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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 23, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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and break the rules and set up these encampments and protest the acts of israel and engage in anti-semitic behavior towards jewish students is unacceptable on our campuses, and the police have every right to come in and remove you, and the students have every likelihood of being suspended from school if they continue to engage in this kind of activity. we need moral clarity. we don't need come on the one hand this and on the other hand this, as president biden gave us yesterday. >> charles: is not working up in my opinion making things worse. carl come always great to talk with you. thank you very much, my friend. folks, that is it for us, but remember tomorrow, fox business, i've got a very special town hall called "making money, unbreakable investor." you have to be in the stock market, bottom line, you must be in and i will tell you why tomorrow. check me out. here "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. i'm jesse watters on the
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judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., dana perino, and tyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ day 6 of the salem trump trials. it all started with the judge hearing the prosecution's request for trump to be held in contempt of court for allegedly violating his gag order ten times. aka, muzzling the leading presidential candidate in the think of an election. d.a. alvin bragg's team must've gotten cold feet. today they said they don't want to lock up trump for speaking his mind, they just want to slap him with hefty fines. the judge hasn't made up his mind yet on what he is going to do. then to the main show. ex-"national enquirer" publisher david pecker was back on the stand. the prosecution hoping to convince the jury that trump tried to hide damaging stories ahead of the 2016 election. pecker testified that he has been catching and telling stories for a long time, which is perfectly legal, last time we
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checked, and pecker began doing it for trump starting in 2015. he also testified under oath that trump was popular with the ladies. "mr. trump was well known as the most eligible bachelor and dated the most beautiful women." later on, trump carrying his trademark stack of articles, railing against the gag order. in the ice chamber they are keeping him locked up in. >> which, to me, is totally unconstitutional and i am not allowed to talk but people are allowed to talk about me. i'd love to talk to you people. i'd like to say everything that is on my mind, but i am restricted because i have a gag order. this trial is all biden. this is all biden in case anybody is any question. and they are keeping me in a courtroom that is freezing, by the way. in a courtroom all day long. while he is out there -- probably an advantage because he cannot campaign.
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nobody knows what he is doing. he can't put two sentences together. >> jesse: the media trying to spin this any way can. >> this is donald trump goading the judge to do this and i think the reason is he would much rather have all of us talk about his being jailed than to talk about the evidence at the trial. >> judge merchan's calm. he's methodical. he makes decisions quickly. he's decisive. >> he said this case is all biden. there is precisely zero evidence that president biden had anything to do with bringing, orchestrating, running this case. >> is there any greater irony then complaining about a gag order and saying it restricts you from speaking while you are speaking to cameras and the media who is in the hallway? >> jesse: okay, the gag order controversy, dana. he's going to take his time, the judge. he's going to ponder it and then make up his mind. >> dana: none of this makes sense. i thought "the wall street journal" editorial board had a really good point. they said what are you protecting michael cohen from?
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he has a very public and out there. it is not a juror number 2, i don't think i want any of this attention on me, very private person. michael cohen is not a private person and he is willing to get out there and mix it up with everyone so i am not exactly sure who the judge even thinks this gag order is protecting. now if it is jurors, find, but it hasn't been. the star witness is david -- is michael cohen, so he gets to go on tv and talk about donald trump, and donald trump can talk about him, and they are saying, we don't necessarily want you to go to jail because we know that would look terrible for us, we just want you to have to pay a lot more money. as if that was a good solution. you know the phrase "too good to check?" when you want a story so badly, you want it to be true, and you are afraid to have your producers fact-check it because then it might turn out not to be the story that you want to. >> jesse: familiar with that. [laughter] >> tyrus: never heard of it, sounds made up. >> dana: i was reading an
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op-ed in "the new york times" from a legal scholar from boston and he said this is terrible. he said i always had a hunch it was a terrible case but after opening statements, this is awful. i'm not a lawyer, we have lawyers here, the politics come i think what president trump did this morning, supersmart. before he went in the courtroom, he did address the cameras but did not talk about the case, he talked about two things that are really important for him today in order to get on the record. one was the primary in pennsylvania. pennsylvania is the state that biden must win in order to get to 270 in the electoral college. president trump talked about that and he talked about dave mccormick in a very favorable way, the republican senatorial candidate who will be the presumptive nominee tomorrow. after tonight's voting. so that was one thing. the other thing he did that was a stark contrast from president biden was he made a very strong statement about anti-semitism on college campuses. he is able, in the limited way that he can, in the time that he has, to get everybody's attention and say these are the
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two things that are on my mind this morning, and i'll excuse me while i had to go sit in the meat locker for six hours. >> jesse: they are freezing him to death. >> tyrus: yes, they are, which is ridiculous. on "the gutfeld show" as a guest. >> jesse: i've been there. >> tyrus: the testimony, mr. president, forget the gag order. we talked about this. keep this in the street. people need to know what is going on. is a foregone conclusion according to your legal team and yourself so just go to town. i normally would never say this is the time for the 3:00 a.m. tweet. this is the time. this is the time to do all of the things people didn't want -- talk, talk. the way they are letting it outcome i do not pass the bar but we can see when someone is laying it out to play it out. michael cohen is being shown as a "yes" man, and the way they are showing is trump oversaw everything. he was hands-on. pecker's -- weird saying that -- pecker's testimony saying how he was so on top of everything, so bruegel, but there is another thing and maybe they are paying
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attention, cohen reminds me of that guy who you let on the squad, he has one lane. he has one job. it's the dirt work but he wants to be in front of the camera so he was doing a lot of things to try to make him seem like you had a bigger role in the trump machine then he really did. which would lead to him being overzealous, doing things without talking to the president, heidi because he is trying to show him he belongs. jesse, you have had some way guys try to get next to the jesse watters machine, you know exactly what i'm talking about. >> jesse: you sniff them out and kick them out. >> tyrus: that's the play. they will try to say trump oversaw everything. i think we know from other stuff michael cohen was doing a lot things behind the president's back. >> jesse: it was funny, harold, he said, biden is on the campaign trail and i am stuck here. that might be a good thing because the man can't campaign. >> harold: sniff them out and then you kick them out, i love that. i hope you had a good weekend. it's good to be back around the table. i'd say a couple of things. i agree with dana and you, i thought -- and what tyrus was saying about the start of the
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day. he needs to stay on the campaign before he goes in the courtroom, to draw that contrast, that juxtaposition we talked about last week, when i talked about his ability to be a good political athlete. two, he's innocent until proven guilty and mr. pecker's comments, i will get to that in one second, i think are -- i am beginning to understand better what mr. bragg in his office is trying to do here, we learned, the judge will comment on this in a few minutes, a minute or two, the second charge not outlined in the body of the indictment became clear today from the prosecutor was doing a direct examination against mr. pecker. i think there is going to be a belief from a legal standpoint -- i agree, legally -- the things they are talking about that mr. trump did, whether it is hush money or these relationships, none of that is illegal. what they are getting at and what i will be interested in
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seeing if they can make the case, they are not saying that was legal. what they are saying is there was a criminal conspiracy to influence the election through perhaps in-kind donation at other things. mr. pecker suggested -- no one is in the courtroom reporting what we are getting -- that they were affirmatively planting stories against some of the other opponents that mr. trump faced in 2016, mr. rubio and mr. cruz and others. the question will be legally does not constitute -- >> jesse: you are saying democrat campaigns don't coordinate with the media to plant stories? >> harold: if you listen, i am saying that. just listen to me once i can. mr. pecker is openly saying, he is laying out a narrative saying they were together, they talked about these things, mr. trump -- none of that was illegal -- he was popular with women in these stories, they were paying for journalism at all that kind of stuff -- that's fine. the question becomes, if you are out peddling stories that you know are not true about other
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candidates, cannot be perceived as -- >> judge jeanine: who said that? >> harold: that's what they said today, judge. these are just a fact. you can disagree with the analysis -- >> judge jeanine: who said that today? >> harold: the prosecutor. that's what i'm saying. this is the part of the indictment that was not talked about. and this is the question. they are going to be good days and bad days in court beer i'm not saying this can be proven but now i understand the case because what you said, jesse, and many have said over the last several days, we have all set on this set, that the federal prosecutors decided not to pursue some of this hush money stuff. i got that, that seems right. the question is, does this other stuff, does this constitute a crime? i'm not saying it does, judge, but this is the issue they are pushing in this case and we will see what happens. i hope they lift the gag order. i think it's unfair to have a gag order on him. >> judge jeanine: lawyer, you are a lawyer. you know as well as anyone else that you can't possibly pick a jury or make an opening statement if you don't know what the crime is.
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and if you are saying at this table today, we found out what that crime is, it was not included in a bill of particulars -- >> harold: we reported it on fox. >> judge jeanine: that legally you have to agree with me we have a problem. look, i want to get to the bottom line in this case. the bottom line in this trump case is whether or not donald trump had the intent that the money that was paid was being used to affect the election. and i believe that the proof so far has proved just the opposite pier number one, an nda is not illegal. businessmen do it all the time. catch and kill, in terms of stories, is not illegal, and in fact, david pecker testified today that it was something that he and donald had done frequently. what does that tell you, and why is that important? what it tells you is that they have engaged in this in the past, not because donald trump was running for president, but
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because donald trump had a family. he had a business. he had children. you put the trump name on a building, and then it would go all the way up in terms of the evaluation of the building. so this is not money that was a campaign contribution. it was his own money, for starters, but it is money that is used to protect the trump name. and unless you can prove to the opposite beyond a reasonable doubt the 12 people, stop talking, all right, and a gag order is unconstitutional. you cannot gag one party, especially a defendant, who is running for president on a sham case, where the misdemeanors are expired and the local d.a. is putting on the jacket of the federal prosecutor saying i'm going to save us from the statute of limitations by making believe i'm a federal prosecutor. you cannot gag that person and allow michael cohen, stormy daniels, and whole lot of them to say donald trump is no good, he is a liar.
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i mean, it just is unfair. and it shows how inappropriate judge merchan is, as it relates to donald trump's and his ri rights. if this court wants people to believe that there is fairness in this trial, that what the court has to do, you either gag everybody or you don't gag any one. and the last point i want to make is the feds, for decades, have not allowed anyone to identify anyone running for office in the six months before campaign, to be identified as a target, as a defendant come or bring charges. that is a period of time where the feds zip it up. they are not only not zipping it up, they are trying this man on an unfair, expired misdemeanor that is totally legitimate based upon everything we have heard. >> harold: i agree with you on the gag order, but there is a second -- i know you don't agree with me -- but you she just looked back out what we have been reporting to be on fox about what i was saying. be five okay, i will. >> jesse: good to have you
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back around the table. >> harold: glad to be back. >> judge jeanine: what about me? >> tyrus: you are never gone. your presence is never missed. >> jesse: have a lozenge. coming out, joe biden thinks there is very fine people on both sides when it comes to pro-hamas freaks intimidating jews on campus. ♪ ♪ my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed
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[chanting] >> this is the new york city police! >> people who peacefully protest for an issue, they are not throwing bottles and shares. >> dana: so it seems like there is no end in sight for the pro-hamas insanity raging across college campuses. the nypd in riot gear clashing with anti-israel protesters armed with layers of the so-called liberated zone encampment at nyu. the protesters ignoring warnings to vacate. one officer who was wearing a helmet got hit in the head with a chair. the helmet was dented. president biden has yet to fully use his bully pulpit to stand with jewish students who have been terrorized. and in forest. >> i come condemn the anti-semitic protests. i also condemn those who don't understand what is going on with the palestinians. >> dana: but donald trump took
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the precious little time he had outside the courtroom in the a block, he said this about anti-semitism. >> what's going on at the college level, the colleges, columbia, nyu, and others, is a disgrace. and it is really on biden. he has the wrong signal, the wrong tone. he is the worst president in the history of our country but it all starts with joe biden, the signals he puts out are so bad. he is not for israel, that is for sure. >> dana: what you think of the contrast in the statements from the president on the former president? >> jesse: you made a great point in a that he needs to stay on the news cycle and not complain about the court cases. and that was a great point he made. remember the fine people drama? that was like a year or two long. and it was a hoax. said there was fine people on both sides after he said that
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there was horrible people on both sides, too. joe biden is looking at israel, who is just defending itself. hamas came in impair suits and slit women's throats and then raped them. if you are now in the press and you are saying these protests are just a bunch of salsa dancing and sushi eating, eating and dancing, a jewish kid got his eyeball gouged by a palestinian flagpole. they are chanting "death to america," they are chanting "i am hamas." it is not a peaceful protest here. joe biden has to just come out and say "i condemn what i am seeing on these campuses. if the violent. it's disgusting. it's preventing other people from going to class. and it anti-semitic. and it's actually pro-terrorism. he doesn't need to bring in the islamophobia because you don't see jewish people out there doing what these pro-hamas people are doing. have you seen any jewish person
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stabbed anybody in the eye with a flagpole? have you seen a jewish person light anybody on fire? having a jewish person champ "death to america"? you have not seen it. it is nighttime for equivocation. biden really lost that. >> dana: i wondered also, tyrus, but the message that it's okay to just tell all the students, you have to do zoom school, sorry, accommodate all of these protesters come instead of saying -- if i were at the white house, why don't you call the president of columbia and say we will help those students get to class tomorrow. what do you need from me? >> tyrus: we saw that in the civil rights movement when black students were escorted to classrooms. and there was a reason for that. the problem is that we have a president who wants to be friends with everybody, and i always get told he was always a friend of mine, you've got to meet this guy, man, everybody likes him -- i don't like him now. if you're friends with everybody, you are friends with nobody, okay? everybody has a problem with somebody. so when you hear the president say, oh, man, it's bad, but hey, that's bad, he's trying to split
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the diff. this is not a split the diff situation. hamas is a terrorist organization, correct? they are responsible, on video, of murder, mayhem, rape, butchering, we have seen all of that, correct? so if i yell "i am hamas," aren't i a part of that? shouldn't america arrest as many hamas as possible? might even come again, just throwing this out there, judge, wouldn't that help us with negotiations with getting our hostages home? if we have some of hamas' own right here in america? i mean, they are hamas, which means they stand by what hamas -- these are pamphlet protesters, by the way, that is how deep their protest is, whatever the pamphlet. if you are willing to say "i am hamas" it means you are not only assuming to get the credit they want for being in hamas, the support, shouldn't they be treated as hamas? because we are supposed to be checking our borders and our streets to keep terrorists off and worried about domestic terrorists, we have a terrorist
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group walk marching in new york in broad daylight telling us, hey, i'm hamas, what do you want to do about it? under that, shouldn't it be hey, great, they are right here. >> dana: and judge, they have stopped just demanding a cease-fire, now they are saying they want hamas to win and with the arrests, they arrest at this point don't really mean anything if you're not prosecuted. >> judge jeanine: it means nothing. the problem here is the leadership has to come from the top, and if you've got joe joe biden, who is basically doing a charlottesville of his own, insultingly, on the first day of passover, where he says "i condemn people who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians," how dare you? you are condemning endurance. that's not even the point. we've got lawlessness on college campuses. and it's all over the country. this is very coordinated. we defunded police and now we are sending them out to these campuses in riot gear. they don't have the ability to
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take care of what is going on in the city to begin with. and then we have these college presidents who are very reluctant to call the police in, and by the way, columbia's president, she needs to go, she needs to resign. so what do we do about this? the president has to be a leader. he has to say, as far as i'm concerned, i condemn those people who are threatening and harassing jews. when jews are not safe in this country on campus, this is -- 1939, pre-world war ii moment. the department of education should be involved. as well as the civil rights department from the department of justice, and where all the dei programs? we have been funding dei for the last year and a half. why aren't they saying these jewish kids need to be protected? and now that we don't have classes in school, they are learning on zoom, which is not what you pay $70,000 a year for. >> dana: not at all. >> judge jeanine: they are basically saying, you know what,
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hamas, you won. i agree with tyrus. hamas is a terrorist organization. are any of these people here on visas? are they here illegally from other countries? get them out of this country. they have got to do, department of justice has to do that. got to stop the jew hatred, got to stop the hatred of america. >> dana: harold, i know you could write a great speech for president biden, but would he give it? >> harold: i hope they are trying to do this and they do a better job. presidents and professors at schools, you have, one, responsibility like the president of the united states has come of the commander in chief of the armed services. you have to make it safe on campuses for kids to learn. and whatever steps you have to take, even if you have to take steps beyond and above and perhaps put your own words at risk against your policies, i think you err on the side of putting kids in safe spaces. this notion of free speech, the judge, we all know it on the table, there is a limit to it. you cannot incite.
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you can't endanger. and for anyone to think you have an absolute right -- anyone who believes you have an absolute right to free speech is simply, simply wrong. you can't threaten people. what we are seeing on our campuses with tenured professors, we talked about it, robert wolf was on the show earlier this week, exactly right, we talk about the value proposition of college, dana, on this show many times. this is only going to cause the conversation to accelerate more. before you get there, you have to understand that kids can't be in danger. if a kid wants to protest powerfully, the way you protest powerfully is peacefully. we mentioned dr. king and john lewis, tyrus, dr. king denounced stokely carmichael, a comrade and wanting freedom and more opportunity for african americans and women at others, but he said you can do it that way. dr. king came to my hometown of memphis and was assassinated. people forget he was there a week before and he came back a week later because a week before he came, jesse, there was
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violence in the streets and he said, i can't be associated with this. we have to come back and do it peacefully. if you can't teach and impart and we do protesting peacefully, any democrat or republican, i heard a democrat say something the other day, plotting people protesting, we applaud peaceful protesting. we applaud not threatening other people because they don't look like us, because they practice a different religion. to your point, tyrus, anyone who says they are hamas, mayor adams, the new york mayor had it right earlier, there something going on in the city, a coordination, they should all be arrested. and if we are wrong, err on their side of being wrong on that issue. bill clinton said be strong and right than weak and wrong. that is the only thing you have to do for kids. >> dana: if you are arrested and have a student visa, bye-bye. >> harold: i agree pits before coming up next, ken kamala's life of doom the democrats in november? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: kamala harris is our nation's laughingstock and even the democrats agree. a new report claims that the dnc ran a focus group to understand why voters don't like the vice president, and the feedback was just brutal. several were rubbed the wrong way by the way she laughs, and you know what quest i think they have a point. >> you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? [laughs] i really love venn diagram's. the circles, right? [laughs] you know, it comes in the morning.
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[laughs] >> judge jeanine: democrats in the focus group also questioned if joe biden actually likes harris. well, watch out, kamala. it looks like aoc is moving in on your turf. president biden praising the socialist firebrand during an earth day event. >> representative ocasio-cortez of new york, you know, i learned a long time ago, listening to that lady. >> judge jeanine: what did he say? >> tyrus: no one knows what he said. >> dana: learned a long time ago -- actually, i don't actually want to do that anymore, to explain to america what he is saying because he should be able to do that or the press office should. what he said was, i listen to the lady, she makes a lot of sense. can i go? >> judge jeanine: sure. >> dana: it's actually driving me crazy, the white house expects us to be the interpreters for what he is saying and then they say to us he has been very clear. absolutely no he hasn't. the other thing is he goes on an
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earth day event in virginia and he takes the congresswoman from new york. instead of surrounding himself by fishermen and hunters in virginia saying look at all the great things i've done for the environment. does he need the youth vote that badly that he has to have her with him with her brand-new hiking boots that i don't think i've ever seen dirt before until the day before? the laugh of kamala harris is not necessarily the problem, it's that she laughs at the wrong time. not of us can change our own voice or the way that we laugh and i do think she has a good sense of humor but people say that the laugh drives them crazy, and she laughs when she is kind of nervous, like why haven't you been to a southern border, and then she laughs about that, and so it seems very awkward. then you have the media that is just, like, the easiest job in the world as being a democratic communications staff, right? you think "the new york times" to rewrite kamala harris' rebranding and this time it is working, 18 times. when it is obviously not working, it's like handing out
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ice cream in the desert the desert. >> judge jeanine: tyrus, is the laugh nothing more than a cover for her incompetence? >> tyrus: i agree with dana. is not the laugh. we all have a laugh. i have a one syllable laugh. i go ha really loud when i find something funny, rarely. it is what happens before the laugh is the problem. she is not dropping gold and then solve one of our problems and goes haha, because she laughed after she solved problems or gave a somewhat recognizable answer, biden has an excuse, he is 170 years old and he doesn't know who he is talking about as far as aoc. he described her as a smart lady which he probably thought she was a lot older. the tough thing for kamala is not getting joe to like her, it's that every day's he has to make friends with joe. every day. it's like the movie, adam sandler, every move he repeats, it's a new day, got to show him the paper and everything else. that's the issue. >> judge jeanine: jesse, what
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do you think of the idea of swapping her out, kamala out? >> jesse: wife swap? >> judge jeanine: not wife swap, jesse. >> jesse: aoc for kamala. it would be one of the best things in this race needs a little wife swap. we would have to talk to the husband's first but i am sure they would be fine with it. the story here, judge, the dnc ran a focus group on kamala and then leaked it to cnn. think about it. why'd they half to leaked this? this is an internal, expensive, focus group to help improve and understand the ticket. and then they just dropped the dirt to cnn. that tells me cnn and the dnc both don't like kamala. >> judge jeanine: okay. >> jesse: it also tells me -- and because i am reading a book about emotional intelligence, i already knew all of this anyway but you have to brush up -- you are not supposed to laugh at your own jokes. you are just not. so if you ever catch me doing it, i'm not very emotionally intelligent. >> judge jeanine: all right, harold, do you want to wrap this up? >> harold: quickly puke i said
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strong and wrong, i meant -- this is what she should be doing, also. to change the way people think about you, you have to change substance. i like her. she is smart. i don't think they are utilizing and putting her in areas where she can be at her best. she is a good prosecutor. we may differ on that but she was a good prosecutor who was strong on crime. endocrine problem in the countr. get out advocating for the administration on abortion, get out for one of the best practices fighting crime, best practices raising police morale around the country are the best practice to try to roll back these cashless bail laws. if i were in the vice president's office advising, that is what i would have her doing and that would help get the end all of these things. >> jesse: so you are saying wife swap is on the table? what i just heard. >> harold: strong and wrong. >> judge jeanine: why would she wipe out the cashless bail seeing as she was putting money for the minnesota bail fund?
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may be the woman is just changed? how come she can't figure this out on her own? >> harold: all you do is give advice to president trump. >> jesse: we know kamala is watching. sorry about the wife swap. >> judge jeanine: ahead, the locust left isn't barking up the wrong tree with this one. they now claim having a dog is racist. ♪ ♪ epressed... and embarrassed. that's how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt.
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owners to move into and occupy more of the urban space than you are allotted while making everyone else's problem." i'm going to answer my own question. this is absurd. if it's true, i'm a three-time racist because i have three dogs that i love them and i walk them whenever i can. tyrus? >> tyrus: i'm riding with you, which is white lightning on this one. this is the problem with the woke, this is why they call them the woke, they miss the bus, they overslept. they will connect anything with just nonsense. any time my children make up stories now, it used to be just a punishment. now have to make sure they are not turning woke on me because they just say things and the connective tissue of feelings is everywhere and as we know, feelings are the lies we tell ourselves to argue what we really see in the mirror. that's what this is about. nothing else going on. nothing else going on. you know, judge, you turned sideways in the mirror so you look skinny and then you walk by and reality is waiting on you?
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it's the same thing with the woke. >> judge jeanine: why did you ask me that? >> tyrus: because the judge did not understand. >> judge jeanine: i got it! >> tyrus: this is why you guys are awake. >> harold: dp is not a racist. >> dana: i have lots of dogs, i love dogs. i am all for this. if the academic left wants to go to war with dog owners, let's have at it. i also think this is just a totally online thing. all of these people complaining online, you don't actually see this outside, in the wild, where people are getting fresh air and enjoying their dogs. >> harold: prime time? >> jesse: if having a dog is racist then call me the grand wizard, harold b of i love ricky so much. rookie might be racist, though. he barks sometimes. just kidding, he loves everybody. >> harold: judge, you have three -- >> judge jeanine: i have four. >> harold: four time racist. >> judge jeanine: am i colonialist? what am i? >> harold: you are something. >> judge jeanine: let me tell
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you. they just don't know what to fight about so they want to fight about this. by the way, my poodles are woke. if you don't call that lefty, that's my poodle. i think they are a little progressive. >> jesse: that dog looks transgender. >> judge jeanine: could be. >> harold: i love my dogs. i wish my pictures were up there, too. coming up, the ultimate florida man. a barefoot fighter wrangles an e hands. i wonder what they will call this guy. "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [laughter] >> tyrus: yep, judge, it was me. welcome back. time for "the fastest." first up, get ready for the ultimate florida man video. a barefoot man wrangling and 8-foot alligator was also barefoot that was disturbing the peace in jacksonville with his bare hands.
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to be fair, dana, we know you have had some problems with language -- you could be. they feed from the tail -- he had no problem -- >> dana: i would have no fear. >> tyrus: real quick, harold, you will probably know this, russell the alligator, reptiles, their muscles are not like ours, when they get excited, he waited for that moment, electric tape, basically harmless. >> judge jeanine: how do you know this? have you had an alligator? >> tyrus: legally in the state of louisiana? no. >> judge jeanine: how about illegally in the state of louisiana? >> tyrus: i happened across one that was hatching out of its egg and a little help, that is so christian. >> judge jeanine: i'm so proud of him. god, the guy is incredible. i think of that old lady who was walking along the pod with her dog and the alligator came out. if only she knew how to do that.
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>> tyrus: or at least not walk next to an alligator in a pond. >> judge jeanine: why? was it not as dangerous in the street? >> tyrus: in the middle of the street terrified, probably, trying to find a lake. harold, you know what it is. >> harold: let me tell you something. that is a guy i want to walk through a rally -- i don't like and threatening me, that's a guy. >> jesse: that's the kind of guy you want a january 6th, i hear you, harold. i hear you, buddy. >> tyrus: january 8th, we discussed it, the 8th. >> jesse: is that the real date? >> tyrus: no, i think we should go to dana. >> dana: i went. >> tyrus: this "fastest" has slowed down because jesse was weird. weird stuff. all right, does anyone else here wrestle an alligator for money? "one more thing" is up next. yes, i will wrestle and alligator. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." judge? >> judge jeanine: okay. i just want to recognized doodle's birthday. you may recall doodle is the little one there. about 8 month ago i got cooddle she is a rescue from the miss fit canine rescue nonprofit organization in french town, new jersey. take a look at how big doodle is getting. doodle is so big she is only a year. and she has still got another year to grow. she loves working out with me. and she thinks she is a lap dog. she knocked me out once. she knocked me down the stairs. but we're still friends. okay? >> jesse: maybe take outside a restraining order. >> harold: happy birthday. >> tyrus: happy birthday you colonist. >> dana: a dog named dana is a
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day ninaday nine companion. dana was named after me. remember, this tyrus? chosen to be one of the breeding dogs for the organization. and she had six puppies and there you have them right there. and they will be going to the vets to get their first shots. they weigh about a pound right now. super cute. and they will grow up to be companion dogs and happy and proud of them. also, i'm in tonight for gutfeld. i'm taking over, perino double exclamation point. >> jesse: i love that. >> jesse: you want to do three dog stories in a row? guard dog breathes fire. laser beam too as a sight. this thing will rec any home invasion at any time any place. >> judge jeanine: it will wreck the home, too. >> jesse: it will wreck the home, too. you know what, judge, can't be could careful. keep these squatters out. "jesse watters primetime" tonight the get it together series continues with the reformed amish stripper who has gotten it together.
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you are not going to believe. >> tyrus: thank goodness. >> jesse: won't believe how she turned it around. >> harold: utah special education teacher celebrated a very special anniversary, 50 years kay beck has been teaching some of you are most gifted and wonderful kids who have great needs there in utah she found her calling, obviously five decades ago and she says the secret to what she does is she wants to make every kid feel like they are just the same. she doesn't treat any of her kids any differently than any other kids in school are treated. the students surprised her with a parade to mark the 50-year anniversary and blazing the slogan with the great words of great coach jim who said never ever give up. congratulations, young lady. thank you for your work. >> judge jeanine: that's so nice. harold,. >> jesse: you are going to heaven. >> tyrus: i'm going with him. >> jesse: anything wrong with you, harold? >> tyrus: he cares too much.
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got to have that dog in your fight. this is why i love hockey playoff time because it's time to get it on. who has the biggest -- about who is the big dog in the yard, dana. >> dana: yep. >> tyrus: you will appreciate. this taking us all the way back to gladiator days. everyone screams at you. everyone going for face shots. this is why they play the game. right? that's amazing. and if you want to keep the amazing party going. you need to roll down my tyrus live comedy tour in cities all over the country and 10 days away i'm going to be completely sold out my entire tour. >> it is everywhere. >> jesse: where is decatur? >> i ill-noise. >> bret: i want to see that jesse. i think that could be good. >> jesse: thanks, bret. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, fox news has just learned houak


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