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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  October 23, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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preseason. head coach brian henzel and the entire coaching staff has been suspended. hazing went unreported until october 14th. c.b. west is one of the more decorated, programs in the area, ledgendry head coach mike petin won four pennsylvania state titles in the 90's and his son mike petin junior played at c.b. west and is now the head coach of the cleveland browns. the school's superintendent sent a letter to the community, were in part our inquiry, determined that students new to the team were expect to participate in several initiations that were both humiliating and inappropriate. the most personally invasive activity required a rookie to grab another player's private parts while fully clothed. these initiations took place in front of most team members. i want to be clear that these activities did not result in physical arm, but were not harmless. players who did not directly
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participate, but witnessed and failed to report the activities, also violated the code of conn duck. now this incident comes in the wake of the the season suspension and arrest at sayreville war memorial high school, for the the locker room hazing and sexual assault of four football players, by their teammates. final two games of the cbw season are canceled. tomorrow night's game against cb east was to be their annual home coming event. jessica? >> all right beasley, thank you. a former philadelphia traffic court judge has been accused of accepting a bribe. case was brought on by the philadelphia district attorney after the state attorney general dropped it. "eyewitness news" reporter walt hunter is live at police headquarters with more tonight, walt? >> reporter: well, just moments ago former judge former president judge of traffic court thomassin tynes walk free here after signing her own bailed. she surrendered with her attorney early this morning, charged with bribery and other
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offenses after an investigation by the philadelphia district attorney's office, grand jury. expensive bracelet waved by d.a. seth williams came at quite a cost, to former philadelphia traffic court president judge thomassin tynes. the jewelry and bribe part of the evident leading to her arrest. >> it is a $2,000, tiffany charm bracelet, the bracelet that judge tynes received for promising, special access to a businessman who said he was seeking a exclusive, and very lucrative government contract. >> this grand jury present. claims tynes at one point toasted the gift giver not aware he was a confidential informant who was secretly recording. to making some money, together. tynes. to making money. >> the the businessman, spelled out, what he wanted,
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and the judge promised to deliver. >> she's an inspiration, to many people. it is her most proud day, best day? no. of course not that is not other his day. >> he calls his 71 year-old client a pillar of the community. originally she and four state legislators had been investigated by state attorney general's office. however when kathleen kane took office she decline prosecution claiming cases were badly botched and dead on arrival. district attorney williams however says that when he i am paneled a grand jury to look into allegations a against tyes four months ago she found plenty of evidence. >> this investigation was not dead on arrival. it is definitely not over. it is most certainly moving ahead, with a full head of steam. >> reporter: the district attorney saying that the four state legislators although not charged with anything are still under investigation a at this time. kathleen kane's office in harrisburg declined comment.
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tynes had been indicted by the u.s. attorney's office, on a ticket fixing allegations. however she was convicted of purgery in federal court. live at police headquarters i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> walt, thanks very much. well, developing right now concerns for ebola have reached new york city. a man, in his 30's is at bellevue hospital at this hour, with possible symptoms of the disease. cbs news has identified that patient as doctor craig spencer, he works with doctors without borders, and recently return to the u.s. from new gunie, where he is believed to have treated ebola patients. rain finally stopped but the clouds decided to hang around for a while. meteorologist kathy orr is live on the skies deck to tell us when we might see the sun again, kathy. >> it is trying to break through but night is falling. that means we are in for some slow clearing across the delaware valley. take a look at storm scan three our storm system well
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off the the coast of long island south of nantucket island and we are seeing clouds and a few sprinkles rotating around this broad area of low pressure but general trend would be for skies to clear out. that is the good news. we are looking still at very breezy conditions, wind gusting to 25 miles an hour in philadelphia, gusts near 30 in the poconos and in trenton. right new gusting to 24 miles an hour in wilmington. temperatures fairly uniform across the region with the clouds and with the windy conditions and in the poconos, 44 degrees, a cool spot, normal high being 64. we have only made to it 57 in philadelphia temperatures staying in the 50's, dropping ever so slowly with the clouds through the the evening. at 9:00 it will be windy and damp, temperature 53. still mostly cloud which a temperature of 51. brighter days a head in the seven day forecast, even a warm up so don't put the shorts away just yet, you may need them, i'll see you late inert broadcast. >> thank you very much. police are trying to figure out what caused a deadly crash on the
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pennsylvania turnpike. it happened overnight in the westbound lanes in white marsh township, between exit 339 and exit 333. police say that 18 year-old michael graham have of norristown was killed when the car he was riding in crashed into a tractor trailer. there were four others in that car including the driver who were seriously injured. investigators say that the driver simly lost control, hit a guard rail and then spun into the path of that big rig. well, emotion aal moment in the canadian parliament today less than 24 hours after a gunman opened fire there... there were thunder us cheers for the parliament's sergeant of arms, the man who killed the gun man who opened fire inside of their building yesterday. video shows kevin vickers with his gun drawn just after taking down the suspect. sources tell cbs news that the shooting suspect michael zehaf bibeau had a long rap sheet
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and his passport had been revoke after he tried to make contact with someone in syria. >> the investigation is ongoing and will rapidly determine if zehaf bee bow received any support in the planning of his attack. >> bibeau's mother says she spoke with her son last week for the first time in five years. she also apologized for the attack, she says that she's crying for the victims, not her son. the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley will have have more on the deadly shooting near the canadian parliament at 6:30 right here after "eyewitness news" at 6:00. police in philadelphia need your help finding two robbery suspects. robbery happened yesterday at the lion grocery store in the 200 block of west windily street in fair hill. one of the suspects pulled out a handgun and demanded money while other acted as a look out. two men took off with the cash in a white four-door car, possibly, a nissan maxima. chopper three over a fire in an apartment building in
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woodbury gloucester county. that fire broke out atwood lake apartments on north evergreen avenue around 12:30. american red cross is helping five families displaced by the flames. the causes now under investigation, in word on any injuries. reward is being offered for information in the gruesome discovery that was made outside pleasantville, new jersey school. on tuesday morning a yan for found a cat and three kittens that appeared to be burn to death. the charred remains were in the staff parking lot of the washington have avenue elementary school. faculty members say they noticed a odor for past week and assume it was coming from the dumpster. >> it is a terrible that somebody would have the the mentality to do something like this to do an innocent animal. >> it is just horrible and i think somebody will know that this happened but whether they will talk or not i don't know. >> the school is examining surveillance video to see if they can determine who burn those animals. the philadelphia police department is putting used
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cell fence to good use, the department began collecting tea vice that he is will be distributed to victims of the domestic violence in the city. "eyewitness news" at police headquarters, these victims will make free calls to 911 as needed. flu season isn't here but it is not too late to get vaccinated. >> that is message one mother hopes everyone will hear. still ahead how she's using her own loss to save lives. plus don't look down we will tell you why philadelphia's mayor and dozens of local leaders scaled the 31 story building to day. beasley. >> sixers final exhibition game in detroit, surprising stat that tells you a lot about the the philadelphia sport fans coming up. eagles getting ready for the cardinals red birds preview when i join you later in sports. blank
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on the cbs-3 healthwatch number of flu cases continues to grow and it is early in the season. today pennsylvania health officials made a push to get more people vaccinated. >> health reporter stephanie stahl has more on what can happen if you don't get that flu shot.
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>> wow, influenza skills 30,000 people every year and while is there fear about ebola health officials say the flu is more dangerous for most people. but it is preventable, something that one mom learned the hard way. >> this is martin's signature four days before he passed. >> reporter: diane has a tattoo on her wrist a tribute to her son when he died at 15, complications from the flu. >> he had longest eye lashes. infectious laughter. i miss him. >> reporter: her break milk with guilt, martin never had a flu the shot. she was afraid of the chemicals and nine years before martin died flu shots were not recommended for healthy teenagers. they are now. >> my decision not to vaccinate i have to live with that. >> reporter: diane who created martin flu foundation was part of the influenza meeting of state leaders and health officials urging people to get vaccinated. >> this flu season we have had 98 cases of confirmed inn
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flewens a last year we had 131 influenza deaths. >> reporter: robin with the pennsylvania department of health said people need to be reminded that the flu is more dangerous to mess people in the united states, thene bowl. the potential of the numbers that influenza will impact is significantly greater. >> reporter: hoping to improve vaccination rates some officials received needle free vaccine during the meeting. last year only 47 percent of pennsylvania resident got a flu shot. diane says it is a simple step that can prevent disaster. >> his baseball number was eight so as you can see, it turns into an eight, or infinity. i love you inn finity. >> truly heart breaking. with cases of flu, already being reported in our region, there is say it is perfect to be vaccinated now, because it takes two weeks to be effective. we have a lot more information for you on influenza including where you can get a flu shot in your neighborhood, cbs click on health.
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martin was perfectly healthy, got sick one night and was dead less than 24 hours later. >> wow. >> unbelievable. >> so tragic. >> yes. >> such an important reminder, that his mommies giving us. thanks, steph. new at 6:00 city leaders challenge themselves in a unique way to raise money for the philadelphia outward bound will school. philadelphia's mayor michael nutter was among those who scaled down the side of the 31 story one logan square building in center city. how about that. money raise supports scholarships for students. mayor nutter says it was a great way to build confidence just like the program does for its students. >> outward bounties an educational program, experience learning, teaching young people to believe in themselves, rely on each other and bill up that self esteem to be successful in their lives. i'm a huge supporter. >> fun raising goal for philadelphia a outward bound school is $250,000. it looks like fun,
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hopefully they came down building after the rain. >> yeah. >> and wind that is more scary, wind is stronger as you go higher up. we are talking about rain out of here. cloud persist. that is keeping us from seeing partial eclipse of the sun but i will show it to you live, it is a spectacular site. take a look outside to the north we will go in the poconos where we are seeing breaks in the included before sunsets at jack frost big boulder. same thing down the shore in atlantic city where wind are persisting gusting to 30 miles an hour but still not enough blue sky to see this spectacular sight. lets take you out to l.a., courtesy of nasa this spectacular image. this is a live picture of the partial solar eclipse from the griffith observatory in los angeles, just spectacular. of course, moon obscures the the view of the sun. you cannot look the at this directly but we can look at it very clearly here and even spots on the sun, just a spectacular view going on
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right now but we cannot see it because of our cloud cover but it is pretty a amazing indeed. over next hour or so you will be able to see the sun safely. when we see things like this if the sun were out would you use welders glass to look through, that is most safe way to view the sun. we are looking at cloud cover continuing as our storm system continues to churn off the coast of nantucket island. wind still gusting. here are peak win gusts, pottstown at 30. win gusts between 25 and 30 miles an her through doylestown, reading, dover, wildwood, even in philadelphia those will slowly subside during the night time hours. temperatures in the 50's, until further notice, tomorrow we will warm up in the poconos, only in the 40's going down in the 30's overnight. we will continue to see wind even though rain is gone, we have low pressure demarting, high pressure moving in, battle between these two opposite forces will create a pressure gradient or a little bit of the breezy condition for your friday, that will
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ease somewhat saturday as a low is further away and high pressure digs in its heels in the region, saturday temperatures are in the 60's. weak front moves through to knock them down a few you degrees on sunday but still pleasant with sunshine. we will continue to see the dry conditions. then for beginning of the week a huge ridge builds in the east that means warmer air will be pulled up the eastern see game. temperatures in the 07's before later in the week toward halloween cooler air moves back in just to get you in the feel of the season. overnight look for gradual clearing, chilly low temperature of 47. during the day on friday becoming sunny, great way to end the workweek, high temperature is 66. looking ahead on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven day forecast saturday 68. sunday 64. temperatures slowly rising and it is very comfortable. monday 64. tuesday and wednesday in the 07's and thursday still looking at mid 60's and that is day before halloween.
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hopefully it will stay at least on the mild side for our trick or treaters. we want to let you in he about something excite agent cbs-3. if you love weather, have your own little weather station at home, we want you you to be an eyewitness weather watcher. go to cbs >> always nice not to layer up under that costume. >> you want to show it off. >> that is right. >> you bet. >> my mom always made me have jacket overtop of the princess costume and didn't work out very well for me but i'm not getting dress up this hall halloween so no big deal. we will show you ordinary delays, out on 422, at oaks. so westbound from trooper, up to 29, that is pretty much a typical delay for an afternoon commute. east bound moving great. we will head over to new jersey 42 at creek road where you can see typical delays there. everybody moving great. southbound side toward ac expressway you can see most of the volume and off and on,
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heading to the 295 interchange and then to philadelphia a and surrounding area and bridges. an accident in runnemede new jersey closing route 41 at black horse pike. your alternate toys take evesham road. another crash in bucks county route one south at neshaminy. rest of the majors slow. 202 is changing, pretty clear southbound from the schuylkill into route 30 a 15 minute trip and schuylkill expressway eastbound from the blue route to the vine street expressway only a 25 minute trip. in problems on mass transit, septa new jersey transit and dart all running on time with no reported delays, jessica and chris back to you. "cbs evening news" is just a couple minutes away. >> scott pelley joins with us a look ahead, scott. >> great to be with you in philadelphia coming right up we have new details on the gunman who attack canada's parliament and his possible links to terrorism. we will have the former deputy cia director mike morel here to assess chances of a similar attack in the united
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states, those stories just ahead on the "
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eagles and cardinals in the desert sunday. red birds owe even if is near bottom in rushing and passing. they do protect football and they play defense against the run. the those are obstacle facing eagles heading west to try to advance to six and one and keep up with the cowboys in the division. chip kelly talk about using the tape from last years game to make a game plan for sunday. >> cutting very hard and fast, what we get in third and three, what are we getting the at third and seven and ten and put ago this together with what they do this year and seeing any differences, any wrinkles, personnel driven because some of the personnel that played against us last year isn't same personnel and
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trying to figure out, you know, how they will approach us. >> thursday night game here on cbs three, battle for first place in the afc west with philip rivers and chargers facing payton manning and broncos. our pregame coverage starts at 7:30. one on one with cbs-3 contributor shady mccoy his thoughts on the teams improving running game, and he brought along a special guest, d lineman bennie logan very interesting guy, that is tonight after the game. sixers take on the piston tonight at palace of auburn hills and their final preseason tune up, fyi, sixers are seventh in the league in new full season ticket sales after winning just 18 games, that means fans are on game. flyers are back in action saturday against the red wings, last night they went to pitberg and they scored three times in the final period to win their second game of the season, five-three the final. they own the penguins at conn
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sullen joy center ten-one-one since the building opened in 2010. >> those are difficult stats to explain. >> but do you so beautifully. >> i enjoy the fact that it is we love that number. >> we will be right back. just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years... in the state senate, he stood up for working families and he'll stand up for south jersey in congress. working to make college affordable. fighting to create jobs that can support a family. and pushing equal pay for equal work. donald norcross. a congressman for us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00 we are back here at ten and then back here on cbs-3 after the game. >> "cbs evening news" is next. they are a session terror threat here at home in the wake of yesterday's violence in canada plus details on the condition of the new york doctor being tested for ebola, in new york city tonight. here new from new york is scott pelley with the "cbs evening news".
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>> pelley: breaking news-- a doctor in new york is tested for ebola. the doctor worked with patients in guinea. dr. jon lapook has the latest. debora patta in liberia on the battle to stop the dying there. canada pays tribute to the man who helped stop the assault on parliament. does the gunman act alone? jim axelrod on what we know about him. mike morrell on the chances of an attack in the u.s. the attorney general says he's exasperated by what he calls selective leaks in the killing of michael brown. and for writers who've lost their train of thought, amtrak can help them find it. >> the best thing about it is no editor can get in touch with me, and we're in the midst of all of this. captioning sponsored by cbs