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tv   Voennaya politsiya  NTV  April 24, 2024 1:20am-2:11am MSK

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the trunks have fallen, come on, you haven’t earned your money yet, let’s hurry up. cover,
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purely, he says the old man recruited him, but he doesn’t know the customer, he whistles, now we will split him, we have guests, we have guests, this is the customer, the old man told me, shut your mouth, if you start talking, i will kill you, understand? cover it!
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who are they, quietly, theirs, the rest are dead, we have difficulties, block where, money first, block here, clowns, money first. that's it, he's gone, no, not everything, three of us are dead, we should add another half, i don't ask such questions i decide, call the one who decides.
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he rises, you can take off your glasses, dear, the sun has not set yet, but for some it will not rise, it smells of gunpowder and cop blood, jurassic. give me the bag, okay, i'll do it myself, let's see what you're selling, i can't resist a little weakness, look at you up close, rosshin, get out!
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he left, now from his father such blows will come, his mother’s past ones will appear affectionately, well, how can this be, but again we missed this blind man, but maybe it’s not him, you never know how many weirdos in dark glasses walk around, there aren’t many at night. it seems that it is he, it seems, or he, more than it seems, yes he, he, but it’s not clear how he knows you, no idea, the feeling that he knows us all, i was told that you are back, i don’t offer coffee, but i can
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strain some tea, no, thanks, better tell me whether you succeeded or not. did you save me? this may sound loud, of course, but guys, you saved russia, to put it simply, you saved the world. is this another statement of christ to the people? i ordered you to be kicked out with a wolf ticket, we have everything in order with tickets, don’t wish for it yourself compost, remain silent, comrade general, friends, i ask you. friends, it’s better to choose friends, mr. gorbulin, i didn’t understand what it was, sorry, thank you guys, i’m actually coming to you, igor
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arsenievich, give me a couple of minutes. i’m listening to you, danil andreevich. well, thank god that everything has become clear, can we congratulate you? it's cleared up, it's cleared up, but there's nothing to congratulate me on yet. oh, ivanovushli, i got screwed, now he won’t give me any money anyway. so my project was covered, as they say, with a big copper pelvis. yes, an unpleasant situation. but here i am with money, you won’t believe the joy, not one iota. no, i won’t believe it, you always wanted this. yes, i did. and now i don’t understand why, why we copied.
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what's wrong with your old age? what about my old age? a year ago, my wife became
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my best friend, what is this for? don't know. and what did you do? it turns out that for this you were kicked out of intelligence, for this i was demoted to captain, and i left myself, it was you, what are you talking about, misha, what happened, you and anka, behind my back, quietly, quietly, let's calmly let’s figure it out, well, i said it myself, it’s stupid to hit a guy’s face, it’s not his fault, fuck off, moron, what’s going on, stop it, are you crazy , come on, go to the corners, may, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it! so as not to see this viversky,
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and her too, yes, it’s a sad story, it seems to me that you have the same thing with the headman, you’re jealous, but what does the headman have to do with it, my father ate my bald spot just before... there’s a question about it, yes you you won’t believe it, he blurted out such a thing that i destroyed the temple of balshamin, these are militants, and for him all people are weapons, savages and beasts, he wanted me, like him and like my grandfather, to continue the architectural dynasty, but i turned 17 and went to moscow, he thought i would go to architecture school, and i would go to the kremlin military school, but i know about the school, but about the architectural dynasty i didn’t know, while i was in moscow, he despised me in st. petersburg. and when i returned home, such a life began, i didn’t think about moving out from him, but now
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i can’t afford to rent, and they won’t give me a hostel, i already have a st. petersburg registration, we’ll figure out something, but what about all the kagals? like a team, well, take a seat, the team, again missing the blind man, sprinkled ashes on his head, there’s no point in sprinkling him, i don’t blame you, it’s just a shame, it seems that this fake disabled man has big orders for our secrets. and we don’t know a damn thing about him, i drew it myself,
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talent, maybe it’s yours, you want to say, it’s not mine, let’s put aside the discussion, that’s all there is to a blind man, about 50 years old, respectable, but quick, most likely... preparation, his head works well, in the past he was a special operations department, probably a car, a suit, everything is very expensive, high-status, they definitely don’t supply him with money to the residual principle, he says without the slightest accent, there is something else, he called me by my last name, maybe he remembered me in severo-baltiysk, but let’s not have dramatic pauses in the house, it seemed to me that he knows the whole team, knows our goals.
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who will now say that i am senile and neurosthenic, somewhere at the very top there is a leak, a mole, we need to quickly get this blind brother out of the light of god. bastards do a lot of shit, rest, check, you stay late, well, that’s not where you are, what did you do wrong again, you did something wrong, no, that’s fine, then i’ll even i started to doubt, what if you’re a fly-by-night, and i’ll give you a warrant for a dorm, you told me... i’m a local, i’m not allowed, mine is entitled to everything, i want everyone to always be at hand for
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efficiency, go and move in, thank you, timurchik, and what are you doing? mom, they gave me a room in the dorm. why go to a dormitory, this is your home, it’s inconvenient, it’s uncomfortable, and this is a controversial statement, god, what a shame that people will say that the chick has finally jumped out of her nest, mom, i’ll be fine there, believe me , mom, come on, i’m on my own, it’s because of my father, no, it’s just that everything has its time, i’ll be left alone with him, i also don’t want to leave you alone with him, but it’s your choice, what are you
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saying, he’s your father, he’s my husband, we’re one family, we’re one blood, interesting, he knows about it, yes, he loves you, yeah, he loves you, and i love you, tigor.
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guys, sorry for... such a simple table, but this is not a real housewarming party, this is just training, because the hostel is not a real home, oh timurchik, well done, what a room he snatched, clean, cozy, floor-to-ceiling windows, yeah, just necessary attach hands, preferably women's, i have a toast, i wish that warmth, sun and love reign in this house, yeah. did you celebrate on vasilya? yeah, here is china, here is the border, here is special facility number
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41, in other words, a testing ground where one of these days will be tested. maybe you’ll figure this out, according to the document you are now an operational-investigative group of the military police, you’re flying out right now, they’ll meet you in blagoveshchensk and
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say hello to oleinikov from me. the head of the special facility, colonel vinovy , major roshchin, is the head of the investigative operation. military police groups, not you came to us in time, we have such a mess here, a test, a ministerial commission, and the head of security, the outer perimeter, the exclusion zone around the training ground, 100 km of remote taiga, uh, consider that a forester, without access to the secret zone, i feel sorry for the guy , his wife
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is about to give birth, but you can tell the authorities not to worry, his death will not spoil the tests, and there is someone to cover the perimeter, major litvinov, the new head of the outer perimeter, well, further on , it’s time for me to work, it’s time for an acquaintance , well, let's go, we would like ours get a car and luggage, the lady's desire is law, please!
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let's go dance, yes, let's do it, you 're looking at me so much that i'm embarrassed.
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this is our camp site, the house is completely at your disposal, and this is galina, she will accommodate you and feed you, hello! will you have dinner here or go to the bathhouse? checkmark, do you know that, translated from greek, galina is the calm surface of the sea, and i am peter, the stone, that
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is, the surface and the stone, that is, we will be friends, if you need any help, bring some firewood there, or can light the stove, please contact me, i’m talking to your servant, but no, what are you, i’ve already prepared everything myself, by order of the authorities... they also gave you crayfish, crayfish from fresh beer, tick, i think i already love you, galina, forgive me, we ban, then first things first, well, what can i say, misha, the bullet wounds were inflicted after death, but timur, don’t. colleague, help, let's turn it over, come on, come on , come on, come on, come on, come on,
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come on, come on, here, yeah, and so, yeah, that's good, honest mother, why don't the local channels know that the banks prohibited everywhere, gap the pleura doesn’t scare them, there’s a folk healer here, a chinese chunk, yeah, i’m afraid that the decrees of the ministry of health are definitely not reaching him, i see on the back of his head... a wound, the cervical vertebral bones are broken, i would say, crushed, he was hit on the head , it’s more likely that he fell from a height and landed on his head, i would even say splashed down, i found signs of drowning, below the sweat there are several dangerous cliffs, it’s easy to roll off the foam, and he was drinking, i didn’t really know him, stop, so i see. injection mark, was he right-handed? it seems yes, well either he injected himself with something, or maybe he was injected, you can determine what kind of substance it is, and i
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need the time of death, give me time, i need to look for the place of death, which is right now, it’s getting dark now, have you seen the size of the forehead, this is completely unrealistic, well then, let’s put off the search until the morning, you seemed to promise us a bath there, did you promise? let's do it, let's go, it seems that these christmas tree brooms have completely worn me out, i can't
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feel a single bone, this is not a christmas tree. juniper, you ’re our botanist, and you know everything, but i don’t care what it’s called, as long as it’s good. the mozhevelovs say they apparently prepared it for generals. what about the result of hiding? well, he died on wednesday, about 5 o’clock, as i said, the cause of death was a fall from a height into a river. i haven’t found any signs of violence yet, so it’s too early to talk about murder. toxicology will be tomorrow, at least you left me some parking, no? all men, changing of the guard. move into some company, well, wait, wait, i didn’t even undress, nothing, i’m quick, i don’t like the steam room, especially since it’s boring alone, so maybe we can combine business with pleasure, i’m a bathhouse attendant first-class, i guarantee your attitude towards the steam room will change forever, and let's go already , the bathhouse attendant.
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are you stunned, man? the captain had a criminal investigation department, should you look for naked people? for good leads, you know, i’m ready for anything, you have to work with your head, not with your feet, i told you, i’m a gi, well , you definitely can’t get rid of modesty, i would have fired him a long time ago if they didn’t have it.
1:48 am
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1:53 am
there is a job for you. at your place. a day to perform, a hot spot, a new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, like water, wet, unexpectedly, you are beautiful. “i know, boldly, i like them, i knew that i would come, i guessed, i have three
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reasons not to do this, as many as three, i was intrigued, well, first of all, the wedding ring is on your fingers, it’s a fiction, i’m divorced . our ring is out of habit, that secondly, i don’t sleep with suspects, what does this suspect me of, you took krikunov’s place, this is at least one motive to kill him, for me this is not a promotion, running around with poachers in the taiga, but. if you need suspects, there is such a local hunter, babaev, here he is, subscribed, soon there will be a trial, krikunov caught him in the reserve, thanks for the tip, these were two reasons, what is the third, however, try to guess,
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i have a lucky rival, bengo, who is this lucky guy, someone from your group, how smart you are ? semyon, why are you talking about beer and crayfish, everyone is at the table, we’re just waiting for you, petrovich, they didn’t teach you to knock, again you’re watching her, and it’s time to end this, semyon, understand, women don’t like timid people, it’s time to move on with contact her. how simple it is, just create a page, knock on her as a friend, it’s easy for you to say, but what am i going to tell her, hello, i’m warrant officer pashkevich, i catch spies, what a fool you are, sama, why tell her everything about yourself at once, what are you going to do,
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i don’t like beer, what a fool , and i love. we caught about 500 of these crayfish, oh well, i say, in how much time, per night, tick, not bad. understand, these are only seeds for you, for those who now live in st. petersburg or even in moscow itself, they literally dream of pine nuts, of course, at a reasonable price, come on, come on, petrovich, you got me i admire you, you know how to show your greed in a winning light, mish, what greed, i just dream of making all people happy, then guys, you know me, i don’t chase benefits, yeah, just like you chase, only it always turns out faster , eat, eat, listen, young people, do you know what time it is, lyusya, lyusya, touch me, this is a disgrace, you can be heard 100 meters away, are you disturbing
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people’s sleep? academician, oleinikov, viktor pavlovich, please love, you are an academician, dear, why are you swearing, sit down with us, have a drink, eat crayfish, listen, we are with you didn’t drink at the brooders, young man, and don’t you dare poke me, viktor pavlovich, i’m sorry, we didn’t want to disturb you, we are from general magutin, by the way, a big greeting from him, which means you still believed it, that’s good , lucy. list, yeah , please, here, here is a list of people who may be involved in the attempt on my life, however, you have many enemies, there are no enemies of those who do not work, and i am a young man, i have worked all my life, now i am working, very tomorrow important moment of the test, so i ask you to remain quiet, lyusya, “excuse us, for the women, for you,
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you guys are wise, so what’s wise here, a problem for the fifth grade, knowing the speed.” current, time of death, time of interception of the body at the border, we can approximately establish it at the point of death, unless very approximately, stop, all their forces, get out, minute 18, hold, water, honey, ir, don’t want to swim, ira prefers to swim at night in kind. the approximate current speed is 4.5 km/h, and the body was in the water
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for about 20 minutes, this turns out to be 90 km, so approximately in this area, there is a cliff, very steep, but at best we will be able to get there tomorrow, for today i am loaded with grapes to capacity, we will drop you off at the base, and then we can handle it ourselves. why am i not going? look after the academician, this is the most important thing now, i can only entrust this to you, commander, commander, maybe i ’ll stay too, and i’ll help golin with the housework, otherwise the poor woman is alone, well, she’s knocked off her feet, don’t overwork yourself, you’re our housekeeper, yeah .
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profession, i wonder which profession you do not regard as property, costs you mean, the profession of a kept woman, by the way, i studied her personal file when lucy was one of... i understand why you can love this suspicious samatura, if you only loved an academician, maybe it’s just love, not ideal, many would have remained alone, that’s it, they arrived, then only on foot.
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the videos here are beautiful - this is of course beautiful, but how do we know that he died right here, there is something there, empty, if we assume that it is kryukunov’s carbine, that means he was shooting back at someone, right? he shot here the feeling that he was pressed against a cliff, he shot out all the cartridges, threw the weapon, jumped down, that is, he shot ten, but
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didn’t hit anyone. there is a bullet at head level, which means he was being pursued. here is another one, or it was a very fast person, or there were two attackers, in general it felt like he was surrounded by wolves, while he could not
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have hit anyone, wolves don’t climb trees. “look what i found, this is a syringe, this is what you use to shoot animals when you want to immobilize them, wolves don’t climb trees, but cats do, we are now in the center habitat of the amur tiger, you can’t shoot, the tiger is in the red book!" let’s calmly move away, don’t turn your back, for them this is a signal to attack.
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viktor pavlovich, i looked at the list of your enemies. there are several people with the same surname makritsin, these are our neighbors in dachas, they secretly moved their fence a few meters, when i was indignant and promised to knock it down, they told me, we’ll knock you down yourself, real bandits, their whole family, dear, their katya is in the fifth grade, and misha is in the third, apple from apple trees passes, uh-huh, captain of chikovaniye, military department, i need to report to colonel vinogradov, so, and bystritsky, who is he? i wrote a scathing article in a scientific journal about
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his pseudoscientific research, and he promised to take revenge on me. bystritsky does not get up after a stroke, his entire left side is paralyzed, this does not mean. that he doesn’t want to kill me, it’s clear, but who is the man in the dark glasses? i don’t remember his name, he came up to me at one of the scientific conferences, began asking me in detail about the principles of my invention, hinted at a joint cooperation, thrust a business card, suspicious guy, i immediately reported him to the right place, lyusya, where is the business card, i threw it away, so what do you think this man in dark glasses could threaten you with, listen, are you the police? figure it out, comrade captain, you don’t have access to the testing area, please, get out of the car, uh, i ask you, carefully check all these people, every single one, open, lower, i’ve been waiting for you, forever, i
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was in such a hurry to meet with you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. super chat, it will burn your names, it will burn your names names names on itself.
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damn, i left my tablet in the forest, there was something important on it, but this is not the most important thing, the data can be restored from the cloud, well then we’ll chalk it up to combat losses, call me mikhalchenko, petrovich otoroschin, give me an injection. on krikunov’s hand, could this be a mark from a dart used to euthanize animals? maybe toxicology showed the presence of
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a veterinary drug in the blood, but i think he pumped in a horse dose, or maybe a tiger dose, tigers can reach up to a quarter of a ton, it’s quite possible, how does a tranquilizer work? confusion, disorientation, lack of coordination, sleep in large doses , death, that’s what i’ll say, if he hadn’t broken his neck, he would have died from cardiac arrest, thank you, petrovich, you’re welcome. checkmark, where did we stop? did you offer a drink at brothershaft? yes, so what's stopping us? something is starting to become clearer; the kryukuns were caught by a poacher in the reserve. "the dragonman fired, the kriguns, apparently, are no longer thinking, he began firing in all directions , fell off a cliff, or was pushed, there is
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one local hunter babaev, he has a grudge against kryukunov, litvinov may know where to find him, uh, babaev! open, this is the police, babaev, open, this police, what are we going to do, we'll be back later, senya, uh-huh, this is an invasion, an invasion of private territory, we have an awareness, an administrative violation has been committed there, but... here be, uh-huh, a wild boar, hunting for them is now prohibited, fresh ,
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he's somewhere nearby. bobaev, pabaev, come out, let's talk. come out!


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