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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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mr. jansen, considering the previous reasons and the conditions of the region, did iran's answer surprise you? no , i was not surprised. maybe surprise is not the right question. the correct answer is that i was impressed. in fact , it was an attack that showed both strength and moderation and balance and hit israel. thank you . in the past months, we had this analysis that israel should not fall into the trap of expanding the war with iran. later, after the attack on the iranian embassy, ​​the israeli authorities threatened to attack its nuclear facilities if iran wants to respond. will expand it was possible that netanyahu wanted
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to escalate the tension, but what we saw in practice on friday were media and not official claims , for which there was no evidence or satellite images to show that any part of iran was damaged , and then the international agency the international atomic energy agency announced that none of iran's facilities were harmed. all his threats stopped. of course , we don't know what happened completely. but i think that probably behind the scenes , there were mediations or talks from the side america
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however, no video footage was released to confirm these claims, and iran also announced that it only said that voices were heard in isfahan, and we did not hear any reports, and in fact there were speculations that maybe russia, for example, took action in this regard. given to prevent the attack from intensifying. but what we know is that
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there was not much damage to iran's facilities, and finally we see that the threats to israel have stopped for the time being, thank you. iran too against the resistance groups in gaza, lebanon, syria, iraq.
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but this is my opinion and i think that in the end the problem will not be solved by conflict and war. thank you . i talked with mr. larry johnson, a former analyst of the central intelligence agency of the united states and a spokesman for the united nations . the world was killed or disabled in military conflicts. according to stephen dujarric , nearly half of these children were killed or maimed due to the use of explosive weapons against residential areas. after the european union and the united states
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took russian assets under the pretext of the war in ukraine blocked the us house of representatives also passed a law to grant frozen assets. russia sanctioned us banks to ukraine, which includes only 6 billion of the 300 billion dollars of russian assets held by american banks and about 98 of them frozen in european banks. on the other hand, russia has access to a total of 88 billion dollars of western companies' assets, and they have threatened to take countermeasures . three germans were arrested on charges of spying for china. the german prosecutor announced that these people had sensitive information two years ago china's intelligence agencies have put it is said that one of these people has transmitted information about technologies that can be used militarily. the chinese embassy in berlin rejected these accusations and asked germany to
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stop espionage accusations to politically manipulate china's image and defame it. in the collision of two helicopters. the incident occurred in the state of perak on the west coast of malaysia during a military exercise. the main cause of this accident has not yet been reported, but the published images show that one of the helicopters hit the tail of the other helicopter from behind, and then both they fall and now the third case. lahore and karachi two. cultural and economic pakistan destination of the president of iran mr. raisi went to karachi on the second day of his official visit to pakistan after important meetings with high-ranking political, military and parliamentary officials
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. he was welcomed by the elite scholars and economic activists of this city. and islamabad signed 8 documents of cooperation during the president's visit to pakistan , joint cooperation between the officials of the two countries was signed in various sectors of economy, science and technology, agriculture, health, culture and legal and judicial issues. in the economic field, the creation of free trade zones at common border crossings and cooperation in the standard sector were among the most important documents. the action i took in the service of mr. prime minister during a short trip to the border point was a manifestation of the cooperation of the country for the work of border trade between the two countries with border markets. during this so-called trip, we signed an agreement with the high investment board. pakistan, which is in charge of
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the free zones in that country, is also the same delegation . god willing , we will quickly start the expert work so that we can establish this zone very soon . during this trip, high-ranking delegations from the two countries they agreed to set a goal to increase the volume of trade to 10 billion dollars per year. the level of commercial and economic relations between the two countries is not acceptable. we decided that the level of trade and economic relations between the two countries will increase to 10 billion dollars in the first step, a goal that is far from the current volume of trade between the two countries, but the president said that there are many capacities in this field. meetings that are prepared. we came to the conclusion with the high officials of pakistan that all capacities can be used for the development of relations between the two countries. pakistan's energy as well as iran's high capacity to increase energy trade can achieve this goal
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. the president's visit to pakistan comes at a time when islamabad has gradually become one of iran's most important export partners. pakistan is in sixth place. in 1402, from the point of view of exports , it was the sixth export destination of our country, of course, the amount was about 42% , but from the point of view of ranking, it was ranked 6th. iran's exports to pakistan increased by 38 the amount that was in 1401 was about one and a half million dollars, about one billion and 500 million dollars , reached more than 2 billion dollars in 1402. in the last few years, south and southeast asia has become one of the priorities of iran's economic cooperation . president to pakistan sri lanka in this
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regard. mr. bahram zahedi, an expert on subcontinental issues , was present in the rest of the world today. mr. zahedi, you are an expert on pakistan and the subcontinent. in your opinion, what were the important points of this trip? in the name of god. greetings and respect to you and dear viewers. well, the country. pakistan, with a population of 250 million people , is one of our very important neighbors, and long-standing and extensive economic, cultural, and political relations have tied the two countries together. well, not long ago, elections were held in this country, and finally a new government came to power. the new government of mr. raisi is the first president of a foreign country who has been invited to this country and visited this country .
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there is a very good or a very good potential capacity to expand relations and exchanges between the two countries, as mentioned in your report , 8 cooperation documents in different areas in issues economic issues, free zones, security issues , cultural issues, cinema, media, legal issues, even livestock import and standard issues, issues of this kind, well, documents, despite these broad and appropriate relations between the two countries, some events happened at the end of january last year, referring to the activities of the gangs in the border area of ​​the two countries, we killed a gang there, of course, at the same time, the statesmen of the two countries faced the issue very well and tactfully , and the tension was controlled. but you want the senior officials of the two countries
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to be together once again, considering the good relations between iran and pakistan let them sit down and discuss various topics, including the topic that caused this problem at that time. these three diplomatic administrations took place in this case, yes, and today, in order to actually expand relations and improve relations, it was necessary for the senior officials of the two countries to talk to each other again after that incident. another point regarding the importance of the trip is that after operation sadiq promise, we are witnessing the rise of the popularity of the islamic republic of iran in pakistan and in many other parts of the islamic world. therefore, in such a situation, the trip of a senior representative of the islamic republic of iran is a senior representative of the revolution. islamic iran could create a lot of enthusiasm for pakistan, which it did, and it was reminiscent of the visit of the then president and the current supreme leader to pakistan in january 1364, which
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was witnessed to some extent in several reports that he made on radio and television. this was the issue of the talks that the people held in lahore, islamabad, etc., and the gratitude they received from the resistance movement of the islamic republic of iran. some of these talks that we saw from the people of pakistan, they remembered that previous trip, the previous meeting that the leader had, yes, in a way, to d.n. o people of pakistan, that trip was so effective it was and that's it. it was shoofrin that it can be said that most people of culture and politics, those who are old enough to remember him, and those who are too young to remember , heard the description of that trip and the amazing reaction of the people of pakistan in welcoming the leader. and you know, mr. zahedi, now we want to talk about the level of relations between our two countries , exactly how much of the relations there are now and how many possibilities and opportunities there are to turn this relationship into a partner relationship or even more as two countries that they have strategic relations with each other, yes, very good grounds for
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this issue exists, and of course there are obstacles. i will mention the context first. well, we said earlier that the relationship between the two nations is a deep and unbreakable relationship, and according to the good interpretation of our president during this trip, they said that the relationship between iran and pakistan is beyond neighborliness, based on brotherhood and relationships. it is deep in the heart and historical, which means that there is actually an underlying capacity , culturally, religiously, in terms of identity, which can be loaded with many other things . there is a very good civilization between these two important countries of the islamic world, and this civilizational capacity can be a foundation for the rest of the relations. ride on it and become a strategic relationship . the signs and characteristics of rome can be mentioned , including, for example, in this recent trip, mr. raisi named iran street in islamabad, a street that
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used to be called 11th street and was named after iran during this trip, of course, we have done it before in different cities. we had different streets in iran , the street was named after imam khomeini in karachi last year, in lahore we even had a street named after the city of isfahan and we still have it, but in islamabad the street was also named or similar, in iran we have mohammad ali janah street, iqbal street we have lahori, we have pakistan street, this is one of the indicators that can be improved by paying attention to these deep relationships, well, a positive aspect, then those deep cultural, religious, and civilizational commonalities. yes, this is very, very important, the issue of the islamic revolution itself. it exists in different parts, for example, in paranar, which is one of the important shia cities of pakistan, and in a way , there are children of allama martyr seyyed arif hussain al-husseini , the representative of the imam in pakistan in the naming of children. similar to this , they have a special devotion to the issue of the islamic revolution
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many people of pakistan, including the respondent, who mentioned that this is the cultural, religious and civilizational capacity in the field of economy. about 5 billion dollars is the sum of our economic relations and economic exchanges, just as our officials said that it is predicted for 10 billion dollars that these relations will expand, the political and economic conditions of the region also require that these two countries go towards strategic or deep making their relations move forward means a win-win-win-win for both sides, and the role played by the two countries in connecting the east. and west asia and north and south asia have, well, the issue of china's one belt one road is china with both these countries and some others in any case, other countries around us have very good and long-term contracts, and these countries, i.e. , iran, pakistan, and some other countries , can and should play an essential role in this process, and if they are together
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, they will definitely have the power to influence. for the future of the world, it will become more and more . the common needs of the two countries, yes, and the geographical location is very good. the issue of political geography, the issue of geopolitics is a very important issue, and these two countries have many advantages in this area, and they can share ideas with each other. to have a share in the evening the issues that are very, very good as potential capacities have been actualized to some extent and can move towards becoming strategic and are in a good process. i think it had already started before ina's trip. yes, the issue of street advertisements. yes
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, street advertisements. visiting our officials means trying. that's it they should maintain the positive trend, but make it stronger and expand it, but the destructive role of america cannot be ignored in this trip and following the signing of several cooperation documents between iran and pakistan and the issue of the peace pipeline, which has been raised once again, the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs america has once again threatened pakistan that economic exchanges with iran will lead to us sanctions. america has always played a negative role in the field of iran-pakistan relations. this has happened to some countries in the southern part of the persian gulf in particular years they used to play such a role in the 1980s and 1990s. today, we hope that this role has decreased , not just hope based on information . however, the countries we mentioned today
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are not very interested in ruining, for example, the relationship between iran and pakistan. but the destructive role of america as well. another example is the recent threat that i mentioned that the us foreign ministry made. the last point that can be mentioned in this area is the issue of some actions in the governance of pakistan, which in my opinion does not represent the whole of pakistan's governance. the totality of pakistan's sovereignty towards better relations with iran are moving. but an action such as declaring the zinbuyoun lashkar as a terrorist or the activities of the jaish group. adl or jaish and zalam , as the media call it, is in the region , and the retreats it is making are inside the territory of pakistan. he passed it by , if we remember the defenders of the haram and hamas for the creations they did during a difficult war, we cannot say after the war that they
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were forgotten, it doesn't matter if the government of pakistan, for example , declares them terrorists there is no reason or logic for this, they have not and have not made any attempt to violate the principles of pakistan's sovereignty, and if they are ignored , bad things may happen to this hero. it is good to mention here the martyr tale yusufov who was martyred two nights ago in the prisons of the republic of azerbaijan. he was martyred in pakistan as well. anyway, zainabion is one of the good children of that nation and that land, and we hope that actions like the negative reaction towards zainabyun or some actions of jaish-ul-atal which has spread in pakistan in the last one or two years, these should be resolved and referred to, and two friendly and brotherly nations and a friendly and brotherly government
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can move towards a better future and strategic relations, god willing, mr. thank you, zahedi, for appearing in today's world. and the end of tonight's world program, according to the picture , 這車上還人人呢他也者你跑'. "trapped by torrential rains in southern china, this elderly man had to be carried to safety.
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emergency services are looking for several people still missing after unseasonal rain's lastgang . 还阿着雨入起来的地震会机场有佛混乱。 海业을 다재이이방 포부대드드.
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good night, god bless you. this is thebes, the hot and dry desert about 43 years ago, the americans saw this area as suitable and safe for the deployment of their military forces and marched to the hot desert of thebes at night. they still haven't said it's friday since that morning. coming immediately by car
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, that's it. mehl, it has been reported that the americans are disembarking and heading towards tibet, but the reason for the direct entry of american military forces into iran is in the moon. after the victory of the islamic revolution, the americans used all their efforts to defeat this new revolution. the further we went , the more hostilities were imposed by the united states, from economic sanctions. from the support of the rebels around the country in the northwest, in the south of the country, in the southeast, in other parts, in general, in the conditions of the peripheral situation that our border areas were generally accompanied by riots, troubles and chaos, with the incitement by the enemies , today's face is underground betrayals.
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underground conspiracies. that the underground tunnels in this the embassies that exist are being repaired , and the most important thing is that it belongs to the great devil, which is america, and you could not sit and let them conspire against us. once we understand that a country has disappeared, and with irrelevant words of democracy and the like, they will make us forget that our country is a country. democracy
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was set and assigned by god to ground the american army in this desert and to end the eagle's claw operation with failure. how are the prices this year ? buy this year at last year's price. good luck. did you hear that this year is at last year's price? this year is at last year's price. the city of household appliances
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bought a great news at last year's price. this year at last year's price. greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers . have a good night. the time of the two meetings of the national team in the world cup qualifiers has been determined. with the announcement of the asian football confederation, in the continuation of the group games of the second round of the world cup qualifiers in the asian region , our country's team will play on thursday, june 17, at 15:30 iran time.


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