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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from ballad doing right at u. c. l, a lease of all, most dismantled barricades that approve palestinian come at the university of california at los angeles offices have been messing that following classes between for testers, i'm counting for testers. and so coming up on the program, a deal for 11 non european commission president of left on the line off as a 1000000000 euro aid package talks over the syrian refugee crisis 11 on hosts. more than 2000000 syrians, many of whom wants to get a feeling the heat. so it says across india, brave scorching temperatures as they have those in the countries general elections
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that will, that he put some people off costing that balance. the money keeps making. i'm good to have you with us. protests heating off that universities across the united states, causing more confrontations with those services at the university of california at los angeles police have moved in and largely dismantled barricades following classes between protest isn't counted, protested the violence at this university broke house on wednesday. after a proof of people, some of whom were carrying is really flags attacks a pro palestinian cam, but people were taking a stand against israel's actions in goals and utilities. benjamin alvarez group is in new york and he told us more about the tensions on the u. c, l, a campus and all the universities across the us. the pictures that we are now
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seeing coming out of los angeles. as you mentioned, base a police that went in for many police departments, not just l, a p d, but also they got support from a other law enforcement agencies like another fornia highway patrol, a la cherry, it's a department a that seems that we have also seen in other cities in the us that we also saw in the dallas, texas a university of texas, also in other universities, also here in new york. but the scenes that are unfolding in los angeles after hours of increasing tension, with a huge, a police presence, a chopper over flying the air. and of course, it is a, b, l, a p d actually going into the in camera and, and having several, a rest of what we're hearing from a media. they are specially of a student led newspaper that it has been covering in the last couple of hours. what has been unfolding there on campus. let's rewind a little bit to the attack that you mentioned off and instigators. that's how you c
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l. a. call them that attack, this pro palestinian and camping. and after that lapd what's called onto campus. all the classes have been cancelled at the university of the big question will now be how this will unfold. and also what will happen on commencement is expected to have a bigger events with many universities here in the us. some of them with police presence as a university of columbia. here in new york, either still getting law enforcement new and conference being set up. so it's a pretty, a dynamic, a situation, and we expect it to find out more of how these, who these people where that happened, arrested. and also there were other arrests concerning the attacks on the, on being can men at its campus. a university in l. a. as close as what we were talking about that, but i mean in general, tensions, of spilling over on the day. you talked about the huge police presence and i like that we've just seen. it really doesn't look like things are going to come down any time soon. does it of the definitely not,
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and seeing this huge police increase and also seeing how students and also staff members cannot reach their offices kind of go into the campus that's it has implications for everyone, for holy communities independently and if they support and if they're to reject the actions that they seeing also, law enforcement is, is getting in there and that many things that unfortunately media is not always able to cover to, to have those access a to media, to have and also to be able to, to confirm what we hear from law enforcement tier in, in new york, or they may are speaking of outside agitators. but similar to what we've heard from you see a la on this pro just, but they have not still it provided any evidence to support the claim. and that's also very important when we look at the approaches and we look at those pictures to know exactly the information of how many of those who are being arrested on members of the community are students or faculty members. and those who just come there as, as instigators also to attack the law enforcement all the protests and those and
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captains benjamin, thanks so much for that as the w correspondent, benjamin alvarez group that reporting from new york is now 11 on a set to receive a 1000000000 euro aid package from the you to tackle on authorized migration speaking. and they rude the chief also from the law and said the block will provide the funding in return. so 11 on tie, sending it screwed at the skins. she's missing with prime minister. and then she mccarthy as well as nicole's christa, deleted the president of cyprus. cyprus has seen a shelf increase in syrian refugees arriving by boat from lebanon, and has lobbied the you for months to extend 8 to 11 on the 11 non host smaller than 2000000 syrians of a office who have entered the country. illegally 11 on itself is in the middle of its worst ever economic crisis. many 11, you say the high number of syrians in the country is making the situation worse. dw,
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use a root bureau, chief mohammed traits, a reports now, and a warning to of us. some of you may find images in this report. distressing. the fresh wave of fury at syrians and living on this time it looks much more serious. the recent mother of lucas, the cushion party official, allegedly at the hands of the court jackson gang of syria nationalists passed through goods violence and vitriol that syrians independent, including displaced, refugees, much sled war torrents to you 10 years ago. now if you as being displeased again this time from living on the bottom of the model government, we are afraid and barely sleep at night. and every time someone knocked at the door and we fear that someone has come to attack us, do not. i'm unable to go to work or to the supermarket did after not lose. i can't
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leave home monsters. and how does that? i've been receiving threats, demanding. i leave the neighborhood within 5 days. notice where should i go to manage all of what comes to you? i can't go back to the cereal box with him. i'm wanted and would be immediately drafted into the military. oscar. none of us, the better for you as our phone of the 2 old syrians and bows have moved. you must leave your shops and residences by friday at the latest. you've been warned. for tens, a few syrians have lived in this neighborhood together with the minis, mainly christians. but now the syrian run shops have been shut down. and many serious companies have left their rent as homes as well. i mean, they took over our businesses and replace this. they come into 11 and legally and are increasingly committing crimes and murders an online move. hello. somebody might want them out in any way possible. i mean, i just want them out,
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tyler moment, little they took our jobs and disrupted our lives that the lecture looked like how you like to live. i don't need those who have a legal status can stay, but those are here, illegally should leave. but attacking them is not acceptable under pressure by independence, economy collapse and the countries politically paralysis utilities are echoing the sentiments that gotten the political edge, the security forces, and the police to family, and strictly implemented lebanese low on the syrian refugees depend on hosts. the greatest number of properties per capita of any country into what more than $2000000.00 students in lebanon formed 45 percent of the population. this would be equivalence of nearly 38000000 refugees in germany. and some 163000000 refugees in the united states of america. the sort of numbers are very significant in the context of depend on security and power. shedding months of the vast majority of
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the refugees are sunni muslims. that has been viewing fears of a huge demographic in balance in a country with christians and muslims chad power. equally. the in the rear seat of political unity. why the political parties are calling for the quotation of syrian refugees pushing many of them towards choices that is making udall very nervous. a lot of had that a long icons stay here against the width of deliberate nice. my water should with down when i don't know what to do, but honestly the fun is i'm not that that i hate going. i may try to leave for another country head or yeah, i'm on the box. i'm. i know i have no other choice, but has it go through in the go to migrant. both support on the with on word migration completed routes out of reach the dangerous c journeys to you will only increase i off the w's mohammed to troy today who felt that report how the 1000000000 your
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a package will help living on. so this visit body site president and the commission not to be a problem to pave the way for more support from the in you in different forms including a fund of 1000000000 euros announced by a fund line for developing programs and to improve the balance of infrastructure, health care system and, and invitation all this is much needed in a country that has been facing the worst economic and financial crisis. and it's more than history for more than 4 years now. but additionally, the use commission announced that living and we get in more support in terms of logistics and equipment to help the use, the armed forces and coast guard to the control the voters and the shores of the bundle. and therefore, limits of the migrants, both sailing from the cypress and 2 other european countries. so let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world and the
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columbia and president, gustavo petro has announced his government is breaking diplomatic relations with israel. he described israel's will, against homeless as genocide. colombia has historically been one of his wells places, partners in less than america, but relations have cooled since the full member of the left wing um, through the group was elected president in 2022. i must get a quote, has extended the pre trial detention as a russian play, right? i'm see as a director ginia that co, that split that long enough for 3 choke facing charges of justifying terrorism. accusations relate to the 2021 play for training russian women who allude into marriage by proponents of radical islam and syria. the pat have already spent a year and attend demonstrates is gathered in the georgia and capital tbilisi for another nice process. now this helps to move make has approve the 2nd reading of
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a controversial foreign agents. know the bill requires media and civil groups that receive funding from abroad to register as being on the foreign influence. opponent say it's similar to a law used in russia to silence come present. parts of india have recorded the hottest april on record as a heat wave scorch as the country indians are braving the searing heat as they vote in the countries general election. but they're all grow and concerns with rising temperatures may put people off from going to the polls that will of india and its ongoing elections off feeling the heat water. so hydration umbrella associate here in india is capital valley. it's not all that bad, but of course you can see what's an ice cream then does every with 10 projects. yeah. still below 40 degrees celsius. but in the country, south and east. the moment has
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a tough thing at 45 degrees. and use outlets have even reported about several just due to heat stroke. it's also affecting polling here in less than my restaurant tends west the top to provide shade to both as, as they went to the pallets good to me. so everyone feels very hot indeed. and the sunlight is very strong. the product but does it by the harsh conditions we are coming to vote and then people are getting dehydrated to what they must still show up. but i know, you know, it's also hitting campaigning bod, last week, indian roads minister and it didn't get to the collapse during a public speech. ex, puts a worried about the increasing the unpredictable. whether we are seeing motor on time, the range, we are seeing lot more heat waves, frequently to waves in different parts of the country. so there is already around do me lactic trend. now every new york is setting a new record, a new trend of that is what is symptomatic of the logic climate change that is
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happening. so cosby, property co consequences are going to be shipped the election commission of india is that the heat might this you 8 voters from turning up in larger numbers. they are phone the task force to monitor the temperatures and to ensure safe conditions for voters compared to the last and when elections in 2019 both to so now it has dropped by roughly 3 percentage points in the 1st 2 phases of voting. that doesn't seem like much, but in the world's most populous country. this number is saw from insignificance, but he's the only reason. holidays and the wedding season, i believe, to across the tip as well. and there is a sense of fatigue among indian boats as, as many belief prime minister under movies. when is a fault, i'm confused actually do some photos that might be cooler air insights. the metro and lots of go department will likely low or not. so we just in time for the upcoming podium day next week and with that you are up to date coming up next, the documentary, looking at how mass tourism is threatening the you see of the dolomites of mountain
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range and the northern italy out money could submit kenneth, thanks so much for watching dw, the big burst into our is whenever they feel like you don't limit $1000.00 kind of for design and fashion and most of the pieces in the sky, many on, including the also how do they do it? the secret lives of the dogs may 22nd on dw, the .