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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need find moms, what a meeting. maybe we can
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put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow. questions, suggestions, objections, but there is nothing else, what do you want, let’s do it well, they are worth it in advance.
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why did we launch a special military operation in ukraine, but because we did not have there is no other way out, because otherwise we all understand where everything was going, a war of extermination has been declared on us, in fact, no one in the west really hid this, now the hypocritical false statements that come from the other side are perceived by our people with nothing but contempt. the sincere conviction of the west that everything can be fooled, it simply touches, but of course, i understand that we are dealing with people who are uneducated, b, uncultured, and you were brought up in the sincere conviction that they are the salt of the earth, that they are the fluff of the earth that they are not may be wrong, they can never understand this, why do these people sincerely believe that several tens of millions are bad...
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war has really been declared on us, on what other basis can one country seize the assets of another country? they declared war on us, they are sure that nothing will happen to them for this, they are not on fire, because we say that what are you doing, how is it possible, well, really, stop it, of course you have nuclear weapons, but you that there is an illusion, if we did not have nuclear weapons, they would have already struck us at the moment not, now there is some kind of another of the former intelligence officers says:
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what did this bastard call the egg sniffer, and we have to say, no, no, what, we can’t, how is this possible, even think about it? the insignificance scholz began to express complaints to putin for what kante says and could have forbidden putin to quote, idiot, who are you anyway, you are nazi scum, where are you going, no one elected you, you were not elected by the german people, just as no sunnik was elected british people, who have you seized power,
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for them the word democracy has absolutely another meaning, this is an empty label, they are liars, we are dealing with a culture of liars, blinken is going with the twisted in china with threats of collapsing the chinese economy, who are you to even point out something to people based on what? you are the axis of evil, we are the ones attacked by iran, well, iran. who was attacked, the axis of evil iran, what terrorist acts did iran carry out in israel, just tell me what to understand, it delivered an unprecedented strike, using three hundred drones, this was used by american troops in less than a day
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strike on baghdad, much less than a conventional air operation, the start of hostilities by nato troops, from any source. the invasion is unprecedented, what is unprecedented, how many israeli scientists, political figures were killed on the territory of israel by the iranian intelligence services, zero, how many iranians were killed on the territory of iran by the israeli intelligence services, but the hand does not have enough fingers, why? answer: well, because israel considers itself to have the right to do this. okay, but if iran considers itself to have the right to do this, then iran becomes a terrorist? amazing logic. how many political figures of ukraine were killed by russian special services on the territory of ukraine? zero? how many terrorist attacks were carried out by
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ukrainian blind services on the territory of donbass, when donbass was independent, and then on the territory of russia. and does the civilized west say anything on this topic? silence, silence, china, that china presented something to someone? china sponsored at least one war against america, china supplied weapons to at least one country that fought with the americans, when in north korea, when, when is it right, when?
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part of china, but supplies weapons to taiwan, that is, good, then china will supply weapons to texas, california, alaska, well, this is absolute schizophrenia, and it doesn’t click in anyone’s head, this is all considered normal, america is introducing sanctions against russia, they are thieves, did we put them on the wanted list, no, why all of them? there is a german embassy, ​​get out of the country, these
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are in russia, what are our people doing there, why did people here declare war on us, if you want to fight, get it, they are stealing ours, sorry, no anything, people's money, it's money. our taxpayers, this is the money of each of us. american ideas stole russian taxpayers' money. i’m not talking about this, he’s talking about this. tucker carlson, please listen. the house of representatives advanced a bill that would allow biden to place frozen russian assets in a special reserve fund for ukraine. that would be the $8 billion that the us government just stole from russian citizens without trial. we don't like you, we'll take them away. this money is in are currently held in bank accounts in the united states. and you don’t have to be cynical that all this money will go to ukraine, because to our ruling. and germany
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is at war with us, and if they are at war, you will receive the full program, you will receive the full program, in their rhetoric they already say, as alexander viktorovich quoted one of the representatives of the air force, who said, we are not at war yet, but this is no longer... peace. ri shunok directly says that it’s all over. that is, that they are transferring industry to military rails. he's actually proud of it, come to think of it, right? the country that decides that it sends all its migrants to rwanda. that is, this is an absolutely colonial, phenomenally vile decision. and everyone around says: no, everything is fine. yes, that’s it, they are de facto creating concentration camps. let me remind you that it is the british who are. the fathers of the concentration camps, it was with these scum that it started, that this is exactly how it was
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during the boer war, the first concentration camps appeared during the boer war, concentration camps appeared in the american civil war, no, the first concentration camps, and not internment camps, just like concentration camps, appeared then during the anglo-burgian war, listen to rish sunik, i want to talk to you about how we... such as russia, iran, north korea and china, everything more aggressive. these problems seem far away, but they are not. they pose a real threat to the security and prosperity of the kingdom.
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the martyrs, who, as i myself have seen, are wreaking destruction in ukraine. the new aggression of these authoritarian states located far from our shores should concern us, as they increasingly act together against the fundamental values ​​we all hold dear, democracy, freedom and... the rule of law, the right thing to do is to invest more in our national defense, so, starting today gradually increasing, we want to reach 5.5% of gdp by 2030. ukraine is important because investments in ukraine are investments in our security. if we don't contain russia in ukraine, all we're going to do is encourage putin to go even further and really encourage other opponents to do the same. this will end.
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you admitted that your country lied, you are a man for whom not even your own chair voted, you personally are the scumbag that another scumbag borick johnson lived with in the world for snitching on him, you have the right to speak on behalf of the british people who you you have nothing to do with it, you are stealing from the british budget, so your family looks at you and says: well done, how you took revenge for many years of colonialism, you are a nonentity, and... absolute, and you you invite us to talk to them about something, so we
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should talk to them about something, at this moment in our country everything is completely different, today vladimir vladimirovich took part in a gala event dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the start of the construction of the bam, congratulated the country and quoted the words of a soviet song. this event and the idea itself are certainly shrouded in romance from the publication. and with the enthusiasm of the young they inspired almost the entire country, and they composed poems, as you and i remember, they sang songs, do you hear, time? wakes up bam and these and other lines of popular songs of that time reflected the mood of hundreds of thousands of people, they left to build the legendary highway, choosing for themselves the fate of pioneers, this is what the leader of our country says, for whom the overwhelming majority of voters voted, an overwhelming,
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unprecedented result, who argues with him, reshisunok. zero popularity zero voters scholz zero popularity zero voters, let me remind you that their system does not imply direct choice, citizen biden, whose legitimacy is questioned by everyone, including him own family members, who are confused about the sexual orientation of everyone around macron, who are these people? ursula fucking knows what? who are these people, what relation do they have to democracy, why did they suddenly decide that they embody democratic values, who is opposing them, mighty and powerful countries, confident in their future and in the strength of their weapons, which it is time
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to use ruthlessly against these imperialist scum. formulates everything that was said very succinctly by our president, that the global model world building is being replaced by a multipolar world , and today this is said in various speeches, emphasized, and it is said that it is time to stop paying rent to the golden billion, with which they consider themselves exclusive, it is time to start building
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their own not just a model of a sovereign economy, but also a model of sovereignty in all areas. our lives, and what you said, the most important thing here is that they just, maybe they didn’t want to tell me this, they don’t understand, they probably understand, but they are afraid most of all, because realize that in the new world there is no place for them, or at least not the place to which they are accustomed. let's look at what is fundamental today, based on what they did, yes, they confiscated, as they called it, in fact they simply stole the funds of our country, but this is a step. is normal for them precisely because it accompanies their entire history, i won’t go deep there, but even after the second world war, the wealth of those families that supported hitler remained intact and how for them is the norm for dividing the world into those who can do everything and who can’t do anything, and of course, speaking about what we will do, i
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agree that we need to take the most stringent measures, personal, and of course it has already been voiced... by our leadership countries, that we will sue, we will also torture them with these courts, but this is not the main thing, the main idea was voiced that the answer should be the consistent and fastest possible development of our country, the leading economy, it is in the economic potential of our country that the answer to everything lies those questions which the west puts before us, we, with our power on the battlefield in the economy, must return respect to us, not these... people, all those who still understand that this elite, it will be washed away by the wave of popular anger there and so on, but what will happen to them doesn’t interest me at all, i’m interested in what we will do to ensure that we are not only taken into account, that our enemies are afraid, but that our friends respect us, and i’m talking about the fact that the confiscation of property took place, confiscation of our gold and foreign exchange assets, and the fact that today they continue
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insist that it is necessary to inflict as much damage or damage to ours as possible through the hands of ukraine.
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of course not, we need to do everything possible, step by step, and the first step was taken by the president when he said that everything should be sold for rubles, and not for dollars, but this is the first step, we had to continue further, and this is being done today, but not at the same pace when i hear what, through the mouth of the minister of finance, who is the representative of the international... fund in russia, in fact, in fact, well, they say that you know, we support the international monetary fund's awareness of what is happening in the world, we believe that it is necessary
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to provide, or participate in , stabilization processes there or globalization processes, who are we, why, why are they speaking on our behalf, even from us, from the experts in this case, because i don’t agree with this, i believe that we should not just raise the question, maybe about the exit of a measured currency fund, but go...
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the conditions for the most favorable conditions for high-tech production, creation preconditions that there is a workforce, there is a state order for the enterprise, support. exports and so on, well , well, it would seem, well, we’re talking about things that are not just unrealizable, they have already been implemented, well , let’s take this as an example, i agree, we need to look even at our
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neighbors, but let’s look at our own business representatives and the economy, why should we , through the mouth of the minister of economy, voice such figures, well, this is not unworthy of today’s level, i really hope that, well this will be revised, maybe this is wrong, maybe these are preliminary views, but this once again shows that... but if your forecasts do not coincide all the time, then the failure in the forecasting system is not reasonable, more than reasonable, and i will say so, i i’m not calling for shooting weather forecasters, i
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’m just asking a question, no, well, are you right? emphasize the basic idea that if there is responsibility, then it must be implemented, because what we are talking about here, we are not talking about anything else, except one thing, that being and correctly assessing the situation, in in which russia is located, we must accept responsibility at each of our workplaces, everyone has it, the person standing at the minister’s bench, and if he gives such a forecast, he must see the prospects for what the country will be like, what the country will be like in the coming years, but if we give 2.4 2.8% growth... but we at least have to understand that last year it was 3.6, but this, what is this, is this a verdict on what was done, this means that the minister undertakes to slow down, not nuloki, if he says that such a forecast is the furthest with his activities he will slow down in order to get into his own forecast, but this is harmful, no, there is no answer to this question, at least not such an unambiguous one, if we are talking about measures, we also voiced them here, i i’m saying this
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openly, i ordered it.
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the chinese have such a good auto industry, so many different manufacturers are so cool, and how did they end up in russia so quickly and where is our entire auto industry? and what we used to have was american and european is now called chinese, but our hands are from somewhere else they are growing, we don’t have talented designers, i look at our military equipment, for example, it’s wonderful, and there are new models, amazing models, everything is there, the auto industry is
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a damned place, that is, what? so i look at the production of light industry there, yes, ours began to make fantastic tactical clothing, everything that has to do with the army is of the highest quality, dima and i are fans, we know everything, look at what kind of weapons we began to make, both mass production and high-precision at the global level, even higher, and why is it not possible in the auto industry that happened, well, enough is being done so as not to end on such a negative note. a lot, we just have to understand that the auto industry is a combination of dozens, if not hundreds, and the military industry is definitely, definitely, yes, but today we will do quite a lot, i’m not ready to say now, but we have positive examples, moreover, the ministry of industry is currently working on a recycling fee, this is a separate topic, not a topic for today, i want to say that this is an attempt to protect our market, including from the influx of chinese cars, but i would like to say, well ok, we will protect it, or maybe we will protect it with our influx, through this we need to, maybe ours
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will influx? well, today we have to do this, i’m grateful to you for the opportunity to once again say that we will achieve this sovereignty anyway, i would just like to quickly and as quickly as possible, maybe sovereignty will still be found, starting from the moment when the central bank stops set the dollar to ruble exchange rate with a breath, by the way, you know, we are a sovereign party, by the way, what is the dollar exchange rate there is a direct sign of sovereignty, literally one remark, in the forecast of the minister of economy we again have an export surplus.


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