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tv   NBC 10 News at 5pm  NBC  October 16, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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often shouting "shame on you." they are directing that to the school reform commission. there's a school reform commission meeting in just a half hour. this is the first scheduled meeting since october 6th when they had a surprise meeting with very little notice and the src canceled its contract with the teachers union saying it was going to force teachers to start contributing to their health benefits which would mean $21 to $71 out of the paycheck every pay period. they said teachers were not making a meaningful contribution offering up meaningful concessions after 21 months of negotiations. jerry jordan, the president of the pft, was just speaking. he said we are showing them that you can't walk all over us, and that we sacrifice every single day in the classroom. that we spend our own money on supplies for our students. but the src says this would put
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millions of dollars back into the classroom for the supplies, for the basics that philadelphia school district children do not have and that they need to do something, this is not their first choice, but they said this is the only option that they have. now, we understand when we go inside at 5:30, they start with public comments and 60 people have signed up to speak for 3 minutes a piece. that is three hours of public comment before the src commissioners even start going on with their normal meeting. and, of course, we will be covering it and telling you what happens live from broad street, in front of the school district, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news. and right now on "nbc 10 news at 5," ebola concerns. we are following several new developments regarding the ebola virus.
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>> we're here to tell you exactly what we know, keeping you informed about the facts and not the fear or hype. now, just in the last 30 minutes president obama authorized the pentagon to call up reserve and national guard troops if they're needed to west africa. they would not provide direct health aid. nbc 10 has also learned the children's hospital of philadelphia is one of about four medical facilities in the country that's been designated to treat any child of the u.s. who may become infected with ebo ebola. preparation of the hospital and the staff is already under way. ebola concerns are at the heart of a tense congressional hearing in washington. lawmakers had tough questions on hospital protocols and travel restrictions. several republicans suggested a partial travel ban for people who have been in west africa while top health officials defended their actions. nurse nina pham is on her way to the national institutes of health in maryland.
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she's the first person to be bon u.s. soil after treating a patient from west africa. maryland has one of four facilities in the country capable of handling this kind of patient. >> nbc 10 has crews brings you live coverage from dallas, texas, bethesda, maryland, and here at home with ebola preparation plans happening in philadelphia and delaware. >> speaking of which, let's talk about the big question. just how prepared is philadelphia for ebola? >> city leaders met today to organize how to respond to ebola. councilman curtis jones leads the city's public safety committee. he said in the case of a health emergency, the city would be in charge of containment until the cdc could take over. >> our job here as a city could be to contain it until they got here. >> local health officials say they will hold a series of drills in the coming weeks. well today we learned that the first person to be infected with ebola while on u.s. soil is headed to maryland for treatment. >> maryland has one of only four
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facilities in america capable of handling ebola patients. nbc 10's nefertiti jaquez is in maryland awaiting nina pham's arrival. >> reporter: we are here and monitoring the situation very closely. we're told nina pham is expected to arrive here in maryland from dallas around 11:00 tonight. we're told she will be flown here and then transported to the national institutes of health. we just checked and doctors here say that she will be placed in the hospital's isolation unit which specializes in the deadly virus. you may recall that the 26-year-old nurse was diagnosed with the virus sunday after treating thomas eric duncan who died of ebola last week. now, the plan is to move her here and then continue treatment. nih officials are not revealing much at this hour, but we can tell you we are here, we are monitoring it all and we, of course, will be here throughout the evening to bring you the very latest developments. for now, we're live in maryland,
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nefertiti jaquez, nbc 10 news. ahead at 5:30, what health leaders in the state of delaware are changing about ebola protocols and why the plan runs counter to what the cdc is suggesting. of course, social media is a critical tool. learning about facts versus ebola fear. that's why we encourage you to turn to or use our news app. right now on, learn exactly how the virus spreads and its symptoms. also use the #ebola on twitter as we push out articles, alerts and new information about ebola. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> now speaking about our weather, we sure dried out after our morning rain. >> nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen is tracking drier weather for us. what's on tap for tonight, sheena? >> tonight we'll be dry through most of the area. there's a chance we could still see a few showers west of philadelphia. other than that, we are certainly clearing out. here's our sky camera network.
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we have clearing conditions at the shore. this shot is around brigantine. philadelphia area seeing more in the way of sunshine. more clouds are still hanging around the poconos. here's a live look up in the poconos around lake wall wallenpaupa wallenpaupack. you see the overcast conditions. we're not seeing much in the way of rain with those clouds. we have a chance west of philadelphia. temperatures, though, not very cold considering what we'll see later on this weekend. we're right around 69 degrees in philadelphia. mid to upper 60s areas north and west. so cooler with some of those clouds around. poconos coming in at 61 degrees. closer to the shore, near 70 degrees. it's a nice day with conditions drys up. tomorrow will be really nice, too, before the cold air gets here this weekend. by 6:00 p.m. tonight, partly sunny. the clouds will still be here. 68 degrees by 6:00 p.m. 8:00 tonight, partly cloudy. temperatures in the mid 60s. by 10:00, we're looking at clouds hanging around. low 60s. so the weather system that brought us all the heavy rain last night is very slowly
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clearing out. the heavy rain is clearing out. now we have to just get rid of the clouds. coming up, i'll show you how cool it will be as we go through your weekend and into next week. that's straight ahead. delaware county s.w.a.t. teams spring into action today, but only for a drill. ns nbc 10 in sharon hill for the second annual delaware county s.w.a.d. challenge, hosted by the delaware county district attorney's office and tests the physical, technical, and decision-making skills required when there are lives on the line. its ultimate goal is to build morale and unity among team members. happening right now, hundreds of philadelphia school students are finding out if they have to find another place to learn. nbc 10's cydney long is live. cyd? >> reporter: keith, that's right. time and money has run out for students here at the walter palmer leadership academy and charter school. that lottery process just now getting under way in the last couple of minutes. students and parents crossing their fingers but bracing for the worst to learn if they'll get a seat in the classroom or
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not. and we have brand new information about the death of comedian joan rivers. what the new york medical examiner is saying about how she died. and speaking out. the pennsylvania supreme court judge at the center of the state's porn e-mail investigation is finally talking. what he's saying about the hundreds of explicit messages he allegedly sent online. this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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back to breaking news, live to skyforce 10. the protest is growing. hundreds of people at a peaceful protest. many members of the philadelphia federation of teachers rallying in spring garden angry that the school reform commission recently canceled their contract. now, a meeting of the src is expected tonight. as you can see, both sides of south broad street there are completely shut down because of all those people. nbc 10's lu ann cahn is there, so count on nbc 10 to bring you any new developments live on the ground and from skyforce 10. and speaking of education, happening right now, philadelphia charter school students are learning their educational fate. >> hundreds of them will be forced to attend another school. >> nbc 10's cydney long is live in north philadelphia to explain. cydney? >> reporter: keith and jacqueline, the lottery process inside palmer charter school, a k-12 school is right now under way.
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in all, some 535 students and their families will be searching for a new school. they'll be cut from the enrollment here. it is something that's put this charter school at odds with the philadelphia district and actually landed them in the courtroom. right now behind these doors, all thoughts are about who has a classroom or not. >> it will be devastating. >> reporter: founder of palmer charter school, dr. walter palmer, says his heart is broken by having to cut his student body nearly in half from 1,200 to 675. students whose names are drawn by lottery in grades k-4 tonight will keep their seats in the classroom. leaving 5-year-old unique ray and her cousin, marissa, wondering where they will go to school next. >> getting upset is not going to change or prove or hurt anything, you know? you have to do what you have to do as a parent. and if that means change schools, then so be it. >> school is not a bad thing for
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students in regards to it, and they're in an extreme position. >> reporter: in the process of revoking chalmers potter that could shut the school down. fernando with the district says the school overspent and overenrolled violating its charter and they are taking state education funds from the district all while students here are underperforming. >> that's their dissent. there are 85 schools, their schools, the district schools which are lower performance than us. what this really talks about is school choice. these parents, 1,200 students refuse to leave. >> reporter: palmer says by law you can't cap charter school growth. until may of this year, they received pupil funding religiously. >> we're going to help transition these families. we're not going to abandon them, not kicking them out the door. we're not just throwing them away. >> reporter: while she was on her way in crossing her fingers, one mother told me without em knowing her second grade daughter's fate, she reached out to 12 schools citywide and wouldn't be able to get her
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daughter enrolled anywhere until november. catholic schools and charter schools will set up vendor booths here tonight to help makes make this difficult transition. we'll let you know how to plays out. live in philadelphia, cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> tough for those kids, thank you. new information tonight about the death of comedian joan rivers. her death won't be considered a homicide because she died of complications during a medical procedure. the 81-year-old went to the doctor in late august to check out voice changes and gastric reluxe. she died a week later. a lack of oxygen to her brain during a routine medical procedure caused her death. that's according to the medical examiner. rivers' daughter is not commenting on the ruling. a new jersey man is busted in an undercover sting. police say he knowingly bought stolen jewelry, coins and other goods. police say the man set up shop at a hotel in toms river. he was arrested yesterday after allegedly agreeing to purchase the merchandise from an
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undercover cop. he's charged with receiving stolen property and the fencing of goods. he is free on bail. also in ocean county, this man is behind bars. christopher wayda broke into a toms river home and stole jewelry. officers say head crack cocaine an him when arrested. wayda was recently released from prison after serving several years for burglary. he's facing charges that include burglary, theft. a dallas judge dismissed the sexual assault lawsuit filed against jerry jones. a woman accused jones of grabbing her and forcibly kissing her in 2009. she demanded more than $1 million in damages. jones' employer insists all of the allegations were false. now, as we've been telling you, concern is growing across the nation about the ebola virus. >> nbc 10 sent two reporters to dallas, and as nbc 10's christine maddela found out, her flight was full of people talking about the illness.
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>> reporter: we flew from philadelphia to dallas yesterday afternoon. on that plane, we were able to talk to some other passengers about ebola. it seems like a topic everyone is talking about. some of those passengers we talked to live here in dallas and they were just in philadelphia visiting family and friends. others like steven is in dallas for business. he lives in downstown and told me his wife and son are worried about him being here. his wife gave him hand sanitizer and instructions on how to stay safe. the frequent flyer also told me he did notice some changes at philadelphia international airport. tsa agents paying closer attention to passengers. >> there were a couple of people that got questioned about, you know, that you could tell -- in line, they wanted to know how long have you been sick? where have you traveled? that kind of thing. so, i, again, i haven't seen that in the past. >> reporter: i overheard the same thing when i was getting ready at the airport to fly down
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here. i was behind two passengers, tsa stopped them, told them they looked sick, asked them how they were feeling and where they had traveled before arriving in philadelphia. so looks like some of the health screenings are already under way at philadelphia international airport. reporting in dallas, christine maddela, nbc 10 news. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, after the heavy rain yesterday and late last night, this morning, too, we are definitely clearing out. so a drier day today. pretty nice. pretty mild through the area. and even tomorrow, it will be a nice day, but still pretty mild temperatures. colder air, though, is coming. it is in the forecast and will arrive this weekend. one day will be colder than the other. we're also keeping our eye in the atlantic. we have a pretty big hurricane. a major hurricane. unfortunately, on its way to bermuda. so i'll show you the track in just a minute. right now, here's a live look out at center city from the adventure aquarium. clouds around. little more in the way of
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sunshine right now. the clouds are leftover from the rain we saw overnight. they're slow to move out. eventually we'll see a lot more in the way of sunshine. right now in philadelphia, 69. winds breezily around 15 miles an hour. temperatures areas north and west are pretty uniform in about the mid to upper 60s here. 68 for allentown and reading. 6 6 pottstown and westchester. 69, again, in philadelphia. much of south jersey and delaware, temperatures here in about the upper 60s. stone harbor coming in closer to 70 degrees. as we go through the overnight hours tonight, we'll be cooler than last night and drier. all the heavy rain you see that moved through overnight is pushing offshore. it's part of a cold front, but the colder air really won't get here until the second half of the weekend. we still do, though, have leftover showers from this same system. it's just pretty slow to get out of here, but we do have heavier showers, even a thunderstorm starting to move into parts of lancaster county. berks county starting to see some showers approaching. some of these where you see the red color shows us the heavier rain. not everybody will see the rain
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tonight. there will be a few showers in the forecast mostly west of philadelphia. here's future weather. it does show these showers slowly moving into the area, mostly through parts of lehigh valley, berks, lancaster county having the best chance. not that they need anymore rain. we saw a lot of rain in those areas overnight last night. a few showers in the forecast for the overnight hours or the evening hours tonight. here's a look at future temperatures. we are fairly mild right now. even though it is a little cooler outside in some areas. look what happens as we go into the weekend. the cold air really moves down and by sunday morning, we'll be dealing with some very chilly temperatures empb s empb in th afternoon we may not get out of the 50s. here's the hurricane i was telling you about, hurricane gonzalo, a very strong hurricane. winds sustained near 145 miles an hour. it's in the atlantic and on a pretty direct path to bermuda. could be a major hurricane by the time it hits bermuda friday afternoon. so, of course, it is going to stay well away from the eastern seaboard, but we will be tracking it as we go through the
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next several days. tonight, we will stay cooler. clouds hang around, too. temperatures, mid 50s in philadelphia. upper 40s areas north and west. chance of a shower the farther west you go of philadelphia. for tomorrow, sunny. really nice day. 72 to 75 degrees to end out the week. we go into saturday. the nbc 10 shredder event is saturday. you can take your documents to get shredded in the wells fargo parking lot. 70 degrees. pretty good conditions. sunday for the aids walk, it is going to be chilly and windy. temperatures in the mid 50s. >> all right, sheena. thank you. you can vote for the high school blitz game of the week for friday, october 24th. choices are, well, the annual doylestown rivalry between central bucks east and west. the battle of the brandywine between downingtown east and west. or triton on the road against paul. a big rivalry will. to vote, go to or facebook page. also call or text your once a day vote to 610-624-4111. the game with the most votes is
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featured on the "high school blitz" every saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. it's been nearly two years since hurricane sandy destroyed miles of beaches, homes and property. part of the problem, the battered frontline of defense. ahead, where new jersey is now in rebuilding beachfront sand dunes. and we know gas prices are dropping but new cars are also becoming more efficient. we're adding up the dollars to tell you how much you're saving.
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in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that
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aren't his to make. we can't stress this enough. no one has tested positive for ebola here in our area. >> but nbc 10 has learned children's hospital of philadelphia could play a critical role if the ebola health crisis escalates. nbc 10's rosemary connors is live in university city and just received new information from c.h.o.p. what have you learned, rosemary? >> reporter: that's right, ja jacqueline and keith. i spoke to the medical director . she told me it was the state of pennsylvania, state officials who asked administrators at c.h.o.p. if they would be one of few sites throughout the country that would treat children in the u.s.ebola. they have isolation rooms at c.h.o.p. now it's the matter of continuing to educate the staff of thousand be safe, how to wear
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protective gear and wear it properly. c.h.o.p. did not hesitate when they were asked to participate in this program. >> caring for sick children is in line with our mission here at c.h.o.p. we accepted the offer. certainly need to continue to prepare for that possibility. we've had preparations in place, planning in place since early august, using guidance from the cdc as well as locally, and have been using the guidance to develop a preparedness plan. >> reporter: i also asked dr. sammons if the cdc guidelines are sufficient enough to make sure that the staff is safe. she believes that they are. she also says she expects that they will continue to evolve. this is, of course, a very fluid situation. she says, though, no doubt about it, they are certainly ready for any case that walks through their doors. reporting live outside of c.h.o.p. in university city, i'm rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. just released epa report says new cars have reached a record in gas mileage. >> a difference of five miles per gallon can equal 3,600 free
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miles each year for the average driver. the feds say cars sold in 2013 average about 24 miles per gallon. that's up five miles per gallon in ten years. and with gas prices up over $3, people are starting to notice. many shoppers aren't kicking the tires anymore. they are checking the mileage. >> i've been driving a little sedan, so i wanted an suv but wanted one that would still get good gas mileage. >> it's ridiculous, the improvements they've made in diesel and all that different stuff, too. >> the report also showed while fuel economy has increased, carbon dioxide emissions have sunken to a record low. the biggest improvements were seen in suvs and crossovers. retailers are hoping for happy holidays this year. a survey by the national retail federation says shoppers plan to spend nearly 5% more this year. according to the survey, consumers will spend about $800 more across the board. those polled say nearly 57% of their shopping be done online.
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deals continue to be the number one factor driving buying decisions. we continue to follow ebola concerns as we celebrate the facts from fear. >> federal, state, and local officials are putting together plans in case the virus should ever appear in our area. and delaware is taking a unique approach. >> reporter: that's right. delaware health officials are essentially saying thanks, but no thanks, to some cdc ebola guidelines. coming up, we'll tell you whose plan they are going to be following, keith. and tim, it played out live right here yesterday at 5:00. you saw this. emergency workers in hazmat suits moving one of the ebola-infected nurses. a head by one of them, see them right there, wasn't wearing any protective gear
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. a nurse from texas with ebola virus is on her way to maryland. nina pham is going to be treated at the national institutes of health outside of washington. she's the first person to be infected with the ebola virus on u.s. soil after treating a patient from west africa. congress asks tough questions about how prepared the nation is for ebola. that happens as the president authorizes the call-up of the national guard and reserves. they would go to work if needed to address the ebola outbreak in west africa. concerns over the ebola virus have communities across the nation and here at home looking at their own emergency procedures. >> and the state of delaware, health officials are considering
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a different approach than many other states. nbc 10 delaware bureau reporter tim furlong is live in wilmington. how are they preparing, tim? >> reporter: it's been a rough couple weeks for the cdc. how about that first? everyone questioning the way they're handling things. now what you have here is the state of delaware basically taking a pass on cdc guidelines. they think they might have found a better guide to keeping health care workers safe. with so much video of folks in moon suits and worries about the spread of ebola, it's getting tougher to keep americans calm. >> i think the first thing that's important is folks not panic. >> reporter: the chairman of the senate subcommittee on after rick karks he says the u.s. needs to do more here and there. to keep ebola from spreading. >> i think we need to do empb mo even more to make sewure all of our public hospitals and health facilities are fully trained and equipped and to implement more thorough screening. >> reporter: delaware health officials decided the state's hospitals and first responders should use the world health organization's guidelines for
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health care workers dealing with ebo ebola, not the cdc. officials here say the w.h.o. guidelines are more clear and definitive, use a double glove method and w.h.o. uses a buddy system so health care workers can monitor each other to make sure they get their ppes on and off safely. abigail hoss is a paramedic. she has a ppe suit in the back of her rig. she says if someone exhibits ebola symptoms, she knows how she will handle it and says whichever delaware hospital gets that patient, she is confident they are ready, too. >> everybody is on the same plane. we're playing in the same sand box as all the hospitals and with the delaware department of public health, everybody is on the same page. we have procedures that are in effect right now that if we bring somebody in that we deem has met the criteria for possibly contracting ebola, that they have procedures in place of how to act. >> reporter: no problems here at this hospital. they are getting their plan together. the head of the public health division tells me over the phone today, this is about frontline
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experience. the world health organization is on the ground in west africa practicing what they preach. they see what work and what doesn't. why wouldn't they use that advice to keep workers here in delaware safe? we're going to keep you posted on the situation in delaware and count on nbc 10 to keep covering this story all over the viewing area and all over the country. live in wilmington, tim furlong, nbc 10 news. delicate transport. you saw it live here on "nbc 10 news at 5" yesterday. the nurse infected with ebola wheeled on to a plane flanked by emergency workers in full hazmat gear. at 5:45, we're asking why one of them had no protective gear. you can see him standing behind gentleman wearing all white. remember this, social media will be critical as we spread the word about ebola. we encourage you to turn or use our news app and use #ebola on twitter as we publish articles, alerts and new information about ebola. switching gears, though,
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now, let's go live to the air to skyforce 10. both sides of south broad street are shut down. the reason, this protest outside a school district building in spring garden. members of the philadelphia members of teachers, hundreds are rallying on south broad. they're angry the school reform commission canceled their contract. now, a meeting with the src is expected tonight. nbc 10's lu ann cahn is there. you can count on nbc 10 to bring you any new developments in anticipation of this meeting as this protest takes place. we are live on the ground and in the air from skyforce 10. tomorrow will be the five-week anniversary of the murder of a pennsylvania state trooper. eric frein remains on the run. nbc 10's doug shimell tells us there are a lot of theories in that area where it's believed he's hiding. >> reporter: well, much of state police have been amending their theories about eric frein is and how he's surviving. the residents in the middle of the manhunt are doing the same
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thing. >> got something in the box. >> reporter: in the five-week search, harry went from thinking fugitive eric frein left the area to the bunker theory. >> if the police and the state troopers and u.s. marshals and the fbi haven't found this guy yet, he's had a number of places that he can go to where he stocked up provisions that he can just stay for weeks on end. >> makes me wonder if he's still here. >> reporter: catherine was convinced the fugitive sniper was in a bunker somewhere but rethought it. >> in order to build a bunker, he would have had a backhoe, you know, he couldn't dig that big of a hole to make a bunker. >> reporter: someone would have noticed. >> someone would have noticed. >> reporter: few believe the frein search would go on this long, cost the state of pennsylvania millions of dollars, cancel halloween and tank the local economy. and the question now is how much more of this can the economy and the residents take? >> i'm thinking when the leaves fall, he's not going to have a place to hide. you can see straight through the
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woods for miles. >> he must be getting help from somebody because no matter how much training you have, even if you're a survivalist, the guy can probably survive, but he's not going to thrive. >> reporter: though state police have never formally confirmed it, many residents here are convinced investigators have had eric frein's family under surveillance since the start of the manhunt. in price township, i'm doug shimell, nbc 10 news. elsewhere, philadelphia police are on the hunt for the masked woman who robbed a rittenhouse convenience store earlier this month. police say she was armed with a knife. she threatened works at the 7-eleven at 21st and lumbard on october 3rd and made off with cash. luckily no one was hurt. a pennsylvania contractor is arrested for theft and receiving stolen property. police say he was hired to do work at a reading daycare center. according to investigators, the owner paid him nearly $90,000 for work that was never
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completed. he sir ruurrendered to charges morning. vice president joe biden pays a visit to our area today. he came to see an ongoing project to deepen the delaware river. biden, who's from delaware, said he fought for years to get the river dredged from the delaware bay to south trenton. right now the area between the ben franklin bridge and walt whitman is 40-feet deep. when this project is finished it will be 45 feet deep. biden says that means larger ships will be able to dock and that will boost the tri-state's economy. >> it's going to bring in  another $1 billion in construction. another $1 billion in port infrastructure projects along the delaware river. >> project began in 2010. the 100-mile-stretch should be completed by 2017. it will cost about $300 million. we have new information about pennsylvania's porn e-mail investigation. what the state supreme court judge is saying about sending hundreds of explicit e-mails to colleagues and friends.
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and two years after hurricane sandy, rebuilding continues. we'll check on the progress of new jersey's beach front sand dunes. but first, here's what's coming up tonight on "nbc 10 news at 6" -- >> new at 6:00, children's hospital of philadelphia is now one one of a handful of hospitals across the country preparing to treat ebola patients. we're asking why this hospital and how they're preparing to deal with the infection. count on "nbc 10 news at 6."
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back to breaking news from skyforce 10. this protest outside the school district headquarters in spring garden in philadelphia, members of the philadelphia federation of teachers, hundreds of them as you an see clearly in this shot, rallying on north broad. they are angry at the src. the school reform commission that recently canceled their contract. a meeting with the src is expected tonight. both sides of north broad street have been shut down at this point. that's four lanes. count on nbc 10 to bring you any new updates, any developments. nbc 10's lu ann cahn is on the ground there. we're live on the ground and from skyforce 10. checking across the delaware now from our south jersey bureau, as the second
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anniversary of superstorm sandy approaches, new jersey says it has 80% of the easements it needs to rebuild dunes and replenish beaches, but it still needs about 400 of the blelegal permissions from private property owners. chris christie signed an order giving the state power to do whatever it takes to get the easementes including seizing them through imminent domain. a preservation milestone. the state has invested nearly $1.3 billion to preserve more than half a million acres of farmland. that's the most successful preservation effort in the country. the governor and agriculture secretary marked the milestone today at a farm in york county. it's been in the hands of the same family for 60 years. you saw it live right here on nbc 10. a nurse infected with ebola escorted on to a plane for treatment. see her surrounded by workers in protective gear except for that one guy in the back. it had lots of people asking questions. the reason he wasn't dressed in
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a hazmat suit is coming up. sheena, in the meantime, though, you're tracking some cold air. >> yes, i'm tracking colder air as we go into the weekend. one day is going to be much colder than the other. get the details in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast. that's next.
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the first day of screening at dulles international airport has been a quiet one. >> 10,000 international travelers come through dulles every day. out of that, about 15 to 55 passengers are from the west african countries affected by ebola. here's nbc's adam tuss. >> reporter: alice lives in shan tillie. today she's waiting for her brother to come into dulles from sierra leone. she said she's heard all the reports about the ebola outbreak
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but wants to hear what he has to say. >> i'm just waiting to hear firsthand from the mouth somebody to tell me what's going on. >> reporter: she still has some more waiting to do. her brother isn't due in until later tonight, but she did give us more insight. she says he's part of the military in sierra leone and coming to the d.c. area to receive training. >> yes. he'll be able to help our people back home. >> reporter: there are now stepped up screenings here, but screenings also happening in other parts of the world. franklin flew this morning from kenya to ethiopia, then here to dulles. he was screened in africa. >> it was quick. they're using -- there's no contact or anything like that. it's electronic. it's a temperature thing and you're done. >> reporter: but there are signs of fear. some wearing face masks. trilet marshall from ohio. what is it that specifically scares you? >> they're not really being specific on how you can contract it. i just -- i mean, it's too much. >> reporter: if is important to
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remember this information from the cdc. you cannot get ebola through water, through the air or through food. some say the country needs to think seriously about a ban on flights from west africa. >> i can't understand why it hasn't been in place since the beginning. definitely. anybody coming out of africa shouldn't be coming straight to here. >> reporter: back here now at dulles international airport, now some in the west africa community that live here in the u.s. tell us they're now afraid that a stigma is getting attached to them. at dallas international, nbc 10 news. all right. so this now. the mystery of that plain-clothes man on the tarmac at dallas love field has been involved. >> the man was wearing slacks, a button-down shirt and sunglasses while the crew in hazmat suits boarded dallas ebola patient amber vinson on to the airplane. check out this video. see him right there. nbc 10 learned the man is the medical safety coordinator for phoenix air. he oversees the transport of
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patients on the tarmac. part of the team's protocol is to have one person in street clothes. why you ask? those hazmat suits, they say, can block field of vision and hearing. they're specially trained, keep a safe distance from the patients, they say, and can suit up if needed. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, the heavy rain moved through overnight last night and early this morning, but it is cleared out of the area. but we do have a few showers we are tracking right now. otherwise, nice, mild conditions for most of us at the moment. even tomorrow, colder air, though, is on its way. it will be here for part of the weekend. not the entire weekend, but one day we'll be much colder than the other. we're also watching a major hurricane in the atlantic, bermuda right in the path of that. i'll show you the track in just a minute. right now, upper 6 0s in philadelphia. much of the lehigh valley is around 68 degrees. for allentown and reading, we have a few showers approaching.
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lancaster down to 60 degrees with the rain in that area right now. 7 0 for bensalem. 69 mt. holly. closer to the shore, temperatures are near 70 degrees. a little farther inland, just about the mid to upper 60s. it's a pretty nice day today, especially since we're a lot drier than yesterday. here's a live look out from the comcast center in philadelphia looking down on liberty 1 and 2. the clouds are starting to break up a little more right now than what we had earlier today. but in some areas, we are still seeing that rain moving in. so this is lancaster county. right around lancaster where that temperature dropped down to about 60 degrees. that's where we're seeing more heavier showers. right across 76 moving in, that's where we have more rain and parts of berks county, near hamburg seeing moderate rainfall along 78. it will be approaching reading. these are moving fairly slowly but some are getting heavier as they try to move in. not much rain back off to the west. as we go through tonight, we'll keep a chance of showers mainly west of philadelphia.
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the heavy rain pushed offshore, now in the new england area. it's all part of a cold front. so the colder air isn't really going to get here until the second half of the weekend. that's when temperatures will really drop off. future rain, though, is picking up the showers. just to our west. moving into lancaster and berks counties. so as we go through the next few hour, these showers will slowly move from west to east. not too impressive, though, as we tgo into the late hours tonight. most won't see the rain from that. temperature wise, on the mild side to end out the week and start off the weekend. look what happens as we go from saturday into sunday. much colder air is moving down from canada. and by sunday afternoon, many of us may not even get out of the 50s for daytime highs. that's going to carry over into next week. for tonight, though, mostly cloudy and cool. mid 50s in philadelphia. 58 degrees areas north and west. chance of a shower west of philadelphia. then tomorrow, we'll see sunny and nice conditions. mid to low 70s through the
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afternoon. we'll stay dry going through the weekend. saturday, the shredder event in the nbc 10 parking lot. 70 degrees. pretty windy but a nice day. sunday we drop to the mid 50s. that will be the high temperature. next week we stay in the 50s and we're also watching for potential rain. tuesday, wednesday, could be lingering, even into thursday. >> quite the shegue, sheena parveen. new victim of identity theft every three seconds in this country according to estimates. people tend to think they're at risk because of all the recent data breaches. thieves still steal identities and money through personal paperwork. >> have to be diligent with all of your paperwork and your statements and the credit card offers that you get. as you have been in the past. people will get that information and will steal your identity. >> and that risk is exactly why for ten years, nbc 10 has been offering free paper shredding at the great shredder event. people can use all their old
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documents with personal information like social security numbers, account numbers and have them shredded right before their eyes so they can stay safe from i.d. theft. nbc 10 at telemundo 622 2 nbc 10 at telemundo 622 2 is teaming up with all state to offer the public service yet again with the great shredder evan this saturday at the wells fargo center in south philly. many nbc 10 personalities will be there along with jackie, myself and experts in identity theft for you. hope to see you there. oh, did i mention, jackie, it's free. >> such a great thing to do. i need to take my own documents and have them shredded as well. >> up to five boxes worth, i should say. >> all right. we'll be there. see you then. he once presided over eagles court at the vet. >> he's at the center of a state e-mail investigation. what p.a. supreme court justice seamus mccaffrey is saying tonight about sending hundreds of explicit e-mails. and coming up on "nbc 10 news at 6," pennsylvania lawmakers take action after convicted cop killer momia abu jamal gives a commencement
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speech. how they're trying to stop felons from speaking in public ever again. this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years? a pennsylvania supreme court justice caught up in a pornographic e-mail scandal of the government is apologizing for a lapse in judgment. he says the court's chief justice is out to get him. review of e-mail traffic from the office shows justice seamus
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mccaffrey sent or received 237 e-mails with sex wrulually expl material or pornography. he issued a statement saying "i served my country proudly in the united states marine corps. i served my city proudly as an officer of the philadelphia police department. coarse language and crude jokes permeated both ranks. that's not an excuse, just a fact. i sincerely apologize for my lapse in judgment. i am truly sorry." several current and former employees of the pennsylvania attorney general's office are under review after a slew of explicit e-mails were discovered during an investigation into the handling of the jerry sandusky case. switching gears now, gas prices are going down. and experts say drivers can expect that to continue in the near future, at least. since peaking in may, average pump prices have gone down 46 cents per gallon according to the lundberg survey. slow global economic growth has
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hurt the oil market, but it's been good for refineries buying that crude oil. in the past week, the average price at the pump went down 9 cents in the philadelphia area. that sent it to $3.25. and an even bigger drop in south jersey, the average went down 11 cents in the past week to $2.93. and then 15 cents down in delaware to $2.99 putting the average price back under the $3 mark for those two states. new jersey lawmakers are trying to push for a bill to allow sports betting in the state. after getting support from the state senate earlier this week. the assembly took up the measure today. the bill is aimed at helping new jersey's casino and racetrack industries. it would partially repeal prohibitions in sports betting. the issue currently faces legal challenges from professional sports leagues at the ncaa. and those pregames that some of you may download and play on your smartphones cob another way to help atlantic city's
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struggling casino industry. new jersey casino regulators say they're ready to approve gambling on social games that involve an element of skill. for now, players would have to physically be in new jersey just like for internet gambling. the social games could be played at a casino, over the internet, or on a handheld device. coming up next on "nbc 10 news at 6," ebola. facts, not fear. we have live team coverage tonight, as we try to find out who would be in charge if the virus showed up in philly. well, i'm watching a major cool down headed our way. i'll tell you about that temperature change in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast. and we're following breaking news. hundreds of teachers protesting in philadelphia. shutting down broad street. what they're upset about. it's all next on "nbc 10 news at 6." mario scavello opposes abortions in all situations. in cases of rape, in cases of incest, and in cases where the mother's health is in danger.
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no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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right now on "nbc 10 news at 6," preparing for ebola. nbc 10 has learned the children's hospital of philadelphia is one of just a handful of facilities around the country where children with ebola could be taken. president obama is authorizing the pentagon to call the national guard and reserve troops to combat ebola in west africa if they're needed. and we've learned a second nurse with ebola will be flown from dallas to maryland today for
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treatment. tonight we're focusing on facts, not fear. so here's what you can expect from this newscast. we'll explain why the children's hospital could play such a prominent role if any children in this country get diagnosed with eebola. we have reporters in dallas and bethesda digging into how the nurses will be treated for the virus. we're looking for calls for travel bans to and from countries with significant ebola outbreaks and africa and tell you what happened when we tried to find out who's in charge of the ebola preparations here in philadelphia. this is news that is developing quickly. we have nbc 10 reporters stationed across the country from dallas, to bethesda, to right here at home. we begin with nbc 10's rosemary connors live at c.h.o.p. in philadelphia's university city. rosemary, you have been working this story all day. what have you found? >> reporter: well, renee, this afternoon we learned state officials here in pennsylvania asked administrators at c.h.o.p. just this week if they would be willing to have the hospital be designated as one of a