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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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about the interaction between the party in power, conditionally so to speak and the opposition, we see that we have complete unity, as a person who was part of, for example, the ukrainian delegation in pare, i can testify to this, that is, we never had any questions , in the same way, if we are talking about other delegations in the inter-parliamentary union, in the nato parliamentary assembly and so on, i think that colleagues will agree with this, the situation is really... quite dangerous, especially this may be due to the fact that putin will try to make some, let's say unpleasant surprises on the eve of may 9, or on the eve of the summit in july, the nato summit, that is, you have to be ready, and what mr. budanov says, you really have to take it very seriously and do everything possible to prevent it in the first place. thank you, mr. oleksandr, mrs.
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galina, oleksandr mereshko says that provocations by the russian federation are possible, it is clear that there are at least two important summits ahead for us, this is the global peace summit in switzerland in mid-june, then in july there will be the 75th jubilee summit of nato, and ukraine also expects to hear from. of the north atlantic alliance, some kind of invitation, i don’t know in what form it should be, or the road map was already prescribed in lithuania last year, how russian is this machine in your opinion, how much it can change the course of these two summits, because from in the end, the future of ukraine and the future of europe and the future of the world will probably depend on these two summits. yes,
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it is obvious that both events are very important for us, and we already know how russia, preparing for certain events, activates, how it uses its military and weapons, but when we are talking about war, in particular from our side, about defense against this brutal russian aggression, then first of all we have to talk about weapons, because what can we fight, what can we defend ourselves with, if we don't have weapons, that's why all these... e aid, which we have already mentioned today, is critically important, and it is very important to us that , right after the united states , our other partners also step up, and the things that we hear are now being actively discussed, and the transfer of additional patriots from other countries of the european union, so that it really was completed and implemented. we need to strengthen our air defense, we need more artillery shells in order to... you actively defend ourselves, we
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need high-quality fortifications so that our fighters can defend themselves properly, because we are not russia, we protect our fighters and in the first priority for our top military leadership should be the preservation of military life, we should fight with quality, high-quality new technologies, new developments, drones and everything else, you know, in us... in fact , relevant developments are taking place in the military-defense complex. i know that many high-quality manufacturers have appeared in the field of defense and industry, the question is money. therefore, the second issue, besides, of course, weapons, the financial issue, what we also said today, is very important that our international...
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partners do not stop financially, because they can help us purchase these weapons, similarly help for us to continue replenishing our state budget, after all let me remind you that all the fees that we as a country collect during the war from taxes, customs payments, everything goes to the defense of the state, to the payment of salaries to our military, to the purchase of ammunition and other related things. with defense, the other approximately 60% of the needs of our state budget every month are covered with the help of our international partners, that is, all pensions, salaries, state employees, doctors, teachers, the entire social sphere, cultural, infrastructure, all other things, all payments from state budget is carried out with the help of our financial partners, so it is obvious that in the complex...
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the weapons, the financial issue, and of course, the people on the battlefield, but here it is very important that the people who go to fight are properly provided for, are on. .. properly prepared, understood exactly where they were going, in what kind of troops and, accordingly, had proper training, these key things, it seems to me, are very important now, and on the part of our military leadership should be properly provided obviously that we must be very alert and prepared now, especially in time. preparations for these two summits. thank you, mrs. galina. mrs. irena, you had experience, a lot of experience of communicating with russian delegations when you were involved in settlement, peaceful settlement in donbas, and you know what
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the russian word is worth or not, so should we at all hope for after february 24, 2022 for some words, for some commitments, for what they promise there. in principle , everything is clear with this regime of putin and with them in general nothing to talk about? sergey, you and i have known each other for a long time, and you know my political position. all these years, i believe that membership in nato is fundamental for ukraine. and, unfortunately, we have lost a lot of time here, and i believe that this is even more important for us than eu membership. and unfortunately, for really, for there... two months before the summit, we don't have any positive signals yet about a possible signal there at the washington summit , and i believe that we don't really have this program either, like we had for membership ukraine in the eu, a clear plan, homework, which
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we had to do in order to get candidate status, our diplomatic service there did not develop such a plan either. did not suggest to the country and partners that we move more actively in this direction. i believe that now all government institutions need to focus on preparations for the nato summit, on, sorry, dialogue with our partners, so that ukraine still receives this signal, this is the first thing. second, with russia, it understands only power, and you know, today we need to speak more actively about the illegitimacy of putin, because the world has forgotten that this is putin illegitimate, i'm sorry, he was elected not... just in an undemocratic way, and not just in the occupied territories, but in fact on the bones of ukrainians, in mariupol, in other occupied cities, and he cannot be considered a legitimate president, if the west is not admits lukashenka, and why does he recognize putin, only because it is a nuclear state, we are not finalizing here, i believe that this is also our
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homework, but we have blocked inter-parliamentary diplomacy, and we could do more together. you said that correctly today there is a consensus regarding... the impossibility of holding elections during martial law, because they will not be democratic. this consensus was reached, by the way, by the leaders of the parliamentary factions. we signed this document, although it is, well, this document is not simple, but among the points, in addition to not holding elections, because they must be democratic and already post-war, there are other points, this is inter-parliamentary diplomacy, this is freedom of speech, and excuse me , there have been no steps in this direction for six months, and today we should be talking about supporting the authorities, the issue is not only in legitimacy, but in the fact that the government should feel the society, i would highly recommend the government to strengthen communication with the society, if you talk to the society, no russian ipso is possible, you need to be with the society, 30 seconds on
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the air, and that's it i believe that these steps would be very important for today, as our homework, thank you ms. iryna, iryna gerashchenko, oleksandr. merezhko, halyna vasylchenko, were guests of our program today. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in program i would like to remind you that during this broadcast we conducted a survey and asked you whether you watch the telethon only news, we mean not while watching the espresso tv channel, but in general. so 17% yes, 83% no, these are the results of a tv poll and almost identical on youtube. 14% yes, 86% - no. friends, this was a verdict program about. serhii rudenko, take care of your loved ones, we will meet tomorrow at 20:00, goodbye, there are discounts on eurofast
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speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. leaders who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day to come and also distinguished guests. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl winter's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. enemy attacks, the enemy hit 10 dnipro and kharkiv at night, explosions again in kharkiv, literally in a moment we will find out what happened there. britain allocates huge amounts of money for ukraine, and it has a senate vote for aid for ukraine. today, actually during our time. perhaps it will happen, referring to the vote in the united states senate. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zamai and we are starting over the next hour and 45 minutes. i and my colleagues are with you, and you, i hope, with us, and our audience, i hope, will grow again. we announce a new collection. espresso is calling for donations for the collection of ammunition for the 65th separate mechanized brigade. she serves in the zaporozhye direction, where she is now quite hot we have a request. from our soldiers for specific types of ammunition, they are very much waiting for help from us, not that
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in the near future, but just now. the battles are fought in hellish, really hellish conditions, so things must be modern, high-quality and meet the needs, that is, they must protect and help our soldiers to fight. we believe that with joint efforts we will quickly close this collection, our goal is uah 100,000. we will collect it, i believe, in a few days, but i just know that we will do it, we ... almost collected, by the way, the 2 million that we used to collect, now we are transferring this collection, but it also continues, well, now we urgently need to collect 100 hryvnias for our glorious soldiers from the 65th ombr. let's do it, close the issue, the soldiers need it now, there are many requests, but i know for sure that both we and you, we will not stop, we will continue to do it. well, now we will talk about kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, bohdanka. deputy of the kharkiv district council, mr. bohdan, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, but i
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didn’t even have time to read about the consequences, literally 10 minutes ago i read about the explosions in kharkiv, what happened from what is known and what can be said, let's start with the very last, very last attack of the enemy on the city, in the afternoon there was an attack by kabom, and in the evening they write about ballistics , but our leaders do not provide information. i could not confirm from any sources what exactly, but the warning was about ballistics from the direction of luhansk, from the direction of luhansk from the luhansk region, therefore... the consequences are also not reported, just a minute ago i tried to find out, but there is still no information, because they write that the strike was struck at approximately 156 in the evening, the fact that now it is an attack by kabo in the saltiv district in a private building, a car was damaged there, more than a dozen were broken, well,
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more than a dozen private houses were damaged , that is, such a... situation, in general, during the day, well, probably eight or nine times the alarm sounded, a warning, before the very broadcast, there was another alarm, that is, the whole day such a tense situation in the city, it is felt, there are attacks, but well, they are still on at the moment they are not significant, we will not say so, we did not receive any blows in the city center or something else.' so far this is the situation, well , there was an attack yesterday, if i'm not mistaken, now the days are so confused, in my opinion, it was yesterday, an attack on the tv tower, and the enemy managed to hit the tv transmission center, these metal structures, and if possible about the consequences, i know that the mayor of kharkiv
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told whether this affected the spread of the signal on... the possibility for tv viewers to receive this signal first of all, please tell me more, again, from what can be said, well, of course, it was visible from the video, i think that the enemies have their information there, which they needed, well, they collected it somewhere, maybe they didn’t collect it somewhere, i don’t know how they got there it works, but in any case, let's talk in general about the quality, first of all, of providing information, the acceptance of television information for the residents of kharkiv, kharkiv oblast, and how it works, please. well, the digital content that was transmitted had more influence on, say, the region, the city almost not, because the city kharkiv is covered by cable tv, trialan, volya, other operators that provide both the internet and cable tv, for example, you can watch espresso in kharkiv on
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the cable tv network, yes, now about others, even the settlement. even before the full-scale war, many houses switched to satellite dishes and have such access there, so to have a significant effect, as terikhov said, on the availability of information there, on politics, well , it is difficult here, radio stations work, they are almost all on the air, they are often turned off , you know when the electricity is turned off and the towers are de-energized, then the number of radio stations decreases. accordingly, yes, cable television, as i already said, works, the internet is quite powerful, it works normally, ah, people get information, it’s youtube, it’s telegram, of course, well, you have to admit that telegram channels are very powerful in kharkiv and not throughout ukraine, they provide a large, large amount of information, it comes from them and they are the first to provide it, so by
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and large, let's say that people do not get from some general picture of what is happening in kharkiv, ukraine. this is not happening, but i still wanted to go to kharkiv, but the important information was that kharkiv region, of course, we understand the situation with energy, with electricity, first of all, 300 generators have now been handed over to kharkiv region, well, this is important, is it the help of western partners, or is it possible that other regions of ukraine, with which kharkiv and kharkiv region have partnerships, are somehow involved, those who can now... put money have the opportunity and what the needs are in general, because we understand that in winter, it is unlikely that anything will significantly change in quality plan regarding the supply of electricity, the generation, first of all , of electricity there, thermal energy, so generators will definitely be needed in even greater quantities, so how many are 300
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generators, what are the prospects for supplying them to the city and the region as well? well , look, we are of course grateful to all the regions of ukraine that joined in helping kharkiv and the kharkiv region, here it looks a bit like this, as you know, the administration gave the order from the president's office, and they searched there, found it and got it here in kharkiv, of course, they held an informational photo meeting there with our oleg sinegum , the head of the administration, that is, it is happening, even the sumy region seemed... it is borderland, it is suffering, and nevertheless they found several dozen generators there, and brought something else to kharkiv, that is, it is necessary, of course, especially what concerns... say, smaller settlements of villages, where there is one electricity supply line, it is damaged and there simply is no alternative in the village, so
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it is very necessary, well, these are such small generators, one of them is powerful, they wrote enough there, it can provide some microdistrict there, as they said, but well, it is important, we are grateful for it, what concerns globally, well, for now these the plans are not disclosed, we do know what we are going to do... about gas generators such as mini-boiler plants that will be installed around the city, how they will be connected by neighborhoods, houses, blocks, all this is not disclosed yet, the process is very active, and we hope that the delegations that came to us are there representatives of the embassies of denmark, sweden, france, germany, they all, you know, take this issue to heart and practically ask what you need, spare parts for the tanks that they have frozen. do not work in europe, there are quite a lot of them there, there are coal plants there or something else, they are ready to transfer this equipment, yes, the same substations, gas,
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generator, or some other options, or powerful, well, powerful diesel generators, this is all being discussed, i i hope that there will be deliveries, not just conversations, and very briefly, mr. bohdan, i just have time spey, but i can't help but ask this question, very briefly, the information was released today. the mayor of the city, how many people live in kharkiv now and how to comment on this number? well, the mayor stated that there are more than a million constantly, he stated several times during the last year that there are residents in kharkiv, i cannot be responsible for the accuracy of these figures, maybe there are fewer than those people, maybe it is approximately so, but visually i see that we have a bridge quite a lot of cars are working, that is, transport is working, there are many people, supermarkets, that is, life is not as usual stormy as it was before the 22nd year,
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before the attack, but still, the city lives so more or less full of life, thank you very much, mr. bohdan, take care, hold on, and we will watch again according to the information that there were explosions in kharkiv, bohdan kachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, at 1:60, as mr. bohdan said, there were... strikes on kharkiv, there is no information yet, they were talking about ballistics from the direction of in the direction of luhansk oblast, well, this is an area bordering kharkiv oblast region, closer to russia, luhansk region, kharkiv region, and we will monitor as soon as the information appears, when it is official, again information, we will announce the consequences of the enemy attack on kharkiv, and the arrivals were recorded somewhere about an hour ago, and on we go, on with us... dnipro, the enemy also attacked dnipropetrovsk oblast, danylo miro, deputy of the dnipro city council. i congratulate you, mr. danilo. greetings, good evening. well, actually,
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the enemy hit the outskirts of the dnipro, from what i found about enemy attacks, it was about four people who were injured. maybe you have more information, how the day went today, what the situation is like now, because there were new arrivals in kharkiv just a few hours ago, but the situation is changing. very quickly, maybe, god forbid, something like this happened in the dnipro, please, yes, in fact , the dynamics are really like this very, very quickly, everything changes very quickly, events switch very quickly, well, i will tell you that until today's strike on the day, on the day before , a reconnaissance uav was shot down, which i think was looking closely at what, where and how, and after that there was a rocket attack, which is what we have... four people, three men and one woman, they went to the hospital, and in principle, such
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injuries are considered to be of medium severity, so you know, you can't say here that it's a calm day, but , what do we have, what do we have, well, the firemen have already tamed it, the buildings there caught fire, the firemen have already extinguished it. and at the moment, in principle, we are concerned about the health of four people, in principle there are young guys and a man and a woman. well, maybe you have more information about the region, because of course, we do it every day we read about the arrivals in the nikopol community, nikopol region, there is marganets, other settlements that are located on the coast of the right bank of the dnieper, from the left bank of what used to be the kokhov reservoir, the enemy is constantly flying in, maybe there is some new one. yes, of course, it is very close, so of course, there are always spilled nitrons flying in there, but
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luckily today. in principle, it is too early to say, because the day is still in full swing, so fortunately today it was quieter in these communities, and it is usual there all the time also because of what flies artillery, due to the fact that everyone who is, how to say, you know, who has gone out of his way, can get away with anything, and in principle they don't care where people live there, what they will do to people, or purely psychological. and physical pressure, because there, in principle, where people could be resettled, people are resettled, because the chaotic impact that takes place in them simply destroys buildings, destroys farms, and fortunately there it is very rare for people to have trauma , because i say once again that very many people have been displaced, and if someone and somewhere got into it, you know, it's a coincidence of circumstances, and by the way, regarding the destruction.
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displaced by the fact that help is needed, even in such simple things as sorting rubble, i read a story that in kryvyi rih they awarded a schoolboy who, after classes, went to sort out the rubble of a house that would have been hit, well, by the enemy's means, i don't know there , whether it was a racket, whether it was a projectile, whether it was a rocket, whatever it was, but this is indicative, yes, when a child, a schoolboy, after classes, he goes to the wrong place for some club, no... no to engage in some kind of leisure, and he goes, and dismantles the rubble, i just want to ask here how united the organized public is in rebuilding, defending, helping, analyzing how much the enemy succeeds or fails in morally and psychologically breaking people, or on the contrary all his attacks, they unite people, because this is important in wartime, you know that, maybe it sounds like pathetic words, but this example
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of this schoolboy is not pathos, especially since he, well... he does not owe anything to anyone, he is a schoolboy, he can walk go to clubs, watch movies, play gadgets at home, there is still something to do, but he is walking, he is sorting out the rubble, so it is important to him, maybe he has, i don’t know, maybe he has relatives at the front, i don’t know, but it is indicative, and this is not pathos, it is reality, yes, this, you know, this, let's say this, of course, that the times of war, and this is already, you know, probably few people in the world today can feel, and well, who can feel. such is what is happening today with our children, what is happening with our people, but really in our country i will speak very, very strongly for the dnipro, i will speak for kharkiv, because we communicate very closely with it and with the local authorities, we have this moment of, you know, mutual support very much, we even have such cases when there were recent arrivals and people
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are in such a hurry. to the destruction that they are stopped by both the police and the emergency workers, and they say that wait, because it is not excluded, the alarm is still going on, god forbid, now there will be another flight, and people are worried and not even that their relatives will be there or someone was at the front, it seems, you just already know that, so mutual aid is very, very embedded in us, of course, you know, because of such serious trials as the war, but it is very felt and very... visible, and in principle, i say, yes, even at such moments when there were they lost school teachers there, now housing, or a lot, but today i was in the hospital, there was this six-year-old boy, who lost both his mother and his grandparents, and was left alone, now they want to take him, the local and regional authorities want to take him into custody, to help him as much as possible, and everyone, everyone, when all this happens, very much
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the city is rallying, very strongly on... meetings are being held immediately, you know, what happened, a lot, i hear that they say, someone there is tired of gathering, or it is, we have, thank god, people have enough energy for this , and let's say like this, penny by penny, but they collected very powerful, from the fees you know, they collected uah 70,000 for a simple person there, teachers in the house, of course, that this house today will not replace this teacher, but this. .. i consider very very even moral, you know, strong support, that she is not alone, that she is in this trouble, no, no no one remains acute, and everyone helps, so i completely agree with you here, in principle, i am not at all surprised that this example that you told about the boy, we have such a moment at every door now, at every door and if we still have time, well , there is probably still a minute, there is a story i read today about a law enforcement officer in dnipro, who
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was kidnapped during a seizure.


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