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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this, the dw do's live different berlin more arrest here in germany, unsuspected spies for it's showing up. the latest is a staff member of the for a ride alternative for germany, part of the a, f, d. 3 others have been detained on similar charge. it's also coming up is real value depressed ahead with this plan defensive against wafaa in southern gaza. and that despite wines intentions with its allies and the british parliament, passing a controversial built into port asylum seekers to per one to prime minister existing the 1st whites with migrants we'll take off within week the
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i break off is good to have you with this we begin with more arrest here in germany on suspicion of spying for china. the latest a staff member of the far right alternative for germany party known as the a f. d. now the worker was an assistant to this man. maximilian cross. he is the of the top candidate hoping to win a seat in the european parliament in upcoming elections in june to man and a woman were also detained just hours earlier on similar charges. federal prosecutors say that the 3 set up front companies obtain research and technology that could be used to help the showing needs need the w security correspondence on the sparrow has the latest on this case. this latest espionage case undoubtedly is turning into a big political story into
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a big political controversy here in germany, but also into a story that could have wide ranging consequences from a security perspective already we've heard from very senior officials here in but in, including germany's interior minister nancy phase, i was stressed that if confirmed this would be an attack on european democracy from within. now the i, if the germany's far right party has been at the center of this latest controversy, they confirmed that the person who was detained was indeed an employee of maximilian con. maximilian caught himself stressing that he only heard of these uh, latest news from press report that he had nothing else to add. but that obviously if confirmed that will have specific consequences. and china also reacting to this . and to other cases of alleged spying, basically saying that those reports that, that to discredit china, this case is also particularly relevant brand,
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because it comes only hours off to several other people in an unrelated to case we're also detained here in germany for spying allegedly, for china, and on that particular case or not today's, but yesterday's case. i actually spoke exclusively to the head of germany's domestic intelligence agency. and this is what he had to say as good as this one on file. so this case is a particular significant screen. we are dealing with a case of proliferation, which also involves weapons new, have this no haul from, from this case shows that china is also active in germany. and that there are cases of proliferation. here here, 45 jones from the federal office. i was involved in the investigation at the very early stage of gaiety to visit me through me. once the investigation was clear, we were able to handle this case over to the police on the public prosecutor. somebody further information pertaining to the case will be released by the federal public prosecutor. so these and 5 become can came in. and tom is,
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it's not just showing that allegedly spying here in germany is it? so last week i understand we had 2 germans who were arrested, they're accused of spying for russia. so what's going on here, as there are differences, according to security officials, when you look at people who might be spying for china compared to people who might be spying for restaurant in the chinese k security with results of stress that china strategy, the could be long term could be wide ranging could be focused not only on political espionage, but also in trying to gather sensitive information from germany that could then be used by china, for economic purposes or for military purposes. when it comes to russia. on the other hand, security officials stress that the impacts could be much more short to basically also sabotage is something that was related to the case only a few days ago and sabotage specifically to affect, for example, gemini support towards ukraine when it comes to political support and the one hand,
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but also to military support. on the other hand, what both cases however, do have in common is that turning into very important cases. this yeah, for germany, security agents, any particular for japanese domestic intelligence agency, they have a specific task to look at these kinds of spine operations to see what kind of impact those could have here in the country. so it's not necessarily all new government authorities have been warning for quite some time that that could be an increase in spine cooperation is coming from countries such as russia or china. but these cases that we've heard in the last few days are turning really into very sensitive issues, both from a political perspective, but also from a security perspective as well. our security correspondence always buried with the latest here in berlin. thomas is always thank you. israel says that it is still planning and military offensive at the city of ross in southern gaza. and that's despite the fact that it has already withdrawn. many of its troops from the area
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allies including the united states. a warrant is really against mounting this operation. but it's really prime minister benjamin at yahoo says that it's necessary for the fight against him. offs of the air strikes on rasa seem for me is real, which is for months. so they would be followed up by a ground invasion. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has not softened his line and we will complete the illumination of how much brigades, including in rafa, there is no force in the world that will stop as well. but 6 months into the war is real now face of strong pressure from its main ally, the u. s. terrain in military operations and not to mount a full scale round invasion into rough. we're more than a 1000000 people live in close conditions. we have made clear to israel that we think a full scale military invasion of ross,
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of would have an enormously harmful effect on those civilians and that it would ultimately hurt israel's security is real, has 2 ways to route out how about a full scale ground campaign or a more targeted one, a full scale invasion would probably look like what is already happened in other parts of gaza in urban areas like con eunice and gaza city. further north from rafa for an air campaign combined with tanks and troops on the ground to potentially catastrophic cost to civilian israel has said it will evacuate civilians to elsewhere and gaza, but has given no specifics. this kind of ground evasion would further antagonize the u. s. which has conditioned future military support on how is real treat civilians in gaza. but israel has also shown it can mount targeted operations.
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earlier this month commandos recovered the body of a loud cats here who had been taken hostage on october 7th. these rates rely on precise intelligence rather than overwhelming fire power, which pass israel choose as may come down to politics in the us, president joe biden faces significant pressure from the left to restrain israel. while at home benjamin netanyahu faces the public that overwhelmingly wants to defeat from us once and for all. we have joined now by colonel market kenzie and he served over 3 decades in the us marine corps. he's now a senior advisor at the center for strategic and international studies in washington, dc curdle. it's good to have you. with this on this tuesday. we just start by asking you can, is real defeat homo awesome without entering russell you to that unfortunately is probably know there's been suggestions that they might surround
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the city and then use targeted attacks on identified a strong holes. but that will take a long time. these relief can't find the mall. how mouse has been very good about digging in and hiding. so if israel really wants to do what it says it wants to do that is destroy from us. unfortunately, they'll have to go in on the ground. and does that mean also accepting the fact that there will be thousands of thousands of civilians whose lives will be endangered for perhaps also his lives will be killed? unfortunately, that's what would happen. we've seen that happen in the other big cities guys, and con eunice would likely happen in rafa. and it's exacerbated by the fact that hamas is willing to use civilians as human shields to protect its military forces. use rarely use my try to move civilians out and be careful about that use of fire
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power. but if it goes in, there's no way to prevent large civilian law since we have reported now for, for quite some time. the is really prime minister announcing that and defensive in bravo is, is in the near future, but it still hasn't happened. what does that tell you then? the fact that there's a grow defense and still hasn't begun? well, it says 2 things. first, israel has been mopping up in central and northern gods up. it's also been distracted by things like these drones strikes missiles, strikes from iran and then the use really responds. so it hasn't really had a chance to focus on rasa. but it is true that right now doesn't look like these really are massing the forces they would need to capture the city. in fact, all this been happening for the last couple of weeks in gaza is what you might call
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skirmishing. most of the action has been l square and the fact that we haven't seen this offensive begin in rough. uh, what do you think that means for her boss? is it given a moss time to prepare for it and maybe try to re fortify its positions? well, it does, but mazda is had 20 years to fortify its position. so another couple of weeks is not going to make all a lot of difference. they probably are laying in weapons and munitions of these rigs are trying very hard to prevent any military supplies from getting in. mostly, i think the mouse is waiting and seeing what the use really is will do. we've also been infiltrating forces further north, getting them into caught you in this guy's a city is really is, are constantly skirmishing with sports. is that pop up so to speak. the
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height is really wide and you know, considering what we have seen in the last 6 months, would you say that the operations buying the idea? are we approaching a point when israel will be able to say with conviction that it has defeated him off, that it's on the road to the feeding him up? well, if the is really do, take rough up or do squeeze that, they can claim that they have defeated a mazda and it's an important distinction between defeated and destroyed, use rates of talk before about destroyed. but that's almost impossible to be enough of a mouse left that they can request to but the feet that is possible. so tough question though is okay. what happens after the is released finish with rafa you they occupied gaza, which they tried before, was very unsuccessful. they don't want to do it in the united states, certainly doesn't. what the as role is to do that,
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the ideal solution would be some sort of arab peacekeeping force. but eric countries don't want to take on that responsibility. they also don't want to be seen to be suppressing, i'm us. so the day after rafa is a question up in the air and we'll be talking about that a couple of weeks. yeah, i'm sure we'll be talking about that for quite some time to come back to me. sure. colonel mark dancing is always girl. it is good to have you on the program. good to get your analysis. thank you. thanks for having me on the show. well, several of us universities have closed off and campuses and switch to remote learning. as more students joined, protest camps against the board in gauze administrators. fearing that the citizens could in stoke and tie somebody to new york university warned students to leave before they called in police to arrest them. they have been living in 10 camps, setup on campus to protest israel's war in gaza. it's
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a movement that has been growing at universities across the us. now some institutions including this one in boston or restricting access to campus to deal with what is happening inside. we were following what was going on at columbia university and were very upset when 100 west columbia put out a call to action versus across the country to set up and cabins at their schools. so or more than 100 students were arrested last week at new york's columbia university for setting up what they called pro palestinian encampments. they were established just as the university's president faced law makers and the us congress big realtor about claims of growing anti semitism on campus. the university has now closed at stores and shifted to online learning. but some lawmakers say this
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isn't enough. every single one of these college and university presidents will refuse to take action should immediately resign in this phrase. i have never seen a more disgraceful act than what we are seeing on college campuses right now. the confrontation between students and administrators comes as pass over one of the jewish religions, most important holidays that underway. well, some students will take their classes online. many at the campus are staying put. they say for them, it's a matter of justice and free speech. or joining us now from washington is our correspondents benjamin alvarez. group of age, me good to see you. so these students be, these are large protests that are just popping up almost overnight. what do these
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students want? it's that's right. and more and more universities and colleges joining them, the students at columbia university in new york, we just saw the pictures that said that would keep the encampment that was set up last wednesday until the university divest from companies with ties a to israel lost their weekend and on sunday was they are not covered the so called gaza, so late already and temperament and sly as were being handed out, stating that this thing happened would remain until the university davis, all as finance as an editor requested by the university n y p. the police was called a to arrest them that led to only formal a campus, a demonstrations was seen. right. and how are we seeing these purchase still growing across the us? they are growing and not just at the universities where the encampments are still ongoing in columbia. for example, faculty members joining the students for
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a wall code yesterday morning. most schools are joining these approaches. we see that at n y, u and new york university of the university of michigan mit that's the massachusetts institute of technology jail. just to give you a few examples, this is a developing story, of course, with more than complements being set up, police making a risk like it and what you on monday night, and universities like columbia announcing that it's canceling in person classes over concerns about the safety of its students. ok so and the students are calling for divestment state vestments of, of or from is real. why those are these purchase? why are they so controversial beyond their as well the president of columbia university sat is that she was deeply saddened by the situation on campus. she said, and i quote, we cannot have one group dictate terms and attempt to disrupt important milestones like red ation to advance their point of view. that's after they set that they
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would also be there and keep with the approaches during an upcoming a graduation at the university. and even the white house also released a statement on sunday evening saying that while americans have indeed a right to protest the peacefully and have the rights to peaceful approaches, the calls for violence and physical intimidation, targeting jewish students, and the jewish community are blatantly emptied semitic unconscionable and dangerous saying that they have absolutely no place on any college campuses or anywhere on in the united states of america. and on the other side, we have a student organization, columbia students, for justin in palestine. they send out also a press release last week and saying that they are frustrated, but why they call is media distraction. focusing on inflammatory individuals who do not represent us. and they had it that they fairly rejected. is saying that any form page or biggest street bigotry, and they oppose it, and they stand against non students attempting to disrupt all solid aries. so we
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can expect the story to develop further. as we see more and more schools and colleges also joining these protests to like the university to divest it from firms in israel dw, as benjamin alvarez grew up with the latest from washington richmond. thank you. back here in europe, at least 5 people, including a child have died while attempting to cross the english channel from france to the u. k. hours earlier, the british parliament passed a controversial bill to was to send asylum seekers too for one to finish by mister ricci. soon consisting the 1st whites carrying margaret's will leave within weeks. but legal challenges to this legislation, or expect a desperate people making a desperate crossing migrants take rubber boats across the english channel, a 32 kilometer journey to seek asylum in the u. k. britain. this conservative government has made its plan to deport the asylum seekers to rwanda. the centerpiece of
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a policy intended to deter people from making the crossing. in april 2022, the home secretary struck a deal with the want. as for an minister to send people there, while their claims were being processed, a 6500 kilometer flight from britain to central africa. the u. k. has already invested over 200000000 euros in the plan. hotels and rolanda had been converted to lodgings for migrants, still sitting empty, as, as the plan soon ran into legal challenges. the 1st flight scheduled to depart a military air base in june 2022 was a boarded. u. k. supreme court ruled the scheme unconstitutional and seeing it could lead to human rights abuses that prompted the government to introduce a new bill, declaring that rwanda is a safe country, despite a history of mistreating migrants, the bill also orders you k courts to ignore the countries own human rights act, as well as international rules on refugees. the un human rights office wait in last
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month. the combined effects of this bill attempting to shield government action from found the legal scrutiny directed on the call to basic human rights principles . supplements comb with folks that international human rights and assign them related obligations. following legislation. we urge the u. k. government to take all necessary steps to ensure full compliance with the case international legal obligations. other critics say the plan isn't just on lawful and humane, but wasteful, and expensive to one government assessment says that removing an individual would cost $63000.00 pounds more than keeping them in the u. k. it's also unclear just how much of a deterrent effect the plan, whatever have. despite all that, there have been calls within the european union to adopt a similar scheme. eager to cut down on migration other countries the, the plan as a possible model. more than 2 years after the russian invasion of
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ukraine border areas are still coming under heavy showing a month ago, rush to begin bombing bombarding towns and villages in the see me region in northeastern ukraine using missiles and guided bogs, dw met with residence of a village called village is already of the silly regions 6 kilometers from the russian border. before the month varmints and march, $4000.00 people lived in the village of the league. peace carissa. now about $500.00 are left. the regional government says russian aircraft dropped nearly 200 guided bombs on the community over 2 weeks and march macola and his wife tomorrow stay to take care of their elderly parents in collaborative. what, what did they say for you? my father in law said i was born here, i'm going to die here and that's it. and i have to give him food. he can barely
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stand on his own feet that the police helped evacuate residents from villages near the border while local authorities organized evacuation buses. some villages are now completely empty. in the lake, a peace, grief local infrastructure was destroyed. the administration building the hospitals, schools, workers were just finishing repairs on the library when the showing started for the mobile. we have what we need project from ideas, but we didn't have time yet. we didn't have time to do it because now i think we've gone down and looked at that and we're going to store it again. for more russian air strikes could comment any time we asked the mayor of she is afraid to stay on and work here. sydney this is my house, this is my home. i'm not
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a free to told the story. this town about 50 kilometers from the russian border. now shelters evacuated, to tell harrowing stories of russian bombardments. this is so silly. see this of everything was flying from the sky or the one something happened to my ear . i have a noise in my head and cannot hear when explosions and really skating on data, but i didn't want to leave. i didn't want to put the last moment shelter. residents are supposed to move on to stay with relatives or find rental housing needs unclear when it will be safe for anyone to return home. you're ready and president abraham are you see is on a 3 day visit to pakistan. it's his 1st 4 in trip since iran launched air strikes against israel in retaliation for presumed his really strikes on damascus. it's
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a wrong wants to secure a regional support as tensions with israel continued to run. ha. yvonne in president ibrahim is that you see received a warm welcome and focused on race. these, these focused on as an important reached of a life and wants to strengthen, dies, volunteer shredded boost beto that our connection with the brotherly and friendly country of talk. this done to this is not limited to us being night is when we have historic relations party and we have deeply rooted faith related connections between now to country. and i'll give it the the basic also signal the do a reset in good relations. eon get it out in a straight on a buckets on the board. it down in january saying it was targeting militants. focused on responded good strikes on it. on the 3rd street by tracy's visit and to
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gets it on concept good is right, is changing the douglas and the fees of going west and hostility it on is looking to build a close alliance with its neighbor. as a neighbor with people largely support it on jump, getting the palestinian cause. ok, mostly mano group, but you and your country have taken a very strong and principled stand. don't guys of, of, of the barbarity and inhumane treatment that is being inflicted on muslims of gossip out of pocket on focused on also stands without palestinian brothers and sisters banner christine gossip pockets. don has been going through a political and economic crisis. it needs western allies, but also hopes to expand g died speed on which has been limited by us sentients. are you watching the w news?
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i'll be back in the top of the hour with more world news. i have to see you then the
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