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tv   NBC 10 News at 6pm  NBC  October 26, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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okay -- [ bleep ] >> caught on camera. a philadelphia cop cursing at kids. and now this video has police investigating one of their own. good evening, police tell nbc 10 the officer will be disciplined for his actions. monique braxton has been working on the story all afternoon. what have you learned about the officer in this video? >> reporter: good evening, denise. a police source tells us the cop on the video is assigned to the 19th district. that we're not revealing his name because he has not been criminally charged. shortly after we saw this video on facebook, we began reaching
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out to the police department, as well as the person who posted this video. you see a uniformed philadelphia police officer walking with students. you hear him singling out and cursing at one student as he proceeds toward the middle of the group. the cop raises his hand, pointing a finger toward that student. >> big man -- >> reporter: using another curse word and threatening the student. >> okay. >> reporter: i e-mailed the clip to high-ranking officers. one responded, we're quoting here, "the video does not reflect well on the officer. i have no doubt he had good reason to be exasperated. but you have to maintain your professional demeanor." a police spokes did person for the department told us they are aware of the incident. they also say the officer involved is going to be disciplined. live outside police headquarters, monique braxton, nbc 10 news. it was unanimous. a union representing more than 4,000 septa workers voted to authorize a strike. those plans will move forward if
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a contract agreement can't be reached soon. nbc 10 spoke with riders about the new threat of a strike. >> reporter: one after another, the broad street line departs fern rock transportation center to pick up and drop off passenger throughout the city. >> how much do you depend on the service? >> every day. >> every day. and i'm an hour and a half away from my job. if they were to strike, i wouldn't be able to get to work. >> reporter: the 4,700 workers of transport union 234 have been without a contract since march. workers operate the subways, trolleys, buses, and maintenance. now, union leadership says they will decide a date and time to shut off the lights. >> it's crazy. >> reporter: and walk off the job. >> put me in harm's way. i mean, i'll be stranded. you know, nowhere -- no transportation. what would i do? >> reporter: rider i spoke with said they're tired of the back and forth between the union and
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septa. both ride is working toward an agreement. key -- both sides are working toward an agreement. key points -- >> they work like we do everyday. everybody should be treated fair. everybody needs transportation and jobs. >> reporter: a grinding halt is something this rider isn't willing to support. >> i mean, the septa people down here, they're going to be okay. you know, they're going to be on vacation. the people that struggle every day are not going to have no way to get to work. >> reporter: septa has not received notice this a work stoppage is imminent. if and when that does happen, a service interruption plan will go into effect. at fern rock transportation center, nbc 10 news. the nation's top infectious disease expert is warning that the mandatory 21-day quarantine of medical worker returning from west africa is unnecessary and could discourage volunteers from traveling to the danger zone. this as a nurse remain in isolation in new jersey. nbc 10's randy gyllenhaal is
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live in newark hospital where casey hick didox is being treat. >> reporter: the hospital tells me she has a alcoholism-controlled room. she has access to a -- climate-controlled room. she has access to a cell phone and can order delivery food. she says she feels trapped inside the hospital. nurse casey hickox remains in isolation on the ground of university hospital in newark. she tested negative for ebola, but since she treated patients in west africa, a state order keep her quarantined here for 21 days. >> what did she tell you about her experience? >> reporter: we spoke with casey's mother on the phone from the family home near dallas, karen hickox didn't want her voice recorded but told me casey feels her rights have been violat violated. she has no temperature, no symptoms. she doesn't know what's going to happen. that's the most frustrating part. she doesn't know what the next step is. it might be a lawsuit.
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hickox hired a civil rights attorney and could take the forced isolation to court. on the streets of new york -- >> panic -- >> reporter: growing skepticism of the mandatory quarantines and new jersey governor chris christie is also getting pushback from infectious disease experts who say isolation is not necessary for people showing no symptoms. >> do you no longer trust the cdc and doctor and scientists? >> reporter: chris christie firing back on fox news this morning. >> i don't believe when you're dealing with something as serious as this that we can count on a voluntary system. this is government's job. if anything else, the government's job is to protect the safety and health of our citizens. so we've taken this action, and i absolutely have no second thoughts about it. >> reporter: christie even getting pushback from the white house. he thinks the mandatory
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isolation plan will soon go national to every state. so far we've seen it pop up in new york, illinois, and now florida. live in newark, nbc 10 news. in liberia, the first 17 ebola treatment units built by american forces will be open within weeks. that is the word from the u.s. general in charge of the mission to fight ebola in liberia. he made the announcement today during a transfer of power ceremony in monrovia. yesterday the first of three vessel carrying aid arrived in the country. the ship brought 690 containers of much-needed supplies including construction materials, personal protective equipment, and food. and you can count on nbc 10 to help ease your concerns about the ebola virus. tomorrow morning we'll have two medical professionals here at the nbc 10 studios answering your questions. if you do have a question, send it right now, log on to the nbc 10 facebook page and look for the ebola q&a section. we'll answer them live tomorrow from 4:00 to 7:00 a.m. here on nbc 10 news today.
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a crisp fall day across our area. lots of sunshine, but plenty of wind, as well. here's a live look at the flags in center city. blowing around. meteorologist brittney shipp is here. will the windy weather be sticking around? >> it's going to die down after tonight. tomorrow we'll have the sunshine but won't see the wind speeds. philadelphia, 65 degrees. was a mild day. low humidity. definitely windy. right now, breezy conditions. wind speed sustained out of the west/northwest at 16 miles per hour. gusting up to 23 miles per hour. and we're seeing higher wind gusts throughout the rest of our area, especially in the poconos where wind gusts are currently at 29 miles per hour. earlier today we were closer to 46 miles per hour with some wind speeds. as we head into the rest of tonight, mild condition expected as we head into 8:00 p.m. 55 and cool as we reach the 10:00 hour.
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we'll see wind speeds relaxing. we're tracking temperatures returning back to the 70s. i'll let you know when coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast. >> thanks. new at 6:00, a three-car crash in olney sends several people to the hospital today. nbc 10 on the scene along north 5th near west rockland. the volkswagen pass at flipped over. two people had to be cut from the vehicle. at least three parked cars were also hit. no one was seriously hurt. down again. prices at the pump continue to fall. experts say it's not over yet. find out how low prices are expected to go in the coming week. and it's a birthday wish many of us had. but for this teen it actually came true. the amazing gift she'll be cashing in on coming up.
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good news for drivers. gas prices are at the lowest level in almost four years. according to aaa, the average in is now $3.07 a gallon. the lowest since january th of 2011. spers say the tumble -- experts say the tumble increases the likelihood that the national price could reach the $3 mark for the first time since 2011. in the five-county region, you can expect to pay an average of $3.15 a gallon. prices are below $3 in delaware, and the average is $2.90. and even low nature south jersey at $-- lower in south jersey at $2.81 a gallon. have you been putting off a colon cancer screening? starting tomorrow, you'll be able to get a new home test that's nonevative and doesn't require all that -- non-evasive and doesn't require all that prep work. the colo-guard look for blood in the stool and detects dna that could be a sign of cancer. you send it to a lab. if the test is positive, you'd need a colonoscopy. experts say it does look promising, but its impact on
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cancer risk and survival is not yet known. pieces of history make a stop in our area. the story behind these colorful quilts ahead. and our dry stretch is going to continue, but i'm also tracking warmer temperature. i'll let you know what to expect as you head to work. at the bottom in job creation. massive cuts to education. and higher property taxes. under governor corbett, pennsylvania's been heading in the wrong direction. there's been no leadership and no vision. that's gotta change. as your governor, i will lead. and we'll move pennsylvania forward. we'll restore manufacturing jobs. close corporate tax loopholes. and make the gas companies pay up to fund our schools.
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plenty of people get lottery tickets for birthday gifts, but how many are winner this big winner? one chicago teenager is a untilaire after her father gave her two scratch-off stick as a gift for her 19th birthday. they were worth $4 million. thousands of people hit the streets for a great cause. nbc 10 and center city for the jdrf 1 walk. participants walked three miles collecting money for type 1 diabetes research. a second walk of held
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simultaneously today in bu-- in bucks county community college. the walk has raised more than $1 million to help those suffering with type 1 diabetes. good evening. as we head into the rest of tonight, wind speeds will slowly die down pushing into tomorrow. it's going to be a fall-like monday with plenty of sunshine. temperature staying pretty close to our average. then warmer again. we are tracking a return to the 70s. midweek, showers, a chance of showers for you by the time we head to wednesday. right now, you see the flags are moving. a windy day especially in the pocon poconos. throughout the city, gusts closer to 23 miles per hour for philadelphia. 65 degrees right now, our humidity low at 33%. so apart from the wind speeds, it was a comfortable sunday. yesterday was better with our conditions. 49 degrees in the poconos. 60 in allentown. we're at 61 in atlantic city. low 60s in stone harbor. 64 now in dover.
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and temperature in wilmington at 63. if you take a look at our temperature now versus yesterday, we're about ten degrees cooler in the poconos, four, allentown, five. pottstown, similar conditions in philadelphia. wind speed gusting up to 29 miles per hour in the poconos. 23 in philadelphia. slowly starting to die down. live camera network shows just a few clouds here near the poconos. we're also seeing those flags moving still on top of the aramark building. as we push into the rest of the night, closer to 10:00, 11:00, we're going to start to see our wind speed dying down. we'll see mostly clear skies tonight. cool condition for us, even the possibility of patching frost. if you live closer to the poconos. if we widen out the shot, we don't have any weather disturbances heading our way. we'll see dry condition again for monday heading into tuesday. our temperatures are going to drop down just a few degrees, pushing into monday. 65 degrees will be the high tomorrow. today's official shy 67. our average for this time of year, around 64. expect another fall-like day heading into tomorrow.
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clear and cool for us tonight. temperatures in philadelphia drop down to 44 degrees. 35 for suburbs to the north and west. as we push into tomorrow, plenty of sunshine. temperature range between 60 and 65. so a few degrees cooler than what we saw today. your seven-day forecast shows warmer temperatures on the way. take a look at tuesday, 75 degrees. chance of showers as we head into wednesday. temperatures still at 70. we cool down heading into halloween on your friday. only 58 degrees. by the weekend, next weekend, talking about daytime highs in the high 40s, low 50s. thanks. i'm john clark. we'll tell you how the eagles are doing. plus, could they be interested in trading for a receiver? and why penn state fans and former players are not happy after last night's loss. we'll hear from coach james franklin next. ♪ this flu season... remember this. your immune system doesn't work the way it did when rock was young.
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i'm john classwork from comcost sports net. the eagles trail the cardinal 1-7 in the third quarter. they just gave up the 80-yard touchdown pass from fitzgerald. the eagles turned the ball over twice deep in cardinals taberer to territory -- cardinal' territory in the first half. reports the eagles have been calling the tampa bay bucs about trading for receiver vincent jackson. how about some other nfl action. seahawks and panthers. fourth quarter, cam newton going tight for benjamin. look at this catch. panthers add the field goal, they're up 9-6. after this great catch, russell wilson is going to find luke rossen. touchdown, and the seahawks win 13-9. they're 4-3. carolina has only won once in
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their last sick games. bad day to be a jets quarterback. gino smith, three interceptions in the first quarter. he's benched again. second quarter for the bills, kyle orton going deep for sammy watkins. he's going to make the catch. but watch what sammy does here. look at this. styling and profiling. he gets caught from behind. celebrated too early. that's a rookie mistake. third quarter, michael vick in to gino smith. and he's intercepted. three turnovers from vick. jets with six turnovers. the bills win 43-23. the bears got blown out in new england today. check out the ridiculous catch by marcell is benneis bennett. catch the pass over his head. on the turf, somehow keep the ball from touching the ground. wow. patriots blew them out 51-23. what a catch there. penn state, they came back from being 17-0 at the half last night. they went to double overtime
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with ohio state. nittany lions' fans are not happy with the ref. bad calls from the officials. look. penn state's first drive. hackenberg intercepted. look at the ball -- it touches the ground. okay. the ref said they couldn't review the play properly because of an equipment malfunction. that leads to an ohio state touchdown. then the 49-yard buckeyes' field goal never should have txhappe. the play clock hit zero. should have been a delay of game. coach james franklin tried to hide his frustrations afterwards. >> all that equals ten points, right? yeah. yeah. guys, i -- i'm a guy. i think you guys are starting to get to know a little better. i would love to come hin here o a weekly base i and -- base i and tell you exactly what i think. and it goes against everything about who i am. i tell people the truth, but i'm not able to do that.
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>> yeah. he's not happy. all right. we sat down with phillies' actaing president this week. he would not say that ryan howard will be back next season. phillies reportedly trying to trade him. i asked if chase utley could possibly change position this year. >> there's a possibility. i mean, chase could play another position. there's a lot of mixing and matches that could go on. so we'll -- we'll have to wait and see, you know, what happens over the months of november, december, and january. and i think we'll get some other options. hopefully we'll have other options for ryne sandberg come opening spring training in february. pat, a lot of thing have changed since i first came to baseball and the phillies. you're an old-school baseball man. how has analytics and a new way of scouting changed everything and the way thing are done? >> analytics sick just another tool -- analytics is just
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another tool that use. i might be old school, but it's something that's quite important to us. consequently, i think you have to use analytics when you're making the decision. makes you ask a question -- i mean, if the two thing don't jive, if the scouting reports and analytical people don't jive, you got to ask the question why they don't jive. i think that's what it does. >> very interesting. we'll have eagles' reaction, a report from garrick gunn from arizona and more after sunday night football. back to you. >> thanks. time to check in with lester holt for a look at what's coming up on "nbc nightly news." lester? >> all right. coming up tonight, the debate now raging over whether those who had contact with ebola patients in africa need to be quarantined after returning to the u.s. that's with several states ordering such quarantines. plus, first lady michelle obama now being set out on a mission that some democrats fear her husband can't accomplish. also, concern in colorado as marijuana turns up in classrooms
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in forms teachers can't detect when we see you in a few minutes for nightly news. back to you. >> see you soon. thanks. and we'll be right back.
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smnchl some interesting peas of americana wont display today. they look like ordinary quilts but contain hidden maps and codes used to guide slaves along the underground railroad. the railroad is a network of secret routes and safe houses that helped fugitive slaves escape the south and get to the north to freedom. that's nbc 10 news for now. for all of us, see you back here after the game. "nbc nightly news" is next. for news and weather updates any time, head to
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on this sunday night, ebola battle, over whether those who are fighting the disease overseas really need to be quarantined when they get back home to the united states. ready to evacuate. residents in hawaii get ready to flee a red hot lava flow heading for their homes. pot in the schools. in a state where the drug is legal for adults, the worry over what students are doing in class, in some cases right under the nose of their teachers. and down to the wire. with the mid-term elections just over a week away, why senate democrats are hoping michelle obama can do what they fear her husband cannot.