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tv   NBC 10 News at 5pm  NBC  November 3, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EST

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and tonight, they're releasing this video in hopes of catching the man who took the 22-year-old. it happened just before 10:00 p.m. on sunday. off of west coulter street. the video shows a man parking a gray or silver four-door sedan believed to be a ford taurus.ç the suspect gets out of the car, crosses the street and crosses back before grabbing the victim. she is seen struggling with the man while being dragged on the street. off camera, detectives say she kicks out the rear driver's side window just before the car takes off. >> now, the victim's glasses and her cell phone were dropped before the car drove off. the suspect is described as a man with a medium complexion about 5'10" with a heavier build. police say that car that he was driving does not have any inspection stickers. they ask if you see a man fitting this description, not to go up to him. he is considered armed and dangerous at this hour. detectives say if you know anything to call police. that is the latest from police
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headquarters, nefertiti jaquez, nbc 10 news. our live team coverage of this abduction investigation continues. nbc 10's rosemary connors joins us now. what is happening at that scene? >> reporter: jacqueline, police activity, crime scene investigators have returned to this area. they're sweeping up that shattered glass from the car, just making sure that everything is cleared out of here as they continue their investigation. meanwhile, the family, they are also on scene. carlesha's father and stepmother. within the past half hour i showed them the surveillance video of the abduction. it was an emotional moment. it's unlike any pain they've ever known. for carl freeland, his wife and his relative, it's almost unbearable to watch his daughter, 22 carlesha freeland-gaither struggled with her attacker before she was force nd into a car and abducte last night around 9:30 near
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coulter and greene street. >> whatever you all want, whatever you need. >> reporter: they tell me they feel desperate, they want carlesha to know she are not giving up hope, especially that the police have video evidence of the attack that happened just a few blocks away from their daughter's home. >> bring my daughter back. >> please, just whoever, just please bring her back home. that's all we want. release her. we don't care, just let her go somewhere, drop her off somewhere. just please whatever you do, don't do nothing more harm to her than what you have already done. >> reporter: it is going to be a sleepless night, no doubt, for the family. again, they are all out here at the scene, they continue to be here throughout the afternoon and evening, talking to anybody coming home from work who may have seen something, may not have realized it at the time. we'll be back out there with them as well, we'll see you at
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6:00. in germantown, i'm rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. the car is a 2000 to 2002 ford taurus, with a license plate on the back but they don't know the number. there was an unidentified plate on the front of the car. stay with nbc 10 on this breaking news story. as soon as we uncover any new information we'll bring it to you live right here on nbc 10 news and always on our website and more breaking news now. skyforce 10 live over a deadly accident on i-95. it happened in the northbound lanes near the platt bridge in south philadelphia around 1:30. only one lane of northbound traffic is currently open. we don't know yet who the victim is, the age of that victim or the circumstances about this crash. as you can tell from looking at skyforce 10, that backup is huge. if you're expecting somebody who's traveling 95 there in south philadelphia, now you know exactly what's holing them up. we'll stay on top of this story as skyforce 10 continues to pan
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across the traffic there on i-95 in south philly. ç an inside look, accused state trooper murderer eric frein spent his last desperate hours in and around an abandoned airplane hangar. >> we are getting a look inside at the place where he last took refu refuge. doug shimell reports from monroe county. >> reporter: getting inside the place where the eric frein odyssey ended gives you the real sense he knew his time was up. the neighbors kept coming by to see the place that put an end to their seven-week long nightmare. >> see how close it is to our house, it's terrifying. it looks like when we lived through the sniper in maryland and how close everything was. >> reporter: the abandoned airplane hangar that sits at the edge of the closed birchwood resort in pocono township is where, police say, eric frein spent his final days as a fugitive. inside, there is the constant
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rattle of the metal walls, even in broad daylight it is almost pitch black and drafty. a new looking jar of fruit jelly sits on a counter know a workshop. >> it helped me to see, get a concrete, visualize all the stories i read about and saw on tv. >> reporter: when u.s. marshals saw a clean shaven eric frein walking unarmed and in the open outside the hangar during daylight hours, it made neighbors wonder whether he was simply ready to be caught. >> a little bit of closure as well. >> absolutely. he's captured. it's done. >> the league case against eric frein is only beginning with a november 12th preliminary hearing. in the offing, he has two court appointed public defenders. s from stroud township, doug shimell. skyforce 10 over the 1800
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block where police were called to help with an eviction and animal removal. when they arrived, they found two guns rigged as booby traps. those guns did not go off but it was a dangerous situation. >> the building suffered severe structural damage over time. it was his way of maintaining security of his property but obviously that's not an okay way to secure your property. >> the building owner was take noon custody and will face charges that include reckless endangerment. the nbc 10 jersey shore bureau is following new developments in the atlantic city casino crisis today. some 200 employees showed their commitment to saving the taj mahal casino. they marched to the mayor's door step with a 12,000 signature petition in hand. workers anticipated handing over the signatures but instead, a
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handful were invited into the mayor's office to talk about their plea for concession. they hope those concessions will entice billionaire carl icahn to rescue it and save some 3,000 jobs. >> what are benefits without a job? you have no benefits if you don't have a job. it is that simple. you close us, nobody has benefits. >> don't think we're enemies or that i'm on the other side of the table on this one. but i'm frustrated, too. >> reporter: mayor don guardian says with already significant tax breaks, the city can do no more. trump entertainment already owes the city $20 million in back taxes. the mayor said he's working with state and federal leaders to find a solution. the bankrupt casino threatened to shut its doors in 27 days. >> from our delaware bureau, a chilv's treehouse has become the victim of a property dispute in new castle county. this is what part of the
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treehouse looks like when someone went to it with a treehouse. the parents say the treehouse is unsafe and she can no longer use it. grace has down syndrome and used the treehouse for exercise. neighbors are concerned about liability issues. the dispute has been going on for years. last week, one neighbor decided to hire a contractor to take down part of the treehouse. >> i said you can't cut that line. it's no survey. it's my kid's treehouse. he stood there and said, cut it, cut it. he cut out this main structural support right here. the coles don't deny the treehouse might encroach on other property but they don't believe their neighbor had a legal right to take down part of it. nbc 10 tried multiple times to get in touch with that neighbor but he has not called us back. now to decision 2014. the candidates are in the final push before election day tomorrow. the polls open tomorrow morning
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at 6:00 in new jersey. voters can cast their ballots an hour later at 7:00 in pennsylvania and delaware. the polls close in all three states tomorrow night at 11:00. count on nbc 10 to bring you election results tomorrow night as they come in. we'll have coverage of the candidates across pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. we will hear from the winners and losers on the air with nbc 10 news at 11:00, online at and on your mobile device. that's the free download for your smartphone or tablet. first, you'll be seeing and hearing negative campaign ads pretty much until the moment you walk into your polling place. they are everywhere as you see. ahead at 5:45, keith jones talks to pennsylvania governor tom corbett and challenger tom wolf about how those ads have affected their campaign. in the meantime, members of the philadelphia eagles visited strawberry mansion high school to take part in community monday. the birds teamed up with the pennsylvania horticultural
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society to give the school a full revitalization of their garden this afternoon. they helped culinary students plan the trees and harvest fresh fruits and veggies. we talked about why the project is so important to him. >> we're teaching these kids about sustainability, giving back to your local community, about how important eating healthy is and growing things locally. >> the eagles got to do a cooking demonstration by strawberry mansion's culinary students. of course they also signed some autogra autographs. pittsburgh's veterans day parade will not be celebrated on the holiday as usual. organizers are moving it to saturday, november 8th. they're hoping the move will enable more veterans to participate and draw a bigger crowd. last year the parade was on a monday and a lot of vets complained they couldn't attend because they had to work. this year's parade begins at
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10:30 saturday morning. there's a new beginning at brand new heights in new york. the first of 3,400 employees are at work inside the one world trade center tower. hear about their first day on the job. new fallout after a named controversy. why a judge says the redskins can now sue their native american opponents. and pennsylvania history becomes history. fire this morning destroyed this hundred-year-old covered bridge. investigators say it was no accident.
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for the first time since 9/11 it is back to business at one world trade. >> conde nast workers showed up at work this morning and are hard at work an several floors of the building. katherine creag has the details. >> reporter: the ceo of conde nast arrived on a bright, sunny day. >> this is a terrific moment for lower manhunt. >> reporter: the moment many describe as historic, significant and symbolic. >> it's a promise made and a promise kept. >> we give this back to new york as a gift, a gift of remembrance of people we lost that fateful day but also the wonder of how people pull together. >> reporter: about 200 conde nast employees, the very first tenants of one world trade arrived early this morning. >> they're upstairs works.
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conde nast starts at 7:00 a.m. >> reporter: they walked through this entrance with the art on the walls, soaring ceilings, marble and bright lights overhead. they will take over floors 20 through 44. they're moving in from their times square offices to one world trade once the site of profound tragedy, one world trade is right now 58% filled withç tenants, many of whom wi be moving in over the next several months. >> this is the safest class a anybody in the world. >> reporter: the port authority says it consulted with local and federal law enforcement to ensure its tenant's safety. around here, many of the construction walls are gone, new structures are rising as new offices open in one world trade. speaking of structures going up, what you are looking at, it is the transportation hub that is next to one world trade. when it comes to the office tower, so many companies will be moving into one world trade over the next coming months.
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you have kids creative, a major advertising agency. also, kushman and wakefield. katherine creag, nbc 10 news. a shelter is in place for those living near a huge fire in kentucky. the shelter is for those living within a mile of the fire. those with respiratory issues are being asked to stay inside their homes. firefighters say it will take a while to extinguish the blaze. no one was hurt. we are learning more about a deadly crash involving a helicopter and small plane in maryland less than two weeks ago. it happened back on october 23rd. preliminary reports by the national transportation safety board indicate both pilots were talking to air traffic controllers at frederick municipal airport before the crash. the report also reveals there were three helicopters in the area before the accident.
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the pilot of the plane said he saw two of the helicopters. the next transmission was about the crash. two people died, two were hurt. a gruesome find by workers dismantling the costa concordia cruiseship. workers discovered human remains. the remains were found in a cabin on the ship's eighth deck. the "concordia" capsized after hitting rucks near an island in tuscany in 2012. 32 people were killed. the calendar says fall but don't tell that to the people of bangor, maine, they woke up to snow, a foot of it to be exact. i guess we shouldn't complain. there's snow dusting pumpkins and covering trees and plants just days after halloween. >> yesterday you could see i was out here cleaning my leaves. and putting my garden beds away. what a difference a day makes. >> look at that.
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oh, my gosh. too soon. even the south didn't escape early snow. cold temperatures from georgia to the carolinas had skiers already reveling in the second earlier opening on record at north carolina's sugar mountain ski resort. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, a warmer day today for us, temperatures about 10 degrees warmer than they were yesterday. and tomorrow is going to be a warm day, too. the one thing you've noticed is the wind around. we will have less wind as we go into tonight. nice look out, though, center city skyline from the adventure asquarium. clouds move through but the wind starts to diminish later. the sun sets before 5:00 p.m. temperatures dropping to around 50 degrees, 10:00 this evening. we'll be in about the upper 40s. the wind will be diminishing. tomorrow will be a warmer day for the area. as we go into thursday, that's when we have more rain moving
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in. there will be heavy rain, parts of this week. right now through the lehigh valley, 53 allentown, 53 in reading, 55 in philadelphia.hzo through south jersey and delaware, anywhere from the mid-to-low 50s. 53 millville and in dover. we are on the dry side regardless of some of these clouds coming in. some of us may see a brief period of sprinkles mainly through parts of the lehigh valley. that's really about it. we'll be staying mostly dry tonight. off to the west, through the middle of the country, this is the area of moisture we're watching. this will be here as we go mainly into thursday. we could see heavy rains with this at times. here's future weather. tonight we stay on the dry side. clouds moving through. still a sunny day tomorrow. a warmer day through the afternoon. we will be warmer than today. it will feel nice. on wednesday, more clouds start to move in. late wednesday night, 9:00 p.m. we start to see the approach of some rain. as we go into thursday, more
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rain, that's really going to manufacture in starting thursday morning, we could see heavy pockets. as we zoom out here, thursday at noon. you notice the rain across our area and down to our south and west. we'll have moisture moving through the day on thursday. until then, we'll be staying on the dry side. for tonight, partly cloudy, winds diminishing, 44 for the low. tomorrow, 66 to 70 degrees in some spots. it will feel nice as we go through tomorrow. tomorrow is election day. temperatures again in the upper 60s. so here's the forecast for that. it will be a nice day to get out there and vote. by noon tomorrow we'll be in the mid-60s already. warmer afternoon, by 6:00 p.m. sun is setting, it's already dark out. we'll start to drop back into the mid-60s. on wednesday, 70 degrees, more clouds by thursday. that's when we see the heavy rain. as we go into friday, we cool down. temperatures in the mid-50s. the wind comes back and over the
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weekend, we'll be pretty chilly, around 50 for the high temperature. on sunday we are watching for more rain moving in. more details coming up. in peru, joran van der sloot's wife says her husband was seriously injured after being stabbed in prison. prison officials say she's lying. van der sloot is serving time for murder and robbery. he's been linked to the disappearance of natalee holloway. she vanished in aruba in 2005. van der sloot's wife said her husband was stabbed twice. she smuggled his bloody shirt out of the prison facility on sunday. the head of peru's national institute says she's a compulsive liar. a judge has said the washington redskins have the right to sue the five who complained to the trademark office.
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a ruling could cost the team tens of millions of dollars per year. the team could have appealed that decision, instead it decided to sue the five native americans who filed the petition in the first place. the team's trademark protection remains in place while the issue makes its way through the courts. the ruling does not apply to the team's current logo. authorities are investigating a fire that damaged the longest covered bridge in perry county as an arson tonight. crews were called out to the dellville covered bridge on pine hill road in wheatfield township. this is a photo of the blaze where you can see the heavy flames and smoke. a look at the damage left behind. the dellville covered bridge was built in 1889 and is listed on the national register of historic places. pain is easing at the pump. the price of gas continues to drop. but two carmakers are being forced to pay more thanç $100 million over gas mileage. what the feds say they did wrong.
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down and out but for how long? ahead, comcast sports net john clark joins us with news about injured eagles quarterback nick foles.
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding
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for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message. newspapers speak out. tom corbett has been something of a disaster. tom corbett cut spending on education by a billion dollars... it's time for a change. elect tom wolf, and you'll get the type of governor we haven't seen for a while... who looks out for average, hard-working pennsylvanians. it's wolf who has solid ideas for bringing in new business and for boosting the economy. tom wolf for governor, a fresh start for pennsylvania. hyundai and kia are being forced to pay up. the korean automakers will pay the u.s. government a $100 million penalty to end an investigation into overstated gas mileage claims.
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the feds say the civil penalty is the largest for a clean air act violation in u.s. history. according to the epa, the two automakers sold 1.2 million cars that emitted more greenhouse gases than the company said she would. hyundai and kia are controlled by the same korean company but are marketed separately in the united states. we continue to follow breaking news. >> the fbi is now involved in the search for a missing philadelphia woman. this is video police want you to see. watch as the woman is grabbed and dragged down the street. our live team coverage of the abduction investigation continues.ç they are everywhere this time of year. political attack ads. ahead at 5:45, i sit down with pennsylvania governor tom corbett and challenging tom wolf. hear how the ads have affected their campaigns. first, a boy says he found a razor blade in his candy. now police have issued a warning
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about something else a mother found while trick or treating. all new at 6:00, the dangerous objects hidden inside her child's wrapper.
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi
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will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message. this is nbc 10 breaking news. >> abduction, caught on tape. look closely at this black and white video philadelphia police say it shows a 22-year-old woman being grabbed right off a city street. the woman has been missing since sunday night. >> the fbi has been called in to
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help search for clues. nbc 10's renee chenault-fattah joins us live with a closer look at this video. >> surveillance video captured the whole thing. we're going to show you the entire video but we're speeding it up and slowing it down at times to give you a better look at the crime. let's walk through it. that's the kidnapess's car pulling up to the curb in germantown on westç coulter street just after 9:30 last night. a man gets out of the car just as a bus pulls up on nearby greene street. he walks to the bus stop. we get our first glimpse of the kidnapping victim. he approaches her. she runs across the street. he chases her just out of camera range. then we see him again, dragging her down the street towards her car. the last thing we see in the shadow is what looks like the man hitting the woman. here's a picture of the victim. her name is carlesha freeland-gaither. she's 22 years old. a witness says the victim kicked out the rear window as she was
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pushed into that car, dropping her phone and eyeglasses in the strug. we are following this developing story very closely. we'll bring you updates as soon as we get them. >> renee, thank you very much. there are questions tonight about whether philadelphia city council did its home work before deciding the future of the city gas company. >> tensions between council and the mayor are rising. nbc 10 investigator mitch blocker took his questions straight to city hall. mitch joins us live from the digital operations center. what did you find out? >> the first questions went straight to council president daryll clark who used his influence to shut down the deal that was secured by mayor nutter. clark's spokeswoman said $1.8 billion was simply not enough for the public utility. clark thinks a better deal may be out there. in response, the nutter administration claims some on the council did not read or fully review on the independent report of the sale, relied solely on clack to tell them what to do. mayor nutter was out of town but
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made his chief of staff available. he did not take time to answer our questions but we did talk to council member marian tasco. some say they didn't read the full report, is that true? >> they had the opportunity to read it. >> reporter: the council president's office says they want to hold out for a better deal. will there be a better deal? >> as far as i know, this is the deal. >> now, the nbc 10 investigators did look through the more than 100-page independent report. in that report we'll show you at 6:00 what the mayor says the council members missed as well as how it may cost rate payers a higher gas bill. i'm mitch blocker, nbc 10 news. >> thank you. brand new at 5:30, we learned a septa police officer is charged after investigators say he was caught masturbating on a subway car.
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someone took video of the alleged incident this summer on a broad street subway card and forwarded it over to transit police. he's charged with open lewdness. he's been put on administrative leave pending the outcome of the disciplinary process. >> a former university of pennsylvania professor convicted of killing his wife is back on trial. this time a civil case resulting from the crime. this morning, the jury in robb's trial was seated in montgomery county court. testimony began this afternoon. the family of robb's wife is seeking damages for her estate under the state's wrongful death and survival act. he's allegedly been hiding assets from behind bars. he pled guilty to voluntary manslaughter in the death of his wife, ellen. she was bludgeoned to death two days before christmas in 2006 as she was wrapping presents inside their king of prussia home. rafael robb staged the scene to
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appear like a burglary. he pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter in november of 2007. on the hunt for a thief. take a look. police say this guy held up the belco federal credit union. he demanded cash. when he got what he want, he ran off. if you know who he is, call wyomissing borough police. these two men are accused of breaking into a north philadelphia home and taking more than a thousand dollars. see if you recognize these guys. they were caught on tape trying to open a door to a home with a key on north 8th street. when that didn't work, police say they climbed through a window. if you know anything about the crime, call police. from our delaware bureau, a big idea leads to a big payday for some high schooler students in north wilmington got an $8,000 grant from m.i. it to
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make a larger, more refined version of this device. it's designed to help hospitals removal surgical tools and syringes in the linen. >> they have to get medical tests. they don't know what the needle is used for. that costs them a whole lot of money and it takes time off of work. >> the student's invention will be displayed at m.i.t. next summer. >> construction begins tonight on two aging bridges in chester and montgomery countys. 422 will be down to one lane in each direction. the work will take place between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. it was a costly win for the philadelphia eagles.
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comcast's sports net john clark joins us live. >> how long will nick foles be out? how bad is his broken collarbone and will he need surgery? all that coming up next. 'tis the season for nonstop attack ads. tonight, hear from the candidates for pennsylvania governor about how the ads have affected their campaign. first, here's what's coming up tonight on nbc 10 news at 6:00. >> if anybody knows anything, please, bring my daughter home. take a look. new video of this man's daughter being kidnapped. coming up at 6:00, nbc 10 has two reporters working every angle, talking to the only eyewitness and how police are searching for the missing woman. >> he stood there and said, cut it, cut it. >> a child with down syndrome loses her treehouse.
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newspapers speak out. tom corbett has been something of a disaster. tom corbett cut spending on education by a billion dollars... it's time for a change. elect tom wolf, and you'll get the type of governor we haven't seen for a while... who looks out for average, hard-working pennsylvanians. it's wolf who has solid ideas for bringing in new business and for boosting the economy. tom wolf for governor, a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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it was not the sight the eagles fans wanted to see. nick foles knocked to the turf and the quarterback suffers a broken collarbone. backup quarterback mark sanchez steps in and leads them to another win. >> everyone wants to know how long the team will be without its starting qb. john clark joins us with the details. >> it will be a while for nick foles. he has a broken collarbone. he will not need surgery but
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he's expected to miss six to eight weeks. remember last year, aaron rodgers missed two months with a similar injury. it's all about the healing. as you saw, foles got his left shoulder slammed into the turf yesterday in houston. he could return in mid-december or for the playoffs. the former jet mark sanchez is the starting quarterback for the foreseeable future. he's playing well late in the season, heading into the playoffs, hopefully it would be tough to disrupt that. chip kelly is very confident in mark sanchez. >> i feel great about mark. we felt great about him all along. one of the things we needed to do, i always said we needed two quarterbacks. i think he's done a great job in our system. thought he played great in the offseason. we feel confident and feel obviously bad for nick that he's out. i feel confident in mark if we have to go in that direction.
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>> remember last year, michael vick lost his starting job because of injury. nick foles was playing off the charts, so chip kelly stuck with him. could the same thing happen to nick this season? it's going to be interesting. we'll have more coming up at 6:00. john, thank you very much. breaking news at radner. a 17-year-old high school girl is in custody and charged with terroristic threats. she allegedly planned to kill classmates. police revealed just what was in her notebook at a news conference a few minutes ago. lu ann cahn is there and we'll be joined with all the details in just a few minutes. construction begins on a three-mile sea wall but the project suddenly stops. what crews found under the sand and when work will start up again. sheena? i'm also watching warmer temperatures for tomorrow. heavy rain later on this week. i'll show you the timing of it coming up. and the taney drags on a
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national stage. how they'll be honored during one of thanksgiving's biggest traditions.
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governor tom corbett an tom wolf duke it out in attack ads. i recently sat down and asked them if they think attack ads work and how they affect them on a personal level. >> we already know todd wolf was ed rendell's tax collecting hatchet man. >> wolf is promising to raise middle class taxes. >> they've been impossible to avoid, negative tv political ads between pennsylvania governor republican tom corbett and his
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challenger democrat tom wolf. >> the false accusations i think have to be answered. >> i'd be happy to debate on facts. >> new polls find attack ads may be working for governor corbett who continues to trail wolf but has tightened the distance between them. >> is it frustrating to watch these attack ads? and is there a proper system in place? are these vetted, truthful, 100% of the time? >> i look at this. for four years there have been ads on tv against me. four years repeating, i cut education funding. most recently i see showing the headlines that i cut education from 2011 when the budget was first done. it's a lie. >> do you have to put these out in order to win? >> in a democratic campaign i'm not sure where you draw the line in terms of negative advertising. when i call the governor to account for poorly performing economy or a commonwealth government that is going broke
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or schools that have been hollowed out, is this negative advertising? i think that's talking about reality. >> trying to counter it without puttingç commercials on of ourselves until now. >> i have not indulged in the mudslinging that the other side has, i think. when somebody makes false accusations about you as a person, that's negative advertising. i don't think i've done that. >> you can expect to see the ads continue through much of the day tomorrow. the polls don't close until 8:00 p.m. i'll be heading out to pittsburgh to cover the corbett camp on election night. lu ann cahn will be in york at wolf campaign headquarters. count on nbc 10 to bring you live up to the minute live election night results. live updates begin at 8:00, right here on nbc 10. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> a nice warmer day today, at least this afternoon than it was
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yesterday, about 10 degrees warmer. as we go into tomorrow, it will be warmer than today. before we get there, we still have the wind to deal with. still a breezy day. the wind will be diminishing tonight. the warmer temperatures set up as we go through tomorrow afternoon. still staying sunny and dry. thursday moves around, the rain moves in. just remember that. sun is setting earlier now with our time change around 4:55 is sunset. now it looks like very late at night at the moment. 55 degrees in philadelphia. temperatures are dropping as it gets darker outside. so tonight will still be cool but tomorrow afternoon, that's when the temperatures will go back up. mid-50s through much of the lehigh valley. 53 in allentown, 57 in reading. poconos already in the upper 40s, mid-50s for bensalem, mt. holly, south jersey. some areas at least like some of the suburbs will be dropping. glassboro coming up at 49 degrees.
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millville, 56 degrees in stone harbor right now. so tomorrow's afternoon high temperatures will be a little warmer than today, around 66 for allentown, quakertown 67 for the high temperature in reading. mostly sunny skies there. for mt. holly, coming in at near 70 degrees, same northeast philly with upper 60s. 67 for doylestown. areas closer to the shore, mid-60s. vineland possibly the upper 60s, dover as well. 69 degrees. wilmington could be coming in close to 70 degrees. philadelphia the upper 60s as well as the surrounding suburbs. we are watching rain, though, after the warm air gets here. even wednesday will still be warm. you see the rain moving into parts of the middle of the country. this rain will be here as we go into thursday. ahead of it, the warmer temperatures. locally we are mostly dry. we have a batch of moisture trying to move in, sprinkles to are parts of lancaster county. this could be swinging through as it goes through tonight. nothing heavy at all.
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future weather keeps us mostly dry, especially tomorrow, a warmer day tomorrow afternoon, more sunshine. we go into wednesday. notice more clouds starting to move in for the middle of the week. this will be ahead of the rain. wednesday night rain approaching and early thursday, we'll have showers moving in. some of this could be locally heavy. this is 6:00 in the morning thursday. we go into the middle the day thursday. more moisture down to our south. this will be moving up through the day. we expect a rainy day on thursday. some of that could be locally heavy. for tonight, a chance of a few sprinkles moving through. the winds lighten up. mid-40s, mid-30s north and west. mostly sunny, a warmer day. mid to upper 60s. some areas could get close to 70 degrees. pretty good tomorrow for election day. wednesday, more clouds, near 70 thursday. that's when we see the rain. cooler, much cooler. sunday we could have a chance of rain. philadelphia's own patti labelle braved this weekend's
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chilly rain to show her support for the fight against diabetes. nbc 10's vai sikahema spoke with her about living with diabetes and asked her advise for others. >> miss patly lti labelle. it has to be some of the healthy recipes and good eating. >> yes. i've been a diabetic for 20 years. i've been cooking now as a diabetic, trying to save my life and the people around me. i cook for everyone. i'm doing things that are healthy. before i would try to eat fried chicken. now it's broiled or steamed chicken. >> labelle is the spoke spokesw for the american diabetes association. i think everyone who came out there in that difficult weather,
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november is american diabetes month. >> so great to see all that support. switching gears, a new batch of battles are in the running to be our high school blitz game of the week. father judge/st. joseph's prep, lenape/rancocas valley. vote by texting or calling 610-624-4111. woodbury and collingswood, just 2% of the vote. the game with the most votes featured on the high school blitz every saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. hurricane sandy nearly wiped them off the map. >> a three-mile sea wall project at the jersey shore is supposed to protect shore towns from future storms. but the project is suddenly stalled. the reason why work has stopped and how history appears to be slowing down progress.
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plus, all new on nbc 10 news at 6:00, a local 9/11 memorial vandalized. what the criminal did and how police are trying to catch them.
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breaking news in radner township. police say they foiled a teenage girl's plot to carry out a columbine-style attack.
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>> a news conference on the investigation just wrapped up. nbc 10's lu ann cahn was there. lu ann, what did officers say? >> police say they are charging a 17-year-old girl who goes to radner high school, she's a senior there, she say they are charging her with making terroristic threats. at 11:30 this morning, school administrators called police, they had discovered extremely disturbing writings in her notebook about killing a specific teacher and students in a certain manner. she wrote about admiring the students responsible for the mass killings at columbine high school 14 years ago. this is police superintendent bill kalarulo. >> if you want to rerference th columbine situation, nobody took the proper action. at least in this one, as soon as it was recognized that these writings were bizarre and dangerous, the appropriate steps
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were taken and that's what we hope people will do from now on. >> reporter: police believe that this student had a history of mental illness. she cooperated with police. the parents cooperated with police. there were no weapons at the school. there were no weapons at her home. live in radner, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news. new tonight, work on a coastal steel wall to protect one of the areas hardest hit by superstorm sandy has been put on hold, this comes after the discovery of a 19th century ship wreck 25 feet underneath the sand. >> there's still many questions about the ship but it has maritime historians excited. nbc's brian thompson has the story from brick township, ocean county. >> reporter: this wreckage could possibly be that of this ship. which founded off squawn beach but launched a revolution in
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near-shore life saving. >> if this is indeed that vessel, it had the fortune of wrecking in front of a life-saving station equipped with the life car. they were very successful. >> reporter: the life car looks like this. onç that freezing january day 1850, 201 of the 202 immigrants and crew on board the ship were brought ashore to safety with the device never used before but used often after. this wreckage was found buried under some 20 feet in the sand by a construction crew building a steel wall to protect brick and mantoloking from a future sandy. they broke one of the pile drivers being used on this project. >> after sandy it didn't wash up. we find it two years after sandy. >> it's not clear what this wreckage comes from. any number of ships were lost, including this one, the cornelius granelle.
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ground-penetrating radar will be sent in to investigate within the next week or so. >> they are in fact time capsules. >> whatever happens to this wreckage and if it's of historical value it won't be left here. the state dep says the steel wall will be finished, except maybe here, on time, before winter. in brick, brian thompson, nbc 10 news. coming up next on nbc 10 news at 6:00, we're following breaking news. >> nbc 10 just showed family members this video of their loved one being abducted. why the fbi is now involved in the case. live team coverage is coming up. clear skies now but rain is on the way. i'll tell you when to expect it and my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast.
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newspapers speak out. tom corbett has been something of a disaster. tom corbett cut spending on education by a billion dollars...
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it's time for a change. elect tom wolf, and you'll get the type of governor we haven't seen for a while... who looks out for average, hard-working pennsylvanians. it's wolf who has solid ideas for bringing in new business and for boosting the economy. tom wolf for governor, a fresh start for pennsylvania. nbc 10 breaking news. >> please big her back home. that's all we want. just release her. >> tonight at 6:00, a family's horror for the first time. they're seeing this video of their loved one being abducted. >> police tell us they think her attacker was a stranger and tonight the fbi is on the case. >> whatever you need, whatever you want, i'll give it to you.ç just bring her home.
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this surveillance video shows the last time anyone saw carlesha freeland-gaither before she disappeared. >> if you watch it you're going to see her trying to fight off her attacker before he throws her into a car and drives away. tonight we have live team coverage in these critical hours as police try to find her. >> we begin with nbc 10's nefertiti jaquez live at police headquarters. >> reporter: they tell me they're getting a bunch of phone calls and tips. tonight detectives say they are running on every single one of them because time is of the essence. tonight police believe the kidnapping appears to be random and they tell us they've called in the fbi for help because they fear the victim may be in danger. this afternoon, police released this video showing 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither as she was grabbed right off the street. that's the kidnaper's car pull pg up to the cushion west coulter street before 10:00 sunday night. a man gets out of the car just as a bus pulls up on nearby