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tv   Trump Trial Today  CNN  April 23, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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where she spent nearly 300 days. he or she is in a brand new interview with abc news i was just so scared for everything because there's just so much i no, soap, no toilet paper that would the moment rather is still less than a human didn't think i could get through what i needed to get through. griner was detained in february 2022 and russia sentenced to nine years under drug smuggling charges. she was released ten months later in a prisoner swap. griner's coming out with a memoir detailing her experience next month ahead of her 11th season in the wnba. you can follow me on facebook, instagram, threads, x, formerly known as twitter& on the tiktok edge to edge jake tapper, you can also follow the show on x at the lead cnn, if you ever miss an episode or lead, you can listen to the show all two hours chris once you get your podcasts, are coverage continues now with one mr. wolf blitzer in a place i'd like to call the situation room. >> i will see you tomorrow.
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>> thanks for watching. >> breaking news tonight explosively, testimony in the trump trial. >> after heating clashes between the judge and the former president's lawyer for the next, hour we'll take you inside the courtroom from gavel to gavel as the historic hush money criminal case unfolds, tabloid executive david pecker has wrapped up a second day on the stand as we're awaiting the judge's ruling on whether trump violated his gag order are reporters and experts are standing by to break down all of today's most important developments and look ahead to what's next welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer with a special report in the situation room, the trump trial today in
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our trial coverage tonight, former national enquirer executive, david pecker, details his efforts to quote, catch and kill negative stories about donald trump with the express goal of helping trump's first presidential campaign. the testimony getting to the heart of the prosecution's argument that trump illegally conspired to influence the 2016 election cnn's kara scannell has all or breaking news from inside the courtroom explosive witness testimony from a tablet executive in former president donald trump's hush money trial on tuesday x national enquirer publisher david pecker described acting as the eyes and ears of trump's 2016 campaign notifying trump's attorney, michael cohen about any negatives stories to help get them killed in the leadup to the election pecker is a key player involved in the crux of
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the prosecution's case and alleged scheme to pay off adult film star stormy daniels to cover up her alleged affair with trump to influence the 2016 election questioning centered on an august 2015 meeting between pecker cohen and trump, where the alleged conspiracy was hatched. >> pecker who ran the national enquirer testified that after meeting, i said what i would do is i would run or publish positive stories about mr. trump and i would publish negative stories about his opponents he additionally offered if i hear anything negative about yourself or if i hear anything about women selling stories, i would notify michael cohen as i did over the last several years. and michael cohen, then he would be able to have them killed another magazine or have them not published, or somebody would have to purchase them trump stared at pecker as he described, the 25-minute meeting, but he did not react. pecker said after the meeting, he told the enquirer's editor in chief about the mutually beneficial agreement. he said, we're going to try to help the
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campaign and to do that, i want to keep this as quiet as possible. joshua steinglass then asked pecker about a specific catch-and-kill incident where a negative trump's story was bought and buried. pecker testified he found trump's doorman was selling a story that he fathered a child with someone other than his wife, and he immediately alerted cohen pecker said his colleague negotiated a purchase. the story for $30,000. and when he called cohen to tell them, cohen responded, the boss would be very pleased even though the allegation was disproven. he testified i made the decision to purchase the story because of the potential embarrassment it would have to the campaign. and mr. trump steinglass also asked pecker about another catch and kill scheme, buying former playboy model karen mcdougal story about an alleged year long relationship with trump. pecker described a phone call he had with trump after his colleague interviewed mcdougal, pecker said, i told him, i think you should buy it and trump responded saying, anytime you do anything like this, it always gets out he
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said he would think about it and pecker would hear from cohen, trump denies having an affair with mcdougal the morning started with a contentious hearing to determine if trump violated a gag order, not to talk about jurors or witnesses after he did so in social media posts, almost a dozen times which to me is totally constitutional. >> trump's lawyer, todd blanche said the order was not clear about reposts, and he tried to argue that the former president was actually trying to comply with the order. judge juan merchan exasperated with blanche's argument, scolded him and said, you're losing all credibility with the court now, the judge has not ruled yet on whether donald trump violated the gag order in this case, there's no court tomorrow, but court is back in session on thursday. david pecker will be back on the witness stand and he is expected to continue to testify about this pattern of hush-money payments, including the one hundred $30,000 payment
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made to stormy daniels? that's at the center of this meeting involving donald trump, michael cohen, and david pecker is certainly central to the prosecution's case against trump. and it's a claim of a criminal conspiracy cnn legal analyst joey jackson is taking a closer look, force. joey, let's dive into the so-called agreement among friends. that was what they called it an agreement among friends that david pecker testified about? >> yeah. without question, wolf and so looking at this, we're looking at the prosecution's case. remember, the theory and you noted it conspiracy and cover-up let's take you into what that looks like. this is the august 2015 meeting& for conspiracy not that that's what's charge, but that's the essence of the claim that donald trump was the ring leader of this conspiracy of these people to bring together this election interference leading to the fraud and leading to the intent. now what do we have here at the meeting?
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well, what we have is we have packer, we have tropic, we have michael cohen. these are the participants, catch and kill is born. why? >> because the intention with respect to what they're going to do, they're going to catch these stories by paying for them. >> they're going to kill them by suppressing them. they own the rights. and as a result of that, they could get rid of this one all right. but when it comes to favorable things for the president, that's something not then president person running for president. that's something that they would otherwise do. now so take a look at that. >> those are the principal participants, michael cohen being the middle person. let's go and let's take a look at the state of mind. now, this is significant wealth because this is for civic testimony today. why is this relevant? let's start here when we're looking, we're looking at is the issue of the presidential campaign the concern about women, that national enquirer. so what does he say in court today in a presidential campaign, i was a person that thought there would be a lot of women who would come to try to sell this stories because mr. trump was well-known as the most eligible
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bachelor and dated the most beautiful women. and it was clear that based on my past experience that when someone is running for public office like this, it is very common for these women to call a magazine like the national enquirer to try to sell their stories very important with respect to intent state of mind, and the issue of election interference. >> wolf and joey, david pecker testified about michael cohen's role in that so-called agreement. how did that translate into what tabloids actually published? >> yes. so that's very critical. let's take a look at that. so now when we look at this again, taking you into these specific tests some one, this is packers testimony. michael cohen, again, a central figure. we're going to take a look at the negative articles, right? and about embellishments. so here's how it played testimony directly from pecker in court today, michael cohen would call me and say we would like you to run a negative article on a certain, let's say, for argument's sake on and these are the enemies
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right at the particular time, ted cruz, right? michael cohen then would send information about ted cruz or ben carson and marco rubio and that was the basis for our story. and then we would embellish from their last point, that is, you have the positive stories as it relates to trump, right? trump taking charge there. you have the negative story. ted cruz, father link to jfk assassination, and that's the basins, the essence of it. and that's testimony that we heard today interesting, ari joey jackson, thanks very much. >> let's break all of this down with our legal and political experts and katelyn polantz, you've been doing excellent reporting on all of this explain why prosecutors spend so much time establishing how catch and kill that theory of catch and kill worked in coordination with michael cohen, the former president's fixer and lawyer. >> will this charts the ark of what leads to trump allegedly falsifying these? dozens of business records. who checks to michael cohen and what david
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pecker is doing on the stand yesterday and today is he's laying out the scheme, the catch and kill scheme. he's also establishing the network around trump. it's not just that he's in the room with trump having conversations with him. there's also michael cohen in that network in the political sphere from trump's campaign at the time. and then he's underlining the motivation. he says over and over again on the stand today to that jury that he wanted to protect the campaign and donald trump from embarrassment from these stories coming out. >> so he's putting those pieces together they're going to work as building blocks as the trial goes on, where other witnesses will illuminate different aspects. he also had a very important point that he made on the stand that it was donald trump himself and pick a witness. >> this who would review invoices and sign his checks when they were brought to him by an assistant, another building plot we're very likely to be hearing about that again,
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with other witnesses was pick will be hearing more and more about that. ankush khardori, a former federal prosecutor, and i want to read a key exchange from today. prosecutors s. pecker. >> this and i'm quoting now prior to the august 2015 meeting, had you ever purchased a story to not print it about mr. trump? >> pecker responded on no. so how does that help bolster the case that this was potentially criminal interference in the presidential election? yeah. was at the timing of that particular meeting helps do it because there'll be right around the time we would expect that trump would be contemplating his run gearing up for the run, worried about potential negative press and i completely agree with kaitlan here. this is the start of a story that is really going to be extending throughout this trial. it's not actually the crux of the criminal case. the crux of the criminal case concerns how and why stormy daniels was paid through michael cohen. that's gonna be the main event for the jurors with this as all crucial context with the jury's to undo stan all of everything that leads up america brewers with us as well. a former us
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attorney, michael, let's talk a little bit about pecker's testimony. he said trump was quote, frugal in his approach to money. frugal, a direct quote personally reviewing all expenses. what is the significance of that? >> yeah. well, i'm glad to be with you we expect that there's going to be a tape can an out with michael cohen where he taped drop at some point and there's some allegations or at least some statements in the tape at the appears that trump is relying on what weisselberg and cohen we're doing and saying, look, i don't really know, just tell me what to do, what's the amount of money? there may be getting ready to refute some of that bus and now he's actually very much in control of his business. he is very much in control of his finances. he's not somebody who just signs off on a check or an invoice that somebody places in front of him and so my guess is that the prosecutors trying to prepare for that witnesses today, we're like what trial is like a book and the witnesses and they were like blank pages if they're sticking into the book and throughout the trial, then we'll be filling in these bits and pieces. the chapter by
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chapter. and one of the chapters, i think he's going to be released from the defense trump really wasn't the man in charge is michael cohen, as we saw, even from some of the things in the clips we looked at earlier let me ask you though, trump. well, you were his campaign press secretary. you understand where he's coming from? where all right. now, awaiting the judge's decision, did trump violate the gag order that had been opposed that if he did, let's get to be the penalty. and as i say, you know, trump well do you think no matter what the penalty will be, whether it's a few thousand dollars or something else. you think trump is going to honor that. >> it's gonna be hard to imagine that he will honor it. i mean, look, he's already violated it more than a dozen times, i believe. and right now, i believe the fine if they do end up finding him is $1,000. that's like change each time for each violation. exactly. and that's chump change to him. and so until i think there's an actual threat of maybe jail time, i believe it can be 30 days in jail is what could happen if they decided to escalate it. i
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don't know if i foresee the judge going as far as that, but at the same time, how do you keep donald trump in check? because as he's complaining that he's totally gagged and it's ironic because he's complaining about it while addressing the press outside of the courtroom. and he's not gagged. he can talk about the judge. she can talk about the prosecutor. he can talk about how he thinks this case is unfair. what he can't do though, is go after innocent people like the jurors, the witnesses, and the staff of the courtroom, and their family members, and look a gag order like this is necessary for someone with donald trump's megaphone because he could do some serious harm by putting a target on these people's backs and harassing them and kind of making it a message than 200 followers. hey, go after these people target them, harass them & draws serious security concerns. and so i do think it's necessary for this gag order to be in place because donald trump has shown that he does not care about the security of those that he goes after very interesting and do
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our guys, everybody standby. >> thanks to all of you coming up. there's breaking news on planning for how to respond if donald trump is sent to jail, he on that former new york judge is here with her perspective, standby. we'll be right the sinking of the titanic. how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday at nine on cnn with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. >> you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day he physically it's clear that i'm the dad. >> okay. so which data is pain there's nothing better than a subway series foot-long except when you add a new foot-long sayyed like the ultimate bmt with the new foot-long pretzels, nothing like sayyed ticket steps up in crunch time not cool man, every epoch
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sanjay gupta. and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by skechers. >> go walk pants skechers go won. >> pants are breathable and flexible with a comfy soft feel. plus they have front and rear pockets include putting a hidden zip security bucket, dry sketches, affordable, go walk pants were following the britzky news and donald trump's hush money trial awaiting the judge's ruling on whether the former president of the united states violated his gag order judge, one number shun repeatedly showed this frustration with trump attorney todd blanche during the hearing during even raising his voice when he felt blanche was dodging his questions were shot. i'm telling blanche and i'm quoting now, i'm going to be the one who decides whether your client is in contempt i keep asking you over and over again for a specific answer and i'm not getting an answer. the judges exasperated, kept building until he finally said
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this to blanche you're losing all credibility with the court or direct quote, joining us now to put these clashes and perspective, the former us district court judge shira scheindlin. judge, gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us. how rare is it for a judge to get exasperated? like this. >> what would you have done in the situation like this i think it's not a good idea to be exasperated on the second day of the six-week trial and to say to the lawyer, you've lost all credibility with me. that's a very judgmental statement on the second day of six weeks, i can see that after for three weeks or four weeks when the lawyer has really tested your patients, but i don't think it's a good luck to say you've lost all credibility upfront. so i probably wouldn't have made that particular comment. and i know he repeatedly said you haven't shown me anything. you haven't given me anything to help decide this. i don't know if that's fair. again, the lawyers is there to make an
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argument on behalf of his client, his argument is my client is running for president of the united states. he needs to answer these attacks. these are political. i'm not saying the judge should buy that argument, but it's an argument that a lawyer could, in my opinion can credibly make. >> these also still attacking the gag order itself. >> melvin, he's saying re-posting what's so bad about re-posting? it's already in the new york post. people can already read everyone can read about michael cohen and what folks are saying about him re-posting means yes, president trump is also saying it. but what else would you expect it i understand it's technically probably a violation, whether it warrants harsh reprisal. >> i don't know in the gag order issue, attentive trump's posts are now under scrutiny, including one quoting a baseless allegation that some jurors are liberal activists altogether, the maximum fine would be about 10,000 how do
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you expect, judge merchan to rule and would anything deter trump two good questions. i would expect him initially to impose fines. i don't think he's going to go right to incarceration. i don't think any judge would do that. he's going to impose fines and he's going to give i'm a stern warning saying, now, look, i have fine. you and i can find you again. but if you don't stop this, i have the power to incarcerate you and that's what's going to happen if you violate my court orders. so i think he's going to give them a stern talking to and i think he's going to impose these fairly minimal fines of $1,000 per violation for trump. that's what i would expect that much money for trump. judge shetland cnn is just learning now that the us secret service court officers and even the new york city department of corrections have been quietly discussing what to do if trump does end up being jailed for contempt of court if you are presiding over this case at what point would you be prepared to actually jail the
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former president of the united states? >> i wouldn't be anxious to do that. i think it makes them appear to be a victim. it only helps his narrative of this being a witch hunt. i would try to do everything i could not to incarcerate him. it's going to be difficult. there's going to have to be 24/7 secret service protection i read somewhere that it might be rikers, which would be a terrible environment so i would hope that it never came to that and i don't expect it to interesting trump's lawyer, todd blanche as you know, is a very reputable trial attorney what do you make of him seeming to be unprepared at this hearing how could this impact the judges? >> his view of todd blanche for the rest of the trial well, that's what i said earlier. >> i don't by the criticism that he was unprepared, he only has so many arguments he can make. you can't make up facts that don't exist, so he can re argue the breadth of the gag
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order itself and saying, what's wrong? with posting, everybody's oraa it already, read it in the new york post or fox news. so there's nothing wrong with that, and you shouldn't have included re-posting. he can also make the argument that i summarized before about running his in a political campaign, has a right to respond to political attacks what more can you do? so, the judge was, as i said, was a little harsh on him and saying you've lost all credibility with me and you've given me nothing. doesn't he can't expect a man to make up a facts and evidence that don't exist interesting, thanks for your expertise judge shira scheindlin we appreciate it very, very much. >> and coming up the very public record. gop between donald trump and his onetime lawyer, michael cohen, is on full display, right now. we're taking a closer look at how it all broke down and we'll discuss with someone who's known trump for more than three decades riyad says new album is
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real solutions for kids and communities at >> absolutely. free text dra w 2369 369. today i'm lauren fox on capitol hill and this is cnn we're back with our special report on donald trump's first criminal trial. former tabloid executive david pecker, making it clear in his testimony today that longtime trump fixer, michael own was a central player in efforts to buy and kill negative stories about trump soon as tom form and as more on cohen's relationship with trump and how it all unraveled st put your hands togethernd receive him as comes. my friend, mr. michael con a picture of betr times for donald trump and his attorney, michael cohen. he's good m. he's a man who cares deeply about this country& a snapot of bitter times now, he got in trouble. he went to
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jail this had nothing to do with me do native new yorkers met in 2006, cohen bought a condo& trump building and by most accounts, they bonded quickly over their shared values and sharp elbows soon cohen was handling real estate deals, helping run some companies. they say mr. trump's pitbull that i am his um, his right-hand man when trump's campaign lit up, cohen sharpen his teeth, you guys are down and it makes that there would most of them, all of them and trump return the favor. michael cohen is a very talented lawyer, is a good lawyer in my firm, as claims of improper hush money emerged, trump initially included cohen and his denials of any wrongdoing, like with this crazy stormy daniels deal, he represented me and from what i see, he did absolutely nothing wrong when headlines warn that
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cohen might help prosecutors. trump posted, i don't see michael doing that. and he ripped the fbi raids on his lawyers home and office. >> it say an attack when our country in a true sense, it's an attack on what we all stand for later, cnn obtained audio of cohen and trump discussing payment to silence playboy model karen mcdougal, story of an affair with trump, which trump denied when it comes time for the financing, which will be what paton yourself hold on i got no. >> then cohen pled guilty to crimes including campaign finance violations linked to those payments. he went to jail and he came out saying he should have never trusted trump. >> i am ashamed. because i know what mr. trump is he is a racist he is a con man and he's achieved, trump has called cohen a liar, a loser,
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and so much more. it's all just a warm up to the former president and his former fixer. these forms from her friends facing off in court it really will be an absolutely fascinating model when you think about how long michael cohen lived at the direction of donald trump following everything donald trump wanted under the thumb of donald trump and now it as michael cohen who has a chance to apply pressure to the former president. >> both very good report. thanks very much. tom foreman working in the story for us joining us. now the investigative journalist, david cay johnson, who wrote a 2016 biography about donald trump. a david, thanks so much for joining us, as you know, better than all of us. this is a very complicated relationship. does that make it complicated? for. jurors to weigh cohen's expected testimony well, not i don't think so. >> many, many times prosecutors have used criminals, career
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criminals, to convict other people of crimes so the issue here, will be not just michael cohen's credibility, but the tape recordings he has of his conversations with trump and the documents that will tend to support his story. and of course, it's important wolf to keep in mind that donald trump hired michael cohen and employed him because he it would menace people and he would lie for trump when he wanted once they broke from everything. i've seen, including mike conversations with michael cohen. he has been very carefully and precisely accurate in what he said. >> interesting david pecker testified today that trump was very detailed, oriented. he said one time trump's office, trump was given invoices and checks to sign and pecker, quote notice that he referring to trump review the invoice and looked at the check and he would sign them. how key is that testimony you think david to proving these charges
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against trump? >> well, trump's insistence is i had nothing to do with this. >> michael cohen, he's the one who went and did this deal and the fact that there are the audio recordings that were made by michael cohen and menn pecker's testimony. pecker is not been charged with any crime he has immunity so long as he tells the truth, he will not be charged with any crime so he has a great deal of weight to the documents and the audio recordings david, you've covered trump extensively over these many, many years and you say he's not a strong internal person what sort of impact could date? >> he's in weeks of trial, have on his mindset but i think we're already seeing the difficulty donald is having dealing with having to be in court, having to sit in a chair for hours at a time and not being able to speak or object in any way. >> and you notice when he came
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out to complain yesterday after the hearing, he instead of being the great communicator, is donalds very good at taking complex issues and reducing them to a slogan a simple message to people. he got totally lost in the weeds. i mean, i had trouble following what he was trying to say i follow everything he does. >> very interesting. you mentioned the documents. this case is about falsifying business records how to prosecutors use the documents, the emails, the agreements, bring that. how do they bring them to life to build their case? >> well, the key element in this, in presenting the evidence to the jury is to show that this wasn't some casual one-off where you weren't thinking or you did something dumb. they're 34 separate actions that were taken and you get david pecker first to lay out the fraud scheme that the prosecution says was a conspiracy to corrupt under new york law. the election. then
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you present these documents to show are they really did it. the money was transferred here and there and they lied and covered up about it. and then you use michael cohen and those audio recordings to seal the deal along with the testimony, i expect we're going to hear from stormy daniels and karen mcdougal david cay johnston. thanks for your expertise. appreciate a very, very much and just ahead, a front row seat to donald trump's criminal trial, the artist bringing you the powerful pictures drum inside the court is here live sunday, the rise of misinformation donie o'sullivan reports from the front lines. >> farah knows taylor swift as a government cya you don't play tennis. say, i don't know what to believe the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn. so i can take all these trips because priceline has all these amazing deals and that's when i said deal on your right
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half of what i paid before go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> the white house correspondents dinner lives hello. today at seven eastern on cnn vivid courtroom sketches are giving us a window into donald trump's first criminal trial since cameras aren't allowed inside, we're relying on these images and first-hand accounts to capture the
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substance and the color of the trial we're joined now by the veteran courtroom sketch artists, christine cornell, who has been inside the trump trial covering it for cnn. >> christine, thanks very much for joining us. you're one of only three artists who can actually show us what's happening in the core. we're looking at your sketch of david pecker is testimony today. can you take us a little bit inside the room during this moment well, mr. pecker is very interesting a witness it's quite fascinating to hear about how they conspired to say awful things about anybody who was challenging donald trump for the presidency. >> he went after it mr. rubio, he went after ted cruz they were all sexual scandals. i think there was zero concerned about what was true or not true. they were just having a holhot which makes it kind of poetic justice that he's having to deal with this right now. >> interesting, i know you sketch trump in the e jean
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carroll defamation trial and his new york civil fraud trial as well. and you say he seems to have lost rank. a lot of his bravado since them, since then, tell us more about trump's demeanor in this courtroom from what you've observed over the past few days? >> i, mean, trump is basically still being treated like royalty. he has a procession that, you know, of secret service who follow him in and all of us are like being tamped down the presses and allowed to stand from their seat, move any move at all when trump is present and we're very restricted by his moves, you know? so where we're suffering a little bit you know, kind of being treated like naughty schoolchildren because they're very, very protective of this man as far as how he's bearing up it's hard for him have to be in a spot where he can't speak anything out of his
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mouth. it turns into a fine & a scolding & i see him sort of slightly, slightly deflated from the early days of his showing up in court. he's less bravado, interesting, and less, less of that feeling like, oh lucky you, you get to see me. you know, now he's like, oh, i'm still here, you know, and you're still here rather be anywhere in the world were looking at your sketch, christina this morning is very tense. gag order hearing. how high did emotions run inside the room well, i found it interesting that they that they had charged him the government with ten breaches of the gag order and they said, oh, well, he breached so many more times than that. >> you never said anything so maybe we thought maybe he
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thought it was okay. which is a heck of a peculiar defense you know, they did they did assert that mr. trump and do exactly what the rules were. so he's been deliberately pushing yet to get a response. i mean, the government said that's what he was doing and i think it's pretty clear that that's what he's doing very interesting crystalline just going to say, thank into an issue of well, thank you for finishing that sentence. appreciated. very, very much and thanks for all your good work, very important. >> to see those sketches coming up and in-depth interview with one of america's most a claim presidential historians, how author doris kearns goodwin views that this trial as part of the country's history and future how it really happened sunday at nine or cnn kinda
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history is truly unfolding inside the new york courtroom where donald trump is the first former us president to face a criminal trial. we're joined now by the renowned presidential historian doris kearns goodwin. she's written a really important brand new book entitled an unfinished love story, a personal history of the 1960s and really is doris a great, great book congratulations you so much. >> i know it's gonna be a huge, huge bestseller as it should be, especially for those of us who lived through the night 60s and can relate to everything you're writing in here. let's talk about what's going on right now. history is unfolding with this trial, as you know, give us your sense of why this is a remarkable potentially a remarkable moment in american history. >> i think the most important thing is that it's a test of the rule of law is any man above the law? i think think about poor al gore, who had to go through that terrible race in 2000. and he gave a concession speech that was so dignified and he talked about the rule of law, what he said
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was that he was so disappointed with the decision, but the court had made the decision and that was the law. and then he said in the law means makes me want to have responsive ability to honor the president elect every other president in history has done that and he was able to talk about the rule of law that's what we're talking about right now. it may be in most important thing than we've ever seen a president sitting in a criminal trial. but it's the rule of law that matters as you know, this trial highlights a lot of the very, very deep divisions in our country right now. are there some parallels, some historic precedence that you see what you worry about is in the 1850s, you had two different kinds of media there's the south and the north would just distancing themselves from each other. and an event like for example, when charles sumner, the massachusetts senator, was bludgeoned by this central by this by the south carolinian guy preston brooks & it was seen in the north that he was a hero, sumner, this guy in the south was considered a here on the south. the same event viewed in different ways.
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>> i think the real answer to what's going to happen with this trial more important even than whether the jury renders what verdict for one is whether the country accepts it. >> that's public sentiment is what matters in the country. lincoln said, it was more important than laws more important than supreme court decisions. because if the public decide something and it says acetyl feeling not just public opinion. so i think the real challenge is going to be, what does the public except about this decision and what does that mean going forward? so how does the country heel? now, given that so many americans actually believe trump, trump's claims about this being that he's being persecuted and all of that. how does the country heal from the historic perspective? >> i wish i knew that, but i think what happens is that over a period of time, as i say, acetyl feeling comes in and if people really do feel that he was given the justice that he deserved & that accountability was met and more people feel that that's finally it. and then we go on to other things. but i think there's a chance that we can do it. it seems really hard now we've lived through hard times before. this is as hard a time as i've lived
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field except for the 60s, we had a tough time when we were in the 60s. think about what happened. then. you had assassinations of martin luther king robert kennedy, of john kennedy. you had riots in the cities. you had campus violence. and somehow we thought we'll never going to live through this. and here we are. we've been healed. so history tells us, history provide solace. history provides perspective. that's why i love it so much. >> i'm an optimist. i'm sure the country will heal as a result of all of this. how our friends and allies around on the world viewing what's going on in our country right now. >> that's what you worry about. you want us to be the proud country i that's why i loved living through world war ii. it's crazy. i mean, living through it as an historian because you knew that we were beacon of hope to people around the world that we were able to help those allies win a war that had to be fought i'm proud to have lived through the civil war, even though it was such a tough war, it ended with a secured and the union restored. we don't know how this is going to end, but somehow history tells us that before we live through really tough times and somehow the people didn't know
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how it was going to end. that's the thing we're anxious. we don't know how this is going to end. but somehow history is going to tell ellison hundred years how it ended and hopefully it will have ended in a way that we can feel that we came through this with honore. we restored that sense of being an american and feeling good about citizenry. teddy roosevelt warned that democracy would be at issue if people in different regions, sections and party's viewed each other as the other rather than as common american citizens. something's got to bring back that feeling that we are americans and that we have more in common than we know how naive it's sound. but you gotta believe it or you've got no chance. >> i hope you'll be writing that book down the road years from now, how the country healed up. but let's talk about this excellent new book you've written an unfinished love story, a personal history of the 1960s. why is it so personal? >> because my husband had kept 300 boxes that really weren't time capsule of the 60s through his entire life. and he was everywhere. he's elegant. the 60s jfk bobby kennedy later, eugene mccarthy and new hampshire, and lbj with all the great civil rights stuff. but
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he didn't want to open it until he turned 80. and then he figured, if i don't do it now, it's never because they 67 and it's sadly, so we lived together the 60s, we started at the beginning pretending that we didn't know what was going to happen later. and as a result, we live the excitement of the 60s, the excitement of john kennedy, the early days of the civil rights movement. it was an era, as you know, having lived through it, when young people were impelled by the decision that somehow they they were gonna do something larger than the sales they'd feel fulfilled by it when they marched against segregation, when they marched for the denial of the vote, when they were in the p score, when they launched the women's movement, the gay rights movements. so much of that feeling of conviction that you can make a difference in people's lives. i'll never forget being at the march on washington in 1963, i felt this joy, a sense of being part of something larger carrying assigned catholics, jews, and cat and protestants united for civil rights reliving that decade, i'm hoping that young people can see that. i'm hoping that grandparents who went through it like us can tell our
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grandchildren what it was like& that stories can be told that that's what you need from history. you have to tell stories of the people who lived before. >> and that's what you have done in an unfinished love story, personal history of the 1960s. doris, thank you so much for writing this book. it means so much. thank you. thank you so much it meant so much to me. it kept kept my husband alive and kept that america that believed in its ideals alive. >> congratulations to rufus perfect work and we'll be right back with more news every piece of evidence tells a story how it really happened with jesse l. martin sunday at nine on cnn. >> hello, ghostbusters it's duck, we help people customize and saved hundreds. i'm car insurance with liberty mutual the situation sure. i can if
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right now. so priscilla, what is president biden saying? >> well, well, if president biden tried to leverage a restrictive abortion law that essentially ban most abortions after six weeks & is set to take effect next week and try to use that to put the state in play for democrats time, the unpopular abortion bans nationwide, his republican rival, donald trump, take a listen person, responsible with this nightmare, and he's acknowledged any brags about donald trump now because of this law, democrats are putting renewed focus on the scene and what they think is a politically salient issue. going to be an uphill it's challenge, especlly in a ste like florida that voted republican in e past two presidential elections. and one where the president has a wider gap against his republican rival walf priscilla alvarez in tampa for us, priscia, thank you very much into our viewers. thanksermuch for watchg. i'm wolf blitzer in the situatn room erin burnett


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