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tv   CBS This Morning Saturday  CBS  November 1, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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it's saturday, november 1th 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." freed after several months in a mexican jail. a u.s. marine nerve convicted of a crime is back on u.s. soil. and what went wrong. the investigation into the latest disaster for commercial space travel. a fight over finger prints. what police may now be able to unlock your cell phone. and she wondered what life would have been like if she grew up with a mother. how photoshop helped a daughter travel through time. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds.
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aircraft down two on board. >> disaster for the virgin galactic in the mohave desert. >> it then exploded. >> one pilot was killed. the other who managed to parachute to the ground was seriously injured. a tragic story. three teenage girls killed by a hit-and-run driver while trick or treating in santa ana. one week after a student opened fire on classmates in a high school near seattle, a fourth teenager has died. u.s. marine veteran andrew tahmooressi is freed. >> he was arrested at the border when they found three guns in his trunk. >> why she does not believe she needs to be quarantined. >> i am humbled today by the support that we have received.
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>> city of australia going bananas over this little guy. look at that face. >> he's cute. >> all that -- >> halloween at the white house. president obama and the first lady handed out candy to some lucky trick-or-treaters. >> -- and all that matters -- >> halloween treat on dow street. the dow up to 17,390. >> two weeks ago the dow suffered the worst slump in two years. >> -- on "cbs this morning: saturday." >> every halloween there is controversy over some costumes. this year we're seeing things like sexy ebola nurses. >> halloween is fantastic. who doesn't want to let strangers into your house during an ebola epidemic. come on in, you know? captioning funded by cbs
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>> and welcome to the weekend. we take you to the birkplace of one of the best places. we'll go into the hallowed halls and talk to some of the famous alumni. >> plus on the billboard, the head and seattle will perform later in "saturday session." >> and in our green room travel editor peter greenberg has interesting tips for trip this year and john dickerson is going to talk about the midterm election. our top story this morning freedom for an american marine who was jailed in mexico. sergeant app drew tahmooressi was released by a mexican judge on humanitarian grounds. >> our report e was there at the airport for the veteran's reunion on american soil. >> it's a victory for american veterans, it's a victory for the united states. >> reporter: after seven months behind bars in a mexican jail on federal weapons charging former
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ex-marine andrew tahmooressi is back on american ground. >> he wants to see his mom real bad. >> reporter: governor bill richardson played a key role. >> we have to stand behind our veterans when there's war and when they're civilians. >> reporter: the 26-year-old who suffered from ptsd was jailed in mexico after customs found weapons in the back of his pickup truck. tahmooressi has insisted he made a wrong turn that night and had no intention of leaving the country. friday the federal judge ordered his release on humanitarian grounds so he could receive treatment for his diagnosed ptsd. >> they under full well this was a mistake. they alsoed up understood their system has no way of treating ptsd. >> it worked the way it was
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supposed to. >> reporter: among his biggest champion, talk show host and former marine montel williams. >> let's say this straight up. once a marine always a marine. we leave none behind period. this is a young man who was being left behind by too many people and we needed to make sure we got him home. >> that, again, was richard allyn of our san diego station. and the family has released a statement. it says to all those all across the country who walked shoulder to shoulder with us we thank you and it reminds us that we can come together for one of our heroes an we have never been more proud to be americans. british billionaire richard branson is expected to arrive today at the seventy site where his test rocket went disastrousry wrong. an explosion destroyed virgin
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galactic spaceship 2. ben is there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. they have been testing here in the mohave for several years but something went terribly wrong yesterday morning. they hope this is one of the last test flights before paying customers got on board. >> today was a tough day. >> reporter: the day began like many others for spaceship 2. it was the 55th test for the brain chooeld richard branson. it was released at high altitudeeight altitudes. >> i had confirmation of a mishap just a few moments later. >> reporter: no one is saying what the mishap was but witnesses saw an explosion and two separate pieces of the aircraft plummet to the ground.
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authorities later confirmed one of the two pilots died on board the crash while the other parachuted to earth and suffered serious injuries. >> when we have a mishap in the test community, we find the test community is very small and we're humans and it hurts. >> reporter: it was intended to give the paying public aweightless trip usually reserved for astronauts. it's reserved 800 seats on future flights for $200,000 a piece. >> reporter: branson tweeted his con dole senses and was flying to the mohave desert to determine the cause. it will be a setback for the budding commercial space industry.
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>> it's really a crisis of confidence. the public has to have confidence that this is a safe thing to go do and i think psychologically they're showing that deps is going to be a real challenge. >> reporter: now, this was the first test flight for space ship 2 in nine months. they were trying out a new fuel mixture on board to give them the extra boost. that fuel will be the focus of that explosion. >> ben tracy, thank you, ben, for all thf and what uld koit mean we're joined by "time" magazine's senior editor jeffrey kluger. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start off with what ben said. this was supposed to be a test flight. what are the long-term or short-term repercussions for space travel, people thinking this is right around the corner? >> this has been around the corner several times for bran
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son. this will result in a long-term delay, a couple of years, before they sort this out, figure out what kind of fuel was response. technological things it was responsible for. we're going to see a long delay before they're back to where they were. >> jeffrey, in a piece you posted on you are quite harsh on mr. branson. >> i believe that it's a little harsh, but there's been a bit of twitter throwback on that phrasing but the idea that we can build something this quickly and say that it's safe enough for passengers who have no knowledge of how to fly these planes. it's one thing if you're a test pilot in an unapproved aircraft. it's something else entirely if you're putting people like
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ashton kutcher on this. >> people have lined up. >> $250,000? >> $250,000 for 15-minute vacation. i think that's the key. that people have to realize that it sounds safe it sounds fun. you're going 252 miles high and all you get is five minutes of wait ofweightlessness. the ride up is uncomfortable. the ride is uncomfortable. >> it was nice to see the solidarity. we saw elon musk send a letter. >> it was nice. the idea is there's a -- this is a real fraternity and sorority of people doing something very dangerous and very daring and when somebody's lost it's an industry-wide pain. >> jeffrey kluger. thank you, jeffrey. heavy rain has triggered a mudslide in southern california.
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evacuations have been ordered where one person was rescued this morning in what's described as heat mud. there has been blooding and debris flow that could force residents in neighbored communities to move out. and in chicago winds gusting to 65 miles an hour whipped up lake michigan on friday. look at that. 20-foot swells caused flooding and detours along lakeshore drive. >> let's get more on the weather from eric fisher chief meteorologist of our boston station wbz-tv zbhood morning. weather off to a wintry note. snow in atlantic georgia. accumulating snow. the earliest on record across north carolina. the cold continues to fall in place. by sunday morning 40s in south florida for the first time since february. big-time cold, way by low average. many highs in the east in the 40s and 50s. barely getting to 60 in orlando,
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florida, today. with all that cold big areas of freeze warnings. also tracking a developing nor'easter bring as cold win her driven rain. a snowstorm toward maine tonight into sunday. back to you. an accused cop killer an survivalist who elude capture remains behind bars. eric frein was caught thursday and faces many charges. vladimir duthiers is in pennsylvania where residents are both relieved and angry. good morning, vlad. >> good morning moenlt. he was in court. he was treated by boos from the could of people who watched him enter into the courtroom and this is how it went down.
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>> reporter: on friday eric frein was escorted out of the courthouse by troopers with crowds gathered booing him. >> the family in this matter of corporal bryon dickson and douglas have suffered an unimaginable loss of unthinkable proportions. >> reporter: the accused cop killer looked haggard but authorities say he was in good physical condition apart from a cut on his nose. he had just been arraigned on murder charges accused of ambushing and killing a trooper and wounding another. it involved thousands of officers. >> he was able to get into cabins, into other unoccupied structures, find food. in other cases he had things hidden, but he was able to get
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shelter and get in and out of the weather. >> reporter: but on thursday they spotted frein. >> once i saw movement i told them i saw the suspect. they fanned on him, flanked him, at five meters, he spotted us turned looked at me i told him to get on the ground. i said who are you. and he said eric frein. >> in the end the self-taught survivalist gave up without a fight. >> did you once ever lose hope? >> it may take two months, two year, 20 years wrks're going to get you. >> you were prepared to go as long as it took. >> especially for one of our brothers or sisters. >> trick or treating had been canceled.
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but even the state troopers took part in the festivities. >> that was colonel jornlgeorge bivens. as for eric freerngs he is behind bars today. the prosecutor in the case says he intends to seek the death penalty. vinita? >> vladimir duthiers. >> kaci hickox who rejected state required quarantine is free to take off. on friday the judge rule thad a mandatory quarantine was not necessary to mandate the public. to politics and tuesday's midterm elections especially for battle of control of the senate senate obama is out on the kpanl trail but he's not visiting some key battleground states. julianna goldman has more on that. good morning, julianna.
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>> good morning. with three days to go before midterm election it's all about turnout. president obama is trying to reach out. none are the battleground races that will determine control of the senate. president obama was all treats last night handing out candy. but for his fellow democrats sdemocrats, the scary part isn't the ghost or goblins but the election. he's making a final campaign swing to get his parties to the bowl, especially to female voters. >> we believe that america's stronger when women are stronger and equal participants in the economy. >> reporter: yesterday he was in rhode island. today he'll campaign in michigan and tomorrow he'll be rallying voters in connecticut and pennsylvania. states like louisiana and north
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carolina and colorado where incumbents have been trying to distance themselves from the unpopular president. >> millions of americans don't yet feel the benefits of a growing economy where it matters most, and that's in their own lives. you know there's still a lot of folks who are working hard but they're having trouble making ends meet. >> president obama isn't on the ballot this year but he policies are. the latest cbs news poll shows that 59% of the republicans say their vote for congress will be a vote against him. the president's approval rating is 39%. just five points higher than former president's george w. bush's before the 2006 midterm when his republican party lost control of the house and senate. and just how unpopular the president is by sunday he'll have seven candidate. in 2010 he had headlined 17 rallies and that's when his party suffered what he himself
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called a shellacking with democrats controlling the house. vip knee vinita? >> thank you. with more on that john dickerson. he's not even on the ballot as julianna pointed out. >> that's right. the democrats don't want to be talking about president obama. that's been the dynamic. they've been keeping him in the commercials and that democrats have been doing everything they can to not do that. talk about their fate their efficiencies and their own record and that's the dynamic we've seen. so far the republicans have seemed to have had the better strategy in part because the news has been so focused. >> what are the key debates?
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>> it depends, you'll have the seven red states, republican states that mitt romney won. the republican need to take six seats away from the democrats. the democrats sink e ss think they're in good state but you look at the others, they're more battleground states. they've been only working on the home field turf of those republican states. that creates the structure for governing. it also begins the conversation about 2016. those are the two different kinds of the states to watch. >> on the heels of that, what do you think? >> they'll have to sort of show they can govern.
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they have to be able to say no to the president. they've run an entire campaign on the idea that the person in office is no good. now they're suddenly going have to work with him. and you've seen the majority leader of the house, kevin mccarthy say, if we don't show we can govern fast we're going to be out of the running for the 2016 presidential cam paper because after being it you have to show you can govern. >> dhank you so much. bob schieffer's guests will include senators rand paul republican of kentucky and ami. that will be at 10:00 eastern, 9:00 central. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. the "washington post" shows the
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officer who shot and killed unarmed michael brown will likely not face charges. there's not enough strong evidence. a justice didn't spokesman says the case remains open. "usa today" say fers rarry will pay a $3.5 million fine to the federal government for accidents. it comes as nhtsa is under increasing pressure to crack down on ought mow makers when it comes to saefrty problems. >> "the wall street journal" says germany is planning to end its reride on the autobahn. motorists with cars registered in germany will have the fee deducted from their taxes. the "washington post" says a former person of the advisory
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committee says dollars are what's causing the stamps to increase. he said it's turning its bark on more enduring cultural things. >> this is factual. a post master general actually resigned from the agency because he says he feels like they're prostituting themselves. >> they need the money. >> yeah. >> a reminder daylight savings time ends at 2:00. don't forget fall back. if you're still up turn your clock back
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coming up a look at the newest generation gap. why homeowners are becoming less common and less desirable in one age group. and later, a woman pictures herself with her h mother as her best friend. technology kicks it off. this is "cbs this morning: saturday."
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coming up a new smartphone feature that uses your fingerprint. it also raises questions about privacy and the law. >> it changes everything. we'll be right back. this is "cbs this morning: saturday."
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good morning everyone, i'm nicole brewer. septa and its largest union reach a late night agreement on tentative two-year deal avert ago strike. now the deal tails of that agreement are not yet being released but both sides say they compromised on the deal. they say it includes a wage increase the workers union expects to vote on that deal this friday. now, let's get a chen the the forecast with carol. >> well, not a day to be out today. we have the wind, the rain, and it lasts all day long. let's take a look, see what we have out there at the present time. you can see ocean city, it is wet and windy there. and we're even finding rain showers, as far to the west as the reading area, 47 degrees, there, a gloomy start to the day, and look at storm scan3. look at that rain come in. and also, notice, we've got some heavy rain, even west of
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philadelphia. so this will be the trends, as we go through the day and these showers will eventually be leaving by this evening. but, wow until then, we do pick up some rain. forty-six in philadelphia right now. in the 40's everywhere we stay there temperature wise, but we have winds gusting to 30 miles an hour today tonight, and tomorrow, tomorrow close to 50 degrees. but feeling colder, nicole? >> all right carol thank so much. our next update is at 7:57. i'm nicole brewer. we'll see you then. ♪ ♪
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newspapers speak out. tom corbett has been something of a disaster. tom corbett cut spending on education by a billion dollars... it's time for a change. elect tom wolf, and you'll get the type of governor we haven't seen for a while... who looks out for average, hard-working pennsylvanians. it's wolf who has solid ideas for bringing in new business and for boosting the economy. tom wolf for governor, a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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in the nb-battle in los angeles late night the lakers were still in a third quarter huddle when the clippers surprised them making a quick inbound pass and blake griffith was able to dunk with nobody in his way. >> that's a little bit embarrassing hchl when onto to have a game with 39 points and the clippers won the first meeting of the season. >> that's the kind of thing i used to do in basketball grimes. >> blake griffin isn't the guy. >> exactly. fewer than two-thirds of americans are homeowners. >> that's a 20-year low and jim axelrod looks into why.
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it turns out age has to do with it. >> reporter: what he doesn't have is a house. which is just how he likes it. >> i never have to deal with maintenance, broken pipes, cleaning the gutters, mowing the lawn. >> but this isn't just a question of convenience. perdue had his eyes opened the last half dozen years. >> in my lifetime we've had four or five periods where home sales have just plummeted, home values have just plummeted. so maybe americans are starting to finally get the sense that a home isn't necessarily an asset. e can be a liability. >> reporter: homeownership is down across the board but it's falling most among jen ex-ers those between 35 and 44. dropping northeasterly 67% before and. they fell as well.
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realtytrac is not surprised. >> we've seen number of home oerps lose their homes to short sales. that represents 7% of the homes in america. >> reporter: bloomquist excellents the houses to climb. if not they'll join mat perdue as members of homeownership. >> to me it's freedom. having the flexibility to go when your lease is up. maybe upgrade to a better place and not be stuck in debt to a bank. >> bloomquist says there's been a flip. it's the government pushing for a loosening of lending rules and the banks not wants a repeat of a burst housing bubble. that's really interesting what's happening. as jim's pointed out, it's tough
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enough to get a loan. >> i wonder if the economists factored that in all of the up next important new discoveries about autism and the many genetic mutations that can lead to it. then a minnesota mom who could go to jail for trying to help her badlyson. >> why dr. narula is warning people about taking selfies.
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all of that is coming up in our "morning rounds." this is "cbs this morning: saturday." for most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. but there's a new card in town. introducing the citi® double cash card. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and
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for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. ring ring! ...progresso! you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables... shh! taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no...soup! oh! soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste. dear murphy, thanks for being a warm pillow a snuggler and showing me that slobber... ha! just adds character. (male announcer) this holiday season, give thanks to the pets who inspire you! for 3 days only, at petsmart save 30% on thousands of items! petsmart® [coughing] dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days,
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dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling sneezing, coughing aching, fever, best sleep with a cold medicine. [coughing] hey amanda, sorry to bother you, but i gotta take a sick day. moms don't take sick days, moms take dayquil. the non drowsy, coughing aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy head power through your day medicine. at chili's fresh is now. craft burgers, fresh ingredients. made to order when you order. so you can devour it right about now. the new sweet & smoky burger at the new chili's where fresh is happening now.
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it's time for our "morning rounds." joining are dr. holly phillips and dr. narula. they've identified hundred of genes linked to autistic spectrum disorder. scientists say it's major turning point in learning how they disrupt the brain. what did they find? >> what make this study stand out and be so impactful really has to do with this scale. so 37 different research institutions from nine cometryies came together. before there were about nine genes. this study identify ps a total
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of 33 definitely linked with autism, maybe 70 or 80 probably linked and a thousand more possibilities. so they're really honing in on what are the true genetic markers of the disease. >> does that mean they're all affected? >> you know, vinita truthfully the thinking right now is going to be a complex interaction between our genes and our environment. i often here if it's gene that's discouraging because there's nothing we can do about it. actually on the contrary wheng you identify a gene you understand how it works and how it might be damaged or cause autism symptoms. you can really hone in on biologic symptoms. that's a good thing. the more genes we identify the more options we have for treatment. >> does that explain --
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>> that still really remains one of the big mysteries around autism. white it affected boys four files asfile times as much as girls. there are a lot of theories. are we overdiagnosing with boys? they show agrerks repet differ behaviors that are easier to pick up on. girls have more internal falk tors like shyness and depression. it has to do with chromeosomechromosomes. and what we know is there's a perspective firor females. it takes a big hit. loot a lot more genes for girls than boys. >> women are more likely to
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ignore symptoms and seeking care. that puts them at greater risk. >> this study asks men and women who came in what sit that made them come in to get checked out. there are six stage. the stages are the same but men take a much shorter time? getting to the hospital than women who have a longer symptomatic tipping point. they get to a point where they say, gee, maybe i should take this seriousry. >> what is the reason? >> i think there's a combination of thing. there's still the impression that this is a man's disease. if they have shortness of breath and fatigue, they may not recognize it. they're care givers so they put
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everybody else's nights before theirs. and in this study they create more of an optimiss timtic approach. it's going to pass phen better. >> also this week students used stem cells to grow stomach tissue. the tissue will be used to study the development of diseases ranging from cancer to diabetes. a mother from the small city of madison, minnesota, faces possible prison time for giving her teenage son medical marijuana for his traumatic injuries. angela brown said she returned to the treatment as a last resort unable to watch her son suffer anymore. >> i broke the law but did it to save my years. >> for years she did whatever
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she could. pressure inside is h head causes this. pain stemming from a baseball accident in 2011. wrl were you standing when you got hit? >> right over there. >> a line drav caused bleeding in his area of the brain the size of golf balls. doctors feared he wouldn't survive. when he finally woke up his mother said the old trey is gone. >> who seeis he now? >> just a shell of himself. >> reporter: with depression came daily miegy grains. >> please don't hit me don't hit me. >> i cry e'er day. before i go to bed i feel like crying. >> what does it feel like? >> like my brain is about to
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blow up. >> his parents tried 18 medications but none of it help. some of the drug's side effects made him suicidal. >> he told me he doesn't want to live. >> reporter: what's going through your mind when your child says these words to you? >> it'd not fair. it's not fair. >> reporter: desperate, she began searching for legal marijuana. after a few drops trey's pain melted away. 123450 . >> do you think it was a miracle? >> oh, yeah. a miracle in a bottle. >> it stopped the pain and muscle spasms. it was helping me go to school until it got taken a way and
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stool is very hard. >> reporter: taken away when his teachers asked why he was doing better. >> i said. well he's take ang oil dried from a marijuana plant and then you see the quietness in the room. >> they charged her with endangerment. if convict shed could face time in prison and a $200 fine. >> i was trying to prevent him from getting hurt. >> it legal substance. >> in minnesota, not the other states. all declined a request for an interview. if angela does go to jail she worries most for her children. >> who would take care of the
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kids? they're mama's boys. >> they need you? >> i guess. and i need them. >> it's hard tot to be em empathetic empathetic. what other states condone it right now in. >> there are 23 plus d.c. states like new york california michigan massachusetts. these are states where you can be issued a medical marijuana charge for conditions including intractable chronic pain that's not released by others. in her case if it had been released in her state at that time, she could get it qualified and legal in a medical way. finally how a selfie could be bad for your health. russia warns of lice transferring from head to head.
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i don't think that's going to end the selfie craze. >> selfies themselves make me itch. >> dr. holly phillips, dr. tara na rule la. thank you. up next what if you could see your mother. how a daughter did just that. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." moms know that no two mouths are the same. that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. ♪ ♪ i found a better deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit.
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new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. ♪ ♪
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for most of us, time travel is impossible. danielle inserts hers into her mother's old childhood photograph as part of a popular online program called if i had known her back then. here they are. thank you for being here. we'll start off how this idea came to be. the eddsit is seamless.
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>> i think at some point if we had been friends with ore parents as we grew up with them. i was on instagram one day like we all are and i saw someone post an old high school photo of their mother and i had this moment and said wouldn't have it be so good if i could put myself from high school into it and see if we would look like we were friends. >> i love this idea because we all wonder about connections to our parents. you know we're always looking for similarities. this whole idea sets off so many sparks. janice, how did you respond when you saw these? >> i got up and looked at my phone. it made me cry. i never would have thought of that concept.
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i'm not very conceptual. it literally gave me chills, made me cry. i kept looking at it all day long looking at friends. i said hey, check out what danielle did. ooh, i never got that shout-out back in the high school days. >> i made up for it. >> this is all right. but i had no idea that it would just take off like this. >> i have to ask you, when you look at the photos it looks like perfect matches. did all the photos exist or how did you find them? >> great question. i wasn't through all of my facebook photos. i looked for experiences that we were having at the same time in the same age which was the difficult time because of your expressions and interrations and the age on top of it. that's why there were six. of all the images i had, those were the ones that worked out
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best. >> what did you see when you put yourself together? >> it felt like two little girls lost. two girls with their past and plopping them together. >> i think we have a photojani, that you have not seen yet. >> that's what i hear. >> let's take a look at this. how old are you and what are we looking at? >> wow. she's got her arm around me. that's from my childhood home which is in lexington. we'll go back there. but we definitely had the worst hairdresser doing our bangs. >> thanks so much for being here and sharing your photographs with us. >> thank you. coming up the american
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tourist just freed from a six-month detention in north korea. he breaks his vow and what motivated him to bring a bible to a nightclub. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." ody in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. [ male announcer ] lowe's presents how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally. [ male announcer ] this troy-bilt 24 inch electric start gas snow blower, now just $499. i see the levy's parked in front of our house again. it's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? oh, i do! (whoooosh! smack!) me too! (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) are those king's hawaiian rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!)
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thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. also try the complete line of king's hawaiian sandwich rolls. [ aniston ] when people ask me what i'm wearing, i tell them aveeno®. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients. [ aniston ] because beautiful skin goes with everything. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. making coffee? yeah, enough for two. gosh. try four, buddy. hmm, i'll take a dark roast.
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chai tea, please. honey, text the man what you want. french vanilla, make it strong! the all new keurig 2.0 is here. brew for one, brew for all. oh wait, our tent is falling.... you got it? we need nails. with just five minutes' prep campbell's slow cooker sauces help you cook a real dinner, right in the middle of real life. if you have medicare part d you could be at the corner of "i'm throwing away money" and "i had no idea." well, walgreens has your back. our expert pharmacists make it easy for you
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to save on your prescriptions. so you can keep your money where it belongs. swing by walgreens... ...where you could save even more with medicare prescription copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. each some giant skyscrapers get dressed up. changing lights were set to music and what's becoming an annual tradition at the building. the light show was arranged. >> that's cool to look at. coming up in "the dish," if you want to make a name for yourself do we have the place for you. the international culinary center. for some of you your local news is next. for the rest of you, stick
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good morning we do have breaking news this morning at least one person is dead, several others are injured after being hit by a car. this is new video just back from the scene at four beck street roosevelt boulevard in rhawnhurst. police say after 6:00 this morning several pedestrians were struck. now, we're still working to get more details for you. right now police say the driver did stop at the scene. >> rainy, windy day today leaves will be coming down, the roads are wet a day that you really have to pay attention if you're outside. let's look outside see that we've got some rain and that's down through ocean city and the wind blowing there, we're also seeing that it has been raining up through the allentown area, see the puddles on the playgrounds 47 degrees just about everybody in the 40's at this point this morning. see on storm scan3 some of the heavier rain, notice the
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yellow orange, and you've got that even west of philadelphia and along the shore areas. so we do have a rainy day and windy one, too temperatures are in the 40's, every place they'll stay in the 40's, today maybe see 50 degrees you'll also see 30-mile per hour wind today tonight, and even higher than that tomorrow feeling like it is in the 30's tomorrow mike old? >> carol thanks so much. next update is at 8:27. i'm nicole brewer. see you then. ♪ ♪
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this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm anthony mason? and i'm vinita nair. coming up this hour the judge rules 5th amendment privacy rules do not include fingerprints so police can make you open up your smartphone. from big blockbusters to oscars. we'll navigate the waters. >> if you don't want to stay home for thanksgiving, where should you go? travel editor peter greenberg has great suggestions. first, a deadly in-flight explosion and a major setback for billionaire richard branson's dream of taking tourists to the edge of space. >> branson is expected to arrive
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today at virgin galactic's test site where the spaceshiptwo was destroyed. >> he says he wants to come here with his team. it is a team that is reeling this morning from the loss of one of its pilots and the famed space ship two. now, yesterday when this accident happened it happened just after launch of spaceshiptwo. this was a test flight and something went very wrong and the space ship broke apart. it was debris found in two parts of the moma i have desert. one was killed and one deployed his parachute and is in the hospital with serious injuries. this was the 55th flight of the spacecraft which was scheduled to start giving rides to the public as early as last year. this delay will delay for several more years. we don't what caused the spaceship -- this accident to happen but b u the company was testing a new fuel mixture that would be used to get the craft
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into space. there will be an investigation led by the national transportation safety board. and vinita and anthony, they're expecting to arrive in mohave later today. >> thank you, ben. u.s. marine sergeant andrew tam ricci is back in the u.s. after more than 200 days in a mexican jail. tahmooressi laenldnded. a diplomatic effort led by former new mexico governor bill richardson convinced them to lease him on humanitarian grounds. >> we have to stand behind our veterans when they're in war and when they're civilians. it's a victory for american veterans. it's a victory for the united states. >> tahmooressi is expected to get treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder which he could not get in mexico. an ohio man who spent nearly six months in a north korean
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prison for leaving a bible in a nightclub is home and now speaking for the first time about his ordeal. dean reynolds spoke with him. >> do you have any idea what the north koreans thought of you. >> i think it's a bit of a puzzle. at one point they called me a strange man. >> reporter: last spring jeffrey fowle went on o tour in a part of the country that americans warn against visiting. >> what intrigued you about north korea? >> just the fact that it's a closed country, what makes it tick, what it's like. >> he left behind a bible. >> he leftthey say it was an act designed to destabilize the regime of kim jong-un. the bible was found and three days later fowl was taken into custody.
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he said he was never miss trooetd. actually fed too much food and kept in various hotel or motel rooms but never in a cell. >> did you ever fear for your life? >> no. >> he was allowed to write letters home and he hoped the u.s. government would secure his release. he doesn't know why he was let go or why two other americans remain in captivity there. now more than a week after an emotional reyienion with his loved ones fowl said it's legitimate to question him about the headaches he caused for his family and his country. >> what's the legitimate answer? >> the legitimate answer is i wouldn't do it again. at the time i did what i thought i got wanted me to do. >> reporter: fowl's travels have always been on the eccentric sides of the map. there were trips to bosnia and others before returning to afghanistan. >> was it worth it? >> i'll know when i get to heaven whether it was worth it.
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>> he said he won't be going for a while he said. he's used up all his vacation time. for "cbs this morning: saturday," lebanon, ohio. it is autumn. eric fisher is chief meteorologist of our boston station wbz-tv. eric, good morning. >> good morning. a big of a leftover halloween trick. look at the radar this morning. we have snowvember coming our way. virginia is picking up the snowflakes november 1st. can you believe it? the colder air is going to continue to work its way southward. you're looking at 40s all the way down into miami. the coldest weather there since way back in the wintertime. high temperatures lots 406s and the 50s. many areas looking at readings of 15 to 25 dwreeegrees below average. wet and windy along the east coast today. this wraps up as we head into
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sunday. that's going to wrap snow around northern new england and 60-mile-an-hour wind gusts. up to a foot of snow in the mountains. we could see a foot in far northern maine as well. that snow may reach as far south as boston massachusetts by tomorrow morning. vinita, winter getting started very early and it's already in our memory. of course it's mental start. >> let's say it amt so. it's already here. . a circuit court judge in virginia has ruled fingerprints are not protected by the fifth amendment. you have newer i phones and ipads. cbs news analyst rikki klieman is here. good morning to you, rikki. >> good morning. >> start off with this ruling. what is it that led police to say we have the right to say put your fingerprint on the phone and unlock it. >> there's a man accused of
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domestic abuse of strangling his girlfriend. there's video equipment in the house. so he has a mobile device that has a finger print possibility on it of opening it. the police say, look we may have evidence of exactly what he did on this mobile device so we want to get into this mobile device. so what the judge ultimately says here is this. look if you have a passcode we cannot let the police get in. but if you have a fingerprint and only a fingerprint that allows the police to look at it well that's just too bad, the police can get in. >> because it's physical evidence they're allowed to collect. >> absolutely. anthony. you could get a law degree. this is basic fundamental law. the fifn't amendment is testimonial. what we're saying is no one can
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be vetted to incriminate themselves. we know that from any tv show. anything you say can be used against you. however, physical evidence bloorksd finger pript, dna, voice ex-em particular those themming are not testimonial. they're part of your body. >> this is obviously not as binds as a supreme court decision. there are two phones the iphone and galaxy. do you think we'll see change in legislation? >> i think law enforcement is certainly going to look about changing legislation. what we have to remember is this. privacy advocates and good people everywhere don't want the police rummageing through private devices. you may have financial information, photos videos. i don'tn't roy the police in there. on other hand we don't want the situation where the police cannot get in when they have the
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appropriate suspicion or probable cause to look in. you've got to remember this. it's not only that a person says i don't want you in my phone, so i'm not giving you my password. it's even if the police get a warrant that you cannot ford apple, google android, you cannot force them to then open up the phone. so we don't want a situation where people can go free. what about terrorists? what about kidnappers? what about the school shooter? what if there's something the police need. the privacy advocates are very happy with apple, google others who control 95% of the market. >> there's a bind there with the pass codes. but if it's just a number, they can't get in? >> no. it's why local law enforcement is looking to do other things. do we want too change legislation? do we want these companies like google and apple to agree with
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law enforcement that in certain instances they should be able to get in. >> all right. >> it's that balance. civil liberties and privacy raises its ugly head again. >> anthony's learning. >> i got my degree from the rikky klieman school of law. it's time to set your clocks back. that's right. a reminder of daylight's saving time is over. at 2:00 a.m. set your clocks back. it's not observed in hawaii most of arizona and some
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up next how about thanksgiving with a twist of you and all the trimmings too. travel editor peter greenberg is here with some great ideas for holiday destination. you're watching "cbs this morning" saturday. >> announcer: this portion sponsored by abc help your child love to learn with abc
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...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer.
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if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ (boys screaming) totino's pizza rolls... ready so fast,'s scary!
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thanksgiving is coming soon and while it's a state at home
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family holiday it's time to travel without missing a feast. hotels and lodges often the country have a great holiday deals including thanksgiving dinner with no cleanup. peter greenberg, good morning. >> good morning. >> for once we're here talking about thanksgiving. i got a thanksgiving deal and we know flights are cheap, some of them. >> we can talk about that. the most important key is hotels have to stay open. they can't close. they have to cook dinner for their own staff. the best deal they have a great deals because their occupancy is also low. that's when you go. when you don't have to cook or cleanup and you have a great deals above that. >> and there are no family members. >> that's my thanksgiving deal. whiteface lodge in lake pras placid placid, new york. >> they do that for about $75. the key here is resort credits. they'll go with $100 or $300
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there. they also have a spa so you're not just stuck having turkey dinner. >> i have been to this resort. it was amazing. it was all on a compound. tlink was a poulingbowling alley in there. let's go to the next one. harborview. >> once again, discounted deals. the buffet is $59 but they serve pumpkin ale. what's great is what they do for the resort credits. normally $500 a night. right now, $160 for thanksgiving. not a bad deal. >> beautiful looking hotel. >> south to the ft. lauderdale marriott harbor beach resort and spa. >> they have several different packages to fill the room. the best of all, kids eat free. you have to ask for that. that i do are e sort credits.
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when i talk about kids eat free ask for that. ask can my kids eat free or stay free. over the thanksgiving weekend the answer is always going to be yes. >> let's talk about the -- in vale. you get the executive chefs who prepared it come out to meet you. >> what i love about this they do a different kind of different different. thor with truffle dressing. not a bad deal. keep in mind they have a 5k run there. they've been doing that for many, many years yochl u can work off the turkey dinner. >> and on the west coast surf and sand resort. >> their dinner on turkey day is 25 feet from the water. what's great about this place, again, all the resort credits, $270 a night you can get up to in terms of discounts. it's a great deal and you're on the west coast. >> if you really want to get away from family anthony,
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lisson up, you have a suggestion in london. >> they don't know from turkey or thanksgiving. nobody's flying home meaning that's where you get the airfare deals, number one, number twoing go to a hotel that understands it. that's where kate middleton spent the night before the wedding. it's got crab salad and three corn soup and they fly over actual turkey what do you know. i love this hotel for one of the reasons. the light switches in the room. they have four switches bright medium dim, and ooh. you've got to love a hotel with a sense of humor. up next, movies including "interstellar." will it be a blockbuster or down-to-earth bust? you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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on my journey across ame if they want it's a bit l ...'scus ...or a ico. fiftee fifteen perc
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[ male announcer ] are you so stuffed up, you feel like you're underwater? try zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms... so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec-d®. find it at the pharmacy counter. ♪ ♪ ♪ hershey's spreads. bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings.
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earlier today marvel held a press conference and announced for the next three years their marvel movie unprecedented. here's the announcement. watch this. >> marvel is pleased to announce the action packed superhero adventures we planned for may 3. it begins with captain america 3
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sieve war followed by doctor strange, weasel boy, the human hump night stake lay czar rehab bye, chef hook and -- >> laserceser rabbi is the one i want to see. a fresh batch of blockbusters will be heading to the multiplex near you and with some of the hollywood's yuletide offering is matt singer. he's the movie critic for the website that's a pretty, you know big marquee there. >> that is. and that's really what the big selling point is. you have christopher nolan. maybe the most bankable director in hollywood after steven stealberg. a great cast with jessica chastain matthew mcconaughey
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there and a few others. the thing is it's not exactly a crowd pleaser. it's almost three hours long. a lot of philosophy and astro physics and great effects. i wonder what the word of mouth is going to be. are they going to enjoy it? you don't whack out with a bounce in your step. >> i can't believe you're here again and we're here about hunger games. >> we have been talking about it. >> this is called mockingjay part i. >> this might be the biggest hit of the fall because "hunger games" is such a huge franchise. there's hunger games but less hunger gaming than the previous one. we're wrapping it up slowly. the games are less important than this rev lewis against donald sutherland who's the who's the evil dictator of the year i don't like don sutherland
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being evil. disney had a huge hit last year with "frozen." the follow-up is "big hero 6?" >> yes. "frozen" was the highest. it now the new movie doesn't have princesses or songs that make you want to rip your ears out. this is going to combine that marvel stuff, the superhero, the action with the adorable disney characters that everyone loves. he's a robot but looks like a stuffed animal to me which is the most disneyest thing i can remember. >> let's talk about "exodus, gods and kings," because "knownoah"noah" was epic. >> this is going to have better effects, i would imagine.
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the shots there, they look pretty good. that's what's going to draw people in. it's like gladiator and it looks to me like a biblical remake of "gladiator" with the sword fights and chariots. >> all you had to do is say "gladiator." >> there's something called "wild" coming out with reese witherspoon. >> they always win oscars. they were playing real people. so you're going to see a lot of biographies in the world. "wild" with reese witherspoon, true story. she walked a thousand miles. it's by the director of "dallas buyers club." this one has oscar written all over it. >> part 2 next fall. coming up next the special edition of the dish. we celebrate one of the
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country's most famous cooking scho from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, everyone, i'm nicole brewer. septa and its largest union reach a late night agreement on attentive two-year deal averting a strike. now the details of that agreement are not yet being released but both sides say they compromised on the deal. they say it includes a wage increase and the workers union expects to vote on that deal this friday. now, let's get a check on the forecast with carol. going to be a cold one right carol? >> it is and windy one and wet one. already looking at the rain, let me show you storm scan3 right now, you can see that we've got a lot of precipitation out there and we are finding it all over the area this is the wide view, you can see it through atlantic city, philadelphia and even west of that. zooming into atlantic sit notice the heavier rain showers, pick up over inch every rain through the atlantic city area already.
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we have pick up more than thirds of an inch through philadelphia and we've even got this rain off to the west, and probably, just to the outside, to the west of allentown, that's where you don't finds any of this precipitation. we are going to be watching for temperatures no higher than 50 degrees, with winds gust to go 30 miles an hour, today, tonight and tomorrow maybe even higher wind, close to 40 miles an hour, with temperature of 50 tomorrow, it will feel colder. nicole? >> all right carol thanks. next update at 8: 57. i'm nicole brewer, see you then. ♪ ♪
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this half hour on "cbs this morning: saturday" we're serving up a very special dish. this year marks the 309 anniversary of a unique cooking school that's been responsible for nurturing many of this country's top chefs. >> to see how they do it we took a little trip to soho in downtown manhattan and visited the school, the international culinary center. >> six months total immersion. turns you out to go into a good kitchen. >> it's a recipe for school. >> no one's here to go to school but to get a job. >> reporter: she came up with it 30 years ago.
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inspired by a meal she started the french culinary institute from scratch. >> i think it was my generation back in 1984 when alice waters and julia child was around and she came into the school the first week we were opened and she became my fairy godmother. and she said dorothy, you have to join the international institute of wine and food. and she was just so excited that we were opening a school to teach french classic technique, and it's the technique married with the product that gives you brilliance on the plate. >> if t first graduating class hat 11 students including one standout. >> he was a bad boy. bobby flay. >> bobby flay was a high school dropout working in a restaurant. >> jo allen had a new -- someone
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in paris who said where should i send this kid to school. i said if he doesn't speak french send him ore other to our french culinary school. >> it's graduated over 16,000 chefs over the past years. >> you're all going to italy. so bongiorno. >> it was named icc re krc reflecting the new school with italian and french cuisine. >> it's a real gift to be an educator because you change people's lifes. >> we're thrilled to be here. he's widely accredited. his new res straushlt. michael is co-owner of the
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meatball restaurant. his story is so good cbs recently optioned it for a sitcom. >> she graduated from icc in 1999 and came back to complete the sommelier program in 2012. and mr. chocolate, around here he's dean of pastry arts. i know enough to start with a faculty member in this discussion. you joined the faculty in 1993. >> yes. >> what is so special about this place? >> it's in did many the middle of new york city. it's a very good school and total immersion into school. six months of just cooking. did what we call an apprenticeship in france. it's two years long. we learned more in six months than we have in two years. >> anthony and i have the
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privilege of seeing chefs every week and many are self-taught. what do you think in this day and age of someone who has classic training and someone who's self-taught. >> ooh, me. i love this question because the school taught me a stillion things but the one thing that made a huge impression is that whether we're cooking for six or 6,000, you need to be organized in the kitchen and the chef instructors crack a whip in as much as the work space and choreography, so organization. that was first and foremost. >> is it mandatory that you go to school? i don't think it is but there's great efficiency to the program here. i think that's the important thing. when you leave here you're ready to go into the work force you have the vocabulary and basic skill set. >> has much changed in the 20 years you've been here?
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>> it was very straight. french cooking was french cooking, french pastry was very very string. today you see a lot of things mixing toechlgt technology changed a lot. also, today chefs are not afraid afraid. they bring some techniques back bring some ingredients back. >> where did that change come from. did that change come from the students or guys like you? >> i think he's one of the troublemakers. >> you're not the first who's said that. >> you know, i think that school -- cooking and technology have always had a very important and vital relationship. you think about all the major technological advances. refrigeration, you know, mike ro
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waves. all of that's on the forefront. >> for most people it's still so new and i think of someone that comes to a school that is french emersion, how did you go to from where you were to where you are now? >> our style of cooking is about questions. i think it begins and ends in many ways with the classics with the foundation. so for us we're just building on the knowledge that we began to learn here at the school. >> but you actually came back for more. >> yeah. i'm that girl. >> and recently you finished in 2012. >> yeah, yeah. i was in the charter class of the sommelier education. it would be easier passing kidney stones than getting through this class. first of all, you're drinking at 9:00. it was not going to work. by the time they served lunch, i was like -- the fact that i had gone through the culinary
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program save gave me a huge advantage in the class. but, you know, you process in the kitchen and the guys would tell you the same thing. you practice your cooking style through your nature like the playingfulness of chef jacques and him with the meatballs. >> michael, did you have a cooking background before you came here? >> i've worked in restaurants since i was about 13 years old. probably not legally, but i did. and, you know i've always had a dream and a passion to own a restaurant. >> but you needed a credential that this place offered. >> i needed to know what they were doing in there in order to own a restaurant. that's what i didn't i learned a lot.
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i took the culinary program and went out and opened a restaurant. >> have you noticed a difference in the supe. >> it's more cool today to become a chef. >> i think the industry is going through a real sort of transition revolution maybe you know. you're seeing a lot more younger generations, the millennials really aspiring to be in the kitchen today. but you don't leave here a chef. you graduate. the education that you walk out of here with is incredible. if i went to chef jacques and said i want to be the chef of your pastry shop he'd say, how about we start with a mop. >> the dance of the mop. >> yeah yeah. you know you come here and you learn and it's incredible and you learn an enormous amount in
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a really -- in a short period of time, which is amazeingamazing, but you can't walk out of here excelling to be a topnotch chef. >> thank you all. thanks all for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> it was great. that was a lot of fun. up next in our saturday session, the head and the heart, a melo seattle band you don't want to miss. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got 8 grams of protein. twist my lid! that's three times more than me. 17 vitamins and minerals. and zero fat! hmmmm. you bring a lot to the party! yay! new ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. zero fat. 17 vitamins and minerals. in delicious blueberry pomegranate and mixed fruit. ok, if you're up there, i could use some help. smart sarah. seeking guidance. just like with your investments. that sets you apart. it does? it does. you're type e*. and seeking another perspective is what type e*s do. oh, and your next handhold... is there. you don't have to go it alone. e*trade gives you the support and guidance to make informed decisions. are you type e*?
8:42 am
morning, the head and the heart, the seattle-based indy rockers got together five years ago
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after wowing a crowd at a jam session at a local pub. >> they broke through two years later with the release of their new debut album. last fall they followed up with a critical acclaimed follow-up"let's be still." their latest title track "the head and the heart." >> you can get lost in the heart ♪ summer will be coming up soon ♪ the world is spinning is little
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too fast ♪ ♪ for one moment let's be still ♪ ♪ you can hear music for hours ♪ ♪ we can play music for hours and hours but the sun will still be coming up ♪ ♪ the world's now for given of everyone's fears ♪ ♪ today just for a moment let's be still ♪
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♪ they're tearing down so we can rebuild ♪ ♪ and all of this time is just circles in my mind ♪ ♪ just for a moment just for one moment ♪ ♪ just for a moment let's be still ♪ ♪ for a moment let's be still ♪ ♪ just for a moment let's be still ♪ ♪ just for a moment let's be still ♪
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♪ just for a moment let's be still ♪ ♪ just for a moment let's be still ♪ >> don't go away. we'll be right back with more music from the head and the heart. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." dear willy thank you for alerting us to doorbells & trash cans, and helping us appreciate your enthusiasm. (dog barks playfully) dear murphy, thanks for being a warm pillow a snuggler and showing me that slobber... ha! just adds character. dear sadie for playing along with make-believe games, thanks for teaching us to be as patient... as you. give thanks for all the joy & inspiration your pet gives you! shop thousands of unique toys & treats at petsmart® want to give your family more vitamins, omega 3s and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. better taste.
8:47 am
better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. sir, we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. your mission? a homemade dinner in thirty minutes. go! your method? new campbell's® soups for easy cooking. helping you cook recipes like speedy sausage rigatoni in just thirty minutes! dinner accomplished. try new campbell's® soups for easy cooking. for most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. but there's a new card in town. introducing the citi® double cash card. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay.
8:48 am
that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. so here's the new living room... tv, couch, pillows. nice! see, we've completely remodeled the kitchen. cozy. ♪ let's go check out the pantry! ♪ it's our dunkin' dream room! amazing! wish i had a room like this. let's make some dunkin'. one taste and you'll understand. great remodel. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. try new french roast and colombian today. america runs on dunkin'.
8:49 am
and as promised here is more music from the head and the heart. >> this is "lost in my mind. ♪ put your dreams away for now ♪ ♪ i won't see you for some time ♪
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♪ i am lost in my mind ♪ ♪ i get lost in my mind ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ oh my brother your wisdom is older than me ♪ ♪ oh my brother don't you worry 'bout me ♪ ♪ don't you worry snoents don't you worry don't worry about me ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪
8:51 am
♪ ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ how's that brick layin' comin' ♪ ♪ how's your anyone runnin' ♪ ♪ is that bridge gettin' built ♪ ♪ are your hands gettin' filled ♪ ♪ won't you tell me my brother 'cause there are stars up above ♪ ♪ we can start moving forward ♪ ♪ lottooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪
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♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ i won't you tell me my brother ♪ ♪ there are stars up above ♪ ♪ we can start moving forward
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♪ ♪ northeast lost in my mind lost in my mind ♪ ♪ oi i get lost in my mind ♪ ♪ lost in my mind ♪ ♪ yes, i get lost in my mind ♪ ♪ i get lost i get lost i get lost ♪ ♪ i get lost i get lost ♪
8:54 am
>> don't go away. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." tter deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] lowe's presents how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally. [ male announcer ] this troy-bilt 24 inch electric start gas snow blower, now just $499. here's something fun to do with hot dogs. make easy crescent dogs.
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pillsbury crescent rolls. ♪ make dinner pop.♪ coughing can really be disruptive. delsym helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours with an advanced time release formula for all day or all night relief. bianca! [cheering] delsym. silence is relief. hershey's miniatures. choosing is half the fun.
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because there's a little something delicious... for everyone. hershey's miniatures choose your own delicious. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®.
8:57 am
this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning everyone, i'm nicole brewer. thousands of walkers and runners take part in purple stride philadelphia today. the 5k raises money and awareness for pancreatic cancer research. pancreatic cancer has one of the highest morality rates of all major cancers though doctors say they're end muse as i can about new treatment methods. event is underway right now at memorial park in fairmount park. >> all right let's get a check on the forecast for those walkers and runner probably not the best day. >> such an important cause, i know they're out there support that. looking at a lot of rain in the area, however soy let's take a look, and see what we have. if you are headed to the shore or there already, you have winds, you have rain, look at the camera bouncing through ocean sit, storm scan3 the
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wide view on it, you can see the yellow, the orange, the orange really heavy rain, and we're finding a loft rain in the area, some of the heaviest rain new castle county, extending back into salem county so lots of rain there. we're going to be finding rain through the philadelphia area, the shore areas, it is everywhere high today just 50 degrees with lots of winds. nicole? >> all right carol. thanks so much. that's "eyewitness news" this morning, you can always follow us on our website i'm nicole brewer. make it a great day. ♪ ♪
9:00 am
announcer: when you see this symbol you know you're watching a show that's educational and informational. the cbs dream team& it's epic. narrator: today on lucky dog, age... brandon: are you a senior? narrator: experience... brandon: this dog has zero training. narrator: ...physical limitation... dr. clark: she definitely needs surgery. narrator: ...every dog has its achilles' heel but no matter what the challenge... brandon: hey, what was that? narrator: ...brandon knows there's always a solution. brandon: trust me, it's all going to make sense pretty soon. narrator: so get on board, because today we're overcoming obstacles. brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. my mission is to make sure these amazing animals find a purpose a family, and a place to call home.