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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  April 23, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> ♪ ♪ >> martha: good afternoon
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everybody, i'm martha mccollum and this is "your story." the spread of anti-semitism and aunt -- as many look for leadership, the president chooses what is sometimes referred to as both sides is him and his first on the record comments on these hot tension mark watch spewed do you condemn the anti-semitic protest on college campuses? >> president biden: i condemned the anti-semitic protest that's why i'm set up a program to do that there might also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. >> martha: more on that from the president in this moment but first let's get straight to senior correspondent steve harrigan who is reporting live at nyu on the action there this afternoon. hi, steve. >> martha, of the crowd here has been going at it for about two ours. it's getting bigger and leg getting loaded as well. we're hearing chance of "free, free palestine." this is called a nationwide strike and already a more than 1000 people involved in
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here, -- it spread to nyu and yale, other elite universities across the northeast even out to berkeley now in california. some high schools too beginning to get involved as well. this is really has been a hard thing for administrators to deal with. this and have been cut flat-footed so far. -- online learning at the campus to a standstill in many places. back to you. >> martha: we'll keep a close eye. will go back there is a situation merits. thank you very much. will also talk to trade mcclay travis and get his unique perspective on this on this a little while. but back to president biden who plays company in florida and at this hour there is no more response from him on the shocking growth of these anti- israel protests. he is speaking in florida though about abortion rights, an issue that he thinks could work for him in the 2024
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election in that state. vice president harris also talking about election and healthcare, she's in wisconsin to the. tell a local tv station when asked point-blank about these protest saying that she is deeply concerned about growing anti-semitism in the united states. that was the extent of her comments there. a moment -- also hogan ghibli, libs trump white house principal press secretary, obama advisor robert wolf, former obama advisor and first we go to white house correspondent jackie heinrich with the very latest on the president today. hi. >> hi. the president has been in front of cameras more than a few times and all of this and spiraled out of control and you has not ceased any of those moments speak firmly against this. he has treated you five times and saturday including nine times about climate but no mention of the protests on these campuses. when our fox producer shouted at question that you displayed heated issue that
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both sides kind of automation and the white house that -- but it was from the deputy press secretary andrew bates who just defended president biden speaking to reporters on air force one. >> in the president's passed overstatement he directly addressed about comments that circulated over the weekend with a call to action echoing the rhetoric of terrorist organizations especially in the wake of the worst massacre minute against the jewish people since the holocaust is despicable. we are of course monitoring the situations closely. >> but the president's passed overstatement only reference was happening at schools after four paragraphs about the rituals are passed over, efforts to get a cease-fire and hostage deal, 82 state solution and humanitarian aide into gaza. financing in the fifth paragraph "we must speak out against alarming surge of anti-semitism in our schools, communities and online. silence is complicity even in recent days weaving harassment encourage them by
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-- this latent anti-semitism is reprehensible and dangerous and has no place in college campuses or anywhere in the country." we will see if the president said anything in florida as he walked straight past out of the -- >> sandra: >> martha: jackie got thank you. with that we bring in -- and former white house principal deputy press secretary on the america first policy institute senior advisor -- that's a lot of titles. and rougeau -- pharmac you know, it's interesting to note that there hasn't been any sort of pulling government response to this and you pointed out in a very interesting piece today calling on president biden to take a leadership role here that the department of education and the doj should be enacted to move in to try to protect these students can get them to have a safe environment, the go to class.
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but he pulled up the college education of -- for civil rights and releasably i think this is what is on the front page of the department of education for civil rights office. the majority of our ocr staff are working remotely because of the pandemic so please send us an e-mail. robert, what can we expect of our federal government and from president biden? what should he be -- what should his response be in all of this and norma's government that we have that seems to be not put to use, whatsoever and what we are seeing? >> , martha, thanks. as you know, is personal to me. i'm an ivy league guy, i'm jewish got my family was impacted by the holocaust i'm taking the other side of this. president biden has been unequivocal in his comments, silence is complicity, threatening and intimidation is anti-semitism. they started the first national strategy for combating anti-semitism. no one has been strong on israel since october 7th
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making sure they got funding including putting ammunition there in advance. is also been fighting with the -- in a bipartisan way fighting for more aid to israel and the family is going to pass and it would also say i was recently at a un summit with the first gentleman, doug m. half, who is talking about anti-semitism and violence in these threats on a continuous basis. i think they are articling that this is critically important and that anti-semitism, there is a hard line in the sand and you don't cross it. >> sandra: >> martha: talking is one thing, statements have gone out. we have an image here of the little rock man from arkansas in 1957 breaking the desegregation barrier. obviously that led to a lot of strike during the civil rights offered on the right-hand side of your screen, are seeing palestinian supporters students who seem to have o one, howie kurtz because students who feel unsafe or mostly jewish students, basically been sent home from
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colombia university. so where is the police protection that eventually came for students, black students who wanted to go to schools in america, where is that protection for these jewish students to finish the semester at places like columbia? >> while more places like columbia and nyu and yale should call in their local police force and all the arrests that we have last week. but now it does seem spiraling out of control and look at president biden at the commander-in-chief should own this story about the spread of anti-semitic poison got about the walkouts about the arrest and also about the switch to virtual learning at this very important -- expensive schools. he could give a speech. to what happens? he gives two sentences what kostov reporter's question your you you can't really hear it very well and is very terse. and i think that may be because he is trying to not further alienate the anti- israel wing, in his own party but he really should be out
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there. should absolutely take ownership of the situation -- and back it up with action as you were suggesting. >> martha: another piece out today the sizes president biden and basically said that he is running dearborn michigan did -- dictate his policy and all of this. organ what is response to that and i know you obviously worked for president trump who wants to be president again. this is a sticky situation. how do you think it should be dealt with from the executive office? >> i am glad you brought up dearborn because these are what these actions by biden or inactions if you will are all about. -- you can see on one hand how he is so tough and supportive of israel but at the same time he is caught on heart marketing will go have come to jesus moment with benjamin netanyahu, how is working for a cease-fire. these people on college campuses are shocking death to america, shouting oim
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there, he about placating -- there talking about supporting terrorism. this should be in no-brainer for the ministration to come out. but as is with most things it is about politics. he knows he has a problem in the selection that he knows he has a problem with the folks out there who don't support israel. he knows he has a problem in michigan. so what he's trying to do is play both sides of this issue. it is a serious problem for him and you has left college campuses exposed to a lot of danger and a lot of -- >> martha: i have a few seconds left but i want to give robert a very quick response on the. should president biden allow the enforcement to come in and make sure that these jewish students came safely get to their classrooms from their norms and give them the right to an indication that they have paid for? >> campuses absolutely have to be safe i agree with what howie said. the police need to go in to make sure -- >> sandra: >> martha: but columbia won't let him. >> but this is not a time to call in the national guard. >> martha: gentleman, thank you very much for your input there.
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thank you for input today. as we've been talking about a walkout at nyu this hour which is arguing right now, downtown new york city fairly large gathering, looks peaceful at this moment. we'll keep a close eye on it of course as the anti- israel contingents spreads to some of the country's most elite universities all across america, really. play travis with an interesting observation and take on what we are seeing here next. [chanting] [cheering] veteran homeowners checked your credit card rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you pay off your credit cards and car loans with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need
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>> ♪ ♪ >> martha: >> everyone: [chanting]
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>> martha: protesters facing off against each other last night near columbia university in new york city. classes now going hybrid might have cancelled the rest of the school year which only goes for about another week apparently at columbia university but the students are going to be at home which is not the college experience that they paid for or we had hoped for, they should have the right to be in their classrooms learning and experiencing all of that particular situation as easy. similar scenes at nyu. right now there's a walkout underway downtown in manhattan, uptake funder play travis is standing by but first let's check in with senior correspondence steve harrigan recording -- reporting live from new york. >> , martha, they're coined as a nationwide strike and it doesn't look like they're going anywhere soon. numbers about 1500 year hearing the chance.
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>> everyone: free, free palestine," and some questions now being raised about who's behind his organization and who is finding it especially after columbia university called employees, took away all the tents and then just days later a whole new hundred pence suddenly appeared. >> ask yourself this ques question, you need to ask yourself this question. look at the tents, they all wear the same colour, they already same type of tens coliseum ones that we saw in nyu coliseum ones that we see in columbia. to me i think somebody is funding this. also they are professional educators in there that are just looking for something to be agitated about which is the process. >> more than 100 people were arrested outside of nyu overnight, it's not clear how many of them were students when you look at the arrest records many in the ages of 34, 25, 27 and the big question is how long this will go on. you mentioned that columbia is premar shutdown for
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on-campus learning, what could go through the end of the turn and even to education on may 15th. , martha, back to you. >> martha: sad state of affairs, thank you. the spring in -- outkick founder, clay travis. thank you for being here today. is interesting to note that robert kraft and others are the owner of the patriots, you know, is discussing pulling his money, donations that he has made the columbia. here is a quick sign bite of him last night and sent -- at the. >> assume that happening now in this great country and offered so many opportunities to our families who came here as immigrants. and we have to keep it open. we can't have this intimidation that is filtering through all of these colleges. >> martha: about anti-semitism that we see all across the universities. clay what is your take on where we are today? >> i got many thoughts , martha. thank for having me on.
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to start with, when charlottesville happened, donald trump was ridiculed reviled attacked on a level of that frankly, hasn't come close to one joe biden is being held accountable. i remember, himself said that the reason he ran for president was because of what he saw charlottesville. now we have hundreds if not thousands of protests that are every bit as anti-s anti-semitic, far worse in many ways honestly than what we saw at charlottesville in terms of the scope and significance of them. joe biden is failing when it comes to standing up for israel and israel's right to defend itself and , martha, we've started on clay and back for a while but i've seen other people kind of had this take too. i want to give you a hypothetical. pretend that in mexico, a cartel group had come across the united states border, killed 1200 people in the
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united states, and -- in cold blood because they were american, then taken over 100 of our citizens hostage and gone back across the southern border. what would we do to mexican people who might be innocent but in any way we're harbouring that group that had attacked the united states, killed over 1200 of our people and kidnapped over 100 of them? we would rain down holy hell up on that group and every american with a functional brain would understand why we were doing it. i don't understand why anyone would -- with a functional brain in america right now c. that analogy as to what israel is doing. the worst single day for jewish people since the holocaust. everybody wants to run around and try to compare trump to adolf hitler in the far left in america. while the most devastating, that lite for jewish people since the holocaust just
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happen on october 7th and these is the imbecilic kids and everybody else affiliated with them is actually marching in support of hamas in many respects and what they did. i find it frankly absolutely unacceptable and i think all of the adults are feeling here in terms of what they are countenancing on many of these different university competences my campuses. >> martha: with regard to charitable i think it's a very good point to make because it was anti-semitism in charlottesville that but instead drove him inspired him to run for president and he was extraordinarily angry about this anti-semitism. he said "this is not america." you know, we cannot talk about it and he criticized trump in that moment with the same sort of suggest -- some sort of comment that he made today or yesterday, rather coveted, you know, while i understand will say -- and we
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all know, you know, the anger that we sometimes see from president biden, what happened to that anger? how come he is not still feeling it when he sees the students -- they want to talk to yesterday, who was put in the eye with a palestinian flag, a jewish student. another when i spoke to this week who had removed her grandmother's house because she can't live on campus anymore. >> i think it's a fabless question , martha, and remember how the very fine people comment is actually eli the way that it was attributed to trump. just kinda remind people. trump said they were very fine people protesting on the side of remove the robert elite statue permit there were other people who are saying we don't think that it should be removed. specifically condemned the anti- israel protesters, so biden in saying that he sought trump's response as insignificant was actually not being honest and nine -- , martha, this is super significant he just did a very fine people himself yesterday when he said that he was basically anti- --
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opposed anti-semitism but also -- and i think there is a need for the president to be really clear on where he stands on all of this for the american people because it's a tumultuous time across the country and leadership is definitely needed. clay, thank you. always good to see you. >> thanks , martha,. >> martha: clay travis from outkick to mexico -- worst human rights abusers and on page 1 it includes a reference to israel's actions after october 7th alongside groups like hamas and the caliban so this is equivocating of israel's action and these other layers
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in the world's stays in a real question about where the white house stands and where the united states stands in all of this. the war on warriors -- pete hesse gently next. >> ♪ ♪ to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 a month donation with your support puppy food bank can ship pet food to rescue shelters, pet food that will save pet lives. so won't you join me. donate now. and puppy food bank will send you a very nice gift.
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>> way and florida democrats know that we are the last line of defence. protecting women's rights to
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choose, making sure that we are holding republicans accountable for getting us in to the moment that we are in. on a trump created this moment. he started campaigning on this in 2016, and he lived up to the promise. only thing he lived up to. and then we come back here to the state of florida where ron desantis felt like he needed to run for president and so 15 weeks was not good enough. we had to go to six weeks. in one week we are going to have the most extreme abortion ban in the nation. and so while donald trump created this moment, ron desantis stood in this moment and the republican legislature in florida helped create this moment. and so what are we florida democrats going to do in 2024? we are going to vote, we're going to take back florida and we are going to make sure that the true champion for reproductive health care and not just with productive healthcare but every issue
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that is important to the people of the state in to the people of this nation, president joe biden and vice president kamala harris has been on the front line and in the trenches. [cheering and applause] so before i hand over the microphone to our president, i want to tell a couple of stories. because i'm not just standing here -- [laughter] i'm not just standing here because i'm the chair of the democratic party, and i'm not just -- before we do want to get to the president's remarks will get their just a second. is preparing to speak, he got some cards in his hands will see if you have to say, we are told it off the record remarks which can be interesting in this environment so president biden's' state department though as we were mentioning earlier has grouped israel in the same paragraph as hamas on the front page of their annual reports on the world's worst human rights violators,
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that's unprecedented. pete hegseth just watch -- watching all of this play out in front -- with us and listening to what the president has to -- but first state department man julian turner. >> secondary blinking -- on 16 -- you talk to reporters trying to explain the decision to equate israel's government with some of the deadliest regime around the world. take a listen to what he sa said. >> we have a double standard? the answer is no. as this report makes clear in general as we are looking at human rights and the condition of human rights around the world, we apply the same standard to ever everyone. >> so today i better david satterfield, that is president biden's envoy for humanitarian affairs to the middle east acknowledge in response to my question that the bite in a ministration actually does apply a "very different standard" to
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israel. lesson. >> we require from israel because it is the right and moral thing to do, a very different standard of conflict and other noted in my remarks at the president made clear in his visit to israel shortly after october 7th, it's not just strategically important for him to do this. is the morally right thing to do. >> the human rights report features israel on page 1 along with hamas and galarraga caliban and afghanistan, putin and russia and chinese communists who are right now carrying out a genocide in changing. report says "we continue to urge and raise concerns surrounding the deaths of an injury to that of thousands of palestinian civilians in gaza." critics as though are insisting this approach really perverts the truth. >> it kind of takes on the israelis and try to be "evenhanded," it's really not. there are clear about getting situated -- and the israelis are the good guys in this.
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>> so yesterday the state department condemns israel's human rights record and coincidentally the first day of pesach a major jewish holiday and then today the engoron administration humanitarian ongoing attachments that they do in fact apply a double standard to israel's conduct in the war against hamas. martha? >> martha: julian, thank you very much. let's bring in pete hegseth cohost of "fox and friends weekends." and the author of the new book, the "17a." i should mention that we are monitoring the comments by president biden who is speaking to some of the younger individuals in the room. -- we are going to monitor those comments and see if he thinks -- let me get your top line, on julian's reporting about israel now being in the first page of the human rights report from the state department.
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>> you know, we were discovering columbia, it doesn't surprise me later -- the state department is a permanent bureaucracy, by people from places like columbia who believe that the jewish state of israel is as bad or worse than its islamist opponents. israel's not just listed on page 1, it was listen before iran, before china, before the taliban and before cuba and what a mess those two statements between the envoy and antony blinken. there is no stunt -- double standard. of course, there is a double standard. update you -- the idf will be studied for the extent to which it's response in gaza has been as targeted or more targeted against the enemy that any offensive in a dense urban population we've ever scene. they've taken unprecedented steps to protect civilian casualties against an enemy that teaches their kids how to count by counting that jews and if you can't understand there is a moral
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equivalency difference between and follow freedom loving country and radical islamists you don't deserve to be in the state department let alone being president of the united states so israel doesn't have a friend in the white house right no because they are playing both sides is impairment are not willing to speak truth and as a result these reports become meaningless because they are based on nothing. >> martha: as you are talking, pete, my mind goes back to the video that i watched it happen on october 7th. and i remember one of the hamas fighters, there's a cell phone conversation that was recorded on that day -- >> i remember too. >> martha: year, where he called his parents in gaza where he says mom, dad, he would be so proud of me. i just killed ten jews. and he is -- his mom and dad are cheering say i wish i was there with you for this. so this is what israel has been up against in this situation, you know, i mean it's easy to forget all of this, but that is what
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started this and i wonder, i often also think, as we are watching this, that hamas knew that the response from israel would be in norma's ways on how savage that attack was. so they must be thrilled when they see the state department report. and they see how much further they netted states is pushing israel away because that is their goal, that's what they wanted. and the heinousness of this attack i think was very intentional. hold -- real quick i will just dip in to the president, let's see if he is talking about this -- >> president biden: -- we've got to win. not because of me but because of the alternative and then they say because my democracy depends upon it. meaning there democracy. so the whole world hole world is looking interlocutor see how we handle ourselves in this election. not just on whether we win or not but how we handle ourselves. and one of the things that, you know, for me, i got involved i was a kid in electorate politics, there was a civil rights movement.
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it all got down to one person at a time. i mean it sincerely, -- that's why i got involved as a kid when i got out of high school and in college. and it's about just doing the basic things, talking to people, literally talking to people. and for example, i'm really excited. we raze almost half a billion dollars so far. [cheering and applause] but here is what excites me. so far we have 1.6 million contributors. >> martha: he's thinking the fundraisers in the room but interesting comments he is talking about the civil rights battle, right, and i'm just wondering as he talks about that because we were talking earlier about this lawsuit -- desegregation and how the police helped young black students get in to the classroom safely during the civil rights movement, but there is no safety be provided for jewish students who want to get in to the
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classroom safety -- safety right now. >> yeah. he's got a civil rights movement in his hands right now. you just watch this and you don't know what's true. was that story he told true, was his uncle cannibalized -- is unclear at this point nothing ahead from his remarks or the head of the democratic party was proactively about what joe stands for amicus about how ugly and evil the other guy is. you will understand very clearly against the base of his party which is radically out of step with just decency and you can't -- anything he's capable and i think he is scared of that base at this point because he needs michigan and that's unfortunate reality of our time. >> martha: he says that people -- you've got to it, democracy depends on it. we will keep monitoring the presidents at this event in order. pete hegseth, thank you very much, with a happy with us. >> thank you , martha,. >> martha: we are waiting on the judge to rule on holding former president trump in contempt of court on
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his criminal trial here in new york city. prosecutors arkids mobile a gag order ten times in this case, his attorney says that the former president should be allowed to respond to what the defence calls political attacks. some of them calling from the witnesses in this case including lawyer michael cohen who is the prime witness in this case who has been trashing the former president pretty much on a daily basis on his podcast. you will be a witness, he's not under a gag order. correspondent made for joyce as outside the white house in lower manhattan. hello, nate. >> hay , martha. the state's first witness former american media ceo and president david packer testified today about an agreement that he made with former president trump's old lawyer michael going to benefit the trump campaign in 2016 and published negative stories about trump's appointed at the time. but while leaving court moment ago you mentioned the former president trump is very upset about this gag order that he is accused of
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violating ten times. you spoke about that were leaving court. lesson here. >> mr. trump: these names mentioned so many people in article and -- i think it's a disgrace, is totally unconstitutional. are not allowed to defend myself and yet other people are allowed to say whatever they want to say about me. >> judge one where sean reserved a decision about possibly punishing trump for by leading that gag order and , martha, david pecker will take this and again thursday morning proactively talked about his relationship with trump's former layer -- from people including former playboy model karen mcdougal and a former trump tower d. when asked by prosecutor northwest langlaar 20 focus on stories from women, pecker said because trump was now an eligible bachelor who dated beautiful woman chemically stained-glass also be -- not trump is accused of breaking while allegedly falsifying business records. this was notably missing from
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manhattan da alvin bragg's and backman. allow reits "any two or more persons who conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means in which conspiracy is lacking upon by one or more parties should be mark baxter the argument from the da's office is that trump policy -- modified internal business records to aid a conspiracy doing the 2016 presidential election. , martha? >> martha: nate, thank you very much. we'll see if the judge rules on that gag order issue and will keep on top of it back in the meantime a lanyard from running forces with 2slgbtqia+ conservatives without the former president record as a pro gay president. we'll talk about that coming up next. >> ♪ ♪ ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> martha: we're just keeping and i on this event off the record events in
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tampa that we mentioned. he was thinking fundraisers at one point he took sickkids away and melt down and talk to macniel down and talk to two well children who were in the room there's a bit of the back-and-forth. he believes that he had a chance in florida based on the issue of abortion and the six-week ban in florida that he believes could help benefit democrats in the state in the sunshine state even though it has been very reliably read over the last several elections. we'll keep an eye on that as president biden's speaks to the group in florida. in the meantime former first lady melania trump who has not been all that active on the campaign trail of late made a return over the weekend and is interesting because her first sort of big event was working to boost support among 2slgbtqia+ voters for former president trump in the last election. the group supported 25% of
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their votes in 2020 and the former first lady reportedly hoped to rake in more than a million dollars of mar-a-lago at this fundraiser for the -- will advocate for republican 2slgbtqia+ voters. when asked served as a cochair of this weekend's event, he has been involved were longtime in conservative politics. the ceo of the cancellations grew in for the. bill welcome and good to have you back. >> great to be with the. >> martha: tell us a little bit about this event and about what the purpose was and why it was important that the former first lady was part of this. was a big message here? >> i think the -- she does many events for president trump, mar-a-lago, there together all the time that you can never keep up with president trump going into every single event. he is superhuman if i could say that. but our first event with missus trump was her wanting to launch the most aggressive
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outreach to lgbtq and suburban women voters in the human -- history of a republican residential candidacy and we actually had a small room because there was a lovely wedding going on at mar-a-lago and we sold the event out in 36 ours. we had hundreds of people who wanted to come and meet the first lady and experience this amazing opportunity here for -- from her and she gave you phenomenal speech about unity by bringing our -- about bringing our country together that we are so divided is time to come together and be human and be loving and be supportive of each other and let's be patriotic and fight to take our country back in the message was a big hit , martha. and i really think that she is a superstar's absolutely wonderful surrogate for president trump. she loves him dearly that they have a beautiful sunset they raced together. she's a terrific mother, and
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we are so proud of her and we are honoured that she is taking this initiative and will be leaving going forward. >> martha: is interesting yet that does -- that this was her first solo event as you see a meckel's speaking of the current president, biden, here is what he had to say in tampa, florida today, also trying to reach out to the voters of this group. watch. >> president biden: -- legalized same-sex marriage, just -- and so does donald trump, again, here that what that means. the right to make the best decisions for your health, the right to use birth control, the right to use the -- married a person you love. of that is -- as constitutional back mark. >> martha: what is your action to that, he said that president reagan with a coy overflow? >> look candor bagon is there he was first against gay marriage if you remember in the great meet the press in
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the said barack and i are not for gay marriage. president trump was before he ran for president supportive of marriage equality. he loves us, he sees us, he wants us to be successful and we believe , martha, that president trump is the only choice for us as a group to keep us safe, to bring back prosperity, and to make our families healthier and happier in this great country. we are for donald trump and we're going to see a great outreach with melania to this group and we look forward to coming back and telling you about our upcoming events. >> martha: bill white, thank you very much. ovc is one of the many voter groups that people really watching very closely to see where they moved in 2024. thank you for being with us. interview with sp1 thank you so much. >> martha: so survivors of sexual abuse by former u.s. a genetics coach larry nasser got a settlement today finally, admin is long time coming. with the department of justice for $139 million.
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after the fbi failed to investigate despite numerous attempts to let them know what was going on and an investigation was direly needed. >> you think this is hard for you? imagine how all of us feel. imagine how it feels to be an innocent teenager in a foreign country, hearing a knock on the door, and it's you. forget migraine, but zero-migraine days are possible. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. qulipta. the forget-you-get-migraine medicine. harlem has everything. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business.
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>> martha: federal government paid more than $100 million after the fbi admitted that they did not do enough to investigate accusations of sexual abuse by larry nasser a former team doctor for u.s.a. gymnastics who abused many young gymnasts. justice correspondent david spun reporting live from the
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department of justice. high connor mcdavid. >> martha: >> hi , martha. and important a healing process, 139 claims paid out by the department of justice to the tune of $138.7 $138.7 million, many women affected by the abuse of larry nasser over a period of several years. i spoke to an attorney earlier who said that this is just part of the healing process. the department of justice admitted in an internal report released in 2021 that publicly, the fbi agents in los angeles and indianapolis, did not move on allegations against larry nassar from 315 and 2016. it came to light in this investigation. fbi director christopher ray apologized and expressed regret who survivors back in 2021 but the former doctor work at michigan state university, he is now behind bars for the rest of his life, more than 100 victims came forward telling horrifying tales of repeated abuse. >> i was 15 when i -- larry
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sexually assault me repeatedly -- for nearly a year. -- carefully and perfectly obstructing her view so she would not know -- >> i was on the phone -- represent of the 44 of the 139 victims that receive compensation from doj. he says there was a sense of relief for my clients counter is also a sense of anger for some clients. a lot of we traumatize vision. i can understand all of that collectively, these women are going to do with this for the rest of their lives. actually hope this can bring some closure for them so they can continue down their healing past and --." the settlements from nassar's crimes include different organizations other then the doj now total around $1 million total , martha? >> martha: quite a crease. we spoke to a number of those young woman and it is a torturous story. david carr thank you. david spun reporting from washington.
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let's check back in under protest at nyu with senior correspondent steve harrigan. steve, were developing in -- down there this afternoon? >> the crowd is not going away about 1500 strong hundred strong and wearying chance mainly "free, free palestine," but sometimes you are other times a lot less slavery like "we are hamas." hamas, of course, response -- the organization responsible for killing a hundred people in israel on october 7th. also the chance that from november to the sea which basically means wipe israel off the map. is to be a sense of the environment here, a beautiful storm tuesday afternoon outside of nyu where you are standing here on the sidewalk and three or four corporate officers walk by and a young woman and her friend walked by and just said the f. word to the cops. and we both looked at each other like they do just that have been? there is a sense that the police here are the enemy counter the police here are hated because the police here are trying to keep order, they arrested more than 100 people yesterday, it's not clear how many were nyu
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students, how many were outside agent -- agitators. some of the ages go up to age 30 or so so not a lot of college freshmen in that group. >> martha: thank you, steve harrigan reporting on this story that we are smack we will be on the release while the course of this week as we have watched what had happened at columbia university and all over america at many schools. take a look at this, something truly different for you here. a man in florida, wow that is one way to take care of this problem, capturing an 8-foot alligator with his bear ha hands. degeyter ended up in the middle of the street, holy moly, in jacksonville, over the weekend. he wrangled it, he is an mma fighter, folks, so don't try this at home unless you are. his name is mike greg h., he is also your license alligator trapper. sawyer he definitely looked like he had a method there to his madness in terms of what he was doing. he did say that this was one
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of his wildest catches ever. so there's that. [laughter] that's straight from florida, folks. let's go back to the protesters say could get a site and sound of what this looks like. has really been an extraordinary weekend and now leading into this week -- a lot of questions about how much some of these protesters understand about middle east politics, about what the "river to the sea," means. remember back in service they did a survey with some of the students were protesting back then and many of them didn't know which river or richly they were talking about. but you do see a lot of pushback in the most interesting aspects and think of the coverage so far this week is that what we're seeing from the start
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apartment, what we're seeing from the white house as israel gets intense pressure not only from students on campuses but from president biden and from the white house and from secretary of state blinken as well who you heard earlier has put israel on the front page of their human rights review the annual human rights review over the situation in gaza. so a lot of discussion about politics, about michigan, about the uncommitted voters in michigan who made it very clear that their votes is not necessarily secure for president biden in this environment so a lot of politics at play here. we'll continue to keep a close eye on all of this developing news over the course of the story this we week. doubt getting ready to close in a minute, less than a minute, up 241 points, that's the -- "the story," for today. expediting us, everybody. will see you back here tomorrow. >> ♪ ♪ >> every


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