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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  April 23, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news, a police sting operation ends with the arrest of a san jose fire captain accused of trying to beat a young girl for. the group trying to recall the alameda county district attorney wants county leaders to set date for that recall election. and the bay area remembers the life and legacy of glide church founder cecil williams. >> from the local news station, you're watching you on morning team. >> thanks for joining us on a tuesday. i'm daria and i'm james. we've got john and rain here. start the hour with a check of weather and the news as well. what are you working on? of the oakland mayor sheng
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thao. she's going to be working on a way to inform teens about trafficking, trying to stop that from happening. so we'll be talking some teens are talk about the signs. if you have a team. listen at another big story is the weather because the wind really picked up. yeah. it was pretty rough out there. yes, a sunny and nice. but you know, when i was a sweeping up the driveway and the moment i stepped in, it would i didn't even do we're like it outside of the day that you guys going to be breezy all over again and notably a lot cooler out there to take a look at that low stratus that's hanging out right over the bay. that blanket of cloud cover not really resulting in fog. let's your honor bay area mountaintops where you're encountering that cloudy level. >> we have seen some showers further inland up in the sierra and the northern part of the central valley, both actually seeing thunderstorm activity this morning here in the bay or not going to see any of that. but we are cloudy or cooler and windier. take a look at those winds at the coast pushing that ocean. cool there right into the bay. thus the blanket of cloud cover
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that's overhead. kind of keeping us a little cooler already than we were yesterday at this time 50's to low 60's for current temperatures. and later on today, we'll be looking at daytime highs only reaching the low 70's that in some cases it's 10 to 15 degrees cooler than yesterday. i'll talk more in this generally cooler forecast. still ahead, back to you. >> all right. thanks a lot. our top story right now. what a life. we honor the life and legacy of reverend cecil williams, the co-founder of the glide memorial church. if you haven't heard he passed away at the age of 94 leaving behind clearly a massive legacy. he touched the lives of so many cars were. sarah stinson has a look back. >> within the first hours of reverend cecil williams, passing people filed into glide memorial church in san francisco monday night to honor him at this man of peace. >> this man of justice passed away peacefully. i'm hearing about i really can't believe it's record. williams was the co-founder of glide. he was
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also a civil rights and lgbtq activist. >> was a larger than life figure. minister marvin white intern for williams when he was 18 years old and has become his protege. he says he'll never forget with the reverend told him he said. >> i need for you to be you. >> glide put up photos of williams over the years with people of all walks of life from political activists like bobby seale and angela davis to politicians like nelson mandela and celebrities like marvin gaye in sammy davis, junior williams was also close friends with former san francisco mayor willie brown. more than 50 years. yeah. my friendship with cecil williams. >> in valuable and for me. it will never end. >> brown says he worked with williams and doctor martin luther king junior in the 60's during the civil rights movement before williams helped open the church. merry christmas to you. the reverend was known for making everyone
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feel like family opening the church doors to all making the institution. one of the most liberal churches in america, 2 women to poor folks to workers. >> 2 black folks to brown folks too early. organizers. >> on and on talk to him laugh and joke and feel like i was many say williams was not the same after the passing of his wife in glide, co-founder, janice america, tony, in 2021. there. >> many times that he would. honorably and sonically just whale just thinking about not being with her i think also he showed. that he have to keep going. >> in december, glad marks 60 years and williams passed the torch to a new ceo doctor gina, from are mister white says glide will continue to keep the legacy of reverend williams alive for decades to
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come. we can grieve. >> and mourn, but we can't lose sight of liberation. it's even more visible now because of his passing. >> clyde will have the sanctuary open this week for people to visit and honor the late reverend williams. more to come on the service. i'm sara stinson reporting back to you. >> thank you, sarah. well, mayor london breed also released a statement on the passing of williams and it reads in part, quote, reverend cecil williams was the conscience of our san francisco community. she went on to say he led with compassion and wisdom always putting the people first and never relenting in his pursuit of justice and equality. his kindness brought people together and his vision changed our city. >> and the world and governor newsom had this to say reverend williams and his congregation offered a refuge and support to all who enter their doors. their tireless work to empower marginalized members of the community. put them at the forefront on key
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social justice and human rights issues driving positive change. all of us can take inspiration from his legacy. predators are out preying on our children. >> san jose fire captain is swept up in a bust involving people thinking they're meeting with children for happen in sacramento the bay area. fire chief was just one of 24 suspected internet predators. >> under arrest now, kron four's michael thomas is in the newsroom with the very latest on the story. michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. will the sacramento county sheriff's office says that this san jose fire captain was just one of many in a position of public trust that were arrested for trying to meet up with young girls, adding that they were caught because undercover detectives were posing as 13 year-olds on social media. and with these men, the cup that take a look. this is video from the sheriff's office says they arrested 24 suspects at the end of march during a
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three-day child predator sting operation grown adults ranging from age 20 to men in their 70's trying to meet up with young girls for. 43 year-old spencer parker, a san jose fire captain was part of those arrested and is now facing charges from the sacramento county district attorney's office which were filed on april 3rd at the san jose fire department tells me his last day of work was march 31st. he was then placed on administrative leave on april. 11th and resigned following day the 12 he had been with the department since july of 2008. no details have been given on parker specific case. but investigators say some of these predators persuaded detectives to send pornographic photos and even make plans to meet up at a hotel room which you see in that video with kids that they were thinking. where is the young as 10 years old, but a knock at the door and they were greeted by deputies. it's like having your and a. >> trying to hold that. is that prolific? i don't care how smart or how sophisticate you think your son or daughter is an adult coming up with a
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child battle lines period. >> we did get a statement from the san jose fire department. you can see it's up on your screen saying in part no criminal activity is tolerable in our service and these types of crimes described by the charges are beyond trail of public trust and are particularly reprehensible when committed by someone sworn to public service. now, spencer parker, who was arrested, he is set to appear in court tomorrow as we get more details on this. we'll continue to keep you updated. that's very latest here in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas story. james, we'll send it back to thank you. michel 10. 0, 7 is the time now in the east bay, oakland, mayor sheng house office is working to protect teenagers from trafficking. a kron four's ray harvey here in the studio to explain what it is that working on right so darren james, this week marks sexually exploiting minors awareness week. so the mayor's advisory council on human trafficking is going to open schools to try to help teens identify the signs of trafficking. we're going to
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teach oakland teens on how to prevent recognize report the signs of underage trafficking. so here's some ways the city says change. you can identify the signs the person offering you gifts, money or other incentives, expand exchange for favors showing excessive interest in your personal life or background or somebody may be trying to isolate you from your friends and family and i promise you i'm a better life for opportunities that might seem too good to be true. prevent human trafficking. they say teens. you got to be cautious when you're interacting with strangers online and even in person, they recommend alwaus share your location with your family and friends, especially if you meet with a stranger, always trust your instincts and speak up when you think something isn't right now, if you know someone in a trafficking situation or you want to report a suspected trafficker. you're asked to contact the oakland police department. you can even make an anonymous report on the alameda county district attorney's office. i'll send it back to go to the desk. thank you. enough. 9 is
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the time in the east bay, the group a leading the recall effort against alameda county da pamela price is calling now on the county supervisors to set a date for the recall election. the organizers with the group called safe sent this letter to the board of supervisors saying according to state election law, the board must set an election date during its meeting on april 30th. and if they don't, then the responsibility goes to county elections. officials safe. the group is going hold a news conference in a protest shortly within the hour around 10, 30 this morning at the alameda county adminisnration. building the county of registrar of voters last week said that they had received enough signatures for a recall election to take place. 10, 10 is the time and for your money this morning, gas prices continue to climb here in the bay area. and just as you're beginning to think, where should we drive for summer vacation? kids kron four's will tran has more from san
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francisco. >> we are getting reaction from drivers this morning and it is not a happy reaction because people like chloe are filling up. you went in there and you said $50 is probably all you can afford right now. what do you think about gas prices going up and up and it's pretty ridiculous. i mean, i remember pandemic prices. it to 50 at one point. so most kind of triple now. >> this is one of the more expensive gas stations do you shop around or you just need the gas this morning? i just needed gas this morning. i will shopping around in the city is pretty difficult, though. i feel like a lot of the other gas stations are. this price, if not maybe a little bit higher, you know, little saturday for everybody. i drive gas car as well. so this is what we are facing its $0.4 more this week. >> $0.21 more since last month. $0.59 more since the beginning of the year. take a look at your screen really quickly. we want to show you
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some of the gas prices all over the bay area. let's start off in napa county. you're looking at 5.72 this morning. marin county in the middle your screen. 5.63 contra costa county 5.53. and santa clara county, $5. and $0.52. and i wish i can give you some good news. a chloe still here says biden looking at her bank account. unfortunately, we will continue to climb and climb climb because they say it will peak in july. >> it's an 11 and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, more than 2 dozen death penalty cases are under review in alameda county because of in alameda county because of potential
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this homestyle chicken salad wrap from subway this is how you do it. savory chicken, crisp veggies all wrapped up— these wraps are amazing. people can hear my thoughts? that's a problem. stay fresh out there with all—new wraps from subway.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> uc berkeley long, carol fuller. >> 10, 14 is a time right now. and the paris olympic games are just about 2 months away. and there's a clayton native. >> that has secured her spot. yeah. uc berkeley alum, kara kohler is going to be representing the u.s. in women's rowing. we've got a lean matchup with looking at a chance to talk to her. >> she's no stranger to this, though. it will be her 3rd games. she also mentions her parents are the most influential people in her life and having her mother here watching meant everything to her. they've stood by me through on monday. >> my pursuit snowflake in whatever else they've been doing and you that athletic one is obviously stuck most of any of them. the 2019 u.s. rowing female athlete of the year finished sunday single schools. final. >> making her second consecutive olympics in the event that just never gets
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old. it's i haven't slept since 02:00am just thinking about this. i'm just so proud. knowing how hard she's worked for this and how grueling it is. this is the icing on the cake for all the hard work that she's put just 2 to give this to because for always being there's special simple, it's special. been a very little. so blessed to be able to keep doing it. trust yourself, trust your process. you have the skills, you know. >> looks other people for inspiration, you know, have a lot of. with incredible strong women that i get to train with every day. so learn from them. each other up. makes whole lot more fun. it's been since 2000 in 12. kohler has won her last medal. >> she hopes to change that this summer reporting in sarasota at the u.s. olympic rowing trials. i'm eileen at chuck. >> talking about rolling because, you know, i mean, i i
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saw them on the bay going, yeah, i for a sailboat but knowing that when boy that's going against john, that stuff but when you get the wind out there against as you're rowing and looking outside, we do have the east bay hills right here. it's a lot of cloud cover. up ahead. you can see is those winds that are pushing right and the day yet again this morning. looking at that cloudy blankets covering off of marine county, most of sonoma county. >> up and down the peninsula. you have to head really far inland before you get out of that blanket of stratus that is pushed in from the coast as part of the southwesterly winds making their way into the state. we've got thunder storm activity out in the central valley as well as the sierra. we'll stay dry in the bay area today. but that low to our south is really stirring things up. the remainder of this forecast and by thursday night into friday morning, a chance of some light sprinkles for the bay. much more likely for southern california and for the sierra most of the country is actually going to be looking at a warmer than average
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finish to april while the bay area and northern california just the opposite. the end of april into the start of may, actually going to be trending cooler than average. and today is a sure sign of that 60's to low 70's at are very warm us today. already 10 to 15 degrees cooler in some spots than yesterday was and that cool sea breeze pushing in across the bay area. going to keep us down into the 60's for most of the day for most of the bay area, livermore and fremont some of our warmer spots at 70 oakland at 66, even vacaville after yesterday's 86 only rising to 68 degrees today tomorrow through saturday remaining in the 60's for your daytime highs. chance of morning showers on friday. the weekend doesn't look bad. just cooler with 60's to low 70's. back to you. >> this is what it was like on some oakland streets over the weekend. dirt bike riders
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taking over one actually go to the hospital because he got into an accident. but local police say this was something that they haven't seen before. it was dangerous for everybody. there were 50 at one point. yeah. 50 and they were like. >> on the sidewalk on the street. so we're going in the wrong direction. really made it dangerous. did so kron four's rob nesbitt actually reports now on what exactly happened and how police are trained to respond to something like this. >> you'll often hear them before you see them. the cell phone video shows dirt bikes and atv's taking over parts of bellevue and grand avenues in oakland sunday popping wheelies and weaving through traffic just after 01:00pm around 50 dirt bikes were seen circling lake merritt, some riding on the sidewalk, driving in the opposite direction of traffic. and even turning public parks into their own personal playground. oakland police say several of the bikers cause a safety hazard to those around them and the illegal sideshow activity ended in one injury. this was the scene at grand avenue in perkins street just after 06:00pm sunday when
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police say a vehicle collided with the motorcycle and the driver of the motorcycle had to be taken to the hospital. they were last listed in stable condition. i asked the oakland police department what the protocol is for sideshows involving dirt bikes and atv's. their statement saying in part, quote, officers do not immediately surround or block off the sideshow. participants but rather a says the number of sideshow participants and spectators threats to public safety safety concerns for the officers and resources available to address the sideshow. once this information is obtained, the incident commander will devise a plan to address the sideshow appropriately. opd says sideshows in the city all from late night street race is too large weekend gathering strong participants from all over the bay area. the shift that has led to public safety concerns including gun violence. oakland police say sideshow participants have also become more confrontational towards law enforcement with reports of gunfire and assault. reporting the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news.
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>> and we're back 10, 20 is the time in the east bay, a former elementary school teacher suffered serious injuries now in a car crash. his name is ricky hannah. you see him here. and for years he was a teacher with the oakland unified school district this past february. he was in his car at stoplight when a speeding truck rear ended him. he's currently now in the intensive care unit with severe spinal injuries. usd says that hannah work with the district for 35 years. just retired in 2022, the gofundme page is raising money for his care. it's collected $6,000 so far. >> in the east bay and award-winning brewery and taproom is closing buckwild brewing. we'll be pouring their last pints this weekend. it's near oakland's jack london square and they specialize in gluten-free. beer. they won a words for it in the past, but they're closing up shop so after this sunday, the tab so run dry.
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10. 21 right now. and today community members attend a rally at the san pablo city council asking for stronger rent protection. they put together a package of renter protections they'd like to see including rent stabilization 10, an anti-harassment and just cause eviction ordinances. the rally is getting underway shortly at 10, 30 this morning at san pablo city hall. and they do plan at that time to deliver more than 1500 signatures, which is required to get their renter protections package on the november ballot. >> happening right now, applications are being accepted for new affordable housing in fremont. the lottery waitlist is for the fremont family apartments on fremont boulevard. 27 units are going to be up for grabs. eligibility is based on income. so if you want to apply and put your name into this, drawing, go for it. the deadline is may 3rd, 05:00pm. if you'd like more information on this ago to housing dot ac gov dot com. we'll take a break at 10. 22 that coming up, tenants in san jose speaking out now against this
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affordable housing complex that was meant to help them. but they say there are some serious issues going on inside plane.
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>> and we're back at 10. 24 bart now planning on suspending service between rockridge and the lafayette station. >> this coming weekend, the agency says it'skgoing to be a pretty one of its track. so they're going provide a bus service for but it's going to add about 20 minutes to your commute if you take that route. so just make sure you factor that in. >> take a look at this. yeah, it's not the country. it's the east bay. and look at these
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cowboys rain, glynn, they're doing the work here on highway. 24 yesterday to try to rope some cows that got on the loose there at stephen. a saint stephen's drive and hidden road and they tried to use over his trailer. one point new set of haddam and block them and you have it. that's easy. i'm just making a u-turn in going the wrong way. yeah, out. yeah. catch me what it did. they did rope and then they get the best of the cows. >> they were just having a little fun. give him a chance to rome a little. the weather was so beautiful. yeah. was gorgeous day for lebron new this morning. if you have unused or expired medications that are. >> hanging around the bathroom and you want to get rid of them safely. this saturday is your chances. dea national take back day and there are several locations where you can drop off medications they don't ask any questions and they safely dispose of those medicines. it's from 10:00am until 02:00pm on saturday. and we have a list of all the places you can take your meds. just go to kron. 4 dot com.
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>> we're going to take a break or 10. 26 coming up next on the kron. 4 morning news and east bay, rabbi making sure his jewish community remain safe during passover as the bay area seeing a spike in anti-semitism with more on the anti-semitism with more on the story. when i first learned about my dupuytren's contracture, my physician referred me to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took the tabletop test, i couldn't lay my hand flat anymore. the first hand specialist i saw only offered surgery. so, i went to a second hand specialist who also offered nonsurgical options — which felt more right for me. so, what i'd say to other people with dupuytren's contracture is this: don't wait — find a hand specialist trained in nonsurgical options, today. i found mine at
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so rich. so indulgent. it's new olay body wash. silky indulgent moisture. bye bye, dry skin. hello glow in just 14 days. indulge. with olay body wash. wanna know a secret?
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more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. >> and going on right now and i was an amoled on your hat >> even with the pony the the thing goes out and don't have one of those cool clips. which highly of the cool sunglass clip. you may need the clip today. i don't know. what are the i know the temperatures to drop a little bit. today jumper the winds picking up to about the same. yet temperatures drop and when
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similar to yesterday. but they're having more of that impact today. >> and they're being very effective in dragging in that ocean. cool there in that blanket of cloud cover. that's right. above us. you can see above san francisco. it's not fog. it's some mid-level stratus, some of our bay area mountaintops like mount tam are obscured in and it is coming in and cooling us down further inland. we do have some thunderstorm activity, notably as you're heading up 80 to tahoe today, some really strong thunderstorms up there. and right between reading and chico. also, some thunderstorm development going on. we won't see that in the bay, but we are cooler just as windy as yesterday. and that is already being felt. temperatures in the 50's to 60's right now yesterday at this time we're seeing temperatures climbing into the low 70's and this afternoon will be around 10 to 15 degrees cooler than yesterday. only getting into the low 70's at the very warmest later on today. >> back to thanks a lot, john. 10, 30 right now and a big story that we're following. 35 death penalty cases are under review now in alameda county
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because of possible misconduct by prosecutors. alameda county district attorney pamela price as that. >> her office uncovered a pattern of misconduct dating back more than 30 years in which prosecutors were systematically. keeping jewish and black people from appearing on their cherry's dan kerman takes a closer look. >> we recognize how terrible this and it is something that we have to make right at a news conference monday. alameda county district attorney pamela price said a federal judge has ordered her office to review 35 active death penalty cases going back nearly 50 years for prosecutorial misconduct. certain prosecutors and the alameda county district attorneys office may have intentionally appeared to have intentionally excluded jewish and black jurors from death penalty cases prices. these prosecutorial notes suggesting the exclusion of blacks and jews from juries was discovered when her office was reviewing the appeal of our
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mistakes. a 51 year-old man convicted in 1993 and sentenced to death in 1995. for the murder of a 9 year-old in the attempted murder of his grandmother during an attempted robbery. the discovered notes were shared with the federal judge in the dikes case who ordered a more thorough review. the evidence that we have uncovered suggest plainly that many people did not receive a fair trial in alameda county. and as a result, we have to review all of the files. >> to determine. what happened and what the appropriate remedy price says that review is now underway and loved ones of those harmed by those on death row. >> are now being informed of what's going on. she says the alleged misconduct is not limited to just one or 2 prosecutors and doug's case is not the only one that suggests similar misconduct. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> kron four's putting the focus on fentanyl and temperatures go. mayor london
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breed just announced a new way to crack down on drug dealing in the tenderloin. yeah. it's going to cause some impacts for local businesses and property in harvey's here in the studio to explain it. yes, the dorian james mayor breed is going to present to the board of supervisors with proposition to limit some businesses from operating between midnight. >> 05:00am in the tenderloin. so if that's passes, no limit corner stores, liquor stores, smoke shops that sell pre-packaged food or even tobacco products from being open at those times. the mayor's office says the reason for this is because residency overnight shops as a contributing factor to the open air drug markets. there. that a lot is known for being the epicenter of the city's open air drug markets. he's also home to many families. mayor's office says they believe closing the specific stores during these hours. they can limit the large night drug market crowd cause minimal financial impact of those affected businesses. this legislation targets businesses between o farrell and mcallister streets and for
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pope to jones treats other businesses, including restaurants, bars, event halls would not be impacted. i'll send it back desk. thank you. reyna gender 3 in the north bay. >> the motorcyclist who died in a crash on saturday has been identified. now it's marco hernandez cas tejanos who was in this crash on tomorrow petaluma road. we told you about this. he was riding his motorcycle with a group of motorcycle riders, any lost control and crashed into a fence and a utility pole and was pronounced dead at the scene. >> in the south bay, 160 unit apartment complex in east san jose is supposed to be one of the many solutions for homelessness in that area. however, complaints are now coming from multiple people living in that complex. it's called the rennes cent renaissance place off center road and tenants are reporting water leaks exposed fiberglass in the hallways and other things as well. we also say
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there's open drug use happening inside the apartment complex with little supervision from property management. tenants tell us that when they voice their concerns to the landlord, they often don't hear back. >> and there was lot things going on that we're not be >> people being just they're not good at math. they had their peaks into use. it's been since i've been there. >> well, we reached out to the property management as well as the company that owns the property and we'll let you know when we hear back. the supreme court, by the way, is hearing arguments in a case that could shake up how cities across the country deal with homelessness within their borders. so demonstrators gathered outside the courthouse. you can see it here as the justices heard arguments over whether laws that ban homeless people from camping in public spaces can actually be enforced or is that a violation of constitutional rights? the
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case specifically relates to a law that was passed in grants. pass oregon. demonstrators say that fining or jailing homeless people makes it all the harder for them to find housing inside the courtroom. we heard justice elena kagan suggest that maybe the law there in grants pass goes too far. chief justice john roberts also asked of homelessness should be a constitutionally protected status. >> it seems like you're criminalizing the status. if someone is homeless for the week. and finds available is that person homeless when he's in the shelter? >> all this case comes after a lower court ruled in favor of the homeless population in oregon, calling it a cruel and unusual punishment to fine and jail. someone who doesn't have anywhere else to go here in the bay area's, you know, san francisco has been dealing with homeless encampments. they've been blocked recently from enforcing their camping regulations because the city doesn't have enough shelter space for the population. the
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decision on this case before the supreme court is expected later this year. >> it's 10. 36 has the time. and last night was the first night of passover. it's a week-long holiday that marks the liberation of the israelites from slavery. >> in egypt and as kron four's philippe djegal reports this year, passover celebrations will have more security. our celebrations for passover this year are definitely muted. nevertheless, rabbi mark blum says the jewish community is commanded by tradition to f passover. adding that despite the current violent state of affairs in the middle holocaust survivors at his place of worship in oakland. >> temple beth abraham tell him to rejoice anywhere. and anyway, you can admitting, that is a tough task these days. it's hard. >> to celebrate festival of freedom when our people are hostages and knowing that these hostages. are not free in may never be free. it's terribly tragic. the ongoing
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war between israel and hamas following the terrorist group's deadly october attacks in israel have sparked cease-fire protests across the country in the bay area. >> and led to a rise in islamophobia and anti-semitism. some instances resulting in boulder, graffiti and hate crimes. we've definitely seen the messages the fbi has put out. >> you know, to be on alert just 2 weeks ago, rabbi bloom says temple beth abraham was awarded a security grant from the state of california. >> which is paying for safety upgrades during passover extra guards. we still have a guard only for services. neal, we now regard it many other times as well. >> we have upgraded locks gates cameras and we anticipate doing much more as the money for the grant comes. and rabbi bloom says he keeps in regular touch with law enforcement and does not anticipate any violence. >> but says he will remain vigilant in oakland, philippe djegal kron. 4 news.
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>> happening today, nurses in san francisco are going to rally for more safety in the workplace. the san francisco department health nurses union surveyed members about what they thought about what had happened on the job. use us all that kind of thing and more than 94% said they have been verbally abused on the job. >> 70% of nurses said they were physically assaulted and 10% said they had been sexually assaulted or harassed in the workplace at 3 o'clock today, nurses are going to have 2000 pages documenting. >> these unsafe working conditions and deliver that to the health commission's office on grove street. >> tonight, palo alto teachers will hold a rally asking for better pay because of the high cost of living here in the bay area. members of the educator's association say talks with the palo alto unified school district, a broken down. rally is set for 6 o'clock tonight. it will be the pa usd office on churchill avenue. it's 10 39 and still no ferries from sausalito to san francisco. crews are working on the pier.
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>> hoping to get service back up and running soon. but we don't have a time. and here's why. we're talking about the sausalito ferry, san francisco. it's been out of service since friday. nothing's wrong with the fairies, but there was a routine inspection that found damage to one of the piers for piles. so here's the catch on the repair work they started doing and they're doing best they can. but they can only work when it's low tide. so their hands are tied. right. the chase. okay. so anyway, this suspension service means they'll still get you there on a bus. but it's not a ferry ride. it was kind of surprised because i thought easy to fix. >> but they could kind of looks like it's not easy to fix. so hopefully it's not going to last. too long. >> and so you've got to get on the bus until further notice. they haven't told us when the pier was built in the 70's and actually have a plan to replace it all together. but construction has begun on
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that, sir. they just have to repair and move on. >> well, sam pavlo has appointed a new police chief. take a look. there's this picture. this is captain brian bear. he is a 21 year veteran of the department. he's been serving as interim chief since the retirement of chief. ron raymond in late december. now, according to the city, bear rose through the ranks over the years and earned his master's degree in law enforcement back in 2021. he also has a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. his first official day as chief will be may 1st. >> it's 10, 40 and still ahead on the kron. 4 morning news, you might clean out your closet for spring or clean your house. but how about cleaning up your life, especially your work life? we'll tell you how to do that. and the giants came out swinging in the first game of their series with the mets will look at the highlights. >> and take a look at this thunderstorm activity that you're seeing outside of the bay area up around lake tahoe. some really strong thunderstorms as well as between chico and reading this
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morning, nothing here in the bay area. aside from that bay area. aside from that cooler cloudier and
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this homestyle chicken salad wrap from subway this is how you do it. savory chicken, crisp veggies all wrapped up— these wraps are amazing. people can hear my thoughts? that's a problem. stay fresh out there with all—new wraps from subway.
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>> we are back at 10. 43 and for the first time in 5 months, the voyager one spacecraft which left earth back in the 70's is finally communicating once again. 46 year-old spacecraft that experienced a glitch that made it stop any sort of data back in i thought it was ghosting. me that, right? yeah. and i was like really all this things will be on the range of pluto. now it is left our solar system. so it wasn't surprising that it was starting to have a tough time
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communicating. what's surprising is that it can communicate. we can get messages out. >> so hopefully right now they're just getting sort of like positional data from the from the. >> the probe. but hopefully the start to get some more scientific data to as we get, you know, looks for the first time ever of what it's like beyond our solar system in the protection of the >> sun's influence. it's cool of things working maybe an alien fixed. also there 10 44 right now and union square is looking for the best croissant in the bay area. i say it that way, james, because they are french now that these have a twist. look at cool they are right. and so the whole idea is to see what chefs can invent i wonder with a flavor, something the event sold out. so but you could maybe show up and get a taste of qasem maybe a cup of coffee or something which we cool. the competition is at the cliffs royal sonesta hotel in downtown san francisco. >> on may 19, even though you can with that swirl coloring. and that's also will have you
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ever made a pillsbury dough crescent roll? yeah. but that's the cost all that you make right. and i would look like that. you can't compete. >> i just into kron 4. the outside lands lineup. moos found out okay. are you ready for just people wondering who's going to be in the 16th annual a festival, its the killers simpson, a post malone special country set from post malone, other performers schoolboy q victoria monet and killer mike. so if i guess, is also on the list for a cool look for your favorite person. we've got the full list of performers. >> on kron dot com that just came out hot off the presses. the festival outside lands starts august 9th. it's a weekend deal, ok? we can see the forecast for august night, but it's pretty pretty good that it's going to be nice. gust in the bay area's always wonder who can complain about today. and yesterday, a little windy for my taste. but that's okay. definitely cooler. just as windy and a little cloudy
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year. >> and we are looking immediately at san jose right here with that. the bank low stratus overhead moving in from the pacific and very much so covering almost all of the bay area inland portions of the east bay as well as north bay. our our sunnier areas. by comparison, we've had some thunderstorm activity in the sierra out into the central valley, not so much for the bay, but that the linking of clouds moving in from the coastline is keeping us much cooler in the low to our south. it's going to result an increased chance of rainfall for southern california later this week for us in the day, most likely thursday night into friday morning. now climactic lead the end of the month is looking cooler than average. this is a trend of whether that's really noticeable today. but kerry's this to the start of may with cooler than average weather from northern california up into the pacific northwest. so expect a lot more of this and not a lot of what we saw yesterday. upper 50's to low 60's at the coast 60's to low 70's elsewhere saying carlos, a mild 68 degrees south bay
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temperatures comfortably cool in the upper 60's to low 70's. nobody's even getting close to 80 degrees where we spent the day for a lot of us yesterday. vacaville, you went from 86 yesterday 68 for your high today. tomorrow's temperatures will be even cooler yet starting a trend of 60's leading into the weekend. slight chance of morning sprinkles on friday. darya. >> thank you, john. it's 10. 47 in new this morning. the american academy of pediatrics is saying that should be stronger regulations and at least awareness about toddler milk, a toddler milk out and even know what it was. it's a product. >> you can see here comes in a can usually and it's marketed as a formula or nutritional supplement or support for children as young as 9 months old to 36 months old. and so it's typically around the time the kids start eating food like, you know it at the table like actual solid food. and then they have a little water or milk with their food as a drink and some experts are
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saying, you know, if you see how she's reading the label, you're led to believe that this is somehow a better option than just having a cup milk or water. but pediatricians say that actually this toddler nutritional drink stuff is not necessary and some say it's even harmful because it has more sugars and proteins and stuff like that and just get all milk. so they say you should limit that maybe just consider having milk or having water at the table with food. okay. for a little cats. grindr, which is as you might know, a dating typically for men. it's being sued now for they're saying they're sharing hiv status with ad companies. it's a class action lawsuit filed in london and they say that info is being given out without users consent the lawsuit alleges thousands of users have had their private information shared with 3rd parties. a spokesperson for grinder says that this is actually a mischaracterization of their practices from years ago. back in 2018 grinder
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admitted to sharing hiv information with 2 and tech companies. and then there was a buzzfeed investigation and grindr agreed at that time. it would stop doing that. >> well, 10 49 is the time and spring cleaning season is here. and a lot of people obviously think about cleaning the house cleaning closets, sort of decluttering that part of your life. what about your life? >> like letter like in your inbox, which i'd never touch apparently should clean it up. kristen joyce takes a look at how. >> during down laura mae martin, not only a mom of 3, she coaches, google's top executives on best ways to manage time and energy tips that all women can use in daily life to get organized and build smart routines. it's really about being a more productive, holistic person bill today for your strengths. prioritize what needs to be done with a certain timeframe in mind. so let's say you're a morning person and you ro your best work between 9 10:30am. you want to schedule that lack of time to focus instead of
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letting it up with meeting. so google calendar, you can choose to to schedule its kind of focus time blocking it no decline. other meetings taking breaks from work or mom duties allows you to be more productive schedule that in to recharge. and you just might find some inspiration. so by having down time, not only are you helping prevent burnout and promote your own well-being. but studies have shown that you're actually more creative during down time. so you're more likely to think of a great idea when you're on a walk or in a workout, then you are in your 7th back-to-back meeting of your day or knee deep in your email when your brain is in passive mode. ideas and spontaneous things come together allowing that creativity to pop through. remember, it's ok to say no to requests, whether it's from a work colleague or friend, identify what's important to you in acknowledge what's not remind yourself when you're saying no to a request to are saying yes to something you value more. >> 10 51 is the time. and there are some new rules now for staffing nursing homes across the country. vice
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president kamala harris unveil the new standards yesterday. it requires nursing homes that receive medicare and medicaid funding to be adequately staffed. what does that mean? well, every facility with 100 residents needs at least 2 registered nurses to be compliant as well as 10 or more nurses. aides and 2 nursing staffers. harris says the new rules will help staff who are dealing right now with harassment burnout. the new rules are set to be implemented in phases, allowing facilities to properly prepare for those new requirements. >> it's 10 51 and the giants are of a series with the new york mets. they kicked off at oracle. it was the first game to want to go now. kron. 4 sports reporter aaron wilson shows us. >> well, the giants, they were hosting the mix it or call on monday night trying to be spoiler its team that, you know, was coming off a big series win over the la dodgers. it well, they would do just that. the giants and it right here, bases loaded here in the second for nick on it. a grounder up the middle
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right here. kicks a francisco lindor, the glove and that allows 2 runs to come around to score for the taken early 2 to 0 lead. the giant they keep adding on after chapman hammers this curve ball into the corner. jean only comes around the score from first to the giants are up 4 to 0. they would go to the 6th inning now. and if you hang it, this guy, michael conforto your bank to see if they're a solo shot against his old team. that was on the run the giants needed and they take this one. a move to 11, 13 on the season. and of course, bob melvin was excited about that. that's all we have. >>
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>> 10. 55 is the time. and as we wrap it up here on the kron 4 morning news. let's check upstairs with jessica wills and find out what's coming up today. live. >> in the bay. good morning, jess. hey, good morning, james. coming up today on live in the bay, the author has released a collection of poetry to promote conversations around healing and personal growth. we chat with morgan richard olivier on her latest work. the strength that stays, then the loss of collagen is one thing. the defined that to find signs of aging. and doctor simran sethi joins us to break down the miss and what you can do to preserve your skin health. plus downsizing expert matt paxton is helping people to declutter for more joyful future. we hear about his event with the sequoyah san francisco. and as always, we want to hear what you have to say about our question of the day. scan that qr code that you see right there on your screen. we want to know what is the best place in the bay area to have a picnic. let us know in your answer could be
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read live today on the show at 01:00pm right here on kron 4, james. >> any where in the headlands where you can see the golden gate bridge in san francisco behind it? yes, we have such great views here. so many places, just a little windy. so i was just a lot of that sandwich. you guys not today. james know pick thanks to florida family. check this out. a three-legged bear. they found people rely on the bear. got into the fridge for a bite to eat. wow. really? well. these bother anybody. and he had a picnic. james kind of is what you guys do it all. there you go. if it wasn't surprising enough to see a bear in well, hey, we are looking at the forecast. i hope does catch by surprise. like cooler out there still comfortable about who are these people? by the way, who have bears in the house and they go, wait, let me take my phone home. and course, send it to the >> if
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narrator: today on dr. phil, the aaron hernandez suicide mystery continues. it was reported he was gay. i asked him if it was true. what did he say? narrator: now-- there are people that think he is a gangbanging, murderous thug, and you are a ride or die woman that's stuck by his side. narrator: --his fiancee addresses the rumors. reportedly, a man named kyle kennedy and aaron were prison lovers, and they requested to share a c


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