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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  May 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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at uc berkeley as pro-israel and pro-palestinian demonstrators clashed in front of the encampment at sproul plaza. it's the first known incident in what has otherwise been a peaceful movement. >> abc seven news reporter ryan curry joins us live from uc berkeley. with this developing story. tonight, ryan. >> yeah. j.r. ama. good evening. things been mostly peaceful here at berkeley throughout the day. the encampment is about the same size as it's been throughout the week. campus is pretty busy with students preparing for finals coming up next week. but from what happened last night, it's a concern for both sides. when pro-israeli protesters arrived in front for the palestinian encampment thursday, tensions began to build. someone grabbed an israeli flag out of the hands of a counter protester, and a fight began today. those at the encampments say they had nothing to do with it. >> we had one person who i've never seen at the camp. no, no, none of us knew who disappeared immediately after. we're not sure who this person is. >> members of the group,
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students supporting israel, say the man who had his flag stolen is alon. they told us in a statement. the act forcefully pulled alon into the violent mob , where he was beaten by two men, punched in the back of the neck and in the face several times. the event was nothing short of terrifying and has definitely resulted in physical and mental distress. it representative from the encampment says the actions last night do not reflect their intentions. >> all the campers are very, very much understanding of the goals and are very focused on what we're here for, and it's not to engage with agitators or people who are trying to distract us from our goal. >> state senator scott wiener says the violence on campuses has to stop. >> we have a long and storied history in california of student protests, and i support their right to protest, it's also so important for our college campuses to be safe places for everyone. >> it's been over a week since the encampment started at uc berkeley, and the first reported violence was thursday night. day by day, more tents pop up. the protesters say they will stay until the uc system divest from
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israel. >> we live in a democracy, and so in theory, we should be able to determine what and where our tax dollars go, and we feel really guilty that we haven't really been able to uphold that, uc berkeley said in a statement. >> university rules leave no room for physical conflict, harassment or discrimination. everyone on our campus affiliate and non-affiliate is expected to adhere to those rules. the protesters say they won't leave when the semester ends unless the university concedes. >> our goal is for this university to divest in the same way that they to divest from israel, in the same way that they divested from south africa. >> it we did reach out to the student group, the student israel group, for an on camera interview. we're waiting to hear back from them. meanwhile, the pro-palestinian demonstrators said they've had talks with the university about their demands and they say those talks are ongoing. but for now, reporting live at uc berkeley. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> thanks, ryan. we certainly hope it stays peaceful there. president biden addressed the protests at campuses around the
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country, expressing his support while also condemning those infringing on the rights of others. >> we are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent. the american people are heard. in fact, peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but dissent must never lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their college education. >> the president's comments came after a crackdown on demonstrators nationwide. police moved in at portland state university this morning, removing protesters who took over a library on monday. a different scene in new jersey, where pro-palestinian protesters at rutgers university dismantled their encampment today ahead of a deadline to do so. if followed what the students called successful negotiations with university officials. police made hundreds of arrests at ucla overnight as they cleared protesters from campus. reporter
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josh haskell from our sister station in los angeles has this story. >> after pro-palestinian protesters on ucla's campus refused to leave the encampment almost one week since it was established, three law enforcement agencies moved in wednesday night, conducting an operation that involved hundreds of officers lasted hours and resulted in 209 arrests. >> classes were being blocked off and it was hard to get around campus. but like, i just feel like the cost of it happening. it's like people got hurt. people got arrested. like it just wasn't. you know what i mean? there could have been a better way to go about it. >> i didn't think that the university city was going to meet any of the protesters demands, and i, and they said they weren't going to leave until those demands were met. and so i think the only option was to have the police remove them, because even though i think a lot of people were protesting peacefully, ultimately their encampment was inciting a lot of violence on both sides
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>> chp officers moved in, dismantled the exterior wall of the encampment made of pieces of plywood and metal barriers. as flashbangs went off, protesters wore helmets, gas masks and use umbrellas as shields in a dramatic effort to hold on to the mini city they had constructed, but eventually they were taken into custody. shortly after it was cleared, ucla employees began cleaning royce quad. >> i don't know if another encampment will happen, but definitely more protesting will happen. like they will come back and i think it will be like more of a force, honestly, at what's left of the encampment, we met this ucla staff member dedicated to documenting what happened on campus and how he believes the university mishandled the situation goes against you know what? >> you know the university is supposed to stand for, you know, protecting the students. and so, you know, we're archiving these materials as a reminder of what happened. but also, you know,
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it's a it's a special time, not just at ucla but across the nation and really the world where you're seeing a lot of these universities, you know, students rise up. university always wants to celebrate. like, you know, ucla is very diverse. you know the good chapters well. but there's a dark chapter in ucla history and it's important to document that as well. >> josh haskell, abc seven news. >> so far, more than 5000 uc alumni have signed a petition to withhold donations until the uc system divests from companies that have military and business ties with israel. back in january, alumni published an open letter to the regents chair and uc president calling for an immediate and permanent cease fire in gaza. pledge organizers say the number of signatures has quadrupled in the past ten days. abc seven news reporter suzanne phan has more. >> we are always asked for donations from the university. >> uc berkeley alum krista chen says it's time to put the brakes on those donations to her ama mater and to other uc campuses. >> i'm not going to donate until
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they remove their financial ties from weapons and from israel. >> back in january, this letter was sent to the uc regents to divest from israel, especially military investment. >> we do not endorse what they are doing as far as repressing the voice about palestinian students, the number of alum signatures has grown exponentially in the past week or so. it's a very diverse group, and from graduating classes dating all the way back to 1966, that includes uc berkeley alum cynthia papermaster. >> i think putting economic pressure on on any issue is the way to go. >> papermaster and other alums say they want the ucs to stop investing in weapon manufacturers, which they say caused thousands of palestinian deaths in gaza. >> we have weapons companies that are direct benefiting and profiting, lockheed martin, elbit, boeing, grumman, raytheon, the university of california says it won't divest from israel. >> the office of the president
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issued this statement saying, quote, the university of california has consistently opposed calls for boycott against and divestment from israel, while the university affirms the right of our community members to express diverse viewpoints, a boycott of this sort impinges on the academic freedom of our students and faculty, and the unfettered exchange of ideas on our campuses. paper master and other alumni say change is possible. >> many years ago, you see divested from south africa, which really helped south africa to end apartheid. so i think that they can change their mind, and i certainly hope they do. >> in berkeley, suzanne phan abc seven news. >> a salon owner is in jail on charges he sexually assaulted a teenager inside his salon in concord and police think there may be other victims. vu is the owner of chai hair salon on clayton road. police arrested him monday for multiple counts of sexual assault, and the da has filed charges that include rape and lewd acts on a child. vu is being held on a $275,000
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bail. we are showing you his picture because police say there may be other victims. anyone with information should contact concord police. a long time mill valley music teacher arrested this week on child sexual abuse charges is dead. authorities found the body of 55 year old darren smith floating in the ocean last night near drakes beach along the point reyes national seashore. the discovery came hours after a 911 call reporting a surfer being washed out to sea. marin county sheriff's deputies arrested smith tuesday on charges of suspicion of sexual abuse and lewd acts on a child under 14. he was out on bail. an autopsy is scheduled to be performed tomorrow. >> happening tonight a change of plans in the repaving project for highway 37 means some lanes will close tonight. starting at 9 p.m. caltrans will shut down the westbound side of 37 between vallejo and sonoma. the detour route is on your screen. take
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highway 29 to 12, then 121. the lanes will reopen by 4 a.m. caltrans is restriping the lanes they've freshly paved over the last couple of weekends. plans to close the eastbound lanes this weekend have been postponed because of the weather, and a storm is due to arrive on saturday. and that's rain, wind and cooler temperatures. >> abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking it for you. sandhya. >> yeah, j.r. and umma, you still have a few hours to get outside and enjoy the sun. let me show you a live picture from our east bay hills camera. >> beautiful view you're seeing right there, but it's going to be changing very rapidly. a level one storm on live doppler seven heading in our direction for saturday. so let me show you the timeline of this 4:00 in the morning. saturday you get the rain moving in here. downpours across the central portion of the bay at 8 a.m. heavy rain continues into the late morning hours in the southern and eastern part of our viewing area, switching over to scattered showers for the afternoon hours. the winds are going to come up from the south
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25 to 30 miles an hour. saturday morning. you will notice even after the storm is mostly moving through and scattered showers are following. gusts still are going to be up there. it's a level one on our storm impact scale for saturday. rain, brief downpour, slippery roads, breezy conditions, 4/10 of an inch to an inch. plus for most areas. as we look at a live view from zephyr cove, it's not going to be such a sunny view. we have a winter weather advisory for this late season storm saturday morning at 11 until 8 a.m. sunday. we're looking at 4 to 8in above 5000ft, up to a foot for those higher peaks with gusty winds, travel is going to be an issue. i'll be back with a full look at the rain timeline for your weekend coming up. ama jr. >> thanks so much, sandhya. coming up next, giving back and building a better bay area will live to see what a difference it's making in san francisco. >> and we have a date
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francisco is underway. the free monthly street party spans several blocks of second street in soma from market to folsom. >> i moved to san francisco about ten months ago, so i'm still experiencing the city. our office is just a couple blocks away, and so why not come out and experience san francisco and be a part of this good vibe, given everything that's been happening in sf lately? >> i think that, you know, having events like this outside is really going to you know, get everyone together to connect and just like, let loose and just have fun. >> the events with live music vendors, art and more are the first thursday of each month for the next year from 5 to 10 p.m.
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abc seven news reporter luz pena is live. at first thursday with a look at what happened earlier today in downtown san francisco. it's an example of building a better bay area. >> de are there is live music here? there's food. thousands of people also art so much is happening here at san francisco's first thursday. but as you mentioned earlier today, over 200 san francisco office workers left their volunteer and clean up downtown this is not a typical work day. trash bags, everybody. more than 200 employees from five major companies in downtown san francisco joined forces to give back to the city. >> this is our home and people take care of their homes. and so we want to ensure that the neighborhoods that our employees are living and working and the places where people are coming to visiting are, are gleaming. >> here's how it started. several months ago, executives
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from jpmorgan chase, gap, wells fargo, levi strauss and visa got together to come up with ideas to revitalize downtown san francisco. they formed the downtown volunteer coalition, and this is the outcome of that meeting. we had a brainstorm saying, well, what if we just started small with a volunteering event, and here we are, three months later and we're making it happen. the nonprofit leading them is hands on bay area. >> they're going to be picking up trash on all the streets in downtown, and then we also have a group of people who are going to go to the park over there. sue bierman park, and another group going to a park in rincon hill. cleaning graffiti. >> san francisco has been pushing for workers to also come back to the office. the city's office vacancy rate set a record this year, hitting over 36, according to preliminary data from real estate company cbre. how do you convince more people to actually come back to the office? >> that's that's a hard that's a hard part. >> san francisco's executive director for the office of economic workforce development said their efforts are working by summer. >> this year, we will have
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opened almost 40 new storefronts under really exciting. we opened another 100 more ground floor businesses in storefronts across the city, through our grant programs and our leasing specialists in the city, we're seeing up to 700 new businesses a month open in san francisco across the retail and corporate sector. >> these companies are now taking a stance in their commitment to the city. >> we're back in the office and we just want to show our support and hopefully lead by example. >> and those companies are planning more volunteering events in the coming months, and hoping for other companies to also join them. and by the way, if you're not here at san francisco's first friday after the newscast, make your way out here. it's open till 10 p.m. live in san francisco. >> luz pena, abc seven news luz pena getting the party started early there. >> thanks, luis. >> we should join her. the shimmering lights on the bay bridge are set to return next year. the founder of illuminate, ben davis, tells abc seven news the new project is a go.
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installation will begin in the fall, with march of 2025 as the target date for the lights to come back on exactly two years after the bay bridge lights went dark. today on our program getting answers, davis explained why the lights went off and what the new display will be like. >> it just didn't hold up over time, and it was starting to fail faster than we could ever keep up with economically. so we did the responsible thing rather than let it fade into oblivion. we pulled it down. we have a crackerjack team now committed to making a product from the ground up. musco lighting that will perform well over time, guaranteed minimally for ten years. and more than that. and we're bringing it back with double the number of leds so they'll actually wrap around the cables. so the, the light will be visible as a matter of esthetic equity to communities all around the bay. >> wow, what a project. davis says they have a commitment for ten of the $11 million needed to fund the project. if you'd like to chip in, you can donate at the bay lights 360. org. >> love the look of those lights. yeah. >> they're pretty.
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>> yeah. sandhya patel joins us now. this summertime weather is just great. >> i know, too bad we're going back to winter for a day. sandhya, reverse. >> we are indeed. yes. it's not a rumor. saturday. it's going to feel like winter around here. and jr, let me show you a live picture right now. we're already seeing changes underway. the fog is back at sfo and you will notice that the wind has picked up. here's a view from our mount tam cam. and we are rocking and rolling. yes, onshore breezes have picked up 44 miles an hour at sfo right now. uh- 30 miles an hour in santa rosa, 32 at half moon bay. those onshore breezes prompting an airport weather warning for sfo until 10 p.m. tonight. winds will remain gusty through the night, tapering a bit tomorrow morning only to pick back up again tomorrow afternoon and evening. here's why we're still in this windy pattern. high pressure clockwise flow around that high, bringing us that northwesterly wind. here's our storm that is coming in our direction for saturday. now out ahead of the
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storm, we're starting to see the fog regrouping along parts of our coastline. a live view from our sutro tower camera is really a sunny view. 61 in the city, 65. in oakland, you're at 70. in san jose, 52 degrees. though in half moon bay, with the sea surface temperatures running lower than where they should be around this time of year from our east bay hills. camera you can certainly see that marine layer way in the distance, but a lot of sun out there. highs today made it up into the low 80s for our warmest spots, upper 50s around places like half moon bay 73. in santa rosa. it is 70 in napa currently in the 70s from concord to fairfield to livermore and from our san jose camera, it is a bright view tomorrow. breezy cooler weather saturday, wet and chillier next week. we're talking about sunshine and gradually warms over the course of five days, so we do have that warmth coming back, but not immediately. tonight. the fog near the coast tomorrow though, you will notice in the morning that there will be some fog around and then as the day goes on, fog will increase in coverage. high clouds will come in ahead of our
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next storm on our way. 40s, 50s tomorrow morning. watch out for areas of fog near the coast and around parts of the bay. tomorrow afternoon it's going to be a cooler one, upper 50s to upper 70s for most areas. 80 degrees, barely in antioch. and then here comes our level one storm for saturday rain. brief downpours are expected. slippery roads, breezy conditions, expecting anywhere from 4/10 to just over an inch for most areas as we time this out 5:00 saturday morning. hopefully you're sleeping while it's raining in the north bay, and then it spreads at 830. this is probably the worst time to be out on the roadways because we're going to see those downpours. 11 a.m. still steady, widespread rain. and then after that you can get outside in the afternoon, carry those umbrellas, scattered showers, some sun breaks as well, and then the evening will still have a couple more showers going through around 830 to 11 p.m. rainfall projections a nice soaker for this time of year. 4/10 out towards brentwood over an inch half moon bay, ukiah. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. and it does feature morning fog. a cooler
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day for your friday. we're going to switch it up to winter 20 degree drop in temperatures inland on saturday. wet, breezy and chillier with that level one storm. temperatures will come up sunday and we'll start to see the sun with that warming trend taking us into next week. and jr. >> i mean, let's be honest, we've been spoiled rotten the last two days. >> yes that's true. it's time for winter. at least it's just a day. >> yeah yeah. thanks sandy. apple's spaceship cupertino, the googleplex, mountain view, facebook's campus, menlo park. big tech makes a big impact where it is, which is
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and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ ahead of the latest jobs report, which will be released tomorrow. the dow and nasdaq both enjoyed triple digit gains. the s&p rose 46 points, a big jump in apple stock after the closing bell, thanks to news of the largest stock buyback in company history . apple says it will repurchase $110 billion in shares. the move is being made as apple reports growth challenges. it says overall sales fell 4% and iphone sales fell 10% from this time last year. company officials say the growth pains are mainly in its china market. >> san francisco's loss is the peninsula's gain, as an ai
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startup is packing up and heading south. replit, an ai company valued at over $1 billion, announced this week that it is leaving for foster city. the ceo said on x that the reasons for the move, including crime and dysfunction in san francisco. a tech expert at san jose state university, says san francisco remains the world's undisputed ai capital. but he would be worried if bigger companies like openai decided to leave. >> they called him anchor. you know, companies where everybody is around them. but if you have companies who are just starting or companies who are new in the field, we have we have thousands of ais companies replace. >> ceo says the company chose foster city due to its safe environment, ideal location and high standard of living, maxing out insurance. >> how much this baltimore bridge collapse is going to cost? one company says it will only pay for a fraction of the damage, plus a sentencing day
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for the captain of this dive boat that caught fire five years ago, killing
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off the ventura county coast in 2019, is headed to prison. 34 people died in that boat. fire >> it's considered the worst maritime disaster in modern california history. reporter leo stallworth, from our sister station in los angeles, has today's update. >> for years was not what we wanted. we wanted ten years. we thought the appropriate sentence was ten years. in this case, federal judge sentencing 69 year old jerry boyle into four years in prison, followed by three years supervised release. >> boylan, the captain of the conception dive boat that caught fire and sank near santa cruz island on labor day in 2019, resulting in the deaths of 33 passengers and one crew member, was found guilty by a jury in 2023 of one count of misconduct or neglect of a ship officer crying, punishable by up to ten years in federal prison. however, during sentencing today, the judge said given he did not believe boylan intended to harm the passengers on that tragic day, he did not feel the
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maximum sentence was warranted. during victim impact statements in court today, some family members of victims pleading with the judge to give boylan the maximum sentence yet and still the judge decided otherwise. >> we're very relieved that this is finally over, but we really felt like our son's life and those of the others was certainly worth more than one month and four days. >> that's basically what boylan got 48 months. >> our lives are changed forever and i don't really know how that we go forward, but we'll give it a shot for charlie, our hope that the sentence would perform a function of general deterrence. >> i'm not sure that a young captain, say, a 30 year old captain would look at four years as being enough to deter him if he was even caught. >> leo stallworth abc seven news. >> flames tore through a building in san francisco's nob
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hill neighborhood this morning on jackson at leavenworth street. video posted by the fire department shows thick smoke billowing from the top of the building. the top two floors are apartments with commercial space on the bottom floor. firefighters say they found fire and smoke on all floors. no one was hurt. >> maryland officials plan to spend up to $1.9 billion to rebuild the francis scott key bridge over the next four years, the bridge's insurance policy confirmed today. it's making a $350 million payment to the state to go toward rebuilding. it's expected to be the first of many payouts related to the collapse of the baltimore bridge. six construction workers were killed in the collapse last month. so far, 30,000 tons of debris has been removed from the wreckage. however, there's still 50,000 tons of debris to be cleared. we're getting a look at what first responders had to do to rescue a driver whose car crashed into a ditch and flipped over. >> stand back from the window. stay back. we're going to break
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the window. corner there it is. >> airbags. okay. >> yeah. this body cam video shows deputies in hamilton county, indiana, breaking a window to rescue the driver from a ditch full of water. this week, her car's airbag deployed, and they had to shove it out of the way before they could even pull her out. they took her to the hospital, and she is going to be okay. thank goodness. >> arizona's governor has just signed a bill repealing arizona's abortion ban. that ban predated arizona. statehood, came from an 1864 law that arizona's supreme court recently said could be enforced. it prohibited abortions in nearly all cases and was met with weeks of national outcry. yesterday two republican state senators sided with democrats in the state house to repeal it. >> i know the chronicles of these pregnancies quite intimately because they're all my own and my family lived and survived each one of them, including my miscarriage. the old ban may temporarily still go into effect since repeals in
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arizona take 90 days once it's finalized, abortions in the state will be governed by a 2022 law that prohibits abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. >> talk of extortion, tabloid tales and lawyer games. as the former attorney for adult film actress stormy daniels returned to the stand today in donald trump's historic hush money trial, abc news reporter reena roy has more on what happened today in court. >> things getting heated in donald trump's historic criminal trial thursday, when his defense team cross-examined keith davidson, the former attorney who brokered the $130,000 hush money payment to adult film actress stormy daniels, trump's lawyer, pressing davidson on his legal record with other celebrities like lindsay lohan and charlie sheen, and appearing to suggest davidson committed extortion when he negotiated that payment with trump's former lawyer, michael cohen. davidson denying any wrongdoing, testifying, trump sought to silence daniels because that access hollywood tape had
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already come out, and his 2016 campaign couldn't take another sex scandal. >> one of the things that davidson is detailing to the jurors is that, look, at the end of the day, cohen's priority was clear he wanted to keep her silent to protect his client. >> cohen paying daniels just days before the election. prosecutors say trump improperly called it a legal expense when he repaid cohen, the defense, arguing trump wanted to protect his family. when that payment was made, trump pleaded not guilty to falsifying business records and denying any sexual encounter with daniels. >> there's no case, and it should have never been brought. >> meanwhile, earlier in the day, the judge held another hearing to decide whether to hold trump in contempt of the court again. after already finding him $9,000 on tuesday for allegedly violating the limited gag order, prosecutors accusing him of the same violation with recent statements about witnesses and the jury, trump's team says he has a right to respond to attacks against his campaign for reelection, but at one point, his own attorney
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agreeing with the judge who said nobody is forcing trump to speak to the press. trump appearing visibly upset in that moment. reena roy, abc news, new york. >> the irs plans to crack down on tax cheats among the very wealthy, both individuals and businesses. for those making more than $10 million, the audit rate will increase from 11% to more than 16% over the next couple of years. as for businesses, the irs will triple audit rates for those with assets over $250 million. it will also audit ten times as many business partnerships ships with assets over $10 million as for everyday taxpayers, there's no need to worry the irs commissioner says audit rates on households earning less. $400,000 will not increase from their record low in 2018. audit rates have fallen over the years due to staffing issues at the irs, new hires will be funded by the inflation reduction act.
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>> coming up, check out these san jose state race cars. the students who built them are learning lessons outside the classroom. also ahead. >> i first started, >> now she's ready to race a half marathon and she's just eight years old a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy.
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learn how abbvie could help you save. why do i care about paper so much? learn how abbvie because my life and career were built on them. auditions, headshots, boxed wine... i mean, the least i can do is keep it around. [angelic sound] see, she gets it. ethan! empty, flatten, then recycle. i'm a papertarian, sue me. and you can recycle those papers too. let's go gary! [ struggling ] ok. what, you don't get fan mail?
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plans to open its first donut shop in berlin next year. the expansion follows krispy kreme successful launch in paris last december. the charlotte, north carolina based chain currently operates in more than 35 countries. >> crampton okay, got to get used to that one. this weekend's bay bridge half marathon will feature a very young competitor, an eight year old girl. her dad will be by her side for the 13.1 mile race. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has their story. >> the next time you see margot scheel running across the bridge, it will probably be the bay bridge. >> i'm really excited. >> eight year old margot has signed up for sunday's bay bridge half marathon. at 13 miles, it will be her longest race ever at age six, she ran
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her first 5kii first started, uh- just a5k and then i got a little more interested and i went up. margot trains and runs with her dad in portland, where they live. he'll be running with her on sunday. >> i've never been a competitive runner. margot, on the other hand, is very competitive. and, it started out as being pretty, extrinsically motivated. >> that extra motivation, he's talking about is a trip to target for each race she finishes. if she crosses the finish line on sunday, it's two toys from target. >> this time a stuffed dog and a grooming set for it. >> john says the goal is a ten minute mile pace and to finish just under two hours and 30 minutes, which is about the 60th percentile. still a great time for an eight year old, i think pushing the boundaries of what is possible. >> and, i think when seeing how well she performed at her last
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15 k and how much gas she had in the tank and that, you know, the half marathons and only an extra 3.8 miles, you know, we figured we might as might as well go for it. >> margot is on a vegan diet. they train to a lot of music, but they say they are not swifties. as for why she runs, it's pretty simple. >> it's really calming and peaceful, that's kind of it. her friends, like most eight year olds, are not into long distance running, but they aren't surprised about her big race. they're not very surprised because i've told them a lot about my running, so they're not very surprised. >> they think you're crazy, a little bit. >> the best ones always are in san francisco. anser hassan abc seven news. >> she's adorable. all right, well, they should have good weather for the race on sunday, but there is a storm on saturday. sandhya will get you prepared n
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drifting down triple-a, says san francisco drivers pay 555.
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on average right now, it's down $0.04 from last week, but $0.33 higher than a month ago. oakland became a national leader today in reducing toxic diesel emissions. oakland unveiled 30 hyundai accidents, class. hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks. oh, that's a fun one to say. it's the largest fleet in the country. they'll be used to move freight out of the port of oakland. we also got a first look at a hydrogen fueling station for the trucks. >> we're demonstrating that this works. it's here and now. this station has the capacity to fuel 200 trucks of this size very quickly. >> part of the goal is to help improve air quality in west oakland, which is exposed to some of the highest levels of air pollution in the bay area. $53 million hydrogen big rigs project is funded in part by state and county grants and industry contributions. >> san jose state engineering
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students are creating race cars from scratch with the goal of competing against other universities. abc7 news south bay explains how you can see these cars live for yourself this weekend. >> finishing touches are being made on two high performance race cars at san jose state. each year, spartan racing creates brand new, fully electric formula c and baja style vehicles, and what makes them so unique is this entire program is 100% run by students, organized by students, and all the work is done by students. >> all the welding, fabrication and driving and the racing to we do it all from the ground up, every gear, every wire. >> it's a labor of love by a group of 100 sdsu engineering students balancing these projects on top of schoolwork is no easy task, but the cars take what the students learn in the classroom and make it tangible. >> it's unlike anything else you get to do in college, and that's kind of the value of c and baja
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and formula like is you're really getting these real world experiences. and that's why the rest of industry finds these programs so valuable. and that's why we find them so valuable as well. >> but it's not just for show. the team loves to see these cars go. sjsu's baja team is coming off of a successful trip to texas, where the vehicle competed in a four hour endurance competition. meanwhile, the formula teams june event is focused on static and dynamic events against some of the most prestigious schools in the country. last year's model was the fastest ev they've created, going from 0 to 60 in less than three seconds. this year's i would say it's a refined version of this car. >> i don't i can't quantify how many tenths or seconds we're expecting to gain from the vehicle. however, we know it will be faster simply due to build quality, battery life and loss of weight. >> now, this didn't happen overnight. it's months of late nights and hours of work and it's led to more than just a completed car. >> as you learn to manage this and communicate this with people on a deeper level than you could with a project member in a
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classroom, for example, you just get a lot closer. i'm just really excited for people to show off the hard work that they've been putting in all year. >> and you can see these cars live for yourself. on sunday, may 5th, the team will have both cars on display at the candy store showroom in burlingame. dustin dorsey abc seven news. >> it's so neat. >> i know we got to get to racing those cars too, not just the cinco de mayo ones. >> exactly. >> all right, let's check on our weather. because things are changing. >> sandhya patel is here. >> yeah. and j.r. and ama let's take a look at live doppler seven, because we have a late season storm coming in. it is a level one, and it arrives here on saturday as we time it out for you saturday morning, bright and early. the rain is moving in. it spreads at 8 a.m. and it is going to be heavy at times as we head into the late afternoon early afternoon. excuse me, it's going to switch over to scattered showers behind the system. right now we are expecting snow in the sierra. although the winter weather advisory says up to a foot over the peaks. look at this. this
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model is actually going with 25in at donner, so stay tuned if you want to head up there. friday is your best day tomorrow. mild and mainly sunny, 63 degrees. mixed precipitation, gusty winds. saturday it is going to be much colder and heavy snow in the afternoon. speaking of the afternoon, tomorrow's cooler upper 50s to the upper 70s for most of you will get maybe 1 or 280 degree readings. it is going to be another breezy one. the accuweather seven day forecast will feature that level one storm on saturday. that's when you're going to need those jackets, coats, umbrellas, and then the shades business sunday. and then warmer weather next week. but sunday early like one two in the morning on the gr we may still see a shower or two. >> i'll just hibernate for a day. oh, that sounds good. >> thanks, sandhya. >> well, one guy who's here, rain or shine, is larry beil. >> every day, 24 over seven 365. oh, no. i missed the insult. yeah, whatever. i'll watch the tape later. uh. mike yastrzemski had to buy dozens of tickets for family and friends in boston. he joked he played this series for
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free, basically. b good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death.
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grandson, mike, hit a home run in his first game at fenway back in 2019. did it today for a giants team that is absolutely desperate for runs. a young giants fan at fenway skipped
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school on her birthday, wanted a picture with yaz. of course, he stopped. no score in the third. yaz at the plate golfs this one out and got at fenway. another homer at fenway. the family loving it. one nothing. giants. red sox would tie it up. jungwoo lee misjudged a fly ball in the sun early, but here he's laying out for the spectacular catch to prevent a go ahead run in the fourth. and some emotion right there. giants took the lead in the seventh. held on with defense. nick ahmed, another massachusetts native, grew up idolizing nomar, a nomar like play right there. giants salvage the series finale three one. another happy homecoming for yaz. >> i try to enjoy every chance i get to play here. uh- having a lot of family here is great. and you know, the first time i was here, it felt a little pressure to perform and play well, but this time i really got to enjoy it and just relax and see family and have fun. >> and the a's had the day off. yesterday we showed you the
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oakland ballers new renderings. today we take a look at the rapid progress at raymond park. the ballers have invested over $1 million into their new home. the grass is in, seats are going in, and they've even arranged for hundreds of covered and secured parking spots right across the street. opening day for the ballers is june 4th, as a oaklander, it's like heartbreaking to hear some of the things that are said about our city. >> you know what we are and aren't as a city. and i think what we're doing around the ballers is saying a lot more than other people's words. like we're showing what oakland is actually about. we're showing that things can get done in oakland. we're showing that oakland prides community. our actions are speaking a lot louder than their words, and i'm really proud of it. >> that park is going to look really cool when they're done. 40 niners, no longer entertaining trade requests for star receivers brandon aiyuk and deebo samuel. aiyuk wants a contract extension, so there's been a lot of chatter about his potential availability, but on the pat mcafee show today, general manager john lynch said the niners have no plans to trade aiyuk or deebo. >> i've got so much belief. when
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you talk about guys like brandon aiyuk and deebo, they're guys. we drafted their guys. we take a lot of pride in what they've become, who they've become, and we couldn't be more proud of those guys. and so, you know, during the course of drafts and off seasons, do conversations happen. absolutely. they do. we're past that now nba playoffs oakland's own damian lillard back for the bucks as they try to force a game seven against the pacers. >> no giannis no. lillard basically trying to do it himself despite a calf injury. had 14 in the first half. but milwaukee down 12 at the break trying to stay in it. dame with a turnover obi toppin with authority and a 15 point pacer lead after three. the faces say it all. the bucks stop here. pacers in six one 2098. they'll face the knicks sixers winner in round two of the playoffs. last check. knicks were up by five as they were heading to halftime. they were up by like 20 early. and people you know don't realize back in the old days baseball players used to get
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comp tickets. well now that the players have to pay for them, just like we do. so it was like 30 tickets a day for yaz in boston. that's why he was joking. yeah, i'm playing for free back in the old days, they used to watch soap operas too. >> one of my uncles, who was an umpire, told me the soap operas were a big thing. really? oh. all right, i don't know. >> random thoughts of the night. you on that? thanks, larry. tonight on abc 7911, followed by gray's anatomy at ten, station 19. then of course, stay with us for abc seven news at 11. more random thoughts from jr. all right. that is it for this edition of abc seven news. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm jr stone for sandhya patel. larry biel and the entire abc seven news team. have a great evening. >> let's get some general hospital on here, but this... is actually progress at 225 miles per hour. shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60% in all ntt indycar® series races.
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, shell. this is "jeopardy!" [applause] today's contestants are a pediatrician from hot springs, arkansas... an attorney and flower farmer from muncie, indiana... and our returning champion, an engineer from albuquerque, new mexico... whose one-day cash winnings total $9,999. [applause] and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!,"
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ken jennings. thank you, johnny gilbert, and welcome to "jeopardy!" in yesterday's game, we learned that two of the first words ever spoken by our new champion, weckiai rannila, were alex trebek. so it seems this show's been on her mind for a very long time, and yesterday, after defeating a five-game winner, she became a "jeopardy!" champion herself. congratulations. she's back today to defend against angelus and sarah. good luck to all three of you. let's get to work in the jeopardy round. here are your categories, folks... we begin with... then... some... then... and finally a little... weckiai, select. let's start with a view of the city, $600. a twilight view of this asian city includes its eponymous tower and a certain nearby mountain. - angelus. - what is tokyo? yes. view of the city for $800, please. check out the new york city skyline aboard this free ride


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