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tv   Today  NBC  April 23, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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the san mateo bridge with a typical build heading west. no major surprises. that's the build heading west across the span. >> depends on where you go. the "today" show is just moments away. we hope you don't go far because we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other platforms. live at 8:00, we're talking live with a tiktok official amid an upcoming senate vote on a ban. plus, the new affordable housing project breaking ground in the east bay. well, that's what's happening across the bay area and right here on "today in the bay." thanks for making us a part of your morning. have a great one. the "today" show starts now. good tuesday morning. a flash point on college campuses. >> protests erupting nationwide. it's april 23rd. good morning. this is "today". >> chaos on campus.
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tense protests at schools around the country as pro palestinian common stralters occupy buildings and set up encampments. police moving in to make arrests. classes going remote over safety concerns. >> this is complete anarchy. >> we're live with the overnight developments. in contempt? a key hearing today on the historic hush money trial of former president donald trump. prosecutors saying he has repeatedly violated the judge's gag order. as the first witness takes the stand, a once powerful tabloid publisher. we're live with what to expect in the courtroom. pumped up. gas prices on the rise across country. some california stations topping $7 a gallon. what's behind the spring speak? and will we see any relief before summer.
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the future. >> amid layoffs, slumping sales and tanking stock prices as musk faces new scrutiny over his massive compensation. we're breaking it all down. tesla trouble. an important day for the world's most valuable car company and its controversial founder elon musk. >> the clock has struck midnight for musk to lay out a plan for the future. >> amid layoffs, slumping sales and tanking stock prices as musk faces new scrutiny over his massive compensation. we're breaking it all down. those stories, plus, ladies first. a new study finds women have a better chance at surviving in the hospital if they are treated by a female doctor. a look into the revealing research. and rocky mountain high. >> murray makes a move. [ cheers and applause ] >> the defending champs pull off a dramatic win in denver. and that wasn't the only game that went down to the wire. the highlights from a wild night in the nba playoffs.
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today, tuesday, april 23rd, 2024. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. good to see you. welcome to "today." good day for denver. good day for new york. >> i know. >> the knicks did well. congratulations. >> listen, lebron and the lakers sent packing. knicks pulled off that comeback win over the sixers, but it's only game two. knicks pulled off that comeback win against the sixers. but it is only game two of the playoffs, and they're headed back to philly, so we will see. we begin with another night of disruptive protests across the country. demonstrations continue over the israel-hamas war. the protests, mostly pro palestinian taking place on several ivy league campuses and they're now spreading to other schools like nyu, m.i.t. and michigan. >> some schools forced to go remote this morning.
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raising questions about hate speech on college campuses. nbc's erin mclaughlin is at the nyu campus where there were several arrests overnight. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. with jewish students across the country celebrating passover, there are major security concerns at nyu the increasingly heated other universities. you can see behind me a barricade set up behind nyu university. meanwhile, over at columbia epicenter of this protest, we're university, seen as the epicenter of this protest, new pictures there of the encampment going strong. university officials there announcing that classes will be hybrid until the end of the semester with many questioning if these protests will continue york uni to spread. [ shame on you ] overnight, a tense scene at new york university. the pro palestinian protesters were forced to leave a campus
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plaza. nypd moving in with riot gear, police breaking down encampments as a sea of protesters marched through the city streets. it comes as tensions flair at columbia university. now entering its seventh consecutive day of pro palestinian protests, with the school announcing main campus classes will be hybrid until the end of the semester, stating safety is our highest priority after the university president's call to deescalate the ranker. a massive nypd presence was around the campus as a growing number of jewish students feeling unsafe. >> it's complete anarchy. >> reporter: students line andrew stein who says he was on campus for a pro-israel protest. but left terrified by an angry mob. >> they started saying in b telv
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arabic. please bomb tel aviv. >> reporter: stein says this video shows him being followed off campus. >> me and my friend had stuff poured in our face. >> reporter: at the pro palestinian encampment at the heart of the university, heated confrontations. >> go back to poland is another anti zionist. >> reporter: the pro palestinian students we spoke to say they have no knowledge of anti-semitism. on campus saturday night. >> anyone who makes any threat to any jewish student, we oppose you. we do not associate with you. >> reporter: patriots owner and jewish alum, robert kraft, a ma joy donor announcing he is pulling his support until there is corrective action. that sentiment going to colleges nationwide. protests at the university of michigan, harvard yard closing this week. this week. and at yale university 45 students were arrested monday and later released after they refused to leave their encampment at the campus center.
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>> here we were, just exercising our freedom of speech. >> reporter: meanwhile at rutgers university on monday a 24-year-old man was charged with a federal hate crime for allegedly breaking into that university's islamic center during the eve celebrations earlier in the month. many are left wondering if this will continue to spread. hoda? >> erin mclaughlin there at nyu, erin, thank you. we turn to the criminal trial of former president trump. first witness, former "national enquirer" president david pecker will be back on the stand today as the president faces another critical decision in court. prosecutors are asking trump to be held in contempt, arguing he has repeatedly violated a gag order in the case. nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarett here with the latest. good morning. >> hey, savannah, good morning to you. this issue over what the former president can say and cannot say about this case almost turning into a trial within the actual trial. prosecutors say he is on monda.
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donald trump once again overnight testing the limits of the judge's gag order on the eve of a key hearing. >> that jury was picked so fast, 95% democrats. the area is all -- mostly all democrats. >> reporter: weighing in on the jury, a potentia deliberately flouting a court >> reporter: weighing in on the jury, a potential witness and the prosecution in a radio interview. >> they have people in the case that have some very serious problems. with what they've done. >> reporter: this as the defense team seeks to beat back allegations he's repeatedly violated the judge's gag order, which bars the former president from comments on juries, witnesses and the da staff. this morning, mr. trump will also face a key witness in this trial, david pecker, publisher of the "national enquirer" back on the stand today, expected to help the state flesh out the timeline of an alleged criminal conspiracy to win the white
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house in 2016. prosecutors telling the jury that pecker met with mr. trump and his former fixer, michael cohen at trump tower back in 2015. the trio concocting a plot to catch and kill damaging stories about mr. trump by paying people off and muzzling them with nondisclosure agreements. >> hello. how are you? >> reporter: but it was the lease of the "access hollywood" concerned about female voters. tape that motivated mr. trump to pay off stormy daniels, because he was so concerned about female voters. an encounter mr. trump denies. so cohen paid daniels $130,000 just before voters went to the polls. >> i did it at the direction of and for the benefit of donald j. trump. >> reporter: mr. trump then later reimbursing cohen through a series of checks. prosecutors telling the jury monday, they agreed to cook the books on his business records,
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cohen cannot be trusted and the 34 counts are really just paper. >> it's a case recording the payments as legal expenses. whale the defense team told the jury, cohen cannot be trusted and the 34 counts are really just 34 pieces of paper. >> it's a case as to bookkeeping, which is a very minor thing. >> now, back in court today, the judge will first take up these potential violations of the gag order. prosecutors point to several that they say are intentional, asking the judge to fine mr. trump. and if he does it again, asking for a more serious punishment, while the defense says he must be allowed to defend himself and reposting something someone else says shouldn't count under this court's order, guys. >> that will be interesting. meanwhile, not under a gag order and speaking freely is mr. michael cohen, who was out with some pretty choice words, shall we say, for the former president. i can't -- he's not under the gag order. i can't imagine prosecutors are thrilled about this. >> no, he's not under the gag order. only mr. trump is under the gag order. but cohen is a key witness for
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them. anything he says right now he could be cross-examined with at trial. it just shows you all the baggage he brings to this case. >> i don't think we can repeat what he said, but fair to say it was directed at mr. trump. >> yes. directly. and potentially goating him into testifying saying he's so desperate he's just coming after him. >> thank you very much. let's move to washington. today the senate is expected to take up the $95 billion aid package that has divided the republican party. that bill includes funding for israel and ukraine passed in the house over the weekend. nbc's ryan nobles is live on capitol hill. ryan, when will this get to the president's desk? >> hoda, good morning. it is expected to pass as early as today and the latest by tomorrow. the bulk of the $95 million package is $60 billion in desperately kneaded weaponry for ukraine and allocates 26 billion in military aid for israel, which does include humanitarian
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aid for gaza and 8 billion for taiwan. it has gotten bipartisan support because it includes gop priorities that some are willing to back, including a potential ban of tiktok if the chinese owner doesn't sell its stake within a year. but it comes by stalling by speaker johnson who changed his mind after a high-level intelligence briefing on the war, all despite threats by house republicans to oust him from his job in part because of ukraine funding and, of course, working with democrats. hoda? >> let's talk about speaker johnson for a second. are there still a risk of him losing his job? >> yeah, there still is, hoda. some house republicans are looking to drum up support to oust him. but as of right now, he may be safe largely because of the support he is getting, including one key backer, former president trump, defending him in an interview yesterday, citing the razor thin majority republicans have and saying that, quote, he's trying very hard. of course, democrats have not ruled out stepping in to help johnson if it came down to a vote, which seems even more plausible now that he's passed a foreign aid bill that they have
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been pushing for. hoda? >> ryan nobles for us there in d.c. ryan, thank you. new development in the case of four murdered university of idaho students. attorneys for the suspect are pushing to have his trial moved out of town. the judge is allowing them to go forward with a survey of potential jurors. nbc's liz kreutz has got more on that decision. liz, good morning. >> hey, savannah, good morning to you. bryan kohberger's want the trial moved out of the county saying the juror pool is already tainted due to the incredible media coverage in this case. to prove their point, than began surveying local residents. a judge initially ruled they had to stop that, but has just reversed that decision. >> reporter: this morning, an effort by bryan kohberger's attorneys to justify a change of venue for the trial in the murder of four university of idaho students now back in motion. a judge ruled kohberger's defense team can continue surveying potential jurors whom they argue are biassed against their client.
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opinions in this community within this jury pool. >> reporter: at tense hearings earlier this month, prosecutors >> these are deeply held opinions in this community within this jury pool. >> reporter: at tense hearings earlier this month, prosecutors objected to the survey kohberger's attorneys sent out to a list of residents including a list of questions about the trial. >> have you read, seen or heard that bryan kohberger stalked one of the victims. >> reporter: prosecutors argue the questions violate a gag order in the case and accuse the defense expert of potentially tainting potential jurors. >> he allegedly stalked one of his victims, you know that to be false? >> i did. >> and so now you have never heard that before, that question is now planted to them unqualified representation that mr. kohberger stalked one of the witnesses and that's false. >> reporter: the judge initially ordered the defense to stop contacting residents but has now reversed course saying kohberger's attorneys may continue surveys without modification to the survey questions. does allowing this survey indicate that it's very likely
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there will be a change of venue? >> changes of venue are very difficult to get, but if this survey really tends to show that county potential jurors are just so completely biased against the defendant, then they may have a chance of moving him. >> reporter: it's been more than a year since bryan kohberger was arrested and charged with murdering college students madison mogen, kaylee goncalves, xana kernodle and ethan chapin in an off-campus home near the university of idaho. the case getting so much attention, his attorneys say too many people in this small town have already made up their minds. now, overnight, the family of victim goncalves expressed their frustration with the way the case is being handled, saying the survey is a ruse being used by the defense in an attempt to keep the trial out of latah county. we pray the trial stays with the citizens of latah county and that justice is served. meanwhile kohberger's attorneys
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say the results so far show that majority of residents they surveyed have determined that kohberger is already guilty. a hearing is scheduled for june. >> liz, thank you very much. it is 7:15. craig joins the table. you have gas prices on the rise again. >> yeah. hoda, savannah, good morning. good morning to you as well, folks, if you haven't filled up that tank lately, be prepared to dig deeper into your wallet. nbc senior business correspondent christine romans here to break it all down. obviously, it depends on where you live in the country. but in terms of gas prices, what kind of surge are we talking about? >> it's really gone up. it's gone up a dime. so you probably noticed you are paying more searching under the couch cushions and in your pockets for extra nickels and dimes. $3.67 is what we're talking about for the national average. that's right about where it was last year, actually a couple pennies below last year. the reason why prices have been going up is because there is a seasonal shift in the gas we burn.
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we burn a different gas in the cars in the summer. these refineries have maintenance and upkeep that goes on and then we switch to the seasonal blend. it's usually a peak happens in april and may. we're right on target there. >> there has been so much tension, conflict, war in the middle east. usually that makes the prices skyrocket. we haven't exactly seen that, have we? >> i have been surprised. if you look at gas prices today, exactly where they were a year ago, what's different? you have a major, major confrontation the middle east. that is a surprise. something to keep watching. when you talk about california, those gas prices way above 7 bucks. people in massachusetts this morning, good morning, sorry, your gas prices are up 20 cents over the past week or two weeks. again, that is that seasonal shift in the oil of the gasoline we're using, the kind of oil we're refining. that's totally normal. a lot of these experts think the worst of that is behind us. >> christine romans. >> thank you. >> thank you, christine. speaking of the seasons, mr. roker, look at what the wind blew in. >> good to see you.on people un
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warnings. here in the northeast, appalachians frost advisories all the way down to the south. chilly conditions this morning. providence, rhode island, 39 degrees. warmer out west, but again, you see atlanta, memphis, dallas, new york city all below averag good to see you as well. york city all below average. we go into tomorrow, 12 degrees cooler than average, detroit. bing hampton, 12 degrees. new york down 12 degrees. same in new york. but then temperatures turn milder. new york city, 60. syracuse, mid 60s. blacksburg, 71. and a high of 82 degrees on saturday. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today it's going to be cooler, but still pleasant for the afternoon. we're starting out with clouds, but we are going to see sunshine this afternoon. and tomorrow a cloudy morning, leading to a sunny day, and very seasonable temperatures. that's the kind of conditions we'll see throughout the end of the week, with a slight chance of rain between thursday and friday. the weekend is looking nice, with sunshine and gradually warming temperatures. and that's your weather. and that's your weather. guys? >> al, thank you. coming up, after a rough couple of months, today is a big day for tesla and its controversial founder. tom costello following that
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story. hi, tom. >> well, the sales are sliding. the stock is down more than 43%. they got a major recall under way. yet, the ceo, elon musk, still pushing for a $56 billion pay package. has the shine come off tesla? we're looking into that. hoda? >> thank you, tom. plus, a new study sure to have people talking this morning. why your doctor's gender could have an impact on your health. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus
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still ahead on "today," still ahead on "today," kaylee hartung riding shotgun with two of the biggest stars in hollywood. >> that's right. ryan gosling and emily blunt. they took it out for a spin, gave her a behind the scenes look at a new block buster called "the fall guy." that's coming up in a few minutes. but, first, a check of your local news and weather and these short messages. ♪
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cal's sproul plaza. >> at uc berkeley you can see pro-palestinian protesters have set up a large campsite here on campus to protest uc berkeley's investments, they say they invest in companies that possibly provide weapons to israel that israel is using against the palestinians in the gaza strip. the university has responded saying there are no plans to change the university's investment policies and practices. i'm kris sanchez in san jose. today the u.s. senate will vote on whether to force bytedance, the parent company of tiktok, to sell its stake in the company or face a national ban. the house already took such measures and president biden said that if this bill hits his desk, he will sign it. tiktok says that it is not sharing information from u.s. users with the chinese government, causing creators who depend on tiktok to make their live to be frustrated. let's get a look at that forecast.
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how is it looking? >> starting out with clouds, but we are going to see the sunshine return. it will be cooler for this afternoon with highs in the low 70s. we continue with seasonable weather with only spotty sprinkles before we hit the weekend. the weekend is looking spectacular with highs in the low 70s inland and san francisco will see high 60s with a mix of sun and clouds. don't forget to join us for our live streaming newscast at 8:00 and we'll talk about the looming senate vote over a possible ban.
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♪♪ ♪♪ baby, baby, baby ♪♪ when you touch me like this
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♪♪ or when you hold me like that ♪♪ it was gone with the wind but it's all coming back to me. >> are you going to sing some celine? >> i don't have a microphone. >> we all want to, but we just can't. who else could it be? celine dion. she has given fans an update on her health and perhaps some hope he could perform once again. >> looking forward to that. now to a critical day for the world's leading electric vehicle maker, tesla and its ceo elon musk expected to report profits today and perhaps more layoffs as sales have taken a dramatic slide. >> reporter: good morning. it is the world's most valuable auto maker expected to post-it® first revenue drop in four years. it's been under
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it's been under pressure to roll out a lower-end electric vehicle. that's not happening yet. elon musk continues to talk about a fully automated robo taxi as he's looking for a multibillion dollar pay package. so the pressure is on this morning. this morning, one of the world's richest and most controversial men and his company are under increasing pressure. >> the clock has struck midnight for musk to lay out a strategic plan for the future. [ bell ] >> reporter: this is a big day for tesla as it reports earnings and elon musk lays out a strategy to get off a rocky road. car sales dropped 8.5% in the first three months of the year. its stock once a wall street favorite is down 43% so far this year. 4,000 tesla cyber trucks under recall for a faulty accelerator. the company laying off roughly 10% of the workforce, perhaps more just as the tesla board pushes for a $56 billion pay package for musk negotiated
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years ago if he achieved certain saerls sale targets, which he did. the judge threw that out, ruling the board was too cozy with musk. musk remained confident and defiant. >> tesla is worth about as much as the car industry combined from nothing. so that's pretty good. >> reporter: but investors want to know what's next. pushing for a cheaper mass market tesla. and for musk's vision of a fully autonomous tesla robotaxi after a series of high-profile >> you have seen what their full self-driving vehicles have been able to do. some of it is impressive, but it is not in a position just yet for humans not to have their hands on the wheel. >> reporter: meanwhile, electric vehicle sales have been dropping, forcing many car makers, including tesla, to cut prices. and then there is politics. "the wall street journal" reports democrats among the
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first to embrace evs have shied away from buying teslas since musk's controversial comments on x, former twitter. about anti-semitism, immigration and disney. though on cnbc last year, musk suggested he would not be deterred. >> so you just don't care? you want to share what you have to say? >> i'll say what i want to say, and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it. >> reporter: well, amid tesla's current trouble, musk has postponed a trip to india to make an investment announcement with the prime minister there. as for the robotaxi idea musk has been pushing. some experts say tesla will have to be prepared to accept the legal liability for the fully autonomous cars if it is involved in an accident and is driving itself. tesla's autonomous vehicles right now aren't really fully autonomous. they still require a human hand on the steering wheel, guys. back to you. >> tom, thank you very much. coming up, a new look at
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tlief and career of legendary career broadcaster barbara walters who got her start right here on "today." the new biography that paved the way for women in journalism. and the obstacles she faced. first, how the gender of your doctor could affect the quality of your care. emilie ikeda has a new study about that. >> good morning to you. after reviewing hundreds of thousands of patients in the hospital, a new study shows mortality rates could be lower with a female physician. so what does that mean for you coming up? we're diving into the study and looking at what could be behind the difference. with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections.
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and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at this morning on "in depth today," a question, could your doctor's gender make a difference in your care? >> well, a new study out overnight attempts to tackle that controversial question. emilie ikeda is here to break down new research. hi, em, good morning to you. >> good morning to you. this is a sprawling study that looked at nearly 800,000 hospital patients over three years and noticed a difference in particular for female
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patients finding they fared internal medicine looked at hospital patients 65 or older on medicare, finding 8.15% of women treated by female doctors died within 30 days, compared to 8.38% of women treated by male doctors. although the number is small, erasing the gap could save 5,000 women's lives each year. dr. amy fiddler was part of the first all-women team to perform a heart transplant. >> whenever we see an impact in mortality, that's something to pay attention to because the difference of one life to any given person can mean the world to them. >> reporter: more research is needed, but the study author suggests female doctors may
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communicate more effectively. and help alleviate embarrassment during sensitive exams. also noting male doctors may underestimate sickness in female patients. in recent years women's role in medicine soared to record levels making up 38% of physicians in the u.s. in 2022, up 10% from 2008. there is a long history of sexism in medicine that persists today. >> i will be wearing a white coat and introduce myself as the surgeon. frequently i do get misidentified, not as a surgeon but a different member of the care team. >> how can we improve the environment for female physicians? >> it is important for young women out there to see they can do this job and they should do this job. >> there are limitations, including narrow focus on older hospitalized patients who are on medicare and remember a patient's outcome is influenced by multiple factors. but experts say the results
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underscore the importance of diversity in the field. guys? azar with more of what we need to know. i realized that all of my doctors are women. i just went through in my head. i think it is the feeling of a female doctor hears you. when you say something, they're not trying to explain it away. is that really at the nut of this? >> look, i think there is this >> all misunderstanding and maybe some bias. the researchers basically offer three different explanations for why this could be happening. one is that maybe male physicians underestimate illness severity, and that can delay appropriate treatment. the other is that female physicians are more patient-centered when they communicate. they're really getting that crucial information that could make such a big difference. and then in terms of that pairing of a female physician with a female patient, issues like gynecologic issues that they may feel more comfortable discussing with a female physician. it could really, really impact
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care down the line. >> the study, the focus was on older women on medicare, so it was just a slice of the population. could this be expanded out to younger women in other care settings. >> right. and that's important obviously. they can't generalize. to an outpatient setting. they can't generalize to young patients. many physicians out there, myself included have antidotes about people saying i prefer a female patient for that reason. but i think there are some take-aways. this is certainly for female physicians. this is kind of like the focus of this morning's discussion. i think it applies to any patient out there. what should you be looking for in a doctor? somebody obviously -- i know this will sound intuitive, someone who listens and asks detailed questions. this is all about time. if you have a doctor coming in and rushing out, they're not able to take a detailed history. you want to be able to trust, have a rapport with them. and this is so important. do they explain things in a way you understand?
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are they using language that you understand? and are they including you in decision-making? >> i think it is like having the courage to say this doesn't work for me. i'm going to change. because sometimes you are like, it's the doctor. he knows. and then you take what they offer. >> so i want people to understand that it's okay to go to a different provider. >> yes. >> and, listen -- >> in theory. but if you want him to be on your insurance, sometimes there is zero options. >> right, if you have that option. the last pearl is, bring a buddy with you. whether it's -- i've had numerous female patients bringing a male partner. doesn't need to be male, but somebody who can advocate for you and say, no, you are really experiencing these symptoms. i hate to have to say that because it feels like it shouldn't be necessary. >> it shouldn't be. >> but for women to feel like they're understood in the office, sometimes that helps. >> that's depressing. zrchlt aczar, thank you. >> thank you. let us turn to mr. roker for a check of the weather. >> hey, guys. things quiet right now. but by mid week, we'll be looking at more activity,
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developing storm in colorado. best chance of storms from texas on up to the north. thursday we have severe weather from the dakotas all the way down to texas with tornadoes possible. we move into friday with more showers and thunderstorms in the plains and midwest. locally gusty winds. greatest hail threat is going to be about an inch or so from omaha all the way down to waco. then we move on into saturday, more severe weather developing. we're looking at intense storms into the southern plains. oklahoma city into dallas especially with larger hail, damaging winds, tornadoes also and we look for this storm threat to continue sunday into monday. so we've got a possibility of five days of severe weather starting on wednesday. thatat's what's going on aroun good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to have some cooler temperatures today, but it's still going to be a nice one, and we're starting out with clouds, but we will eventually see the sky clearing and sunshine, with a breezy wind.
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we will continue with weather like this through the end of the week into the weekend with spotty showers possible between thursday and friday. other than that, we're back to the sunshine for the weekend and highs in the low 70s. san francisco will be in the and that is your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you. guys, just ahead, the morning "boost." it is a beautiful moment for a little boy and his parents and you don't want to miss it. first, prince louie turns 6 today. we'll share the sweet way the royal family is celebrating. molly hunter is live at the white house with the latest after these messages. rtain hpv-d cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you're welcome! now, as the “dad cab”, it's my cue to help protect them.
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can start with stelara®. johnson & johnson can help you explore cost support options. we're back. carson is here. 7: we're back. carson is here. 7:49. >> carson. >> hi, guys. good morning. of course, it is a big day for the royal family. they're celebrating prince louie's 6th birthday. prince william and princess kate's youngest child. >> and they are continuing a birthday tradition over the pond. nbc's molly hunter following this story for us from buckingham palace. hey, molly. >> reporter: hey, guys. good morning. from a rainy buckingham palace. it is a big day for the wales family. louie turns 6 today. and mom kate, princess of wales, is back behind the camera. take a look. this morning prince william and princess kate's third, youngest and most rambunctious child turns 6 years old. and just like previous years, a new candid photo marking the day, snapped by mother kate,
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released by kensington palace. >> for these annual photographs kate and william released are very beloved by the british public. you know, we like to look at those children growing up. they clearly are very photogenic. >> reporter: louis's birthday comes more than a month after the princess of wales released that photo, meant to reassure the public during a long absence, but causing uproar after it was found photo shopped in several places. we haven't seen the 42-year-old princess since her announcement last month that she's undergoing preventive cancer treatment. >> it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louie in a way that's appropriate to them. >> reporter: now the kids are back at school. and prince william is back at work accepting well wishes. kensington palace hasn't confirmed any upcoming appearances for the wales family, but on and off camera, william and kate have had their hands full since day one with
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thrown and a global fan favorite for his antics at formal royal events. never shy to be himself. a couple of years ago, quizzing famed nature bro little louie. prince louie is fourth in line to the throne and a global fan favorite for his antics at formal royal events. never shy to be himself. a couple of years ago, quizzing famed nature broadcaster david attenborough. >> what animal do you like? >> i like monkeys. >> reporter: and showing affection to his mom. but always the little brother. and at times, well, not fully aware of all the royal protocols. so many royal rules when you are just a little prince like louie. now, the family has asked for privacy as kate recovers. they did want to release this image publicly, though. we are told it was taken in the last couple days at windsor. definitely on a sunnier day than it is today. guys? >> >> he's adorable. >> someone else is celebrating a birthday today soon. >> who? >> molly's baby. >> our little royal baby is coming soon, right? >> that's right.
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my husband will and i -- oh my gosh, guys. my husband will and i are expecting a baby in may. >> yeah! >> did she just break the news? >> surprise! >> we love you, molly. >> we're so happy for you, honey. coming up, kaylee hartung with ryan gosling and emily blunt, stars of "the fall guy." they gave her a behind the scenes stunt she won't forget. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at ♪♪ at metro get a new iphone 12 with 5g. take amazing pictures, and share instantly. you don't take yada yada in life. don't take yada yada from your wireless provider. get a new iphone 12 with 5g for only $99.99. only at metro.
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fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. get back to what you've missed. ask your doctor about fasenra, the only asthma treatment taken once every 8 weeks. if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. good morning to you. it is 7:56. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco. the bay area continues to mourn the loss of a civil rights icon, leader and pioneer. reverend cecil williams passed away yesterday at the age of 94
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in san francisco. he was a pioneer in the city, leaving behind a vast legacy, which included advocating for the marginalized in the tenderloin community for deck kids. we're told a memorial is in the works but do not have details just yet. let's get a look at that forecast today. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect. hey, kari. >> we're starting out with some clouds, but eventually it will turn to sunshine as we go into today. and it will be cooler for this afternoon, dropping those numbers by about 10 degrees in some inland valleys, like the tri-valley and santa clara will be in the low 70s and tomorrow upper 60s. we are going to be watching for a few more clouds and spotty rain, but we are all clear for the weekend and it looks nice as temperature head for the low 70s. in san francisco, we'll be in the 60s for the rest of the week. >> make sure to watch our "today in the bay" live streaming newscast that starts in minutes at 8:00 a.m., and we will talk
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live with one tiktok executive about the looming senate vote over a possible ban. watch on roku and other , reaming platforms
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coming up, tensions rising. pro palestinian protests ramping up on college campuses nationwide. new arrests overnight.
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some classes going virtual amid growing safety concerns. we're live with the latest. remembering an icon. an in depth look at the life of barbara walters. >> women in television today no longer have to begin as i did. >> how she worked so hard to pave the way for so many. >> she would put her job in front of everything. >> maybe she had to. you were doing things no woman had ever done. then speaking out. celine dion opens up about her medical condition, how she's dealing with stiff person syndrome and whether she plans to perform again. the details in "popstart". ♪ and stunt casting. we're hitting the road with emily blunt and ryan gosling as they team up for the new "fall guy" reboot. >> nobody would guessed this is the first time you guys worked together. >> and it will be the last. >> you know how people say, oh, it was effortless working with him. was effortless working wi
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him. >> not at all. >> so come along for the ride. >> "the >> not at all. >> so come along for the ride. >> "the today show" is in the driver's seat. >> with the "fall guy." >> today, tuesday, april 23rd, 2024. ♪ >> from west palm beach, florida, celebrating my sweet 16. >> hello, greely, colorado. >> and eaten rapids, michigan. >> besties for ten years. >> from weatherford, texas. >> from savage, minnesota. >> hi to my dad and my sister jade. ♪ >> wishing my dad a happy birthday back in pittsburgh. happy 80th! >> sending love to our five grandkids in washington, d.c. >> on a mother-daughter trip. >> because today i turn 20. >> we watch "the today show" every day. we love you, hoda and savannah. ♪ good morning! we have some people to visit
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with, say hello to. we're happy to all go out in a bit. good morning. it is tuesday. beautiful sparkly morning in new york city. >> we could say good morning sunshine and mean it. look all those great faces out there. all right, guys. let's get to it. it is a busy morning. we will get to our news at 8:00. we begin with the escalating protests on college campuses throughout the country. several pro-palestinian protesters at nyu were taken into custody last night. other schools forced to go remote today over safety concerns. nbc's erin mclaughlin is at the nyu campus with the very latest. hey, irn, good morning. >> reporter: hey there, hoda. that's right. protests erupting across the country at college campuses with safety being a top concern. here outside of nyu, you can see they set up barricades outside of the university. and then over my shoulder that way, they're putting up what looks like a plywood wall. we don't know why. we have reached out to the university for comment and are
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police entered the campus in the overnight hours, arresting a number of pro palestinian students. it's unclear at this point how many. these protests have escalated seemingly spread following alleged anti-semitic attacks on jewish waiting to hear back. over the weekend, columbia university officials this morning announcing that classes will be hybrid for the rest of the semester. and then yesterday, at yale university, at least 45 protesters were arrested for refusing to remove their encampments from that campus. all of this, of course, happening as jewish students across the country celebrate passover. many jewish students saying they do not feel safe while pro palestinian protesters say they want their voices heard. hoda? >> all right. erin mclaughlin at nyu. erin, thank you. we turn to donald trump's historic hush money trial.
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former "national enquirer" publisher david pecker back on the stand today. this comes as prosecutors are asking the judge to hold the former president in contempt of court, arguing he has repeatedly violated the gag order. nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarrett here to break it all down. laura, good morning. >> good morning, guys. mr. trump's defense team is hoping to fend off allegations he repeatedly violated this judge's gag order that bars him from commenting on jurors and witnesses and the d.a. staff in this hush money case. then the jury will hear more testimony from a key witness in this trial, tabloid king david pecker, the former publisher of the "national enquirer." he's expected back on the stand this morning. he's important because prosecutors say he met with mr. trump and his former fixer, michael cohen, back in 2015. the trio accused of hatching a plot to help mr. trump's election chances by buying up damaging stories so others couldn't publish them. it's a tactic nope as catch and kill.
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adult film actress stormy daniels who threatened to go public about a past liaison with mr. trump in the days leading up to the 2016 election, an affair he denies. but mr. trump failed to pay up. so mr. cohen ends up making the payment to daniels on his behalf. today the defense team will get a chance to cross examine him. and lester holt sits down with christopher wray, talking about the risk of international lot more in exclusive interview tonight on "nightly news." now to the latest on the baltimore bridge collapse. the city of baltimore is accusing the owners of the dolly cargo ship of putting an unseaworthy vessel into the water. in court papers found yesterday, the city says the ship's owners were negligent and should be
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held fully light for last month's key bridge. they called the company's actions, quote, grossly and potentially criminally negligent. they seek to limit their liability. a spokesperson for the company declined to respond to the city's accusations. all right. let's go to the nba playoffs now. not one but two amazing finishes last night. we begin in denver. the nuggets and lakers all tied up at 99, and then this happen. >> tied ball game. worst that could happen, we go to overtime. murray makes a move. [ buzzer ] the nuggets have won! >> that's a buzzer beater right there. jamal murray with a step back jumper. denver wins it 101-99. they now lead that series two games to nil. all right. here in new york, the knicks scored eight points in the final 30 seconds of the game, including this huge three-pointer. the knicks hold on to win it
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104-101. break for charlotte. >> he can't handle it. >> how about a boost? >> let's go, let's go. all right. a 3-year-old boy named nate they lead their first round series, two games to nothing. >> heart break for charlie. >> hoping he was asleep by then. he can't handle it. >> how about a boost? >> let's go, let's go. all right. a 3-year-old boy named nate recently had cochlear implant surgery. watch his reaction when the doctors turned them on and he could hear his parents' voices for the very first time. >> can you say mom? hello. hi. >> hi, buddy. how are you doing? >> can you hear mom? >> oh, wow. that smile says it all. nate gets a big hug from mom. she says he loves to watch that replayed, by the way, that video. she said he gets a big grin every single time. >> so do we. coming up in "popstart," big
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news for our bridget jones fans. what until you hear about what hugh grant says about this upcoming sequel. okay. first, though, a look at the life of barbara walters. from her big break right here on "today" to all of those legendary interviews. kate snow is here to tell us about the rule breaker. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. us feel something more. [minimalist piano plays throughout.] [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. get 2.9% apr financing for 72 months on a new 2024 forester, going on now. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. i miss you... when you think about it... are you coming home?
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allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. we are back at 8:12 with a deeply personal look at one of the legends in broadcast journalism, the late barbara walters who got her start, by the way, on "today". >> there is a new book out called "the rule breaker." written by susan page, author of several books about powerful women. nbc's kate snow had a chance to sit down with suzanne, talk about barbara's impact. good morning. >> good morning, guys. yeah. this is a really thorough account of barbara walters' life, from her childhood through her time here at "today" and then launching "the view." it paints the picture of an ambitious journalist who paved
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the way for generations of women in journalism in many ways. ♪ >> reporter: bashrbara walters s definitely a rule breaker. starting behind the scenes here at "today," then reporting on lighter fare at first. >> this is a nail ring. >> i did, indeed, go to bunny school. >> she went undercover as a playboy bunny. >> reporter: when president kennedy died, she proved she could cover hard news. >> these are the honor guards. guarding the casket of president kennedy. today the women in china peek. good morning, mr. president. >> good morning, barbara. >> reporter: president nixon helps barbara walters make a connection with prince philip. >> puts in a good word for her. nixon said you should let barbara walters interview you, and he did. >> your royal highness, i promised president nixon i would begin this interview, a question he suggested. >> reporter: in 1971, barbara sat alongside "today" host frank mcgee. >> here this morning is barbara walters. >> i thought for a second you couldn't remember. >> no. >> reporter: frank mcgee sets up
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a rule that she can't speak until he has had his say. >> barbara walters was not allowed to speak during his interview. >> my question is, do you think that -- >> until he had asked the first three questions. >> so much heat. >> reporter: so she pivoted and started arranging interviews in the field. >> what i wanted to ask is how -- >> she could do the first three questions and all the other questions, too. >> reporter: after mcgee's death in 1974, barbara walters became the first-named co-host of "today," interviewing news makers and stars. >> was it happy for you to make it? >> i enjoyed it very much. >> reporter: and after 13 years -- >> this is my last day on "today". >> reporter: she jumps to abc news and gets a big contract. that was really something. >> $1 million a year. and it gave her this nickname, million-dollar baby, which she hated. sexist and demeaning. >> reporter: her co-anchor harry threatened to quit when they
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treated her terribly even on hired barbara as the first female evening co-anchor and treated her terribly even on air. >> i had a little trouble of thinking what to say to welcome you. >> you say the tension was so obvious that even john wayne, the film legend wrote to barbara, don't let the bastards get you down. >> she kept that letter forever. >> reporter: all of it, page says, motivating barbara to work harder. she landed a huge interview with cuban leader fidel castro. >> there was a lot of speculation at the time were they maybe seeing each other? having a relationship. >> maybe more than friends. she said no, but they definitely had a spark. >> reporter: she interviewed so many famous people. >> she knew how to make people cry. i mean, that became part of her signature, too. >> reporter: the life that we didn't see on tv, her personal life. what was that like? >> she had three failed marriages. she adopted a daughter from whom she was estranged for a long time. although, they eventually reconciled. >> reporter: you go back to her childhood and talk about how
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difficult it was. she had a father that invested in things and would make money and lose money. >> she knew she had to be responsible for all of them. that was really what fueled that remarkable drive she had. >> reporter: your biography definitely goes there on barbara walters as competitor and really competing, especially with diane sawyer to get the best interviews. >> so katharine hepburn agreed to an interview with barbara. diane sawyer for her news magazine. barbara who knows katharine hepburn calls her and says, don't do the interview with diane. you should do it with me. >> when i will they're setting up the cameras? >> yes. but katharine hepburn said, i'm not going to do that. >> reporter: but barbara tried. >> but barbara tried. >> reporter: her drive was infamous. >> she would put her job in front of everything. >> maybe she had to. you were doing things no woman had ever done. today no
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longer have to begin as i did. >> reporter: she paved the way. >> she reshaped it and defined it. >> reporter: of course, she went on to create "the view." a lot of people don't know the >> women in television today no her speech, susan writes that barbara was really upset by that. betty davis the actress told barbara the characterture is very important on your way to becoming a legend. so there you go, barbara walters was certainly -- >> and you worked with barbara and diane, right? and the whole crew at nbc. >> there is a whole chapter about diane. and diane spoke with susan paige for the book. a lot of it i saw and heard about while i worked at abc. there was that competitiveness that was fostered from above. the bosses at abc. they pitted them against each other a lot. but i will say diane goes out of her way to say they had a friendship as well, so it was complicated. i think a lot of this book is
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complicated, right? barbara walters was so fiercely competitive. i was struck by the end chapters of her life. she wasn't sure she had done enough, if you can believe that. >> wow. >> wow. >> there is a line in the book that she was propelled, not by her strength but by her uncertainties. >> wow. >> that says a lot. >> i get that. >> it says a lot. and i hesitate to say this, but the book says, susan page writes, that she was resentful at times at some of us, the later generations that came because she had to fight so hard. she had to go through so much. >> the doors were already open. >> guess what? >> a lot of trail blazers feel that way. >> guess what, that's very human. it is understandable and it is true. totally different world. >> sounds like a fascinating book. >> it is a fascinating book. >> yeah, it's worth reading. >> thanks, kate. it is called "the rule break er". the life and times of barbara walters. it's out today. let's switch gears and get a check of the weather. >> deborah worked with barbara..
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>> deborah is quoted throughout the book. >> oh, okay. i guess i will have to read it barbara told her, don't do what i did, put your family ahead of your job. >> deborah is quoted throughout the book. >> oh, okay. i guess i will have to read it now. [ laughter ]. >> you're not quoted. >> and nor should i be. anyway, there is some showers and storms up in the upper great lakes. tevere storms western good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to have some more seasonable weather in the forecast today, some parts of the south bay, the east bay in the low 70s this afternoon. upper 60s tomorrow, after a start with some cloudy skies. we're watching for partly to mostly cloudy skies for the end of the week. we go into the weekend with sunshine and highs in the low to mid-70s. san francisco will see temperatures continuing to reach into the low to mid-60 don't forget, sirius xm channel 108. neck of the woods. don't forget, sirius xm channel 108.
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but best of the morning, "popstart." we will start with celine dion. in the latest issue of "vogue france," the music icon opening up about her health and how she's managing stiff person syndrome. telling the publication that she hopes to get to a point where she can return to the stage at least some time soon. saying, i'm well, but it is a lot of work. i'm taking it one day at a time and revealing a peek into her current training, five days a week i undergo athletic, physical and vocal therapy. i work on my toes, my knees, my calves, my singing. my voice. i have to learn to live with it now and stop questioning myself. for more, head over to for the latest edition of "vogue." speaking of celine, next up we're talking this former music video collaborator. my fashion ♪
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>> we should explain for those that are confused. that is celine performing "ashes." that's from the deadpool 2 sound track. ryan reynolds is back for another sequel for the movie "dead pool 3." this time, he is teaming up with his real life buddy hugh jackman ♪ take a look. >> i don't know anything about saving worlds, but you do. ♪ >> trust me, kid. i'm no hero. >> you were an x man. you were the x man. >> that's what i'm talking about. ♪ >> a slow motion action sequence. who knows if you live or die. let's go! >> hoda and savannah could care less about that. >> finally something for the guys on the couch. >> don't worry. i have one for you. hits theaters in july. next up, bridget jones.
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>> okay! >> let's go! >> you're welcome. >> thank you, carson. >> renee zellweger set to return to the iconic role of a sec get called "bridget jones mad about the boy." in an interview with entertainment tonight, hugh grant is opening up about the love story's next chapter. >> this script for the fourth bridget is the best one of the four. in fact, it is one of the best scripts that i have read for a long time. >> is this something that you and rene had always envisioned of revisiting. >> i thought it was put to bed. i was dead. well, i am officially dead. >> looks like daniel cleaver isn't dead after all. mark your calendars. it's slated for valentine's day of 2025. >> can't wait. >> can't wait. all right, next up -- bill burr is sharing a relatable parenting moment we can all get behind.o watch, you know, a
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1:00 game, a 4:00 game and then the late game. with the package i would be taping other games. you had a monday night and a thursday night game. so i would have a tuesday and a wednesday game and a friday game to watch during the week that i had recorded. and then on saturday i would watch college football. now i have kids, and i don't know. i'm always watching "bluey," which is oddly, you know, very deep. what are we doing here? i'm getting misty eyed watching a >> "bluey" is real. he's got a death grip on the daley family. [ laughter ]. >> yes. i can relate to that. finally, uncle al is today best selling author, mr. al roker is launching a new book "murder on demand." weird name for an autobiography. >> a lot to explain. >> you just tell me. who you want me to kill.
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>> wait. what? >> outside of the plaza, we can get a shot of everybody out there. tell us about it. the crowd scoring themselves a free copy. uncle al, you need a pen to go out and sign a bunch of books there. tell us about it? >> it is part of my morning show mystery series, a morning host, a cook, a chef and a restaurant owner. in this one, he's fallen on hard times and cooking out on the north folk long island. and now he's back and solving more histories. >> this is al's 112th book. >> unbelievable. >> you are an icon. >> you really are. >> "murder on demand". >> do you have to read the other books in the series? >> you don't have to read the other three. we have enough call backs. but if you like, they're all out now. blackstone publishing put them out. >> why not bring this to a tv series. like luther. >> it was earlier a tv series on hallmark movies and mysteries. >> wait, what? oh, yeah. >> yeah, i remember. >> they turned me into a woman, not that there's anything wrong with that. you know. >> good father's day gift.
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information over on still ahead, you guys, superstars ryan gosling and >> "murder on demand". >> "murder on demand." >> you can check out the information over on uncle al, love you. that's awesome. still ahead, you guys, superstars ryan gosling and emily blunt taking kaylee hartung on a very wild ride. they even let her take the wheel. >> why? >> she has the scoop on the new movie called "the fall guy." but first, your local news. good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. opponents of alameda county district attorney pamela price will hold a rally later today ahead of a meeting meant to set a date for the recall election.
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supervisors are expected to set a date by the end of the month. price, meanwhile is staying the course, following through on what she believes is a mandate for restorative justice in alameda county. at a news conference yesterday, she announced dozens of death penalty cases may be overturned due to what she claims is potential misconduct by prosecutors during jury selection. let's get a look at the forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking what we can expect across the bay area. >> we're starting out with clouds but it won't be that way the entire day. it will be cooler with highs in the upper 60s and low 70s across the bay area. san francisco and novato, 64 for that high temperature, 69 in dublin and 71 in fremont. going into the day tomorrow, it's about the same. we're going to see morning clouds, afternoon sunshine, and only watching for spotty rain chances. we do have a beautiful weekend ahead with valley temperatures in the low to mid-70s. >> we're going to have another local news update in 30 minutes.
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see you back here then.
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♪ good morning, everybody. 8:30 now ♪ good morning, everybody. 8:30 now. it is a tuesday morning. a bright, sunny day out on our plaza. oh, the sun is really shining out there. 23rd of april. guy,s, coming up, no one takes a better selfie than hoda. she gets everyone in. we're just talking about how good you are at taking a selfie. >> you're the queen. >> i can take one for all of us. >> what's something like a master class? you should do a master class on taking selfies. guys, two of the biggest stars in loyalwood recently took our own kaylee hartung on a thrilling ride. they even let her drive for a little bit. they filled her in on their new action rom-com "the fall guy". she's right here in studio to tell us everybody about it. plus, tips to balancing your blood sugar and helping you avoid weight gain and other health issues..
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and some she will let us know what the best foods are to eat, which ones we should avoid. some may surprise you. and if you are looking to add more variety to your family's menu, we have you covered. that is chef feliz making his delicious and easy pasta ramen dish. lots to talk about. coming up on the 3rd hour of "today," a health insurance guide that could help you pick a better than and save you money in the process. >> let's ask our sunshine about this beautiful sunshine. and the weather forecast. >> we will take a look at the weekend. some morning frost, but sunshine on friday along the east coast. looking at severe storms in the mid-section of the country. kind of wet out west. we move into saturday. severe storms in texas. rain and snow in the rockies. look for wet weather around the great lakes. sunday sunday, we're expecting sunny weather in the southeast. plenty of storms great lakes all the way down to texas. mild highs out west with a few showers in the pacific northwest. that's what's going on around ththe country.
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good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we are starting out with some clouds, but eventually we'll see some sunshine. temperatures headed for the low 70s today, so it is turning a little bit cooler, but that's the kind of weather we'll see the rest of the week with more seasonable temperatures in the upper 60s and a slight chance of spotty showers by the end of the week. the weekend is looking sunny with slightly milder temperatures inland and san francisco will continue to see 60s throughout the rest of the is >> and that's your latest weather. >> come with me. come with me. look at this sign. this is the cutest. what is your name? ryan made a beautiful sign. we just want to say thank you. how old are you? >> 5. >> 5, wow! >> who's that right there? who are those girls? us? wow! >> oh, the best! the best! all right. coming up next, who knew that
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ryan gosling and emily blunt. she's here to tell us all about the new action movie. it's called "the fall
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♪♪ look at all those folks. >> we are back, taking a look at a highly anticipated film. ryan gosling and emily blunt's new movie "the fall guys," a tribute to the madness that unfolds on the set of a big blockbuster. >> kaylee hartung got one of the best assignments. >> it is a love letter to action movies and the crews that make them with ryan gosling and emily blunt teaming up for a hilarious
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love story. >> when two of the world's biggest movie stars take you for a drive, expect a full throttle thrill ride. >> oh, look at you go! >> come on now. >> that's emily blunt and ryan gosling flexing their action star status. >> well, kind of. >> here we go. >> reporter: the truth is, they do a much better job in their new movie "the fall guy". >> this is my hero's our kaylee hartung did her own >> from the top. >> reporter: in the action-packed love story, gosling plays a hot shot stuntman trying to win back his ex, up and coming director jody, played by blunt. >> we need to keep it super profesh. >> cool. do you want to make out. >> nope. >> reporter: and there are movf
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all the things. >> we could get real greedy, and we did. >> reporter: nobody would guess this movie is the first time you guys worked together. >> and it plenty of laughs along the way. is this movie the culmination of all the things. >> that was the goal. it felt like we could vaul the things. >> we could get real greedy, and we did. >> reporter: nobody would guess this movie is the first time you two have ever worked together. >> and it will be the last. >> you know how people say it was effortless working with him. >> not at all. >> reporter: the pair's comedic chemistry shines, but the film's tribute to stunts and the people that make it possible are certainly scene stealers. including this daring car flip. >> yes! >> reporter: with eight and a half cannon rolls, the movie broke a real life record. >> that's a great scene in general because logan holiday who broke that record puts me into the car for a stunt he's about to do. he breaks the record and then he pulls me out of the car and pats me on the back for the stunt he just did. >> you were just eating a breakfast burrito. >> he was breaking records and giving me the credit for it. >> reporter: how proud are you both to be able to put a
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spotlight on those people? >> so proud and so grateful. you work with these stunt performers. they are so selfless. and i don't know why they've lived in the shadows of sort of us declaring just how vital they are. >> reporter: when you are watching your own films, can you tell the difference between your stunt double and yourself? >> 100% you can tell the difference. >> yeah. >> when it looks super cool, it's not you. >> absolutely. >> reporter: still, they do get in on some of the high stakes action. expectation versus reality of falling 12 stories. >> i honestly don't remember very much of it. it's funny because i put on sunglasses to hide -- i had these owl eyes. i was so afraid. i had to cover it up. >> is it accurate to say emily has done more of her own stunts than you have? >> probably. >> what's my nickname? emily, stunty blunty. there you go. ♪ >> reporter: safe to say blunts earned the title with some help.
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that's "the fall guy" stunt driver who dropped our car from the roof. >> look at that move! >> reporter: want to have another go? >> you can doughnut. >> i think we will be safer in here. >> reporter: turns out it takes some of movie >> no! >> everybody good? everybody good? luckily behind every action star -- >> take a close up. >> reporter: is a heroic stunt performer. "the today show" is in the driver's seat. >> with "the fall guy". >> well done. awesome! >> incredible. >> top jar. >> add it to my resume. i do my own stunts. >> that's pretty good. >> really, while it does take some of the movie magic with logan holiday, that stunt driver
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on the roof, you're still in a car speeding towards a brake wall right before you skid. the acting of it all is to not look terrified, just like ryan falling 12 ing when he was falling 12 stories. i wish i had sunglasses in that car. would have looked way cooler. >> those two have some real chemistry. >> they do. the movie is out next friday. highly recommend. >> where did he get that bag he was breathing in? >> really good. >> yes. more prop humor. i love it. >> that sold me. that made me want to see the movie. nice work. thank you. coming up in the 3rd hour, we have more on your interview. have they finally squashed the "barbenheimer" heat. "the fall guy," which will be a great flick to go out and see. >> yes, date night. >> out next friday is your date night. straight ahead, the best foods to naturally balance your blood sugar. and the viral ozempic trend, does it really w
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this morning on your health, the importance of regulating blood sugar. millions of americans are consuming too many added sugars, which can contribute to weight gain, type two diabetes and heart disease. but here to help us make some healthier choices is dr. taz, physician and author of "the hormone shift." so good to see you. >> thank you. >> i see a lot of people wearing these blood sugar monitors. a lot of people are paying attention to the blood sugar. you want to fuel your body and be energized. explain what's happening when you intake sugar. >> i love that people are wearing these monitors b but they can misinterpret the data. when we eat, blood sugars will go up. that's a given. be the issue we're having is that certain types of foods are driving blood sugar levels up higher. what is happening here is blood sugar goes up, insulin is released, blood sugar gets moved to where it is going to go. but if we're chronically eating
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foods that are spiking our blood sugar, the insulin quits in a way. the body stops responding to it. >> that's enough. >> exactly. this is called insulin resistance, and that's where we start to gain weight. we see belly fat and develop all the different diseases and metabolic health. >> you can look to see what your blood sugar is going to be like. but there are certain foods i think that you look at and you think, wow, that's probably good for me. this will probably be okay. doesn't have a lot of sugar, but it ends up spiking your blood sugar. >> very much. i think one of the things that people have to understand is that all foods have a certain glycemic load. maning how quickly will it raise your blood sugar. the number one culprit of doing that are going to be obviously high sugar foods, processed foods, foods with a lot of additives and chemicals. >> right. >> before we get into some of these, the first rule of thumb is really to try to bring in real food. real food makes a difference. when we put too much into food, that's when we see these blood
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sugar levels go high. then there are other ones that are surprising, right? one of them is something like coffee. coffee raises blood sugar. >> you are talking black coffee with no sugar in it. >> it can spike your blood sugar. >> how? >> it's a combination of the caffeine and coffee itself. it will drive blood sugar very quickly. many people are riding the highs and lows of what coffee is doing for them and going for a second and third cup. so their up and down all day long. another one is sushi. we all love going out for sushi, right. the white rice is a very high glycemic. that's a big one as well. your non-dairy milks. while many people have issues with dairy, when we rely on a nondairy milk -- >> like what kind? >> oat, almond, cocoa nut. any of these. then we're spiking our milk out. >> there's a milk called ripple, low carb, tasty, and i don't know what's in there, but it's -- doesn't spike the blood sugar. >> when you make your own bowl, you can control whether sweeten
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odd r unsweetened yogurt, granola. commercial one can have up to 75 grams of sugar, three times your daily limit. >> if you're trying to control your intake, should you be looking at carbs or sugars? what are you looking at on the packaging? >> the most simple thing is look at sugar first. look at carbs. you want the right combination and you want to push protein and fiber. those are the foods that will push blood sugar down and great sources of those foods as well. >> this is on tiktok, going wild. called oat zempic. >> people are blending it, drinking it throughout the day to feel full. it does indeed keep you full, but it's not giving you the macro nutrients you need. you'll be missing out on protein and additional fiber to keep blood sugar down. >> if you want to keep your blood sugar consistent, what kind of food? >> high fiber vegetables.
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okra, b 6 and foe lates lower bloo sugar. lean proteins, chicken. really efficient in terms of how much their ability is to lower blood sugars. healthy fats. your nuts, seeds, trying to bring more of that. again, really thinking clean, whole food. over processed, packaged or convenience foods. >> great advice. thank you. we appreciate it. carson, you have something cooking in the kitchen? >> i don't. but i want to learn how to make this. we all are. we are cooking up italian ramen. this is an incredibly talented upcoming chef right here, rob by falize is here and has brought is next. next. stop. we got it?
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no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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all right. we are back and excited today. rising star james beard nominated chef rob by falice is
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here to meld flavors of italian and japan. in new jersey, he is the co-founder and executive chef. his first ever italian ramen shop. chef, good to have you. >> wow. >> italy, japan, are 6,000 miles apart. how do these come together? >> they mesh perfectly. like absolutely perfectly. and i think this dish that we're making today is the perfect dish to show everyone that. it's actually made with ketchup, which is insane. you know, i never wanted to do it the first two years we were doing it. >> that goes against all your classic training. >> everything. everyone at home right now is cr cringing, hearing ketchup, pasta or ramen. so basically, we start out here -- >> we could make it at home, huh? >> yeah, super easy. >> put me to work. show us how. >> here we have calabrese. we'll start cooking this. >> little oil down. >> yeah, just a little olive oil. does this taste like?
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>> it is a little bit spicy. be you you want it for that italian flavor, that cured meat flavor, whatever works. a little bit of sliced onion. some mushrooms. green bell peppers. >> when you make these are the starter want them to recognize either italian or japanese or something -- >> no, it has to be the perfect mesh. so my whole zsh ever since starting to do this project, if i let someone taste something and they have that kind of pause when i ask them is it italian or japanese, oh, i nailed it. >> that's exactly what we're going for, yep. >> who lays claim to this? more of like japanese or more italian? >> i would say it is more common in japan. i got back from a trip to japan. and seeing how well they do it there, it was really cool to come back. >> you're all fired up. >> yeah, real fired up, absolutely. >> we got this down. what are we going to put together here? >> now we have a little bit of
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ponzo, some soy sauce. >> what does it taste like? >> let me get to our eating table. >> it actually is right in the middle. >> it works. >> yeah, it really works. >> it works, chef. >> with the chop sticks. uncle al with the fork. >> wint with fork, too. i can't use chop sticks. >> al has a fork because he's got murder on his mind. [ laughter ] >> all right. there's the ketchup. >> that's the magic ingredient. is it just like a canned tomato paste or something? >> japanese like that ketchup. >> wow. >> fair enough. >> just regular ketchup. >> regular ketchup. >> what does this do, chill? it sautes altogether. we let that cook down. then we cook our ramen here. >> and the ramen you are getting at the market? >> yeah. i like using a fresh ramen. they have them at most asian grocery stores. even some regular grocery stores have it these days. these will cook for two minutes. then we throw it right in here. >> is there anything to this --
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>> ramen has a ton of starch. when i first started cooking ramen, i'm like why isn't every italian cook using you know to save pasta water. >> yeah. the ramen has a ton of starch. and starch is italian chef's best friend. when i first started cooking ramen, i was like, why isn't every italian chef using ramen, all this starch. you can see how starchy the water is. it works better to develop your sauce. >> is ramen having a moment? it's been here for a minute. >> ramen has been having its moment. >> since college. >> yeah, absolutely. >> soaking up all over the place. >> and now with the melding of the italian world, it is just one item on your menu in jersey, or is your whole restaurant based on this pasta ramen? what other sorts of combos do you offer? >> yeah. we have a ramen section. we have your traditional ramen. where it has the broths. and then we have one like these guys are eating today, where it is brothless. and then, you know, appetizers are your antipasta section and obviously entrees. but everything is that mesh of japanese and italian cuisine. >> awesome. you just added the ramen like
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you would with the pasta. add it to the sauce. >> yep. we get that to come together nice, cook the noodles. >> wow, uh-huh. >> and then the last thing will be a little bit of butter in here. >> that's a lot of butter. >> why do you save the butter? >> little bit. just so it brings it altogether at the end. fresh cheese. >> your kids will love this. >> i realize that ramen has been around for thousands of years. i want to clarify that. >> just teasing. okay, good. just wanted to make sure of that. >> chef, thank you very much. you can save your favorite recipes from the show with a free today account. make it. go to that qr code,, get this recipe and access your free account. pasta ramen. chef, thank you so much. congratulations. appreciate it. >> go, go, go. >> oh! come on, carson. >> go back in there. >> wow, that is rich.panchetta.
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what's the that is delicious. >> little panchette. what's the crunch? >> that's that calabrese. >> we have do go, everybody. we're back for the 3rd and 4th hours. >> it's delicious. >> go, go, go. hours.
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. palestinian supporters who spent the night on cal campus are vowing to remain there as long as uc berkeley works with companies they say had a hand in the war in the middle east. protesters have put up tents in the plaza. the college says there are no plans to change the university's investment policies. cal poly humboldt is closing its campus after students occupied a lecture hall and barricaded themselves inside. 150 protesters were arrested in new york. bob riddell is at cal a wndil
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monitoring the state of our air.
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the report breaking down the bay area results. >> it is autism acceptance month. the role you can play to help support a resource providing special needs services in the
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. this morning on the "3rd hour of today," health alert, a new study showing female patients faring better with a female doctor. we got everything you need to know about the findings. plus, birthday


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