. it's actually pretty. going below zero in man locations. take a look at what our eyewitness weather watchers are saying tonight. most locations skies are clear and temperatures are plunging. 17 degrees right now lansdale. sam says the wind just at 5 miles per hour but the barometric pressure is rising as another arctic high moves into the delaware valley. to the north and west of the city in our suburbs chris is reporting 18 in berwyn and let's take a look at delaware and see what's going on in the first state. 25 degrees being recorder in there middletown, delaware. jason is saying barometric pressurizing winds out of the northwest at 10 miles per hour. doesn't take much of a wind when you have temperatures this cold to have it feel brutal out there and that's what's going the happen overnight. let's take a look at one place where we like the cold, in the poconos looking very pretty tonight. you can see little activity on the hill and there will be over the weekend for sure with very good skiing conditions. right now in the poconos we have 13 degrees, allentown 20, philadelphia 27, wilmington at 24 but with those clear skies it's going to get even colder. state college at 13. pittsburgh at eight. cleveland only 4 degrees. we are looking at a real brilliant sky out there. starlit and moonlit skies and you can see that cold air going across lake eerie and lake ontario producing lake effect snow. south of buffalo 3 feet of snow possible the same thing close to watertown new york. for us it's just cold and breezy overnight. future weather shows tomorrow morning look for a good deal of sunshine, no weather issues
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but very cold with wind chills in the single numbers philadelphia. sunday morning still cenacle. clouds move up from the southwest by early monday we see precipitation moving n our next precipitation brings the chance of ice sleet and freezing rain for monday morning's commute and as warm air moves in it will change this over to rain but big concerns for monday morning. an area of low pressure moves off shore brings in some milder air but to the north and west of the city the freezing rain and sleet could last a little bit longer so that means potential for some light ice accumulation. the best chance would be through the lehigh valley and also to reading berks county but even .01-inch being forecast in philadelphia. with temperatures below freeing an icy mix monday morning for the commute. it will change to rain then we see a quarter inch to half inch of rain. so please abwear of the forecast over the courts of the weekend. overnight the low temperature 14. tomorrow the high 20. whips between five and 15 with westerly winds and on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven-day forecast we bottom out tomorrow. then temperatures rise sunday. a better day to be outside. that icy mess monday. tuesday, wednesday looking dry. thursday dry for now keeping an eye on a storm to the south and then friday look for windy can conditions, the high 36. normal high for this time of year on the upper 30's to around 40. it's typically the coldest time of the year. >> i'm feeling it. thank you very much, kathy. appreciate it. >> nba excitement tonight there it was exciting, wasn't it? >> we saw a first for nerlens. first time he ever won with a slam an marketing match for
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eagles head coach chip kelly. his new endorsement deal coming up ♪ music ♪ i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. >> ♪ >> coach brett brown called the sixers last game the worst effort of the season. tonight the troops responded. a feel find for the sixers robert covington. fourth quarter nails the three ball. then the sixers in transition. mcw with a great pass to tony wroten who finished nicely. sixers take a one point lead. the nets would tie it but with three seconds left mcw working hard finds nerlens noel for the slam. it's his first, first game winning slam. sixers pick up the win in brooklyn 90 to 88. the flyers try to keep their two game win streak alive when they take on the bruins tomorrow at the center. fly guys back on the ice this afternoon after that overtime winner against the caps. they were hoping for a strong start to the second half of the season and they got it against a team they are trailing in the playoff hunt. next up, boston. >> big game for us. another team that we're chasing so early start games are kind of tend to unfold with the first team to wake up
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usually comes out on top so hopefully the guys feel good tomorrow morning and ready to go. >> after flyers practice today, general manager ron hextall announced nick grossman will be out for three weeks with an upper body injury. that's as specific flyers get. nick was injured in the first period when he was checked into the boards. eagles head coach chip kelly serious about football. good to see he has a sense of humor off the field. chip has a new endorsement contract with a series of off beat commercials capitalizing on his nickname. >> the official chip of the nfl. >> brian you know we only buy official chips. put that back. >> i'm going have to put you back. >> sorry. >> toasty toes still the official chip of the nfl. >> that is so cute. >> 12 or 14 of them that you'll see rotating. >> i love that. >> we'll see them all post season. >> all post season. >> that beats nothing. working on my feet all day gave me pain here. in my knees. but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my knee pain. find a machine at >> got a story you would like us to investigate? e-mail your ideas to i-team at >> let's get one last check of the weather before we go. it's freezing cold, that's all you need to know. oh, wait kathy is here. go ahead. >> just do it for fun. tomorrow morning temperature at the teens. by the afternoon only around 20's. teens in our suburbs. better sunday to be outside
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and then an icy mix monday morning. >> thank you so much kathy. be and thank you for watching us here on the cw philly for kathy beasley and all of us here i think chris may. >> i'm natasha brown. have a great night everyone. we'll see you at 11:00
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