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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the, the news live from the that the us president condemns recent unrest as pro palestinian demonstrations. sweep across the college campuses. there's the right to protest and not the right to cause chaos to abide. just demonstrates is to avoid violence after police ready to protest count, but you see, and i, i make more than a 100 are also on the program. georgia seems another nice a mass protest against a little that could undermine hopes of joining the e u. thousands plus those rights in the capital s u n. g 's will make this to withdraw the bill. you change the funds to live and talk to us 11 on
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a 1000000000 bureau, a package to help stem the flow of syrian migrants into the feel. welcome to the program. police in the united states have cleared a pro palestinian and comments and arrested more than a 100 demonstrations of the university of california. los angeles office has moved in overnight and dismantled barricades following flashes between opposing groups of protesters violent sign on wednesday. after a group of people, some of whom caring is raving flags attack to pro palestinian county where people have been demonstrating against israel's actions in cost. us president joe by condemned the unrest. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education right
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to get a degree right to walk across campus safely without fear being attacked. let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for enter semitism, or threats of violence against jewish students. there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether to add assignments as a, from a phobia or discrimination against arab americans are promised. indeed, americans simply wrong. there's no place for racism in america. journalist a, sol gonzalez was i've been, you see on a campus in the early hours of thursday morning and joins us now from los angeles. a welcome soul. what did you say? well, i saw through the day yesterday, students trying to fortify the encampment by putting up outdoor furniture, pieces of wood, a plywood and all in preparation for some sort of incursion by law enforcement. and that's what happened in the very early morning hours of the day in los angeles,
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where a number of law enforcement personnel slipped through the through the cabinet and basically told people they had to leave. and when i return to campus very early this morning, they were involved with the clean up operations. and you still saw though isolated groups of protesters. i'm still going tote is tosto, confronting police officers from a variety of police agents. and you had a lot of shooting off of these, a concussion grenades that were happening, a swinging of police nightsticks ad protesters. i didn't see any police officer make contact with the protester, but the emotions were still very, very high this morning on campus. yep. and suggestions that and you said i and in new york that said demonstrations were infiltrated by outside groups. i'm did you see any evidence of that? oh sure. what do you call them outside groups or people who just wanted to show up as individuals to show support for the students? absolutely, i saw a number of people, some of them who i know from their activism in los angeles,
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who showed up to bring supplies to, to join the in cabinet, to offer encouragement. i don't know if these are kind of professional activist, some though are you are close to that or people who just felt the call to come and be part of this. i met, you know, a alumni from u. c l, a. faculty members. people who live in the city who wanted to join to, to show their support. and of course that were, it was a much smaller number last evening. but there were also counter protestors who were there to show their support for israel and for israel's war and gaza. you with that i to use and i, during the south africa, i be antea pod types of protests against south africa a back in the 19 the ages of how do you think these demonstrations compact to those i was just to show my age. i was, was indeed there, i must say these demonstration seeing much more intense and they were much more about yes, the issue at hand,
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the word gosh. and israel's actions. but they seem to further further into a whole host of other issues and time, imperialism, and colonialism. so social justice issues more widely of those protest back of 19 eighties against uh, very similar issues you know, to withdraw university of california money from corporations doing business in south africa. in that case, those protests, there weren't cabinets there as well. but there was a much more relaxed atmosphere. there was it, there were some arrests, but there was not quite this feeling of like, you know, we're going to more against campus authorities or against law enforcement. this had a much more of intense passion and feeling to it. i'm away from you. i you see i like um, what about demonstrations on other campuses in the area? oh yeah. let's recall all over los angeles all over california and campuses are large and small. they have been the same kind of protests, the same kind of the cabinets of san diego, los angeles, northern california,
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berkeley, and so on. so in the case of humboldt, a smaller campus in far northern california. there was a news earlier of the week that that people involved with that had been expelled from the campus. there was some arrest there. that was the only case where the protesters seem to occupy structures on campus to gain entry to them. that has not been the case in most other campus protests here in california where these are mostly been outdoor affairs, outdoor events. but yes, they're still going on. i know the regents of the university of california, these are and people in charge of setting policy for the you see system, they're going to be meeting tomorrow behind closed doors to talk about a unified response to these kind of protests at other you see schools and we have to remember, you see schools are enormous. they're, they're, they're kind of cities under themselves r i c l a is. so in any given day it has a about 50000 people on campus. good to here. thanks for that. talk history about the journalist, us all gonzales and ally. thank you. it's now how about i
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said that it will send another delegation to cairo for most the slide talks as the palestinian, the medicine group continues to study. i'm egyptian proposal to end the pricing in gaza. israel's world cabinets also have been amazing to discuss features as well as up plans for a ground defensive on the southern gauze and the city of rafa. we'll ask those negotiations continue the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip remains. dia even has more aid has entered the besieged territories and days. it is continuing to take that into the strip by ad drops on wednesday. israel be opened the border crossing into a northern garza for humanitarian groups that had been urging israel. the all star ceased to let supplies ends of vaudeville arrows crossing the months. he ran his board repeatedly the gospel so desperately short of food and of a central supplies, no goss in particular, on the print, off from it. but he says and found
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a dallas has just returned from gaza, where he was working with the emergency medical team from the international rescue committee and the medical aid for palestinians asking why he left his practice in london to head into a was a of the pictures that we will so the, i think the suffering that we see on tv and be touch stories about we're grateful i, i've been going to gaza for a number of years as a chair of an educational cherokee that works with the medical schools in, in palestine overall and the, this, when this happened, katie, there was a bigger tool. i took my annual leave from work and decided to go for a couple of weeks in december, january and then went again back in april. i think when you go that you realize what the need is, it's huge and, and anything that i can do and may or my colleagues feel the same way. we would be more than happy to provide. and so you're inside, but you're obviously, you've been watching and monitoring events closely. what you've seen on the
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television prepay for what you've actually experienced. no, not the tool you think the pictures are always a little bit sanitized. the real picture is very difficult to see. uh, lies or recorded. uh, we saw a lot of social media post about this, but also more than anything else exactly what people tell you when you go there. and the story is, who gets from talking to the patients that we have to deal with and their relatives as to what they're going through is certainly much worse and unexpected. and what did the time do you give us a, give us a, draw a sense of interest with this picture. and so the stories, particularly some patients i spoke to and their relatives were stories for example of trying to regain some dignity was on a battery getting some dignity. people wanted to go back to their homes that are inevitably in many cases, destroyed. one of the cases is of, of a young man who worked with us when i was the in april. he was our help, but he was, he would look off to our things in our room in the hospital because we stayed in
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the hospital for 24 while the whole, the whole time for 12 days. he went back to find his home and con, units of to these, ready for his left and was destroyed one morning could mean to say that his house, which he bought, that when he just before october was completely destroyed. stories of people traveling to pick up their belongings and tried to find out what's left of their homes and then being targeted and killed on their way journey on their way to, to the, to their homes. and we definitely receive them is patients, people who are sheltered in a schools who happened to be in the school and it was hits and we receive the whole family as, as, as casualties either dead or injured. i talked to people like the ones who look wrapping and bodies in the hospital of the dead. i spoke to the man who wrapped the bodies of the world. central kitchen stop who were killed only 2 days before we arrived. so the stories are a myriad of, with the tragedy and, and, and the stuff that you really don't come across in your normal life. according to
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the international rescue committee, only 12 of causes $36.00 hospitals that are even partially functioning. how did you decide where to go and how you could most make yourself useful? it's, it's uh, it was a very important point for us when we went in particular initiative in january, but also back in april as to where we would end up going. now it's a complex equation. the are are entering to guys that is determined by these ready authorities, but also by egypt. and then the palestinian housing industry will tell us where the most need is. but again, it's very much our movement is very much controlled by co got these very authorities as to where we can go and where we can, how we can move. and so our, our a most to go to a hospital which was in need of, of medical attention emergency medical teams, the alexa hospitalized we went to indelible in the center, had that need. there are teams that go to the other major hospital, the european hospital, and i would just add that though the numbers we talk about that being, you know,
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maybe 10 hospital to test those functioning. these are not really hospitals. these are what we would call in the u. k. clinics or perhaps glue or 5 general practice of surgeries. these are workers, hospitals are the only real hospitals that have a unit or 2. and so how do you carry out medical procedures and a, was that what happens when the bombs start dropping? do you have enough medical supplies to actually do your job properly? you adapt, do you have to adapt it? i think like any or situation one has to be very adapting and also learn from the local teams to tell us how they've been working for the last 6 or 7 months. so no, i did not have all the equipment that i normally have in my practice in the u. k. a, but i'm on the subject who deals with the abdomen. the gods, the chest. and i can make, do with things, don't have enough experience to be connected with things, but it is the idea that it's not as a consequence, all the patients that we had had chest into had, sorry, wound infections off to the surgery without exception. and these, when the prices are awful, they can affect your survival. but also we were using equipment that was designed
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for a single use equipment that was donated in some cases by uh, by other other teams that come in. and we were using them $1020.00 times. these are designed for single use and they were not being sterilized because it's sterilized ation facilities on not up to scratch and not working in the way they should do. and so when you go back, i hope i do, i might my a but as i said this to my colleagues is always leading i left with a heavy heart with you because i felt a lot of guilt leaving nothing. i can leave a leading them. i said i would come back, of course, but i really hope that i can back at the time when the ceasefire a permanent sci fi is in place. thank you for sharing your insights with us, but it's such a holler that was the reason return from god. thank you so much. immediately for suggest chucky has blocked or imports and exports to on from israel. israel's foreign ministers responded by accusing tucker's present wretched type on
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a breaking trade agreements. israel caught suppose to the statement on the social media network x say this is how a dictator behaves. disregarding the interests of the turkish people and businessman and ignoring international trade agreements. this accounts also said he'd be instructed officials to create alternatives to try with tech. there's a look at us the most doors making headlines around well. and these 13 people have been killed in floods, triggered by heavy rains in the southern brazilian states of your grandeur and to saw golden 20 is still missing and thousands have been displaced the harshest because i have in the state of emergency bavarian community, i know now has held a memorial service, such as ukrainian soldiers stepped to death last weekend. it may men were in germany for making penetration. police have detained the 57 year old fashioned citizen european commission president joseph on the line as an artist and economic
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package for lebanon ended, cutting a regular migration into the e. u. speaking in baby route, you said the, you provided a 1000000000 your i was in it including health of the timing levels board. as you know, meetings with prime minister and the team. the coffee was accompanied by the president of cyprus, cyprus, which is a e u. member states has been dealing with the shop increase in the number of syria refugees arriving by boat from level and has been loving the a you for months to extend a to level level 11 on east coast of oregon. $2000000.00 syrians of a half of who entered the country illegally of itself is in the middle of its worst economic crisis. and many, 11, the size of a high number of syrians in that country is making the situation was the deputy is very route bureau chief mohammed josh. i shall write a reports now and his wont at 70 was may find images in his report. distressing
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the fresh wave of fury at syrians and living on this time it looks much more serious. the recent mother of the little concussion party official, allegedly at the hands of the court jackson gang of the serial number and then it has to go fight. and then spend vitriol that syrians independent, including displaced, refugees, mohammed floods, war torn syria 10 years ago. now if you as being displaced again, this time from living on the model, we are afraid and barely sleep at night and above is ahead of us. every time someone knocks at the door and we fear that someone has come to attack us, do not. i'm unable to go to work or to the supermarket did after not lose. i can't leave home nonsense. and after that, i've been receiving threats, demanding. i leave the neighborhood within 5 days and it is where should i go to
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manage all? that's what comes to you, margaret. okay, so i can't go back to cereal box with him. i'm wanted and would it be immediately drafted into the military? i'm a clubhouse rec, oscar. none of buttons are, that's what i'm headed better for you. as opposed to old syrians and bows have moved. you must leave your shops and residences by friday at the latest. you've been warned for tens a few. assyrians have lived in this neighborhood together with the minis, mainly christians. but now the cdm and shops have been shut down. and many serious companies have left their rent as homes. if they took over our businesses and replace this, they come into 11 and illegally and are increasingly committed crimes and murders undermine move. hello. so the am i want them out in any way possible. i mean, i just want them out i a moment little they took our jobs and disrupted our lives.
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that the lecture to look the that the like higher. let the, i don't know those who have a legal status going to stay, but those are here illegally. should leave for the attacking them is not acceptable under pressure by independence. economy collapse and the country's political paralysis deal told her to use our, echoing the sentiments that does not political edge, the security closest and the police to family and strictly implemented lebanese low on the syrian refugees depend on host the great this number of refugees per capita of any country into what more than 2000000 students and live in on form 45 percent of the population. this would be equivalence of nearly 38000000 refugees in germany . and some 163000000 refugees in the united states of america. these sort of numbers are very significant in the context of depend on security and power shading months of the vast majority of the refugees are sunni muslims, that has been fueling fears of a huge demographic imbalance in
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a country with christians and muslims chair power equally in new jersey and of political unity waiver political parties are calling for the quotation of the syrian refugees, pushing many of them towards choices that is making udall very nervous. i'm not ahead of a long icon stay here against the width of the living. nice. mobile, honestly with down with i don't know what to do, but honestly the thing is i'm not that that i had going. i may try to leave for another country head or yeah, i'm on no bucks a month. i know i have no other choice, but has it go through in the go to migrant focus on, on the with on word migration, tweak it routes out to for each dangerous c journeys to you will only increase blood correspond intently. sholtes in brussels told me that how they use a package he's got to help let me know as well. this been under a lot of pressure from e u. member cyprus,
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to do something about the increasing number of syrian refugees that are making their way to cyprus. so cyprus says that in the 1st 3 months of this year, more than 2000 people arrived. whereas last year, over the same period that only saw $78.00 arrivals. so that's really been a big increase and in fact, cypress actually refused to process syrian asylum claims. now saying that it simply couldn't deal with a high number. and meanwhile, as nissan, mohammed's report 11 on his under extreme economic difficulty, it simply doesn't have the means to deal with, with hosting more people or stepping up border controls to stop them from leaving for europe. so it seemed to be just the right time that europe didn't have a choice, but to help loving on. meanwhile, of course, european elections are underway. campaigning is underway for the elections of june 6th through the 9th. so with migration at the top of voters issues list, this was also an opportune time for the european commission. and european
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commission chief versa, live underlying to show that she was doing something about stopping more people from coming to europe. so it was a combination of these factors that made now the right time for europe to announce this 1000000000 euro a package for 11 on. yeah. 1000000000 you're, i'm sounds like a lot of money. i'm how will it help level and what will i spend? you us uh, yeah, the you will uh, allow this money to be spent between now and 2027 and a lot of it will go to 11 on and it will help the education system that health care sector. it will help in reforms in the economic and banking sectors. but in truth 3 quarters of that, 1000000000 euros are going to work on the refugee crisis and not just and 11 on um, as, as we've been explaining, a lot of this money will go to helping keep those people in love and on and helping loving and deal with it, they want the,
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the use border control agency front techs to step up is cooperation with lebanon. again, to stop those people from ever leaving for the european union. so while it sounds like it's going to help 11 on 11 on very much needs that money, this is also going to help the european union. okay, thanks a lot. terry deputy shows in brussels as a georgia web, tens of thousands of people have returned to the straits of the capital to protest against the controversial foreign agent. so demonstrates as bluff streets into please say a daft to follow him and to prove the 2nd reading of the bill. the bill because organizations receiving more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence phone insights. similar to a law using brush it to silence government critics. you enter human rights chief as, as george, and will make us to withdraw the legislation. this is
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a most of my correspondence. i'm going to kind of bounce that into the leasing. welcome, maria. we've had reports of police are now using a gas and both a cannon. i'm one of you say well, we are currently actually at the freedom square in the capital city police. throughout the protests or blocking this trees, they've left the main road which is essentially connecting various histories of the city, living the capital city paralyzed. we've seen some detention by the police. however, there is no ride police with the water canada on side where we are sending. now we can see that the protest is very angry. they say they, they gonna protest until the government withdrawals. we've withdrawals really the, the law. however, isabel, sorry, i but the, the government that doesn't show any sign of, of considering doing it. so the professors told me that 6 really disappointed with
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the absence of the government, which they say will you re of them from you past and why a protest this so opposed to this? no more. yeah. because most of them see it as a ross and laura they have taunting now is a i'm not sure you can hear it now, but your time saying no to ross from the what. that's what they've been uh telling me also in private conversation. so they were telling me that they do not want to go back to rational, or they want to be part of europe as they seize the bill as a threats to their freedom to the democracy. especially given the comments that they are hearing from the lesson partners. they have very, very concerned that there could be uh, that the government is actually sending away from them. they're as him suspects
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this. tell us little that about the ruling party, that sponsor this bell, whom critics accused of being pro russia. is that really the case? we should look closer at the founder of the past. if it's in a business, really, who's the reach us manage georgia and he's a mass, he's a fortune, invest, say ninety's, and is believes to be pulling the strings behind behind the cousins here. what's interesting is the for us, at this moment, it's still closer also at his speech. and she said that the was essentially is responsible for the war in ukraine and for the war between russia and georgia in 2008. so he is chest size to was he said that the n g o sat russel's in washington are funding here in georgia. they're preparing the revolution in georgia. says this politician who is actually he doesn't have any
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formal position in the georgia and government, but he's very, very powerful man that protests to say he's responsible for the bill and for the back sliding from democracy in georgia. and we've, we've heard from the, a you that this bill would become an obstacle to a new membership for, for georgia. does this government care a briefly, if you wouldn't mind it doesn't seem that it can actually uh, as, as i saw, there is a rising anti watson rocks where we can general. uh so, um, the international price is there, the west has condemned. uh, the uh, the circle for an agent. they'll ad urge the government to drop it by the government doesn't as a side, doesn't show any sign of the time thing to do. so thank you for that, maria samantha into play. see, it's coming up next year on dw, i'll be back in just
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a moment to take you through the big stores of the day in the day to day looking at it while you're chat about what's going on in the solomon islands. and also a much closer look at to why universities are investing in israel courses become a big issue. and there was that process on us conversation. that's been the day in just a moment here on data of the
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mass. tourism is putting a strain on soft to roll and it's resident sedona. lights went viral, millions of wanted to visit the netscape world heritage side. now locals, one to re means a number of sites is a world heritage site in things to south to roll flight for a future in 45 minutes on d, w, the, the jeep music
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calling to be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible for her 9th and also may do is tennis. anita, last covered face the v was the nazis favorite, conduct the for tech to musicians who lives in the savannah office on the line was music to listen to the national search. the music of the arts with to be used as part of summative machine. assume about to sounds. i'm inspiring story about survival, things to music. french, the trailer today as well. because the only one i might have super lucky music
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under the sun. stars may 25th on another day, another us universe, the campus calling and police to deal with students agree with one side or the other in israel is war against time us in gaza as well as the faith 5. many of the protest as, according for the institutions to withdraw investments from israel. but why are universities making these investments in the 1st place? i'm feel go invalid and this is the day the seem pretty low.