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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 23, 2024 11:25pm-2:05am MSK

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“i see you’ve been dating for about three months somewhere, well , about a month ago we went to the daryubor river, to the lake, and swam there, sunbathed, had a good rest, then spent the night in the car, froze, it was still cold, so...” here she has a tattoo, a butterfly, so uh, ghoul, let's do it, that's it, stop it, what's so funny, i was joking, she posts every step on the internet, of course, fuck it, magic doesn't exist, 1:1, what time is it, it's 13,
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my dad is already going crazy there, he’s a walker, saying, read, bring some water to dad,
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something to eat with her, listen, well, i don’t i know, maybe she met someone at the institute, maybe she just went to a cafe, the same thing could be, it can’t be, she wouldn’t have gone, at least not until nightfall, so come on, come here, have a drink, no , i’ve had enough, come on, come on, you have psychosis due to withdrawal symptoms, i’ll get it too, also psychosis, armenian again? let's all calm down, everything
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will be fine, yes, yes, husband, uh-huh, hello, hello, hello, yes, the little one is not with you, or something, come in, hello, i think you have him. maybe they are together? since when have they been together? listen, i really feel that they together, what an asshole, why? tyoma and the ghouls, they barely know each other at all, but they’ll get to know each other at the same time. wait, what are you talking about? what are we doing with this one? you mean with this one? yes, it’s understandable, even. dash, oh, show up, i’ll kill, who,
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specifically, i’ll kill both of them, the topic is interesting, and he’s not interested in your ghouls at all. what are you saying, nothing.
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listen, well, i’m telling you, it’s useless, they won’t hang around in the rain, they’re sitting all day now and that’s it, calmed down, good, they’re sitting separately in different places, even better, dwarf! chorrik, yadyur was not here, are you today at all you'll lose a day.
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charlie! it's me, tema shatalov! are you here? sen nima qilyapsan bu podvalda, hozir kalibni olib keling, rahmat, what did he say, he’s going to get the keys, and oh, dad, son, what’s going on,
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nothing is happening, the door slammed, come on, thank you furhai, hey, nothing like that happened , it wasn’t, it wasn’t there all night, dad, well, dad, if i find out what, i’ll tear your legs out, i understand, uncle vanya, not an uncle, i’m good for you, vanya, you couldn’t call, there’s no connection it was, in general, charlik, we climbed into this basement , now we’ll give you such a charlik, shame on you you should be ashamed of what you were doing there all night, yes, we didn’t do anything, we just slept, oh, we slept, yes, dad, we slept, and what are people doing at night? uncle yura found charlik artyom
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found oh dlya yura! where's that little pig going, charlik, oh, i haven't slept all night, you know, it's for valentine's, thank you, but you're welcome, oh my good one, i've had a walk, i've had a walk, i'm hungry, now, these are our dishes. listen, these eyes are like god’s dew, they sit there, they cackle, they laugh, i said that living together does not lead to good things, alena, am i against it, or something, but you’re not do you want to pay normally, should we go homeless,
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or what, no, don’t exaggerate, i said that i’m ready to pay, but exactly as much as i think is fair, you’re very clever in your calculations, guys, you’re good, misha, what are you doing? you think the same way, i think that 400 is of course not enough, it’s so interesting, and what is the way out of this situation, vanya takes 400 and lives in the room until we save up the rest, what we do, we save up, yes, that’s how much we will be save for a year, but in general how we save, explain? with us, with us, dasha and temka are getting married, and getting married, we were sitting here in the water, and we were discussing this wedding menu, then it means they will move to us, you will be at home, these will be in the closet, then their children will be born, here they will hang their shirts, here their diapers, and you and i we’ll save up, that’s it, people,
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it’s time for us... why is everyone so strange? it's okay if we don't come back. write to charlik, bye, dad, we drove off, so i don’t understand what we are like? what does it mean to say, well, well,
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tomorrow, look what a gorgeous little jacket, let me fill a jar for you, i’ve arrived, i’ve shown up, the power has been spoiled, don’t you dare do that. time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on
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the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. why did we launch a special military operation in ukraine? but because we had no other choice, because otherwise we all understand where everything was going. a war of extermination has been declared on us. in fact, no one in the west really hid this. now hypocritical false statements that come from the other side are perceived
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unambiguously by our people, nothing causes anything but contempt, hatred, but absolutely arrogance , the sincere conviction of the west that everything can be fooled, it simply touches, but of course, i understand that we are dealing with people, a uneducated, b, uncultured, and you were brought up in the sincere conviction that they are the salt of the earth, that they are the scare of the earth, that they cannot make mistakes. i could never understand this, why these people sincerely believe that several tens of millions are bad well-educated, poorly educated people cannot be mistaken, well, the entire german people could not be mistaken when they followed schickel-gruber, they adored hitler, that they could not be mistaken or something, they were mistaken, in general they are constantly mistaken, europe is constantly mistaken. americans, well, well, what can we even talk about, it’s who is going to teach us manners, people
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who have not yet lived with the problems of racial discrimination, that is, these people want to tell us what we should be like, why we came up with that they are a manifestation of culture, i am not i understand our naivety, what are we talking about, they declared war on us, our assets were stolen, america... is not burning, because on the basis one country can seize the assets of another country, they declared war on us, they are sure that nothing will happen to them for this , they we say that well, what, how is it possible, well, war has really been declared on us, what else , well, really, well, stop it, of course there are nuclear weapons, but do you have an illusion?
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they can read it as normal to destroy us all, well, we are subhumans, as this bastard egg sniffer called it. and we must say, no, no, what are you saying, we can’t think about how this is possible at all, the nonentity scholz began to express complaints to putin for what he sees, he’s talking about kant, and they say to forbid putin from quoting, scholz, you’re an idiot, who are you anyway, you are a nazi scum, where
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are you going, you are a nazi, no one elected you, the germans did not choose you.
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much less than a conventional air operation of the start of hostilities by nato troops, in any source of invasion, unprecedented, what is unprecedented, how many israeli scientists, political figures were killed on israeli territory by iranian intelligence services, zero, how many iranians were
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killed on iranian territory by israeli intelligence services? how many political figures of ukraine were killed by russian special services on the territory of ukraine? zero, how many terrorist attacks? ukrainian services were held on the territory of donbass, when donbass was independent, and then on the territory of russia, and the civilized west says something on this topic, silence, silence, china, that china presented something to someone, china sponsored at least one war
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against america, china supplied weapons, at least one. which fought with the americans, when north korea, when, when it was right, when in 1951 it was right, now which one, well, it supplied, then now, no, now it doesn’t supply, but what are we talking about, then it was soviet weapons, not chinese , if over the past, excuse me, more than 70 years, the only example that can be cited is so old, now, excuse me,
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have we put them on the wanted list? no, why? all those who voted to seize our assets, why aren't criminal cases brought against them? they are thieves, that's not enough, why in general, there is still an american embassy in russia, what are our people doing there? why is there a german embassy here? get out of the country, these people have declared war on us, you want to... they are stealing our, excuse me, not just anything, people's money, this is the money of our taxpayers, this is the money of each of us, american.
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time is in bank accounts in the us, and you can't be cynical about all that money going to ukraine, because it's much easier for our ruling class to steal it when it's in offshore funds, so the point here is that we are at war with russia, and we are doing this on behalf of ukraine, they are really at war with us, and germany is at war with us, and if they are at war, you will get the full program, you will receive the full program, they are in their own rhetoric is already being told how... alexander viktorovich quoted one of the representatives of the air force, who said: “we are not yet at war, but this is no longer peace.” richa sunok
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directly says that that’s all, that is, that they are transferring industry to a war footing. he is generally proud of this, in general think about it, right? the country that decides that it sends all its migrants to rwanda? that is, this is an absolutely colonial, phenomenally vile decision. and everyone around says: no, everything is fine, why are you all de facto creating concentration camps, let me remind you that it was the british who were the fathers of concentration camps, it was with these scum that it started, that this is exactly how during the boer war, the first concentration camps appeared during the concentration camps appeared in the american civil war, no, the first concentration camps, not internment camps, exactly like concentration camps appeared then.
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but this is not true, they pose a real threat to the security and prosperity of the united kingdom. russia has already poisoned people with chemical weapons on british soil, caused energy bills to skyrocket, weaponized migration , and is sending technology to iran in exchange for weapons like the shaheda drones that i have seen wreak havoc in ukraine. the new aggression of these authoritarian states located far from our shores should worry us. because they are increasingly act together against the fundamental values ​​we all hold dear: democracy, freedom and the rule of law. the right thing to do is
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to invest more in our national defense, so starting today and gradually increasing, we want to reach 5.5% of gdp by 2030. ukraine is important because investments in ukraine are investments in our security. if we don't contain russia in ukraine, everything we collect. to do this is to encourage putin to go even further and really encourage other adversaries to do the same, it will end not only at greater cost to us in the long run, but it will undermine the world order that we have been building for decades. i’m translating from my bad english into good russian, you’re a piece of shit, a lying piece of shit, who and where we poisoned. you, the representative of a country that lied, as a result of your lies, iraq was struck, and you admitted that your country lied,
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you are a man for whom not even your own chair voted, you are personally a scumbag, which is another scumbag borick johnson, lived with the world that you snitched on him, you have the right to speak on behalf of the british, which you have nothing to do with, you, stealing from the british budget, so your family ... looks at you and says: well done, how you took revenge for long years of colonialism, you are a nonentity, absolute, and you invite us to talk to them about something, so we should talk to them about something, at this moment in our country everything is completely different, today vladimir vladimirovich received participation in a gala event dedicated to on the fiftieth anniversary of the start of construction, bam, congratulated the country and quoted:
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the country, and they composed poems, as you and i remember, they sang songs, you hear, time is humming, bam, these and other lines of popular songs of that time reflected the mood of hundreds of thousands of people, they left to build the legendary highway, having chosen for themselves the fate of pioneers, this is what the leader of our country, for whom the overwhelming majority of voters voted, says.
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interests, opposing what you showed, because you look at what this community is, it is today formulates everything that was said very succinctly by our president, that the global model of building the world is being replaced by a multipolar world , and today this is said in various speeches, emphasized, and it is said that it is time to stop paying rent to the golden billion, to which they consider themselves exclusive, it is time ...
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to the west puts us in front of us, with our power on the battlefield in the economy we must return respect to us, not these people, all those who still understand that this elite, it will be washed away by the wave of popular anger there and so on, but this is what will happen to them, i ’m not interested at all, i’m interested in what we will do so that we are not just taken into account, enemies are afraid, and friends are respected, and i’m talking about the fact that confiscation of property took place, confiscation our gold and foreign exchange assets, and the fact that... today they continue to insist that it is necessary to inflict as much damage or damage to our country as possible through the hands of ukraine, i would like to say that it is very confusing that today in our country very much of what accumulated over these many years, i would like to have great respect for the minister of finance, but in his report on participation in the international monetary fund, you know, he raised many questions,
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very complex questions, very important for our country, that’s when we all, many economists, many politicians, read this report, and it is very relevant because it was literally done in a day. the question arises: why do we continue to treat the international monetary fund the way we previously allowed ourselves to? this, and moreover, through the mouths of the finance ministers, we are voicing a topic that contradicts or disagrees with what was said before, where we express concern and if you read very carefully, then i have the fact that the fragmentation of the world interferes with globalization, that is, we have people who still believe that... will actually remain, just as there is probably a belief that the international monetary fund, as an institution that is the conductor of the dominance of the dollar and, as a consequence of imperialist interests in everything the world, and we will not hide financial colonialism in relation to many countries and, above all, to
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us, that this institution must be preserved, but of course not, we need to do everything possible, that we step by step, and the first step was taken by the president when he said that we need to sell everything for rubles, not dollars, but this is the first step, we must continue. was further, and this is being done today, but not at the same pace when i hear what the minister of finance, who is the representative of the international fund in russia , actually, in fact, says about that you know, we support the international monetary fund's awareness of what is happening in the world, we believe that it is necessary to provide, or participate in , stabilization processes there or globalization processes, who are we, why, why are they speaking on our behalf, even from us , from the experts in this case, because i don't agree. with this, i believe that we should not just raise the question, perhaps it is not necessary to withdraw from the monetary fund, but follow the path of those examples that china is demonstrating today, for example, it knows very well that there is an imf, but it completely ignores all
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the recommendations of the imf, yes, they exist, i am sure that these kinds of reports are not sent to the imf, then china’s economic policy, i don’t like china, moreover, i agree that let’s have our own model develop, in this own model we... keep returning to the same questions, well, for example, the minister of finance believes that we are doing everything, the report says that russia is doing everything to promote the macroeconomic development of our country, this that 16% discount rate means availability money supply, that is, those signs in computers that combine resources, labor resources, material resources, the goals of the task of our economy, these signs, they are in percentage terms, well, ridiculous in relation to the potential of our economy? or through the mouth of the minister in the same report it is said that russia is developing beyond its potential, but you know, the laws of physics, how can a car drive higher than what it is there, what it is intended for, it means that maybe we are interpreting it incorrectly if
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we fall into the abyss , may be we let's look at the potential and give a realistic assessment that we have not yet reached the level where we need to slow down, look, on my way to your show, i read that the minister of economy allowed himself, for example, to hand over a forecast, gdp growth for this year is 2.8%, yes, growth is higher than 2.3, listen, where do we even live, we are in the northern military district or something, we have changed, our consciousness has completely changed, today we want to see russia powerful , a powerful power, what is it with 2.8%, this is what we are talking about, that industry will develop 4%, processing a little above five, yes, you will go to moscow, where we are located, let them go to others... they will go and look at the moscow region, tatarstan, but there regional gdp growth is 18%, what do they need to do, where they need to press that brake, manual, i don’t know , there is a pedal to stop the economy, stop development, but these are examples of how when, well, it is not possible to follow
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the recommendations of the financial and economic bloc, the leadership of these regions ensures colossal growth, due to which, down to simple things, loans of 2-3%, conditions for the most favorable conditions for high. nogo production, creating the preconditions that there is a labor force, there is a state order for the enterprise, support for exports and so on, well, it would seem, well, we are talking about things that are not just unrealizable, they have already been implemented, well, let’s take this as an example, i agree that we need to look even at our neighbors, but let’s look at our representatives of our own business and economy, why should we, through the mouth of the minister of economy, voice such figures, well, this is not... worthy of today’s level, i really hope that, well this will be revised, maybe this is wrong, maybe these are preliminary views, but this once again shows that not one of the forecasts given by representatives of the financial and economic bloc did not come true, why, because it automatically follows the forecast given by the imf, but you ca
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n’t have your forecast come true twice, go into another profession, well, not to me, i don’t, no, well , it would just seem logical, if you make a mistake in your forecast every time, it means there’s something wrong with your system, well. .. no, you can imagine a doctor who over and over again makes the wrong diagnosis, the auger asks and ultimately says: man, what happened, well, if your forecasts do not coincide all the time, then there is a failure in the forecasting system. unreasonable, more than reasonable, and i ’ll say this, i’m not calling for shooting weather forecasters, i’m just asking a question, no, well , you correctly emphasize the main idea that if there is responsibility, then it must be realized, because what are we talking about here, we we are not talking about anything else except one thing, that being and correctly assessing the situation, in in which russia is located, we must accept responsibility at each of our workplaces, everyone has it, the person standing at the minister’s bench, and if he gives such a forecast, he must... well, see the prospects of what the country will be like, what
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it will be country in the coming years, but if we give 2.4 2.8% growth, but we at least must understand that last year it was 3.6, but what is this, this is a verdict on what has been done, this means that the minister undertakes to slow down, well, logically, if he says that such a forecast is the furthest with his activities he will slow down in order to get into his own forecast, but this is harmful, no, there is no answer to this question, at least not like this.
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52 countries will survive today, but is this really
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not enough to at least pose, you can ask a stupid question, why do the chinese have such a good auto industry, so many different manufacturers are so cool, and how did they end up in russia so quickly and where is our entire auto industry? and what we used to have was american and european is now called chinese, but our hands are from somewhere else are growing, we don’t have talented designers, i look at our military equipment, for example, perfectly. and new samples, amazing models, everything is there, in the auto industry, what a damn place, that is, what’s wrong, i look at the production of light industry there, yes, ours began to make fantastic tactical clothing, everything that has to do with karmi is of the highest quality , dima and i are fans, we know everything, look at what kind of weapons we began to make, both mass production and high-precision, at the world level even higher, but why doesn’t it work in the auto industry, what? well, so as not to end on such
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a negative note, quite a lot is being done, we just need to understand that the auto industry is a combination of dozens, if not hundreds, definitely, definitely, yes, but today we will do quite a lot, i’m not ready to say now, but we have positive examples, moreover, the ministry of industry is now working on recycling fees, this is a separate topic, not today’s subject, i want to say that this is an attempt to protect our market, among other things. influx of chinese cars, but i would like to say that it’s good, we will protect it, or maybe we will protect with our influx, through this it is necessary, maybe ours will influx, well, we have to do this today, i am grateful to you for the opportunity to once again say that we will achieve this sovereignty anyway, i would just like to quickly and as much as possible there will be more will begin from the moment when the central bank stops breathlessly setting the dollar-ruble exchange rate, by the way, you know, we are a sovereign party, by the way, some kind of
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remember that the construction of obama, one of the main reasons for this project was the desire to build a railway on the far east ocean is at a safe distance from china, that’s the military’s consideration. china was by far the main reason, which was then superimposed on by all the others, which made it possible to implement a huge project. now we are waiting for the first state visit of the russian president, who will go to china after the inauguration; it is obvious that this will be one of the main foreign policy news for the whole world this year or the first half
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of it, and a lot will be shown during this visit, of course, the united states they are terribly worried, they are scared of the actual possible forms of cooperation that our leaders will discuss, over the last month janet helen visited china, scaring the chinese with excess production capacity, convincing them to stop production, then the leaders of the largest american companies were brought to china, by the way, along with them graham allison has arrived, here are the specialists in international relations.
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china, russian federation and in various forms, including technological ones, just the other day, actually this week anthony damn is leaving, a unique case, firstly, he announced even before the visit how he would scare the chinese, and china with himself, that’s it, and the chinese foreign ministry, violating its practice, informed in advance that he would respond to anthony blinken on this issue, that's why what can we say, here... returning to the essence or the initial premise of our discussion today regarding the double standards that the west implements, which we, well, in general, try to somehow adapt, not always successfully, of course, we allowed that, what is called pulling a bear by the mustache, when, well, in general, they
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somehow survived the theft of 300 billion dollars, this is of course a case of belli in any way by any standard, obviously. that we will have to forget about them for some time, the chinese, of course, are closely watching what is happening, they do not want the dragon to be pulled, apparently, and they are closely monitoring the actions that the united states is implementing in in relation to them, and as for the russian federation, we fill our cooperation with china with quite positive things, and indeed we have there is an idea: that our economic growth should be in tune with chinese growth, in china, of course, there is no longer 8%, which was for 30 years, it is declining, but the growth structure in china is not very correct; the main driver is domestic demand, diversification in the osian market and
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so on, but also the size of the economy, politely speaking, and yes, and keeping the growth rate at this size of the economy is not just effects. size certainly plays a big role in economics. by the way, us-china trade is falling, last year it decreased by 11.6%. at one time it did not reach $1 trillion, but was around this figure for many years. now there are only 665 billion, and the russian and chinese are 240, that is, the figures are already of the same order, in principle, and if we - well, we should not experience any special illusions that china will form military alliances with us and defeat ours. enemy, then we now understand that china has objective, serious economic incentives for people to be interested in maintaining cooperation with us, developing it, including in the technological sphere, and then we should admit that our intelligence services and the chinese know how to keep secrets, so we know little about real military cooperation,
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except for what the us state department publishes or makes public; it periodically, once a week, pleases us with lists of some chinese companies, sometimes. russian, mainly chinese or middle eastern, which help cooperation, in general in the military sphere, in general, completing this chinese story, i want to say that yes, we are closely monitoring the actions of china, which in general are many for years was considered perhaps the main beneficiary of the aggravation of russian-western relations, many in this studio in our expert community persistently repeat this idea, but... there china still does not abandon its policy, diplomacy, wolf-warrior, desire or the desire, at least in the diplomatic, political sphere, to never give in to the states, threats and pressure in this sense, they study our experience, we look at their successes and i think that
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the state visit of the president of the russian federation will be a new milestone page in the development of our relations, and this is of course terrible news for the west, which in general, well, believes or believed in brzezinski’s forecast that the worst thing that can happen to the united states is an alliance, cooperation, interaction. mutual understanding between china and russia, which is now developing, it is still impossible to talk about an alliance, but we can already talk about the presence of common strategic goals that we are implementing, advertising, they say: we must prepare for a vacation, we must be able to relax, we must relax beautifully, but
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we must rest, where the sun and sea are, on the first coastal one, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leo resorts, elegant details, a celebration
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of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio resorts, we are here for you. the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without any glamor, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants. i’m generally a proactive maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams
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become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, maybe i’ll be the first... one, happy, happy, happy, happy, sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her here at home, mom, dad, i adore you, hello, hello, i’m your mom, real, maybe we’ll meet, a test that not everyone can stand, who is she anyway, this is some kind of scam for money, can i hug you , she’s not a stranger to me, she’s my mother, katya needs money, a test that not everyone will decide to do, you
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won’t refuse to do a dna test, the result has arrived, honey, we’ll explain everything to you, fly a feather, on sunday on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here he comes, oh you’re good, to caress the stubborn one. he likes to grab there with his claws like that. tame the biter, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, well done! to warm up a stray , a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for
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their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry? everything says, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, you are young, beautiful, i wish i had found a normal man long ago, don’t forget to take all the documents about the boy’s health, maybe we’ll have lunch together later, i’m your new neighbor, potap ivan sergeevich, and you? yes, apparently you don’t have a man, actually this is none of your business, but i like you, i would really like it to be mutual. love will overcome everything from april 29 on rtr. i'm not trying to scare anyone.
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i'm just, unfortunately, extremely realistic. i look at what is happening, we are in a false, false feeling that we are all the time we give them the opportunity to play at the first tempo, for some reason we are always waiting for what, let them do it then, let them, here they are, this feeling of the primacy of the west, it is extremely dangerous, we act reactively, not actively, all the time, this is a very big mistake, we don’t have to wait for them, the french though...
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support our scum who fled there and talk about the collapse of our country, well , let’s actively work on their territory, let’s actively help movements that are aimed at replacing colonial mode in germany, france, england. what is the problem? let's actively invest in this, help our comrades with all the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities. why do we care about the existence of the german? we have to look at the original 2+4 treaty, why do we even recognize the existence of germany in its current form? to disavow, they violated all their agreements, not to recognize, to enter into agreements with individual lands, in general
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it is necessary to completely change the game map, there is no need. play with them according to their rules, you cannot win at the casino from the casino owner if i came to play chess, and there they play in a chapai, don’t expect that you will win, immediately pick up a bat, yes, you know, but here we have humor instead, they told me that, i myself haven’t seen jokers there on the internet, so kulyakov said at solovyov’s program that...
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sovereign, and we won’t fight for them too , to defend them, well, this is just a completely obvious, well, understandable example, well, about the war, but you need to understand that... there are historical laws, although we most often do not know them, we can see that in the 20th century war acquired a completely different essence, according to compared to what it was before, firstly, it became permanent, so trotsky said that there would be a permanent revolution, he was wrong, revolution is not, well, a certain force. why did this happen, because the only cauldron in the history of mankind, well, as far as we
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know it, have been verified to any extent, in which an eternal war was in full swing, it was europe, it almost never stopped there in the european sense, they slaughtered each other for centuries continuously, in internecine war first. then in the colonial ones, when in this after the centuries-old massacre of european civilization, in 1945 the anglo-saxons established themselves as masters, the next war was immediately declared on russia, as the entity that next stood on the path to world domination, this happened in a short interval. from the unthinkable plan to fulton’s speech, in between they dropped these same bombs for what? and here, when we talk about the fact that war takes on different essences, and in order for us to be
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afraid, we had to be afraid of this and to kneel right then in 1945, we should have done it, but instead the clarification began in 5.
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what they will find, ukraine is one of the ways of reasons, therefore only in this reality, of what it is already, well, if we were to say in old words, it’s already been more than
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a hundred years of war, if from the fourteenth to the 14th, now it’s already a 100-year war, in general, lasting, uh, um, for world domination, open, why they were called world domination, by the way, it’s also interesting, not the whole world was involved. but they were called these world wars are not because of the scale, but because of the essence of the matter, i say, because everyone who should have understood what the essence of the matter was, so we don’t, we shouldn’t ignore this reality, a colleague said , i’m just a little bit, this is very true, i agree completely, i’ll just toughen it up a little bit, about bam, which is 50 years old, you know, soviet society already existed...
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which made it possible to start building it and still finish it by the end of the eighties , although it was already difficult, it was the understanding that in the context of confrontation with china...
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to transport it, everyone is talking about how to expand it now and deepen it, because there is so much to transport that, well, it doesn’t seem to cope, for example, how military decisions and military meanings radically change, well, the geopolitical situation, well, not much not a little, and the nature of economic development, the president, by the way, said yesterday: at a meeting with the president of azerbaijan, imagine if we didn’t have a bama, now in this whole situation, well, it’s almost like imagining that we we wouldn't exist nuclear weapons, this is approximately the same essence, well, volodya, you asked very correct questions at the beginning of the program, on what basis do they do all this, allow themselves to do all this, this and that and the third, and to say, the basis is there one thing, european
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civilization has not developed any other basis other than the principle of racial superiority; they are increasingly turning to this principle as a principle of public policy. not only obama said this several years ago from the un rostrum, not only johnson said this, they are saying it now ordinary congressmen. last week again, we are the greatest nation in the history of mankind, and we will not explain anything to anyone, and this is the core and, as it were, the highest result of the historical development of european, western european civilization, this is the statement that in this case there is an anglo-saxon, it by the way... well, according to darwin,
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he won this fight of species, that’s right, well, the european species fought there, the strongest species established itself, the healthiest anglo-saxon, this is normal, according to darwin, that’s all, that’s why the anglo-saxon man, who won the struggle of the european species, now claims to rule everything, all of humanity, the american race, it is directly said, is the highest race in the history of mankind, they rely on this, but the most ...
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use kant, quote him, but i understand him, scholz, because schulz, in this sense, is a representative of, well, that nation, which, after all, committed against, which committed against kant’s categorical imperative the most, well, probably the most powerful action in history, i mean. german national socialism, which denied the moral principle as such is a whole people who have accepted the approach that they are free from the chimera called conscience, and that no morality or morality exists in principle, do you think they haven’t read kant, have they? but they
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saw it in its grave, with all its imperatives, the historical practice of the development of the german people until the year forty-five, until we stopped it, led to the complete denial of this very moral imperative and became not only a theory, but also a practice of social action. so who is closer to a who next question in my opinion is obvious between us and the germans in the dispute, because... the liberation of europe for soviet soldiers from this nazism, well, i think that 90% was based precisely on the moral principle, on how our soldier did it, how he
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behaved and how he came to this europe. karen georgievich, well, i, i’m not with the cantan, i’ll start, as berlez’s shuttlecock said.
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a couple of days ago i watched some film and caught ours, well, yours according to russia-24, the modern bama was generally impressed by the kind of construction that is underway, and most importantly, that in addition to everything else, the most powerful
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enterprises have been built there, that is, these are projects that are quite comparable to what the soviet union built, so we say, there to say, this is very pleasing, there are some gigantic s...
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and china, and this all all 30 years after he began his activities, the world has changed dramatically, and this has changed thanks to him, we, as always, are very scattered with our great people, he is
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the greatest person who still remains, in general, symbols in many ways and russia and the ideas that they promote, by the way.
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the worst examples of weapons, because the class interest of the american bourgeoisie,
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which leads america, is to destroy russia, this is their interest, class interest is higher than any personal ones, everything is very relevant, we need to study lenin again, not because, so to speak, turn him there's a dogma, that many, much of what he wrote there, his famous work of imperialism as the highest stage. well, listen, everything is relevant there, everything is written there, everything is the same as what is happening now, those claims to lenin, well, they are at least incorrect, they say, this is lenin, here we are now, listen, well, from this point of view, firstly, or there is the collapse of the ussr, lenin, you see, lost, that he lost, it was we who lost, not lenin, it was we who lost because we didn’t study it, because the last, by the way,
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chinese people’s republic congress of the chinese communist party, the leader of xi, in some background lenin is there in the background, you know, but this is important, therefore, i repeat, there is no need to make a dogma out of it, as was done, of course, in the soviet union, so to speak, has already been turned into this, but we must, in my opinion, remember and be proud of this truly phenomenal figure, now... a few words about what you said, i think you said very correctly, about that we always play
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as number two, there are, of course, objective circumstances for this, well, frankly speaking, we really faced such a colossal force, such a force, and we shouldn’t underestimate it, no matter what they were, say, biden, schmaiden, there is dementia, not dementia, but so to speak, very they act consistently and they are certainly dangerous and... this direct one, and what we have, well, in my opinion, we have again, if we act
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boldly and, as they say, number one, well, firstly, they supply weapons, well, apparently we need to supply weapons somewhere, there are those forces that, as they say, need weapons, and they are the most modern ones... they are supplying ukraine with the most modern weapons, but there is another one, in my opinion, very serious argument, a very serious one, which it seems to me will cause, well, such, i i think there will be some serious reaction in the west, this is a threat to withdraw from the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, this, i think, will cause a shock. in the west, the threat itself, the threat itself, well, i no longer see
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in this situation, so to speak, what can restrain, we are talking about our existence, you know, but...
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i’ll say right away that i don’t think that we play number two, not quite like that, the fact is that our arsenal of possible means of response, of course, is much smaller than it is, you know, than it is in the west, of course, because in fact we are now the only country that is opposing a group of 56 countries, and not the most undeveloped countries that have different capabilities, in the economic...
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there is of course some group of republicans, who let's get votes, will vote they, and moreover, these weapons have already been sent, they have already emptied the warehouses, yes, they emptied the warehouses of the pentagon, without this bill, they are simply now compensating for the fact that everything is there, it has already been done, yes they are doing it, but on the other hand, here we are talking now, we mentioned china, right? and our provoirs, which were taken, i believe that the cold war is against us, it has been going on since 1914, the first act of declaring war was the introduction of the first package of sanctions by the obama administration, if not earlier, maybe another act, we have been russia for a very long time tried to delay, tried not to enter into this war, not
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to repeat what happened in the forties, that is, they accepted the marshal’s plan and we went, we ended up with this... american, well, in general, basically a trap that was prepared, now we don’t go like that, so they say the imf, yes, well, look how china did it, let’s look at how china did it right after a little advertising, look how chic the jacket is, give you a jar i’ll flood it, the premiere on rtr, i came, showed up, ruined everything, don’t you dare say that.
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at rest. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. titanic luxury collection bodrum.
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i'll steal you and take you away. let's go travel. a when we discover some new land, i will name it after you. elsa's land. elsa's land. on friday on rtr. there is no need to register with him. just kidding, he will come to the house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low
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blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes on... a knitting needle, that's how a child sleeps, but you shouldn't do that i advise you, a doctor you can trust 100%, you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. the tests are perfect, but there is still no pregnancy. you and your husband go to the sea on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise,
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this is my passion, how can you not understand it, passion, any problem can be cured by the sea, you need to unwind, take a ride on a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, do you dream of having a holiday romance? forget, i'm not like her hotel, i want to save our family, he came with her, with his mistress, make lena jealous, what is going on with you and my wife, your marriage is at the seams, an overseas premiere, our lives can’t just fall apart like that, don’t think, on saturday on rtr, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry. we were once joking in the studio, the director of photography said: my grandmother thinks that you live in the samlyov star. he is a man
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of pushkin and dostoevsk, from the pushkin tradition he has this precision, this aristocratism, and from dostoevsky, of course, passion. let's go, it's bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the whiskers, dilute it with water, add sugar. they will put it on the shelves to poison people, we will waste it, then we will regret it, life will become more interesting, i don’t think, dima, he won’t say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they are verified, come on, on the maidan they gave a hero’s star for my body, simply because i’m russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we have swapped places, now we in russia are for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we are open to the world, but they are not,
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+ 1, that is, asian plus china, asian +3, asian, then +6, but moreover, the way he taxed the international monetary fund was zen ping, that he created the asian
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infrastructure investment bank, and the first asian countries such as great britain and germany were in line there, you know, well then, he went further, he created, again at the instigation of china, a new, new brix development bank, where our also great friend is now in charge. the former president of brazil, that is, he had already created financial institutions, when the international monetary fund turned out, in general it turned out, appeared some... listen, we beat the americans in the nuclear triad, our carriers are newer, we have 80% of everything updated, the united states still has minutemen in the mines, and no, nothing, that means we got ahead of ourselves here, no,
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that’s not category of secondary or primary. i’ll get to the use now, i said that we need to use it here, but maybe use it in time and you don’t even have to use it, because the situation will turn out differently, now they’re talking about bama, but bama is actually a project from 1896, in principle then, but then there was a great asian program, it was named, of course, associated with the name of nicholas, but it was still then that russia was the third most populous country in the world, the increase was in the thirties...
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they should have built something else there to build territorial-industrial complexes throughout siberia, huge ones, there wasn’t enough for that, but now a program is being implemented that we didn’t notice, but one of the social survey funds, one of the unfriendly states, well, specifically the united states, at the beginning this century, there in the 2000s, i don’t remember, in 2003 or 2002 i conducted a survey among students, so he asked students, who do you consider yourself to be? seven out of ten considered themselves europeans, i thought cats, europeans, europeans is a new topic, now, because the fact is that in such conditions, i think, in our elite, which makes decisions in the political, economic sphere, there were nine of ten, at this time putin began to create this asian program, take vsto, the eastern pipeline, eastern siberia, the pacific ocean, the power of siberia, after all, there wasn’t such a confrontation back then, but
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regarding the condemnation, i agree, a hundred resolutions would have appeared, some someone like gershkovich, well, who knows him there in america in general, who knew gershkovich, they found out, because well, i always knew gershkovich, but i knew gershkovich as a football player, because because everyone began to accept it in congress, they began to accept it gershkovich, yes , accept, accept these are the ivans, make resolutions, yes indeed, here we could go more actively, so to speak. of course, now where can we hurt the americans with these resolutions or something, not only these, not only in the resolution, this primarily means that we our public thereby also do exactly what to do 300 our billions were stolen from us, it is believed that now 500 to 500 billion yes, we seem to have frozen foreign property, but if you dig around, there’s probably
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a lot of american property there, i think. right, so let's do it pass legislation, yes, but note, this will again be secondary, why is it secondary, because they did it first, let’s first take the european right away, for example, i think the easiest option, in all seriousness, is to supply north korea with all the necessary weapons including systems air defense and long-range strikes, well, you yourself understand very well now that we have somewhere to supply the weapons that we produce, well, we can supply them somehow. take 10 thousand pieces from afghanistan, by the way, what such a simple question, there are the csto countries, yes, they are our allies, you can see them shoulder to shoulder, back to back, you can see them next to us, even if not on the front
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line, i agree, second, third, support, i agree, logistics, of course, just for the sake of interest, this is a question, this is a question for our people. politics in the post-soviet space, but as for supplies, for example, the same blinkin, now washington has such a center, by the way, why do we need the american embassy at all, does anyone know, why such a high status, why do we need the american ambassador, the american embassy, ​​let it be, that’s why we need the czech embassy, ​​i’ve been asking this for a long time, but why are czech goods sold here at all, why are they still there, we are one of the main supplying countries to russia a certain type of alcohol, the baltic states. why is this even possible? and everyone around makes such a figure of silence? no, regarding the baltic states, this has been since 2007, when not only our bronze soldier, we
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will strike military factories, supplying weapons that hit our cities. that this is the nato side, well, it doesn’t matter, at least it starts here. in principle, he would give it to the houthis, for example, to give more seriously, that for example, the houthis have long deserved the s400, s300, tor systems, i don’t
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think they have something similar, why, well, let’s have a bastion, no, everything is fine, what if we drown so it’s sinking, they supply ship missiles and are proud of the fact that they struck ours. and for blinkin, they kind of posed such a problem. china's supplies after xijin's visit pini here in russia increased from several thousand to 30 thousand. this is what they supply. as a matter of fact, when we talk about blinken, you understand, what’s the matter, it’s not even
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that blinkin himself is not very good, so to speak, blinken is a genius, not a single person in the history of america has failed so much at the same time. no, he's a champion, of course. for example, what is the general meaning of the conflict in ukraine, because this whole mafia has lost russia forever. ukraine, compared to russia, is insignificant as a factor; they have completely lost russia. and this is what they still have they still can’t understand. europe, which.
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he is going to china to threaten when everyone in the middle east has sent him, you are going to threaten great china when everyone in the middle east has wiped their feet from you, no, well, there is still here, there is still a position, despite who you are, despite everything what did china receive for the last... the statement that you said is very important, the chinese voiced
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it earlier, but nevertheless they accept blinkin, here it is very important that they will now feed him the same mushrooms than how feed elina, there will be time to see what he is like boring, who blinks, he’s unbearable, don’t, no, well, just really a person who has no life, of course, nothing, some kind of downright caricatured character, especially twisted. 60°, there is the era of great women, no, well, with this woman, what is secondary, all the time this is what the west protects us, but the west is falling asleep now, sanctions were used, a weapon that many were afraid of, many were afraid of it, that sanctions, this swift thing, they poured out just like that, they leaked, in fact, we have already prepared for this, now they haven’t achieved anything with these sanctions, which is sanctions, but we, by the way. how do we treat the law, well, copyright,
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how do we treat, how do i treat the law, you know, there is an official one, i’m not talking about this state, for example, the americans stole from us , but why do we respect their copyrights ? i actually think that this copyright right is now in great doubt, well , in reality they stole our property from us, we are saying no, what are you saying, we must respect the law, but i believe that we should now just rivet everything, we don’t care for all patents, of course, just aren't there? it becomes quiet, we say, goodbye, please, yes, well, this is a very interesting, very curious situation that we are now discussing, and it seems to me that in general we see two types, two types of politics, one is the policy of the united states, and the policy is blatant, expansionist, open, when they are trying to dictate to china, well... regarding these excess industries, now
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blinken is going to discuss the issue of banks, which, so to speak, are connected to one degree or another, and all this is stated on against the backdrop of an absolutely aggressive, very tough policy towards china, that is, you know, there is a feeling that the americans seem to be pursuing a policy in which they can do everything , believe that they can do everything, and we and the chinese, to a large extent, are constantly building your policy, based on this, this can be done. this is impossible, this corresponds to some norms or some consequences and so on, and this is very clearly visible, for example, in asia in the chinese reaction to all those actions of the united states that are happening, because right there it’s not just about gelen and these demands, well, what did they say about the excess, they said that this is coercion, intimidation, and that you can’t communicate with them, so to speak, that was actually the chinese reaction, yes, that is, not a reaction like, let's...
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in fact, they are putting pressure on the entire front, and putting pressure on the front and military, military-political, creating new military blocs, look what they are doing there now in burma, yes, they are trying to create, now we have we clearly can if we have some more time ago, they somehow hid their participation in this whole berman conflict, now it’s absolutely clear that there are special people in the state department who send them special weapons there with special money, according to the same principle as they did during the vietnam war, here’s the full story , yes, this is... there is a union of mountain peoples, they are gathering, they are going to create a single, so to speak,
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anti-government army, you know, that is, there is actually direct, very serious pressure on the chinese borders in the yunan province region, in parallel with this they are continuing a very serious policy in the philippines, where they are going to install medium-range missiles in the near future, not to mention the balikangan exercises, which are starting now and up to ten. previously, all these maneuvers took place on philippine territory, did not cross
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the border, now these maneuvers will take place in the south china sea, practically in those waters that china considers as ...
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here together with china, but returning to participating quite actively, we too we speak to the most important thing: you see, there is this there is a complete feeling that they are conducting maneuvers, they are landing on some islands in the chinese zone, in burma they are funding almost all the national armies, just to create, so to speak, a united front, and they give money and weapons, so to say, they even give information support, there they occupied one
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city, myavind, this is a city that controls the chinese triads, which means that these same chinese declared this a huge victory for these... these anti-government forces, in fact it is not exactly like that, because this is a border city, this is a city where there is smuggling, where there are all sorts of electronic casinos and so on, and all sorts of swindlers who fled from china, they control this very city there, and to the point that the local indigenous army is afraid to enter this city, because they said that the berman artillery would fire at our chinese friends, who could be very offended there, who actually finance them, you know?
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from slavery, so we will still have it for a long time, well, it lasts 7 days, but i mean today is the second day, it ends at 24 hours at midnight, so i’ll just take this moment and remind you about it again, but today’s interesting conversation, of course, here’s schols, with kant, well, somehow these two names don’t fit side by side , it’s very difficult to say that scholz, well, probably read, i think he really read, he probably knows what it is. but these words of his, when he says it in german, sound even worse than when translated into russian, that is, when he says that putin arrogated to himself kant's right there, it sounds in german, well, believe me, very, very unpleasant, and i think that a lot of people also paid attention to this, and in connection with
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this i remembered such a moment, there is such a very famous german writer hermann hess, he is not as famous as some others, but a very famous writer, this is a period of post-romanticism that he, many people loved and love, he lived a decent part of his life in switzerland, leaving hitler's. germany, switzerland have him, his museum, this museum, he is like that, he, you can visit him virtually, it’s interesting there, quite recently we discovered such a thing, there is, by going there to this page, well, you can see there interactively, his desktop is there, on which lie many different sheets, including his typewriter, on which he typed with a sheet inserted, on this inserted sheet you can read the text, from
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english imperialism there, it was written in 1935, and i very much doubt that somebody this is only the will of english capital, and today in germany they generally remember, well, the progs remember, this is accepted. how to say , well, i’m there with kant, i’m with ges, with ges, ges, ges, yes, i’m sorry, i’m all, i’m translating everything on my topic, yes, on ges, but the glass bead game is his , his glass bead game, yes, his glass bead game is precisely his most famous, probably, very well-known work, so this, as it were, is the recognition of a great man that the german people are what, oh what did you say, was not. unable to understand at that time to understand what national socialism is, what hitler is and in general, what everything is all about,
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what all this will lead to, by the way, they tried to fill out a form in which he had to prove his aryan origin, but he tore up this form and the answer to him was: “i live in germany, i broke up with my german citizenship a long time ago, so i am not obliged to live in switzerland in switzerland, yes, yes, that’s why i broke up with german citizenship a long time ago and am not at all obliged.”
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you let him into anglo-saxon culture and you get a racist, that’s pretty rude of course, it’s not rude, but tell me, what’s rude here? well , he was raised like this, he was raised, you see, he was raised by the british pack, the london slums, he was raised by the british pack, well, in fact, of course, it’s really terrible, from a moral point of view, from the point of view of words.
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lately, for some reason, he's been taking pictures all the time with a shovel, he's digging something, they're digging for him, he's digging and wailing to hold the shovels so that she doesn't get raked, about the 2+4 agreement, this is really a question that i've asked many times i have already raised here, and i want to return to this issue, the main objections of those who say, well, this is impossible, it exists and it exists, and there are legal principles that cannot be violated? yes, there are legal principles that cannot be violated, but there is one main, main postulate that has already been violated many times, and if we talk specifically, let’s say that it was not the placement of atomic weapons on the territory of the former gdr, then this is still possible somehow argue with this and something else, but there is a basic the main postulate from the territory of a united germany is that there should never be a threat
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of war, this has nothing to do with... with the fact that today, from the position that germany occupies today, this is a serious reason, of course, the denunciation of this treaty does not lead to anything will lead, no siyad, return the kdr to its place, well, yes, this is your slogan, now advertising, after it we will continue with a new line-up, a big film premiere, if you get the people out of here, we will introduce you to the title, alexander getsenko, now only the soviets can save them people fish. there are no others here, evgeniy tkachuk, i am a fort, they definitely won’t kill me, i will be with you until the end of my life, fyodor dobronravov, he will calculate everything, he will figure everything out, he will put everything in order, he sees four moves ahead, sergei makovetsky, i heard, you need responsible comrades for the campaign, lean on me, comrade kaselev, konstantin khabensky, save this, wow, remember, we never lost this, this is an amulet, no, this is
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a device by which one finds up... comrades jews, we need get as far away from the camp as possible, film by sergei ursulyak, glad that we broke away, left, we didn’t leave them, they are following us, righteous man, may 9 on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, dismount.
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i am your new neighbor, and also your new part-time district police officer. after graduation we immediately agreed to submit an application, well, what a wedding, well, come with us, guys, this is my girlfriend, it was yours, there will be my pain, sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good, can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise complaining, if you blurt out a word anywhere, we will bury you in the forest,
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despair. we're going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in...
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there are only ours, honor and praise to you, what you are doing , this is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, war is scary, this is not an idle question, because the answer is not very simple, for whom? for those who experienced the horrors of war, who saw them, probably yes, they understand that this is an inevitable evil, and we were forced to defend russians of donbass, who were simply destroyed for 8
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years. war actually became absolutely inevitable after two events: after the trade union house in odessa and the bombing of lugansk. but for the west there is no war, for the west there is a game, they play, for them, this is something absolutely abstract, this is such a monopoly, where they pour in chips and die, well, others die, this is already half a million ukrainians who will never return home , to the americans, the british, yes,
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kuleby hypocritically declares that the ukrainian foreign ministry still protects the interests of its citizens for abroad, which ones? whose, whom? the only interest that kiev has is to get as much arms money as possible from sponsors, and i understand why? here is the wife of the commander-in-chief, who buys herself belgravia, not the worst place, an expensive person, when her country is at war. yesterday's hero of ukrainian myths zaluzhny gets 5 million for getting a kick in the ass, for what? for the fact that he killed so many
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people, for the fact that he did not win a single operation, or for the fact that he refused to have a political battle with mr. zelensky and will now quietly and calmly celebrate his boring old age in london. well, it’s clear, it’s clear, the ukrainians are happy about the shells and missiles from the united states, the british also promised the largest package of military equipment in history, the russian ministry of defense is, of course, closely monitoring the upcoming deliveries, judging by today’s statements by the leadership of army general, hero of russia sergei kazhegich shaig, russia will have something to answer. as a result of active hostilities. russian military personnel liberated the settlements of pervomaiskaya, bogdanovka and novomikhailovka (donetsk people's republic). coming expansion of the control zone at berdych. and
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allows us to constantly exert fire on the enemy, preventing georgievka, our high combat potential , from holding the line of defense. washington, in order to prevent the collapse of the armed forces of ukraine, intends to allocate almost $61 billion to the kiev regime, most of the allocations will go to finance the military-industrial complex of the united states. american are powerful. declares that ukrainians will die for their interests in the fight against russia. in total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to almost half a million military personnel. the kiev regime was unable to achieve the set goals of the counter-offensives prepared by nato instructors. our military personnel have dispelled the myth of the superiority of western weapons. enterprises of the russian military-industrial complex have increased their capacities significantly, significantly.
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in proportion to the threats posed by the united states and its allies, we will continue to improve the composition and structure of the armed forces, increasing the production of the most popular types of weapons and military equipment, we will increase the intensity of attacks on logistics centers and storage bases for western weapons. the russian armed forces will continue.
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the state is not only the regime, it’s the people, it’s the ukrainians, many of them have been misled, many of them, yes , the majority are already saying, opinion polls are not ours, the ukrainians demand to stop and sit down at the negotiating table, to stop this war, but the kiev regime is a terrorist regime, of course, it has been involved in terror since... the bloody coup d'etat, and this is the essence, the basis of this regime, prescribed by the collective west, is in this form, in the form that exists, because all the terrorist acts, there are already a large number of them on the territory of russia, all of this was organized by the kiev regime, of course, with the development, support of the western cia, and others western intelligence services, whoever... is also recognized as a terrorist
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structure, these are, of course, the sbu, the direct developers of the security service of ukraine, the security service of ukraine, the direct developers of these terrorist acts, who have nothing sacred, no conscience, no morality, they cannot, as they say, in battle, do anything, so they shell peaceful cities, border areas, they kill journalists, they killed daria dugina, so i would like a tribunal after all, it will take place, sooner or later it will take place, and so that all these criminals, for all their atrocities that they committed in russia, and not only in russia, but look, in ukraine, all dissidents disappear, are killed, terrorized. there is such an atmosphere of fear there,
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that people are generally afraid, not only to come out of a protest, they are afraid to say a word, they are looking through phones, and such a network of control over ukrainians has been deployed, so here is a tribunal, under the tribunal, the most severe punishment that ukraine is planning is absolutely obvious, of course, by may 7 and 9, by the inauguration of victory day and... the main task is political, this is carrying out terrorist attacks, both against people popular in russia, and the main attempt to destroy the crimean bridge, ruslan in particular speaks about this openly bortnik, the crimean bridge is quite likely that the main military goal of ukraine this year, the crimean bridge is the main military goal of ukraine this year, we most likely... are not able to achieve other symbolic goals, well,
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this is to liberate the donetsk region or at least the kherson or or kharkov, at least 11% of those that russia controls today, to deliver symbolic blows on may 9 and there. for anyone, for putin’s birthday, for may 9, for something else, for june 22, for example, for some kind of international conference moreover, we are quite capable of inflicting, the crimean bridge can be the main military target, and indeed these atakams can be used against the crimean bridge, this package shows that on the one hand the united states says ukraine, take the defense, on the other hand they give ukraine the opportunity to iron out the russian rear, well, i believe that we must... respond asymmetrically, that is, we must do everything possible so that all those who supply military aid packages pay for it in the blood not of ukrainians, but of their citizens, i also think it is absolutely obvious, but we understand all their plans, why
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the bridges across the dnieper were not destroyed in order to complicate the logistics of delivering what is already on the territory of ukraine, but is still on the other side, why...
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may they try to destroy the crimean bridge, they act in parallel, you see, they are trying to attack our air defense in crimea, and so to speak, yes, they are preparing a terrorist attack on the crimean bridge, so i really hope that, so to speak, well, i don’t hope, i’m sure that our leadership understands this very well, and
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to fight, today we need to fight, so to speak, already differently, especially since as far as i understand, as far as i know, all the possibilities for this exist today, all the possibilities for this exist, well, i don’t know why i should say so, not yet.
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they need to destroy religion, because what they, what christianity in europe has actually already been destroyed, and so, these satanists
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who are sitting, they seem to be arguing among themselves, they say, let’s do this, here’s another sheep , here we are, this, it would seem, any sane person who will be told, you can change once a year gender, but he must understand that this is impossible, simply a priori impossible, but nevertheless they agree with it, the chancellor speaks out, be proud of it, a stupid question, why once a year, yes, why not well... what should to what animal state it was necessary to bring people, well, well, wait, well, he ’s fine, but they’re still scum, scoundrels, but they’re not complete idiots, they can’t understand, they can’t help but understand that this is impossible.
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sodom and gomorrah fire came down from heaven, so it
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will be, so it will be, only fire, fire maybe the reasons for the fire can be different, it could be a nuclear explosion, it could be our rocket, or it could really be a volcanic eruption, then, well, there are no plans for a volcano in kiev, so burn it to hell, it’s a good idea, i’ll go back to ukraine , look, yes, yes, yes, i have to say honestly, but of course we will ask the population. so to speak, having received money from the blood and bones of these tens of hundreds of thousands,
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he is a man with phenomenally expensive eggs, well , yes, yes, yes, not only, everything, everyone sees it, everyone sees this, you know, everyone, they don’t even hide it anymore, but the system is created in such a way that , well, well, in a concentration camp, you know, uprisings are impossible, and what a concentration camp is, the nazis know well and know how to organize well, in ukraine, i will repeat once again, a huge one has been created in ukraine.
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they think they left there, so to speak, they can stamp the documents, the man left, they tortured him a long time ago, they killed him, and according to the computer it will be that he went to europe, go look for him, so there, there soz, you can’t, you know, blame people is that they don't raise an uprising, it is impossible to raise it, it is very difficult, or rather, all this will depend on our progress forward, in conclusion, again, i want to completely agree with you, until the americans, the british, wash themselves, do not choke on their own blood, they will do everything so that the russians would cut down the russians. so that everything that happens in ukraine continues until there is a direct threat to them, i will tell you this, for me the life of any of our fighters, any resident of donbass or resident of the belgorod region, is more valuable than the entire population of britain or all the population of poland taken together, we need to proceed from this, you know, it’s time for us, so to speak, to take a completely different course of action, i agree, vladimir
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vladimirovich, i was thinking, it’s the ukrainians who are now trying to pull men out of europe, right? conscription age, and if they are in germany, can they change their gender once a year or however long they want? won’t help, women are also in the army, not yet, it seems like men are being deprived of consular access, and accordingly, but if they announce this according to the law, ukrainians will not call upon themselves to be women, but what is happening now, of course, in these service consular centers, in passport centers, visa centers of ukraine abroad, is in words. to describe, that is, just think about it, we have seen queues for the last few weeks in prague, in warsaw, well, where there are the most ukrainians, ukrainian migrants, and where they had the opportunity to apply for foreign passports, for new documents, just imagine , they paid a government agency with a passport for this, well, center
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document, ukrainian visa centers, considerable fees for... expedited receipt of documents, that is, the state took it, from today they took it and that’s it, that’s it, we’re no longer working, that’s all that’s all that’s for you, and even those who already i handed in the documents, they were so happy, they were on time, many naively thought, now we’ve handed them in on time, yes, you know, now they can’t do it for us, they keep telling them, sorry, this is democracy, and that’s not why you jumped on the maidan, yes, remember, without visas, for free movement, go to defend the country, we are at war, and didn’t you know, says kuleba, who you remember, was the first, in the very first hours he even took out his dogs, that is, not that all the family members were there, but now he says, but you did what you wanted, but go, defend, die there at the front, this there are
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all sorts of yatsenyuk reznikovs, and kuleba, whom they say soon. who has the choice, either poroshenko or putin, it turns out that putin received 73% in the presidential elections in ukraine, yes, then zelensky in may, you remember, said that 65 million presidents, now all over the world, are ukrainians, yes, all these presidents now they say and we don’t even want to know your opinion, whether you want it or not, everyone goes to the front, and what
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is the deprivation of a visa, services for these people, it’s not just passports, who has... no, well, we’ll check everyone there, no, well , in any case, i urge all these ukrainians to go, i don’t know where they can now go to serbia, belarus, yes, that is, at a minimum, but where visas are not required for them, they are not subject to this mandatory availability of documents, but again, if your passport is expired, you won’t go anywhere, even if you’re cracked, you have everywhere
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they will say, you are becoming an illegal migrant, the russian aristocracy is now becoming moldovans, and so yesterday’s australian jew has become a moldovan, yes, i beg you, we have so many of them now, and kazakhs and moldovans and armenians have appeared, we must demand from them that they perform moldovan songs, let them give a test for the moldovan language, by the way, there is no such thing, there is no longer even a moldovan language, but what is it?
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they are going to do it by hook or by crook, that is, they are all pushed aside, or you are outside the law, or it should become cannon fodder, there is not much choice by and large, that’s when western european newspapers are now rejoicing, here is the help, finally ukraine has waited for these 60 billion in aid, a very good note was written today by the italian professor arsine, who says, well, here’s what you are happy, you should offer condolences to ukraine, because what will it bring? new loss of territories, new territories and new coffins. and he says, and if anyone doesn’t believe you, read, he says, my forecasts from two years ago, how everyone shouted that that’s it, russia will be
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defeated, yes, by the joint efforts of the west, well, look where it is now, who is on what front lines, so you see, now sunok has arrived in poland, promises another 500 million pounds, from of which the lion's share will go, as i understand it, storm shadow, he is his own, without a budget, britain. and what will britain's budget increase? you understand, the most interesting thing is that now they attacked him for this scheme of sending illegal migrants to concentration camps in rwanda. listen, this whole scheme costs him, for which they curse him, what a waste 500 million pounds of money, the same ones, but no one even made a peep about ukraine, well , okay, but from the budget, which, in general, is also arisha suna, who himself is from a family of migrants and sends other migrants to rwanda, you came in large numbers. the bus screams , pass freely there in the center, but as soon as
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it gets there, it screams, where are you going, everything is packed here, but here is richa sunok, one of the same ones, yes, but at the same time, you understand, again, when i look at that package aid, which he announced, there he says: 60 boats will be handed over to the ukrainian army, i just literally yesterday i heard criticism from the british ministry of internal affairs: look how gorgeous this fat tail is, let me heat your bandage. the premiere on rtr, i came, showed up, ruined everything, don’t you dare
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say that, i’ll take out a loan, we’ll buy a room from ivan and not for 400 but for 800, and no way, but don’t worry, everything is arranged, listen, get me a little man one, angels of the area, and what, where are we, yes, now, now you’ll find out, tomorrow on rtr. we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when it’s serious, we need to go, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside, with the most necessary knowledge, health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? for every factor.
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in the recent past, you were a well-known scientist and psychiatrist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, but kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, also what, it will hurt, they say that people are straight. you know how to look, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, there are two wonderful teams in the studio presenting a science-fiction film based on
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the story. kira balucheva 100 years ago, they travel through a century, this is of course a russian folk kayak, let’s find the right answers, i would really like to answer today, but we’ll answer, perhaps, okroshka, we need to be simpler than a hut, who is guaranteed cosmic success? i take responsibility ourselves for this answer, we have a powerful intrigue, 100 to one, 100 years ago, on sunday on rtr, we wish you to meet your prince this year, especially since you already have a horse, on saturday, well, you have there’s a telephone there,
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please give it to us, when
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the issues discussed in the expert community are discussed - what weapons being transferred from the collective west will have the greatest impact on the course of hostilities, apparently, such weapons should include atacoms missiles, which in the near future time will apparently be handed over to the armed to the forces of ukraine, these atakoms - there are only eight varieties, there are firing ranges of 160 km, there are 220. there are 270, there are 300, there are 310, after all , most likely these missiles with a firing range of 300 km will be transferred, this means that many of our objects will be in the range of the missile network, of course, first of all we are talking from the ukrainian side, of course, about attacks on the crimean bridge, there is already euphoria, such lust that we will strike, defeat, destroy, well, the first thing that should
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be noted is that, after all, it’s probably a cover the krypsky bridge has been sharply strengthened recently, a real air defense missile defense center has been created there, in addition, it should be taken into account that the enemy is still inventive, most likely this strike will be delivered in a complex manner, that is , by sea unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles, and missiles flying at extremely low altitudes such as stormshadow, and ballistic missiles such as atakms, that is, we must prepare for the fact that all this, all these air attack weapons can enter into the detection zone and into the affected zone at the same time. plus , the ukrainian side will add questions for the sake of electronic warfare. again, defense is one thing, but how to respond, how to respond? well, probably, the question still needs to be formulated this way, since the crimean bridge has already become a fixed idea for them , its destruction is just
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a dream.
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the most important detail is that it is easier to build a new bridge in a new place than to restore a badly damaged old one, because well, it’s simple, it’s simple elementary. structures could lead to such a wave on the dnieper, which could demolish not only the remaining dams there, but also a significant coastal part of ukraine.
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they will say that for this they will blow up your houses in britain and mansions in italy and houses in miami, are you crazy, why do they need them? this will probably have a stronger impact, as for this ukrainian art, it is due to the fact that funds are being allocated, weapons will be purchased, weapons will be transferred, firstly, despite the seemingly enormous external magnitude of this amount, this is, by and large, for the management of there are not so many military actions, this is a new quality of warfare. even with this large-scale assistance, they will not acquire from ukraine, yes, they will have new specific combat and operational capabilities, but they
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will not be able to conduct operations of an operational-strategic scale, operations of an offensive nature, even with this help, because , well, we are talking about the allocation of 1 million shells to carry out an operation of an operational-strategic scale, well, according to the most conservative estimate, but no less is needed 10-15 million large-caliber shells, compared with the supplies that were last year for the ukrainian offensive, now they are receiving more, less, how to compare the volume of supplies , there has not been any sharp increase, let’s say, by an order of magnitude or two , approximately everything is within the same boundaries, with the exception, with the exception, this is what they are delivering, for example, a surface-to-surface missile, of a new, new type, well, i mean with a new firing range, this weapon can... so will significantly affect on the course of hostilities, but will not change the character, i understand, it’s just interesting to compare the amount of assistance that was provided before the counterattack, which they were trying to attack, with the one that is in comparable volumes, comparable volumes, but the thoughts themselves, the very thoughts of conducting
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offensive operations, of reaching the borders of the ninety-first year or at least february 2022, even these dreams have already left the most stubborn ukrainian planners, i can’t say, i believe that... not as before, they now they will concentrate on one place of impact, the task is very simple, destroy the crimean bridge and cut the land isthmus that leads to crimea, that is, everything that they will do is completely obvious, and concentrate on this, yes, that is, it is as if transparent to the point of loss consciously, well, personally , this seems to me, no, the fact that they have such plans, yes, but the implementation of these plans - this seems to me from the studies, well, just in order for the implementation to be impossible, it is necessary to destroy the bridges from .. . blow up hydraulic structures, well, again, here, strangely enough, this assistance seems to be supposed to increase combat, operational capabilities there, allow the armed forces of ukraine to sharply increase the effectiveness of combat operations there, well, up to certain limits, but in fact, in fact,
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it will cost the armed forces the forces of ukraine only in new tens of hundreds of thousands of uncarried sanitary losses of personnel and the death of civilians, because the same strikes at peaceful cities, i’m asking the question to what , well... look, ottacamsy is a serious thing, bradleys, of which more than 100 have already been delivered there, the thing is serious, shells, they have been delivered a lot in 155, there is doubt, things are serious, but the f16, the most serious things, because the f-16 is a potential carrier of nuclear weapons, french participation the stated means that france , as a nuclear country, can fully deliver a nuclear one, that is, we must take off the f16 every time. as a potential threat of a nuclear strike, how should we respond to this? that is, it is clear that there must be a radioactive desert then in that part of ukraine from where takes off and...


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