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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 23, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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we are monitoring the situation with oleg shcherbakov, friends, if you also have something to tell, and you see him violating house arrest, call, write to our editor, that ’s all for today, take care of yourselves, your loved ones, goodbye. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes, about the most important thing, we have a special edition of urgent news: half a million people, these are the irretrievable losses of the army since the beginning of the special operation, that is , half a million killed and wounded, nightmarish.
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shaiga voiced today at a meeting of the defense board. in the nwo zone. russian troops have the initiative along the entire front line. the russian army is currently expanding its zone of control in berdychi and georgiy. in addition, our fighters have already liberated pervomayskoe bogdanovka and novomikhailovka in the dpr. exclusive footage of the assault on novomikhailovka on your screen. the russian flag on the westernmost outskirts of the highest point of the village was removed.
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guns even in the local orthodox church, among the trophies that were captured in the liberated village by the far eastern marines, swedish grenade launchers, american javelins, nato electronic warfare systems, somewhere a car is further away , yes a car, in short, this is a german tank lying on... mikhailovki, such a bustle, in short, it was really well fortified, because the eastern outskirts of the entire settlement , this is probably about eight strong points, that is, these are trenches dug, they are not made by machines, but by hand, just loopholes are made, a small window is all, so we moved on to... two people, that is,
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we had a two-man covering and a two-man specifically i was already approaching the house, but the most i can say is that they themselves, our enemy, are not in direct, well, confrontation, that is , they work more with artillery, drones, cassette players, that is, well, it’s all done out of the blue, as it were, of course, where we are, there is victory, the brothers work. we took novomikhailovka, we will continue to beat the enemy, victory will be ours, we planted another flag, in the center of novomikhailovka, so to speak, the request of the marine corps veteran was fulfilled.
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since the beginning of the special operation of the russian army , 592 aircraft, 270 helicopters, more than 22,000 drones, about 6,000 missiles. 3,549 of them were produced by american hymers, shaigu told defense ministry colleagues. nato countries are not only arming the kiev regime, but have assembled a group of 33,000 soldiers at our borders. they are reinforced with three hundred tanks and more than eight hundred.
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as a result of active hostilities , russian military personnel liberated the settlements of pervomaiskaya, bogdanovka and novomikhailovka, donetsk people's republic. the control zone is being expanded in berdychi and georgievka. to prevent the collapse of the armed forces of ukraine, washington intends to allocate almost $61 billion to the kiev regime, most of the allocations will go to finance the military-industrial complex of the united states. the american authorities cynically declare that ukrainians will die for their interests in the fight against russia. in total, at the beginning of the special military operation, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to almost half a million military personnel. in total, since the beginning of hostilities, more than 22 drones and about 600
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missiles have been destroyed, including khaimars 3549 and vampire 361, as well as about 200 other air.
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the liberation of the dpr proceeded at an encouraging pace and another success in a day ocheretin there and the same victory of russia, unexpected for the armed forces of ukraine. the footage is clear on your screens: soldiers of the twenty-seventh division of the twenty brigade of the 43rd regiment in the very center of ocheretin convey greetings to tatarstan, lonada, krasnoyarsk, and...
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from there, and new footage of the captured leopard 2a5, captured in the avdeevsky direction. right now our military engineers are studying it in detail. first impression: german with stuffed with electronics, which fail at the first hit, it is impossible to repair the damage in the field, unlike russian tanks. the british press today came out with alarming news for the ukrainian armed forces and its nato command. tabloit the sun, citing the ukrainian army, published a plan for the spring-summer offensive of russian troops. estimated dates: end of may, beginning of june. the plan even comes with a map. there are a lot of tanks on it, even more arrows, however, right there questions arise about what kind of base in
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the sea of ​​azov the british came up with. why will the russian army advance with tanks from the depths of this sea, why will our attack be on crimea, and not on...
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you want this, i’ll tell you this, we are 100% dependent on american help. ukraine
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is experiencing a shortage of ammunition and russia is taking advantage of this. russia is attacking critical infrastructure across the country. also on the front line, the russian air force is very active. all this is happening because ukraine does not have enough air defense missiles. now let's talk about the main successes of russia over the past month. if you remember, last year there were wasteful battles in the donbass; at the beginning of this year, all attention was focused on ovdeevka, but now all eyes are turned to the battles in the hours. may 9, when russia celebrates victory day. putin always plays the long game; in this game with ukraine and nato, he expects that western support will gradually weaken, like the armed forces' stockpiles of weapons. what tank have you driven before? t-80 and challengenger? how do you compare them? this one is better. how? everyone? because he is not ours, he is foreign.
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but on the other hand there is a problem, that only britain no longer produces shells , even they have reserves now, so the question of what to do with it next will work its way into the museum, probably based on the speed that you squeezed out of it ?
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russian offensive, and we are not talking about the capital here, these are satellite images taken 2 days before the big war, the outskirts of the belarusian city of mozyr, from where russian troops marched on kiev. then their path lay through chernobyl, but they still have another backup plan in the box: a forced march more than half a thousand kilometers, in order to try to cut off all logistics chains of arms supplies to ukraine from the west. which scenario will putin choose? most likely, neither he nor his general knows yet.
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order of courage posthumously, the decree was signed by putin today. the head of the federation council , matvienko, called the murder of our colleague another example of the terrorist activities of the zelensky regime.
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died while making his next, truthful, honest report about the struggle for the country, the president of russia signed a decree on awarding the order of courage to eremin semyon
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nikolaevich for the courage and dedication shown during the execution... so on, the warhead, the control system, including the guidance unit, cameras, sensors and in general, now this is a much more effective machine than at the very beginning he was repeatedly modernized, in that operation, humanity in relation to every hero, to every person he met along the way, this was always felt in everything, this really distinguishes him. and from so many, full tank now it will work, we have lost a very honest man, very honest towards us, towards the homeland, towards the work he was doing, yes, the tapes are torn behind his back there, semyon died as a soldier, that’s what
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we must not forget about that semyon died for his homeland, this must always be remembered. what you can now see on my chest is his big contribution to this, too, so, brother, you will always be in our memory, sometimes the sounds of a short shooting battle are heard there, sometimes, like now. hits the mortar, but that's all, the aid package itself will not master itself and will not cut itself apart, the ukrainians thought and made another important strategic decision, to rename more than 340 settlements. a corresponding
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bill has been submitted to the rada, here are just three recent examples in odessa. regions propose to rename the village of nadezhdovka to champagne, the city of yuzhnaya to the port of anental, and the village of roshcha to new paris. we will assume that a warring country needs a name change so that the russian army gets lost during the offensive. today our missile forces launched new attacks on military buildings built in the ussr in dnepropetrovsk. a series of explosions were heard in the city. in the suburbs of dnepropetrovsk, after the explosion, a smudge was visible, arrivals were also recorded in zaporozhye, and at night in kharkov, the russian aerospace forces struck the kharkov tractor, read, tank plant. footage from the scene shows active detonation. the day before, the blow hit the body of the tower in kharkov. ukrainian media report two news in this regard: first:
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the russians hit the tower with an x-59 aircraft missile. after all, the second one released by the crew of the su-34 fighter was hit right during a conversation biden and zelensky on the phone. ze managed to complain to joe about the insidious russians, who turned off the signal for the so-called ukrainian telethon, as all ukrainian tv channels are now called. the tv signal in the city completely disappeared. the tower was broken in half, the spire flew down, stuck into the ground and fell. at the same time , not a single civilian was injured during the strike, and the ukrainians used the tower not so much for broadcasting russophobic propaganda, but... a huge number of repeaters, reconnaissance and guidance systems were installed on it anti-aircraft missiles, also with the help of antennas , the militants coordinated attacks by drones and
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multiple launch rocket systems, from which they hit peaceful belgorod, so the destruction of the tower definitely deprives the ukrainian armed forces of part of the eyes and ears, creates a blind zone for any signals, thereby certainly helping the russian army. holy shit! these are the first seconds of the attack on the kharkov tv tower; it was partially destroyed due to a hit by the x-59 missile, these are the preliminary conclusions of experts. there are currently
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interruptions in the digital television signal in the region. in a television infrastructure facility was attacked in kharkov. there are interruptions in the digital television signal, said the head of the kharkov regional military administration, oleg sinegubov. luckily no one was hurt. the russians attacked a television tower in kharkov. its upper part broke off. as if she fell to the ground in slow motion. these shots instantly spread across social networks. holy shit! according to preliminary data from the kharkov regional prosecutor's office , the attack was carried out with an x-59 missile. it was the x-59. the entire city center saw the inertial trail. by the way, he it was not from the north, it was coming from the west, that is, the missile bypassed kharkov and flew in from the direction of kiev. she hit the upper part, the so -called spire.
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ordered to cease providing services to potential recruits abroad. the only action that is now
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available to young and not so young ukrainians is the preparation of documents for returning to their homeland. kuleba explained the ban this way: living behind the cordon does not free ukrainian boys from the front, because the issue of survival is at stake, that is , for zelensky, ukrainians are no longer even slaves, serfs. moreover, the law itself. mobilization has not even come into force yet, but it is already being used, a real rule-of-law state of central europe. but kyiv has nothing else to do. the usa and nato are demanding meat, because the supplied weapons will need to be controlled by someone. not even a little chronicle of ukrainian sovereignty. to be honest, it’s just kind of a shame. this is how ukrainian people's deputies in the verkhovna rada celebrate the allocation of a new handout from the state. rejoice along with us flags. today the first information appeared that what exactly the americans will supply for the war with russia. politico writes that the new package
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will be significantly larger than the previous one, but we thought it would be smaller. so, the united states will supply additional bradley bmps, m-113s, humvee armored vehicles, artillery shells, air defense systems, perhaps the most serious threat to us. a missile from akams, the range of which can be... in a conversation with biden, zelensky proudly stated that, reinforced concrete, he agreed with joe on long-range missiles. cnn clarifies that american weapons are allegedly already in germany and poland, they say the pentagon is waiting for a go-ahead from biden. it doesn’t exist yet, just like the technology itself. zrada was voiced by ukrainian ambassador to the united states markarova. he says the americans gave hope early. the pentagon currently has no equipment. for 27 billion dollars, it will take some time to find it, we are dancing, we are working with our american partners to increase our capabilities.
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i've been to ukraine many times, and the last trip bothered me the most. the main challenges stem from the fact that american aid did not reach the country at all. the last six months. the result was a huge shortage of ammunition. the russians outnumber the ukrainians in artillery by a ratio of 5 to one, and sometimes 10 to one. the russians have moved on to their new tactic of dropping huge, highly destructive
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glide bombs which... they launch 70 km before the target, because we did not provide them with interception means; the ukrainians could not shoot down the planes that dropped these bombs. most of the money will go to the american defense industry to make up for what has already been given or will be given ukraine. the rest of the package is ammunition, equipment and as i heard from senator warren of virginia, atacoms missiles with a range of 1300.
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ukrainian forces have repeatedly asked the us for this, this is a military tactical missile system, atacoms for short, these missiles can be equipped with a 500 class fragmentation warhead ft. have a maximum range of about 190 miles, which could allow ukrainian forces to penetrate further into russian-held territories, including crimea. atacoms is the best strike system class earth-to-earth, it allows. be mobile, spread out, and also gives the ability to impose uncertainty on the enemy as to where they will attack from, attacks designed to be launched from a ground vehicle, such as the american himars, which is already in ukraine, after the missile is launched, the vehicle can fire and move to avoid retaliatory attacks, this could be a huge advantage for ukrainian forces, which use a similar missile, the british storm shadow,
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which is being launched with...
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there was concern that this would escalate the conflict with the russians, concern that the ukrainians could use these long-range atacoms missiles to hit targets inside russian territory. in these wars, nothing is a magic bullet, but in this case, it will allow ukraine to last in this war until the end of the year, which means that the ukrainians will not lose the war this year, but they will not win either. foren fr writes about what other western assistance there might be. according to me experts, it is europe that should send troops to ukraine, this would be the best answer to putin, because the affairs of europe concern the europeans, not the united states, very cunningly, that is, the americans started the war, and the best solution to ending it would be european soldiers who would have to die instead together with the ukrainians. in any case, in the rear it is located exactly on the western bank of the dnieper.
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thus, in the opinion of the european army. shoot down russian drones and cruise missiles. the risk is minimal, and especially since moscow has said more than once that it is not going to start a third world war. moreover, he believes that europeans should not even be afraid of nuclear wars, because western special forces are already operating in ukraine today, which means that all red lines have been erased, and in general all russian threats are nothing more than propaganda, that is...
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but the ukrainians will we are happy to receive such a boost, to support the morale of the poles and ukrainians . british prime minister sunok and secretary general stoltenberg flew to warsaw today; they did not arrive empty-handed. sunok said that he would send
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kiev a historical, he said so, package military aid, attention to as much as 500 million pounds sterling, which after 60 billion from the usa looks, you see, ridiculous. we are talking about drones, cruise missiles, river boats, supposedly this is enough to repel the offensive of the russian army, as you can see, we are in poland at a military base, the prime minister arrived here to meet with the polish prime minister donald tusk, he will also be meeting at a press conference with secretary general nato stoltenberg later today, right now... the military package for ukraine. this increases current funding for the year to 3 billion. the prime minister said that ukraine needs more help. he will then travel to
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germany to make the case for more funding for ukraine to counter the threat of an expansionist russia. today on the plane he talked about how our world is more unstable and dangerous than at any time since the cold war. i am convinced that we must do more to protect our country, our interests and values, so today i am announcing the most ambitious strengthening of our national defense over the last generation. we will increase defense spending to a new value, which will become the base level and reach 2.5% of gdp by 2030. this increase starts today and will gradually increase every year. over the next six years, we...
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trump is going to force women crossing state lines to take a pregnancy test, cars will be stopped by cowboy aggressors with tests in their hands, even victims will be forced to undergo the procedure. in the video, a mother takes her little girl to the hospital, both are in tears, but they are eventually forced into giving birth. the meaning of the campaign is as simple as possible. trump is against abortion, democrats are for it. under donald, the police will prohibit pregnant women from republican states
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from leaving democratic states, forcing them to give birth, give birth, and give birth. biden himself created a new international scandal. the words of the us president that his uncle was eaten by sable-toothed cannibals in new guinea during... during world war ii were commented on by the prime minister of popua new guinea, james marapte. he stated that guinea did not start the second world war, it was dragged in in vain, it is still here. the usa find its citizens who died in the jungle and take them home. the prime minister delicately suggested that biden had simply misspoke. let me remind you of the circumstances under which biden publicly said that the black population of guinea is still eating people. he reported that his uncle crashed over the island while performing a heroic flight. at the same time, biden’s very words that fenigen’s plane, biden, was called that. was shot down, not confirmed
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by documents. according to the pentagon report, fenigan was a passenger on a douglas transport plane that crashed into the ocean after both engines failed on may 14, 1944 . only one crew member survived, traces of the plane, three more crew members, including fennegan, were not found, they drowned, they were definitely not eaten, at least by the guinean papoose. in the country itself. are worried, especially considering partnerships with the united states. the head of the department of political science of history at papua state university, michael kabuni, made an angry speech and said that about 79 american soldiers are still missing from world war ii. they lie from southeast asia to the korean peninsula. what is biden hinting at, that all 79 thousand soldiers were eaten, all of them were eaten by us, in general,
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an international scandal, and how ridiculous it is that the main cannibals on our planet, the us authorities, are talking about cannibalism. my uncle, his name was ambrose, somebody called him bosie, well my uncle bosie was a damn good athlete, i'm told he became a member of the army air corps before the bbc came into being. he flew these single-engine planes as a reconnaissance aircraft over combat zones. he was shot down in new guinea and his body was never found because there were a lot of cannibals in that part of new guinea. prime minister of popua. new guinea's james marape has accused joe biden of disparaging
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the south pacific island nation because the us president said his uncle was eaten by cannibals during the second world war. biden's comments offended a key strategic ally as china is seeking to increase its influence in the region. marape in his statement said that biden implied that his uncle was eaten by cannibals, president biden's remarks may have sounded offhand, but my country does not deserve such a label. the second... war was not the work of my people, but they were unnecessarily drawn into the conflict, marape added. the prime minister's statement came on the same day he met chinese foreign minister wang yi in port moresby to discuss building closer relationships. joe biden's statement offended the people of papoa new guinea, not only because cannibalism has never happened in that country, but rather because biden meant that they would eat any white guy who happened to fall out of the sky. president joe biden is experiencing clear cognitive decline and it appears to have reached
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a new level. the poor man is simply stunned and confused, when for a moment he comes to his senses, he begins to tell strange stories. milanesians, to whom papua new guinea is a very proud people, says michael kabuni, a political science lecturer at the university of papua new guinea, and they would find such a categorization very offensive, not because someone says, "oh, i've been to papua new guinea before." it hurts, yes, we know it's a fact, but taking it out of context and implying that your uncle jumped out of a plane and we somehow think that's good food is unacceptable. according to kabuni, in the past , some communities practiced cannibalism in certain contexts, such as eating deceased relative out of respect to prevent the decomposition of his body. there was a certain context, but they wouldn't just eat white men who fell from the sky, says kabuni. about 79,000 american troops remain.
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according to the pentagon archives, the plane crashed into the ocean off the northern coast of new guinea because both engines failed at low altitude, the plane hit the water with its nose
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and began to sink, three crew members could not get out, only one managed to escape, he was helped by sailors from passing barge, but this is not... we went to pennsylvania, but i'm not sure if you visited the memorial in scranton, but i note that for the president it was an emotional, in my opinion, symbolic moment, he had the opportunity, as president, to honor the memory of his uncle , who served and wore a military uniform, biden had the opportunity to visit this place as president to honor the bravery of his uncle, and not only
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his uncle, but other us military personnel who risked their lives for this country, which is why his uncle died at the helm. military the plane he was on when it crashed over the pacific ocean near new guinea. the president was simply emphasizing his uncle's story and the reasons he made for upholding our sacred responsibility to arm those we send to war and to take care of families. second lieutenant ambrose finnigan was a war hero, but according to the pentagon, the plane failed for unknown reasons.
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china delicately responded to the united states to a series of sanctions by tightening tariffs from washington. beijing did not do anything for a long time, as experts write, but finally decided to introduce duties of 43.5% on the import of propionic acid from the united states. you know, it is widely used in food, animal feed, pesticides, and medicine. the move is not the strongest yet, given that last year chinese imports of propionic acid amounted to a paltry us$8.3 million. but can this be? the first chinese warning ahead of blinkon's visit. on the eve of his arrival, the chinese ministry of defense made a number of rather harsh and important statements. first, washington should not denigrate relations between beijing and moscow. second, the ukrainian issue is not a problem between china and the united states. the americans should not interfere with it in bilateral relations. well, that is,
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they explained to blinken in advance that they were not going to discuss ukraine with him, nor would they listen to lectures from the americans because of the close relations between beijing and moscow. the us secretary of state, in turn , demonstrates the wonders of diplomacy. before his trip to china, he accused the chinese authorities of genocide and other crimes against humanity, which allegedly confirm uighurs, muslims and other ethnic and religious minorities. after this, sijin ping is unlikely to date him. and in general, blinken himself is doing everything so that in china he will be turned away. and they continued.
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shanghai, he is expected to discuss a number of issues, including support from china and russia. as for russian industry, its main donor is china. we see china supplying machine tools, semiconductors and other dual-use goods that are helping russia rebuild. its military-industrial complex, despite western sanctions and export controls. secretary of state antony blinken is heading to china for a three-day trip, including meetings with chinese officials. war.
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you wrote an article with the headline: thanks to biden, china could start world war iii . in it you write the following: china has increased its military presence around the philippines in the hope of intimidating manila into surrendering. american president joe biden continues to release.
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a few hours ago, chinese ships came very close to the main philippine islands, they deployed just 35 nautical miles from philippine territory. sidinzin essentially tells biden: we don’t care what the americans say, their word is worth nothing, we can easily cut off the philippines, and the philippines is in a difficult situation because there is no one to protect them except the united states. the relationship between vladimir putin and senzempinime is perhaps the most dynamically developing in world politics, they were born around the same time, both had fathers who fought in the second world war, but what binds them most is their shared distrust of the united states. russia's invasion of ukraine began to shift the balance of power in the world towards china.
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has the white house, because last time his economic and political policies fit into 140 characters on twitter and it was very unpredictable, every time we woke up we watched where it would explode this time, with the biden administration there is much more dialogue, much more rationality in relations, but at the same time china recognizes that regardless of whether it sits in white whether you are a republican or a democrat at home, the tone and content of the rhetoric toward china will be the same. administration. china, compared to the trump administration. and the chinese understand this. what does
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the military leadership shakeup have to do with china's military buildup? yes, they are also strengthening aviation, cyber security. in these areas they have strong competition with the united states. we are seeing big changes in the defense department. the minister of defense has been relieved of his post. the commander of the support forces also lost his.
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they want something a little different, they have a different point of view, they believe that our world order is being kicked out only to us, not to them, so they believe that it is in their interests to weaken america and undermine this system. he said everything correctly that the american world order is really beneficial only to the united states, to no one else, not even its western partners. the most important events are now taking place at the front, let’s go there, vladimir razin, the military correspondent is with us. direct communication, vladimir, hello, first of all, some news, which is the final seconds have arrived: the united states is preparing to allocate a new
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billion-dollar military aid package to ukraine after congress passes the relief bill. allies, that is , this billion is about to be turned into weapons and delivered to ukraine. nato has no plans to deploy nuclear forces. in poland, stoltenberg just said, but it is not for stoltenberg, as they say, to decide such issues. sunok, in the same place, together with stoldenberg, just said that britain is moving the defense industry into war mode. sunok promised that britain would spend on defense, the most in europe in the world inferior in terms of expenditure. only the united states understands why all this is being done, to prevent us from defending our freedom, independence and achieving results at the front. vladimir, what's going on there? evgenia, good evening, at the front, in particular in the donetsk direction, the news is quite good, we are also moving forward, without ceasing, without stopping, novomikhailovka
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has been liberated, this is the ugledar direction, that’s enough. strategic settlement, who was liberated just the other day, uh, after that this gives us the opportunity and additional conditions for moving towards coal tar, also just south of novomikhailovka movement began from the direction of the settlement sladoe, where the front line basically stood, let’s say, for about a year and a half, probably, such positional battles were established, yes, but with the liberation of novomikhail. and there began movement towards the highway, which now connects konstantinovka and ugledar. konstantinovka is the next settlement after novomikhailovka. from avdeevsky directions also yesterday there was quite good news from ocheretin, where the enemy retreated from their main positions, yes, today the clearing of these positions continued, also literally today, during the day there
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, the enemy retreated from novobakhmutovka, that’s a little. south of ocheretin, this is, in principle , quite logical after the fact that he left ocheretin, and ocheretina, let me remind you, is the height on this section of the front, which makes it possible to control the adjacent territory over a fairly large distance around us, and there is also good news in novokalinovo, there are also small tactical successes there, but again with the complete liberation of ocheretin and novokalinov - it will turn out in such a semi-encirclement, as now, by the way, berdychi also find themselves, in which there is still only one the stronghold is quite seriously fortified, in which the enemy remains, but now after we enter novobakhmutovka, they remain virtually surrounded there, one might say, yes, because the only way out of berdychi is the road through the fields, and
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this is in fact the road of death, that is, the one who will remain there literally for... there today for tomorrow it will actually turn into everything that ukraine is trying to turn into its population, this is, uh, unfortunately, for the ukrainians the dead, the soldiers of the ukrainian the parties they attract are lured to the front line for extermination, unfortunately. vladimir, how could the situation on the battlefield change, could the nature of the fighting change after all this equipment that is promised to ukraine and... new weapons ends up in in the hands of the armed forces of ukraine, are there any noticeable preparations on our part? we have not previously experienced the illusion that the armed forces of ukraine have weakened, that the front is about to collapse, as they say, but nevertheless the battles continue every day, fierce, the enemy is fiercely resisting, which can change after billions
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turn into guns and well, in terms of weapons, yes, which are going to be transferred to ukraine, this is , first of all, the most, let’s say, unpleasant moment - these are long-range missiles, yes, which can fly to a fairly long range, one moment, second point these are shells for 15-millimeter artillery fire installations, which the enemy is now, let’s say, not scattering much, but they work... but they continue to work from artillery, but mostly they do this in the most active sectors of the front, that is, where there is trench warfare, there where there are artillery battles, there is an advantage of tens, or even more times, on our side, this is a fact, from the point of view of how ready we are for this, again, you correctly said that we have not experienced any illusions at all and do not continue them test, ready for absolutely anything, here you need
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to understand yes, that first this... they announced mobilization, yes, uh, people at the front, these are the people themselves, they can’t really decide or change anything, yes, their number, one moment , the second point, just a weapon, that too - by itself cannot turn the picture around , qualified people, yes, who are now in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, they really are in abundance in the armed forces of ukraine, why, because they are raked in, the maximum is this some kind of weekly, two-week preparation at best and they are immediately sent to the front, that is, these are not specialists, yes, who can work on this equipment, who, in principle , generally understand what it is... therefore, in order for something to change on the ukrainian side at the front, that is, here should happen as a set of events, this includes improving the qualifications of their military personnel, this is the weapon that will come to them, this is understandable, but
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it all needs to be combined, it all needs to be somehow systematized and it all needs to be turned into some kind of positive movements for our part, but what will not be allowed on our part in the first place, i am sure of this, the first moment, the second moment all... the help that comes, it will certainly be destroyed at the entrance, at storage places, like only it will move closer to the front, just as large concentrations of both enemy manpower and equipment that he is trying to move throughout ukraine are destroyed, here it makes absolutely no difference to us at what distance from the lbs this or that target is located, if it need to hit if she is there, she is affected, so it will certainly affect the front, but... expect some kind of turning point , well, i think this will not happen at all . on the ukrainian side, there will certainly be attempts to make another information-political story of some kind
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to show the west: help has come, we look, they tried to break through there, but it didn’t work, sorry, give me more, that is , these kinds of pictures will continue, but it was not for nothing that zelensky said, yes, we have people, give us weapons, that is, until they run out of people, weapons for them will send but the picture will not change. everything will happen exactly as it is happening now, advancement on our part, liberation of territories. thank you very much, exhaustively vladimir razin, from the zone of the special military operation live, an argument that is used by the ukrainians themselves, who understand that they do not really trust their current president, what if earlier zelensky could say that we are losing because there were no weapons and money, now... there will be no such excuse, because it is clear that zelensky will have plenty of weapons in the near future. please, igorevich. of course, we are primarily concerned about the supply of long-range
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weapon systems for the ukrainian armed forces. thus, the west is giving the green light for actual terrorist attacks deep into russian territory. if we consider the worst option, that the american atak missile systems. in the version transferred to ukraine, they will be able to hit targets to a depth of 300 km; of course, this is a very serious threat. the same thing, the british military package poses a great threat supplies to ukraine, because here are the same storm shadow missiles, it must be frankly admitted that this is an effective, long-range, high-precision weapon system, it requires the most careful approach to how we will react. also from the british package, i would first of all note the danger of supplying unmanned kamikaze boats for attacks on russian maritime infrastructure in the black sea,
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as well as posing a threat to russian warships. what should we do in this situation? well, from the point of view of military measures response, i think that we have a general staff from...
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on the political leadership of russia, there is only one: to scale up attacks on critical infrastructure facilities, and to scale up the attacks in such a way that the facilities cannot be restored in principle, this is very important, because one it’s a matter when, say, a coral missile used by the russian armed forces hits, well, let’s say, some object in the form of, well, for example, a transformer substation; it’s another thing when
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a turbine shop is hit, because to restore it in conditions of real combat operations are impossible; in conditions of, well, actually civil time, new construction is required. of course, we have not yet used such methods of response on a large scale, but since in fact the nato secretary general lights the green light for ukrainian long-range terrorist attacks, and the corresponding western countries supply the specified types of weapons. but they themselves will actually force, i think, us to act in the logic in which i outlined it, this does not mean any threats, there is a concept that is called military-political, military expediency, and the actions of the enemy will largely determine, including the logic of our response actions. now, regarding today's big event at the russian ministry of defense, i think the numbers speak for themselves. voiced by the first
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person of the military department, army general sergei shaigu. yes, we see huge losses from the enemy. however, western countries are determined to do everything to ensure that zelensky continues to use the male population of ukraine as cannon fodder in the furnace new war. actually, these military supplies have only one purpose for the west today. to prolong the agony of the regime in kiev in order to prepare ourselves for a large-scale war with russia, in this regard , the very characteristic statement made today by british prime minister rishi sunok, who said that we are transferring the british military industry to prepare for war, is also increasing and the volume of financing, expenditure instead of 2% of gdp according to...
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we understand that this is a significant increase, approximately the same logic will be other western countries are also guided by this. given the size of the british economy, we are in these conditions, i think, given that in the coming years the risks of terrorist activity, both from ukraine, in the form in which it will remain, or from other real opponents of russia, whose bet is the use of long-range weapons systems for us is critically important, of course. release of a multiple increase in the entire range of air defense equipment. today, probably, this is one of the strategic tasks that our military-industrial complex. we expect that he will successfully cope with this task, which was set by the president of russia and the ministry of defense. continuing your thoughts that it is necessary to increase the production of weapons, including anti-aircraft and anti-missile weapons, shaigu said this today. that
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several s500 complexes will be put on combat duty this year in the twenty-fourth, it is clear that this is being done in anticipation of those deliveries from akkoms, which have already been repeatedly announced, in anticipation of the fact that it is possible, and most likely , that western f-16 fighters will appear in the ukrainian skies, perhaps some other european or american combat vehicles, we must be prepared for anything, but it feels like western... rulers and defense ministers have simply gone crazy , that is, there is some kind of bloodthirsty cruelty that is inexplicable by anything, simply bestial, look at mr. sheps, who is employed by the british minister of defense. ukraine is now fighting for its existence, and putin must not win in order to great britain was not in danger. and that's why we were the first country to deliver. we were also the first country
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to provide the ukrainian armed forces with main battle tanks, the predecessors of this challenger 3, and we were the first country to provide kiev with long-range missiles, our magnificent storm shadow. today, i am pleased to announce that we are sending the largest shipment of the most modern weapons to ukraine, plus another 500 million pounds to bring our aid this year to 3 billion. the bloody piercings are vampire, but they just cut this moment so it doesn’t look too much like a video from a zoo, please. in general, it looks like it should , in fact, but they are all leading to this, but you , we understand perfectly well that when he came to poland, this son of a bitch, why is he doing this, well, well, we are adults, yes, we there
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are trainings being carried out there, 90,000 people there, well, that is, it’s possible, well, let’s close our eyes, let’s say, no, well, yes, we’re going nowhere. we won’t understand anything further than kharkov, well or what to do, here’s what we should do, that is , the impression is that we somehow started this matter, we told them, let’s negotiate, there are no questions, you yourself forbade them to negotiate, we won’t, and now they say, here he is if it gets to poland, he won’t stop there, and we weren’t going to go anywhere at all, and we’re not going to go further, but the question is that you bastards won’t let us not go, that’s the point, you ’ll do everything for in order for us to move on, well, well, what are the options, this is how, how you want to treat him, but the fact the fact remains that they are really preparing, they will not slaughter ukraine there, of course, but they are preparing to fight themselves, and this is
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absolutely obvious, starting from what the poles demand from themselves: give us nuclear weapons, give us already, let us have them here, well, fact, fact, the finns and swedes are also crazy there. went at all, i don’t know that they were bitten, or what, by these vampires, they infected everything there, did anyone touch you at all, what do you mean, what do you mean, someone threatened you there, someone did something, no , that's all, let's do it like this, well here this logic is very difficult to understand, and it seems to me that it is almost inexplicable, you know, i once read somewhere that quite recently the ukrainian...
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you know, they ate my uncle, the aborigines ate a kuka, for which science is silent, they wanted to eat and ate a kuka , so they ate my uncle, he says, and that they ate my uncle, well, the president of the united states of america is already saying this, it’s no one there, you know, some journalist made a joke, something like that, the president says, my uncle is such a hero , he got there, these bastards took the papua guinea and ate it, the prime minister tells him, what are you, it ’s us, we’ve already... for a long time it’s not the same as you think, yes, really, i thought you all eat there, why 79, disappeared somewhere , well, it’s unknown, maybe everyone was eaten, it’s probably interesting here that such a state as popua, new guinea
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dares, completely calmly, objects, argues with geigamon, the great powers, industrial, military, france, germany, listen. in everything, not to mention zelensky, but what can you say, well, if he, well , really, well, it’s necessary or not at all reacts, or reacts, seriously, the president must be taken seriously, they took it that way, they said, no, we didn’t eat anyone, well, that’s it, i hope the conflict is over, or something else will be discussed, he needs to entrust the cia with an investigation , who actually ate his uncle, it seems to me that he...
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look at the department there, what’s going on, to renew passports and generally provide any consular services, i would like to ask, when did you jump on the maidan and demand without visas, this is this you wanted to get it, let's see what's there at the consulates what's happening, it's not a war, it's a short stay, look, guys, she's already trying to disperse the people, kick them out, the guys here are great, they just blocked the booths so that no one could come in, submit documents, that's the kind of thing. this is all. those eager to return to ukraine, and what kuleba thinks about this, we’ll also see.
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what does it look like now? a man of military age went abroad, showed his state that the question of the survival of ukraine does not concern him, and then comes and wants to receive services from this state, this is not works. there is a war in our country; being abroad does not relieve a citizen of his responsibilities to his homeland. that is why i instructed to take measures to restore fair treatment to men of mobilization age in ukraine abroad, it will be fair, now military commissars are cooler, ukrainian consuls abroad will get rich, because bribes are simply in their blood, not among ukrainians, these are the kuleb , but without visas, but without visas, without visas you can do it like this, or in hours, now, please, you can also do it without visas, please, wherever you want, back and forth, well, we jumped around, so you ask this?
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you’ll pass the problem, i’m sure, but another question, it still won’t end with one thing, our victory, everyone knows this very well, these experts are only arguing when it will end, this year or at the beginning of next, that’s it, there are no other disputes, they are fine the bastards know, so they will dispose of their people as soon as they can, and this is what we need to do, it seems to me that our, of course, security service works perfectly, i just know it myself, personally, i just take off my hat and honor. and praise, but here, when these ukrainians come, let’s invite them all, let’s
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come here, why are you rushing here, yes, it’s difficult to check them, but we have very large new regions where you can accommodate at least a million of them, there are them according to us, 7.7 million have almost left, well, let even half come, we will gradually check them all, because there you won’t be particularly pampered in these new regions, we have simplified rules, of course, yes, yes, go ahead guys, come, that's what we're talking about, come to us, we won't take you anywhere, nor there, and no one is forcing us into the army either, we, thank god, are recruiting well, so then you will feel the difference between your country and these bastards who are fighting for no reason, and really ours for the civilized world instead of the civilized one peace, he is such a wonderful comrade zelensky, another very important figure was announced from the ukrainian side. according to the number of so -called soch, yes, the military will understand me,
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unauthorized abandonment, units, more than 100 thousand, this is the army, 1000 abandoned without permission part, that is, fled from the front, these are only those registered by the ministry of defense of ukraine. we'll be back. from april 29 on rtr. you're bored with your old
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the tests are perfect, there is nothing about pregnancy. i'll come to the institute on saturday and arrange for him surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this, passion, any problem is cured by the sea, you need to unwind, go on a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having a holiday romance for... i don’t like, what hotel is she in? i want to save our family, he came with her, with his mistress, make lenya jealous, what ’s going on with you and my wife, your marriage is bursting at the seams, sea overseas, premiere, our life can’t just fall apart like that, i need to think on saturday on rtr. the president
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ferg steinmay, during a visit to istanbul, said that kebab is a symbol of how close turkey and germany are, showed how he himself prepares an oriental dish, it turned out to be so-so big. voters, decided to once again show how well he understands modern technologies and give voice commands to the robot at the siemens plant, only the smart machine refused to listen to olaff, scholz, who was losing ratings, exposed himself to idiots, while the traffic light coalition now ruling in germany, so on. ..
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mister chancellor, it won’t be difficult to ask you to work a little faster, that would be great, including for germany, but there’s no way to go faster, faster, even faster, the robot doesn’t seem to be in the mood, well, one more try, first say hello artificial intelligence, hello artificial intelligence, faster !
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to china, and he is flying to china for a reason, here, and it is curious that two points additionally create a certain anti-chinese background for this visit: firstly, blinkin, well, willingly or unwillingly, in quotes, is carrying the eight billion a piece of taiwanese, anti-chinese within the framework of the well-known accepted package, to please xi tsenping, i don’t know, these are the first, and secondly, they have just begun, well, also anti-chinese, in fact, and the american ... philippine naval exercises, and washington insisted that they take place not in the territorial waters of the philippines, but in the disputed zones of the south china sea, well, which also fuels the situation, the agenda is clear,
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in general it is quite traditional, and that is, most likely this is a discussion of inconsistencies and contradictions on the korean peninsula, on the middle east, on, of course, the naval situation in the asian-tegen region , this whole american war with these new alliances and chinese representatives on well , this very thing may be a sore subject for the americans, that is, to try, well, or something then it is impossible to intimidate the chinese, well, at least as even a number of american representatives wrote: to attract china... responsibility for intensive russian-chinese relations in military-technical and other areas, and the chinese foreign ministry has already officially responded that in general the united states cannot denigrate normal
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russian-chinese relations, so to speak, and generally get involved in this matter, that is , this topic is very delicate and painful, it is of course absolutely zero in terms of results, but it needs to be shown why it is zero , after all, there are dependencies and a huge amount of dollars are invested in china and a huge amount of dollars is all. still in china's reserves, yes, yes, and trade is mutual, which means it has decreased from 740, i mean american-chinese up to 600 approximately 70.650 billion, there is a 17% decrease, but the volumes of skin are colossal, you are right, treasurers, three times more than with us, absolutely right, no, the fact that they are very powerfully connected economically does not cause there is no doubt, and elen had previously flown and said, begged that china has, as she said, supposedly excess capacity. there is something on the chinese-american track that china should supposedly reduce, but this is a separate topic, the second topic, well, this is a peace plan for settling ukraine in the light of
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the preparation of this swiss gathering and crazy of this peace formula, it is clear that it is of course impossible to drag china, and sidzinping set out four principles known from the peace plan and russia, in general , agrees with this in principle, especially and sidinping had previously emphasized that it is possible with equal... parts and russia and china, well, it’s clear that here, so to speak, is also a dead end, well, apparently blinkin will also try to somehow test this out in some sense, well, at least, again, to apply pressure. although i repeat, this is also impossible, that is, this bloc of chinese-american relations, it, of course, continues to maintain very great tension, internal conflict, as it were, although outwardly yes, economically, of course, this is a very powerful track, against this background the analysis of internal american reasons looks very important, what i said 8 billion anti-chinese , but this gigantic package itself includes 61 billion ukrainian dollars, of course, causes
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a special... problem of the reason, what is it that mike johnson, well, almost in an instant, but changed his position, well, if you say a position, that is, did he stage a riot on ship against their own republicans, same-day politics, he achieved his goals, yes, well, that is, 112 votes, this is an interesting question, that is, look, a seemingly obvious thing arises, well , it’s not a conspiracy theory obvious, that is, he has trump, well, you can say , his influential owner, and the person who influences him, that is, who is mike jones?
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we are putting enormous pressure on him, because 61 billion dollars, of which 80% goes, as is known, to military orders, the second version, perhaps, too, and as an option, that perhaps trump wants to sort of pass through line of no victory, no defeat of ukraine, that is, until november of this year, well, that is, how to maintain some kind of middle line, supporting this bill, it is quite possible that people are cynical, that is, here there is definitely a feeling that what he said and - not knowing that grandfather biden himself, great-grandfather, uncle, who was eaten, are in fact the real political gannibals in the republican democratic party, they devour each other, they betray each other and completely, as if without blinking an eye, this is such a ball of kissing snakes, that's where real political hannibals, and not what grandpa biden reasoned when, concluding all this, i want to say that you understand, in general, 300 years ago
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the americans tried... to create america, as it were, a protestant-catholic, protestant-christian america . what came of it? and from this it turned out, today it’s amazing, 160 years ago tyuchchev wrote such words that today exactly fit america. it turned out to be a bandit of thieves in a house of prayer, with a crucifix and a knife in one hand. this is the image of america today it is accurate, although it was said 160 years ago, it exactly fits the current states. tyutchev wrote about this when... there were, well, brothers and sisters with america, it’s true, the fraternal united states of america once existed, it’s impossible to imagine, as for the versions about johnson, then of course it’s impossible here with you can argue, and yet from a philistine point of view, a rational point of view, for us, for the front, for russia, trump is no different
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from mr. absolutely biden, so this one adversary and this adversary, i remind you that mr. romney, there was such a presidential candidate, 8 years ago he said that russia is a geopolitical enemy of the united states, we must proceed from this and achieve our goals, at the front, we’ll see what’s there. the 155th separate guards order of zhukov marine brigade took novomikhailovka, we will continue to beat the enemy, victory will be ours. soldiers of the pacific fleet raise the flag of russia and the banner of the marine corps in novomikhailovka. the settlement turned into a cemetery for nato weapons. running away the armed forces threw american javelins and
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swedish anti-tank grenades. in this video, a german leopard tank is torn apart and literally slammed into russian soil. in short, a german tank lies on mikhailovka, such a fuss, in short. in the ovdeevsky direction , assault detachments are developing an offensive in the ocheretin area. this is one of the key settlements along the entire front west of avdeevka. exactly. there is the second line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine, as the ukrainian media write, our motorized rifles caught the enemy forces in rotation time and made a powerful breakthrough. the queue is already developing.
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novokalinovo is another place that came under attack from the russians, the defense of zelensky’s army is crumbling along the entire front, in these frames a missile attack on the ukrainian fortifications is carried out by the crew of k-52 alligator helicopters. here, drone operators drop grenades into the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces, forcing the militants to flee. this video shows the moment of the arrival of the five-hundred-kilogram one. ukrainian defense minister complains about aerial bombs at a temporary deployment point against russian factories died. this year, russia has launched thousands of kamikaze missiles and drones, using unprecedented use of guided bombs weighing up to one and a half tons, capable
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of destroying everything in their path, these bombs allow them to advance through the ruins. a new package of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine will be immediately sent to washington, biden said during a telephone conversation with zelensky. law on the allocation of money kiev. at the same time, it still has to be approved by the senate and signed by the owner of the white house himself, this is good news, it will be, this is good news that we will have weapons, there will be ammunition, there will be shells, we now have a catastrophic shortage, if we get help, everything will be fine, what exactly the new package of military assistance will include, the pentagon has not officially announced, zelensky in his video message, scattering gratitude to biden and congress, assures that washington promised...
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many countries have joined the czech initiative to search for ammunition around the world. the first deliveries will be made in may by june 1. also, a number of countries have expressed a desire to participate in germany’s initiative to search collection of air defense systems. while the chief diplomat of the european union, barel, is looking for air defense systems for ukraine
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around the world, the russian army is methodically destroying the military potential of the kiev regime. in the kharkov region, a television tower containing an antenna and repeater was destroyed. as a result of a high-precision strike, the metal structure literally... folded in half, russia will take advantage of the possible truce to regroup forces, this is how the ukrainian president responded to macron’s proposal to freeze the conflict for the duration of the olympic games, that is, from july to august. the british believes that this is exactly what...
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even a new package of american aid will not allow; what russia is doing, whether it is postponing the offensive, whether it will organize it differently, we don’t know, but we must be attentive to what is happening , it is likely that russia will try to use the time to further increase the pressure and attack even more, to try to take advantage of ukraine's current weakness. footage of evacuation to the rear, one of the most modern models of the german leopard tank 25 published by the ministry of defense. the leopard blew up at me, then, already immobilized, it was finished off by an ftv drone. the ukrainian crew immediately abandoned the vehicle, leaving it with virtually full ammunition. after this, the military of the central. the military district conducted reconnaissance of the area and a rapid operation to
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transport the trophy from the front line. a german tank was shot down in the area of ​​berdychi, the same village where american abrams were massively destroyed. russian repairmen were not impressed by the trophy leopard. they say that the car is too heavy and gramoskaya, therefore it gets stuck in the soft chernozem of donbass. in addition, the german tank is overly automated, which makes it much less reliable than russian vehicles. our mechanics promise to get the trophy fully operational in a few days, after which the command will decide what to do with the leopards. details in the report of our military choir alexander katzug. creaking with twisted armor, the broken hope of the ukrainian armed forces for a counterattack shamefully leaves the front line. heavy german tank leopard 2 a5, knocked out in the avdeevsky direction, ours the soldiers are being taken to the rear.
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first, the right track ran into an anti-tank mine, and then several of our attack drones completed the rout. this is a modified version of the german leopard, reinforced armor and huge dimensions. in fact, they are the ones that get in the way in a modern war. the gromoz tank is terribly immobile. you are trained personnel directly in the ssu, that is, they are given equipment, but they do not, there is no specific standard for certain samples. that is. there may be a lack of experience or some other
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questions in terms of training, the use of equipment for its intended purpose, and the tank was evacuated in two stages: first, reconnaissance of the area, then a lightning-fast operation by the soldiers of the repair regiment to the group center to transport it to the rear. the full ammunition load of the german leopard, 120 mm caliber, is already inferior to any of our tanks, we have 125 mm armor shells. combative, here, apparently, a ukrainian tankman with a posable ridge wrote for mariupol, a high-explosive fragmentation and cumulative projectile, also a set of smoke bombs, 7.62 caliber cartridges a large-caliber machine gun, well, a set of dry rations, ukrainian armed forces soldiers, canned pork, repairs will take 2-3 days, no more, our experts assure, they will change the tracks, replace the electrical wiring of the tank, after which...
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connects the increase in the number of supporters of the protection of german squash with german nostalgia for the times of the gdr.
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many in the kdr literally dreamed of moving from old houses in khrushchev. the queue for apartments in prefabricated buildings was very long, you had to wait for years to move, but the greater the joy from the long-awaited housewarming. recently, khrushchev buildings have increasingly found themselves on the lists of german departments for the protection of architectural monuments. as the head of the service for the protection of architectural monuments of leipzig, klaus jestet, assured, the number of residential buildings that can still be recognized as panel buildings from the gdr era has decreased significantly. at the same time , according to him, even 30 years ago it would have been considered
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unthinkable to take such houses under the protection of the german law on the protection of architectural monuments, well, there are more and more supporters for the inclusion of kruschevyk of the seventies in the list of objects, as... which represents the architectural value became due to the so -called ostalgia, a growing nostalgia for eastern germany, explained yestat. therefore , it is not surprising that this has been happening more and more in the last few years. for example, in rostock, dresden, ger, halle and bernau , entire panel microdistricts were recognized as architectural monuments. the program for the development of such houses, a personal project of the chairman of the state council of the gdr, erich honecker.
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i've lived here since it was built. consider that i won the whole house war, becoming the first resident of the settlement, together with his family, this is a unique phenomenon in our time. this is what those new buildings looked like from the inside, as if they were designed for the next generations. not chic, but very practical, even for young families, and they are also very warm, many families were grateful for the roof over their heads, everything was moving forward, both the country and the economy and... es geht voran mit dem land, der wirtschaft und dem eigenen leben. einige der siedlungen, such areas in frankfurt am main are aases. there is a lot of greenery around the panel houses; from the upper floors one of the best views of the mountains. even in the west of the country, panels are in great demand and many bring something new to the design. and in berlin,
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right on alexander. this couple lives in an updated version of such a house, they say it is their dream. in general, it was necessary for our panels, our houses, which we apparently built in the millions there, to be taken out along with the contingent, but why leave, please, well , what we are seeing is that we are now getting this vaunted equipment as trophies, yes, which they said when it was delivered, that how it will appear, well, in short the main strategic task of last year will be solved.
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this is a very large figure, i’m not even talking about the numbers of equipment, which if added together, it turns out that we defeated several combined-arms armies in ukraine, over 1000 units of armored vehicles, 2200 drones, these are the same drones that were said to be a cheap replacement for tactical aviation, that is , the figure shows that the military machine of the nato countries that worked for ukraine believed that... by supplying so many weapons it would break our troops and win some kind of victory, it turned out to be untenable, just as the statement, for example, of the same british, this sunok, who say: we will now transfer to military realities, and i always want to ask such a comrade about the following: when will
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the last the last time britain produced a main battle tank was the last time they launched a ship or built a new submarine. the fact is that these increases will not go to british enterprises of the military-industrial complex, but to american ones, and also part of the british enterprises have long been branches of american arms concerns, so perhaps ordinary british people will believe that he cares about their safety, in fact, all the money will go there, and there the programs are charged, they must create a new defense. there is a serious project called skyshield, this is the construction of new air defense systems, this project is precisely related to the very questions of who will give up their anti-aircraft defense systems, such as the patriot air defense system, the fact is that it’s just in the new the patri air defense system is included, you have
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these complexes, if you move away, you will have to buy new ones, and new ones are already several times more expensive than the old ones... i’ll give it back for what i bought for a billion, next time i’ll have to it’s much more expensive to buy, but ukraine, it demands, give it, well, some give it, some give it publicly, some don’t, the germans said, we’ll give one battery, because to get behind them with their tauurs, because that taurs are the most powerful weapon, as they said, that germany has, with it they do not intend to separate under any pretext. poland said that we would not give our two batteries, the netherlands quietly gave away two launchers. installations, which ones did we destroy? we don’t know how much more other countries gave quietly, quietly, they gave it all starting in december, when
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america officially announced that the money had run out, that is, in the budget that they accepted military aid, yes for ukraine, it means 23 billion to replenish the pentagon’s reserves, the very reserves that it shared. ukraine never she was not left without shells, she simply received them in the wrong quantities.
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in the belgorod region with ukrainians, that in this operation with ukrainian prisoners, with ukrainian prisoners, yes, this tv tower took part in this operation, i think, most likely it was one of the participants, well, retribution has come, besides, i think i'm sorry, there's a huge amount of footage there. it is clearly visible, we will see any day now an analytical analysis of what each of these sensors, these, for example, cellular repeaters, mean and what they do are used, and i’ll also say, finally, why the west suddenly became so excited, they decided to throw in all the money, because they believe that the situation can still be turned around, but if we return russian cities like... like nikolaev and odessa, without these cities ukraine no one needs it, because the piece of ukraine with access to
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the sea is still of some interest, but without, as they say, no one needs such communications, so they gave this money to last until the elections, because after the elections trump will come , which we know that his application will give even more money, will give even more money, unfortunately, we will return. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, dmitry kiselev is 70, we were once joking in the studio, the director of photography said, my grandmother believes that you live in the zemlyovskaya star, he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsk, from the pushkin tradition this is in him sophistication, this aristocracy, and dostoevsky, of course, they went to drag the weakened tiger by the whiskers, dilute it with water, add sugar and put it on the shelves poison the people, we'll waste it, then we'll regret it,
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life will become more interesting, i don't think dima won't say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they are verified, come on, on the maidan they gave a hero's star for my body, simply because i'm russian, this enough, i loved europe very much, now we have exchanged places, now we are in russia for freedom of opinion. most kiselyov, premiere on friday on rtr.
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escape from everyday life into a world without... finite entertainment! enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday! rixas radomis sharmel sheikh! hotel titanic deluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusive! wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. every number is here. this is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf belet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. maybe it's my first time, happily, happy, sunday. for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her from home. mom, dad, i will help you
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adore. hello, hello. i'm your real mother, maybe we can meet? a test that not everyone will pass, who is she anyway, this is some kind of scam for money, can i hug you, katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother, katya needs money, a test that not everyone will dare to take, you don’t refuse to take a dna test, the result has arrived. honey, we will explain everything to you. fly feather. sunday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, we
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make three from this absolutely faceless room different functional areas. ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling there will be a lot it’s clear, and dreams become reality, but look into it. do you want big changes in your home, every sunday on rtr, angels of the district in previous episodes, and i will spoil you with my own hands, so if you don’t solve his question, i i'll go to the soshita, okay? to work with people you need angelic patience, you understand, on
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the seventeenth accident, people there were without hot water for the second day, i’ll ask. i can’t poke him, this family doesn’t care about him, why are you even talking to me about everyone, because everyone already knows that i’m your son, there i’m not a mother, there i’m elena nikolaevna, what do we talk to you after, but what- then it became straight, what, well , what, where are you from, and you won’t believe it from a camel in the literal sense of the word, until the problems of the residents of the area are solved arise in their own house, he appeared, from where you are now demanding almost a million for this room, this is logical, and you thought that without... relatives you found yourself, but are you stureli, or something, both of you, angels of the area, continuation, we look at rtr today. sina found further evidence that the manager taylor greene, a kremlin agent, who voted against the allocation of $61 billion to the kiev regime,
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was confirmed by cnn on the air of our program, saying that once the day before in 60 minutes they condemned the hysteria in the usa, where greene is portrayed shawushan women are called the moscow margerie with the soviet coat of arms, then she is kylie likely and the truth.
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it is the three western nuclear states that are particularly worrying about the fact that they are among the key sponsors of the criminal kiev regime. dear vitali tojevic. yes thank you. but to be surprised at the stupidity of many, many.
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that we were preparing, developing new weapons systems, about which even putin spoke, but he has such a manner, he warned, in fact announced it, they didn’t believe him, so apparently, the west found itself in a situation where it assumed that russia will give up, it is so weakened, the economy is torn apart there according to barack obama, that...
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but, of course, all this will still be difficult, but i believe that we are on the right path, but as i rightly spoke with many, including leaders, here weakening russia,
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defeating it can only be done from within, lately we continue to pay too much attention to this liberal opposition that has left, but even if we judge by the names of the writers... neither bunin, nor some guide gazdanov, there are no generals there, it wasn’t kornilov already, this one in in the eighteenth, you still remember krasnov, denikin, krasnov, there’s no one there either, that’s what kind of opposition there is, political thinkers, well, the main one there, either katz or bykov, but in general it’s about the same thing, but there’s no one inside , the social base, that’s what’s inside, excuse me, this is a problem that after the svo, wherever you come to russia, at any point. that they are discussing the course of a special
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military operation and the problem of labor, so -called migration, this, in my opinion, is now the main internal danger that can really weaken russia or even unexpectedly weaken, because in my opinion, there is obviously a purposeful policy visible here, whose individual question, i don’t understand at all...
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there are no such people, but there are some spiritual leaders, there are, after all, the presidents of these countries, something they they are silent, but why such impudence, not everything has anything to do with the national character, this is a separate delicate topic, i say... it’s for sure that those who behave like this are guided by three impulses, in general we would roughly control migrants, first, they are told , back in their countries, this passes through school textbooks, more or less explicitly, through university textbooks and unofficially, russia has always oppressed us, accordingly, now we have the right to take from it whatever we want, it...
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such sentiments reign, they are fueled, russia is not a bastard, it will soon collapse, and these lands will be ours, so the sooner you arrive there, the more you gain a foothold there, the bolder you behave, the more chances you have, when this happens, you will simply be the owners of these cities, villages, lands, and who are these people who spread theories?
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yes, there are still people in russia, there is still an educated class here, inside russia, who read kant, and hegel, and faerbach, and marx, and engels, and schelling, and nisch, god forgive me, he was an outstanding thinker, albeit a peculiar one , that’s why, thank god, they didn’t completely ruin the educated class in russia with help.
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point of view, radical point of view, of course, now there are large, serious processes of discussing migration policy, new laws are being adopted, but it seems to me that there are several... very important areas, well, firstly, of course, putin spoke about this, the trouble is not even that there are a lot of migrants coming to us, and it’s not in their plans to capture us, cut us up, and so on, the trouble is that we have here, i didn’t interrupt you, the legislation adopted by wives, which is already in force now, is being violated, when you go to take an exam not with knowledge, with money, when you...
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improve migration policy, but we need to put things in order here, first of all , so that those laws that already exist, that will be adopted, have been respected strictly, and also very important - this is the inevitability of punishment, whoever committed a crime, you were held responsible, and of course, we still cannot ban labor migration, this in my opinion is stupid, because not a single economy in the world, not a single . the economy of the world, well , except, perhaps, the chinese and indian ones, where there are enough of their own people, cannot do without labor migration, but it is, of course, necessary to introduce it into a legal normal channel, we will return, i am
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your new neighbor, and also a new district police officer , right after graduation we agreed to submit an application, well, what a wedding, well, yes...
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limited. we have two wonderful teams in our studio, presenting a fantastic film based on the story by kir balychev, 100 years ago. they travel through a century. this is , of course, a russian folk kayak. to find the right one. answers, i would really like to answer on saturday, but we will probably answer okroshka, we need to be simpler, hut, who is guaranteed cosmic success, i take responsibility for this answer, our intrigue is powerful, 100 to one, 100 years in the future, sunday on rtr. we wish you to meet your prince this year,
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especially since you already have a horse, on saturday, well, you have a phone there, please give it to me, he is chasing me, and you saved me, every girl dreams of a prince on white horse, i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, but not everyone who is on a horse, prince, your chukhones owes us our casino 1500 dollars, you and michael, my only heirs, i want my grandson to grow up before my eyes. i'll never see him. performance on saturday on rtr.
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the chief of our american bureau, valentin bogdanov, is in direct communication from new york. valentin, hello. so, if no one eats joseph biden’s next uncle today, then perhaps the capitol will finally pass a bill to allocate aid to ukraine in the amount. isn’t there another cannibal pecking there? good evening, evgeniy! well, an important clarification, not today, but most likely tomorrow, because today the senators will begin technical voting, here you need to keep in mind that in the upper chamber there is also such an instrument as the filibuster, they can delay it, that is , there are several opponents of this bill, if it comes to about ukrainian, this is the senate. j.d. vance from ohio and senator mike lee from utah, and as for the israeli
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bill, there is bernie sanders, well known to you and me, who insists that it is necessary to renew funding for bapor, limit israeli help with conditions, but if we talk about where we started, about the funny thing, then it was at the war memorial in scranton, where artillery shells for ukraine are also produced, that biden made these, well, to put it mildly, crazy... statement, it seems to me, the best comment on this topic was from the governor of the province in papua new guinea from sepik, he said that apparently biden had heard enough of these tales as a child, well... a person, when he gets old, he starts literally in the sense of falling into childhood, that is, he repeats what his relatives there they talked about the fact that his uncle, whose name was ambrose finnigan, died and was allegedly eaten by the melonesians, this is the people who inhabit papua new guinea, the solomon islands, bloody battles took place there during the second world war, what
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is the battle on guadalcanal worth, or a guard operation. tower, well, in general, finnigan was one of the passengers on the a20 plane, biden mixed everything up, he said that he flew on single-engine planes, he didn’t fly at all, he was a passenger on this flight, on the plane, apparently the engine failed, it fell into the water, one crew member was saved, three drowned, well, in general, the international reaction is very powerful, yes, papuo new guinea has nowhere to go, the americans provide them with security, well, what an important factor here, they are part of the infrastructure , which... which the united states is now , with the support of its allies , is raising against china, well, in general, biden in his repertoire again showed his true attitude towards his allies, and yes, we can, forgive me, he almost ate an ally and fellow tribesman, almost ate an ally, and showed an absolutely neo-colonial approach, i’m
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just wondering what they would do and how they would eat it and what they would eat with what sauce and thank you with brilliant irony and knowledge of history and america, our valentin bogdanov in direct connection from the sun, as we see in the reflection of new york. please, sergech, yes, but i think biden may be thinking in his mind that the ukrainians could eat someone there, so to speak, some american adviser, right? but i have to, i know it's 60 minutes in america they carefully watch the program, yes, that means there are, moreover, special cnn correspondents specializing in our program, who in each of their reports show a fragment, yes, we think we will soon translate part of it into english so as not
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to waste the american, but cnn, they are all democrats, yes, so they probably have friends there. biden's advisers, so we will tell them directly that you explain to biden that comrade, understand, you still need to earn it in order to be eaten, so the point is that how everyone is illiterate, you think that there are wild animals left somewhere , they just eat because there is nothing to eat, nothing like that, if somewhere by that time in the middle of the 20th century there were some such things left, then they were of a purely ritual nature, you know,
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american stories, so, i’ll explain, it means that what happened there regarding the voting, well, as i’m told, and from there, that means, the main reason for the fact that trump was told, explained, that means, about what, johnson did this when he flew to him there in florida, just the speaker told him that, according to the cia and the pentagon, the collapse of the ukrainian army may occur this summer, in which case you will be personally blamed. the fact that you are to blame for this, biden will build the entire election campaign on this , he will drown you, it’s better for you to crawl away from the topic, and well, he gave such a command, and said that well, let’s decide for ourselves what he wants, so to speak, i won’t interfere that much, whereas earlier he said who would vote for it, which means those who don’t
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need to vote for in the elections, that’s kind of the situation, can i literally have 5 seconds, 5 seconds, darn it? the most important thing is that the ukrainian armed forces brigade fled from the front, this is the beginning of these possible cracks in the front. we'll be back. artyom, gula, very nice. is it registered in my name? gelchatai perevozkina? and what? gunchtay ivanovna, sounds great. district angels premiere today. on rtr. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you sandals made from genuine palermo leather, which perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. light and the elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season.
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work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zipped compartments, four external pockets and even a hidden umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design - two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. i’ll steal you and take you away. let's go travel. and when we discover some new land. i'll name her after you. elsa's land. elsa's land. on friday on rtr.
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since the beginning of the special operation, the kiev regime has lost half a million military killed and wounded, shaigu said at the defense board. the russian army continues to advance along the entire front line. pervomayskaya bogdanovka and nova mikhailovka were liberated. all the details right now in the news. it was 60 minutes. dvidaniya. on the russia channel, time for the main news of the day is on the air, big news, in the studio igor kozhevin, hello, pervomayskaya bogdanovka and novaya mikhailovka have been liberated. those wishing to send weapons to kiev need to know: we will increase the intensity of strikes on logistics.


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