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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 3, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the, the business dw news line from berlin, the west president condense recent pro palestinian demonstrations, swept across college campuses in the united states. there's the right to protest and not the right to cause chaos. joe biden urges demonstrators to avoid violence after police raid a protest camp and use l a and make more than $100.00 arrests. also coming up on the program, the country of georgia sees another night of mass protests against a law, as i could undermine the country's hopes, of joining the european union. thousands block roadways in the capital as the un, or just lawmakers to withdraw the bill. and even cheaper, so
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a fund to 9 offers living on a 1000000000 euro aid package, helps them the flow of searing migrants into europe. the i'm here until berlin, thank you very much for joining us in the united states. president biden says he will be sending in the national guard to deal with a wave of student led protests against israel's war against from us. fighting says demonstrators have the right to protest peacefully, but not to cause chaos. cruise have been cleaning up at the university of california as los angeles sites, hours after police remove barricades and begin dismantling a pro palestinian protest camp in the early hours of thursday. officers arrested dozens of demonstrators in the pre dawn range after protesters to find orders to leave. as more than 2000 people have been arrested on university and college
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campuses across the u. s. in the last 2 weeks alone. the oldest son was it even risen. police moved into ted down the barricades. stun grenades rang out and the smoke filled the as offices pools. the protest is backed up to several 100 defied orders to leave the area. once through the defense is the police that was destroying the 10 students being come down to in the days and making a rent on the demonstrators watch record is a company called and told it offices for this low response to an attack by pro israel counter protest. as the night before, the for them to come out the next night to remove somebody, cameron, after they build absolutely no obligation or duty protects. first night. it doesn't
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make any sense, but i'm not surprised. the camp at the university of california is los angeles campus is just one of dozens that have sprung up across the u. s. students have been demanding that university said the financial times with companies linked to israel, and it's more efforts. the critics have accused the pro palestinian activists of intimidation and anti semitism. president biden has no wait in defending the right to a peaceful protest, but accusing to demonstrate is of causing chaos. we are not in the far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send the american people are heard in fact peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to the consequential issues. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education right
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to getting a degree. right to walk across campus safely without fear of being attacked. authorities say, oh, that has now being restored. you see a le, with over a 100 protesters, arrested police remain stationed at the scene to stop anyone trying to come back to rebuild the encampment. category to visit him is a correspondent for germany's public broadcaster. she has the latest now from the use, the only campus in los angeles. what, what do we clearly see is there is not the account anymore. i'm actually just texas took place yesterday evening. police called the protests as to disperse, which they didn't do. and that basically led to a lot of address, 210, a residence hall. and that's what's in the lapd set to date. and no, actually it throughout the day there was just a big clean up movement. and so actually all the tents are gone. everything is gone,
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so basically nothing really leads to assumption. there was a protest kemp and the police seems to be remaining here on the use of like campus also courses to students country to go back to studying even tomorrow. there's the open question. if campus life is going back to donald flor, it has maybe to wait until next week. now you're on hand for the police action. and there has been some suggestions that the demonstrators were actually infiltrated by outside groups. what exactly did you see? well actually we saw a lot of different groups that way. of course the students were protesting in these kinds of programs didn't. students were protesting and there is this group that came in on tuesday nights to wednesday. and there is this open questions. no movies, educated square, who basically tech to come. that's what all the students told us here. it is unclear right now. if this was like a student,
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let's pro is right and the demonstration if these were outside or there is actually an investigation going on from atlanta to the but also from the campus. because there's also been accusations to the campus to the faculty that they have responded way too late to a basic needs course at the protest and to try to not not to get the violence. oh, go ahead as it was. so we have 15, at least 15 people who were wounded one person probably. and going to the hospital . these actually, um, it varies from who you asked the protesters or it's police. but basically there's a lot of open questions still um, an investigation discovery going on. and of course, those open questions are having a so political effects as well. this is ramping up the pressure on president biden . so tell us just how much pressure is the was president currently facing because of these protests? well, the 1st thing is of course because of the elections,
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he wants the young voters he wants to voice of the young borders because they are very, very upset with the politics of joe biden. they're calling out to israel politics. but as he collect the said, clearly in a press conference just today is that this protest will have no effect on the israel upon it takes the far, but still the pressure remains on president biden. for old, all the campuses here in the united states. what are, who are facing protests there? still some enhancements of maybe not here and you feel a but still a lot of different universities groups california and the east coast especially. and we will see i and the pressure will remain on the president by the right. that was journalist got to think of it, him in los angeles, thank you very much for your reporting and in the mid east. some also said it will send another delegation to cairo for more cease fire talks that says the pals and milton group continues to study and injection proposal to end the fighting and gaza. israel's war cabinet has also been
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meeting to discuss the true steel, as well as plans for a ground offensive on the southern guns in the city of roof. as those negotiations continue, the humidity or installation in the gaza strip remains dire. even as more aid has entered the besieged territory and recent days, it is continuing to trickle into the strip by air drops while on wednesday is real . reopened the only border crossing to northern garza for aid the mediterranean groups had been urging israel. it is rambling authorities to let supplies enter via the air is crossing for months now. the wind has warmed repeatedly. these guys are desperately short of food and other. a central supplies with northern garza, in particular on the brink of famine, produced surgeon and colleagues was, has just returned from a trip to gauze where he was working with emergency medical teams from the international rescue committee and medical aid for palestinians. we asked him
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earlier why he left his practice in london to head into a war zone of the pictures that we will. so the, i think the suffering that we see on tv and be touch stories about where grateful i . i've been going to gaza for a number of years as a chair of an educational jackie that works with the medical schools in, in palestine overall. and the, this, when this happened, katie, there was a bigger tool. i took my annual leave from work and decided to go for a couple of weeks in december, january, and then went again back in april. i think when you go that you realize what the need is. it's huge and, and anything that i can do and may or my colleagues feel the same way. we would be more than happy to provide. there's a brief look now and some other stories making headlines around the world. turkey is suspending all trade with israel and congress as the measures will be in place. and so is real allows an uninterrupted and sufficient flow of age into gauze. and israel's foreign minister responded by accusing turkish president rich of type air
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to one of breaking trade agreements is rarely cast, posted on social media, same quote. this is how the dictator behaves. at least 29 people have been killed in floods, triggered by heavy rains in southern brazil. around 60 people are still missing in thousands have been displaced. local authorities in the state of rio grande to so declared a state of emergency moscow court has extend the free trial detention of a russian play right in the theater director in your bakovich and 5th line to be 3 chalk are facing charges of justifying terrorism. the accusations relate to their 2021 play per frame. russian women were worked into marriage by proponents of radical islam and syria. the parent of already spent a year in detention tens of thousands of people have returned to the streets of the georgia and capital to protest against a controversial for an agents law. as demonstrators black streaks of lucy,
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a day after pounding approved a 2nd reading of the bill, it requires organizations receiving more than 20 percent of funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence. a point and say it's a similar to a law used in russia. this island government critics, they're the ones human rights chief has earned georgian lawmakers to withdraw the legislation and the senior. you officially send that the bill would be coming obstacle to you membership for georgia, but the w corresponded maria kind of much the reason to believe since the government doesn't seem to care it doesn't seem that it cares actually. uh, as, as i saw there is a rising anti watson graphic in general. uh so, um, the international price is there, the west has condemned. uh, the uh, the circle for an agent. they'll ad urge the government to drop it by the government doesn't as a side, doesn't show any sign of intending to do so. the parts of india have
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experienced the hottest april on record as the country is scorched by a heat wave. indians are braving the ceiling 8 to vote in the country general election. but there are concerns that are rising temperatures may put people off loading at all india and it's ongoing elections off feeling the heat, water for hydration. umbrella for state. here in india is capital valley. it's not all that bad, but of course you can see what's an ice cream then does every with 10 projects. yeah. still below 40 degrees celsius. but in the country, south and east. the moment has a tough thing at 45 degrees, and use outlets have even reported about several just due to heat strokes. it's also affecting polling here in west and my restaurant tends west the top to provide shade to both as, as they went to the ballots. good to me so everyone feels very hot indeed and the sunlight is very strong. they've heard it. but despite the harsh conditions, we are coming to vote with it. then people are getting dehydrated to what they must
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still show up. but i know, you know, it's also hitting campaigning bod, last week, indian roads minister and it didn't get to the collapse during a public speech. ex, puts a worried about the increasing the unpredictable, whether be our shooting motto, untimely range. we are seeing lot more heat waves frequently to waves in different parts of the country. so there is a way to run to me lactic trend. now every new york is setting a new record, a new trend of that is what is seem to magic or the logic climate change that is happening. so cosby, property co consequences are going to be shipped the election commission of india is that the huge might this you 8 voters from turning up lots a numbers that your phone to task force to monitor the temperatures and to ensure safe conditions for voters compared to the last and with elections in 2019. so now it has dropped by roughly 3 percentage points in the 1st 2 phases of voting. that
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doesn't seem like much, but in the world's most populous country. this number is saw from insignificance, but he's as the only reason, holidays and the wedding season, i believe to across the tip as well. and there is a sense of fatigue among indian boats has as many belief prime minister under movies when is a fault. i'm confused actually do some voters that might be cooler air insights. the metro and lots of go department will likely noah and that student just in time for the upcoming podium day next week. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you at this hour. the wave of student demonstrations in the u. s. continued in the los angeles, were police choir cleared a pro palestinian protest camp at the university of california at los angeles prison and fighting, defended the students right to protest. but since they did not have the right to close costs chaos and you're up to date. but you stick around up. next we have a documentary about help results. leather industry is threatening local. reinforce,
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remember, you can always find much more news on our website. that's d, w dot com or follow us on social media ruling. thank you very much for joining us. the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the really indeed the snow on youtube the amazon is burning every day.